Episode XIII - Rhonda By Motif "Why me?" asked the older blue robed warrior, reclining in one corner of the 'U' shaped sectional couch. In the other corner, Rhonda curled a pair of sleekly powerful ebony legs beneath her and leaned toward her friend. "Firstly, Captain Senait wants to retire." she stated, raising a hand to tick off each point on her long, elegant fingers. "Secondly, you're senior warrior in the L.I.W. And thirdly, nearly all of the league members want you to. So, why not?" "Because fourthly, I'll be buried in paperwork until men get the vote." grumped her friend. "Well, maybe not that long." "Rhonda chuckled, her lovely almond eyes smiling as her regarded her friend. "I really think you should consider taking the captaincy, Lana." she said seriously. "It pays a lot better than training, and it's much less hazardous than arena combat." "Can't fight you there." Lana replied gruffly, absently brushing the bandages beneath the robins-egg blue robe that tightly bound her bruised lower rib cage. More bandages swathed her throat, a pointed reminder of how close she'd come to dying in the arena. "I suppose I could use the money." she admitted. Thoughtfully, Lana turned her head to gaze out at the night sky through a wide picture window which spanned one wall of her simply, yet tastefully furnished living room. Knowing it would be a bad idea to badger the experienced warrior, Rhonda sat back and looked out on the nighttime view of the arena compound that the large window afforded. Although Lana was financially well off, her house was on the edge of a section generally regarded as unfashionable by the more wealthy arena warriors. Most of the area was given over to long one-story warehouses that now bulked broodingly outside like solid blocks of stone set amid a grid of white gravel roads, haphazardly lit by a few tall electric light light poles. The two women sat in silence for awhile, content just to be in each other's familiar company. Rhonda, wearing her habitual red workout clothes, propped an elbow on the back of the couch and rested her head in one hand as they watched a full moon slowly rise above the dark storehouses. Earnestly, she hoped her friend would take up the leadership of the protective organization to which they, and a substantial number of other familyless warriors, belonged. Lana's reputation in the League of Independent Warriors was impeccable, both within the league as well as amongst the other family, religious and other military organizations. All the more so because, having started out as one of the many penniless "street chicks" who regularly volunteered to fight and die in the arena, the small, dark haired girl had skillfully fought her way up to a pre-eminent position as one of the best warriors in one of the largest arenas in the nation. Rhonda turned to watch Lana's handsomely mature, careworn face staring up at the clear summer night's sky as if, searching amongst the bright pin point stars, she might find some hint of cosmic wisdom to help her decide. Finally, the veteran warrior turned to her younger friend. But as she began to speak, a voice from behind the two women interrupted their conversation. "I'm going to turn in soon, mother." Alana announced listlessly, her voice still rough from the battle she and her mother had fought. The shapely young blonde stood hesitantly in the living room entryway, clad in a blue, knee length robe identical to the one Lana wore. "'Evening, Rhonda." she said. "Hello Alana." replied the blonde fighter's first mistress. Rhonda genuinely liked her friend's daughter and, after easily defeating Alana in what turned out to be little more than an extended cat fight, had done her best prepare the headstrong young woman for combat in the arena. To the experienced african warrior's surprise, she'd found her youthful slave to be a quick and diligent student; a little too emotional perhaps, but still good warrior material. Unfortunately, Alana had lost her second fight to Tamara and her new mistress had used her as a personal servant while teaching her practically nothing. (A serious dereliction of duty, as far as Rhonda was concerned.) Then Alana was given to Nga as part of a ransom and found her latest owner to be as good a teacher as Rhonda had been. Though now somewhat less enthusiastic than when she'd started, Alana managed to learn some of Nga's excellent quarterstaff skills as well as a few infighting techniques that had stood her in good stead in her latest match. Still, Rhonda considered it a shame that, in her first victory in the arena, Alana had also been forced to take her first life. Clearly the experience had taken it's toll on the proud young woman. Turning back to her mother, Alana said. "I thought I'd give our new slave her weekly lesson tonight. Can I borrow a couple of your males?" "Certainly, dear." Lana replied. "Go ahead and get Boca and Roland, but don't use Enrique. I might want him for myself later." Bidding the two older women good night, Alana left to attend to her former mistress' "lesson" before going to bed. After she'd gone, Rhonda noticed her friend again