Bonnie Hamms By Montrose I met Lola, my bosses new trophy wife, at the office Christmas party. My boss is the VP of finance, Mr. Sanders. He dragged her around by her hand, showing her off in much the same way she flaunted the rope of glittering rocks that draped from her neck down into her cavernous cleavage. It was the most expensive leash I had ever seen. The way Mr. Sanders nodded to her body and then smiled up at me when he introduced us was an invitation to ravage her with my eyes, so I did. I drank in her meaty curves like she was another sticky glass of punch -- sweet and intoxicating. She looked to be 28 or 30 years old and was obviously enjoying the attention. She towered over her elderly husband. In her spike heels she stood 6' 3", just a touch taller than me. I took the hand she offered and lifted it to my lips, "What a tremendous pleasure to lay my eyes upon you, Mrs. Sanders." I slurred before tenderly kissing her knuckles. Mr. Sanders was not as pleased as he had been -- he frowned suspiciously at me. Mrs. Sanders touched her breast with the hand I just kissed and looked me over through drooping eyelids. "Get us a drink, Pumpkin." Said the lady. Pumpkin -- my boss -- looked a bit flustered, but bustled off. She swiveled on her long legs as she looked me over, "My husband thinks you were admiring my body a bit too much. You are supposed to be jealous, and then move on." "Oh I'm jealous all right." I said eyeing her once more. She stepped closer. So close her chest bumped my drink. "You don't have to be." She whispered. "Here's your drink." Said Mr. Sanders as he pushed be back. Lola and I kept looking deep into each other's eyes as we parted. We already knew it would happen. She wanted to fuck me and I was drunk enough to risk it. We never danced together, but we watched each other dance all night. We drank in unison from across the room. Finally, around 2:00 AM as Mr. Sanders nodded off next to her she smiled at me and moved to a conference room down a hall from the party. A few minutes later I followed. When I stepped into the room she had entered, I thought I had missed her. But then she stepped out from behind the door and pressed me against the far wall -- mauling me with her hands as she sank her tongue into my mouth. She was white hot already. I tried to take control -- to overpower her -- show her the raging beast side of me -- but she kept me pinned to that wall and instead demonstrated total superiority over me. She roughly pawed at my bulging lap snake and shoulders. She yanked my head to the side to expose my neck for biting. I was a toy in her hands. Eventually, she let me lift her gown and slide my fingers into her panties. Her round ass was firm and full. She groaned then bit my neck hard. She yanked my shirt from my pants and whipped my belt away. I unzipped her gown and pulled it off over her head. Her hair tumbled back down as she leaned heavily onto me. Her bosom spread against my chest and her groin thrust forward, searching for my erection. When she found it goose-bumps dotted her otherwise silky skin. "Finally! A real man." She groaned in a low, seductive voice. Then she grabbed my head and mastered it with her strength and a passionate kiss. At the very moment the kiss ended she lifted me in a bear-hug and leaped, with me in her arms up a chair and onto the conference table. In one motion she slid me down to the table between her legs and she kneeled over my chest with her plump ass in my face. I was stunned! All that power and grace too! I felt like a trapped rabbit beneath a hungry cat. Was she about to suck my cock or gut me for dinner? To my great joy she pulled my pants off and slid my shaft down her throat. It was my turn to groan and thrust. After diving nearly to the brink, she slid down and planted my shaft deep into her quim. She spun around on my rod to face me as she thrust up and down. "Such a flexible thing." I whispered. She chuckled deep in her throat. It turned into a growl. She lay on me and humped just using her hips. "Mmmhhh. It is sooo good to finally have a cock inside of me again!" "What?" I couldn't imagine having this vital amazon for a wife and not poking her every day! "Pumpkin never gets around to fucking me." She said, then she licked my nose. "You're the first man I've had in almost a year." She pounded her hips down. I grabbed her butt and sank my fingers deep into her flesh. She stuffed my face between her breasts and humped even harder, crushing me into the mahogany. Her thrusts reached a frenzied peak just as my air began to run short stuffed deep inside her mounds. She came and nearly broke my neck with her enthusiasm. She slammed my head down and pinned my wrists in her hands and kept fucking -- going for two. She flipped us over and we fell to the floor with me on top. She scissored me into place and arched her back -- squeezing another orgasm for herself out of me, greater than the first. My spine cracked as she bellowed her release. Dripping with sweat, she slid me out and rolled over. She shoved her ass in my face. "Take it." She whispered. "Stuff your meat up my ass and cum." Happily, I