Miss Sophie at Work By Montrose A young woman teaches fellow dock workers who is the boss You may have read about Miss Sophie from her husband's account of the first time she kicked his ass in "Aint Nobody's Bitch." This is an account of some of her time at work. * * * Sophie Paldiski strode down the hill to the dock where she unloaded trucks every weekday morning starting at 7AM. Her work boots rang out on the pavement with each clomp. As she drew near she saw that two meat trucks had already arrived. She stretched her arms as she picked up her pace. "I always liked getting a quick start on the day." The warehouse door was already open when she got there. Her manager, an older man with a clipboard waved her over. "Sophie, these truckers want to get rolling right away and I have to leave. Would you supervise while I'm gone?" "Wait," John Anderson walked up just behind her. He stood six feet five to her five feet ten so he could look over her easily. "Why her? Why not me?" "Because she's smarter than you, a harder worker and more reliable," said Mr Quinn the old man. "If you have a problem with that, you can work it out. But unless Sophie tells me otherwise when I get back, she's the one I'm paying the extra 10 percent salary to for supervising today. I'll check back in around 4." He handed her the clipboard and left. Three more workers had gathered by then. John held out his hand. "What?" Sophie looked up at him. "Hand over the clipboard, Bitch," he said. "I'm supervisor today." Big Billy, who had come out worse for wear in a fight against Sophie long ago shook his head. Sophie looked around. "You boys want John or me for Supervisor?" she asked. "This aint a democracy!" John snatched the clipboard. "Then what is it?" Sophie asked calmly. "I'm takin' charge cuz I'm the biggest." John looked smug and then tried to make sense of the clipboard. "It's a matter of power, is it?" Sophie smiled up at him sweetly as she rolled up her sleeves. "That's right." John was having trouble figuring out what to do based on the clipboard. "So if we had a fight and I won, I would be the new supervisor?" John laughed long and loud. He reached over to muss Sophie's hair but she swatted his hand away. He stopped laughing. "Why you little..." John began. "Dude!" Big Billy broke in. "You better not..." Sophie stopped him with a look. Big Billy backed away with his head down and kept quiet. "A fair fight is all I ask," Sophie said sweetly. "You and me. No weapons. Whoever submits, loses. Nice and simple." "I'm not gonna fight no girl!" John bellowed. "I see," Sophie nodded. "Frightened are you? Afraid to get beaten by me in front of all these witnesses?" John held a finger in Sophie's face. "You better shut the fuck up, Bitch!" "Or what, coward? Are you gonna pee your pants with fear?" That was enough for John. He threw the clipboard into a corner and aimed his hands for Sophie's throat. In one graceful move, she grabbed one of his hands, lifted John onto her shoulders and slammed him down on her other side. He landed hard and skidded a couple of feet. For a big man, he was on his feet fast. He grabbed Sophie up by her waist and ran her into a cinderblock wall, driving his shoulder into her middle, her feet dangling high above the floor. "OOF!" she gasped. He stood back and let her fall to her feet before backhanding her face hard first left then right. She looked stunned. He stepped back expecting to see her fall and cry. Sophie smiled up at him. "Is that all you got Bitch?" she asked. "You hit like a pussy." John snorted like a bull and made another grab for her, but Sophie ducked his hands and stuffed a punch into his gut. He doubled over, winded. Sophie grabbed him in a headlock and ran back to the middle of the warehouse with him in tow. She jumped and came down on the cement floor with his head under her body. She hopped up and waited as John struggled to his hands and knees. She put a work boot on the back of his head and bounced it off the floor again. Sophie kicked him hard in the ribs, rolling him over. She bent down and slapped his face a few times to wake him up. "Will you submit now or later, you limp girly man?" she asked. John sat up, snarling. Sophie kneeled on his shoulders and rode his head back to the floor again. She kept her seat on his big chest and punched him in the eyes several times before standing. John rolled in pain. She walked to the corner and retrieved the clipboard while John gathered himself. "Billy," she said. "Start the others on unloading the first truck." "Yes Miss Sophie," he replied respectfully. The others didn't seem to want