staring distractedly out the window, her face a study of maternal concern. Inwardly, Rhonda struggled to find the words to express her sympathy to her friend until, words failing her, the purple clad warrior leaned forward and placed friendly hand on Lana's shoulder. Finally, heaving a deep sigh, Lana turned to look at her friend and covered the younger woman's dark hand with her own. "She'll be all right." she said, more for her own benefit than Rhonda's. "Alana just has to get used to it." Rhonda's lovely face smiled as she gave the smaller woman's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "That's right." she said. "You know, after my first kill I shook like a leaf for a week." Though Lana smiled back at her friend, Rhonda could see the older woman's grin didn't reach her troubled blue eyes. "Yeah." Lana replied, brightening a little, "I couldn't stop throwing up, myself. I'm sure Alana will deal with it, in her own time." "That's right." Rhonda repeated, frustrated at her inability to put her feelings into words, "She'll work it out." Gazing into Lana's pretty blue eye's, Rhonda fought an almost overwhelming urge to take the woman whom she'd admired for so many years into her arms and kiss the worried smile from her soft lips and stroke the tension from her trim, athletic body. However, much to her regret, Rhonda knew her friend's preference was for males and, though she personally didn't see the attraction, she also didn't want to needlessly endanger their friendship by making unwanted advances. At last, the younger warrior settled for giving her friend a sisterly peck on the cheek. "It's late." Rhonda said, sighing as she stood up. "I'd better get going and let you rest." "Yeah." Lana said distractedly, "I'm feeling kinda tired. I'd better turn in." The soft crunch of sandals on gravel was the only sound disturbing the warm summer night as Rhonda walked home. Long, beautifully muscled legs carried the athletic warrior at a steady pace between the hulking brick warehouses, her red shorts and tank top the only spot of color in an otherwise somber scene. Rhonda's mood reflected her somber surroundings. Although she'd hoped for a quick answer, she didn't really expect one and was prepared to wait for Lana's decision. She could see that Alana's present condition and her own near death in the arena weighed heavily on her friend's mind. But beyond that, what struck closer to home for Rhonda was her own inability to express the concern she felt to her friend. The tall warrior was much more adept at expressing herself physically, both in the arena and in her personal life. Resolved to work out her frustration on the heavy bag at home, Rhonda lengthened her stride as she passed through long patches of darkness in- between the infrequent pools of yellow light cast from the tall metal street lamps. Preoccupied as she was with her own problems, Rhonda was immediately brought out of her reverie by a very familiar sound, the dull thud of a fist striking a body. A second thud, followed by a muffled grunt cam from behind the large double loading doors of a warehouse she was walking past. Stopping and listening intently for a moment, Rhonda heard could barely hear the sounds of a muffled conversation coming from inside the building, followed by the unmistakable sound of a palm slapping hard against flesh and another muffled grunt. Intrigued by the sounds coming from inside the warehouse, Rhonda moved silently toward a smaller door which stood near one corner of the building and examined the tarnished brass plaque which hung there. 'BARUCH HOLDING COMPANY, LTD.' "Well," Rhonda thought, slipping off her sandals and reaching for the door's latch. "I bet this'll be more interesting than punching a bag." Beneath the harsh lights illuminating the concrete loading dock two muscular warriors kept a smaller woman immobilized between them, each holding an arm firmly wrenched behind their captive's naked, broad shouldered back. Clad only in a pair of blue and white striped jogging shorts, the young woman stood in a half-conscious slump between her captors, glossy black hair the color of a raven's wing obscuring her face as her head hung down over her recently battered body. Bruises purpled the velvety light brown skin stretching tautly over of the smaller woman's battered body. Her unusually broad chest supported a pair of full, youthfully round breasts sweeping upward over the bruised skin of her firm, slightly rounded stomach and flaring hips. A third captor stood before the trio, an indistinct figure completely wrapped in a voluminous white robe whose deep hood effectively obscured the person's identity. Grabbing the dark haired woman's chin in one black gloved hand, the third captor jerked her head up. More bruises adorned the chin and both high cheek bones of the young asian fighter's pretty, triangular shaped face and blood trickled slowly from a cut on her full lower lip. Her left cheek glowed red from the stinging slap her tormentor had delivered only a few moments ago. As the robed woman turned her victim's head this way and that, examining her face, the young