Donna and the "Old Farts" Party By Montrose Donna becomes the entertainment at a party If you haven't already, go read about big Jenny and the poker night and me vs Sue-Moo. Okay? Those two stories take place before this one, you know? You'll find titles close to those on Montrose's bookshelf. So, go on! Got that done? Fine. Now I can tell you about how I had fun with the new power and skill I built when I had to take on Sue-Moo. See, now that I'm five feet six inches and 140 pounds of raw teenage power (picture me flexing, all muscles and, like, fem-power), I figured, why not make some money from it, right? (I got this idea from watching some of those online videos of girls beating up guys at parties.) So, I make poker guy, my slave, who it turns out has a name (Steve), which is totally unimportant because he'll answer to anything I tell him to... Where was I... oh yeah. I make Steve take me to a party with some of his friends. Steve and his friends are, like, 35 and I'm 18. We don't hang out in the same circles. Anyway, it's Saturday night and Steve takes me to this old fart party (35 year olds and up abound). It's mostly guys like Steve, but there are a few older babes there. Some of them aint half bad, actually. I can instantly tell that all the chicks hate me for my youthful beauty and tight ass, which I'm showing off in a real short skirt, as usual. I can also tell that the guys all lust for me. But that's no shock. I'm giving them plenty of reasons with my gravity defying boobage and all. I've prepped Steve to spread the word that I am tough and scrappy and love to fight. That I win fights all the time, even against guys, and could probably take any man in the place. I'm acting all sweet and innocent while he does this, sipping at a root beer and asking one of the old babes where she got her cool boots (thigh-high dominatrix boots - I plan on making Steve get me a pair). Steve does a good job, cuz one little guy (it's always the little guys that get insulted by this first) starts talking trash about how Steve must be blowing shit - like there's no way I could beat him in a fair fight. I don't respond to this and let Steve argue that I could. Then the guy asks me personally. "Do you really think you could take on a guy like me?" Without hesitation I nod and smile. "Of course." Like it's not even worth talking about. Then I go back to talking with the old babes. They're all smiling and suddenly like me better for showing up the little punk. Boots Lady laughs out loud. "What a dork!" This really ticks off the little guy. "You know, you talk like that, you should have to put your money where your mouth is." I turn back to him and ask, "How much?" "What?" "Did you just offer to bet that you could beat me?" I ask. "Cuz I'm, like, totally up for that." Now his man friends are laughing. "Stuck your foot in it now, Jack. You gonna let her talk to you like that?" "Well... I..." he's back peddling. He's afraid to be humiliated. What if I can beat him? How would he live it down? "How much, little man?" I press him. I'm not gonna let him off the hook. Jack is fuming now. "FINE!" He digs in his pocket and pulls out a handful of bills. "Thirty... thirty-seven bucks says I can kick your perky little butt." I turn up my nose. "That's not much. If I'm going to risk breaking a nail, I wont do it for less than 100." I turn back to the girls. "I knew you were all talk," he snarls, but he looks relieved. "Wait a sec," says another guy. "I wanna see this. I've got 100 bucks to add to his 37. Can you back that?" "Steve?" I say, as if I hadn't commanded him to bring plenty of seed money. He holds up a big wad of bills. I turn to the old babe with the cool boots. "Would you hold this for me?" I hand her my soda. "I'll be right back." She takes it and says, "Kick his ass, Honey." "Yeah!" say some of the other ladies. "Take him down!" "No trouble at all," I say as I begin circling my victim. He stands an inch taller than me, but wiry. Not a total wimp, but certainly not beefy. I probably have five pounds on him. I can see he has good balance as he circles me. Probably a compulsive jogger. "Come and get it, little man." He leaps at me and the room explodes into cheers. The old guys are slamming back beer and the ladies are quaffing red wine. Everyone is in a good mood and excited for the unexpected entertainment. I waste no time getting Jack into a headlock from which he has no hope of escape. My powerful arms crush his nose into my ribs. His thin arms pull at mine, hopelessly overmatched. I jiggle and stroll around, smiling at the crowd, twisting Jack's neck, talking with handsome guys, flirting as I smother Jack in my chest. Finally, I've tortured him enough that he falls to his knees. I go down on top and keep my hold on him. My skirt is riding up and guys are whistling. Jack is partly over onto his back and he's being truly