Stranded By Montrose Who's the man, her or him? It was my ego, and blind ambition that got me here. When they warned me not to fly because of the gathering storms, I ignored their data and advice. South Pacific sea storms are hard to predict. Perhaps this one would prove to be a dud. Nothing was going to stand between me and the lost civilization I had spent my lifetime uncovering. No one would beat me to the final glory of discovery because of some imagined squall. But they were right. Two hours into the flight I was blown off course. I lost radio contact. I climbed as high as I could but to no avail. High winds and damage to the plane forced an emergency water landing. I spotted an island on the horizon and kept the twin engine plane aloft nearly to the shores. I was luck to have ejected in time. When the plane hit it was shredded on the reefs. I floated to the island's edge and collapsed from exhaustion and hunger in the waves and sand. When I awoke the sun was out and the tide was threatening to wash me out to sea. I coughed up a lung full of salt water and sand and staggered to high ground. I had no idea how big the island was, but there was plenty of vegetation. I used my survival training and dug for succulent roots to quench my overpowering thirst. That satisfied I began my search for shelter. As I wondered the woods and streams (fresh water!) of this paradise I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched. Had I landed on civilized soil? What a break that would be! After locating a suitable cave to call home, I climbed the biggest hill I could find. The island was large, but I saw no buildings or smoke columns. My spirits sank a bit, but it was still too early to despair. I called out greetings in several languages; mostly European, but I through in a couple island dialects I had studied. My usage was poor, I'm sure, but perhaps someone would hear and understand. I waited on that hill the rest of the day. As I sat I saw several mammals wonder in and out of the woods, but no people. I located a sturdy stick and spent my time fashioning a crude spear. By dinner I hoped to catch one of those strange fur bearing meal tickets. When my shadow started to grow long I gave up waiting and began hunting. As I stepped into the darkening woods, once again I felt eyes on the back of my neck. I ignored this and searched the ground for tracks. I found a path littered with cloven hoof prints. An hour of waiting proved fruitful when a large boar stepped briskly into view. When he turned the corner the wind shifted and he caught my scent. He froze. I froze. Then he squealed and dashed off in the direction he had come. I let out a whoop and gave chase! Hunger lent wings to my feet as I dashed through the undergrowth. Branches and bushes slashed at my skin and cloths. I nearly lost him around a huge rock. Suddenly, just as I was close enough to raise my sharpened stick for the kill, a blur of white crashed down from above. It was a young woman; blonde and blue eyed with fair features. Her shoulders were powerful and broad; her figure voluptuous and hard. She landed on the back of the charging pig, raised a stone knife and plunged it deep into the beasts hairy neck. She crushed the boar to the ground, and held it still as it squealed the last moments of its life away. Her clothing was tattered and eclectic. She seemed to be wearing the tattered remains of a world war two German officer's jacket, a rabbit fur loin cloth, and a leather hip holster that may have belonged to the same German officer. The jacket had no hope of closing around her buoyant bosom. The sleeves had been torn away to make room for her shoulders and arms. She wiped her stone blade in the grass and sheathed it in the gun holster. She pulled her long blond locks from her face and looked up at me. In a trance I stepped forward, but was stopped by a sudden pain in my side. I looked down to see two dark skinned boys holding stone tipped spears at my ribs. She spoke to them in a tongue very close to something I had studied long ago. She seemed to be telling them to stand down. They backed away. She got up off the boar and the boys set themselves to gutting and skinning it. I dropped my spear and raised my hands in a gesture of peace. She spoke again, and again I found I could understand her. For the remainder of this account I will attempt to translate our communications. "You are the color of clouds, too. Who are you?" she asked. "I am Robert Stanley." I replied as best I could. "My plane crashed in last night's storm." I had to improvise for the word plane. It was likely she had no idea what I said. It didn't seem to matter. "March." she barked. "That was very impressive." I complimented her. "What you did with the pig..." I never saw the blow coming. She backhanded me to the ground, then stood casually over me, daring me to counter attack. "March or fight." she commanded. I half wanted to kick her ass right there, but I didn't want to play a heavy hand so soon. I stood and started walking in the direction she pointed. After a while we reached a village. Camp fires were just getting light. The two boys with the pig proceeded us into the village shouting victory in the hunt. My capture pushed me ahead of her. The woman and children of the tribe formed a corridor through which we marched. They bowed and scraped and sang out the praise of "Cloud Hair", whom I guessed to by me conquering vixen. The men stood back from the line and bowed as we passed. They all eyed me suspiciously. I thought I detected jealousy in their smoldering eyes. Cloud Hair pushed me into a small hut and bolted me in. They left me there as the evenings celebration and feasting commenced. >From the shouting I gathered that the white girl was the leader of the tribe, descendant of the great white chief who hunted with thunder. Apparently her father had once had