amazon struggled gamely against the two larger warriors holding her. "This is getting boring." complained the brightly clad woman, tightening her hold on their shorter captive's left arm. Her multicolored light cotton dress was cut low on her well muscled back, revealing a smooth expanse cocoa colored skin against which lay long black cornrows. The beads woven into her hair softly clicked and rattled as she shook her head. "Let's see how she likes a broken leg." she suggested, looking over at her taller companion. The larger warrior yanked the wrist she held in one strong hand further up the young woman's back, eliciting a groan from their captive and making her body arc in response. "That would be wasteful." she replied, openly admiring the way their victim's full, sweat-shining breasts thrust firmly from her chest, small dark nipples pointing up at the ceiling. Damp patches of sweat stained the tall, brunette woman's plain white tee shirt, darkening the the cloth under her armpits and molding it against the cleavage of her heavy breasts. Her shirt was tucked into a pair of black leather pants that clung tightly to her round, muscular buttocks and legs and were in turn tucked into a pair of calf length, black leather boots. The brown haired woman's free hand reached over to grab a fistful of her smaller captive's hair and pulled her head back, making the young fighter arch her back even further. "If she won't talk," she said, grinning at her companion, "we should at least get some kind of use out of her." As her brightly clad confederate was about to respond to the taller amazon's counter-suggestion, their white robed employer broken in on their conversation. "If you don't mind," said a soft, almost toneless voice from the shadowy depths of the concealing hood, "I think I'll handle this my own way." Crouching behind a shoulder high stack of empty burlap bags near the edge of the loading dock, Rhonda watched with growing concern as the hooded figure drew a long knife from the folds of the white robe. Question's raced through her mind as she decided on a course of action, the foremost of which was; What was Tatyana doing in a Baruch warehouse at this time of night? The experienced african warrior immediately recognized the two women holding Tatyana. She'd seen Tallia, the tall, muscular brunette, occasionally around the arena and knew of her reputation as a skillful fighter. The younger, brightly clad woman Rhonda was Tamara, a relative new comer to arena who had already built up an impressive record, having lost only one fight out of a current total of nine. But what intrigued Rhonda most was the white robed figure, who seemed to be in charge of the situation. From the way the person's body moved within the concealing folds of the robe, Rhonda suspected it was a woman beneath the voluminous garment, probably around 5'9" or so. Although she only knew Tatyana slightly, having met her briefly when the young woman had trained with Lana for her first arena fight, Rhonda impulsively decided she couldn't just stand by and watch the three women torture her friend's former student. Besides, the basic unfairness of Tatyana's plight offended Rhonda's well developed sense of honor. No matter what the circumstances were surrounding the situation, she thought, this was just plain wrong! Three leaping strides brought the red clad amazon quickly to a spot directly behind Tallia, where she instantly brought one muscular leg snapping up in a high kick that slammed a foot hard into the back of the unsuspecting brunette's head. While the tall amazon pitched forward, dragging her captive with her as she fell, Rhonda deftly spun on the heel of one foot, executing a well practiced round that sped a foot passed the Tamara's half raised arms to crash into the side of her head, spinning the surprised warrior to the floor as well. For a brief moment, Rhonda and the white robed woman stood facing each other, as if frozen in place by the violent suddenness of the athletic warrior's assault. Then, the robed woman's arm jerked back, breaking the spell. Rhonda dropped reflexively into a crouch and the woman's knife flew over her head, skittering away into the darkness behind her. Seeing the woman turning to flee, Rhonda pushed herself into a panther-like leap at her white clad foe's back, but just as her feet left the floor Rhonda felt a hand briefly clamp on her ankle, jerking her body off balance in midair. The leaping african amazon slammed awkwardly face down onto the cold concrete floor with stunning force, her breath whooshing from her body as the white robed woman retreated. Gasping heavily for air, Rhonda levered herself up on her elbows just in time to catch a pain blurred glimpse of the white robed figure fading into the darkness beyond the brightly lit loading dock. "Shit!" Rhonda cursed vehemently, pushing herself erect and wheeling around unsteadily to face the woman rising up behind her. Her head throbbing from the kick that had knocked her down, Tamara's beautiful dark eye's glared hatefully at the red clad woman standing before her. "I don't know who you think you