Tickle Monster III: Glenda's Revenge By Montrose While the Amy's away the Glenda will play Glenda had to see it for herself. Yes, Amy Hightower was on her way to San Francisco on a plane leaving shortly! She had seen her go through security with her own eyes! Why was she going? Who cares! She was obviously going to be gone for over 24 hours. In that time she would teach Richard a lesson. Nobody dumps Glenda Bartoletti. Nobody! Unknown to Glenda, Amy was going to see her good friend Fanny for a weekend romp. First, Glenda wanted some supplies. She drove up and parked in front of Mandy's Candies, an adult toy and video store. Mandy, a voluptuous red-head of 40 or so stood behind the counter, all 5 feet 11 inches of her. She smiled when Glenda came into the dark store from the glaring sunlight outside. "Glenda honey!" Said Mandy eagerly. "Have you come to play?" Glenda and Mandy had spent some quality time in the back room over the past month. At first Mandy was like a sexual mentor to Glenda, but it didn't take long for the student to surpass the teacher. Now, for a few minutes in the back room, Glenda was able to walk out with her selection of merchandise unchallenged. This was an exception for Mandy. Usually a few minutes in the back room with her meant you were going to be charged more - and usually happy for it. The Chief of Police never left without having to pay at least $100 and he got a discount. "Get ready for a long hard ride Mandy." Growled Glenda as she marched through the beaded curtain separating the store from the back area. "I've got a lot of shopping to do." Three hours later Glenda pulled the enormous strap-on slowly out of Mandy's sopping, swollen muff. She wiped it on Mandy's discarded bra. "Had enough?" Glenda asked. "Hmmmm..." moaned Mandy. "Yesssss. Take anything you want." Glenda took the strap-on and a large bag full of restraints, whips, and masks. On a whim she popped a black studded corset into the bag as well and strode out leaving Mandy to recover. She pulled out and pointed the car to Richard's home. She considered knocking when she got to his door - fuck that. She didn't even try the lock. From three feet away she threw her 5 feet 10 inch 190 pound frame at the door and splintered the lock housing on then prefab house. She threw down the bag "Richard!" she yelled. For a moment she thought nobody was home, it was so quiet. Then an older man of 45 or so stepped in from down the hall. He looked more than a bit alarmed as he looked over the young, snarling woman standing in his front room. Glenda recognized the man as Richard's father, also named Richard. He was almost as handsome as the younger Richard at 6 feet tall and approximately 165 pounds. "Wh-what do you want?" He gasped at her. Hs eyes were like two dinner plates as he looked her up and down. In her 2 inch heels she stood as tall as he. Her curves and muscle gave her a definite weight and strength advantage. Her flimsy pink mid-length spaghetti-strap shirt and matching micro-mini skirt showed off her beef very nicely. She was proud that she wasn't lean like Amy even if Amy could kick her ass. People could see her power just by looking at her. "Where is your son?" she purred as she stepped up to him. This man had obviously been beaten before she saw by the way he backed up into a wall. "He and his mom went out to shop." He whispered. "And they left you hear all alone?" she asked with a fake pout. He nodded, slowly. Glenda planted a knee-buckling kiss on his trembling lips. At first he went rigged all over with fear. Then she felt his tool spring to attention against her belly. Like father like son, she thought. They were both hung. Soon his hands were taking liberties all over her big ass. Glenda let up on the kiss and slammed an open hand across his face, knocking him down the hall toward the stairs up. He fell at the base of them. Glenda grabbed her bag then stepped toward him. Richard crawled up the steps keeping an eye on Glenda. She kept coming. He kept retreating. He crawled backwards in front of her until they reached the door of the master bedroom. "Just the place." Said Glenda softly as she pulled off her shirt and slipped down the skirt. Richard gulped. Then Glenda pulled on the black corset, some leather studded wrist and neck bands, and last, the strap-on. "Oh no!" gasped Richard crawling back into the room, eyeing the big cock Glenda was wearing. "Oh please no! Have mercy!" "You don't know me very well, do you." Said Glenda as she closed the door. Richard the younger wondered if he needed to worry when he saw Glenda's car parked in front of his house. He knew he had to when he saw the door splintered. He stood dumbfounded as his little mother pushed past him and stepped in. "What the fuck is going on around here?" she shouted. Richard peaked in. Over his mother's shoulder he saw his old girlfriend, Glenda, looking very hot in a dominatrix outfit sitting on their living room couch. His father looked like hell with a black leather mask over his head, his ankles manacled together and a dog collar around his neck. Other than these things he wore nothing. Glenda held the other end of the leash attached to the collar. His father was on his knees painting her toenails a very bright shade of red. Glenda leisurely lashed his father's back with a cat-of-nine tails before answering. "This dog is just thanking me for giving him the best fuck of his life - up his ass of course, the old homo." She smiled up at the wife of the man painting her toes. "I assume you are Jane. You're not at all a lifeless bitch like he swore you were while I was hammering his ass." Jane turned red and tensed up. She took one step forward and, without dropping her shopping bags, buried the toe of her right shoe in her husband's