Top Girl Mary By Montrose Shanghai is quite a trip Is it just me or are Chinese women getting taller? I was just in Shanghai on a business trip when I had the luck to work with a Chinese woman that stood 5 feet 11 inches tall (1.8 meters) and maybe 155 pounds (just over 70 KG). She was lovely, nicely shaped and had a vibrant personality. Her English was easy to understand, but sprinkled with cute, odd usage. She asked me to call her Mary. During dim sum Mary mentioned that her ancestors were from northern China, which accounted for her height. But she said, yes, the change in diet has increased average height in China recently. I love dim sum, especially when a 23-year old with dark eyes is personally slipping them into my mouth. After Mary had fed me all I could hold of their marvelous cuisine we returned to her office. On the way back we walked past a jiggle bar - a man stood outside flashing pictures of the lovely ladies I might meet inside. Mary caught me looking. "Many lovely girls in there." She said freely. "Much sexy, more than regular girls." I was sure they had nothing on her. And from the way she held her head up high I got the idea she knew it. I was too tongue tied to say anything though... for the next several minutes. Shanghai still has some of the... uh... charm that you hear about. The women are open to many things. I promised myself to take in some of the local talent that evening after work. Even as young as she was, Mary was a director in the company my company had sent me over to audit. Both her and my company had corporate headquarters in the USA but I'll say no more than that for obvious reasons. She was young for such a position, but she had a commanding presence. Her subservience bowed as she walked past. She kindly nodded to them or waved a hand. She led me into her office then called out in Chinese to a young man waiting to do her bidding. He soon returned with green tea for us both. Mary had done her homework, or at least had commanded some one to do so. She had figures and documents ready for me. As I digested she chirped away about them. I had already decided I was going to pass her company, she was that charming. But it was nice to sit and look at her while she talked. She must have noticed a hypnotized look in my eye for she stopped her explanations and wrinkled her cute little nose. "Ascent?" She asked. "Comply?" "Pardon?" "You comply with what I say?" she asked. Then she tried again. "Does this agree?" "Oh! Are you asking if I understand?" "Yes." "You looked..." she tipped her head to the right, "uncertain." "I'm sorry." I blushed. Had she spotted me admiring her? "I was just..." I had a hard time keeping contact with her dark, probing eyes. "I think everything you say has been great. I comply. I mean... I understand." When I could finally look up into her eyes she was smiling at me. It was a half smile. She leaned back in her high backed chair and slipped a long finger into her blouse popping the top button open. Her pert cleavage came into view. I almost choked on the sip of tea I had in my mouth. Mary smiled more openly. "You have sex feeling for Asian girl, Mr. Tom." Mary said in a low voice. It was not a question. "You like Mary." She stroked her slick black hair. I blushed some more but I had to comply. "Yes." I whispered. She got up on those long legs of hers and walked around to sit on her desk right in front of me. Her slit skirt slid off to expose her firm, smooth legs. "You will pass my company, Mr. Tom." She stated. I nodded and just gaped at those legs. She kicked one foot like a pendulum. I felt bewitched when her scent reached me. My heart pounded behind my silk tie. She patted me on the head like a pet. "Good boy, Mr. Tom." She purred. "You save us many boring hours. Maybe you like to go see sites with Mary now? We have good times." She tipped my head up with a finger on my chin. "Mary take you to Shanghai Market. We have good times." "Anything you say." I panted. "Yes." She purred. There is something about a young Asian girl addressing my 45-year old ass like I'm some kind of lap dog that really gives me wood. I slid my notebook over my groin to hide it. But not before she saw the bulge. "VELLY good boy. Mr. Tom has much... what is the word... bona." She bent down and put her lips in my ear. She whispered "Mary like bona velly much." Mary escorted me from the office and down into the teaming tropical streets. Cabs beeped and swerved past heavily laden bicycles. The air was thick with spice and humidity. She slipped her long arm around mine and led me down a back alley. I would not have chosen to walk down it alone, but I trusted that Mary knew what she was doing. A disreputable man leered at us from behind some boxes, but he didn't approach. Mary ignored him. On the other side was a public park that had been