movie mixed scissors scenes Goldeneye STARRING: Famke Janssen Pierce Brosnan ACCESS: video/cable tv GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Top of the line James Bond movie. the three g's girls, guns & gadgets abound as James battles the usual evil madman and his henchmen but this movie has something no other movie has. the greatest villainess of all time!! Xenia Onatoppe (Famke Janssen), a beautiful assassin who squeezes her victims to death with her beautiful legs. SCISSORS SCENES: (1) Xenia has lured a navy admiral to a yacht. we see them in the stateroom in bed. she is playing rough with him, straddling him, not so gently biting him and scratching him. then she kisses him and starts talking like a little girl. then she starts growling and scratching and we start hearing sounds like bones cracking and he starts to moan loudly. she flips him over so he is on top and appllies a powerful bodyscissors. we see his face reddening as, with a great effort, he manages to gasp out, "Xenia, i can't breathe." she has an orgasmic smile on her face as she continues crushing her victim. after alternating close ups of his agony and her ecstacy the camera drops back to a full body shot of their silhouettes on the wall, showing him still caught in her scissors. (2) James is at a spa. he is swimming in a pool and hears a sound. he gets out of the pool and goes to the entrance to a steambath. he sees a woman hiding behind a large pillar there, grabs her wrist, and flings her into the steambath. it's Xenia, dressed only in a robe. he pulls a gun on her and she smiles lustily and says, "you won't need that, commander." he says, "that depends on your definition of safe sex!" James becomes overconfident and puts the gun down at which time she attacks, knocking him down with a flying bodyscissors. as they hit the ground the hold is broken but she soon gets him down on his back on a table. she sits on his stomach, pulls his head to her as if to kiss him, and puts the bodyscissors on, squeezing immediately. James gasps for air and pries desparately at her legs but can't escape. he stands up and bangs her against a wall but her response is to kiss him and say, "you think you can break me." he is gasping louder but he finally does escape by sitting her down on a hot radiator, burnng her bottom. she releases him and he flips her, knocks out her male accomplice who just entered the room, and gets the drop on her by recovering his gun. (3) James and his newest girl Natalya have just survived an explosion and are unconscious at the edge of a tropical forest. as he regains consciousness he sees a helicopter hovering above and a figure sliding rapidly down a rope toward him. Xena hits him with both feet right in the chest, flattening him. after kicking and stomping him a bit, she says to him, "this time, Mr. Bond, the pleasure will be all mine." then she licks his face like a cat and pulls hm up between her legs and applies a standing body scissors. James groans and struggles but can do nothing as he is crushed. his face turns red and he looks like he is about to explode. just then Natalya tries to hit Xenia with a branch but she blocks it and pulls her face close to her own. she caresses her face, whispers, "wait for your turn", and then head butts her. James uses this diversion to grab the AK-47 that Xenia has strapped to her back and he shoots at and disables the helicopter. the pilot loses control and it veers away, pulling Xena up and away with it. she is caught in a tree and crushed against it. POSITIVES: are you kidding? i have two copies of this movie just in case one breaks. this is the ultimate, the standard against which al other scissor movies should be judged. the rest of the movie is also great. NEGATIVES: the only possible negative would be that the first scissors scene was partially in silhouette. otherwise, this was perfection! OVERALL RATING: ****