Succubi By Montrose A gory, horrific tale of blood and brutality =================== Send comments, ridicule and story ideas to =================== Sometimes, to stem the flow of evil it takes an agent of the devil himself. But the devil hates being tricked. Anyone attempting to use this path had best keep his guard up. Perhaps the devil makes such paths available as traps, to catch those foolish enough to head down them. Dram was heading down one such path. He did his home work. His ingredients were prepared and of the highest quality. His books were open, but only for security. He had memorized his part. Just as the last shafts of sunlight slipped, one by one, beyond the horizon he light the sulfur fire and ended his chant by pronouncing the secret name of the demon princess Succubi. The air in his tower gained a hurricane's furry with Dram tucked into the eye. His books scattered and danced around him. No worry. He was nearing the end. He opened the pouch around his neck and pulled out a handful of oysters and rose thorns and he scattered them into the churning winds. The winds cried out with the voices of a thousand lost souls who have just seen the light of day for the first time in a millennium, and who have instantly been beaten back into hiding. Then the winds took shape, organizing in front of Dram and taking on color and substance. When the winds stopped there was only one voice screaming with rage - the voice of Succubi who stood trapped before this puny mortal. She stood 8' tall and naked and unashamed. The heat from her body warmed the room like a roaring furnace. Dram felt the sweat spring from every pour of his flash. He also felt his flesh tingle with lust as he took in the statuesque demon. He had expected her to be course, rough, covered in goat hair, perhaps perched upon goat legs. The reality was far more titillating. Her skin was porcelain white. Color only marked her flesh on her voluminous ruby lips, nipples, and steaming lap clam. The only hair she sported was on her head, jet black and silken. Her figure was muscular, but feminine, powerful and wide, but well suiting to her great height. Her long sharp finger and toe nails were painted a black so shining they gleamed. Besides her size, the only evidence that she was not human were her vampiric teeth and her leathery bat wings. Her muscles strained and bulged against invisible restraints. Dram took back up his chant, reinforcing his hold on her. She crashed to her knees before him, bringing her eyes down to the level of his. He smelled a tantalizing mix of lemons, cucumbers, and sperm each time she exhaled onto his face. The whites of her eyes were perfect. The color was black, reflective - he could see the fear in his own eye within hers. She began to relax and submit under his control. She was summoned and captured. She looked her capturer over - handsome, fresh, full of life. She would get much use out of him when she had her chance - if he ever made one mistake. The room went quiet for a second. "Who is it who dares summon Succubi?" she asked in a startlingly soft and seductive voice. "I am Dram." He responded. "Well Dram. We are at a crossroads, you and I. You have the upper hand. If I do not drink from your life source soon you will have the pleasure of watching me die in agony at your feet. Is that what you want?" She leaned forward, letting him smell her skin, feel her heat, forcing him to want to have her physically. "Or will you let me serve you?" She dropped down to her hands and knees now and began to dart her long forked tongue about his torso and thighs. His hands were already pulling his pants down. "You will live she-demon." He replied. "Drink from my life source." and he held forth his tingling crank in anticipation. Succubi grabbed his ass in her mighty hands and gently lifted him up to her mouth. Her lips covered his entire belly, ass and most of his inner thighs. Her tongue darted all about like a thousand tongues spiraling up his shaft and nestling his delicate sack. Dram mounted the steps to orgasm in even, measured, strides. Succubi orchestrated every thrill that jolted up his spine until he unleashed a deluge of sperm that filled her throat and backed up into her nostrils and ears. She swallowed gratefully and set her capture gently back on the ground. She would live another day. "Bless you Master." she whispered - again - seductively. Dram grew stiff and wanted her all over again. She scraped her face on the floor, sticking her ripe round ass high into the air. "How may I serve you. Please command and use me." Dram waited for the room to stop spinning. Serve him? For starters he could get a ladder and go after that ass... Oh yes! There was a higher purpose! He wiped his face with his hands then pulled his pants back up. "Are you familiar with the system of tyrants that rule this part of the world?" he asked her. She turned her head to look up at him. "They are among the Dark Lords most loyal followers. This land is known well in the underworld for the brutality visited upon its god forsaken peasants." she said happily. "You speak the truth, Succubi. I have called you here to help me defeat them. I mean to put an end to their tyranny." Said Dram. He saw her face wash over with sorrow than anger then resignation. She had no choice and they both knew it. She must do anything he asked. "As you wish, Master." That night They flew to the nearest Lord's castle. It would have taken two days to travel by horse, but they covered it in an hour. Dram spent that hour astride the