The Bookie and the School Girls By Montrose Smart money is on the girls in plaid Shannon banged her thin knuckles on the dark hallway door. A metal plate slid to one side. “Yeah?” said a growly voice. A hairy eye glared out. Shannon stood on tip-toe in her oxfords and said in her most business-like voice. “I would like to speak to the man in charge, please.” She pushed up her round spectacles and looked up at Angela standing quietly at her side. In contrast to the slender Irish lass that Shannon was, Angela was a thick shouldered, curvaceous Italian girl of the same age (first year of college). Where Shannon was perky, quick in her movements and prone to flaring temper, Angela was like a deep river; powerful, sultry and fluid. They had attended St. Mary’s together and were determine to make it through college together, though tuition was steep. But Shannon had a plan. “Hey boss!” said the growly voice after closing the peep-hole door. “There’s a hot little skirt out here.” “Is she alone?” came a more refined voice. The peep-hole door opened and the eye came back for a moment. The plate closed. “She’s got a big chick with her. A couple of real lookers.” “See them in, Chester.” Chester opened the door. Smoke billowed out. From the apartment hallway Shannon saw a table packed with thick shouldered men in the back of the room. A huge stack of bills was scattered between them, being counted it seemed. There were several neat bundles already. Beer bottles, whisky flasks and pizza boxes covered most flat surfaces. On the TV a horserace was showing with no sound. Chester ran his eyes all up and down the two girls; first Shannon, then Angela. “Get in here.” He ordered. As they stepped in Chester groped Angela’s generous rump. Swiftly yet smoothly, Angela grabbed Chester by the neck, squeezed, and raised a fist. “Not yet, Angela.” Said Shannon with an edge to her voice. “Don’t blow it.” Angela let her fist down, and eventually let go of Chester’s throat. The boys at the table got a good laugh at Chester’s expense as he gulped air. “Just watch yer manners.” He croaked in a hoarse whisper. Angela turned her back on him and ignored him. He didn’t try anything more. Shannon scanned the group of men who were gathering around them. Most of them were as tall as Angela… and there were a lot of them. For a moment her confidence waned. But this was no time to turn back. Nothing ventured as they say… “I understand that this is a betting establishment.” She declared to the room. “Is that right?” For a moment all they got was eyes looking them both up and down. Shannon pushed her round spectacles up again, then dusted off her plaid, pleated skirt. She had decided that Angela and she should dress in their old school cloths so as to appear as innocent and frail as possible. She wanted long odds. “Is that right?” she repeated louder. “And what are you?” asked the refined voice. “The catholic schoolgirl police?” that brought a roar of laughter from the surrounding group of men. Even Chester grunted and guffawed – until Angela shot her dark eyes at him. Shannon located the owner of the refined voice deep in the smoky crowd. He was close to her own height; and rather handsome in a slick, pencil-mustache sort of way. He wore a shiny red shirt and black silk tie. His dark eyes sparkled with mirth as he stepped up and looked her over. “What do you need, Green-eyes?” He asked. “I have some business for you.” Said Shannon boldly pressing on. She could smell the whisky on his breath and it was making her dizzy. “Are you the… uh… bookie?” “Don’t you know gambling is a sin?” Asked the slick man. He reached forward and tenderly lifted a lock of red hair on the side of Shannon’s face and slipped it behind her ear. He stroked her pale cheek after. Shannon felt a thrill in her gut. “I’ve been told.” Said Shannon, though her voice warbled a bit. She put up a hand that stopped Angela who had rocked forward on her toes. “And yet you want to get started.” Said the slick man almost in a whisper. And then he leaned forward and did whisper into her ear. “I can think of a dozen other sins I would rather introduce you to.” His hot breath filled her ear. Shannon felt weak in the knees and her breathing came deeper. She wanted to leap on the man and smother him with kisses. He was like a cobra, enchanting her. But she remembered her goal and came to her senses. “Let us begin with gambling if you don’t mind.” She got a laugh from the men, which gave her courage. “So what did you have in mind? Jacks? Jump rope?” asked Slick. “Leap frog?” He winked. “Wrestling. Or fighting… whatever.” “Really?” Slick smiled. “What do you know about wrestling?” “Not much. But Angela here knows enough.” Replied Shannon. Slick looked up at Angela, looking more at her inviting rack than her face. Angela smiled down at him. “Who does she follow? The pros? Olympics?” For once Slick looked confused, but he was intrigued. “Does she follow the locals? Has she been to Leo’s or The Punch Club?” “No.” said Shannon. “She’s looking for a fight right now. Right here.” “SHE’s the fighter?” gasped Slick, truly stunned. He looked Angela over again. “You mean fighting other chicks?” Shannon shook her head no. Her red hair fluffed back and forth. She pushed her spectacles back up. “But she’s a girl!” “Then you’ll give us good odds?” Asked Shannon. This was the moment she had hoped for. “Odds? I’ll give you a kick in the ass on your way out!” said Slick. But he looked again at Angela and instead of advancing himself called out. “Chester. See these ladies out. I have a grand says you land the big one on her pretty face.” Angela turned and faced Chester, smiling. He didn’t look too