Mistress Schoolgirl By Montrose Two men get taught a lesson The doorbell rang. Nick lowered his newspaper and listened for footsteps. Silence. The bell rang again. He muttered and stood, bumping his head on the lamp over the kitchen table. "Shit!" he spat, rubbing the bump. Sometimes he felt this apartment was too small for a man his size. Having a roommate that didn't answer the door just made it worse. He lumbered into the hall, where he heard the shower running in the bathroom. That explained why Tim hadn't gone to get the door. The bell rang again. "Keep your shirt on! Frickin' poon-pipe can't wait for a guy to get to the door?" Nick walked down the hall, through the living room and out into the foyer. He bent low to peek though the spy-hole. A fishbowl vision of a well built girl in an erotic school uniform greeted his eye. "Well, well... How yummy..." he whispered. Standing tall, he slicked back his hair with one hand and opened the door with the other. "Hello little lady," he said in his smoothest voice. "What can I do you for?" "Calendars," she replied, smiling sweetly up into his rugged face. Her hair was long and flaxen. Her face had a refined structure supporting two large blue eyes. Given that it was Saturday, Nick found it strange that she was wearing a school uniform. Stranger still, how she wore it. She would never get in the front door of a catholic school with her tie slid low and the top three buttons of her white blouse undone, exposing cleavage. Nor did the plaid skirt look to be of regulation length. A mile of creamy white thigh was exposed over long white socks. Polished oxfords decorated her feet. "I'm selling calendars to raise money for our varsity girls volley ball team." She showed him the rolled up calendar in her hands, patting it against her opposite hand like she was thinking of spanking him with it. Nick winked. "Which month are you, cutie?" The girl giggled. She rocked from foot to foot, swinging her hips, bouncing her breast. She bit her lip and looked up at him coquettishly. "August, the hottest month." "Yoinks! I'll wager you sell a lot of calendars!" "Let me come in and we can decide how many you need," she purred back, stroking the rolled up calendar like it was a cock, nestling it in her cleavage. "Does your mother know you invite yourself into strange men's rooms?" "What mommy doesn't know wont keep her up all night." She tapped the end of the calendar against her full lips. She did all but deep throat it in the hall. That was all Nick could stand without reaching out and touching grabbing her. He coaxed her into the apartment and closed the door. The girl didn't struggle in his arms. She actually moved up to let her ample bosom push against his muscular stomach. Nick asked the burning question. "How old are you, miss?" "Eighteen," she said with confidence. "Really?" "Do you need to see my drivers license?" she asked, digging in the big bag she had over one shoulder. "I believe you," he replied with relief. The girls was still young for him (him being 35), but she was legal and eager. That was enough for Nick. He escorted her into the living room. "Make yourself comfortable, darlin'. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee is on and we have tea..." "Is the coffee any good?" "Not bad. Better than Starfucks." She laughed. "Bring it on, then. Lots of cream. I like it... creamy," she teased. "Coming right up." Nick trotted to the kitchen humming to himself. The day was looking up. He lost some time trying to find an appealing, clean mug. In that time, Tim stepped out of the shower. He dried quickly and stepped out into the hall on the way to his room to get dressed. That is when he heard a noise in the living room. He could hear Nick banging around in the kitchen, so he knew it wasn't him. Curious, but not wanting to be seen wearing only a towel, Tim tip-toed toward the living room. He saw a girl, as tall as himself (five feet nine inches), her back to him, slipping a handful of CDs into her bag. She moved on to a collection of jade figurines on the mantle. Into the purse they went. They were being robbed! Robbed by a gorgeous schoolgirl! Tim slipped down the hall to the kitchen. "Nick!" he whispered hoarsely. Nick looked up from washing a mug. "Better get dressed Tim, we've got company. By the way, you wouldn't mind stepping out for a while..." "Do you know her?" "I plan to." "Do you know she just tucked your jade collection into her bag?" "What? You must be wrong." Nick burst past Tim, stomping down the hall. Tim followed, but nipped into his room to jump into a pair of jeans. It was obvious from the noise that the girl dashed across the room and flopped down onto the couch and was now trying to look casual as Nick entered the room. Nick frowned. He wanted Tim to be wrong - he wanted to score with this young thing, not frisk her and chuck her out. "Where's the coffee?" she asked. Nick held up the mug in his hand. "I'm washing the mug." She smiled innocently. "Good