demon woman's wide back. He held onto her long black locks and he rubbed his cock deep between two pulsating muscles at the base of her wings. The muscles rose and fell, caressing his shaft with every flap of her wings. He came in his pants just as they landed inside the castle gate. Succubi slipped one long, adept finger into his trousers and scooped up much of the fresh load. She stuck the finger into her mouth and sucked it clean. Guards came charging from every directions. Arrows hissed through the air. Succubi pushed Dram down between her legs and let the arrows break against her smooth white skin. As each guard came within reach she grabbed him up, bit his head off and threw his twitching corpse to the ground. Six men died this way in the span of 10 seconds before the rest turned and ran. Succubi chewed and crunched on the skulls until she could swallow them comfortably. From between her legs Dram felt the drip, drip, drip of her hot, slippery lap drool as it landed on his head. The smell was powerful, but mystifying. "On to the throne room." said Dram, choking back a wave of lust stronger than any urge he had ever felt before. Dram hurried along in the wake of the she-demon as she scattered guards, destroyed traps, and crumbled doors and walls in her path. Finally she charged one thick stone wall with her tits and plowed into the throne room itself. Lord Parlem stood bravely before his throne carrying a broadsword and wearing a helmet and a nightshirt. Apparently he tried to prepare himself for battle on very short notice. "Kneel before me, servant of Satan!" yelled Succubi. When Lord Parlem saw who it was that had created a boulevard from his gate to his throne he became confused and bewitched. His sword clattered to the stone and he dropped to his knees. "Princess Succubi? Why?" he asked. "Silence!" she roared. All fell silent. Even the smoking rubble no longer echoed in the halls. She turned to Dram and bowed down, once again scraping her face on the ground and lifting her powerful round behind into the air - this time pointing it in Lord Parlem's direction. He became mesmerized by her dripping, hairless quim floating so close to his face. "Command me, Master." she whispered in a way that brought every rod within ear shot to full erection. "Kill him." Replied Dram. Succubi sat up, dropping her ass onto Lord Parlem's lust filled face. She squirmed and writhed until she had his head firmly wedged up her ass crack, then she squeezed - flexing her ass cheeks into unforgiving cinder block loafs - crushing his skull like a walnut. As she slithered back and forth on the goo that had been his brains and head, stimulating herself on the splinters of bone, she reached back and grabbed at his lap. She raked her finger nails through his lap and sliced off his privates plus a great deal of his ass, belly, and bowels. She ate these in one mouthful did not come until she had swallowed. When she got up the blood and tissue left on her skin caught fire and turned to smoke. She was as clean and as fresh as ever. That was enough for Dram for one night. They flew back to his tower where Succubi obediently vaporized and squeezed into a soul box where she remained until Dram let her out the following dusk. A new day had come and gone and now it was dusk. The ritual of life source transference had to be performed again. Dram had barely managed to keep his hands out of his pants all day. He was anxious to experience the ecstasy once more. It took forever for every finger of light to recoil beyond the edge of the earth. And finally he flung wide the box. In a puff of sulfur and a spring breeze Succubi appeared, already bowed to her master. Much less dramatic, thought Dram, but at least he could get on with it. He pulled his pants down and eagerly held his cock out to the she-demon. "What is it to be Master." she said as she slowly raised her head. "Will you watch me die in agony at your feet, or will you let me serve you?" His stiff pud bounced on her hot nose when she had raised her head far enough. Dram slapped the head of his shaft playfully along the bridge of her graceful smooth nose. She looked at it cross-eyed as a smile parted her pillow-thick lips. Drool glistened on her fangs. Her tongue darted out and danced under DramÕs balls before recoiling. "Serve you it is, Master." And she gobbled at his lap. Fear mixed with the lightening bolts of pleasure that blazed through Dram's flesh. He remembered the guards, and Lord Parlem as he watched her massive head at his groin. Her skull was as thick as his hips. Her fangs pricked the sensitive skin on his inner thigh only enough to thrill him, but still. Each fang was thicker than his thigh bones. She met his eyes as her mystic tongue performed unimaginable feats around his sack and up his ass. He thought he heard her voice in his head. "That's right mortal. See me. Want me, Fear me. But most of all, fuck me." And then he came so hard he threw his back out. Succubi gulped his load and returned to her face scraping, ass twitching bow. "Bless you, Master." After Dram was recovered enough they flew to Lord Waxim's castle - the next victim. Dram licked the sweat skin of his rippling glistening steed as she pumped through the air. Per his orders, she landed just outside the throne room this time, closer to their target. She tossed him up under her wings and sprang through the window. Once in she dropped Dram onto the throne itself. Lord Waxim must have heard about poor Lord Parlem and had prepared as best he could. Guards rushed in from