expose scrotum. Richard the elder groaned and collapsed in pain. His toenail painting hand left a streak of red on the carpet. Glenda looked at her foot. She had two nails left unpainted. She looked up at Jane. "Now who is going to finish the job?" she asked. Then as if deciding she pointed her foot at Jane and raised an eyebrow. To everyone's surprise Jane yelled and leaped onto Glenda, ready for a fight. Jane, all 5 feet 5 inches and 125 pounds of her was wild with rage. Glenda, laughing easily grabbed Jane's arms as Jane landed on her lap. She made Jane punch herself in the face a few times and laughed at the snarling 40-something woman on her lap. The she hopped up, slapped Jane face up on the couch and sat back down, this time on Jane's face. One of Jane's arms stuck up between Glenda's thick legs. Glenda rubbed it on her mound and moaned. Richard stood, dumbfounded. His father was shackled and whimpering and his mother was being smothered under his ex-girlfriend's big round ass. Glenda batted big dark eyes at him. "So, killer." She purred as she got off on Jane's arm. "We meet again. And this time you don't have that little cunt to protect you." "Get... get off my mom." Richard wished his voice hadn't cracked when he made that command. Glenda laughed. Richard watched as his mother's struggles got weaker and weaker. Soon enough Jane went limp. Glenda stood; done with her. Jane lay quiet as if napping. Richard gulped and backed up a step. Could he take her? She had beaten him last time, but then he had been distracted by trying to untie Amy. "Upstairs, big boy." Whispered Glenda. She enjoyed the variety of expressions that crossed his face, especially the "OH BOY!" look as his eyes met her nicely displayed 36DD rack. She also enjoyed the fear. And the doubt. She flicked the whip at him and he jumped. She drove him toward the stairs with it. He tripped and fell just where his father had. Glenda experienced déjà vu as she marched toward his crawling form up to the master bedroom. Like father like son, she thought again. Once in the room Richard summoned up all his courage. "Now Glenda, you know Amy isn't going to like this!" He warned. "Still hiding behind her skirts, are you?" Richard pulled himself up to his full 6 feet so he could look her in the eye (with her wearing the spike heels). It didn't help. He could still see her rippling shoulder muscle. At 160 pounds he wasn't near as beefy as she. But he was a trained Judo expert - black belt. The problem was Glenda was so strong and so damn mean! She fought dirty if she had to. Richard remembered her kicking his nuts in from behind the last time they locked up. He gulped. "Are you hiding behind weapons?" asked Richard pointing at her whip. Glenda flipped it over her shoulder. She put up her hands. "Come on, boy." She purred. "Let's rock." "Shit!" said Richard, but he had no choice. She was between him and the only exit. He faked a few charges to get her off balance. She swung wild over his head and he flipped her. She landed hard but was up in a flash - and her eyes were snapping now. "Oh shit." Gulped Richard. This time Glenda charged. Training won out and Richard sent her sprawling and looking ridiculous into the wall. He began to gain confidence. He threw a little flourish into the next flip that landed Glenda on her head at his feet. But still she was up in a flash and had him in a bear hug! Could she actually crack his ribs? He wondered as she tightened her grip and looked into his panicked eyes. His heart pounded in his ears. Within moments he thought he would pass out! But she threw him into the corner like a rag doll. "Not yet." she said happily. "I'm not done with you yet." She didn't attack. Richard had time to gain his footing. He gulped air and waited for the room to stop spinning. When he saw her distracted with fixing her hair and admiring herself in a mirror he charged. It was like hitting a brick wall! Glenda backed up two paces. Richard's shoulder popped and he yelped and fell to his knees still holding her waist. Glenda laughed. Then she clasped her hands together and brought them down on his injured shoulder. She smacked him again, this time across the back. It felt like she was hammering him into the floor. He dropped to all fours between her legs. She pulled him back up to his feet. He staggered, almost fell. She slapped him and he keeled over unable to break his own fall. It took him a moment to get to his knees, but Glenda let him. She even encouraged him. "Come on boy! You can do it! Don't give up yet! Don't be such a pussy! That-a boy!" Then she sat down on his back. She put one thick arm around his neck and pulled his head back. "Get up and bounce me around the room pony boy." She snarled in his ear. "Or I'll yank off your pecker and feed it to you." With great difficulty he stood, lifting the formidable mass of Glenda up on his back. "To the dresser!" she commanded. He staggered over. She pulled out a riding crop and smacked his ass with it. He leaped and staggered a few feet forward. "Faster!" she yelled and smacked him again! He bounced and pranced around the room with beefy Glenda on his back, smacking his ass! Her tits enveloped the back of his head! Her thighs circled his waist! His legs were on fire by the time he collapsed under her! She rode him to the ground. Then she put a knee between his shoulders and pulled his head back by his hair. "Who's the better fuck?" she asked. "Me or that little cunt, Amy?" "Amy." He answered without thinking. Glenda let go of his hair and his face bounced off the floor. She grabbed his hair again and pulled back further. "Try again." "You are!" he shouted. Glenda bounced his face again. And again. And yet again. She pulled his head back once more. "I'm not convinced." She