are, bitch!" she ground out, "But you just cost me a lot of money." Without waiting for a reply from her attacker, Tamara advanced on the athletic warrior, her long, shapely brown legs flashing out from beneath her riotously colored skirt as she aimed a series of fluid, graceful kicks at her opponent. Retreating before the angry young capoeirista, Rhonda dodged and twisted away from her foe's lethal, dancing assault. Still half stunned from her fall, Rhonda was hard pressed to defender herself from her adversary's unusual style of combat, even as she admired the way the young warrior's attractively muscular body moved in a continuous, almost rhythmic series of attacks and feints, keeping her off balance. As the red clad woman's vision finally cleared, Rhonda heard a soft moan and darted a glance at it's source. The bruised young woman groaned weakly and struggled to disentangle herself from the much larger body of the unconscious brown haired woman who lay heavily atop her. "What the hell happened!" Tatyana thought, confused as to the exact series of events which caused her to wake up lying on the floor beneath one of her captors. Craning her head around, she saw her other captor land a sharply executed jump kick on the red shirted chest of the beautifully muscled, ebony skinned woman who was fighting with her. Immediately, Tatyana recognized her rescuer as a friend of her former trainer and realized it was her who had attacked her captors. Heaving Tallia's heavy frame off her legs, Tatyana pushed herself to her feet, adrenalin pumping new strength into her bruised body. Another kick slipped past Rhonda's flagging defense, slamming into her right shoulder and staggering her in a half circle. Dropping beneath a high round kick, the african amazon turned her crouch into a leg sweep, which her opponent deftly jumped over. As Rhonda pushed her aching body erect, her arms up in a high block position, her opponent's brightly colored skirt flared around her trim hips as she spun in a reverse spin kick, her leg shooting out to hammer a foot into Rhonda's lower belly. Tamara grinned viciously as the red clad warrior doubled over, the air whooshing from her body. Noticing her white robed employer had fled the scene, she was determined to take out her anger on the interfering woman before her. "We should have gotten payment in advance." she thought ruefully, stepping forward to slam a fist into the side of her foe's head that sent her stumbling backwards. As Tamara started forward, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye and turned just in time to block a hard, thrusting kick by former captive. Tatyana's combination of high kicks and rapid fire punches forced the brightly clad woman into a steady retreat, blocking and dodging the smaller warrior's furious assault. A heavy layer sweat made the young fighter's smooth, light brown skin gleam beneath the harsh lights of the loading dock as her hard muscled body spun in a flashing series of round kicks. Feinting a last kick at her taller opponent's midriff, Tatyana danced forward and sent a half dozen quick punches thumping into the brightly clad woman's chest and small, thrusting breasts. Gasping as she back peddled from her shorter attacker, Tamara grimaced in pain and counter punched, trying to keep the furious young woman at bay until she could regain enough balance to begin a counter attack. The pain in her lovely dark eyes widened into fear as she saw her other opponent advancing toward her on her right side and she began backing away from the two warriors, frantically trying to keep both women from attacking her from opposite sides. Rhonda circled the two fighters, her full, sensuous lips peeled back to display a fierce grin. Closing with her belabored opponent, Rhonda admired the efficient, economical way the young asian woman's powerful body moved as she attacked her former captor. Seeing Tamara's head rock back as Tatyana's fist slipped past her guard and landed a sharp jab to her jaw, Rhonda skipped forward, flashing a side kick passed the brightly clad woman's desperately blocking arms. Her foot hammered into sweat soaked cloth covering Tamara's flat stomach, doubling her over. Both women closed simultaneously with their gasping foe. Rhonda grabbed a double fistful of clacking cornrows and yanked the tall woman's head down while Tatyana's knee shot upward, slamming into her descending forehead and sending her reeling backwards. Half stunned and off balance, Tamara was an easy target for the two warrior's and she was driven in a staggering retreat toward a high wall of wooden crates. Blow after blow thumped into her stumbling, defenseless body as she desperately fought to stay erect. Barely avoiding a thundering right cross from her red clad foe, Tamara's bruised body shuddered as her half naked captive slammed a straight kick into her lower chest, sending her reeling back into the wall of crates. Rhonda stepped forward and caught the brightly clad woman in an awkward bear hug as she rebounded from the crates. The taller woman's clawed hands raked frantically over her chest, sharp nails ripping the