Episode XI - Liau By Motif88 ATTENTION*ATTENTION*ATTENTION*ATTENTION*ATTENTION*ATTENTION*ATTENTION* This story contains...well...just any number of scenes depicting graphic violence, nudity, sex, impolite language, lesbianism, and other elements which may cause undue stress to people of a sensitive nature. Consequently, this story should not, (and I can't stress this point too strongly,) *NOT* be viewed by minors or people who may be offended by the story elements outlined above. If you are reading this right now (and you'd pretty much have to be, right?) and either of the above conditions apply to you, please take my advice and move your mouse pointer up to the little box with the 'x' and click on it. OK? OK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Episode XI - Liau Climbing a little unsteadily over the waist-high rope netting of the practice ring, Liau turned to face her opponent. ----------------------- A sprinkling of empty bottles lay strewn around the four reclining warriors like toppled multicolored bowling pins, glowing softly in the eastern light of the sun. "Life." Lana said for the umpteenth time as she lay on one side on the grass, one hand propping her up while the other's index finger stirred the half-empty glass of amber fluid before her. "I can't believe it." Sitting cross-legged with her white shirted back to the older warrior, a dark haired woman shrugged her slender shoulders and took a short pull from the bottle she held in her lap. "She knew what she was doing." Nadja said, her lovely dark eyes staring unblinkingly at the rising sun. "'Course she did." Lana said sympathetically, "But she didn't deserve life in prison. Erika shoulda gotta fuckin' medal for wasting that fuckin' bitch." A few feet to their right, Liau sat with her shoulders against the wall of the arena's old gymnasium. Absently she stroked the short, auburn hair of her lover's head resting in her lap. Lynn lay next to her companion with one arm flung across the thighs of Liau's green clad legs and snored soddenly, still holding the bottle she'd nearly emptied before she'd passed out. Taking the bottle from her lover's hand, Liau drained it in one long swallow. "I heard she was somekind of mercenary." she said hoarsely. "Hired killer, s'more like it." Lana said blurrily. "I knew Renata from way back when an she was even crazier than Jasmyn ever was now...then...is. Pausing to unscramble her syntax, the older woman continued. "Anyway, that bitch needed killin'" "That's what Erika said." Nadja commented, taking another pull on her bottle. As Lana reached out to give her old friend's lover a comforting pat on the shoulder, she saw a small group of brightly clad women stroll around the corner of the building. "Oh great." she muttered. Picking up her glass and knocking back the last of her drink Lana turned her head and said "Trouble at three o'clock, Liau." The dark haired fighter turned her head in the direction her friend was looking a little too sharply. Waiting a moment for her alcohol blurred vision to clear, she struggled to focus on the small group of young fighters as they approached. "Aw nuts!" Liau said, her hand slipping from Lynn's head to the small knife concealed beneath the belt of her iridescent green dress. "You picked a hell of a time to pass out." she chided her unconscious companion. "Mmmerphulmph." replied Lynn. Stopping a few feet from the reclining warriors, Danielle turned to her tall older cousin standing beside her. "Look, Sharon. A party!" she announced with mock enthusiasm. "Can anyone join?" "Bug off, girl." Lana said dismissively, filling her glass from a nearby bottle while surrepititously eyeing the young women. All four were unarmed and clad in the standard exercise outfits of arena fighters, shorts and light, sleeveless shirts. The two blonde cousins wore the deep purple that was their family's traditional color. One of their companions, a stunning young woman with long, flowing jet black hair and slim, luscious looking brown legs, wore a fetching silver shirt over black shorts. Their other friend, the shortest and youngest looking of the four wore a metallic red color that perfectly set off her silky, dark-brown skin. "Actually, I've been looking for you, Liau." Danielle said, ignoring the older warrior's comment. "I need a new slave and, naturally, I thought of you." "Huh." Liau snorted, looking up at the arrogant young blonde. "The only experience you've had with slaves is being one." she said derisively. "Diana must be getting senile if she thinks you can take Liau." Lana put in. Reddening slightly at the experienced warrior's comments, Danielle kept her pale blue eyes