smothered by my tits in his face. He tries to push them away so he can breath, but I grab his hand and clutch it between my tight thighs. I could kill him just by keeping this hold for a minute more. One guy comes down like he's looking for the pin. "Don't bother with that," I tell him. "The only way this can end is if he submits, good and loud." "No pin?" the guy asks. "Nope. I don't want any arguments." "YES!" the lady holding my drink yells. "Pins are for pansies! Fuck that bastard up!" "Looks like she is!" says one of the guys. "Holy shit! Look how red his forehead is!" "How about it, Jack?" I ask. "Ready to submit?" "Fuck no!" he grunts from under my tits. The crowd laughs because of how funny he sounds - how hopeless. "Okay then." I let go. Jack gulps air. "Time to turn up the heat, I guess." Before he can move, I slip my legs around him and grab his arm in an armbar hold, bending it the wrong way. He screams like a girl and pounds the floor. The buzz in the room rises. Both men and women are cheering me on, now. "I give!" gasps Jack. "Stop!" I keep tearing his arm off. "I said I give!" "The words are, 'I submit'." I inform him. "I submit, then! Please! You're killing me!" I shake my head. "Louder than that. I want everyone to hear you over this noise. And keep yelling it out, if you really want me to let go." "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! " "Can everybody hear that?" I asked in a sweet voice. "Nope," somebody lied. "Not back here!" said someone else. Poor Jack screamed louder. "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! " His friends laugh. I take pity and let go of his arm. "Wimp!" "Looser!" Pansy!" yell the others. I sit up on his chest and pat his red, tear stained cheek. "Poor loser-boy," I cooed. "Go wash your face with cold water and you'll feel better." I slowly slide forward, rubbing my ass on his face, and rubbing it in that I am dominant. He takes it like a beaten dog. Eventually, I stand. Jack remains on the floor between my feet, whimpering about his arm, gasping for air, afraid to move. I stroll off, shaking my stuff, and take my drink back from Boots Lady. "That was magnificent," she says as she strokes my shoulder. "I wish I could do that." "Like I said. No problem." The crowd applauds. Steve collects the money. "Donna, Honey," says one of the ladies, "You are a Goddess to me!" "You found my weakness - being worshipped," I quip. The ladies laugh. Boots Lady holds my arm up in triumph. "The undefeated champion of the party! Mistress Donna Squisito!" They all applaud and chant "Donna! Donna! Donna!" I curtsied, real cute. I'm eating this shit up. Jack crawled off into a corner, a forgotten loser. One guy steps forward. "You made that look easy," he says. "It was." "Think you can take a guy my size?" There were a lot of snickers around the room. I checked his groin and caught the joke. A tube shaped lump ran almost to his knee. The man was hung like a sea turtle! Have I mentioned that I like 'em big? My heart skips a beat, and I struggle to keep my cool. I look him up and down - cute - in good shape - 35 or so - six feet even - maybe 180 pounds. I try to keep from panting. "No problem. Sounds exciting, even." He smiles down at me. Did he see the flush in my cheeks? Then he holds up a bundle of twenties. "Two hundred says I'll have you over my knee, spanking your pert fanny." "Sounds fun, but I assume we're wrestling for a submittal?" "Of course." "Steve," I say. Steve matches it. "Plus," says my new victim, stepping closer. "Winner gets sexual favors from the loser." "Hey!" shouts a lady. Boots Lady whispers in my ear. "That's his girl - fiancée, actually." "Sounds fun. What did you have in mind?" I ask, not missing a beat. I'm putting up a good front, but every fiber of me wants to jump this guy and let him bang me lopsided. "Head. Right here." He points to the center of the carpet we've been using as a wrestling ring. I get a mental image of me trying to fit that snake in my mouth. I don't see it happening. "She's just a kid!" shouts his fiancée. "Doesn't matter," I break in over the general commotion. "He doesn't stand a chance anyway. When I win, I'll only let him lick my butt." Hung Guy nodded. "Deal." "Any more bets?" Steve asks. Betting is heavy on Hung Guy. Looks like the rest of the room doesn't think I can give up 40 pounds and six inches AND still come out on top. That's just how I like it. I don't want people getting to know just how tough I am yet, so, my first move with Hung Guy is to let him capture me in his arms. I turn and struggle and make girly grunting noises. This feels really good. The crowd goes wild. Hung Guy plants his growing tool between my ass-cheeks and rubs it up and down as I struggle. My heart quickens. His arms are tight around me, holding my arms to my sides. He smells of musk and lemongrass. He is bent over me and breathing