Amazon Conquest By Montrose Little Dan first gets beaten by and then seduces a friend's Amazon mother Dan was lean and on the short side. At nineteen he was only five and a half feet tall and 132 pounds. What he had going for him was wiry muscle and a big chip on his shoulder. The big dopes that hung out on his street had stopped pushing him around when he knocked the teeth out of the biggest one. Hulk, a big bastard almost a foot taller than Dan, with rolling shoulders and a broad chest had pushed him off the sidewalk once. Dan saw red. He had fought like an animal, ripping, kicking, biting and in the end, smashing Hulk's big stupid head on the curb, over and over. Now, they left him alone. Part of Dan lived to prove he was a big man, to conquer big men. And as it happened, one big woman. Dan made friends with a geek named Eric Usler, in the apartment building across the street. He didn't have much in common with Eric, who was six feet tall and soft as putty. The guy never did anything but play video games. But Eric's mom was worth looking at. Dan came over just to watch her walk around in those skimpy outfits she wore. She as a goddess. She was taller than Eric, standing six feet two inches barefoot, which she was mostly, when home. According to the diet chart on the fridge, she listed her weight as fluctuating between 165 and 185. Dan thought she looked magnificent, either way. Hers was an hourglass shape over killer gams and feet worthy of red nail polish. She went light on the makeup, but her toes and fingernails were always perfect and bright red. Currently, she seemed to be tipping the scales at around 45 pounds more than Dan. She must have given birth very young, because she looked to be no older than 30. Of course, she had to be in her mid-thirties or more, because Eric was eighteen, but she looked younger. Especially when she put her wavy blonde hair up and dressed up to go out at night. She had dates every weekend. Dan had dreams of being the man that picked her up to go out on one of her dates. But they were always tall, middle-aged guys, grey at the temples - handsome fuckers in fancy clothes. He was sure he could treat her better than they could. One weekend, she didn't have a date. Dan was over, pretending to watch Eric play a game. Eric's mom, Anna, puttered in the kitchen wearing a silky white nighty that barely covered her crotch. When she moved her long legs quickly, the nighty floated and flashed a baby blue triangle over her groin and a thin thread disappearing up her meaty hams - a thong. The gauzy fabric blurred, but did not conceal her ample melons from view. Her feet were in feathery pink 1-inch spike heeled slippers, open at the toe. She hummed tunelessly as she made popcorn in the microwave. Dan's palms were wet. He craned his neck to see Anna when her back was turned. Just one more glimpse of those perfectly round cheeks! He must have her! He ached for her! Eric was oblivious - lost in his game. Sometimes he spoke. Dan grunted or said something noncommittal in return. "Who seems more evil to you, Darth Vader or Q from Star Trek?" Eric asked as he shot images on the screen. "Yeah, probably," Dan answered as he watched Anna bend over to pull the popcorn out of the microwave. It was magical how her legs met up with her cheeks. Poetry how her muff peeked out in back as she bent over. Dan's heart quickened. Eric didn't seem to notice the response. He just kept playing his game. Dan watched Anna's fanny jiggle as she shook the bag into a bowl. When Anna turned around holding the popcorn, Dan snapped his head back to the video game. "Oh Daniel... dear-heart." Anna's voice was as smooth as her skin. It also had a deep, sensual quality. "How would you like some of this?" Dan gulped and turned back to her. She was smiling and holding the popcorn level with her substantial bosom - or as he called them, her Baaa-Zoooooooms. She took one light fluffy piece and slid it between her full lips. It was gone. "Come and get it," she whispered. Dan stood, as ordered, and walked over as if in a dream. She grew taller the closer her got. She was colossal. Her clear blue eyes sparkled from on high - 9 inches above his own. She flashed white teeth in her smile. When he reached for the bowl, she moved it back. He stepped forward to reach for it again, confused. She stepped back into the kitchen, holding the bowl just out of his reach. He followed, butterflies growing