everywhere and the Lord himself was in full armor. "Attack men!" Yelled the Lord. "She is under his control and must be destroyed! Onward!" His men were loyal and fought bravely in the face of utter gore. Blood and meat showered down from Succubi's razor sharp nails. She ripped the groin from one man and left him to writhe and scream. She picked up another, sank her fangs through his armor, and ripped a 15 inch bite from his side. She never killed anyone quickly. She mortally wounded them and moved on to another. The smell of burning flesh as it stuck to her skin filled the room like a cook-out. Blood bubbled and steamed away in crimson clouds. The brave, insane, and sadistic Lord Waxim cut down his own men in an attempt to reach the princess of the dark. By the time he arrived, no one else remained standing. He lifted his broadsword and, with a family war cry brought it down with all his might into Succubi's bosom. It cut into her right breast an inch or two. She made no move to block it. No fluid dripped from the fleshy wound. She seemed to enjoy the pain. Lord Waxim tugged at his blade but could not dislodge it. Succubi flexed her tit muscles and wiggled back and forth, causing the blade to bend in the wound until it pulled from the mortal's grasp. She grabbed the handle of the blade and forced it deeper into her flesh. She gasped like a young woman in the embrace of her one true love. Then she twisted the blade in the wound until it snapped. The broken steel clattered to the stone. The wounded breast healed within a second. Lord Waxim, now in shock, dropped to his knees before her. All he could do is sputter and stare. Succubi stepped forward and gently grasped the Lord's hand. She guided it to her hairless clam and ran his knuckles up and down its length. Then she stuck his knuckles under his nose and he sniffed. Lord Waxim became instantly bewitched. He pressed his face into her groin and pushed his tongue up into her slit. But as he tried to move his tongue, to slide it closer to her "man in a boat", he found that he could not. He watched in amazement as her twat lips stretched downward to his face and closed about his mouth and chin like the mandibles of a black widow spider. Then, through an admirable series of contractions along the walls of her twat, she drew his head into her body. Lord Waxim tried to scream, but it was already too late. She pulled his entire head up into herself using only the muscles of her groin and mashed his head into a firm tubular mass which she rode to climax at the feet of her Master, Dram. Again, at the last moment, she sliced off his privates plus a great deal of his ass, belly, and bowels and ate these in one mouthful. And again Dram mounted her back and they flew to his tower to rest and await the next dusk. Dram waited eagerly for the sunset. The moment he had a clean shot - even as she was still raising her head and speaking - he jammed his throbbing cock home. He grabbed her ears and humped her face like a school-boy on a hot date. He wanted to come fast, but she kept him from it, only letting him shoot his wad when he had built up enough to satisfy her. The force of his eventual orgasm was womanly in its duration and intensity. He bit his tongue and through his knee from its socket as he danced about pinned to her face by his cock. Mercifully, dutifully, she untangled her tongue from his ass, legs, sack, and rod, and resumed her head down, ass up submissive pose. "Bless you, Master." she whispered. "Fuckin' right..." panted Dram. "Bless me..." Eventually he recovered enough to climb up onto her and fly to the castle of the last evil lord, Lord Hemblo. There was no element of surprise left to them. As they approached, even in the dark of night they were spotted. Flaming arrows and boulders whooshed past them in the sky. Succubi grabbed a passing boulder and hurled it back, destroying the bridge to the castle, trapping everyone within the boundaries of the mote. She grabbed a flaming arrow and stuck the fire into her gapping mouth before snapping off the shaft. Her eyes glowed red. Then she spit a fireball back down onto the wooden ramparts. She continued in this way, using their own weapons against them until the entire castle was on fire and all was a mass of confusion as people ran for dear life. "Find the Lord!" Dram yelled into her ear. She nodded and went into a dive. Dram held on fast and closed his eyes. They didn't have to search to find him. Lord Hemblo stood knee deep in the blood of his own cowardly guards. He mashed their heads with a great war hammer as they tried to run past him to the mote and freedom. "Stand and fight you dogs! The dark lord will have your assholes one day or another! Why put it off! Stand and fight this winged slut!" If Dram hadn't seen the atrocities this man had committed on a weekly basis for sport, he would have admired him at that moment. As it was, Dram had enough hate for the man to make the Dark Lord himself proud. He slid down from Succubi's back and patted her burning, stone-hard butt. "Take him apart slowly, girl. Don't rush this." "Yes, Master." and she strode through the river of bodies and blood to her mark. "Keep coming, sweet nips! Don't make me chase you down to rape you!" yelled Hemblo. When she drew close, Dram suddenly realized what a big man Lord Hemblo was. He was the first man Dram saw that could look the she-demon level in the tits. Hemblo whipped his hammer about with his thick arm and slammed it into the side of Succubi's head. She staggered and feel to one knee. Hemblo