eager to grab her. He felt his neck where her hand-print still glowed. He gulped. His wind pipe didn’t feel quite right. Shannon covered the awkward moment. “I have a grand of my own that says Angela throws Chester out instead!” Men leaped to cover the bet, but Shannon demanded good odds. “She’s only a girl!” Shannon kept saying. Finally Slick gave her 10-1. Only then did Shannon say, “Now Angela.” And Angela finally landed that punch she had saved up for Chester. He never had a chance of blocking it. He staggered back, bounced off the wall behind him and staggered forward already out on his feet. Angela caught him in the gut and he doubled over, but she held him up. Shannon opened the door as Angela grabbed Chester by the neck and his belt. She lifted him sideways up to her shoulders then pitched him through the portal to land across the hall head first. Angela straightened her white blouse which had gotten a bit undone and turned to smile down at Slick. He backed away with his mouth open. Shannon closed the door then walked over to Slick. She flipped open a small pad of paper and produced a pen. “That’s 10 grand you owe me.” She said. “Shall we let it ride for another fight?” she pushed up her spectacles and waited for an answer. “I’ll be damned.”murmered Slick, composing himself. Then he looked at his other men. “Chester must have let himself go to hell!” The quiet was broken by edgy laughter. The fight had been pretty one sided – pretty convincing. “Then you have another man you think can do better?” Asked Shannon, stepping toe-to- toe with Slick. She liked that he was only as tall as she. He might have 20 pounds on her, but he didn’t look like he worked out every day like she did. She guessed she could take him. “Jake!” Slick spat. “Teach that big bitch some manners! Bend her over and spank her!” “Odds first!” Yelled Shannon. “I’ve got 11 grand to put on this fight.” “You sure you wanna do that, little girl?” Asked big Jake as he stepped out from the crowd. He was the biggest man there and almost a head taller than Angela. He had arms like trees and hands like stones. Shannon looked at Angela. Angela shrugged – she didn’t look worried. “Yes.” Said Shannon. “All right.” Snarled Slick, still mad. “I’ll play along. Let’s make it 10-1 again. I’ll enjoy counting your money while Jake turns your friend’s ass into jelly.” Jake and Angela circled each other. It was clear that he wasn’t going to take her lightly. When she swung a fist he back-peddled. Then he leaped in and grabbed her in a headlock. He was quick as well as big – a real fighter. The men cheered. Jake snarled and crushed Angela’s face hard against his side. He jerked her around a bit. She twisted a few ways but couldn’t break free. Slick smiled at Shannon then sidled up and pattered her ass as he watched the fight. “It wont take long now little girl.” Shannon gulped. She didn’t flinch as his hand found its way under her skirt to pat her panty-clad buns directly but her eyes were wide as saucers and her heart was pounding. Angela grabbed Jake by one leg and lifted him. She flipped backwards crashing down onto him. In the fall Jake lost his grip. Angela kneeled on his head for a moment and twisted his arm until he yelped. Then she let him go and stood up. She let him stagger to his feet. “Don’t play games, Angela!” cautioned Shannon. Angela waved her off. Slick took his hand off her ass. “Come on Jake!” He snarled. Jake was red-hot mad and charged. He caught her in the middle and crammed her into a cinder-block wall with his shoulder. The wind left her. He dropped back and unloaded two shots to her belly. Angela puffed as the fists sank deep. But she still didn’t look worried. “Is that all you got?” asked Angela in a voice like melted chocolate. Jake grunted with the effort of his next six punches. Four landed in her gut. Two knocked her face from one side to the next. Angela didn’t look like she was in a hurry to block any of them. “My turn.” Cooed Angela. She grabbed Jake and traded places with him. Once he was against the wall she worked his gut and face with a flurry of punches – too fast for him to block. Then she stepped back. Jake wobbled on his pegs out from the wall. He swung at air. She clothes-lined him and sent him crashing to the floor. “Jesus!” shouted Slick pulling at his hair. Shannon smiled and started calculating her winnings. Angela strolled slowly over and dropped her big, hard ass onto Jake’s face. She twisted his arms and legs like a pretzel. In a sputtering, choking voice from under her ass, Jake called for mercy. Angela paid no attention. His voice was all panic and pain. “Do you think he’s had enough?” Asked Shannon after a while. “or should I let her continue?” “Please god no!” cried Jake, whimpering. Angela pressed harder on Jakes leg turning his ass up in the air. She spanked him hard enough to make him howl with every whack. Slick deflated. “Let him go.” He finally sighed. Shannon just stared at him. Angela continued the spanking. “Please.” Mumbled Slick. Shannon nodded. Angela got up and dusted off her hands. She fixed her hair. Jake was dragged away as she buttoned her blouse a bit. “That comes to…” Shannon checked her figures. “121 grand including my 11 grand I think. Do you have any more suckers…” “Fuck you.” Spat Slick. Veins were sticking out of his forehead. His fists were clenched. Shannon pushed her spectacles up. “I beg your pardon?” She stepped chest to chest with Slick and bumped him back a step. That made him hotter still. “I said FUCK YOU! You little cunt! You can’t come in here and expect to walk out with a week’s take!” He tried to bump her back but she didn’t budge. Shannon smiled