in his firm belly. Her scent was thick in his nose, making him giddy. Like a cat on a mouse, Anna leaped on Dan and pressed him up against a wall of the kitchen, out of sight of the living room and Eric. Before he could make a sound, her mouth covered his. Somehow, she had managed to set the popcorn on the table and was now crushing Dan's biceps in her long, vise-like fingers. She picked him up as they kissed, nailing him to the wall. Her perfect nails dug into his skin. Her left thigh pressed his groin, teasing him into full erection. The kiss made him lightheaded. When she pulled back and let go, Dan dropped back to his feet, still up against the wall before her. He was panting hard. Dan reached for another kiss, but her lips were too far over his head. She tittered down at him. "I knew it. You're a randy little boy, aren't you?" She tweaked his nose. Her thigh muscle kept working his cock back and forth in his pants. Her tits were centimeters from his nose. "Yeah... you got it bad, poor thing." She shook her hair and patted it with one hand. Her boobs bounced in his face. "I know how it feels. I'm a horny bitch, myself." He couldn't help himself. He plunged his face into her cleavage. Her leg came up hard into his balls. Not as hard as she could - just hard enough to raise a stitch in his side. "Why, you naughty boy," she purred as he groaned with pain. "What a dirty mind you have. Oh, I didn't hit you that hard. Take it like a man." Dan forced himself to stand upright, despite the pain rushing up his side. Tears welled in his eyes. "Mrs. Ulser," he gasped. "I... I love you." Anna sighed. "You do not love me, you silly thing. You want to fuck me so bad you can taste it, yes. You would kill to fuck me, most likely. But that is not love, boy. And don't call me Mrs. Usler. It makes me feel ancient. Call me... Mistress Anna." Her eyes glistened. "Yes. You may call me Mistress Anna, you lucky boy." She pinched his cheek until he winced. "Mistress Anna." Dan savored the words. "You are the most beautiful woman in..." "Yes, of course. I've heard it all before. You can write me a poem later. Eric will wonder where you went sooner or later. Don't you want to do more than talk?" Dan smiled up at her. He put his hands on her plump ass and rubbed in big circles. So firm and round... "Did I tell you to touch my fanny?" The menace in her voice was palpable. Dan yanked his hands away. He was so confused. And his boner was growing painfully hard. Didn't she want him to... "You will do as I say, or I will hurt you. Do you understand me, boy?" "Yes, Mistress Anna. But..." "But what?" she snapped. She looked down into his hope filled eyes. "Oh you poor sap. Can't you see I'm just going to use you? I'm horny, it's Friday, and my date called in sick - or more likely his wife came home early. I need your equipment for a while, so I'm taking it. It's as simple as that." "But, what about..." "What about your needs?" Mistress Anna snorted. "Okay, sport. I tell you what. We'll head back to my room. If you can turn me over your knee and spank me, I'll do anything you want. But I have to tell you, what is really going to happen is, I'm going to sit on your face and take my pleasure from your tongue. What you do with your messy little tool after that is your business." With that she grabbed his ear and dragged him out of the kitchen and into the living room. She set the popcorn down next to her son. "Danny is going to help me hang curtains, dear. He'll be right back." "Okay." Eric never took his eyes off the screen. Mistress Anna pulled Dan down a hall and flung him into the master bedroom. It was the most opulent room in the apartment by far. Most rooms were sparsely furnished and decorated. Anna Ulser's bedroom looked like a harem quarters, with pillows and mattresses everywhere and silks dangling at angles from the ceiling. Whips, manacles, velvet ropes, vibrators, and other items Dan couldn't name stuck out from under various pillows here and there. There was the smell of scented lubricants in the air. She threw Dan over onto a mattress. He landed face down. When he turned over, Mistress Anna had removed her nighty and stood over him in only her thong and slippers. She stood like an Amazon Warrior Goddess, so fit and shapely. He saw rolling muscle on her shoulders and arms - far bigger than his, if not as firm. "Now's you chance, boy. Are you ready to take me in hand?" He stood. They