call. I appreciate it." Tim came up behind Nick. "Ask her what's in the bag." The girl looked around Nick, no small task, given he was six feet five and 225 pounds. "Who's your nosey friend," she asked. There was an edge to her voice. "I'm Tim." Tim stepped forward. "Who might you be?" "Sarah," replied the girl. "I'm selling calendars." She pointed the rolled up calendar at Tim from her groin as if it were a long boner. Wagging it at him, she licked her lips. "Mind if I look in your bag?" Tim asked, trying to ignore the calendar/boner insult. "Mind if I crush your testicles?" Sarah replied. She was perfectly relaxed on the couch. She spread her arms out on the back. The calendar lay on her lap, her knees poking out from her short skirt in opposite directions. The men caught a glimpse of panties. The threat stopped Tim in his tracks, despite the draw of her red silk undies. Nick saw the blank space on the mantle where his jade collection used to be. "I think you better let us see that purse, little lady," he growled, walking up to stand over her. The girl looked up at Tim, then at Nick. Then she shook her head and studied her fingernails. "This is sad," she said. "Totally sad and pathetic. Pitiable, really." "What?" spat Nick. "That you two old waste-oids think you can intimidate me. You are so lucky I don't turn you both over my knee right now." She gave them a reproachful look. They returned confused stares. "But I tell you what. I'm willing to be big about this. You two drop to your knees and lick my feet and I'll act like none of this unpleasantness ever happened. You will not get a better offer than that." "Why, you saucy, conceited, strumpet!" snapped Tim. They were 35 - not old! "Empty your purse out right now!" Sarah sighed and shook her head again. "Now, you had to go and call me names. I'm afraid I can't just let such disrespect slide. Here I was, trying to be merciful. Well, you wont see me making that mistake twice." She stood. Her height made Tim drop back a step - how could this girl be as tall as him? He weighed 145 pounds, but he was guessing that she was all of that as well. Big Nick glared down at her, but she paid him no attention. His eight inch, 80 pound advantage didn't seem to worry her. Leaving her purse on the couch, she strode over to the door, shaking her fanny all the way. "We don't want your shit," said Nick. "You can keep your purse. Just give us back our stuff, and then you can leave." "Oh, I'm not leaving." Sarah stopped at the door. She put her hand on the knob and locked it. She reached up and locked the deadbolt, too. Then she slid the chain into place. She turned around. "I just don't want to be interrupted, or have to chase you losers down." "You need to understand a few things," Sarah continued, as she walked back into the living room. "This is the only time I'm going to tell you, so pay attention. First, I can't abide whining. If you whine, or beg for mercy, I will make the pain last all that much longer." She strode back to the couch and flopped down. "Second, if you draw a weapon on me, choose it carefully, because you will end up pulling it out of your bung-hole. And third, I want to thank you both in advance for ordering a thousand calendars each. Any questions?" "You are one insane fucking whore," Nick snarled. "Tim, hold her down while I get our stuff back." Tim jumped on top of Sarah, pinning her arms to the couch. He straddled her and grabbed her wrists. His cock bounced on her tits as they struggled. He was glad she decided to fight. This was as close to a tit-fuck as he had had in months. She twisted her arms and soon had hold of his wrists instead. She made him punch himself in the face with his left hand - more insulting than injurious. Tim struggled hard, but Sarah clamped both of his hands in one of hers. Long, strong fingers cut off circulation at his wrists. She slid her other arm around his neck and drove his face into her tits, clutching him in a headlock. This all happened in the time it took Nick to bend over and grab the purse. Sarah flipped onto her side, slipped her long legs around Nick's neck, and clamped down. He dropped to his knees, choking on her rigid thighs. His head wedged out near her groin with his tongue sticking out. "Boys, boys, boys." Sarah said as she lay on the couch, choking them both. "More name calling just means more pain." She held Tim's neck with one arm and punched him in the eye with her free hand. Tim cried out. Then she punched Nick's cheek. Nick cried out. She alternated blows for a while. Then, bored with how easy it was, she let them both go and stood up. "Pathetic losers." Nick fell to the ground, gasping for air, afraid that his windpipe had been crushed. Tim, frothing with anger, followed Sarah and threw a punch at her ear. She blocked it with one arm, and slapped him hard in the face. He fell to one knee, but was up quickly. He threw another punch and missed. Sarah giggled and stuck her tongue out at him with her thumbs