MICHELLE VS. ZACK SILVER SUN PRODUCTIONS MSS-1, Review by: M Jones Silver Sun Productions advertises real wrestling matches, both fem vs. fem and mixed. This company, from what I understand, is owned by Christie Wright of C & B Video. Video MSS-1 is a match between Zack and his girl friend Michelle, both ex high school wrestling contenders. It is allegedly set up as a match which was filmed because the two had challenged each other to see who was the better wrestler. Zack is a few inches taller and several pounds heavier than Michelle. It is set in a ring with a referee enforcing pins, submissions and breaks. It is a believable competitive mixed match as both contenders go all out to force the other into a take-down, pin and submission. Zack seems to have greater upper body strength, but has problems with Michelle's superior leg power and lower center of gravity. The action is intense throughout, with the exception of many breaks between falls and one time when both participants are slightly injured. Despite this they both continue. I was sure when Michelle was hurt that she wouldn't be able to continue and bet my wife that it would be over, however she proved me wrong which cost me the bet and Zack the contest. Michelle takes control of the match with several early pins and submissions, and although Zack puts up better resistance as the fight goes on, he can't seem to overcome the deficit, winning a fall only after a long and gruelling duel. This seems to tire Zack and makes Michelle more focused as she quickly takes another series of pins and submissions. At this point it becomes obvious that Zack is too far behind in falls to overtake hid girlfriend, however it remains an entertaining and thoroughly devasting female domination video, disproving the theory of male mat superiority.