completely overrun by temporary structures packed to the gills with counterfeit products. Belts, DVDs, watches, cameras, hand bags, luggage, dresses, shoes and more labeled with high fashion name were represented beyond count. I must have seen 10,000 Rolex watches. I didn't check to see if the name was spelled right. There was also an enormous supply of silks, jade and other tourist bric-a-brac. Nothing had a price tag on it. When we were within twenty feet Mary stopped us. Three young men were approaching us, looking only at me, the white man in a tie. "You will excuse." Mary said. "Wait." I stood there as she met the men half way. The big one she took down with a quick foot to the throat. He fell like a bag full of wet meat, gagging. The other two dived onto her. In a flurry she whipped their heads together. The melon sound they made striking each other made my stomach sick. They tried to fall but Mary held them up by their necks. She shouted in Mandarin at them. The one on her left took a swing at her. She smacked him in the face with the face of the other one. She shouted some more and spat on them. She threw them down on top of the big guy who was just staggering to his feet. Mary shouted at the big guy. She seemed to be offering to fight him. He looked sheepishly back and forth between his damaged friends who were just able to keep to their knees. He bowed low to Mary. She did not bow back. She shouted order to him. In a short time he had three other big men like himself. They formed a circle around us and kept others from touching us as we waded into the crowded market. Many saw me and tried to approach. None made it through Mary's protective forces. I did want to pick up a few trinkets. I saw an ornamental sword that caught my eye. We wondered into the shop. Mary shouted and our guards threw everyone else out. We had the store to ourselves, besides the shop owner, of course. He bowed and looked happy, as if having customers thrown out were nothing to call the police about. Mary began haggling with him over the price of the sword. He turned to me. "Sir like this one? High quality! You buy 500!" Mary shouted and one of the guards smacked the man in the face. "You talk to me!" Snarled Mary in English. Then the two of them haggled. Eventually Mary stopped shouting and snarling down at the poor man. Shaking, he handed her the sword. Mary took it and gave it to one of our guards. He would be our first bag boy. "Then she turned to me. "Give him 25." "25?" I gasped. "That's like... $3 US!" I guessed that this same blade would cost me around $100 in the states. "At that price I should take two!" I joked. Mary grabbed another blade and handed it to the bag boy. "Give him 6 then." She said. The shop owner moaned but took the money and bowed as we left. "Thank you Mary." I said as we walked along. "I love bargain." She admitted. "You're certainly good at it." I murmured. "I bet you're good at a lot of things..." She eyed me with a smile. "What else you want." She asked. I gulped. "Watches? Silks?" "Silks... yes." I stammered. What I really wanted was Mary. An hour later we had two loaded bag boys and I had spent less than $35 US. I begged Mary and she let me tip the guard and bag boys 1 Chinese Yuan each. After that she chased them away and we piled into a cab back to my hotel. Even the best hotel in Shanghai isn't overly priced by US standards, so I had sprung for the executive suite on the top floor. My bedroom overlooked the Huangpu River from the colonial side. Mary lined up a bellhop to help with my parcels then asked, or rather stated, "You will invite up for drink." The elevator came and she hustled me on before I could answer. I felt my face flush at the idea. "Yes please!" She moved unnecessarily close and breather into my face. "You no need to beg Mr. Tom." She smiled so sweetly. "Not yet." I gulped - in her heels she was an inch taller than me. She jumped a bit when my growing cock pounded against her leg. For the first time I saw her blush, but it looked more from passion than shyness. In the room I handed her a tall glass of port. She drained it in one go. It rattled her long frame. Her eyes crossed for a moment, then she shoved the glass at me and smiled. "Good!" She purred. "You like port, do you?" I asked as I filled her glass again. "Never had before." She gurgled. Then she took another powerful swig. "It makes me hot." She fanned her face with her free hand. "Oh, you were hot before you came up here." I murmured into my drink. "Huh?" she asked. There was a slight sway to her. "I said, may I offer you a seat here?" I lead her by her arm to the coach. She slid down gracefully and I slid in next to her. Close. "You like sex, Mr. Tom?" She asked as she leaned into me. She patted my face as she drank. I was emboldened by the privacy and my own dips into the