<! How About a Great Big Hug? >


<! Two Longtime Friends Attempt to Have a Friendly Wrestling Match >


<! Mongoose750 (mongoose750@yahoo.com) >


[Author###s Note: This story came from an idea given to me from bearhug1.  If you have any story ideas, just send them to shrewsberry@juno.com.]


            Ever since June Lewis was a little girl growing up on her family###s farm in New York State, she initially had two passions.  The first one was to be strong, and the second one was to wrestle.  The first one came easy enough when she engaged herself in doing the heavy chores on the farm during the day, and lifting weights at night before she went to bed. If her parents or any of her three brothers and two sisters had any problems with her regiment, they quickly disappeared when they saw her handle the daily farm work with ease.  Concerning her second passion however, all her older and younger siblings avoided her whenever she was in ###that mood,### and the only living beings willing or worth wrestling were some of the pigs that got a little ornery and had to be taught a lesson.


            June was an African-American woman who would eventually reach six feet in height, and had skin the color of coffee with a little cream.  From the results of farm work and exercise, not to mention showing those pigs a thing or two, she was a very muscular girl.  Her long black hair was wavy and dangled down a little past her shoulders.  She participated in many sports at school, particularly those that involved some type of human contact, like rugby, hockey, soccer, and her favorite sport of wrestling.


            One day the answer to her wrestling problem was solved when a new family moved nearby (nearby in farming community terms meaning at least a mile away).  Among the four kids they had was a girl the same age as June, Beth Harper.  Being a good neighbor (and also finding out if there were any potential wrestling partners), June came over to the new household and welcomed them to the community on behalf of her and her family.  As she expected, the new family was flattered by the gesture, and the two parents wasted no time in introducing her to their children.  Almost no sooner than they traded introductions, June and Beth were fast friends.


            Beth was the same height as June, and her skin color was a little more like dark chocolate.  She also participated in various sports at school and was considered a very respected athlete.


            Beth also shared some of the same passions as June.  She liked being strong, and it turned out the more hard work she did on her parent###s farm the stronger she got, and the stronger she got, the better she was at her athletic activities at school.  However, it was June that introduced her to the sport of ###pig wrestling### and eventually wrestling with humans.  One night, when Beth spent the weekend at June###s house, neither one felt like sleeping at the time so the two 16-year-olds decided to have a little wrestling match to see who would win.  After rolling around the floor of June###s bedroom for nearly an hour, along with a few shouts from June###s family to ###stop that racket,### they called it a draw.  This started to become an ongoing contest between the two.  Whenever one would invite the other for a sleepover at their house, they would watch either some collegiate wrestling or tapes of that event (none of that fake stuff for them, they swore), and then they would participate in a little match of their own.  They found that they were equally matched, but that didn###t stop them from trying to defeat the other.  They also each prepared a section of their families### respective barns for these matches so their parents won###t be disturbed.  June###s mother and father were relieved that the two wrestled each other; the pigs were starting to squeal in terror whenever they saw the two girls.


            With the advent of college and career, the personal matches grew less and less, but they always reserved at least one day a year to have their personal match.  They both participated in bodybuilding for a while, even competing in a few competitions, but after a while they decided it required too much time and sacrifice.  Beth at one time said that if she had to drink one more glass of egg whites, she was going to throw up.  The two also realized they can concentrate on being strong without the crazy schedule of dieting down to contest weight, not drinking fluids the night of the competition, or other crazy stuff like that.


            What the two did instead was join a submission-wrestling league.  The league was located in the Midwest, rather far from New York City and Brooklyn, where June and Beth were born respectively, but it fit in perfectly with their blooming careers.  June majored in Recreational Management at New York State University with plans of owning and running a gym one day, while Beth majored in Sports Medicine at NYU with plans of working with professional athletes as a trainer or a strength coach.  June landed a job as a manager of a gym located nearby a university while Beth was hired as a strength coach for a college###s wrestling team in a nearby city.


            In the wrestling league, both women excelled, winning several of the league tournament championships between them.  The two women were happy; they found good careers that they liked, and got to participate regularly in a sport that they loved.  The prize money didn###t hurt either.