took up stances - her as fluid as a cat. He lunged at her, confident after his fight with Hulk, that he would be spanking that perfect ass in no time. Then he would be fucking it. He charged with all his might, hands ready to grab her and throw her down. Anna pushed his arms out of her way in one practiced move, and slid him into a head lock. Then she leaned and fell on him with all her weight. Dan gasped under the impact. She clamped his neck and one arm in an embrace with her chest in his face. Her long legs grape-vined around his, holding them in a grip so powerful, he could not move them. "Not a real good start," Anna commented from above. "Please tell me you can do better than this." Dan flailed with his one free arm, but couldn't get any leverage with the pillows and mattress. And he couldn't roll Mistress Anna off. Couldn't budge her. Within a minute he began to panic and whimper. He was blacking out from lack of air. Anna let go. Dan gulped in sweet oxygen. Anna spun around and clamped his head between her thighs. Belly to belly, she arched her back and put him into a figure 4 leg lock that mashed his face up her butt. It grew tighter as his head slipped up her ass. "Yeah," she purred. "Now you have me where you want me, right? You've got me on the run now," she chuckled. Again, he couldn't breath. He was getting claustrophobic. Now his arms and legs were free, but he was already weakened from lack of air. His hands could do nothing with her strong legs. His legs found no purchase on the silk sheets. Anna hummed tunelessly as she choked and smothered Dan in her figure 4. Before he blacked out, Anna let him go. She crawled around to his side, slapping his nearly unconscious face. "You might as well give in now, boy. I'm going to start bringing the pain, now, until you agree to be my slave." She kneeled on his head, driving her knee into his ear and neck. She took his right arm and twisted it painfully behind his back as he flopped in agony. His shoulder popped. "Do you submit? Hmm, little man? Do you? I can keep bringing it all day. I'm not even breaking a sweat here." The little man comment triggered the last of Dan's fighting spirit. He flailed with all he was worth. Anna laughed as she held him in place. He made no progress, even with the fury that had helped him beat Hulk. "Silly little man still has some fight, does he? Should I let you up to see what you got?" "I'll show you!" he snarled. Anna stood up, letting him go. "Fine, little man. Bring it." She helped him to his feet. Dan charged. Anna didn't try to dodge. Dan drove a shoulder into Anna's exposed tummy. It took all he had, but he knocked her back three steps into a wall. He heard her gasp. Then he felt her arms wrap around his middle. She picked him up like a sack of wheat and held him on her shoulder as she walked back to the center of the room. She bounced up and down a few times, cracking his back over her shoulder. "AARGH!" He moaned as his back arched the wrong way. He saw stars as he looked up at her ceiling. Then she threw him back down to her feet. He landed on the back of his head. "Is that all you got, little man?" She kicked him in the gut. He rolled a few times. Dizzy and in pain, Dan stood. He charged. Anna winked and wiggled her tits at him. He stammered to a halt and his jaw dropped open. He had never seen anything so fascinating as those wobbling hooters. While he was distracted, her foot, still wearing a thin heeled slipper jumped up and mashed into his chest. It left a bruise the shape of her slipper's soul across his chest and sent him flying backwards. Hulk had never tried a trick like that. How could he fight someone so much bigger than him who could also take his mind off the fight just by shaking her shoulders? He knew now she was toying with him. He didn't stand a chance. He lay gasping like a fish at her feet. Did he have a cracked rib? Mistress Anna smiled down. She fixed a stray lock of hair back into place. She slid out of her thong, then dropped it on his throbbing groin. "I would say you are beat. Wouldn't you agree?" Dan nodded, still unable to speak. "Fine then. Then, let's move on." She smiled down and fingered her blonde bush. "What to do first?" She kicked a long tube laying next to Dan. He looked at it and recognized it as a strap-on cock, easily over a foot long. "Oh no..." he begged softly, trembling all over. "please." He imagined her mounting him from behind