a gun. She was twice the size of any man in the village and by far the greatest fighter and hunter, so even as a female she was the undisputed leader. Someone slipped a plate of greasy meat under the door and I devoured it gratefully. As the evening wore on meal time ended and children were put to bed. The predominant voices now were those of the men of the village. I could smell a sweet smoke in the air and the bite of a powerful fermented drink. The men called out a challenge to Cloud Hair. The asked her to defeat the stranger and prove her might. Cloud Hair silenced them with a yell. She then commenced to brag about her illustrious carrier. She reminded them that she had beaten them all while only a child - that they had never seen anyone on earth who could defeat her. Even her father had to submit to her rule on the day she became a woman. The men all hollered encouragement and praise as her story wore on. I detected a slur in her speech. Perhaps beating her was just the thing! With her drunk and confident, I should be able to take her by surprise. When she called to have me dragged forward, I was ready. "You are being given the opportunity to challenge me for the right to be chief." She slurred. Her eyes were unfocused and she staggered more than she swaggered. She had abandoned the holster and jacket. The firelight danced on her smooth rounded flesh. "If you win you take my hut, my honor, and my wife." At this she gestured to a coy young girl seated at the edge of the circle on a thick pile of furs. "Do you wish to fight me man to man?" she asked. "I do!" I said loudly. The crowd cheered. To my surprise the tall blonde stripped away her loin cloth and called for her manhood. "What is this?" I asked. "You fight a chief tonight. I will defeat you as a man." She strapped on a smooth wooden phallic using an ornate leather harness. Whatever. I can see how this ritual helped the men of the village save face when they lost. Two maidens appeared and took my cloths. I didn't stop them because I'm rather proud of my naked form. My own manhood was as large as the wooden one on Cloud Hair. That raised quite a stir. I gathered that they had never seen a real penis so large. They were, after all, a small people. I sized her up. She was taller than me by two or three inches and her shoulders were much wider. When I thought about it, she looked a lot bigger and more powerful than me. A flicker of doubt crossed my mind. But she was trashed! The crude booze she had been swilling was all in her head. I would make short work of her and get to know her and that wife of hers. The men formed a small circle and began wagering. No one seemed to have much confidence in me. When she advanced I planted a judo kick right in her kisser. The crowd gasped. I don't think they had ever seen martial arts in action. The big woman staggered back. I slipped a spinning kick into her powerful legs and dropped her like a tree. I followed up with several knee drops to the small of her back. Somehow she managed to raise up to her hands and knees even as I attacked. I slammed the side of her head with my heel and she rolled over onto her back. I circled her, kicking her face and waiving my now fully erect rod at the stunned crowd. "I got your new chief right here!" I yelled at the men. I was brimming with confidence. This had been easier than I thought it would be. She groaned and started to regain consciousness. I dropped a knee into her belly, but she grabbed my torso and used pure strength to throw me to the edge of the circle. By the time I righted myself she too was on her feet. She seemed more sober for the experience. I began to doubt again. She had just survived my best and seemed more ready to fight than ever. I tried a few more kicks, but now she just slapped them to the side. She was on to my tricks. I could no longer get past her defenses! "That is a good move." she growled. "Let me try." She flashed a foot into my face and leveled me. I struggled to remain conscious. "How did I do." she asked mockingly as she stood over me. She waived her wooden shaft at the crowd. "Who is the chief?" she yelled. "Cloud Hair! Cloud Hair!" yelled back the crowd. I grabbed one of her legs and tried to lift it - to topple her. I got no where. The crowd laughed at my antics. She dropped down onto me like she had on that poor pig, flattening me to the ground. From there she abused me at will. The crowd jeered as she rhythmically smacked my head into the hard packed earth. They counted the slaps she applied to my face and ass. They laughed as I wailed when she twisted my arms and pulled my hair. She stood and chased me around the circle, slapping me to the ground and kicking me in the ribs whenever she caught me, only to let me get away again. Finally she leaped up and stuffed my head deep between her powerful thighs. I dropped to my knees. Standing there, she squeezed my skull. It felt as if the bones of my head were flexing under the pressure! I heard nothing through her thick legs save the pounding of my blood in my head. I felt her hot ooze drip from her clit onto the back of my neck. The pain and humiliation grew unbearable, but I was helpless to do anything about it. When she let go I collapsed to the dirt crying like a child. "Have mercy, please..." I whispered in English. Then she rolled me up in a ball and sat on the back of my legs. Grappling and groping with her had maintained my painfully swollen hard- on. Now, with my head on the ground and my knees around my ears, it poked me in the face. She smiled down at me, as fresh as a daisy. "Now we see who the man is, and who is the woman." she whispered. Then she aimed my cock toward my lips. I began to spit out every phrase of surrender I could think of! "I submit! You win! Please stop! Have mercy!" This all drew jeers from the men. She clamped her powerful hand over my balls and