in my ear - he's been drinking red wine. I make him work hard to hold on. I swear, I could cum just feeling him ride me like this. "You like how that feels?" he rumbles in a deep voice as he slowly grinds his boner on me. "God yes," I admit. "Feels real good. How about for you?" I'm panting shamelessly. "Very nice. It's been a long time since I held someone so tight." "Too bad I'm going to have to put a stop to it." Hung Guy tongues my ear and puts more of his weight on me, thinking he can drive me to the floor. I let him keep it up for a while longer - it feels so good. But, eventually, I grab one of his wrists with both hands and pull myself free. I spin and twist his arm until he drops to his knees and cries out. The ladies go crazy, cheering me on. The men encourage Hung Guy. They wanna see me get spanked and gobbling giant cock, naturally. I pick up my leg and swing it around to straddle his arm, then, still holding his wrist, I sit on his shoulder, driving his forehead into the carpet, very hard, three times. I let go and do a victory strut while Hung Guy collects himself. "Get up you bastard!" yells his fiancée. "Smack that bitch or you can gobble your own cock tonight!" "Mop up the floor with him, Honey!" shouts Boots Lady. Once he's up to his hands and knees I straddle his neck with his head sticking out in front, up by my cunt. I point to a coffee table six feet in front of me. "Move that, please." The crowd makes more room. I do a forward roll, taking Hung Guy with me by his neck between my thighs. BLAM! He hits the floor hard still in my head scissors. Without a break I get up and turn around. I do the same thing going the other way. BLAM! "Jesus!" "Wow!" Everyone is stunned. I'm mopping the floor with Hung Guy. "I submmm..." Hung Guy tries to submit but I jump up and plant my butt on his face. "Mmmmmm!" Too soon for that business. I don't want this crowd to see me beat him too quickly. While I'm sitting there I unbutton my blouse. "This is hot work!" Cat calls come from the guys, plus a couple of the ladies (including Boots Lady). I toss my blouse into the crowd. Some guys fight for it. Now I'm just wearing a cleavage enhancing bra and the short skirt and panties. I took off my shoes when I came in. Hung Guy has been struggling feebly under me. I pretend like he has knocked me off and let him on top of me. He's panting and red-faced, but he has me in a strong headlock. I struggle away under him and hear the guys cheer for his return to power. The ladies continue to root for me. I grunt and make more girly noises. I also enjoy having his bone rubbed all over my groin. Damn, it fells good. I kinda forget what I'm doing for a while - he's making me cum for Christ's sake! If he promised to fuck me, I would seriously consider submitting right then. His throbbing bone is driving me right through the roof! The guys begin to get encouraged. "Pull her up and spank her!" Hung guy sits up and pulls me onto his lap - I'm a little disoriented from experiencing an orgasm in the middle of a wrestling match. His tool is digging into my jugs as his hand slides up and flips my skirt up, exposing my panties. "Check it out!" Hung Guy slides a finger in and pulls it out wet. The guys go 4-star bats- shit. "She's all greased up and ready to go." He doesn't know the half of it. I'm so horny I can barely see straight. Then he gives me a good spank. I cry out and reach around behind myself. He "traps" my arm in a chicken wing. I let him. Now, I'm starting to get my head back together. I could pull free, but I don't - I struggle and whimper, just to play it up. Again and again he spanks me. He is hitting real hard, leaving red marks, I'm sure. Now, he's bringing real tears to my eyes. It hurts, but feels good too. "Care to submit?" he asks. I shake my head no, but let him continue spanking me for a while. After a while I can feel his arm is getting tired. By then, the ladies start giving up hope, I refocus and make my move. I spin on his lap clamp my legs around his waist, and do a roll, banging his head on the floor. "Damn it!" Hung Guy howls. He, like, struggles but I don't let him up. I chicken wing HIS arm. The room is rocking, pumped up by the sudden reversal of fortune. I am playing them like a kazoo. I'm laughing as I crush the crap out of Hung Guy with my legs of iron. My ass may sting, but my legs are working fine. I move from that to being on top of him. I get my tits on his face and hold his head in my arms. I easily slip him into a grapevine hold. The crowd is so loud now, they can't hear him and me speaking. He's yelling for mercy and screaming about submitting into my chest. I lean into his ear and whisper, "You know now I was just toying with you, right?" "YES! YES! Please let me up! I SUBMIT!" "Shut up and listen or I'll snap your fucking neck." He quiets down. "I'm going to tell you my phone number and