stood and slid my slippery joint up her hole. Her pooper was drenched with her own juice and the going was easy. She bucked under me and I had to reach around front and hold onto her tits to keep from getting thrown clear. She bucked so hard during my climax that my cock popped out and slid into her ass crack. Standing behind her with her bent over and my throbbing tube wedged in her tight crack like a cannon on wheels, I shot my load clear past her head and it landed in a steaming pile -- on the right shoe of Mr. Sanders who stood watching us. "Pack up, you son of a bitch!" He snarled at me in a shaky voice. He was doing his best to contain his rage so that no one else would hear. "You're fired!" "Shut up, Pumpkin." Said Lola as she stood up not bothering to cover her naked body. Her bush glistened and dripped nectar. She stood before him with her hands on her hips, smelling like a long night. "If you fire him I'll tell everyone that the only way you can get off is with your tongue up my ass, while you beat your own tiny penis." She looked at me. "He can't even keep it stiff if I offer to yank it for him. I guess he's too self conscious about the size." I was as stunned as Mr. Sanders. We both just stood there. Then Lola gave me another steamy kiss. "Thanks for the excellent fuck." She said. "We'll do it again sometime." Then she handed me my pants. "Now get dressed. Pumpkin here is gonna kiss my ass." I got the feeling that Mr. Sanders was as happy about licking Lola's rump as I was to keep my job. He didn't give me a second look as he dropped to his knees and placed his lips where my pud used to be. With my jiz still on his shoe, he started working his pants down. Lola pulled her gown on and let it cover her husband along with her body. She beckoned me over and we kissed again. I bent down and mashed her bosom against my face once more before leaving. "If he gives you any trouble let me know." She said. "You are mine now. I will take care of you." That was four months ago and once a month Lola comes into the city to have lunch with Mr. Sanders. That's the story. What ends up happening is Mr. Sanders turns his office over to me and his wife for a couple hours before he comes back to lick my juice off his wife's butt. Sometimes I stay and watch, especially if I just shot a big load into her sphincter. He gets the funniest look when he swallows it. He resents the hell out of my presence, but the old pervert seems to really enjoy sniffing her cum drenched ass as he wanks off. And how better to get it drenched than to let her have some fun first? And then he hired Bonnie Hamms. He placed her as my personal assistant, which is odd enough. Normally I would hire to that post. He didn't even tell me I could have one until he introduced her early one morning. Mr. Sanders seemed quite pleased with himself when he presented her to me, like a gift. Was he thanking me for getting Lola to let him kiss her goo-covered rump more often? She was a lovely girl of 19 or 20, and very big. She must have tipped the scales at 200 pounds of hard muscle and fleshy curves. Her rack was worth staring at -- but what really grabbed you when you saw her was her big round ass. It was her finest feature, and so well displayed up on top of those powerful legs. She wore flat-heeled oxfords, but I still had to look up to see her face. Her entire outfit looked like something from the naughty schoolgirl collection. The shoes and knee-socks were just right, but the blouse exposed some cleavage and the skirt was way too short. It barely covered her ass. It accented the swing she got on her back porch as she walked. I invited Bonnie to take a seat on the other side of my desk so that we could get to know each other better. She turned her back to me, bent over at the waist and picked up a leather upholstered wingback chair to move it closer. Her short skirt rode up and exposed virgin white panties stretched tight over a fleshy box and perfect cheeks. Her massive butt muscles flexed as she lifted and set down the heavy chair. She dusted off the seat, then finally turned and sat. The chair groaned. By that time my heart was pounding in my ears! "Is something wrong?" She asked in a sweet voice. She kicked one leg up and crossed it over the other. Her skirt slid up to be little more than a belt. "Not a thing, Bonnie. Everything looks to be... well... magnificent really... just splendid. You are a stunning young woman, by the way." "Why, thank you, sir." She replied and smiled shyly. As she worked for me that day I noticed that she found an inordinate number of reasons to expose her fanny in my direction. She dropped things, she untied and retied her shoes, she stretch her hamstrings... By lunchtime I was getting the idea that it wasn't just dumb luck on my part to enjoy that view so often. I finally decided to say something when she was filing some papers in the cabinet by my desk. Her butt was practically resting on my shoulder. I looked straight into her panty-clad muff and said, "Bonnie, can we talk?" She backed up before standing, mashing her beefy quim on my nose. Then she stood and her