Movie mixed scissors scenes by dmg Natural Born Killers STARRING: Woody Harrleson Juliette Lewis Robert Downey Jr. Tommy Lee Jones Tom Sizemore Rodney Dangerfield ACCESS: video:note that there are two versions that were released. there is the original and the "director's cut" . I would advise you to get the director's cut as tt has a great deal of footage that was cut out of the original. there's even an entire scene starring Ashley Judd as one of the victim's relatives that was left on the "cutting room floor" when they edited the original. note that the director's cut is not necessaily better than the original, just more complete. DESCRIPTION: Oliver Stone's satire on our hopeless fascination with charismatic criminals is a virtual shock-fest. he switches from film to video, from color to black and white. he uses stock film footage as a backdrop to the action taking place in the foreground. anything to keep the audience from relaxing. the movie follows the bloody path of Mickey (Woody Harrelson) and Mallory (Juliette Lewis) two star-crossed young lovers who start off on a bloody rampage after killing her apathetic mother and abusive father (Rodney Dangerfield). along the way they are turned into folk heroes by an insatiable media led by Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr.). They are eventually captured, leading to a prison riot scene that is not for the faint of heart. the warden (played by an over the top Tommy Lee Jones) winds up with his decapitated head on a pole. you don't see that every day. SCISSORS SCENE: Mickey and Mallory are joy-riding in an open convertible. he is driving and she is excitedly talking about getting new clothes. to emphasize her point she climbs up on top of the front seat and snakes her long, shapely legs around his neck, giving him a tight but not deadly squeeze. he manages to keep the car on the road as he gasps out that she can have whatever clothes she likes. she is soon satisfied and releases him. POSITIVES: not a bad set-up, bizarre but good camera work, perfect lighting, great choice of clothing (Juliette is wearing her Daisy Dukes- btw they should be mandatory for all scissors scenes imho). note that this is a playful, light scissors, not a kill or punishment type. i prefer the other, but these have their place as well. NEGATIVES: the biggest negative i can see here is missed opportunities. after seeing the "gentle" scissors early in the movie i was waiting for Mallory to use this method to dispatch one of her many victims. (when it was announced that the director's cut was being released i was hoping the "new footage" might include one but, alas, it was not to be.) OVERALL RATING: **