took another vicious blow and caught Succubi flat in the face, knocking her over onto her back. He yelled and leaped onto her rippled belly. He raised his hammer, aimed, and sent it toward her skull once more. The she-demon flipped her 5' long legs up and over the lord, grabbed him about the middle, and flipped him over onto his helmeted head. She sat there, casually checking her nails as the mighty lord fought to upright and free himself from the iron embrace of her thighs. He only managed to make her legs twitch a bit. She pulled his hammer from his grasp and, clamping it in her biceps, she flexed and rolled her muscle, grinding the hammer into dust. Eventually she stood and released Lord Hemblo. He jumped up and went after her anew, this time grabbing her around one leg in an attempt to knock her off her feet. He pulled and strained. She just pushed his face a little closer to her clit. As she did this she winked at Dram and blew him a kiss. The odor mystified Hemblo - hypnotized him - stole his will - made him drop to his knees and please the underworld goddess with his face, chest, and arms. She groaned and rubbed herself on the man until she came in a gushing torrent. She baptized him in her goo, absolving him of any small act of kindness he may have performed during his life. She pulled him to his feet and rubbed her crotch on his belly. He pulled his impressive meat from his torn and bloody cod piece and tip-toed to slip the tip of his thick shaft into her steaming clam. "I'll have you now you sultry whore!" growled the lord. With her fingers intertwined deep with her own black locks, Succubi bent her knees and slid his throbbing log all the way into her body. Then she stood tall again, taking him up with her. He screamed in pain as he left the ground, pulled up by his rod, but quickly grabbed a hold of her shoulders, supporting himself. She twisted and rocked her wide hips. Hemblo stuck fast within her, held tight in her vise-like groin grip. Suddenly his cock gave way and he fell from on high, prickless and bleeding. As he lay castrated in the gore of battle, wailing and convulsing, Succubi pulled his cock from her cunt and crushed the open end shut, holding in the blood and maintaining its erection. She bent to his lap and licked his lonely sack, now exposed without a shaft. She teased and aroused the peckerless man for hours, sometimes stuffing his own cock up his ass with fierce, unforgiving strokes. Then, still licking his groin she clamped his cock in her lap as if it were her own and fucked his face. She humped and pounded on the poor man until Dram himself yelled for her to show mercy. As the last light left his eyes, she lifted his log to her lips and slowly ate it, letting the blood drip from her jaws onto his face below. Dram could not hold back this time. He heaved and puked, kneeling in the red rivers awash with burned, floating, fragments of skin and meat. The next dawn was the moment he had dreaded. The countryside was now free of the tyrants who had so recently ruled, but now he must dispose of this she-devil before he could turn his hand to helping rebuild the region into a prosperous and fair kingdom. This time he was going to refuse her his life source. If she didn't get his sperm by full dark she would die forever. But if she seduced him into supplying her with his life source against his will, then his soul would be hers to torment for all eternity. He had jerked off just moments before to help steel himself for the occasion. Dusk was upon him. He could not put it off. He opened the box. "What is it to be Master." she said as she slowly raised her head. "Will you watching me die in agony at your feet, or will you let me serve you?" His stiff pud strained for freedom in his buckled trousers. "Die Succubi. Die in agony at my feet." said Dram with all the courage he could muster. She smiled. "Finally. I so much more enjoy taking a man's sperm to having it thrust upon me." She eyed the twitching bulge in his loins. "This will be too easy, I'm afraid. You know you have no hope." She scraped her nails down his shirt and pants, cutting them to ribbons and dotting his skin with trails of blood. He thrilled at her touch. Veins pumped and grew all about his iron hard cock. "Give me strength", he prayed. Once again he heard her voice in his mind, drowning out his prayers. "See me. Want me, Fear me. But most of all, fuck me." She sat at his feet. Her arms and legs encircled him so that he could not move. "I will squeeze the come from you, mortal. I only need to be near you to bend you to me will. Smell my flesh - my juice. Give me yours." Her massive breasts dug into his body from his shoulders to his belly button. Her hard nipples burst through his skin - and even that felt magnificent. Her belly pressed against his pud to the rhythm of her breathing. He felt his balls roll and shift over her fingernails. "No!" he yelled. "I will not!" But even as he yelled he sprayed a damning load up Succubi's cleavage and into her black eyes. Before it could steam away, she dragged her long tongue through it all, collecting every drop. Dram dropped to the floor and cried. Succubi Stood, towering over her former capture. "Remember that fondly, Dram. It is the last time I will ever let you come, though I will bring you to the brink forever." The air in his tower gained a hurricane's furry. The winds cried out with the voices of a thousand lost souls who have just seen the light of day for the first time in a millennium, and now Dram's voice joined the chorus.