in her ears, waggling her fingers. He swung again and again, but never connected. Sarah laughed and back-peddled as she slapped his face. Tim was sweating from the effort of trying to land a blow on the agile girl. His face felt like it was on fire from being smacked and humiliated. His eyes watered. He tried a body blow. Sarah didn't dance out of the way of this one. Tim's hand mashed into her hard belly full force. Sarah grinned and raised an eyebrow as Tim's wrist emitted a sickening crunch. Tim grimaced in agony and tucked his hand to his chest. His wrist was throbbing. Finished with playing around, Sarah raised an oxford up and kicked Tim in the face with the heel of it. Tim fell backwards onto the couch holding his chin. He tasted blood. The room spun around. Nick leaped off the floor and plowed into Sarah, driving her into the far wall with a crash. She grunted in pain on impact. Books fell from shelves. He slapped her face, connecting hard. "You disobedient little imp! I'll..." That's as far as he got before Sarah's knee connected with his stomach. Nick puffed out air and then inhaled with a gasp. She connected again, all but lifting the big man off his feet, pushing him back a few steps. She connected to his temple with a side kick. He fell to his knees before her, opening his mouth like a fish, eyes unfocused. Sarah took a moment to fix her hair, then she grabbed Nick's head and bashed his face into her rising knee. He fell backwards to the floor. Sarah pealed herself off the wall. Her back had made a hole in the plaster. She dusted herself off, then stomped on Nick's gut. She fixed her skirt, then she dropped a knee onto Nick's chest. She put a foot on his neck and pulled his arm into a standing armbar. She pulled like she wanted to push his head off with her foot. "That's right big boy," she snarled. "I'm the disobedient little imp with her foot on your throat. You think that little attack of yours was effective do you? Do I look hurt? You should thank me for not stuffing your nuts up into your chest. It would be easy, believe me." Tim shook his wrist out. Just a minor sprain. He snuck up from behind and caught Sarah in a full nelson. She had to let go of her armbar. "YES!" he shouted. "I got her Nick! I got her!" But Nick couldn't come to help just then. He rolled around at her feet, gasping for air. "C'mon, Nick! Help me out here!" Tim shouted. Sarah struggled, throwing Tim around. Sarah stopped. "You think you can hold me like this, puss-bag?" she laughed. Then she slowly muscled out of Tim's full nelson, lowering her arms. "Oh my god! Help!" gasped Tim as the realization hit him of just how much stronger than he was this young hell-cat. Not just faster and meaner, but stronger too. "Oh dear God!" "Not God, Timmy boy. I'm not God. A Goddess, maybe... but you can call me Mistress Schoolgirl," she purred as she stalked him into a corner. "Oh no..." "You've been a wicked child, Timmy." She whacked his face with an oxford. "You ghastly, naughty boy." She kneed him in the gut. Tim was propped in the corner, shivering with fear and gasping for air. "I'm sorry," he whimpered. Sarah grabbed his face so hard it hurt. She pulled him upright. "You are sorry, what?" she asked in a calm voice. He hesitated, confused. She raised a hand as if to strike. "Mistress Schoolgirl!" he shouted, remembering the name she had just told him. She lowered her hand. "I'm sorry, Mistress Schoolgirl." She pressed her boobs into his bare chest and licked his face with her long tongue, all up one side and down the other, leaving a spit trail. Sarah giggled. "I love the smell of your fear," She spat in his eyes. She snorted, hacked, and spat a goober down his throat. "Swallow that!" Tim swallowed. Sarah took off her school tie and slipped it around Tim's neck. She tied it into place, then she pulled it tight, choking him with it. His hands went up by instinct, not that they could save him from choking. "Hands down," Sarah said softly. Tim willed his hands to drop to his side. He couldn't pull in air. His head felt like it would explode. His eyes watered and bugged out. His tongue stuck out. Sarah picked him up off the ground by her tie, hanging him. Big Nick landed on Sarah from behind like a truck full of compost, driving her to her knees, her head nestled in his groin. He punched her head twice just above the ear, then lifted her by her flaxen hair and walked her out to the middle of the room. Sarah swung out wildly, a bit dazed and confused by the big man's attack. Nick punched her again, still holding her hair. Then he grabbed her in a bear hug from behind and shook her as he squeezed with all his might. Nick laughed and walked her out into the middle of the room. "YEAH! I got you now, don't I CUNT!" he yelled in her ear. "I'LL SQUEEZE YOUR GUTS OUT!" Sarah dangled and gasped for air, turning red. Tim lay against the wall doing the same, still choking on her school tie. He was too frightened to reach up and loosen it. Slowly, it