A Succubus in Modern Times By Montrose Constance meets Emily (Part 2: a continuation of the Mistress Shanks story. There might be a 3rd part) Constance kept secrets like treasures. Some of her secrets, in fact, were priceless antiquities. For example, she new more about chakras, energy and the life force within everything than even the masters of old. To Constance, energy patterns and life force were not mysteries, but central to her being, at a conscious level. They were her food and drink. Even her roommate and lover, Mary Jo Shanks, knew nothing of this. To all outward appearances, Constance was a sweet, tender, beautiful, sexually potent young woman. Standing five feet nine inches and weighing a pleasingly rounded 185 pounds, Constance did not present an overpowering figure, but certainly an alluring, erotic one - a cross between May West and Betty Page. Looking at her, you might guess her weight to be more along the lines of 160. She carried it well, even in defiance of gravity. Also, looking at her, you might guess her age to be 21. She was in fact, well over 4 thousand years old. Constance, as she is called in this era, is a succubus. Not the sort that drinks blood. Constance sucks energy. But to think of her as a tool of the dark lord would be to over simplify this ancient and complex personality. Constance preferred to think of herself as a Goddess, walking among mortals. The one called Satan seldom came to call anymore. She had learned a little of how to keep him at bay. It had been a simple enough process to find work as a Goddess. She had walked into a strip club called the Shake Down and found the owner (Mr. Forbs). In a back room she stroked his face, hypnotizing him with her wide, dark, gleaming eyes. She aligned his chakras, allowing energy to flow freely from the earth into him, through him, up through his body, up into his mind, gathering his life essence and flavoring it, then sending it out and into her own magnificent frame. This caused a few things to happen. Fist, aligning Mr. Forbs' chakras and washing them with energy produced in him a sense of euphoria - a momentary glimpse of nirvana. Flavoring that energy with his life essence produce the food Constance craved. Pulling as much as she wanted of this life essence infused energy out of him and into her, fed Constance and depleted Forbs. If she emptied him completely, he would become her vampire slave. Constance had played with such toys long ago, but felt no need for them now. She only took enough to live on, and maybe a little more if she thought her victim could afford it. The last thing it did was to place Mr. Forbs in complete awe of Constance. He came out of his trance feeling like he had just had the best sex of his life. He was completely spent, but euphoric. Instantly, he bowed down to her and kissed her feet. He obeyed her commands without question. He set her up as a Goddess in his establishment and furnish her with willing worshipers - among these the chief of police and the mayor. The fact that the mayor was a hetero woman did not save her from Constance's charms. A large storage room was converted into a temple, sanctified by Constance herself. She received her flock there, and performed the same energy draining ritual upon them. They paid her great sums to let her consume their energy and life essence as they worshipped at her feet. They felt drained and satisfied beyond anything else they could experience. Not even a double blow job from the Johnson twins (star strippers in the club) could compete. Her worshipers left satisfied, and returned as soon as they could. All of them set up secret shrines to her back in their homes. They prayed to her daily. This also fed Constance. But nobody in over 2 thousand years had proved to be such a valuable source of life energy as young Mary Jo Shanks. Not since the days of the great prophets had Constance sucked life essence from someone to the point where she could hold no more, ands still that person had more to give. It was a delight to Constance to gorge herself on Mary Jo and then allow the vibrant young woman to lick her to a sexual climax. Spiritual climax upon sexual climax upon power climax. Her time with Mary Jo was precious to Constance. It tickled Constance that Mary Jo thought she was the dominant one in the relationship. She allowed Mary Jo to mount her with a strap on now and then, after she was full to bursting with the human woman's life essence. She had even sucked that fake phallus, and licked Mary Jo's firm ass. She had never done that for anyone else. The tongues of all the great rulers in history had been up Constance's wide ass. Mary Jo's anus was unique in that Constance had reciprocated. When they were done with their play, both the human woman and the Goddess lay upon damp sheets, Mary Jo's blonde locks mingled with Constance's raven black tendrils. The human woman purred in slumber, blissful and relaxed. The Goddess buzzing with the fullness of life, on a high known only to immortals. Recently, her human lover had taken to being a dominatrix for a wealthy man. In the process Mary Jo had helped that man and his human partner (a woman he employed as a servant). She had fixed their lives. Now the servant woman dominated the man and they were happy. Still they craved the attention of Mary Jo. Constance understood this. They were