locked with Liau's own unfathomable black eyes. "This is a private challenge." she said pointedly and gestured to the two young women standing behind her, "I've even brought witnesses." "Doesn't matter." Lana said as the two women tried to stare each other down. "The arena won't be open until a new first administrator is appointed. No fights 'til then." "I'm sure something can be arranged." said Sandra softly, her blue eyes caressing the sight of Nadja's slender back. Lana looked at the Danielle's tall cousin speculatively, slowly realizing that Sandra hadn't taken her eyes off Nadja since the conversation began. "Diana won't like having to buy you back from my family." Liau said, her steady gaze still locked with Danielle's. "Not after she just ransomed your cousin here from Tatyana." Sandra's eyes snapped away from her their rapt contemplation of dark haired warrior, turning to glare resentfully down at Liau. "Shimmura bitch." she said, taking a step toward the asian woman. Liau's hand tensed on her concealed knife as she prepared to push her lover's head off her lap and bury the small blade in the tall young fighters flat, purple clad belly. But before the angry blonde could take another step, her shorter cousin stepped in front of her. Taking Sandra's well-muscled shoulders in both hands, Danielle looked steadily into her cousin's angry, smoldering eyes.. "Don't fuck this up for me, Sandra." she said, keeping her voice low. "You can have her later, but I'm the one who has to fight her. Anyway," Danielle whispered, nodding in Nadja's direction. "I thought you were saving yourself." Sandra stood and seemed to consider her cousin's words for a moment, then stepped back with a short nod and crossed her arms. Danielle spun around, again facing her intended victim. "Private contracts are perfectly legal." she said heatedly "How about it? Our house is only a mile away from here." "Not likely." Liau scoffed, "how about our compound?" "I have a key for the old gym." Nadja offered suddenly. The arguing women stopped talking and looked at the woman who had almost gone unnoticed throughout the encounter. Finally, Liau broke the silence. "Thank you, Nadja. That will do fine." Turning to Danielle, she set out the terms of the fight, her customary right as the one challenged. "Four hours, girl. Unarmed. No weapons. Bring a second if you can find one." "My pleasure, I'm sure." said the grinning young blonde. "I doubt it." commented Lana. With an angry glance at the older warrior, Danielle tossed her long, honey-blonde hair over one shoulder and turned on her heel. "See you there." she said stalking away with her friends trailing behind. "Whew," Lana said, letting out a long breath as the group of young fighters walked away. "Kids today, no respect at all." "Yeah." Liau replied, her hand returning to fondly stroke the soft brown hair of her lovers head. "Well, we can always use the money." "Grumphlmumf." agreed her sleeping companion. "Looks like Lynn's out of it for the night." Lana said. "Want me to be your second?" "I'd like that Lana, thank you." Liau said gratefully. "Now, all I have to do is sober up in four hours." ------------------------------ A single, overhead light shone down on the white platform in the center of the old gymnasium. At opposite corners formed by the taut rope netting strung around the edges of the platform, the two warriors stood and and eyed each other warily. Deep silence pervaded the impromptu arena, broken only by the occasional snore of a tall, brunette woman lying asleep on a row of chairs near Liau's corner. Lounging on a chair next to the unconscious woman, Lana slumped casually with her feet up on the edge of the ring, her short, brown hair hanging down from her head resting on the back of the chair. One callused hand rested lightly on the hilt of a slender rapier propped against the side of her chair, the other held a nearly empty bottle in her lap. Sandra stood near her cousin's corner of the ring; her tall, well- muscled frame leaning against the thick wooden shaft of the halberd she held before her. Her gaze roved idly over the large dark room, coming to rest on the shadowed, slender form of a woman sitting on the floor, with her back against a rack of freeweights. She watched as the woman raised her hands and clapped once. "Begin." Nadja said, lowering her hands. Liau's long black hair shone damply as she stalked her opponent, still wet from the long cold shower she'd taken minutes before. Critically, she observed the young fighter's movements. "She's keeping her arms too far up." she thought, "And she doesn't even look balanced. No wonder she keepings losing; it's a wonder