            One day, June received a passion of a different kind.  She was driving home from church when she heard a voice from God telling her that she wanted her to preach for him.  After looking around to see if there was anybody else in the car and checking herself to see if she sustained any possible head injuries in her last bout, she realized the call must be genuine.  Wasting no time, she started an Assembly of God church in one of the rooms of the gym.  Finally, the new congregation built a chapel outside of town, not too far from a fast-growing Baptist church.


            Because of the growing demands of a growing congregation, she reluctantly ###retired### from her wrestling league.  However, she still worked out, becoming stronger.  Beth remained in the league, still a powerful threat, actually even more so, because her biggest rival was gone.


            One evening, Beth gave June a call, telling her ###it###s time.###  After a few moments of comparing schedules and good-hearted ###threats,### they settled on their next bout to be on a Friday evening later that week.  Once they got that matter of business out of the way, they talked about the usual stuff: work, family, and men.  After they said their good-byes, June made plans to workout a little harder the next few days.


            On Friday, earlier that day, June had finished working out and took a shower.  After she dried off and changed, wearing pink gym shorts, a teal T-shirt, and white low-cut socks, she walked out of the locker room carrying her running shoes to a nearby bench where she can put them on.  On the way, she passed by a woman the same height she is, with long blonde hair, decked out in black gym shorts, a yellow tank-top shirt, and barefoot, delivering high powered kicks to a heavy bag.  The efforts of the workout had left a moderate sheen of perspiration, which served in showing off the development and cut of her muscular frame.  June noticed that the woman looked a little too serious in her workout, so she decided to have a little fun with her.


            ###Susan Davidson, God told me that you need to become a member of my church,### June said.


            Susan stopped for a minute and looked at June.  ###That###s funny, God didn###t say anything to me about it,### she said.


            June sat down on a workout bench.  ###Perhaps you should consider the possibilities.  You###re already a role model that the kids look up to.  As a matter of fact, the parents tell me that they have to get on their kids for trying to go to church without their shoes.  ###Susan Davidson does it,### they tell them,### she said.


            ###Actually that###s the one place I wear shoes, but haven###t I spoke to your youth group a short while ago?###


            ###Yeah, but they liked you so much, they want you back.  If you went ahead and joined, it would make things much more convenient.###


            ###June, I###m Baptist, you folks over there are a little too uh, active for me.###


            ###I don###t know about that, the way I see you move in those kickboxing matches, you look like you###re active enough for our congregation.###


            Susan sighed.  ###Next, you###ll be trying to get me to speak in tongues.###


            ###About that-###


            ###So how is everything?### Susan interrupted as she came and sat on the bench by June.


            ###Better than blessed.  Work is fine, church is growing, and everything else is going well, no complaints,### June said.


            Susan looked June over.  ###You###re getting ready for ###the big match,### aren###t you?###  She said.


            ###It###s not ###the big match,### it###s a little friendly competition we###ve done for years.  How did you know?###


            ###You always workout and pump that iron a little more often than usual whenever you and Beth plan to wrestle.###


            ###Oh, it###s that obvious?###


            ###It is to me, than again, I###m in here almost everyday anyway.  You know, I###m surprised the kids aren###t imitating you.###


            ###Why me?###


            ###How many people can say their pastor has big muscles?  I can just hear them saying ###my pastor can beat up your pastor.######


            ###Well there###s one funny story that happened a few months ago.  One Sunday, after the service was over, and I was shaking hands at the door, a married couple in their early 50###s came to me, and complimented me on the sermon, etc., when suddenly the man asked me to flex my arm and make a muscle.  I didn###t see anything wrong with it at the time, so I pulled my blouse back and made one.  Then he asked if he could feel it, and that###s when his wife hit him hard in the shoulder and drug him out of the building.  I didn###t think anything about it until a few months later on another Sunday after the service was over, and I was shaking hands as usual.  The same couple came to me, complimented me on the sermon, then the wife said she wanted to show me something.  As soon as I said okay, she pulled her sleeve back and made a nicely sized bicep.  I complimented her on it.  She had the proudest look on her face.  Then her husband took her by the waist and guided her out, but not before turning to me and winking.  I###m not sure, but I think I somehow helped add a little spark to their marriage.###


            ###I think he was trying to make a subtle hint, and she took it,### Susan laughed.


            ###That does remind me, I###ve been meaning to ask you something,### June said.