port. "I do, Mary." I whispered back. "I warn you..." she shook a long finger in my face. "I'm aglessive. Wild cat." And to prove it she planted a kiss on me that dropped me flat on my back. She straddled me and did things with her tongue on my face that felt better than most of the blowjobs I've ever received! "You like?" she purred in my wet ear. "Oh god!" was all I could say. "I warn shou." She slurred. "Mary aglessive. Mary... top girl!" She sat up on my chest and pulled her skirt and blouse up and off. Her tight panty glad rump bounced on my chest as her pert rack swayed overhead. No bra required. "Top girl is right!" I groaned from below. "You comply." She whispered. "Good." Then she slid up onto my face and moved her red silk panties to one side. "You lick. You lick me long time." What else could I do? I licked. I licked her long time. My god could that girl thrash and moan. I do believe she was enjoying herself. Trouble was she kept on enjoying herself. At some point she whipped off the slick panties, but she just kept on my face, now and then pouring herself a fresh port. My face was getting soaking in her juice. It was clogging my ears. I mean, I don't mind giving a girl a good time, but eventually I get so frustrated I'm going to have to get some or explode. I dropped my pants to my ankles. "How about turning around and taking care of me, Mary." I called up, holding my bone up for her to see. She gave it a passing glance over her shoulder. "Bona too big. Mary too tight for you. You lick." "Please?" I begged. She chuckled. "Good boy." She laughed. "Now is time you beg." She took another deep drink. Beg my ass! I thought. Another couple drinks and she'll be all mine. She was already rocky on her pins. I chose my moment. She was just peaking to another climax when I slid my face out from under her. I jumped up behind her shedding my shirt. My chest made contact with her bare back driving her down onto all fours on the coach. My cock divided her ass cheeks like I was Moses with his staff and she was the red sea. She grunted and shook her head, groggy from the booze. Her long black hair covered her face. I rubbed up and down her ass crack as I reached around to cup her tits. "Oh so fine." I groaned into her ear. My left hand dipped to her pie. Damn! She was tight! She reached one arm around and caressed my neck. Then she arched her back and tugged. I slipped upside down into the air like paper in the wind! She tugged again and I cam crashing down on my back on the floor. She staggered around like she lost track of me. I stood and jumped her from behind again. She flipped me easy as you please back onto the couch. And then SPLAT! Her ass slapped down onto my face again. "Maly tof gill." She slurred. The port had an impact on her speech, but not her fighting ability. Suddenly she barked something in Mandarin and grabbed my cock in both hands. Her long fingers wrapped around. There was plenty sticking out above her double grip. "You sooo big!" she gasped as if she hadn't seen it before. Then she slapped the tip of my hard on like it was a face! And it hurt! "You try to be tough with Mary." She snarled. "Mary show you!" And she slapped it again! I struggled but couldn't pull my head out this time. She had clamped her hard legs around my neck with her ass stuffed in my face! I could barely breath! I pulled desperately at her legs. She kept slapping my dick until I cried! Eventually she turned her head and smiled down at me. Mary laughed and tossed her jet black hair. Then she squeezed my neck harder! "Please!" I gasped. "You think you beg now?" She taunted me. "You wait and see." She waggled her buns so that I thought she would snap my neck! "Please! You're killing me!" She just laughed and put some more hurt on me. Just as I was about to pass out she let up. She sat on my chest as I panted for air. She drained the port bottle, then tossed it into a corner. She stood, wobbled a few steps to the left, pulled herself up and turned to me. "You my dog!" she barked as her eyes rolled in her head. She looked blotto. Surely I could take control of one drunk-ass Asian chick! "You get up, dog!" She slurred. I got up. Quick as lightning she got me in a front- headlock and leaned on me. I tugged and yanked but couldn't work free. I tried knocking her over by pushing hard this way and that. She staggered quite a bit, but she kept her feet. "Hold still, dog!" she commanded. Suddenly she broke into a short run. She let go at the last second and drove my head into the wall. I bounced off seeing stars and landed on my butt. Mary grabbed my hair and pulled me back to my feet. Once I was there she slapped me, spinning me full circle. Now I was swaying as much as her! I took a swing at her but she ducked it. She grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, then she