loosened enough for him to breath. "That's a nice bubble-butt you got, chicky," Nick panted. As he squeezed, her bottom bounced on his boner. "Oh yeah... sweeeeeeet humpin' meat! I'm gonna enjoy crammin' my big tool up your ass!" Sarah plowed her head backwards into Nick's face. He rocked on his feet. She did it again. He fell to his knees. Sarah broke out of his bear hug. Nick got to his feet, staggering, swinging punches into empty air. Sarah ducked his fists and walked around behind him. Sarah hopped onto Nick's back, and put him in a sleeper hold with her arms around his neck and holding his head. Nick clawed at her arms. "Did I hear you call me a cunt, big boy?" she panted in his ear. "You are going to pay for that." She looked down at Tim from on top of Nick. "Be a good slave, Timmy. Go get that cup of coffee I was promised." Nick fell to his knees. Sarah's feet now reached the floor. "Yeah... you're gonna pay," she assured Nick. Tim stood frozen in the corner. He was just becoming able to see again, and here was this girl beating the snot out of his big tough friend. Should he help Nick or do as told? Was he even able to help Nick? Nick begged for help with his bloodshot eyes. He sniffed - his nose was bleeding. Tim backed away toward the kitchen. "Yes, Mistress Schoolgirl," he said. Nick gasped as Tim left the room. Sarah giggled in his ear. "Smart boy, that Timmy." Nick got to his feet with Sarah on his back once again. "Still have some life do we?" she asked him as her feet dangled behind him. He charged backwards toward a wall. She managed to slip to one side without letting go of her sleeper hold. Instead of crushing her against the wall, he only knocked himself into it. He tried again with the same result. Sarah giggled. "You are so very stupid, aren't you!" Nick fell to his knees. Sarah pushed him face down on the floor. She still had the sleeper on him. Tim came back with coffee. "On the table," Sarah commanded. Tim did as told, then stood watching. "You known this big boy long, Timmy?" she asked as she shook Nick's head to see if he was still awake. Nick threw an arm toward her head. It came down slowly without being able to grab her. "Yes, Mistress Schoolgirl," Tim murmured. "Ever see anyone beat him so easy?" "No, Mistress Schoolgirl." That was the scariest part. Nick was a knuckle-buster. Tim had seen him clear out entire bars single handed. Now this schoolgirl had him at her mercy. And she didn't even look like she was working hard! Sure, her hair was a messy, and one cheek was red, but Nick looked like hell! His face was swelling up in all sorts of places. And it was twitching, trying to remain conscious. "He may be big," said Sarah, "but he's about as sharp as a wet bag of fucking shit. Aren't you, big boy? That's right... just a big, stupid cow-pie, aren't you? Hmmm?" She shook his head again. She got less response this time. Nick was almost out. The big man's eyes rolled up into his head. Tim couldn't watch any more - he turned away. He was afraid she might kill Nick. His eyes wondered to the souvenir Yankees baseball bat next to the stereo - one of those two foot long wooden ones painted in pin stripes. He edged toward it. When he got his hand on it, he was behind Sarah. It was his last chance to save Nick. He had to do it just right, and with all his strength and courage. He banged Sarah on the back of the head with the mini-bat. She did not go down. Must have a skull of stone, he wondered. He slipped the bat around her neck and tried choking her with it. She let go of Nick and grabbed Tim by his head. She flipped him over her back. Tim sprawled out on the floor, still holding the bat. "You rebellious scamp, Timmy," Sarah said as she stood to face him, Nick all but dead between her knee-high socks. "Mistress Schoolgirl is not pleased." She rubbed the aching spot on her head. In desperation, Tim leaped to his feet and swung at her head with the bat. Maybe she could shrug off one blow, but not many! He would kill her if he had to! She ducked. "Strike one," she said as she stalked him. He back-peddled and swung down at her, but she sidestepped easily and he fell to his knees before her. "Strike two," she said. She patted his head, but made no attempt to leap on him. "Come on, Oh Mighty Casey. One more swing. Go for a homer!" Tim sprang to his feet and swung for her ribs. Sarah slipped out of the way. "Strike three," she said. Then, quick as a cobra, she snatched the bat from Tim's hands. "You're out." She popped him on top of the skull with the bat with a jolt he felt in his feet. He fell to his knees and held his scalp. He felt a small trickle of blood. Sarah strolled over and sat on Nick's thick back. Her knees stuck out wide. Her red satin panties in full view as she examined the bat. "You remember what Mistress Schoolgirl said about pulling weapons, don't you Timmy?" She licked a drop of blood off the bat. Tim twitched as he recalled. "No, please! Please don't! Please!" he begged. Sarah