to get started when there was a show like this to watch. "Why should we take orders from you?" one asked. "Maybe he'll win." Sophie walked up to him, smiling and quick punched him in the gut. He doubled over, dry heaving. She grabbed a fistful of hair from the back of his head. She raised a knee toward his eye, aiming, adjusting where his head was. He struggled a bit as she pulled her leg back and shot it forward. Her knee smacked his face so hard it picked him up off his feet. By the way his arms and legs flopped, everyone could see he was out cold as he circled gracefully in the air before coming down hard on the back of his head and spreading out on the floor. His eye swelled and shut but he didn't move. Sophie approached the others. "Any of you other insignificant bitches want to question my authority?" she asked. They all jumped to work. By then John was struggling to his feet. "Do you submit, Shithead?" she asked him. "Or are you too stupid for that?" In response, he charged. "Oh good," she purred. She ran toward him and leaped. Sophie weighed 175 pounds of solid muscle, but John was over 225 pounds of strong man. He reversed her direction and landed on her with his full weight driving the air from her lungs again. Before she could inhale his hands found her neck and squeezed, choking her. He kneeled on her tummy with all his weight. Sophie slipped her arms between his and pushed his hands from her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck and shoved his battered face deep into her ample cleavage, wrapping her legs around his middle. She clamped him into a scissors and squeezed. John gasped and could not inhale as she crushed his lungs with her legs and suffocated him in her ample tits. He pushed and pulled on her arms and legs. He lifted up and slammed her into the floor with him on top. Nothing loosened her grip. In fact, she kept tightening it. Within a minute he was panicked. A few seconds longer and he went limp in her arms. She rolled over and sat on his chest with his head caught between her thighs waiting for him to wake up, a little winded from the effort. The others walked passed with their burdens, unloading the truck. "Good work boys." She smiled up at them. "Keep it up." "Yes Miss Sophie." John came to with a raging headache. "Do you submit?" she asked. He growled. Sophie crushed his skull in her legs. Thigh muscles sprang into rock-solid definition. He screamed in pain. His arms flailed. Sophie caught his thumbs and bent them the wrong way. "Do you submit?" she asked again. "Fuuuuuuck!" he shouted. Sophie increased the pressure from her legs. "You're killing me!" "Do you submit?" "You goddamn bitch!" Sophie twisted his thumbs harder. "AAAAA! YES! YES!" "Yes what?" "I SUBMIT!" "Really?" Sophie asked. "So soon? Cuz I'm just getting' warmed up here. It kinda makes you look like a weak little pussy, you know." She crushed his skull even harder. "YES! I SUBMIT! STOP!" "So I win?" "YES!" "Okay, Pussy. Apologize for calling me names." "I apologize!" "What for?" "For calling you names! Please stop!" "Apologize for being a big pansy asshole." "What the fuuu.. AAAAAAA! I apologize for being a big pansy asshole!" Sophie let up, but stayed sitting on his chest. "Who am I?" she asked. John gasped and groaned. She slapped him to get his attention. "Who am I?" "My supervisor," John whimpered. "And what are you?" "What?" SLAP! "I said, what are you?" "Uh... a pussy? A big pansy asshole?" "That's right. You are also my bitch. You got that, Shithead?" John whimpered, but he nodded. "Good." Sophie slid her denim clad butt roughly over his face before standing. "Now go help unload that truck unless yer too much of a pussy and have to quit." John struggled to his feet. "I need this job," he said as he staggered. "Then get to work, Bitch," she told him. "Yes Miss Sophie." He staggered off to do his job. Sophie joined in the work, moving fast. The fight had sparked her energy. "I see anyone loafin' I'll personally kick their ass, got that? MOVE!" The men moved faster, though she was still moving three sides of beef for every two that one of them moved. Soon the first truck was empty and rolling away. "NEXT!" The other truck pulled up. "LETS GO!" She shouldered a huge crate of frozen meat and ran back to the coolers with it. The men tried to keep up, but by the time the second truck was empty, they were falling to their knees. Sophie skipped around them, "Come on, boys! Here comes the next truck!" It was cans of beans in cases. And jugs of water. The men groaned. Sophie whooped. "Let's get 'er done!" Half way through this truck, the