Diary of a Barefoot Assassin - Nadia
"-I have no problem
killing people."
By Mongoose750 (mongoose750@yahoo.com)
I=m sitting in a private
room of a nice restaurant. It=s darkly lit, meant to
convey a romantic atmosphere. I=m dressed appropriately
for the occasion, wearing a nice red long sleeve scoop neck blouse, and a short
black skirt. While I=m sitting here
contemplating, I hear someone trying to contact me via the radio earpiece no
larger than a standard hearing aid placed in my left ear.
ANadia? Are you free?@ The voice crackled in my ear.
AYes I=m free, Nizaara,@ I told her.
AHas the target been
I trace my bare right toe
over the facial features of the man lying on the floor in front of me. You see, the man, who was an operative for
an enemy spy organization, was my target for tonight. He thought he would get lucky with me. When he tried to kiss my neck, it was an easy matter for me to
reach up and break his. He was a
handsome man; unfortunately, he didn=t heed the advice given
from the spy business and his mother about meeting strangers.
You see, I=m a Barefoot Assassin, an
agent of the Brazilian government.
And I have no problem
killing people.
I realize that sounded
ghoulish as soon as I said that.
Let me explain that I=m not one of those
psychopathic people who kill their own mother or pull the wings off flies and
torture small animals for enjoyment.
Nor do I harbor a deep-seated hatred for men or angry at the world
because some slight was dealt me long ago like not having a date for the senior
dance in high school. What I am saying
is I believe in the cause for my uh, occupation, and I approach it the same way
I approached my old career, involved, but yet separated from it.
What was my old
career? Policeman, soldier, reformed
criminal? No, accountant. Confused?
Well it would probably be easier to start from the beginning. However it=s not just me, but the
four of us, fellow coworkers who are involved in this new way of life; plain,
ordinary women transformed into killing machines.
Okay, it started like this
. . .
My name is Nadia, and I
was born to a normal family, the youngest of four, a sister and two
brothers. My parents originally moved
from Russia to settle here in Brazil.
There were a few reasons they moved, but the main reason they give when
asked was Aheat.@ The days in this country are dramatically different from Moscow
or Siberia, that=s for sure. Again, we were a normal family; my father
was a schoolteacher, my mother a secretary for a marketing firm. They were both very loyal to their adopted
country, and I guess that=s where I picked it up,
because after I graduated high school and college, my goal was to work for the
Now to describe myself,
nothing out of the ordinary; I=m 5'6", I carry the
typical pale complexion that Russian natives would typically have, and I have a
slim build, not skinny, full-figured, or even flat-chested, just a normal, slim
build. I have short black hair with
bangs that go no further than the end of my neck, and the only distinguishing
feature about myself would be my long legs.
Those would prove to be my best asset later on, but I=ll get to that later. I did participate in gymnastics in school,
but I later Agrew@ out of it (5'6" is a
little too large for your typical gymnast).
I chose accounting as a major because I actually like it. I loved making the numbers balance each
other. Perhaps it was my way of
bringing balance to the world, I don=t know. At least I was working for a country that
actually had a budget, and not forced to forge numbers that weren=t there.
As I said earlier, I
wanted to work for the government, and upon graduation I did. After starting there, I would get promoted
and moved around, and eventually, I was approached for the opportunity to do my
work for a new division of the government.
The only clause was it was top secret, and I needed to be cleared (a
fancy way of saying make sure there=s no spies in my closet or
something like that). After a couple of
checks, and other red tape which I won=t bore you with, I was working
at my new place with a few other fellow accountants, which was located not far
from the Amazon rainforest. I soon
found out it was a division created for the sole purpose of eliminating enemy
spies. The name was called Brazilians
for an Independent Brazil, or BIB for short.
A little explanation is
needed here. Once upon a time, or
several years ago, the Brazilian government was saturated with spies from two
organizations, COIL and DOOM. The initials
stand for something, but I=ve always forgot what they
were. The point was it got to the point
where you couldn=t be sure if someone in
the senate or your local mayor was genuine or a plant for one of the two
agencies. Finally things came to a head
in the town of Rio Branco, where a conflict between the two resulted in a
disaster that claimed many lives, including a scientist and his daughter, who
made a breakthrough discovery on a cure for AIDS. Our president at that time said enough was enough, and ordered
both organizations to leave the country or be arrested. They did, or rather, most of them did to
give us the appearance of them leaving.