stuck the tip of the bat down her panties and diddled herself with it for a moment. It stuck up like a penis. "Oh dear," said Sarah. "Now you're whining. Not a good combination, pulling a weapon and then whining. Maybe if you crawl over here and suck this off, I will forgive you." She pointed to the bat handle sticking out from under her short skirt. Mechanically, Tim crawled forward, shivering. He wrapped his lips around the bat. Sarah put a hand on the back of his head and shoved his face down. The bat punched the back of his throat. She held him while he gagged for a while then she let him go. He fell away onto his back at her feet. "Nope," she said. "You suck dick so bad that I'm still displeased with you. Punishment will have to be inflicted." She pulled the bat out of her panties and gestured toward him with the twat-smelling end. "Drop your pants," she commanded. Tim began to cry, raising his hands in supplication. Sarah patted her hand with the bat. "If I have to repeat myself..." She didn't need to finish the threat. Tim pulled his pants off. She made him lay down across Nick's shoulders, face down. Then she sat on top of him and worked the bat up his ass. Tim bit his lip to keep from screaming. Sarah was none too gentle about how she got the two feet long bat up there. She waggled it as she went, prying his sphincter open. "There!" she said, once she got it in place. She gave Tim's testicles a playful spank. Tim nearly passed out from the pain. He felt as if he might heave. Sarah sat on both of them and pulled Tim's wallet out of his pants. She took the cash and threw the rest around the room. She did the same for Nick, who was convulsing back to life. Then she took her bag and went looking for other valuables in the apartment. While she was gone, Nick recovered. He pushed Tim off his back and sat up. Tim gasping in pain with the handle of the Yankees bat sticking out of his ass. "Holy shit!" Nick cried out when he saw it. Followed by, "Oh god! My head!" The post-sleeper headache was debilitating. Sarah strolled in swinging a very full bag. She dropped two checkbooks in front of the men. She sat on the couch and relaxed, just as she had been before the fight started, arms back, knees apart. "You can make the checks out to Our Lady of the Merciful Heart School. A thousand calendars a piece comes to three thousand from each of you. Don't plead poverty. I already checked your balances. You're lucky I don't take every cent you have." "Please, Sarah..." Nick began. "Mistress Schoolgirl," Sarah interrupted. "Mistress Schoolgirl then," replied Nick on his knees before her. "We're sorry that we offended you. Real sorry." "Crawl to me," she commanded. Nick crawled forward. Sarah grabbed his shirt and slapped his face hard. She slapped it over and over. Nick took it with tears in his eyes, without raising a hand. Tim still lay gasping on the floor, afraid to move. She slid her legs around his neck and began choking him. "You will not speak unless I ask you a question. Understood?" "Yes, Mistress Schoolgirl," the big man gasped through cut and bruised lips. "Now, write my checks. Then you can polish my shoes with your tongues." She pushed him away with a foot in the face. The men did as told while Sarah sipped her coffee. Finally, she stood. "Okay, slaves. It's time to kiss my sweet bubble butt goodbye." She turned her back on them and flipped her plaid skirt up. Her tiny satin panties were riding high up her ass-crack. She pulled them off and let them drop to her ankles. She wagged her bum in their faces. They could see her muff from behind. "Don't be shy, boys. There's a big, round cheek waiting for each of you." Tim took the left. Nick took the right. Sarah reached back and mashed their faces into her hams. She alternated stuffing first one face and then the other up her deep crack. "Lick my pie, you bitches! Lick me off! Make me come!" They licked, catching her twat, lapping away like dogs. How they both wanted to taste more! She moaned and writhed on their faces. "Oh yeah! Good slave boys! Mistress Schoolgirl likes that shit! Oh yeah!" When she finally pulled back, she turned around and smiled down on them, stroking their cheeks. She was panting and her cheeks were rosy. Their faces were wet from her snatch. Sarah smacked their heads together so hard she knocked them both out. When they came to, they were joined at the rump by the Yankees bat, one end up each bum. Nick coughed. The bat slid a bit out of him and a bit more into Tim. Tim moaned. "Uh... Tim?" "Yes?" "We must agree, right now, to never tell anyone anything about what has happened here today." "Agreed." "Not any of it." "Nothing." "Right." There was a note on top of Sarah's half empty coffee cup. "Your coffee sucks cock. I'm going to fence your crap for bus money. If you want it back, you can buy the pawn tickets off of me (I'll be back). If I have any more trouble with you boys, I'll make you chew on each other's balls. "Signed, Mistress Schoolgirl"