she isn't dead by now!" Seeing the blonde's calf muscles tense, Liau easily dodged an indifferently executed side kick. "Don't play with her, Liau." she heard Lana call. "Here, honey, let me show you how that's done." Liau said, sending a beautifully timed, lightning side kick thumping into her foe's chest. Desperately trying to defend herself as she staggered back, Danielle yelped as the spinning asian amazon's feet pounded again and again into her pale well-muscled body. Her back fetching up against a corner post, Danielle managed to dodge one of her opponent's powerful jump kicks. But as the dark haired warrior's right foot flashed past one side of her head, the gaping young fighter saw her adversary violently twist her body in mid-leap, spinning around to send her left foot crashing into the other side of Danielle's head. Balancing lightly on the balls of her feet, her soft, light-brown skin shining from her exertions, Liau paused a moment to catch her breath and looked at her stunned opponent half-slumped in a corner of the netting. "Pitiful." she commented under her breath. Feinting a punch at her opponent's blonde head, Liau quickly grabbed the younger woman's slow blocking forearm by the wrist and spun her out of the corner. Releasing the flailing amazon's arm, the dark haired warrior slammed another kick into the small of her foe's back, propelling her stumbling body almost to the center of the ring. Danielle's sleek young legs tangled and she fell with a heavy grunt face down on the floor. Her aching head still spun from her opponent's spin kick as she levered her bruised body up on it's forearms. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all." she thought woozily, shaking her head. Looking back over one slender shoulder, Danielle saw her foe standing behind her, long black hair obscuring her face as she bent to grasp an ankle. "Oh no you don't." the determined young fighter said. Yanking her foot away from her adversary's reaching hand, Danielle quickly spun her body around, twisting onto her back and sitting up on the floor. Clamping both hands on the surprised smaller woman's smoothly muscled arm, the young fighter pulled her opponent off balance and shot a fist into the pit of her foe's stomach. "Bitch!" Liau gasped as she doubled over, reflexively flinging her free arm over her stomach. Yanking her trapped arm back, she felt her foe's hands quickly release the arm and dart to her slender legs. Both of the dark haired woman's arms windmilled as she fought to stay erect, but with a hard pull from her opponent's hands clamped at her ankles, Liau fell backwards to the floor. "Stop fooling around, Liau." she heard Lana call as her back hit the floor. A new feeling of confidence flowed through Danielle as she scrambled atop her smaller antagonist. Flailing out with her fists, the young fighter managed to clip an uppercut past her foe's blocking arms, rocking the asian warrior's head back to thump against the floor. "Get her, Danielle!" she heard her cousin shout from the darkness beyond the ring. Straddling her opponent's slim, attractive waist, the caucasian warrior grabbed a slick, heavy brown breast in each hand, hooking her sharp nails into the soft, pliant flesh. "Watch this!" Danielle replied, a vicious smile splitting her face. Leaning back as she sat on her foe's stomach, the muscles on Danielle's arms jumped into taut relief as she pulled her stunned adversary's upper body off the floor. Liau's scream echoed through the old gymnasium as pain rocketed through her body. Arching her back, the dark haired warrior's hands flew to her chest and clawed at her foe's hands clamped painfully on her breasts. Then, as Liau raised her fists to beat away her tormentor's arms, the blonde fighter suddenly leaned forward, slamming her body back against the floor. Grinning madly, Danielle repeated her maneuver, pulling her stunned foe's body up off the mat by her tits, then slamming her back to the floor. "Submit, you little whore!" she yelled, grinding her fingers into the asian fighter's firm, voluptuous breasts. "Fuck you." Liau ground out between clenched teeth, desperately trying to clear her ringing head. Sweat ran down the dark haired fighter's pain-wracked face as she writhed and bucked her aching body. Liau shrieked as the younger woman leaned forward, throwing her weight behind her hands which clawed and crushed the prone warrior's mammaries. Gritting her teeth against the intensified pain, Liau grabbed her opponent's right wrist with one hand and slipped her other hand's thumb between the palm of her foe's hand and sweat-slick skin of her throbbing breast. Danielle's wide grin