man she had punched out fell flat. On her way past with a case on her shoulder, Sophie bent and picked him up by the back of his shirt and kept going. She dumped him in a corner. "You're getting' docked pay for layin' around, Pussy," she told him. The driver from the current truck walked in at that point and chuckled. "You gonna let her talk to you like that?" He looked around at the dock workers. The big blond had a face like fresh hamburger. The other big guy looked like a whipped dog. One of the regular sized guy looked like he had taken a shot from Mike Tyson. "What happened to you guys? Lose a bar fight this morning? You look like a bunch a whipped bastards." The woman - very curvy and kinda tall at five feet ten stepped in front of him. She looked up at his six feet six and 290 hard driving pounds. "These men may be a bunch of pussies, but their my pussies. I want you to apologize and back on out of here." The man laughed. "Who the fuck are you, Bitch?" "You will call me Miss Sophie. Then you will kiss my ass and apologize. Who the fuck are you?" The driver pulled off his coat. "The name is Mountain Mike Mullins, and little sister, you just earned yourself a serious spanking." He bent and picked Sophie up in one arm and walked toward a bench. Sophie struggled so that he had to use both arms. By the time he sat down on the bench with her bent over his lap Mountain Mike was winded. "You're a wildcat, I'll give you that," he gasped. His big hand came down hard on Sophie's broad backside. SMACK! The sound echoed in the warehouse. Sophie's men gasped. The woman pushed up, snarling. Mountain Mike had all he could do to keep her on his lap. "I'm... not... done... yet!" SMACK! He got another one in. "YES... you ARE!" Sophie twisted and sat up. Her elbow caught Mountain Mike hard in the jaw. He took the blow, shaking his head, then jammed her back down, bouncing her head on the bench. He was huffing and puffing hard, but he had her bent over his lap once more. He raised a hand. With only his one arm holding her, Sophie managed to sit up again. This time she grabbed the big man's neck in her arms and crammed her knee into his ribs, three quick times. As she did she tightened her arms around his neck, crushing his face into her boobs. Her men began to root for her. She was one of them after all. Mountain Mike slammed a punch into her ribs and she let out a gasp of pain. She leaped and caught his neck between her legs, her ass on the back of his head. Sophie arched her back and pulled him off the bench, driving the top of his skull into the cement floor under her butt. They separated and both got up slowly. Mountain Mike looked like he was in shock. Sophie looked delighted, but was holding her ribs and rubbing her ass. "Finally a real fight," she snarled. Mountain Mike swung a fist so fast and so big it made a noise in the air as she ducked it and stepped in under it. Sophie shot three fast uppercuts into his ribs right where she had been kneeing him. Mountain Mike fell to one knee clutching his chest, going pale. Had she cracked one of the big man's ribs? Sophie turned her back and donkey kicked him in the chest. Mountain Mike fell over onto his back. Sophie leaped and landed on his chest with both knees. Sliding down his chest she snapped him into a reverse figure four with his face buried in her ass. She pulled tight as he struggled for air. His forehead went from red to purple to blue before he went limp. Panting, Sophie let go. Mountain Mike's head bounced on the floor and he twitched. Sophie got up slow and wiped sweat from her brow with her sleeve. She sat on the big man's chest and stuffed a work boot into his face, and waited for him to wake up. When his eyes fluttered open, she lifted her work boot and brought the heel down hard on his nose, smashing it flat. Blood sprayed. Mountain Mike gasped as blood ran down his throat. The boot came down again, this time knocking teeth out. He rolled over but Sophie hopped and ended up on his back, riding him like a barrel chested pony. She dug her heels hard into his ribs and he gasped again, falling to the floor under her. "Come on Momma's Boy Moron," she teased him. "Is the fight gone out of you already, you big pussy?" She put a boot on the back of his head and bounced his bloody face on the concrete. She slithered around and got him in a sleeper hold with her arms around his big neck. He was too dizzy to fight back and she soon had him old cold. The big man went limp under her once more. Sophie dug his wallet out of his pocket and took the wad of twenties she found there, then put it back. She