you are going to memorize it. Then you are going to call me tomorrow. Got that?" "But my fiancée..." I twist his neck. He screams. "You got that?" I ask again. "Yes," he whimpers. So I tell him and make him say it back several times. Then I let go and stand over him. "Should I finish him off?" I ask the room. The place goes ape-shit! Drinks are flowing. Every guy has a boner. Every girl looks like her groin is getting damp. I flip Hung Guy over onto his stomach and apply a camel clutch. "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!" "Can you guys hear that?" "NO!" "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!" I lean into his ear and whisper. "What's my phone number?" He whispers it back. "What are you going to do first thing tomorrow?" "Call you." "Good boy. Now submit some more." "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!" BAM! I slam his head on the floor as I get up. Standing over him, I first adjust my damp panties, then I raise my arms in victory. I'm glistening with sweat and panting. Hung Guy is out cold between my feet. I asked for and received a glass of cold water, which I poured on his head. Hung Guy staggered up, sputtering. I bent over with my back to him and flipped my skirt up. "Time to pay up." I pull my wet panties to one side. I can hear the crowd moving around for a better view. I don't care - I have a magnificent quim. Hung Guy leans in and runs his tongue up my ass crack several times, making sure to catch my clam at the beginning of each slurp. Lots a groans from the peanut gallery - and from me. Maybe I let it go on a little too long. Once I let him stop, his fiancée walks up to him and plants a knee in his sack, dropping him to the floor. The crowd laughs. That was it for a while. I wore my blouse over my shoulders like a towel. Guys lined up for a chance to chat with me and feel how strong my grip is. I don't squeeze too hard - no bones get broken. I just drive them to their knees before I let go. None of these guys can keep their eyes off my rack and tight belly. The ladies, while jealous, see me as a superhero and rub my rippling shoulders. Two of them slip me their phone numbers. Boots Lady offers to see me home, but I tell her, maybe some other time. Eventually, the biggest man at the party makes his way to me. I've been waiting for this moment. He wants to test my hand strength. I shake my hand, out "I'm a little sore, but all right." We clasp and squeeze. At first, the power of his grip makes me yelp. I look up at his smiling face. He must be close to six feet four. And he's thick. Arms like slabs of meat. I put everything I've got into my hand and this new big man drops to his knees with a look of shock on his face. "Let go!" he cries in a high voice. I pat him on the head and let go. "I guess that makes me the toughest one here." I tell the room and raise my arms in victory. The ladies applaud. "You gonna take that Al?" yells some guy in the back. Al backs away, rubbing his hand. I see the doubt in his eyes. Looks like he plans on taking it. "Yeah, Al.. You gonna let a puny girl like me tell you she can kick your ass and do nothing about it?" A spark of anger grows in his eye. Good. "Why don't we skip the fight and you can just kiss my ass right now?" I turn and lift my skirt, waving my buns at him. "Don't push me, you twat!" I turn around and slap him so hard his jowls shake and he has a red hand print on his cheek. "Don't tell me what to do, Bee-atch." Al, raises a hand to strike me back. I wait for it, ready to block. "Easy, Al." Steve steps in. "If you wanna fight her, we should get the bets placed first." Shouts go up. Everyone is waving money. Steve matches them dollar for dollar from my winnings. The pile of bills fills a shopping bag. Steve scrawls figures on a page furiously to keep up. Not that it matters. I'm gonna collect it all, anyway. "How much do you weigh, Al?" I ask as we circle each other. Al pats his big belly. "265." "And not over an ounce of it is brains," I say. The ladies laugh. Al snorts and charges. I duck to the side. Al comes to a crazy stop and turns. I step up and swing a sidekick, catching him on the side of the head. He staggers back. I wait for him to regroup, checking my nails, all cool, right? "So we're kicking and punching are we?" he growls. I wave him on. "Feel free. Nothing is off limits." Al comes in swinging, just as I expected. I duck under his fists and catch him in the gut with a knee. He grunts and backs away. The room is violent with noise. Cat calls and jeers everywhere. I strut and pose. I flex while Al collects himself. "Look out!" Boots Lady shouts. Big Al is on my back before I can turn. He leaps up and drops all his weight on me, grabbing me around the neck. His weight almost driving to my knees. The ladies moan, thinking it's all over for me. I must look tiny under all that flesh. But I stand. I