            ###Go ahead, but I###m still not joining your church.###


            ###No, not that, I just wanted to know why you do it.###


            ###Do what?###


            ###Go barefoot all the time.  I know it###s not because you###re broke and can###t afford shoes.  I###m just curious.###


            ###Well, I normally give the standard reason that I don###t like shoes, but there###s really three reasons why I go barefoot.  One; I###ve never felt comfortable in shoes since I was little, don###t know why.  Two, I###ve found when I go barefoot as opposed to wearing shoes, I seem to have an increased awareness of the world around me.  It###s almost as though I know more of what###s going on.  For example, I can tell you what the weather will be like for that day by finding out what the ground feels like.  And three, as strange as it sounds it makes me feel closer to God.  Feeling the earth below me helps me to enjoy the glories of the Lord, and to experience more of his handiwork.  It###s almost like I###m doing a walking devotion when I go for a hike through the woods or over the countryside.  Weird, huh?###


            ###No, not at all.  I never thought about it that way before.  And here I was thinking that you may be doing it because David liked it or something like that,### June said, amazed.


            ###Well, he does like it, but he###s known about the reasons on why I do it.  From the first time we met to our first date together to all the good times and bad, he###s seen the real me, bare feet and all.  My brothers and sisters and my dad smile about it now, but my mother still goes bananas about it whenever she looks down.###


            ###Is your mother still arranging the wedding?###


            ###My mother would arrange the Second Coming if God would let her.  She would probably correct him on a few points, like having the angels come in from a different direction or something.  I agreed to wear shoes at the wedding and maybe at the reception, to keep the peace.  I guess I should be thankful.  My parents love David, and visa versa with his parents and me.  If the only point of conflict is wearing shoes at the wedding, then I can put up with the things for one day.  That###s enough about me, when are you going to take Beth on?###


            ###Later this evening, after dinner, which reminds me, I need to hurry up and get out of here.###  June bent down to put her shoes on.


            ###Wait a minute June.  Why don###t you try it?###


            ###Try what?###


            ###Leave your shoes off.  Try going the rest of the evening without them.###


            ###Susan, my feet aren###t anywhere as tough as yours, those rocks and stuff outside will hurt mine.###


            ###Then leave your socks on.  That###ll give you some protection from the elements.###


            ###My socks will get black with dirt, I couldn###t do that.###


            ###So, you wash your socks, don###t you?  They###ll get clean.  I###m not asking you to run a marathon, I###m just suggesting for you to try the rest of the day.  You two won###t be wrestling with shoes on anyway, so why bother?  Just give it a try.###


            June looked at Susan for a moment, and then put her shoes in her gym bag.  ###All right, I###ll try it for the rest of the day, but if I get a hole in my foot from doing this, you###re paying my doctor bill,### she said.


            Susan smiled.  ###It###s a deal,### she said.


            As she left the gym and drove off to meet Beth at the designated restaurant, she realized running around in her stocking feet wasn###t half bad.  Even using the accelerator and brakes while driving the car seemed to be a new experience.  Finally she pulled into the restaurant###s parking lot where Beth was waiting for her.  They gave each other a warm hug, then Beth looked down.


            ###It looks like Susan gained another convert,### Beth said, pointing to June###s socks.


            ###Another convert?###  June asked.


            ###Yeah.  Last time I ran into her, she talked me into the same thing,### Beth said, pointing to her own stocking feet.  She was wearing thick black slouch socks to match her black shorts and white short-sleeve top.


            ###I was coming out of the locker room after I worked out, and I didn###t put my shoes on yet.  She talked me into keeping them off.  How did she get you?###


            ###I had on an old pair of workout shoes and I made the mistake of complaining to her about how they were hurting my feet.  The next thing I know, I was doing my leg presses with both my shoes and socks off.  Those pedals are really cold you know that?  Anyway, after I finished, she came by and said, ###feels good, doesn###t it?###  I had to say it wasn###t too bad.###


            ###Let me guess,### June said.  ###She asked you to try living without shoes for the rest of the day?###


            ###Yeah, that###s right,### Beth said.  ###You ought to try getting her to join your church.  If she can convince people to leave their shoes off at the drop of a hat, she probably could pack the pews overnight.###


            ###I###ve been working on her for the last year or two, but she###s convinced that she###s going to remain a Baptist to the bitter end, just like you.###


            ###Hey, it###s not my fault you went Pentecostal.  We can talk about this in a minute, meanwhile I###m starving, let###s go eat.###


            ###You think they###ll let us in?###


            ###I hope so, I accidentally left my shoes at home.###


            The two women made it into the restaurant with no problems, and sat down at a table, where they played catch-up with each other###s busy lives.  After they ordered and received their food, they talked about the wrestling league.