cloth of her shirt as she held the half conscious woman's writhing body immobile. Circling around the struggling pair, Tatyana grabbed one smoothly muscled brown skinned arm and wrenched it painfully behind Tamara's back. Releasing young capoeirista, Rhonda stepped back and surveyed the situation. "Nice to see you again, Tatyana." she said, addressing the woman vengefully twisting her former captor's arm higher up her back. "How did...you get here?" panted the young fighter over the groan's of her half conscious foe. "Just passing through." Rhonda panted breezily "And you?" "Its a...long story." Tatyana replied. "How about you?" Rhonda demanded, grabbing Tamara's chin and yanking her head up sharply. "You want to tell me who that bitch with the knife was?" Tamara's dark eye's glared with anger and resentment at the red clad woman's question and her lips compressed in a thin, hard line, showing her determination not to speak. Rhonda drew back her hand, but as she prepared to slap an answer out of the defiant young woman, she saw Tamara's eyes shift briefly to look behind her. Immediately, the african amazon spun around as Tatyana shouted a belated "Behind you!" to her rescuer. Too late, Rhonda flashed an arm up to block Tallia's large fist as it crashed into her jaw, sending her body reeling back into the two women behind her. A satisfied grin split Tallia's angular face as she watched the three warriors fall into a tangled heap on the floor. As the red clad woman rolled away from the other two women, the muscular brunette strode toward her and sent a foot hammering into her downed foe's stomach. "Hi Rhonda." Tallia said, aiming another kick the gasping warrior's belly. "You working for the Shimmura's now?" "Not likely." Rhonda said through pain gritted teeth. Rolling under the big warrior's stomping foot, the athletic fighter hammered a fist into her opponent's leather covered shin. The tall brunette yelped and stumbled back while Rhonda forced her pain filled body erect and dodged back from her angry foe's answering kick. While her rescuer retreated from the caucasian warrior's assault, Tatyana fought to keep her armlock on the brightly clad woman struggling atop her. A sharp elbow jabbed into the young fighter's already bruised stomach, weakening her hold enough for her opponent to tear her arm from Tatyana's grasp. Fighting down the pain flaring in her belly, the smaller warrior flung herself at her former captor as she tried to scramble away. Tamara kicked back as she felt her opponent's hand's grasping at her long, sweat slick legs and her foot glanced off the young woman's forehead. Undeterred, the smaller fighter clawed her way up Tamara's pain fatigued body as she twisted onto her back and bounced a fist on the asian amazon's head. Regaining her balance, Rhonda stopped her retreat and sent a combination punch glancing off the muscular fighter's blocking forearms. Barely avoiding a flashing side kick from her opponent, the african amazon pivoted on one foot, her own leg speeding up to thump a jarring blow on her foe's chest. The tall woman staggered back a step from the force of the kick and Rhonda skipped forward, her fists flashing a series of quick punches that forced her larger opponent into a steady retreat across the loading dock. Ducking beneath a flashing left cross, Tallia lunged at her adversary, her arms spread wide in an attempt to catch the athletic fighter in a crushing bear hug. A strong punch slammed into the side of the brunette warrior's head, rocking it back and she dropped to her knees and wrapped her heavily muscled arms around her foe's waist, yanking her trim, red clad body tightly against her own larger frame. Tatyana's skull ached from her foe's fists thumping on the top of her head as she pulled herself up the taller warrior's body. Flinging her hands out, she grasped her opponent's shoulders and flung her body forward, using the momentum to add force to the knee she slammed into the slender warrior's crotch. As her adversary screamed at the sudden pain, Tatyana quickly pushed herself onto a crouch and, keeping one knee firmly planted between the writhing woman's legs, began raining blows on her brightly clad form. Rhonda groaned from the pain shooting up and down her back as her opponent's strong arms squeezed her aching body. Her knees jabbed into the brunette fighter's broad frame and her strong fingers probed the thick neck below her foe's head as it pressed tightly against her stomach, searching for a nerve. Pressing her opponent's attractively muscled body harder against her own, Tallia gulped air and tried to clear her still ringing head. The musky scent of the athletic woman's heavily perspiring body filled her nostrils as she breathed, making her own body begin to tingle erotically. Feeling her antagonist's finger's clutch at her neck, Tallia began jerking the red clad woman's body left and right, attempting throw her to the floor. Her fists thudding again and again into her opponent's torso, Tatyana saw the tall woman's eye's roll back into her head and her body suddenly became limp as she passed out. Rocking