cheeks pushed my head down. She turned around, whipping my head to one side and stood looking down at me -- practically on top of me. "Yes, sir. What is it?" She rested her knuckles on her broad hips. I fixed my mussed up hair. "I'm not complaining, but I feel the need to point out a... well... peculiarity in the way you move about the office." "You mean how I keep sticking my big fanny in your face, sir?" She bounced on her heels and smiled down as if she had just asked if I wanted coffee. "What? Well... That is... Okay. Yes, now that you mention it." "I was under the impression you were enjoying that, sir." Her smile grew bigger, and not quite so innocent. "That is a painfully stiff cock I see, isn't it?" She pointed to the bulge in my pants. Okay. So the cards were on the table. I could swing with this. "Throbbing, dear Bonnie. Thanks for noticing." I responded. I reached out and gave her upper thigh a pat. She didn't try to stop me. "I've never seen such a beast of a girl before. You are a wonder." I stroked the curve of her hip. Since she didn't object I reached around under her skirt with the other hand and gave her big cheek a squeeze. It was as hard as a melon in season. "It's very strong, you know." She stated in a matter of fact way. Then she turned around and slipped her panties down to her shoe tops. "Go ahead, slip your hand up my ass crack." "Pardon?" "Go ahead. I wont hurt you." "Hurt me or not. I'd be happy to oblige." I slid my hand all the way between her full cheeks. My thumb rested between her moist love lips. And she clamped down. "Now try to pull it out." She said. And I could not! Twist and turn as I might, my hand was stuck fast. I placed my shoes on each of her cheeks and pushed. But my hand did not budge. She laughed at my attempts. And so did I. "I've made grown men scream for mercy with this ass." She was in brag mode now -- a side of her I had not seen before. "I cracked one man's nuts open for giving me unwanted advances." "And how do I avoid that fate?" I asked. She let go of my hand then straddled my chair and sat down. Her muff dampened my white shirt as she slid down. She must have had me outweighed by 40 pounds! I couldn't budge. "I guess you're gonna have to risk it." She whispered. She started in nibbling my ear. My hands roamed her chest and her rump. "You leave me very little choice. You've been tempting me all day." "I have an idea, sir. Would you like to ride me like a pony? You could climb up on my butt." She was breathing hard now and her heavy muff was mashing into my stiffening tool. "I like that idea." I replied eagerly. She stood and ripped her rap-around skirt off, then offered me her exposed ass. I leap frogged onto it. She leaped about like a deer, prancing me about, bouncing me high on her butt. I held on for dear life! Finally I grabbed her hair like a bridle, "Whoa! Down girl!" She slowed and settled. I kissed her neck from up high on my perch and fondled her massive boobs. They were heavy and firm. I started humping her cheeks through my pants. "Would you like a blowjob, sir?" She bounced me gently up and down on her butt. My cock throbbed as it plopped up and down between her cheeks. "No. Not today." I replied as I kept humping. "I could grease up my chest for you. You could blast a load into my face." "Maybe later." "You want to hump my ass, don't you sir." She said. "Yes please." "Maybe I'll let you." She whispered. I jumped down and dropped my pants. While she was still bent over I jumped back up. My boner slid deep down her crack. She stood still under me. "But first there is something you have to do for me." "Fuck yes, baby!" I snarled into the back of her neck. I was about to cum already! "Anything you say!" She pushed me off of her ass. "Get on your knees." She said with her back to me. There was a sudden edge to her voice. "Sure baby!" I was happy to get a closer look at this monster rump! Once on my knees I enthusiastically sank my face deep into her plush bottom. My tongue darted this way and that, finding hot firm flesh in every direction. "Is this what you want? Baby, I could do this all day!" Bonnie tucked my head a bit deeper into her ass, mashing my nose against her sphincter. I licked it happily. Then she grabbed my phone and made a call. Who was she calling? Couldn't it wait? I tried to pull out but she clamped down. I could not pull out. "Hi. It's me." She said into the phone. "Yep! I got his head up my ass right now. I told you it wouldn't take very long. The guy's a walking boner." "Who are you talking to?" I shouted. Even to me my voice sounded muffled. Her heel tapped my cock gently. "You should see the wood he's sporting right now! Blue veiner!" There was a short silence. "Okay. See you then." And she hung up. "Was that one of your girlfriends?" "Less talk, more licking, you pathetic jerk-off." She spat down. Verbal abuse? I could hang with that. I'd make her pay for it later when I fucked her ass. "I bet you gotta cum real bad." She commented. "God yes." "So go ahead. Yank away. I want to see you shoot a load across the room" She wanted to see my load. I was ready to give her an