            ###How###s that belt fitting you nowadays?###  June asked.


            ###Not bad, since I don###t have you peeking over my shoulder trying to get it,### Beth replied as she sipped a glass of water.  ###To tell you the truth, the league hasn###t been as competitive since you left.  I seem to be the only muscle-bound woman there.  You figure by now if some of these ladies want to beat me, they need to get the hint.###


            ###Have you considered checking out another wrestling league?###


            ###Yeah, but it###s hard to find a good one.  So far the ones I###ve seen either have out of shape people rolling around on mats, others where they are nothing more than catfights, or the so-called ###professional### ones with that fake stuff.  There was one where the wrestlers were very good and in excellent shape.  I almost joined it until I found out what the winner gets do to do to the loser after the match is over.  Rather kinky.###


            ###I heard about that, one of Susan###s mechanic friends ##" what###s her name ##" Irena wrestled the champion of that league.  The reason why was a long story.  Anyway, Irena ended up winning, but it was very close.###


            ###I###m glad she won.###


            ###So was she.  The woman has been undefeated before Irena wrestled her.  Anyway, she said she requests a rematch, and let###s just say considering the stipulations, Irena isn###t crazy about doing it anytime soon.###


            ###I suppose Irena had a good reason for taking her on in the first place,### Beth said.


            ###All Susan would tell me was it was for a friend###s honor.###


            ###Well, looking at all the other choices, I found it was best to stay put where I###m at.  The only other alternative would be to try that Mixed Martial Arts organization that###s starting up around here, but it###s a little too violent for my tastes.  Too much hitting and kicking.  I just want to wrestle.###


            ###Which brings up the musical question, your place or mine?###  June said with a grin.


            ###I think this time it###s my place.  Remember the last time?  Your neighbors had a dog that wouldn###t shut up the whole time we went at it.###  Beth said as she scanned the desert menu.


            ###It didn###t stop you from locking me in that leg scissors.  You almost squeezed me in two!###


            ###Sorry about that, the dog was so loud, I couldn###t hear your submission.###


            ###It didn###t have anything to do with the dog###s volume, I couldn###t breathe!  I###m just glad I had a light dinner that evening.###


            ###Well at my place I don###t have any next door neighbors with a dog, so I###ll be able to hear you give up.  The worse that could happen would be my cat Mittens mistaking you for a piece of furniture and laying on you.###


            ###Everything you said was right, except for the giving up part.  It###ll be different tonight,### June said as she motioned the waiter over to order desert.  ###After I finish my blueberry cheesecake and we get to your place, it###ll be you crying for mercy.###


            ###Promises, promises.  During your ###retirement,### I learned a few new tricks, so it may not be as easy as you think.###  Beth replied with a cocky grin.   ###And I think you should###ve went with the cherry cobbler, it###s delicious.###


            ###What new tricks?  You forget, I attend almost all your matches, so I###ve seen it all.  And what###s wrong with the cheesecake, it tastes great.###


            ###I will promise I won###t leave you too sore, since you have to preach Sunday morning.  And the cobbler tastes almost like homemade.###


            ###I###ve had homemade, and that cobbler isn###t it.  The cheesecake rules.###










            They both fell back in their seats laughing.


            ###I###m sorry you had to retire, June.  Most everybody in the league misses you.###


            ###I###m sorry too, but it wouldn###t have been practical to concentrate on Sunday###s message and Saturday###s matches at the same time.  Besides, you know how funny the deacons get about these things.  I###m surprised they haven###t talked to me about my weight lifting yet,### June said as she placed a mouthful of cheesecake in her mouth, and then took a piece of Beth###s cobbler.