back on her feet, the young oriental amazon's heavy, shining breasts heaved as she gulped air into her fatigued, sweat soaked body. The sounds of a struggle brought Tatyana's head up and she looked at the spot where her rescuer stood fighting to pry the muscular brunette warrior's arms from around her waist. Hard pressed to keep her balance, Rhonda fought to stay erect and grappled with her kneeling foe. Relief flooded her face as she saw Tatyana approach from behind the tall warrior and, grabbing an ear in each hand, forced Tallia's head back. Rhonda's fist flashed down again and again, thudding into her foe's face. After a dozen blows, she felt the muscular amazon's arms fall from her waist as she slumped to the floor in an unconscious, twitching heap. The two warrior's stood over their battered opponent, looking at each other as they tried to catch their breaths. After a long moment, both women opened their mouths and began to speak simultaneously. But before either could say a word, bright lights began snapping on all over the warehouse and they heard the voices of perhaps a half dozen women echoing through the building. Both women's eye's widened in alarm and Tatyana darted forward to grab one of her rescuers hands. "This way." she said urgently, pulling Rhonda away from the direction the approaching voices were coming from. As she pushed her tired body into a trot, Rhonda craned her head back and caught a brief glimpse of several armed women rushing onto the loading dock where the two women she and Tatyana had just defeated lay unconscious. The two battered warriors pressed their backs against the door of the warehouse and listened to the angry sounds of the women pursuing them gradually fade as they passed their hiding place. "I think...we lost them." Rhonda panted, letting her aching, bruised body slide down the door she sat with a small sigh of relief on the concrete floor. "I...hope...so." Tatyana gasped out, her shining, youthfully taut breasts heaving wildly as she sat down beside her rescuer and tried to catch her breath. Both women sat silently for a moment, resting their weary bodies against the warehouse door, the sounds of their heavy breathing echoing in the large dark room. Rhonda was the first to recover her breath. Looking at the young asian woman, she noticed Tatyana pressing her arms against her bruised stomach. "Are you hurt bad?" she asked. "No...just a bruised rib...I think." Tatyana replied. "That looks...pretty bad." the younger warrior said breathlessly, looking at the cut on Rhonda's head. Rhonda raised a hand and gently probed the wound on her forehead. "Nah, it's a very shallow cut." she pronounced, "Head wounds just bleed a lot." While her companion brought her breathing under control, Rhonda looked down at the tattered ruin Tamara had made of her shirt. The african warrior peeled the sweat soaked rag from her shapely torso, noticing for the first time a long pair of scratches running across the firmly rounded upper slope of her left breast. "Damn." she swore, wincing as she explored this new wound. "C'mon." Tatyana said, rising to her feet. "There's a first aid kit in the office. We'd better get those cut's disinfected." As the smaller woman led her through the dim, cavernous room, Rhonda remembered the reason that had led her to rescue Tatyana from her tormentors. "Say, just what where you doing in that warehouse, anyway?" she asked. "Those two bruisers just ambushed me the street." Tatyana replied. "One minute I'm just jogging along on my evening run and the next thing I know, I'm being dragged in front of that white robed bitch." "Oh." Rhonda said, sensing that the young fighter wasn't telling her the whole story, thinking to herself "And why were you jogging alone in the warehouse district?". Out loud, she said "But what did they want from you?" "I don't know." Tatyana said evasively. "They didn't get the chance to ask any questions before you crashed the party." "I see." Rhonda lied, puzzled at the woman's response. She was sure it had been a questioning voice she'd heard earlier outside the warehouse. As they reached a small, glass windowed door, the tall woman wondered. "Why should she want to lie about something like this? And why isn't she angrier? I sure would be if someone had beaten me half to death for no reason!" Tatyana flipped the light on, revealing a plain dusty office. Motioning Rhonda to sit on a wooden chair standing in front of a dull, gray metal desk, she went to a filing cabinet and rummaged around in the drawers until she found the first aid kit she'd mentioned. Rhonda sat and let the young woman disinfect and bandage the cut on her head, noticing that the smooth skin covering both high check bones on the asian girl's pretty face sported nasty looking bruises and, though it didn't look seem to be broken, her small, delicate nose was also bruised appeared to have been flattened slightly. "That lip is going to swell." Rhonda commented, gesturing at the slightly bleeding cut on Tatyana's full lower lip. "Won't be the first time." Tatyana replied matter of factly, giving the bandage on Rhonda's