in his face. Angela stepped forward but Shannon raised a hand and she stopped. “Boys!” called Slick “Get her!” He pointed to Angela. There was a general rush for Angela while Slick slapped Shannon so hard in the face that her spectacles went flying. Shannon was stunned for the moment. Slick slapped her on the other side of her face. He grabbed her hair and yanked her to one side of the room. “I’m gonna fuck you up myself, bitch!” He snarled. The crowd of men covered Angela and bore her to the ground. Shannon grabbed for Slick but he already had her by the neck, choking her. She saw red and shoved her arms up between his. She pushed apart and broke his hold on her neck. His eyes bugged out. He swung a punch at her head. She grabbed the fist in flight and stopped it. She pushed it away. He swung the other and she did the same. “Look…” stammered Slick with sweat dripping down his cheek. “I’m sorry…” But Shannon wasn’t ready to let bygones be bygones. She leaped on him slapping, ripping and tearing. His shirt was in tatters and she had his tie seriously tight around his neck in no time. He fell to his knees. With full force she planted the heel of her Oxford on his lips, kicking him to the ground. She stomped on his stomach. She dropped her ass on his chest and pinned his arms with her legs. She grabbed a mostly empty beer bottle and shoved the long neck of it hard down his throat like it was her cock. She was only toying. He sure looked funny with his lips stretched tight around it. She pushed it up and down like she was fucking his face – pinning his head to the floor, then she pulled it out and let the stale beer dribble like cum on his face. “Benny!” He gasped with a quiver in his voice. “Sam! Dick! Alex! Somebody get this crazy bitch!” Shannon tossed the bottle away and slipped forward, grabbed his head and stuffed his face deep into her cotton pantied crotch to shut him up. His screams were muffled under her skirt. She looked quickly over her shoulder. Angela was lying across two guys (who didn’t seem to be moving). She had two more stuffed between her thighs and was just stuffing another one in. She had one guy in a headlock. But there was one more that kept punching her in the head and then jumping back and shaking his hurt knuckles. The last man heard Slick and started toward Shannon. Angela grabbed his ankle and he went down. He clutched at the floor as she dragged him in. Shannon smiled back down at Slick. “They're a little busy right now.” She said in her sweetest little girl voice. She pulled her skirt up higher so she could watch his face go red and his frightened eyes as she suffocated him with her meaty clam. His struggles were getting weak so she slipped her legs off his shoulders and clamped them onto his head to keep his face planted in her groin. She leaned back and watched him turn deep red and his eyes roll back. Eventually she let go and his head thumped on the wood floor. She slapped his face just to see if he had any fight left. He didn’t but he came to. He tried to keep from blubbering. While Angela continued torturing her pack of men, Shannon decided to have a little fun. She slipped her panties off and tucked them down the front of Slick’s pants. Then she returned her quim to Slick’s face. “That’s virgin pie you got right there, Slick.” She moaned as she rubbed it on his face. “Yeah… virgin pie… You like virgin pie? I bet you’d like to poke it. Too bad you’re not man enough.” She was rubbing faster now. His nose was just the right shape and was slipping up and down her lips in a most appealing way. “Yeah! Too bad…” she panted. “But you… can… be… of some use…” she grunted. “OH! GOD!” she shouted as she came hard on his eyes. She rested and dripped down his mouth for a while. He dared not move. Shannon looked back and saw that Angela had stacked the men up and was crushing the pile with a couch. One side of Angela’s face was a bit red, her hair was mussed and the sleeves of her blouse were ripped away exposing her thick, defined arms. But other than that she looked fine. Not winded or anything. “Angela.” Said Shannon as she slipped back to sit on Slick’s chest. She continued to toy with Slick, slapping him and tweaking his slippery nose. “Take the money. All of it.” Angela put down the couch, crossed to the table and started chucking money into a hefty bag she found in the kitchen. None of her men moved, but they seemed to be breathing. “But you said…” Objected Slick. Shannon silenced him by planting her ass on his face, cutting off his air. He squirmed a bit but she grabbed his wrists and held them on the floor. There was nothing he could do. While she was there she took his Rolex. Angela finished scooping up all the cash and stepped toward the door. Shannon got up. Slick was out cold until Shannon kicked his ribs a few times. He rolled to be on all fours. Shannon turned her back and flipped her skirt up exposing her bare fanny. “Kiss my ass goodbye, Slick, unless you want to see it again real soon.” He planted his lips on her ass. “Deeper!” She commanded. He dove up her ass crack and slipped his tongue up her butt hole. “Please don’t come back!” he begged then he ran his tongue in circles. “Not soon, anyway.” Promised Shannon. “Say… that feels… good… damn good… But when we do… you try to have some real cash on hand… damn good… and maybe a real man. You pussies were too easy.” She suddenly turned and back-handed his face. “Now bring me my glasses.” Slick complied, still on all fours. Angela opened the door. Shannon pushed her spectacles up, then swaggered out leaving her panties as a reminder. They stepped over Chester in the hall and out into a beautiful breezy day.