            Beth took a piece of June###s cheesecake.  ###They###re probably afraid their wives would beat them up,### she grinned.  ###Hey, before we get started, I have a tape of a new wrestler who joined up who supposedly has this reputation of being cruel to her opponents.  I like to have your opinion on how to deal with her.###


            ###When do you wrestler her?###


            ###Next week.###


            ###Boy, they don###t waste time, do they?###


            ###See, I told you they miss you.  They###re getting tired of me wearing the belt all the time.###


            ###So they###re either bringing in a ringer or some street fighter who thinks she can wrestle.  Any idea what she looks like?###


            ###From what I###m told, she###s as tall as we are, about as built as we are, and she shaves her head bald.###


            ###So now they###re recruiting people from the circus, is that it?###  June laughed.


            ###I don###t know, that###s who I###m matched with.###


            ###Sure, a little entertainment before I beat your butt, why not?###


            After they finished their meal, they drove back to Beth###s apartment and watched the tape of her next opponent.  After they saw it, they looked at each other.


            ###Wow, I didn###t know King Kong had children,### Beth said.


            ###Now, now, Beth, that woman is one of god###s children too, even if she does look like she should be on top of a skyscraper swatting at airplanes,### June said.  ###You can handle any wrestler they can throw at you except one.###


            ###Who###s that?###


            ###Me, I###m going to go change and teach you a few lessons.###  June picked up her gym bag and went into the guest bedroom.  Beth shrugged and went into her bedroom to change as well.  When June emerged, she was wearing a one-piece purple leotard with spaghetti straps ##" her normal wrestling garb when she was in the league.  Beth came out with a red sports bra, black bikers shorts, and barefoot.  They then went into another room that Beth uses to workout in.  The floor of the room was covered with soft mats.  Beth pointed towards June###s feet.


            ###You could###ve at least taken your socks off or changed into a clean pair,### Beth said.


            ###Why?  They can###t get any dirtier at this point,### June said.


            ###That###s okay, I###ll try to make it quick so you can at least rinse out those dingy things.###


            ###Dream on, my friend.  Now are you going to talk about dirty socks or are you going to wrestle?###


            Beth laughed.  ###Well wrestle of course.  I relish having the chance to take you down every opportunity I get.###


            June glanced at the clock on the wall, then said, ###ding### as the second hand reached twelve.  The two circled around each other for a moment before they locked up, looking for an opportunity to find an opening.  June suddenly relaxed her hold, attempting to drop down to the floor, but Beth held her tighter, keeping her from doing so.


            ###You don###t think I remember that trick, June?  You used it on that Scandinavian woman two years ago,### Beth said, grunting.  ###That ###drop dead leg lift### isn###t going to work on me.###


            ###I###m impressed you remember,### June said, equally grunting.  ###I forgot what I called it.###


            Beth tried to position her feet to make a sudden twist from her waist, but June held her still.


            ###I know all your throws, my friend,### June said.  ###You###re just going to have to try something else.###


            ###Okay,### Beth said, and then relaxed her grip, dropped down, grabbed June###s legs and lifted up.  June fell to the mat more surprised than stunned.


            ###You dirty dog, that###s my move!###  June said.


            ###Then you should###ve remembered it,### Beth replied.


            June quickly yanked her legs from Beth###s grasp, and rolled to her feet.  If she lingered a moment longer, she would###ve been a possible victim for Beth###s deadliest hold ##" the leg scissors.  By the same token, June###s most devastating hold was the bear hug. 


Between the two of them, the use of those holds alone has won them many victories, and had (by accident) also broken a few ribs.  Whenever the two encounter each other on the mat, both parties do everything in their power to avoid the other###s holds.  Most of their opponents, not having the experience of wrestling each other on a regular basis, generally didn###t have that knowledge, and usually fell victim to the two women.  Their thorough knowledge of each other###s moves, plus being equally matched, has led them to try alternative methods of submission, few of them successful.  The matches have become more of a test of endurance than anything else.  Whoever had the most rest that day usually was the winner.


After forty minutes of holds, throws, takedowns, and reversals, both women stood on the opposite sides of the room breathing heavy.  Despite the air conditioner going full blast, both combatants had a light sheen of sweat on their bodies.


In-between pants June brushed back a few strands of hair and glared at Beth.


###This time, I###m taking you down,### she said, pointing a wavering finger at her opponent.


###Yeah, yeah, whatever.  I have a finishing move with your name on it, girl,### Beth said.