turned into an 'O' of shocked pain as her adversary tightly gripped her hand with her thumb and forefinger on either side, pinching the nerve between her clutching hand's fore and ring finger. Bright bolts of pain shot up the caucasian fighter's forearm as her hand spasmed open, releasing the prone woman's mauled tit. Before Danielle could recover from the intense pain of her foe's nerve pinch, she felt her aching arm jerked hard to the side. Holding her antagonist's arm out, her two fingers maintaining the agonizing nerve pinch, Liau's other hand delivered a hard punch to the blonde fighter's chest. Feeling the pressure of her foe's thighs lessen at her waist, the dark haired warrior punched the young woman's chest again and twisted her aching body, sending the her foe tumbling. Danielle's chest throbbed as she rolled shakily to her feet, trying to massage some feeling into her numb right hand. Looking up, she saw her shorter adversary also rise to her feet, gently cupping a mauled breast in each hand, her face a mask of glaring rage. "Lynn isn't going to like this." Liau thought, looking at the half-moon gouges bleeding on the slopes of her large breasts. "C'mon, Liau." came Lana's voice from the darkness, "We haven't got all night." "Shut up, Lana!" the dark haired woman shouted back. "I'm busy here!" The fierce look on her foe's face made the younger fighter quail inwardly as the angry dark haired amazon stalked toward her. Bringing her fists up, Danielle bravely stood her ground and threw a quick jab at her advancing opponent. Liau neatly ducked under her taller adversary's punch and stepped forward, pounding her fists into the blonde fighter's belly. Her blows sent ripples shuddering through the young woman's body as she stumbled back, her arms coming down to block Liau's rapid-fire punches. Switching targets, Liau sent quick double jabs slamming into full pale round globes of her opponent's pink nippled breasts. Keeping up her rain of punches, Liau steadily backed her shrieking foe into a corner. Danielle flailed wildly as the furious asian amazon continued to pummel her exhausted, aching body. A strong right cross slammed into her jaw and fire-works seemed go off inside the retreating young fighter's head as she stumbled back, rebounding off a corner post and falling to her knees before her adversary. Flinging her arms around the dark haired warrior's trim waist, Danielle raked her fingernails down the soft, velvety skin of her foe's taut ass. A shriek of rage erupted from Liau as her kneeling opponent attacked her buttocks. Reaching down, she grabbed a sweaty length of long blond hair and yanked up, bringing her young foe wailing to her feet. Drawing back her free hand, Liau drove a ringing slap to the side of the caucasian fighter's head, sending her reeling to the floor. Laying completely exhausted on the floor, Danielle heard a voice shout above her. "Give up, girl." her opponent commanded. "Submit, or I'll rip your head off!" Through a haze of pain, her mind rebelled at the thought of losing another fight, especially one not sanctioned by her mother! Gamely, Danielle heaved herself up on all fours, fighting the pain and fatigue pervading her battered body. "The stupid girl doesn't know when to give up." Liau thought. Leaping over her still struggling adversary's back, the dark haired warrior scissored her foe's head between her strong, slender legs and threw herself sideways to the floor. Laying on her side, Liau grabbed another handful of sweaty blonde locks and squeezed the young woman's head between the rock-hard muscles of her thighs. "Submit, girl!" she ordered again. Danielle's head felt like it was about to explode from the pressure and she scrabbled weakly at her foe's crushing thighs. Dark spots danced before her eyes as the pressure increased and Danielle's fear finally overwhelmed her pride. "Stop!" she groaned, "Submit! I...I...submit!" "Damn!" Sandra sighed, throwing her halberd clattering to the floor in disgust. "I'd better give her mother a call. She won't be happy about this." "Tell her I said 'hi'." Lana called after her as Sandra strode toward the door of the gym's small office. Liau released her defeated enemy's head and stood up, her hands going to her scratched, aching buttocks. Turning around, she walked toward her friend who lounged near one edge of the ring. "Lana," the victorious woman said, "could I borrow your belt for a moment." "Sure." Lana replied, slipping the thin, black leather belt from around her waist. "Going to have some fun?" "Hush." reproved her friend, taking the belt with a wicked smile. Liau walked over to her new slave and looped one end of the