Many from both were staying behind in a more covert manner, which
explains the origin of our organization.
Quite simply, we find the agents and arrest them, or which has usually
been the case, eliminate them.
Some may consider that a
little cruel, perhaps even barbaric, but my country had suffered, and many
innocent people had suffered. And when
you've been pushed up against the wall for so long, you have to do something
about it.
A woman who goes by the
name of Bliss created BIB. One of the
first things she tells people upon first meeting her when they ask was yes,
Bliss is her real name. At one time,
she was one of the higher-ranking agents for Brazilian intelligence. One day she went to her superiors and told
them she wanted to create a separate branch with the sole purpose of removing
enemy agents. She received approval,
and got started on her creation, which was like any standard government agency,
except for a few eccentric twists to it.
First, the headquarters
were placed near the edge of the Amazon Rainforest in Northern Brazil. This was to prevent any possible
infiltration from other agencies that still might have a spy among their
agents. Second, it was composed almost
entirely of women. The few males who
work there only work in the accounting, secretarial, or technical
departments. I understand there's a lot
of men who send in their applications or transferals to this location every
year. I believe it's because of the Aatmosphere.@ That, and our transformations, which I'll address in a
moment. Bliss had a point to prove,
that women could be just as good as men, and just as deadly, and not in the
seductive sense, either.
Third, the women candidates
would eventually be transformed into living weapons. First, each candidate underwent an intensive weight-training
program. Even for those who dropped out
of the program, they walked out with newly developed muscles they didn't even
know they had. Along with that, they
also received intense martial arts training.
The candidate would have several disciplines to choose from, either at
their own choice, or at Bliss' selection.
As a result, the finished product would become a well‑built
specimen of destruction. Not with the
looks of a fashion model like you would see in spy movies, but an athletic Ahard body,@ a woman who could
literally kill a human being with their bare hands. I suppose this was another reason why the men sent applications
in; not because of the potential lethalness of the women, but because the
training helped make them more pleasing to the eye.
This leads to the fourth
point; the women were trained for assassination, almost nothing else. Their job was to go in, sanction or kill the
target, and get out. No looking for
top-secret documents or anything else; pure wet work is the main directive with
the option of taking prisoners. The
reason for the intense hand to hand training was that was how the target would
be sanctioned. Because the majority of
our targets were armed while we're not, this calls for craftiness and
skill. The target needs to be found
either unarmed or unaware, or we just find a way to disarm that target so an
easier kill could be made. Bliss
believed the best weapon a human being could use was he or herself, the human
body. Unlike guns or knives, they
always go with you, the weapon (body) can always be improved or Aupgraded,@ and almost no trace of
the weapon can be found. It is easier
to track down a bullet to a particular gun or rifle than it is to track down a
hand or a foot that delivered a lethal strike to the throat, for instance.
Finally, there is a reason
we're called ABarefoot Assassins,@ we conduct our
assassinations barefoot, or at the very least in stocking feet or socks. There are actually many benefits to this;
better traction, increased stealth, and sensitivity to your surroundings are a
few of them. This was the one thing
that others in the fellow agencies considered the strangest of all. Bliss requires for all her trainees to go
without shoes for a year, twenty‑four hours a day, 365 days a year, rain
or shine. This was to toughen the soles
to the elements, and to get the candidates back to moving around Aas nature intended.@ She considered most women's shoes a deterrent to personal
transportation, but then from Bliss, it's not a surprising viewpoint,
considering that none of us fellow assassins have seen her wear shoes. She was a six‑foot large muscular
woman with long blond hair in her early forties. If her fellow officers or family (she's married with two kids)
have raised any objection, we never heard it.
Interestingly, after that year with no shoes, most women don't switch
back. Some have let their shoes get
dusty with disuse, and some like myself don't even remember what size shoes
they wear anymore.
As I have pointed out, I was an accountant for this agency, performing
assassinations were nowhere in my mind.
During the course of my employment, I formed friendships with my fellow
coworkers, particularly three of them.