The two came toward each other wearily and cautiously, and locked up one more time.   Neither one moved from that position for several minutes, either unable to move the other or just lacking the energy.  June thought about trying her drop down leg grab maneuver again, but she was afraid at that point if she dropped down, she would stay down, so she remained standing, trying to find a weak spot in Beth###s defenses.  Beth was in a similar position, except she had exhausted her bag of tricks, and contemplated jumping up and using a flying leg scissors on June if she could work herself free just enough.


Between the grunting and shuffling of feet, a cell phone rang.


###Is that yours?###  June said between grunts.


###No, I turned mine off.  The answering machine would###ve picked up any calls on my home phone,### Beth said.


###Then it must be mine, then,### June moaned.  ###Let me get this, then we###ll pick up where we left off.###


###Yeah, good idea.###


June staggered to her phone and picked it up.  ###Hello?###  She said.


###Rev. Lewis?###  A female voice on the phone asked.


###Speaking.  Is this Debbie?###


###Yes.  Oh pastor, you###ve got to come quick!###  Debbie said frantically.


###What happened?###


###It###s Gary, he came home, drank a can of beer, and when I told him that being drunk wasn###t pleasing to God, he hit me!  Now he###s walking around the house cussing and screaming.  Pastor, I don###t know what to do, please help me!###


June sighed.  ###Hang on, I###ll be on my way.###  She hung up.


###Something wrong?###  Beth said as came in the room drying off.  She threw June a towel.


###Yeah, it###s one of my problem members, Debbie Roberts.  A few months ago, she married a jerk by the name of Gary.  Now she###s paying for it.###  June said as she grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to throw on.  ###Want to tag along?###


###Sure, let me grab a shirt, some shoes, and I###ll be ready.###


###Oh, so now you want to grab some shoes.  What will Susan think?###  June teased.


###Oh man, why did you have to throw her into this?###


###Hey, if I can go over there in my stocking feet, you can go over there barefooted.  Or you can grab a pair of socks to put on before we go.###


###Never mind, let###s go.###


###That###s the spirit, Susan would be proud.###


###Shut up.###


The two jumped into June###s car and traveled to Debbie and Gary###s house.  Before June touched the doorbell, Debbie answered the door.  She was a 21-year old brunette with long hair who worked first-shift on an assembly line at one of the factories downtown.  Gary was the same age as Debbie, and also worked on an assembly line at the same factory.  The factory was where they met, fell in love, and against the advice of June, Debbie###s parents, Gary###s parents, Debbie###s friends, and even some of Gary###s friends, they got married.  Debbie had attended June###s church for a few years while Gary avoided it like a virus.


As Debbie greeted June and Beth, Gary could be heard walking through the house throwing a tantrum, and cussing and swearing about everything and everybody he could think of.


###Oh June, I###m glad you came,### Debbie said.  She then paused and looked at the two ladies### condition.  ###Are you okay?###


###Yes, we###re fine,### June said.  ###We just had a ##" a late workout, that###s all.###


###But you###re not wearing any shoes.###


June pointed down to Debbie###s white socks.  ###And neither are you,### she said.  ###Are you going to let us in?###


###Oh!  I###m sorry, come on in.###  Debbie led them to a table in the dining room, and they sat down.


###I don###t know how long he###s going to be carrying on like that,### she said, pointing a thumb in Gary###s general direction.


###Let###s not talk about him right now, let###s talk about you,### June said.  ###Let me ask you a question, what does 2 Corinthians 6:14 say?###


Debbie looked at June, and then looked down, studying the pattern of the tablecloth.  ###Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers,### she mumbled.


###Now why did you marry Gary?###


###Because I love him,### Debbie said a little defensively.  ###He gives me nice things, and he###s good to me.###


###I don###t hear him being good to you now,### Beth said, listening to the tirade Gary was doing in the other room.


###Debbie,### June said, ###You married an unbeliever.  You went against the advice of myself, both your parents and his, your friends, some of his friends, and if you listened closely enough, the Holy Spirit telling you that it wasn###t a good idea to marry this guy.  But now you did so, and so it###s done, so we###ll now have to make the best of it.  You###ll need to start by asking this question; did you marry him because you love him or because you were in rebellion and didn###t want to be told what to do?  We warned you about him because we love you, not because we wanted to hurt you.  However you hurt us instead.  You went to the Justice of the Peace to marry you instead of me because you knew I wouldn###t do it, and you turned your back on your friends and family who were looking out for you when you said, ###I do### to this man.  Now sit here with Beth, while I go talk to your new husband.


