movie mixed scissors scenes War Of The Roses STARRING:Michael Douglas Kathleen Turner Danny DeVito ACCESS:video/has been on tv many times GENERAL DESCRIPTION:This is a black comedy depicting the story of a couple who fall in love, get married, fall out of love, and wind up battling it out in a violent divorce. it is an entertaining movie with a sudden and possibly disturbing ending. SCISSORS SCENE:The Roses are getting ready for bed and start arguing about a contract that he was supposed to look over for her. she slaps him across the face with it and goes to the bed. he follows and tries to wrestle it away from her as he tries to pin her down. she swings her long legs up and wraps them around his body. she thrusts her lower body up, practically lifting him in the air as she suddenly squeezes him into agony. he pries at her legs in vain and desperately cries out, "stop squeezing." she punishes him for a few more seconds before releasing him. gasping for air he crumples to the bed and rubs his sore ribs as she flashes a triumphant smile and brushes off her victorious legs. POSITIVES: This is possibly the most high profile scissors scene ever, rivalled only by Goldeneye and Blade Runner. it featured two of the brightest and best in movie history, and they definitely delivered. great camera work, good setup, Ms. Turner was in magnificent shape (her character was an ex-gymnast and does flips earlier in the movie) and it was clear that she was actually squeezing him. also, there are residual effects in the scenes that follow as he thinks he is having a heart attack. he gets taken to a hospital and when the doctor tells him he has bruised ribs he sheepishly asks if that could be caused by a woman squeezing him between her legs! it's a very funny scene. NEGATIVES:There really isn't much negative to say here except that more would have been better. i remember watching this in the movie theater and thinking to myself, "maybe there will be one more scissors before it's over." it seemed likely since they were getting more and more physical but, alas, it was not to be. OVERALL RATING:***