reacting to her abundant life energy, even if they couldn't consciously sense it. But there was a small part of her that was just a little bit jealous. Mary Jo was letting the servant woman, Emily, service her sexually. Sometimes Mary Jo came home smelling of the other woman and craving sexual contact from Constance. True, Constance could tell that Mary Jo was not satisfied with Emily and that is why she ran home for "the real thing." But Constance was used to being the only one; a Goddess; worshipped. Mary Jo didn't worship Constance. She only loved her. Constance decided it was time to meet this Emily human. ^ ^ ^ Constance took a cab. She never learned how to drive, and she hadn't manifested her wings in almost 200 years. It wasn't worth fighting with increased air traffic and "UFO" sightings. She stepped out of the cab at the Smithington estate wearing flat sandals that laced up her well turned calves and a fetching skirt and blouse outfit from Nordstroms. Nothing flashy. She paid the cabby, balanced his chakras, and stole a little of his life essence just because he had a spicy middle eastern flavor that reminded her of millennia gone by. He drove off, swerving slightly in his idyllic state. Emily answered the door. She stood only five feet tall and weighed just under 100 pounds. But she was in excellent shape and Mary Jo had personally trained her to fight and wrestle. Constance knew that this little woman was a tigress in disguise. She saw it in Emily's energy pattern and aura. She also knew she was no threat to a Goddess. Before Emily could speak, Constance fixed her in a trance. Eye contact was all that was needed. She caught the small human as she swooned and carried her into the sitting room. They were alone. Constance kept Emily in a trance as she explored the woman's being. Her succubus energy invaded the human's body and searched her like a room - an act beyond intimate. This little person was full of lust, Constance realized, lust beyond reckoning, possibly beyond limits. "I'll soon empty you of that," Constance purred greedily. "Such a delicious life force you have!" She performed her ritual, sucking essence from Emily. She went much farther than she had in ages - the girl's energy had a unique flavor -desirable - addicting. Constance forced herself to stop before she emptied the human. She then realized she was aroused, near climax. Not even Mary Jo's energy had caused such a sexual, physical reaction within her. The succubus even felt a moment of doubt - she hadn't run into anything so new to her in thousands of years, maybe ever. She regained her composure, wiping sweat from her brow. She was surprised to find that her horns had partially manifested. She willed them back into her skull. She slid Emily to the floor between her knees. She aligned herself and controlled her breathing. "Interesting case, this one..." she whispered. She willed Emily to awaken. Emily instantly fell to kissing Constance's feet. "I am not worthy!" the human moaned as she washed Constance's feet with her tears and tongue. Emily was completely overwhelmed by her experience. That reassured Constance. Constance considered her. Emily... a sexual dynamo if ever there was one... second only to Mary Jo in life force from what Constance knew of such things on the planet, which was all. The small human had crumbled to her easily, but had also been strangely provocative. She pulled Emily up by her hair and slid her face up under her skirt. Emily serviced her gratefully. Emily was very good. Constance's heart beat erratically as Emily's tongue darted around like a humming bird. Constance came hard, drenching the human. She leaked a little life force back into Emily - it couldn't be helped. "Yummmm," said Emily as she lapped it up. She was even more gifted at oral sex than her precious Mary Jo. The desire for a threesome sprang up within Constance. It would not be ignored. "We have a mutual friend," she said to Emily. Emily pulled her lips away from the succubus's muff. Her smooth chin was glazed like a donut. "We do?" Constance nodded. "Mistress Shanks, I believe you call her." "You know the Mistress?" "I do." Constance stroked Emily's fair, wet face, giving her another taste of euphoria. "I have decided that the three of us shall enjoy this night together." "Thank you... uh..." Emily knit her brow. "Goddess, will do," Constance said. "Yes. Thank you Goddess. I would be honored." Constance smiled. "Of course you would. You will send for the good Mistress and myself tonight. We will join together here." ^ ^ ^ When Mary Jo got home from class, Constance stood smiling at her. "I have a pleasant idea. Why don't the two of us spend the evening with Emily?" Mary Jo stepped belly to belly with the succubus. Her hard, life giving energy invaded the Goddess's energy field and wrapped around it. She wrapped her arms around the Goddess and kissed her. Constance couldn't help but align the human and sip at her life force. Mary Jo didn't feel any of the energy play. She only felt a very pleasant kiss. She lifted her head. "Aint I woman enough for you any more?" she teased. "You are woman enough for anyone. I just want to see what you see in this other woman." Mary Jo laughed and rubbed Constance's generous ass. Constance could tell she liked the idea. "Fine. I'll set it up." "Already done," Constance said. "I'll