June walked into the living room where Gary was pacing and yelling.  A professional basketball game was on the TV with the volume up loud, but Gary was even louder than that.  At 6###0### and at almost 200 pounds, his pacing and jumping on the floor was making quite a ruckus in the small house.  He was waving a beer can in the air that has long been empty.  She walked over and turned off the television.


###All right, Gary, let###s talk.  What happened?###  June said.


###I was sitting here watching the game, drinking my beer when she came to me and told me I shouldn###t do it.  I don###t know why, she let me drink before, I don###t know why now is any different.  She came over and preached to me, so I hit her.  Now I see she called you over to preach to me some more,### Gary said.


###Okay, first off, I###m not here to ###preach at you,### I###m here to talk to you, and second, drop the beer can and cut the drunk act. I know you only had one beer.###


Gary straightened up and threw the empty beer can in a corner.  ###Okay you###re right, I###m not drunk; but I don###t think I want you in my house any more.  I want you to leave,### he said.


###Your wife invited me, so it###s up to her if she wants me to leave,### June said.


###That###s right, you###re her pastor.###  He said the last word the same way a person would describe something disgusting.  ###Well ###pastor,### I think you need to leave before I tell you what I really think about you so-called Christians and your God.###


June ignored the last remark and continued.  ###You need to stop humiliating your wife, Gary.###


###If you don###t leave, I###m going to throw you out.  I don###t care if you###re a preacher or a woman, get out!  And take your ###God### junk with you.###  He started advancing on June.


###I###m not leaving, Gary.###


###I###m going to hit you so hard, you###re going to see God.### 


Gary stepped forward and threw a right jab at June.  The former wrestler easily ducked under the blow.  Gary wasn###t expecting June to duck and he found himself almost spun around in a circle until he had his back to June.  June grabbed him and turned him around so they were facing each other face to face, then locked her arms around Gary###s chest and arms and squeezed him in one of her dreaded bear hugs.  Gary started swearing and squirming as she put the pressure on.


###Now Gary, I think it###s time for that ###talk.###  Let###s go see God,### June said.


###I###m not going to tell you ##" ahhh!###  Gary screamed in pain from the tight hold.


###No, you###re not going to ###tell me### anything.  It###s my turn to talk, and you###ll talk when I tell you to, understand?###


###I###m going to kick your ##" ahhh!###


###Understand?###  Gary nodded his head and June relieved the pressure.  ###Very good.  Now we###ll talk.  I###m going to ask you a few questions, and you###re going to give me a few answers, okay?  Say ###yes.######


###Yes,### Gary said weakly.


###Good.  Do you believe in God?###  June asked.


###What kind of question is that?  Ahhh!###  Gary screamed.


###That was a yes or no question.  Until I say otherwise, that###s the only answer you###re going to give me.  I###ll ask again, do you believe in God?###




###Good, that saves me the trouble of explaining to you the existence of God,### June said.  ###Next question, are you a sinner?###


###No.  Ahhh!### Gary said, then howled in pain as June squeezed.


###Wrong answer.  You hit your wife, you screamed at her and you threatened me.  That alone proves that###s the wrong answer.  I###ll ask again, are you a sinner?###  June squeezed a little more.


###Yes, yes, yes I am!### Gary said.  June relieved the pressure.


###One yes is sufficient, Gary.  Now do you believe that Jesus, the Son of God died for the forgiveness of your sins and rose from the dead so that you can be saved?###


Gary paused for a moment, not knowing what to say.  At this point, he was scared of giving any answer that sounded like the wrong one.


###I###ll give you a hint, Gary, there###s only one answer for this question, and it starts with a ###y.### What###s your answer.###


###Yes,### Gary said, feeling relieved because he was thinking that June would at this point let him go.


###That###s good Gary,### June said.  ###Now I want you to pray with me.###


###You want me to what?###  He said, then flinched, expecting another squeeze from the hold.


###I want you to pray with me.  I want you to close your eyes, and repeat after me.  Of course, if you###d like, I can keep squeezing and then you can take the matter up with God personally, your choice.###


###No, no, I###ll pray, I###ll pray,### Gary said, nodding his head frantically.


