movie mixed scissors scenes Romeo is bleeding STARRING:Gary Oldman Lena Olin Juliette Lewis Annabella Sciorra ACCESS:video/ it has also been shown on varous cable networks. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Gary Oldman plays a police detective on the take who gets caught up in a mob power struggle while trying to carry on relationships with his wife, his mistress, and a mob hitwoman who has him mesmerized. Lena Olin is spectacular as the femme fatale. SCISSORS SCENE(S): 1 Gary is on a pier in the early morning waiting for Lena. he has some forged documents for her. she pulls up slowly in a cadillac and he gets in next to her. he gives her the envelope filled with the papers she wanted and she gives him a duffel bag filled with money. he hugs the bag and closes his eyes, relaxing. (he had been thru a lot to get this far) she puts her arm around his head as if to gently encourage him but we see that she has a string in her hand and suddenly she has it around his neck. she pulls it tight and begins to laugh uncontrollably as his eyes bulge out wildly and he struggles desparately to escape. she actually pulls his face against her breasts as she chokes him, looks down into his face, and laughs some more. finally he is able to push her out of the driver's side door and the grip is broken. they both fall out of the car and he manages to pull his gun and shoot her in the shoulder. he cuffs her and puts her in the back seat of the car and drives off. a few blocks away he is driving fast when her legs go past his head on both sides and her ankles lock in front of him. her powerful calves squeeze his neck as the camera shows us a side angle and we see that she is practically doing a head stand on the back seat. he is gasping for air, trying to escape her grip while trying to control the car. he can't do it and they smash into a pole. he is unconscious and Lena acrobatically flips herself into the front seat. (remember her hands are cuffed behind her.) she coils up like a spring and then lashes out with her powerful legs kicking out the damaged windshield. then she grabs the bag of money behind her back, takes the envelope of papers in her teeth, and climbs out of the windshield and takes off. he is left unconscious and empty-handed. 2 Gary and Lena (who are now lovers, and working together) meet in a hotel room. they slow dance, they kiss, and she lays back on the bed and brings her legs up. he kneels and begins kissing her legs which inexorably begin to wrap around his neck. we see her ankles locking behind his head and then the door is suddenly smashed in by 3 detectives who are unaware that they have committed scissors interruptus. they both get arrested. POSITIVES:beautiful lady, imaginative setup, very energetic execution, good camera work NEGATIVES:why couldn't those 3 detectives have missed the elevator? OVERALL RATING:***