just be freshening up for the experience." She broke free and drifted off to her room. Once locked away, Constance prepared herself. She called on the power of all that worshipped her. She drew from her flock, even from a distance. All over the city men fell over, unconscious, in fits of ecstasy. (The mayor fell in the middle of a news conference and began masturbating uncontrollably.) Constance adjusted her own demonic chakras and filled with energy from the earth's core. She built a container to hold all three of them, Emily, Mary Jo and herself, so that the experience would be pure. At 6:00 a limo arrived to bring them to the Smithington estate. ^ ^ ^ The three ladies joined in Mary Jo's private room in the back of the Smithington mansion. Andrew Smithington had given her access to a room furnished to her desires for her work as Mistress. It included a wet bar, sauna, hot tub, boudoir, wrestling arena and fully stocked exercise center. Emily was dressed in a skimpy black negligee sans panties, her trimmed muff glistening. Mary Jo took off her street clothes to reveal red silk panties and bra. Constance pulled off her sundress to stand fully naked in all her Goddess glory. Her clam was hairless, smooth as silk, exposing moist, fruity lips. Her fragrance claimed dominion over the humans present. She pulsed with earthly energy, filling the room and riveting the attention of the two mortals. "Damn, Constance..." was all Mary Jo could say. Emily only drooled. "Good," she purred. "I have your attention." Suddenly the door opened. "Emily? I hope I'm not interup..." Andrew Smithington poked his head in. He saw Constance and fell to his knees. Almost out of hand, Constance aligned his chakras, filled, and nearly drained the man. He fell over, passed out and twitching. Emily pushed him out of the door with her foot and locked the door behind him. "Sorry for the interruption," she said. Neither woman asked what had happened to him. Constance had captured that much of their minds already. They were not in full trance, but they were blocking out most everything except Constance. They converged on her like moths to a flame. Constance sucked energy first from one and then from the other as if they were tropical drinks to be savored. They pleasured her with their tongues on her breasts, butt, pie and toes. They ignored each other and served only Constance. She stood between them and enjoyed herself. The fire edged energy from Emily was addictive, but if she took too much, the little woman would become a vampire and loose her human flavor. Constance kept turning back to Mary Jo and filling herself from that seemingly bottomless supply of rich life energy. She sucked deeply from Mary Jo as Emily recharged. They continued like this for hours. The energy field around them became charged with deepening lust - red and violet auras filled the air. After a while, Constance began to feel the fire edged energy coming from Mary Jo - not as strongly as from Emily - but there had been a shift. And now it was becoming harder to deplete Emily, who still burned with lust as much as ever, possibly more. Constance groaned and swayed over her sexual playthings, these mortal women. "This is... by all the powers..." she moaned. "I have never..." Constance succumbed to a trance - it might have lasted for hours, she didn't know. When she came to, Emily was hungrily at work on her quim and Mary Jo had her head buried up Constance's plump rump - a face at each hole. She felt her energy and life force draining into Emily. Emily had somehow turned her own power against her. She could feel it. Emily was sucking her to death. Panic rose in her like bile. Constance howled with rage. Mary Jo toppled her to the floor and held her down. "Take it, sweetheart," Mary Jo snarled. Her eyes were unfocused - animal - in a trance not of Constance's making. Constance realized that she was now in a state beyond her control. They were all swept up in energy and power beyond her reckoning. And Emily, particularly, was enjoying it. Emily sucked life force from Constance's twat at an alarming rate. Constance was riveted in place. Emily was even sucking energy through Constance that belonged to Mary Jo. The little woman would soon have all the life force from all of them if she wasn't stopped. She had already consumed more life force than Constance herself was capable of holding. But what could Constance do? She felt like a fly in a web - weak - pinned by the power of Mary Jo and the fire of Emily. And this new unearthly power Emily seemed to be using. Constance lost control of her form. An itch on her forehead sprang into long horns. She felt her tail manifest and grow from the base of her spine like a snake. Great leathery wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. She gained ten inches in height. For a split second she felt the power in the room shift and become hers once more. Her womanly form became more muscular. She flexed attempted to regain control. Then it slipped away. "Take her!" shouted Emily in a demonic voice. "Take her now!" She waved a hand and Mary Jo reared up and slammed Constance to the floor face down. Despite being bigger than the human woman, Constance could not defend herself. All her strength leaked out to Mary Jo and Emily. "Suffer this, demon bitch!" Mary Jo growled in a voice much deeper than