and splitting his ass open. He would not be able to stop her. Mistress Anna threw her head back and laughed. "Lucky for you, I'm not in the mood for that sort of thing. I'm more interested in getting down to business tonight." She dropped down and sat on his face. "Get your tongue out, little boy. Whoop! Yeah... like that. Nice long tongue you got there! OH! Strong too... yeah... Stick it right up there." She worked her hips over his face so that his lips and tongue, his nose and eyes, all made contact with her dripping clam and pink asshole. After a while, she picked up the pace. Dan kneaded her voluptuous bum as she humped his face. She was delicious. He worked her for all he was worth. When she yelled and came, he gulped it down. Some splashed over his face and into his ears, but he got a belly full. "Again!" she gasped. They started over. "Jesus! Where did you learn to do this?" she panted in a quivering voice. "Dear god! I've never... Oh my god!" Dan didn't answer. He just kept working. She came again. "Holy fuck! Holy fucking shit! Holy! OH! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Mistress Anna shivered all over, tense as a bow string. "Oh god..." she panted more quietly, shaking. "Jesus... that was..." Slowly she relaxed. Then she slid down and put her lips to Dan's sopping wet mouth. She kissed him. She licked her juice off his face. "Kid, you just earned yourself one free ride. A multiple-O like that has to count for something. How do you want it? I'm up for all of it," she panted, biting his neck between words. "Fuck me! Cum in my face! Anything you want! Do it all and start over!" She was acting like the schoolgirls he had banged now. They always got all chatty and devoted after the first time. Could this Amazon be falling for him like a mere schoolgirl? It seemed impossible. She was so much better than all of them put together. He decided to be brave and ask for what he really wanted. "Your ass... may I?" Anna picked her head up and smiled down at him. "You want to hump my big rump? Even when I'm high on the scale? How sweet. You like my ass, do you?" "Your butt-crack is magnificent," Dan blushed. "I want to play in there... then maybe..." his knee nudged her clam, playfully. "You know... we could... from behind..." "I see!" she giggled. "A little doggy fun! Maybe a donkey punch? I love that!" Mistress Anna leaped up to her hands and knees. She offered her meaty hind end to Dan. "You already been sniffing it. Now do your worst!" she teased. She slapped her own ass. "Hop on, cowboy!" Dan yanked his pants off and knelt behind her. This was his dream. He rubbed his hard-on up and down her deep, sweaty ass-crack. "Ooooooo," he moaned. Mistress Ann rolled her hips for him. She was so slippery and smooth. She clenched and unclenched her cheeks for him. "Oh you stud. You're such a tease with that big salami. That cannon. That flesh torpedo. You know I want it, you man you! Give it to me! Come on, baby! Cram me!" She moaned, playing with him. Dan smiled and reached around her wide hips. He fingered her pie with a tender touch. "Oh GOD!" Now she wasn't playing. "Please! Come on now, FUCK me already! This isn't fair! Come on, baby! Oh, please fuck me!" she begged. She started finger banging herself, unable to wait. Dan stuffed his meat up her wet slice, next to her fingers. Mistress Anna arched her back and yelled out. He grabbed a handful of her hair and began riding her hard, pulling back on her hair. Her big ass bounced and shivered to his hammering strokes. Mistress Anna grunted in time as well. Dan snorted and yanked harder on her hair. He spanked her ass with his free hand. "Oh YES! Spank me! I'm such a bad girl! Spank me big boy!" Dan obliged, driving her cheeks to a nice ruby glow. He may not have won the fight, but he was in charge now. He hammered the Amazon from behind, driven to a raging erection by the enormity of his conquest. God, she was beautiful when she was getting laid. This was way better than doing cheerleaders under the bleachers at halftime. When he came, he clung to her tits as she bucked, urging on another orgasm of her own. He had to hold on tight or she would throw him. Near the end, as his last wave was peaking, he pulled back a fist and punched her in the back of the head. She tightened up on his cock and yelled out. His hand throbbed. Her head was hard. Then they both fell over in a wet, gasping pile. "You really did