forehead a final pat. "When I was young, my sisters gave me a bloody lip more often that I can recall." Rhonda smiled at the young woman's remark as she watched her dab antiseptic ointment on the fingers of one small, deceptively delicate looking hand. As Tatyana began to apply the ointment to the cut on her head, the older warrior asked, "I didn't know the Baruch's had taken to ambushing your family on the street. What happened to make them that mad?" The young fighter's face remained impassive as she rubbed the ointment over the scratches on her rescuers wounded mammary. Then in lieu of a reply she leaned closer and, with a slight smile, kissed Rhonda firmly on the mouth. At first, the surprised athletic warrior didn't react, but as she felt Tatyana's soft, generous lips continue to press invitingly against her own, Rhonda began to respond to the young woman's kiss. Parting her own full lips, the taller woman immediately felt the tip of Tatyana's tongue dart into her mouth and gently, deliciously probe the sensitive undersides of her upper, and then lower lips. At last, Tatyana broke the kiss, bringing one hand up to caress the smooth dark skin of her companion's cheek. "I just wanted to thank you for getting me out of there." she said whispered, gazing seriously into her rescuers gorgeous dark eyes. Her other hand, which had been ministering to the scratches on Rhonda's left breast, now gently caressed it's soft underside, lifting it slightly. "I know they weren't going to let me go." "How do..." Rhonda began, her question interrupted by another long, sensuous kiss. As if moving with a mind of their own, her arms circled the young woman's well muscled shoulders and pulled her closer. Tatyana's fingers traced a line down her cheek and neck, then trailed further down her chest until she cupped both of Rhonda's heavy, amazingly firm breasts in her small hands. As their smoldering kiss lengthened and deepened, Tatyana thumbed the ebony skinned woman's coal- black nipples until they stiffened into perfectly smooth, achingly erect black cones. Rhonda moaned softly as their kiss continued on and on, question after question about the night's events melting away like ice under the passionate blowtorch of the beautiful young woman's soft lips and skillfully questing hands. Her successful fight with Tatyana's captors had been exciting as well as exhausting; just the thing she'd needed to ease the pent-up frustration she'd felt after her visit with Lana. Now, as her body began to respond to the lovely oriental amazon's passion, Rhonda felt the last of her frustration turn into desire for the shapely, sensual woman she held in her arms. Her rescuers strong veined hands slowly glided down her back and Tatyana gradually shifted her body until she stood directly in front of the seated warrior, all the while maintaining their increasingly passionate kiss. Rhonda's shining, ebony breasts were surprisingly sensitive in her hands, their firm dark flesh growing increasing warm and taut with every caress. Tatyana slowly rubbed one leg against the silky smooth skin on the inside of Rhonda's perfectly toned thigh. Her kneecap brushed the silky cloth covering Rhonda's crotch, sending a small shudder of anticipation rippling through the experienced warrior's aroused body. Rhonda's lips burned from the thick, coppery taste of blood leaking from the cut on Tatyana's lower lip which the passionate force of their kiss had caused to reopen. A soft, glowing wave of heat blanketed Rhonda's entire body and she arched her back, pulling the asian woman's voluptuous body closer, making the chair beneath her creak alarmingly. Tatyana's small hands slid from the african fighter's achingly erect breasts as their bodies pressed together, one muscular arm circling the seated woman's arched back while her other hand slowly trailed down to tug at the waistband of Rhonda's shorts. Gently pulling her beautiful rescuers red shorts down over the smooth black skin of her shapely hips, Tatyana felt her own body flush with a growing internal heat, every inch her youthfully supple skin tingled where it pressed against her lover's glowing ebony body. After what seemed like an all too-brief eternity, the young asian woman's mouth slid from Rhonda's passion-swollen lips, leaving her gasping and breathless as she lovingly kissed her way down her rescuers neck. Rhonda moaned, feeling her lover's sweet body pressing fully against her. The young woman's heavy, ripe breasts flattened against her own achingly taut globes, making her shudder deliciously as their nipples scraped against each other. Small, sharp white teeth nibbled the sensitive skin on Rhonda's neck and shoulders, eliciting a deep sigh of pleasure from the fully aroused african warrior. Tatyana's tongue and lips traced lazy swirling circles over the dark expanse of the moaning warrior's chest as she slowly slid her own equally aroused body down to kneel between the seated woman's widely spread legs. As her knees met the floor, Tatyana's darting tongue flickered around the tensely erect black cones of her lover's heaving breasts, taking each in turn