start bent and then work Al up to my shoulders, rolling him over as he goes. He struggles, making me stagger, but I balance his girth up there and hold him by his neck and groin on my shoulders in a back breaker. "Look at her abs for God's sake," says one guy. "Jesus!" "Wanna go for a ride, Al?" I ask. "Okay!" Then I put him through a helicopter spin. First one way, then another, then back the other way - real fast. I trot around in a circle, jarring his spine on my shoulders a few times before I dump him on his head. I'm all pumped up from the weight and feeling great! He rolls around, totally spin-drunk and racked with pain. "Was that your best shot, Fat Boy?" I ask as I flex, standing over him. People are snapping pictures of me with cell phones. Veins are pushing out on my arms! I am seriously ripped. I let Al get to his feet, then I hop up and grab his neck in my legs. Pulling back, I drive his skull into the floor with my ass on top. He passes out for a moment. I pop up and dust myself off with a foot on his face while he regains consciousness. My panties have gotten ripped somehow, so I rip them the rest of the way off and throw them to Boots Lady. She puts them to her nose and inhales. Then I circle Al as he struggles to his knees, looking pretty shaky. "Does this look familiar people?" I ask, pointing at Al. "One more sorry old man getting his ass kicked by the little girl." The crowd is stunned, now. Every penny in the room is bet against me and I'm winning easy. They saw me hold Big Al up and spin him around. They are watching me casually take him apart. I put a foot on the back of Al's neck and bounce his face on the floor like a ball. He spits a tooth. Then I step on his neck, grab an arm, and pull until he screams for mercy. I let go and strut. Only the girls are making noise now. "What a Goddess!" She owns you boys!" "I love you!" Al tries to get up again. It takes two tries just to get to his knees. I kick him in the side and he goes down again. I push him over onto his back with my feet, then leap into the air and come down, ass-first on his gut. "I sub... OOF!" I slide up onto his face and smother his ability to submit with my bare clam. His arms flail, so I pin them to the floor. "The poor bastard," one of the men says. "The poor... lucky... bastard." "She's a hell-cat," says another. "I'm in love." "Humiliate him!" snarls Boots Lady. "Is anyone going to be next?" I ask as I sit on the face of the biggest man in the room. Silence. "No? I didn't think so." I stand and walk around. "Bunch of pussies are you?" I make eye contact. All the men back away when I draw near. "That's what I figured." I stomp at one guy and he falls over a table trying to get away. Al is almost out cold. I go back and kick him in the head a few times to revive him. "You may submit now," I inform him. "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!" He's still yelling it as I receive my root beer from Boots Lady. "Please come home with me," she pleads. "Sorry," I tell her. "We're both tops. Learn to grovel and maybe I'll let you be my bottom some other night." I pat her pretty face. "I swear I can be, for you Mistress," she whispers and kisses my hand so tenderly, I almost change my mind. I reach around and grab a handful of Boots Lady's fanny and squeeze hard enough to leave a bruise. I do the same to her left nipple with my other hand. She takes it without a sound until I let go, and then she says, "Thank you Mistress, may I have another," with tears in her eyes. She is panting, aroused. Very hot looking for an older cunt. She's starting to get me aroused too! "Not bad," I tell her. I want to give her a big kiss, but I would rather make her long for it over a few days. I have her number. I'll call her when I think she's worthy. As an after thought I ask, "What size feet do you have?" Turns out, there the same as mine. "Give me the boots." She does, without question. I don't make her any promises. I just take the $300 boots. "Steve, get the money. Good night, people. It has been a pleasure." As I step back to Al, I tell him "Shut up." (He was still submitting.) He instantly does so. "Suck my toes." He does that too. While he does, I look over at Hung Guy and make the phone sign next to my ear. "Call me," I mouth. He nods and smiles and waves. His fiancée throws an elbow into his gut. He ignores her and keeps smiling and waving at me. Silence follows as Steve opens the door for me and we leave. I made over 3 grand that night. And I LOVE these boots! And yes, Hung Guy did call the next morning. But, if you think I'm going to tell you about getting planked by the biggest shlong in town with my ankles pinned to my ears, you've got another think coming! Well, maybe next time. (I have GOT to date more old guys. He knew, like, a ton of strokes. And I came so hard it made my nose bleed!) Later! LOL! ;-P Donna Squisito