it!" she gave an embarrassed laugh. "You fucking donkey punched me during a mutual orgasm, you little scamp! You crazy monkey!" She tickled him and kissed him until he had to beg her to stop so he could breath. "Donkey punch me, will you! Next time I sit on your face I'll punch your balls when I'm about to cum!" They laughed and rolled, Anna, of course, controlling the play with her physical power, but relenting when he cried "'nuff." Minutes later, Mistress Anna cleaned Dan's cock and balls, licking up the last drops of his sperm, on her knees before him. He rested his hands on her head and admired her broad shoulders. Then she pulled his pants back up for him. "You are quite a man, Daniel," she said. "I want to thank you for tonight. But please, don't tell my son. That might be... awkward." She blushed. "I promise," he said, petting her hair. She stood, towering over him once more. They hugged, his face disappearing in her cleavage. When they rejoined Eric, the popcorn was gone. "I should get you boys something to drink. And eat. Would you like a pizza? I'll order a pizza." "Meat lovers," said Eric. "A meat lovers pizza," Anna said. "And ice cream, maybe. I know I want ice cream - chocolate. I'll order the pizza." "Yeah" Eric said, still playing. "Get some soda too." "Is that all right with you, Daniel? Can I get you anything? Is that all right?" asked Anna, leaning on the kitchen doorframe, back in her nighty and thong. A dribble of goo was running down her thigh. She sure was being chatty. Dan figured she was nervous about Eric. "That's fine, Mistress... Mrs. Ulser," Daniel replied. "How do the curtains look?" asked Eric. "What curtains? I mean, no! Yes. I decided against them. Right Daniel?" "Yeah." Dan decided to not elaborate. A simple lie is always better. Once his mother was in the den, on the phone for pizza, Eric looked at Dan and smiled. "So, you stuck it to my mom." "What?" "Don't panic. And don't look so shocked. I could hear her screaming from out here. That was louder than usual." Dan blushed. Eric continued. "It's either you or some old fuck she meets out there." Eric nodded toward the world at large. He resumed his game. "Better you than them. At least she feels guilty enough for balling a friend of mine that now she's spoiling us with treats and attention." Dan was stunned into silence. Eric continued. "Ball her all you want. She seems to like it, and I can keep reaping the benefits. Just don't fill me in on any details. She is my mom, after all." He smiled up at Dan. He had his mother's blue eyes. "Okay," Dan said with a shiver. "Deal." Anna came back to the kitchen. "The pizza is on its way." Her cheeks still showed red under her nighty from the spanking. Dan gulped and glanced at Eric. He was glued to his game. "Can I get you men anything until it gets here?" "Orange juice. Squeeze it fresh. Mix it with bubbly water and a twist of lemon. Serve it over crushed ice," Eric ordered. "Two?" she looked at Dan with a big smile on her face, not daunted by the surly order. "Sure. Thanks." "My pleasure!" She trotted into the kitchen and got to work, hand squeezing oranges and twisting lemons. Eric smiled. "You must have really handed it to her. No details, though." Dan nodded. The situation was weird, but workable. He could live with it. When Anna delivered the orange drinks, she gently rubbed Dan's shoulder. "You can come here anytime, Daniel," she said. "As often as you want. We love having you." Dan blushed again. But the obvious surrender in her words gave him wood. His conquest was complete. He owned the big horny bitch. Eric pretended to not notice. "I think I'll take a long bath," she sighed. "Freshen up a little." She strolled back down the hall, toward the master bedroom and private bath. She looked once over her shoulder at Dan, who was watching her walk. She smiled and ducked into her room. Clean my cum off your leg, Dan thought with a chuckle. Then he thought about how Mistress Anna would look with soap bubbles all over her tits. He got up and stretched as casually as he could muster. "You know, I'm just gonna go and..." Dan began. "No details," Eric cut in. "Right. See you after a while." Dan followed Eric's mom. "You want me to call you when the pizza gets here?" "Uhm... no. That's cool. Thanks." Dan ducked into Mistress Anna's room and snuck up on her bathroom door. The water was running. "More for me," Eric mumbled and returned to his game.