got up, stuffing the money down her cleavage. "Get this piece of shit out of here," she told her men. It took three of them, but they threw him off the dock onto the rough pavement below. "Big Billy, move that pussy's truck, we gotta keep workin'." "Yes Miss Sophie." By 11 they were well ahead of schedule and there were no trucks waiting. Mountain Mike came to among hoots and laughter. Sophie offered him another chance - a rematch. "No thanks," he replied. "Then get back here, kiss my ass and apologize for spankin' me, Pussy. I told you to kiss my ass and apologize and yer damn well gonna." Mike's face grew red again - rising anger. Sophie waited with her hands on her hips. He looked back at his truck. "You can't make it before I'm on you, so don't even try to run away or I'll get mad," she warned him. The big man stomped over to the girl. He towered over her. His nose was spread all over the left side of his face with bits of gravel stuck in it. His mouth hung open so he could breath, displaying gaping holes where his teeth used to be. Clotted blood created patterns from his forehead to his chest. She looked way up at him, unafraid. "Wipe some of that blood off your ugly kisser, loser. I don't need it all over my ass." Mike tenderly dabbed at his damaged face with a rag from his pocket. She turned her back and stuck out her round bottom and pulled her jeans down to her knees. Every man present had to look. Sizzling silk leopard--pattern panties. She pulled those down too. Her men fell silent, in awe. Big Billy crossed himself. Mike had left black and blue hand prints on her fine bottom from the spanking. "You may proceed." So many expressions raced over Mountain Mike's face. Could he jump her while her back is turned? Maybe he could knock her cold. If he didn't what would she do to him? In the end, he dropped to his knees and tenderly kissed her left cheek - the bruised one. "I'm sorry'" he murmured. "Louder," Sophie commanded. "And give it a bigger smooch. I want your lips up my asshole, Bitch" He puckered up and pushed his lips up her butt crack for twenty seconds then backed out. "I'M SORRY!" Quick as a wink, Sophie tugged her t-shirt off over her head and flipped it around behind her. She used it like a sling to capture the back of his head and mash his face harder inter her ass while she gyrated her hips. "AAAAA! GOD STOP! MY FACE! GOD! IT HURTS!" Mike screamed and waved his hands, afraid to touch his tormentress. Sophie shot a quick heel backwards and up into Mike's groin, then released his head. She smiled at her men as they stood open mouthed, staring at her hooters, straining to escape their overloaded bra. "Like what you see?" she winked and pulled her t-shirt back on. Mike collapsed behind her. "Okay, Pussy. You may leave." She hoisted her panties and jeans, and wagged her cheeks walking away, leaving Mike gasping on the dusty road. During lunch Sophie walked around giving backrubs, quick pecks on the cheek, and encouragement. "I know yer all a bunch of pussies and bitches," she told her men. "But yer MY bitches and yer workin' hard. Keep it up and I'll treat you right." "Thanks Miss Sophie." The men were all glad smiles and rosy cheeks. Even John. The afternoon went smoothly. When the old man returned at 4 everything was unloaded, the warehouse was neat and several of the men were sweeping up debris and mopping up blood while Sophie finished up the paperwork. "I'm impressed, Sophie," he said. "How would you like a permanent promotion to supervisor and an additional raise to boot? Say 20 percent? I don't want to lose a girl like you." Sophie smiled sweetly. "That would be swell!" "Done," he nodded. "Everyone can knock off early. You've done a day's work already." Once outside Sophie called the men together. She split Mountain Mike's money between them. "I couldn't ask for a more subservient, hard-working set of bitches. Good work boys," she told them. "I'm proud to be ridin' herd on you." They backed away nodding respectfully. "Thank you Miss Sophie. Bless you, Miss." "You all right Miss?" Big Billy asked. "That Mike looked to be hittin' you pretty hard for a while." "The spanks?" Sophie chuckled. "Yeah, I'm a little tender." She winked and rubbed her fanny. "It was kind of arousing though. You boys behave and maybe I'll let you see how the bruises are comin' along tomorrow. Now scat home and shower off. You'll smell like a fuckin' locker room full of stale jiz and road kill." They trotted away, smiling, to do as told. Sophie began walking uphill with a skip in her step. Time to go home and see if her man had started dinner yet.