movie mixed scissors scenes Demon Keeper STARRING: Dirk Benedict Edward Albert Katrina Maltby Mike Lane ACCESS: video only GENERAL DESCRIPTION: a fake psychic holds a retreat and accidentally summons an evil spirit who possesses his guests and gets them to kill each other. once they kill another guest, they die too and both souls get taken. one of the guests is a real psychic (Dirk Benedict), who takes over and tries to put the spirit back in his place using a seance. SCISSORS SCENE: the bodies of a man and woman have been found in their bed and Dirk Benedict holds a seance to find out "how they passed". he summons a female "spirit guide" who tells them. the male is in the bathroom showering while the lady waits in bed. the evil spirit enters and possesses her. she squirms and writhes in enjoyment as the room fills with smoke. as the man comes back into the room the smoke and the demon both disappear. he eagerly mounts her at which point her eyes spring open and stare up in a classic zombie like fashion. he tenderly lowers his face to her's for a kiss when suddenly she applies a crushing body scissors. he gasps for air as the sounds of bones breaking are heard. he lets out a blood curdling scream as her zombie eyes lght up and she says, in a deep,possessed voice, "take me." after a few more crushing sound effects he breathes his last and slumps lifeless onto her. the light flashes in her eyes again and then flies up to the spirit world. POSITIVES: what can i say? this is the only scissors scene i know of shown via flashbacks during a seance. to say it was a great setup is an understatement. the lady was pretty nice looking and the scene lasted over 30 seconds, an eternity for a scissors scene. outstanding use of lighting. the scene occurs in a bedroom with the lights out but we can see everything and there is even lightning which occurs at strategic moments to dramatically light up the room. great production values here. NEGATIVES: after having said so many nice things about how this was filmed, the one negative is the camera work. to an average film-goer it would seem fine but what do we scissor-lovers like to see? legs!! we see the lower part of her legs and his backside at the beginning of the scissors, then it's all head and shoulder shots of both parties with one, long, lngering look at her locked ankles. there's not one single full bodied frame of her scissoring him. also, i find it unlikely that a person being squeezed to death could scream that loudly. OVERALL RATING: **