belt through it's metal buckle, then slipped the improvised leash around the battered blonde young woman's head, drawing it snugly around her neck. The beaten woman squawked as Liau jerked her onto all fours and led her crawling to the edge to the ring, encouraging her with a kick to her pretty rump to climb over the netting and down to the old gymnasium's concrete floor. A smile twitching at the corners of her lips, Liau led the crawling blonde over to where her lover lay asleep on a row of chairs and shook her shoulder. Lynn's head popped up, focusing blurrily on the naked, bloody-breasted body of companion standing proudly before her. Rising further from her alcoholic stupor, she looked down at the bruised, panting form of Danielle crouched at her new mistress' feet. "Wha?" she slurred, "What happened, Liau?" Liau placed one foot on her new slaves rump. "She followed me home, Lynn." she said innocently. "Can we keep her?" ----------------- As Lana's laughter echoed through the old arena, Sandra closed the office door behind her and turned to look at the slender, dark haired woman standing next to a phone on the opposite wall. Slowly, she confidently strutted over to the waiting woman, her smoldering, ice-blue eyes locked with Nadja's own calm dark eyes. Stepping up to the smaller arabian woman, Sandra suddenly gripped her dark shoulders and pushed her against the nearby wall, following to press her own tall frame closely against Nadja's slender, graceful body and hungrily kiss her sensuous red lips. Nadja returned the blonde fighter's kiss with equal fervor and clutched her firm young buttocks through the purple shorts with both hands. As their tongues darted and fenced together passionately within their deep kiss, Nadja raised her left hand to the tall woman's shoulder and slipped her right foot behind Sandra's left ankle. With a deft push she swung their bodies around, maintaining the kiss as she pressed Sandra's body aggressively against the wall with her own. Sandra moaned and circled the smaller woman's shoulders with her arms, crushing their bodies together, feeling Nadja's hands slip beneath her shorts and roughly massage her taut, well-rounded ass. Her full, beautifully rounded breasts pressed hard against Nadja's chest as they kissed, their wide pale nipples stiffening as they scraped against the soft cloth of her shirt. With a mutual gasp, the two women broke their long kiss. "That was perfect!" Sandra exulted as Nadja stretched her slender body up on it's toes and leaned her dark haired head on Sandra's broad shoulder kissing the nape of her neck. "It worked just like you said it would." "Of course." Nadja murmured, pressing her smaller, softly swelling breasts against the blonde's fully erect tits. "Diana will never forgive the stupid little cunt." Sandra laughed, sliding her hands down to small of her lover's back. "She'll let little Danielle rot with the Shimmuras." "Ahhhhh." breathed Nadja as the tall young blonde pressed their thighs and crotchs harder together. Her beautiful face flushed with desire, she raised a hand to pull the loose collar of Sandra's shirt from her well-muscled shoulder and began kissing the soft tan skin beneath. "And when are her sisters due back?" she asked the moaning young woman. "Never, if I'm lucky." Sandra said huskily, grinding her now aching, wet pussy urgently against Nadja's thigh. "Carol's already dead, and the other two are still fighting up north." Nadja moved her slim hands slowly down the shallowly breathing woman's body, caressing her muscular sides and waist, then darting up beneath Sandra's shirt and lightly dragging her sharp nails over the panting young warrior's flat stomach. "And while they're gone..." she prompted, slipping one hand down the front the groaning woman's shorts. "Ohhhhhhh!" Sandra gasped, feeling her lover's fingers gently rub the swollen, aroused lips of her vagina. "I...I'll become...Diana's champion." she breathed. "Maybe even her heir, eventually." Nadja suggested, moving her mouth to her lover's ear and sliding her tongue along it's outer ridges. Sandra's body shuddered as heat and lust washed through her in softly burning waves. Her hand's shot frantically to the front of Nadja's shirt and gripped the front by the collar. The lightly sweating muscles of her arms hardly bulged as she tore her lover's shirt down the front, buttons popping to ricochet off her own heavily flushed torso as she exposed Nadja's soft, shining brown breasts, their small nipples achingly erect with desire. "YES!" Sandra exulted, pushing her lover to the floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Copyright 1998 - Wet Hen Productions