her own. A stiff, fleshy cock sprouted from her groin, blue veins throbbing. She sank it up Constance's ass, deep and fast. It continued to grow. Constance could see Emily shaping Mary Jo's energy into the meat tube with her will. It burned hot inside her, and outrageously huge. It stretched her asshole to the limit, she felt the intrusion deep inside. Mary Jo pounded that joint into Constance mercilessly. Emily laughed. Constance could barely breath. "But how?" moaned Constance. She could barely stay conscious. "How?" she asked Emily. The little woman laughed again. Mary Jo continued to fuck the succubus while Emily slammed her butt into Constance's face. "Lick my bong hole, slave!" snarled the little woman, forcing Constance's face into her perky bum. She seemed to have the strength of twenty women her size - all pulled from hers and Mary Jo's life energy. The power ran from Mary Jo's cock, banged up through Constance's ass, and spurted forth from Constance's mouth into the room. Mary Jo's crude and abundant energy filled the room, flavored with the life forces of Mary Jo and Constance. Suddenly, the energy shifted and shaped into a funnel. Like a tornado it moved, searching out and finding Emily's tight cunt. Emily sucked the energy up through her well trimmed clam. The hair on her head stood on end. The bush around her clam smoldered. Her eyes glowed red. She howled like a pack of wolves in heat. Her ass burned like fire on Constance's face. Constance could do nothing but take the ass rape and the humiliation of Emily's little butt in her face. Emily's clam continued sucking up all the energy and life force in the room. In a few seconds, Constance knew, she and Mary Jo would be dead. Emily would have all of their life's energy. Being immortal and outrageously powerful, Constance had never contemplate death until now. Emily laughed and wiped her ass on Constance's face. She pushed one of the horns up her ass. "Oh yeah, baby! Ass fuck me you horny girl!" Mistress Mary Jo Shanks hammered away with long damaging strokes. Constance panted and groaned, unable to defend herself, weak as a kitten. Then Emily came. It was like an explosion. It was like floating naked in space. It was like dying. For all of them. ^ ^ ^ When she came to, Constance saw that they were scattered around the room. Constance was the first to sit up. She retracted her demon parts and took on her human appearance. Mary Jo sat up soon after. The cock was gone - she was her womanly self once more. She tipped over, but rolled back to her hands and knees. "Whoa Nelly," she moaned. "What a party." Emily lay flat and looked dead. Very pale and very still. Mary Jo and Constance crawled over to her. Constance listened to her heart. Even before she heard anything she felt the faint life force in her. She pulled more life energy from Mary Jo and put it into Emily. Mary Jo fell over on her ear - she was still very weak. "Fuck!" grunted the big woman. She sat up, already replenishing her life force. Constance marveled at her. "Mary Jo, you are a bottomless well!" "That's okay, peaches," Mary Jo winked. "You got enough bottom for all three of us." Emily laughed softly at that, still laying flat on her back. "She's coming to!" Mary Jo crawled over to her. "Of course she is," Constance smiled. Emily squirmed around... "What the..." She slowly sat up and scratched her cunt. On her back where two small wings. "By all the powers!" gasped Constance. "What the fuck?" said Mary Jo. Constance waived a hand and put Mary Jo into a forgetful trance. The big woman toppled and hit the floor hard. Emily felt her forehead. Little horns were emerging. "What is happening?" she asked with a twinge of fear. "You're evolving, my dear," said Constance. "You took some spirit energy from me and you are evolving into an immortal." Emily's eyes grew big. Constance linked into her mind and fed her all the knowledge she had. It took only an instant, but it would take Emily years to sort through it all. "So I'm a succubus now?" Emily pulled on her own tail, pricking her finger on the barbed end. "It seems," Constance replied. "I should have guessed, given your energy signature. But you are the first incubating succubus I ever met. We are rather rare, you know. I've never met another." "And Mistress Shanks?" "Still only human. Just one of the greatest ever born." "Truly," agreed Emily. Constance kissed Emily and let Emily feed from her, suckling like a newborn. She showed Emily how to hide her wings and horns. "You'll need to feed," Constance told her. "Mary Jo is a good source. She can probably afford to feed us both. But you'll want something close at hand." "I'll use Master Smithington," Emily replied. "It will be a new way of dominated him." "Just don't empty him. Vampire slaves are a pain. It's not like the old days." Emily shrugged. "If you say so." "And remember, it is a secret," Constance warned. "Even Mary Jo doesn't know. I've wiped her memory for now, but I don't want to have to keep doing it." Emily nodded. "I understand." "And remember one more thing... Mary Jo is mine." Constance glared down at the smaller, younger demon. Emily looked up, innocently. "What the hell happened?" asked Mary Jo, sitting up. "I feel like I been drinking, not fucking!" "Some other time," sighed Constance. "For now, why don't you help me get home. It's morning."