snarled. "Maybe you have forgotten me..." "Never!" Richard howled. How could he, really? Even after Fanny and Amy? "Well... just in case, we're going to have a little refresher course." Said Glenda. She stood, pulled Richard up off the floor, picked him up over her head, and threw him onto the bed. He hadn't been with her since she started having lessons from Mandy. She had plans for knocking his socks off! He lay flat on the bed and let her tie him down. He was too spent to fight it. He ended up spread eagle, tied to the four corner posts. Glenda pulled a dagger from her corset and slit Richard's cloths to rags. With expert skill she tickled his flesh with it but never cut him. When she was done she tossed it into a corner post where it dug in and stayed, quivering. Glenda slipped off her black panties and slid up onto Richard's quivering lips. She rubbed her juicy pie up and down his face. "Remember that, boy?" She moaned. His tongue shot up and sent a spasm up her spine. "Oh yes!" she sighed. "I see you do. I bet you missed it, right boy? Yeah. Kiss it hello. Say hello to my pussy boy! That's right! You've spent many happy hours licking that and stuffing your big meat up there, haven't you boy? Yes you have." she kept talking down to him until she came on his face. "Drink it up, boy." She panted. Richard did as told. This was all good. (Where had he learned to eat pussy like that? She wondered.) But she had come to show him she was a better lover than Amy, not to remember how much she wanted his big bone back. Speaking of big bones, there was his ready and waiting! Glenda slipped the end into her expert mouth (damn he was big), then crammed the entire length down her throat in one smooth glide! "OH JESUS!" Yelled Richard. Nobody, but nobody had ever done that to him before! And it felt so... "GOD DAMN!" He yelled as Glenda slid up and down letting him fuck her throat! She tickled his nuts with expert fingertips as she humped him with her face. He rocked and bucked under her. She swallowed, constricting the muscles in her neck. Richard bucked and throbbed. She swallowed again and he screamed and strained at his bonds. Faster and faster she went swallowing and sliding up and down until he blew his load way down inside her. She pulled off, gulping cum, and sat up with her ass on his face. "So who's better now, boy? Amy or me?" "Amy who?" Richard panted, his voice muffled under her ass. Glenda laughed. "That was easy. She must be one pathetic fuck." She watched his still stiff cock bounce about. What an eager boy! How she missed him! "There is nobody like you, Glenda!" Richard licked her butt. "Please!" He begged. "Please can we do that again? Please?" He slid his tongue up her sphincter. Glenda sat and rubbed on his face, enjoying the attention for a while. There was nothing she wanted more than to let him fuck her for real. Even having his big stiffy choking her had been a delight! Then finally she answered. "No." "Oh GOD! PLEASE! I'll do anything!" "Anything?" "YES! Please swallow my dick again! You're the best!" "The next time you see Amy, what are you going to tell her?" Richard paused. He knew he was going to get his ass kicked either way. And Amy was magnificent... But that blow job! "I'm going to tell her..." "Yes?" "I'm going to say I love Glenda." "Wrong." Snapped Glenda. "No?" "No." Glenda sat upright, cutting off Richard's air for a while. What did she want him to say? She thought as he struggled against his bonds, shouting up her ass for air. Finally she decided. "Tell her she was amusing for a lark but that you never really saw anything in her. Tell her I let you have your fun but that now I was calling you back and that you were glad that I have and never want to see her again. You got all that?" Glenda lifted her ass so Richard could breath and answer. "Yes!" He gasped "Anything you say." "Good boy." Purred Glenda rubbing her quim on his eager lips. "Now..." he panted as he licked. "Now will you blow me again, please." Glenda let him lick for a while. He was quite good! "No." she finally said. She enjoyed the total despair communicated in his groan. She also enjoyed that he kept licking. She owned him again! Yes! Mission accomplished! Eventually, after cumming on his face a few more times, Glenda retrieved her panties and toys and left. She left Richard tied up and naked, covered with her cum. Let his mother find him that way, she thought. Speak of the devil, who was standing in the hall but mommy! "You big, nasty bitch!" Snarled the feisty Jane. She charged Glenda who grabbed her by the neck and lifted her at arm's length. Glenda regarded Jane as she strangled her with one hand. Not a bad looking older woman. Tiny, but well shaped. She dropped Jane who gasped and panted on the floor. Glenda hummed to herself as she got out and strapped on her big fake dick - the one she had ass-raped Richard the elder with. Time to show Richard's mom what a real fuck felt like, she decided. As she took Jane doggy style on the floor in the hall she remarked, "You're the second parent I've fucked in the hall with their child tied up on a bed not 20 feet away." She remembered Amy's dad fondly. She decided she would have to go back and take him again while Amy was out of town. Maybe she would take some revenge on their hot- blooded maid, too. Jane shrieked with pleasure and pulled wallpaper off the wall as Glenda worked her absent-mindedly. After she made Jane cum several times she left her spent in the hall and headed down to the living room. Richard the elder was still tethered and masked. Jane had done nothing to free her husband. Glenda chuckled at that. Then she sat down and pointed to her toenails. "Finish!" she barked. Richard the elder picked up the polish and painted her last two toes.