rammed me into the wall again. With my arm pulled up behind me she stepped up behind me and nibbled my ear. She was as tall as me so she had no trouble reaching it. "You know what?" She giggled. "I hear dog like to drink from toilet. Are you thirsty dog? You want drink?" This seemed very funny to her. I grunted and struggled but she had me pinned to the wall. She licked my ear again and sent shivers up my spine. Using one hand to hold my arm pinned she used her other to grab my balls. Thus secured, she marched me into the bathroom. "Please don't." I whimpered. Mary smiled. She put her hands on her hips and stood right up in my face. "Dlink." She said. "N-N-No." I stammered. She shot a knee up into my belly, just above my balls. I guess that was her way of showing mercy. I dropped to my knees. She guided my head over the bowl with her legs. Then she stepped on the back of my neck and forced my head into the bowl. "Dlink." I lapped up the cold water. Mary laughed. Then she dunked me deep. So this is it, I thought as bubbles rushed past my eyes. I'm going to drown in an upscale Shanghai toilet with a well manicured foot on the back of my neck. The next thing I knew Mary was pulling my head up out of the bowl and throwing me over to the shower area. It was quite a nice example of a Japanese bath. An odd addition to a Shanghai hotel, I thought. Still, very nice. Mary turned the shower on me. "Wash up Mr. Tom. You have piss water on you." She strutted off and picked up the phone. "Loom service? More port! Yes! Mr. Tom Order. Yes, a bottle. No! two!" she slammed the receiver down. "I like port." Once I was clean I walked into the living room drying my hair. Mary was downing the first tumbler full from the new bottle. "Port make face numb." She commented slapping her own face lightly. Then I saw the light of an idea twinkle in her midnight eyes. "You slap me, Mr. Tom. I try feel it." I was a bit miffed at her so I was tempted. But she had already proven to be too much for me to handle. What if she got mad? "Are you sure, Mary?" "Very sure! You shlap me hard!" And she stuck her face out and closed her eyes. I gave her a good slap, nothing really damaging. She looked more offended than hurt. "Is that all you got? Try again." And she stuck her pouty lips out and closed her eyes once more. I wanted to make her sorry for nearly drowning me. I was thinking of the panic that had welled up in me when I let fly. WHACK! The impact shock her face. Her eyes popped open. My hand stung like a five-alarm fire! "No. Really!" She said. "Slap me!" I tried again, and this time I put my back into it. It moved her head to one side and nearly broke my fingers. "No silly man!" she shouted. "Like this!" Later she told me that she had delivered four slaps before my legs gave out. I must have been out cold after the first one because I don't remember the rest. I just remember waking up with Mary sitting on my chest lightly tapping my cheek saying "Mr. Tom! Wake up!" "Please don't hit me anymore, Mary." I begged. "I'll do anything you want. I'll be good." She smiled down at me. "Who is Mary?" she asked. It took me a second to figure out what she wanted to hear. "Mary is top girl!" I said with conviction. "Good dog." She said. "You kiss Mary's fine ass some more, big white dog, then we go out." "Gladly." I said, though it was muffled by her cheeks descending onto my lips. A short while later we where dressed formal and seated at a highbrow strip club. Private tables were crowded with Japanese and German businessmen. The girls were a mix of oriental and Swedish. They danced by invitation for each table privately. One particular Swede girl was so damn hot I had pounding wood from watching her dance at our table. At that very second Mary whispered in my ear. "Who is top girl?" Thank god I remembered to say "Mary is top girl." "You like big-titty blonde? Yes? She has hot body! Yes? You like big fleshy girl?" she asked. "Who? Me?" I squeaked. Mary gave me a side-long look. "Is okay with me. I think she is hot-sexy too." And damned if Mary didn't have her eyes all up and down that girl Heidi, as she was billed. We watched Heidi dance and rub herself in front of us a while longer, slapping yuan down now and then to keep her there. Then Mary had another idea. She called Heidi up close and whispered to her, playing with her nipple as she did. The two girls giggled and nodded together then looked at me, then giggled again. I gulped. Then Heidi slithered her curvy self up on my lap and she stuck her big hooters in my face. They muffled sound. Her beefy blonde pie mashed down onto my boner, wetting my pants. She pulled back so I could breath and smiled down at me. "Vood choo like to haff me for sex?" She asked in a darling Swede accent. "Dear god yes!" I growled into her cleavage. "You haff 1,000 yuan?" she