squeezed. I yelled. She stuffed my shaft deep into my open mouth. Then she humped up and down on my legs, forcing me to fuck my own face. She called her wife over, the lovely young maiden, and instructed her to lick my sack. Even the roar of the crowd faded into the distance as she rode me to climax down my own throat. I could not stop the mounting surge and nearly suffocated on the volume. I swallowed and sputtered and gagged, but I kept coming. The goo ran from my nostrils and mingled with my tears. Eventually, and mercifully, she moved her wife's lips up from my testicles and onto her own meaty muff, which she now exposed. The circle of men groped in their loin cloths as the princes licked their chief to one furious climax after another. Cloud Hair groaned and came in buckets, dripping her honey down over my shaft and face. It seemed like hours later when she was satisfied and stood. The sticky fingered crowd dispersed to their huts. Cloud Hair lifted me like a baby and threw me into my prison. Merciful night took me away from my pain and humiliation. When morning came I awoke stiff and hungry. Every bone in my body felt broken, every muscle torn. I had never been worked over so hard. My jaw felt dislocated. The princess opened the door and brought in fruit, flat bread, and bandages. She bathed me gently as I ate. Her gentle touch brought blood back to my shaft, and soon it was as stiff as the rest of me. She put a finger to my lips, signaling silence as she slipped her quivering slit over my cock head. Apparently the dear thing was looking to ride more than wood. She balled me gently and I blasted a load deep inside her. We would have gotten away with it had she not shouted during her own climax. Guards burst in the door and called for Cloud Hair. The big woman was furious. She showed gentle concern for her bride as she escorted her out the door, but accused me of rape! I tried to tell her that it was all the girl's idea, but that just made things worse. "I will hunt you like the pig you are!" She yelled. "Run pig! At this time next day I hunt you and kill you!" So I was to be give a 24 hour head start. I bolted from the village and into the trees. During my previous wondering I had run upon several sites I was considering as trap sites. I went to work setting things up. If she was going to hunt me, my only chance was to make it dangerous for her too. As I worked, drums pounded in the distant village. Today they danced and prepared in their own way. By nightfall I had used yards and yards of vine and leaves creating a half dozen traps. I retraced how I would try to lead her through them. That night I slept in fits. I awoke to silence. For the first time in 24 hours the drums had stopped. The hunt was on! I took my position and waited, eating my breakfast of berries and roots. My only clue to her approach was the sudden calm of the woods. No birds, not even a wind. And she was on me. I jumped like a rabbit from the underbrush and darted out from between her great hands. She crashed down in the warm leaves where I had been and roared her rage. I bolted and she gave chase. I leaped over my first trap, a rope snare. She stepped into it and was caught, but quickly tore the tree up by the roots rather than stay prisoner. I had underestimated her strength. I should have used a bigger tree. She spotted me and charged. I bolted again. I leaped over a hidden pit, but this time she leaped too - over the pit and me - and landed in front of me. She laughed and pounded her bare breast. I screamed and ran another way. Now I was off my track. She wound up in front of me several times but only slapped me to the ground and let me get away. She was toying with me like a cat- wearing me down. I was lost and confused. Suddenly I found myself standing in the midst of one of my own traps. I froze. I could hear her crashing up the trail after me. "I kill you this time!" she yelled. "I will have your head on a spear!" When she broke through the bushes I just dropped to the ground, fetal and shivering. She sailed over me and landed head first in a four posted snare. I recovered and quickly slipped the other three loops over her legs and left arm. She bounced three feet off the ground, choking as the snare meant for her right arm tightened about her neck. It took me a moment to appreciate my good fortune. "Well now Cloud Bush." I taunted her, slapping her moist blond quim. You don't look like the big chief now, do you?" "Choking." she gasped. "Let me down. I will not kill you." "What a deal!" I laughed. Seeing her helpless before me drove me to engorgement once again. I rubbed the head of my shaft between her asshole and muff. "Did your wife tell you how much she enjoyed riding real meat for a change?" For a moment there was no answer, then, "She told me you made waves run through her body. That even as wounded as you were you made her travel to distant lands on warm breezes." Such talk always turns my head. "Maybe I'll take you sailing." "Anything you say! Just cut me down!" "You swear?" "On my honor! You are Chief. I will die protecting you." "You will submit to me before the tribe?" "On my honor!" I cut her down. I rode her shoulders back into the village. The villagers bowed to her but looked up at perplexed. Why was I still alive? She walked my over to her chair, next to her bride, and sat me down. Then she kneeled before me and proved her submission by taking my rod deep down her throat. I let my new bride straddle my cock as Cloud Hair sucked us both to climax before the tribe. Our simultaneous orgasms were seen as a sign from the Gods - a signal of good times to come. I let Cloud Hair remain the great hunter for the tribe. I took over as the fertility chief - making sure the tribe flourished and multiplied. When my radio washed ashore and was fetched to me, I ordered it destroyed as a work of the evil one.