into her hot mouth. Above her, Rhonda's moans of pleasure grew louder as she sucked as much of one heavy breast's flesh into her mouth as she could and flicked the tip of it's tender nipple with the tip of her tongue. A final tug slid Rhonda's shorts off her arching hips and the gorgeous asian woman's hand brushed lightly over her exposed curly black thatch, making her predatorily muscled body shudder in anticipation. Her strong dark hands tangled in the young woman's sweat slick hair as Tatyana playfully licked and teased her almost painfully taut breasts. Her body felt both light as a feather and gravid with desire and Rhonda yearned to hurry her lover's teasingly slow decent down her body. The smaller woman's tongue left trails of fire as it traveled down Rhonda's abdomen to gently, lovingly kiss the tightly stretched skin of her lower belly, making her darkly shining body twitch with uncontrollable ecstasy. The sweet, musky scent of her lover's sex electrified Tatyana's senses as she licked and kissed the velvety soft skin of her rescuers inner thighs. At last, the young asian woman abandoned her teasing foreplay and brought her hands down to lovingly part the swollen nether lips of Rhonda's achingly wet vagina. With infinite care, she pressed her own swollen lips to her lover's crotch and her tongue began to explore the tender interior walls of the gasping african woman's thoroughly lubricated vagina. A warm interior fire filled every pore of Rhonda's shining body and flared higher and higher as her beautiful lover's skillful tongue flickered over her swollen clitoris. An achingly sweet thunderstorm seemed to build within the space between her thighs and spread upwards into her belly, breasts, and chest until it threatened to blot out Rhonda's very consciousness. Hovering on the brink of orgasm, Rhonda looked down at the beautiful young woman kneeling between her sleekly muscled legs and, for a brief moment, her heavy lidded dark eye's widened in amazement as she saw, not Tatyana's broad shouldered back, but rather the pale, slender form of her friend, Lana. Then, the thunderstorm broke... Lost in her almost obsessive lovemaking, Tatyana felt the african woman's body spasm violently as intense orgasmic waves rocked through her. Dark, smoothly muscled thighs tightened around her head as the young woman licked and probed with abandon her lover's shuddering vagina, her hands groping upwards to kneed and squeeze Rhonda's wildly shaking breasts. Rhonda's mind seemed to explode into a million shards of ecstasy, driving her to the brink of unconsciousness, electric pleasure setting every nerve in her body on fire. Her beautifully muscled frame writhed and bucked uncontrollably as she floated in a timeless sea of orgasmic light. Every time she felt the waves of pleasure begin to recede, Tatyana's skillful probing hands would find a new nerve to stimulate, a new position from which to make her body explode again and again and again... At long last, Rhonda's exhausted, sweat drenched body slid from the chair to kneel with her lover on the dusty wooden floor. Throwing her arms tiredly around Tatyana's wide shoulders the still moaning african woman pulled the young woman down after her, kissing her with puffy, lust-swollen lips, relishing the taste of her own juices on Tatyana's pliant mouth. Tatyana's own body yearned for release as her lover's muscular frame lay with sweetly heavy pressure atop her. Although she'd had other successful encounters with both men and women, in all her young life she'd never made love with a woman who'd responded with such thrilling passion to her touch. Now, as her beautiful rescuer began her own tender exploration of her young body, Tatyana felt her need for this stronger, more experienced woman swell like a blossoming flower with in her chest. Her body limp from the most fulfilling sex she'd ever experienced, the young warrior watched Rhonda's chest rise and fall steadily as they lay together on the dusty office floor. Hours of lovemaking had left the two women in a stuporous state of utter exhaustion, too tired even to try to find a more comfortable place. So they'd remained content to stay in each others arms and let their bodies cool as they lay twined together. They'd talked briefly after their passionate bout of lovemaking, whispering to each other about people they'd met, battle's fought, their childhoods, until at last the young asian fighter noticed her companion had finally dropped off into a heavy, satisfied sleep. Carefully, so as not to wake her sleeping lover, Tatyana disentangled herself and rose to her feet. Emotions warred on her pretty, bruised face as she gathered her scattered clothes. Although she desperately wanted to remain with her new found lover, she also knew she couldn't afford to answer the questions Rhonda would inevitably ask about the night's events. "Not now." Tatyana thought, stepping out into the darkness of the empty warehouse, then pausing to look back at the still form of her sleeping lover. "Not yet..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Copyright 1998 - Wet Hen Productions