###Okay; now repeat after me, Lord Jesus, I need you,###


###Lord Jesus, I need you ##" ahhh!###


###Louder!### June demanded after she squeezed.


###Lord Jesus, I need you!### Gary almost shouted.


###Come into my life.###


###Come into her life, I mean our life, I mean my life!###


###That###s fine, God knew what you meant. Let###s continue.  Thank you for forgiving me for my sins at the cross.###


###Thank you for forgiving me for my sins at the cross.###


###Take control of my life and make me the new creation you want me to be.###


###Take control of my life and make me the new creation you want me to be.###






June then released her hold on Gary.  Gary, to his surprise, fell down and landed on his knees.


###Now Gary, I want you to thank the Lord,### June said.


###Thank him?  For what?### Gary asked.


###Thank him for saving you.  Do you need a reminder of what you were saved from?###  June gave him a serious look.


###No, I got it,### Gary said, then clasped his hands, bowed his head, and prayed frantically.  ###Lord God Jesus, thank you for saving me, thank you for saving my life.  Please keep me from being squeezed to death at the hands of this crazy woman, I don###t want to be squeezed to death, please help me . . .###


Gary continued to pray for the next five minutes, asking forgiveness for every wrong thing he###s done since he was twelve, promising to live a clean life, and pleading that he doesn###t get squeezed again.  When he realized that he poured out his life story, and June wasn###t going to squeeze him again, he stopped.


###Congratulations, Gary, welcome to the family of God,### June said as she turned to leave.  ###I###ll expect the two of you to be in church this Sunday, especially you, Gary, because I think you have something to share with the rest of the congregation.  Just remember, if I don###t see you there, it may sound like a cliché, but it###s true, I know where you live.###


After the two ladies said their good-byes to Debbie and got in the car to drive back to Beth###s place, Beth said, ###That has got to be the strangest method of evangelism I have ever seen in my life.  How do you know he was even serious about his confession?###


###Well you heard the old saying that there###s no atheists in foxholes, so I thought I###d try a new approach.  I###ve been wanting to share the gospel with him for some time, and-###


###And you###ve been wanting to put the squeeze on him, haven###t you.  Come on, I was watching you; you got a kick out of squeezing his guts out, didn###t you?###  Beth interrupted.


###Well . . . yeah, but I was gentle about it,### June replied.


Beth laughed.  ###Gentle?  If it were me or some other wrestler, it###d be gentle.  Putting it on a out-of-shape stick like him, you could###ve broke him in two.###


###Well when he wakes up in the morning, he###ll realize from the bruises what it###s like to suffer in His name.###


###Oh brother.  So speaking of ###suffering,### you ready to get back to our match at my place?###


###To tell you the truth, Beth, no.  Between working out, our little tussle, and ###speaking the truth in love### to Gary, I###m exhausted.  We can pick it up next time.###


###That###s fine with me, June, I###m pooped too.  Hey, how about we rent a movie, then get two pints of ice cream and pig ourselves out?###


###I like that idea.  Giving a person a bear hug always gives me an appetite,### June said.


###Then we can hold funeral services for those socks.  I don###t think they###ll ever be white again.###


###Yeah, I###m afraid you###re right,### June said as she looked at her socks, which were once white; now they###re as black as Beth###s shorts.  ###It###s Susan###s fault, you know.###


###I bet all her new ###converts### tell her that.###


###Yeah, it actually felt pretty good.###


###What are you going to do about church?###


###I don###t know, I haven###t thought about it.  But then again, I wear a big robe when I preach, and I stand behind a pulpit anyway, so maybe I can get away with it.###


###Yes, Susan would be proud,### Beth said.


###Oh hush up,### June replied as the two rode off into the night.


That Sunday at June###s church, Gary went forward at the end of the service and told the congregation that he###s been saved.  After the service, he was welcomed with open arms.  He shook a lot of hands, but for some strange reason, he refrained from giving or receiving any hugs that day.  When asked why, he just replied that ###the Lord dealt with him harshly that night,### and left it at that.  The members looked at each other a little confused, but June and Debbie couldn###t help looking at each other, and sharing a little smile.


For any suggestions or story ideas, send e-mail to shrewsberry@juno.com.