asked. "It's yours!" I promised. Then Mary leaned in. "Now tell her who is top girl." She whispered loud enough for Heidi to hear. Heidi rubbed her tits in my face, trying to sway my vote, I believe. "You vant Heidi, no? Every man vant Heidi. You say Heidi and I vill make you're dreams come true." I gasped, almost cumming in my pants as she rubbed on me, then I managed to cough out, "Mary. Mary is top girl." Mary looked pleased as she smirked up at Heidi. I took one more lick on Heidi's bobbing boob before she pulled away. "You are pussy vipped by this Chinese cunt." Snapped the Swede. "Yes." I admitted freely. Mary smiled. Heidi looked at Mary. "You vin." And she handed Mary 500 Yuan. I had to ask. "Can I still have her, Mary?" Mary shrugged. She didn't care. She was happy counting her winnings. Before Heidi could walk away I touched her hand. She glared down at me. "She says I can still have you..." "2,000!" snapped Heidi. "And I get to watch." Interjected Mary. "4,000." Spat Heidi. "Stop! All right!" I shouted. "Jesus!" 8,000 yuan later I was tit fucking Heidi in my hotel room while Mary drank and watched. It didn't take long before I blew a prodigious load in her face. When she stood she towered over me. She was just over 6 feet tall and maybe 185 pounds (1.85 meters and 83.9 kilograms) of sexy flesh. My cum dripped form her face back down onto me. She bent down and kissed me, forcing a great gob of my own sperm into my mouth. Now I didn't pay for that! I struggled to get free, but she held me firm in a bear grip! She lifted me from the floor still kissing me! Pushing the air from my lungs! Mary shouted "You be good to Mr. Tom!" Heidi threw me into a corner. "You vont to make me you scrawny little cunt?" she snarled at Mary. Mary stood. "I would like." And she bowed. That's when Heidi landed on her and drover her face into the floor. I was sure Mary would not recover from that first blow. But Heidi didn't take anything for granted. She immediately locked Mary's head between her big hard thighs and squeezed. Mary screamed. "You little cunt!" snapped Heidi. "I'll show you who is top girl!" Mary tried to grab at her but Heidi grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms in a terrible angle. Then she rolled over so her ass crushed down onto Mary's face. Slowly but surely Mary's struggles grew light. "Vhat do you sink of your little cunt now, Mr. Tom?" Asked Heidi smiling over at me seductively ass I lay still gasping in the corner. Before I could answer Mary's legs flipped up and caught around Heidi's neck. Now the girls were choking each other in scissor holds. Heidi's legs were bigger and had more muscle, but Mary's were harder and more slender. They did a better job of cutting off air. It wasn't long before the big Swede bomb shell fell over. Mary pulled her head free and spanked Heidi's ass as she continued to strangle her. But she got up before she finished the job. She let Heidi stand. Then she flipped the big girl and smashed her back onto the floor. To Heidi's credit she leaped up ready for more. Mary was glad she did. Three throws later and Heidi stayed down. "On knees!" She shouted down at the Swede. Heidi complied. Mary sat on her like she was a pony. "Who is top girl?" asked Mary. "Mary is top girl." Panted Heidi. A few minutes later I was ass-hammering Heidi while Mary sat on the couch finishing the second bottle of port. Heidi had her face busy in Mary's muff between us. In the morning Heidi was gone and Mary used me as a chair in the shower as she washed up. "It was pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Tom." She made small talk. "I'm sure I will never forget it, Miss Mary." I said from below. "Thank you for showing me such a good time!" "You enjoy Heidi?" "Yes!" I answered without thinking. A wet washcloth slapped me across the mouth. "But not nearly as much as I enjoyed you!" I added - though she had never let me fuck her, damn it! "Thank you for sharing Heidi with me." I added. "I enjoy." Hummed Mary. I had noticed that. "Maybe you can teach me that fisting thing you did on her. I believe that Swede fell in love with you!" Mary only laughed. "You like? I do it to you." "Please no!" I begged. "Hmmmmmm." She considered as she ran a sharp nail up my ass crack. "Maybe if you give me... 20,000 yuan I not ass-rape you?" "Deal!" I would need to cash in more traveler's checks but I don't think my rectum could take it. Once she had cleaned herself and dress I knelt and bowed to her, very low, head on the floor. She stood admiring her nails. "You serve me next time you in Shanghai?" "Yes, Missy Mary." I panted. "I can think of nothing more I would rather do that serve top girl Mary!" "You are wise." She patted my bent back. Then she turned and lifted her skirt offering me one last lick of her sweet young ass. God I love Shanghai!