eyeful! "How would you like to see it all over your face?" I suggested. Suddenly she crunched my skull between her butt cheeks! The pain was unbelievable! I wailed into her sphincter! "AHHH! I BEG YOU! LET GO!" "Are you gonna spank your crank like I told you to?" She kept the pressure on -- even turned it up a notch. The bones in my head were about to give! She was going to splatter my brains up her back! I grabbed my stiffy and flogged it good. It only took a few stokes before I blasted 8 or 12 ounces of juice across my office. Mercifully, she released my skull. "I guess my work here is done." She said, and she popped my head out of her ass and stepped aside. Before me stood Lola in a sexy halter-top and hot pants outfit, bright pink. My steaming jiz ran from her right hip down her long powerful leg and dripped onto her designer pumps. "You!" she shouted upon seeing me. I was still woozy from having my head in Bonnie's fleshy vise. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'll kill that bitch!?" yelled Lola and she leaped at Bonnie. Now Lola was big, and tremendously strong, but she was no match for the powerhouse, Bonnie Hamms. Bonnie met Lola in mid charge and backed her into the hall between Mr. Sanders' office and mine. She grabbed Lola's head and rammed in into her knee. Lola staggered back. She charged again. Bonnie caught Lola stepping into a right jab. Lola dropped to the carpet. Taking her time, Bonnie covered Lola's ample chest with her more ample rump and pinned her arms by her head with her thick knees. Lola struggled but had no chance of unseating Big Bonnie Hamms. "What's the matter, you perky little cunt?" asked Bonnie. "Can't stand seeing your prime stud being treated like the crap licker he is? It didn't take much convincing, you know. He practically begged to eat my shit." Lola raged. Bonnie laughed and playfully slapped Lola's face back and forth. When Lola kicked up with her legs Bonnie stuck them under her arms and there they stayed. Lola couldn't move a muscle no matter how she struggled. "And I've had your husband a few times, too. Hi sugar!" Bonnie waved at Mr. Sanders who watched from a safe distance. "Tell her sugar. Who's ass would you rather drink cum from? Mine or this washed up sluts?" I turned to hear Mr. Sanders' reply. "Yours of course, Miss Hamms. There will never be a rump the equal of yours." "How 'bout that, slut?" asked Bonnie of Lola. Lola was exhausted, but still mad. Her struggles were barely making Bonnie's massive chest jiggle any more. "Hey boss-boy." Said Bonnie to me. "Who do you want most? Me or this piece of meat?" "You Bonnie." The words came out immediately. I didn't even have to think. "You can have her ass right now. I'll give it to you. Or you could wait for me." "I'll wait." I replied. "Trumped again, eh slut? It looks like all your men are bailing on you. I'm so glad your old man hired me to come in here and show you who's boss. I rule here now, got it?" She slid her clam up just under Lola's chin. "So here's the deal." Continued Bonnie. "I'll let you keep the old goat if you promise to never touch anyone but him again. The minute you try someone else I'm gonna find him and take him from you. You got it? You want to suffer this humiliation again? Or are you gonna be a good girl?" Lola stopped fighting. She was no match for the bigger, younger girl. "I'll be good." Puffed Lola. "Whatever you say." "And you'll do anything I say?" "Yes. Of course." Said Lola in defeat. "Good attitude, peaches." Said Bonnie. "The first thing I'm gonna tell you to do is make me cum." And she slid her meaty bush over Lola's face. As she sat there getting hot from Lola's efforts Mr. Sanders stepped up and counted $500 into Bonnie's palm. "Thank you for saving my marriage young lady." He said. "Oh! Ohhh... No trou... GOD! No trouble!" Moaned Bonnie. Lola was doing her best to get on Bonnie's good side. "Wow! You didn't tell me she was this talented. Mmmhhhh." "May I lick your ass when she's done?" He asked her in a whisper. Bonnie shot a glance at me. "Your gonna have to pay me again to not take the boss-boy's stiffy first, cuz I'm really getting in the mood over here." "Another $500?" "Ohhhh! JEEZ!" She panted as her face turned red. "Make it 2 grand... no... 3. And give me a few more minutes on your wife's face." "As you wish." Then he turned to me. "Who's in charge now, young buck?" He taunted me. I answered truthfully. "Bonnie Hamms, of course." "Oh. Well, yes. But she answers to my purse." "Whatever. Thanks for introducing us. I can't wait to be with her again." "You are going to have to wait." He snarled at me. Then he stomped into his office. It wasn't the victory he had hoped for. I just watched Bonnie finish getting some from Lola. When she got up Lola wiped the goo from her mouth and spoke to Bonnie. "Please tell my husband I'll see him at home." "If he comes home tonight, he'll see you there." Replied Bonnie on wobbly legs. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make money sitting on his face." Lola limped out and Bonnie slammed into the VPs office. I counted the hours until she emerged to take me.