Nizaara was one of the main secretaries; she was slim, 5'9@, and had shoulder length black hair. She was rather quiet, only speaking when
spoken to. She was originally from
Bolivia, which at the time was undergoing some turmoil within their
government. She was a very nice person
when you got to know her. Lucy, a clerk
in the research and archive department was the same height that I was, except
she had a more petite build, with shoulder length curly hair and wire frame
glasses. Lucy could do research on a
rock in a neighbor's back yard, and give you more details on it than could be
thought possible. She was rather modest
about her knowledge, and never made a point of lording over you with it. Mia, our Agentle giant,@ in the computer services department was 6'4@, had short blond hair, and though having a big
frame, was not fat, though other people in their stupidity thought that
way. This prompted her to try out the
latest diet craze when it came about, eating like a rabbit, and making her feel
ashamed about her body. That is she
used to do that, but again, I'm getting ahead of myself.
At lunchtime, we ate with
our fellow officers, and even some of the assassins when they were training or
in‑between assignments. The
assassins, contrary to what it would seem, were nice and gracious to us, and
none of them to my knowledge appeared to be a sociopath. Two of them in particular, Ming Shi, and
Catalina, would even seek us out at lunchtime and participate in normal
conversation with us. You would never
think that those two women were the top assassins for BIB.
In the meantime, the four
of us were very good at what we did in our departments, and though it gained us
respect, praise from our leader, and higher raises, we were very, very bored.
One day, we were at our
usual table eating lunch, and Ming Shi dropped by to say hello to us and ask
how we were doing before she had to attend an important meeting. As we watched her leave, I remember saying,
almost absentmindedly, AI wonder if I could do her
Nizaara, our quiet one,
replied, ALet's find out.@
Before we realized what we
were doing, we suddenly stood up, left our table, our meals not even finished,
and walked over to Bliss' office. Upon
seeing us, she first thought it was some type of labor dispute.
AIs everything all right,
ladies?@ She said.
Nizaara again spoke up for
the group and said, AWe would like to be
Barefoot Assassins.@
To this day, I'm not sure
who was the most surprised, Bliss for what Nizaara just said, or the three of
us for what we just committed ourselves to.
Normally at that time, Bliss handpicked her assassins, primarily women
who had an athletic background. Mia had
played volleyball in high school and college; I've done gymnastics as I said
before, and I'm not sure if either Nizaara or Lucy have ever done any type of
sports before in their lives. Not that
it matters much now, though.
When she realized we weren=t kidding, Bliss looked at
us for what seemed like a long time, and then asked us, ASo tell me, why would I
train you as a Barefoot Assassin?@
It appeared like we were
at a loss for an answer, then I spoke up.
ABecause we don=t look like assassins,@ I said.
Bliss appeared confused at
what I said. ADon=t look like
assassins? Explain that to me, Nadia.@
AWell, when you see Ming
Shi, Catalina, Kim, and some of the others, you can see from the way they look
that they could be an assassin. Our >cleaning lady,= Natalya, though she=s one of your most
effective killers, she has to wear an outfit that makes her bigger than she is
so she doesn=t look suspicious.@
AGo on,@ Bliss said.
AYou see, with us, well
there=s nothing outstanding
about us. We=re - plain. A target would least expect an attack from
us because we don=t look like we would
attack anybody. That would make us
perfect for the task.@
After I finished, I
realized I was panting for breath. I
blurted out what I said so quickly, I forgot to take a breath. Bliss leaned back in her chair, taking in
what I said. It seemed like she sat
there for another long moment before she spoke again.
AYou know, Nadia, I never
thought about that. A number of our
current assassins, Kim, Ming Shi, would stand out in a crowd, and Natalya, if
she wasn=t on my side, she=d make me nervous if I was
an agent in the same room with her.
That is a very good point.@
AT-thank you,@ I said.
She suddenly leaned
forward in her chair over her desk. All
of us except for Nizaara jumped back a little.
ANow let me ask you this
question. Do you think you would be
able to take another human life?@ She asked.
It was a valid question;
after all, that is what an assassin does in the strictest definition, claim the
life of another human being. We paused
again, then slowly we gave her our answer.
AYes,@ I said.
AYes,@ Nizaara said.
AYes I can,@ Mia said.
AYes,@ Lucy said.
I found out later if we
said Ayes@ right away, we would=ve failed the preliminary
test and dropped from consideration of being trained to be an assassin. It would=ve been of great concern
to Bliss if we said yes without thinking or with enthusiasm. The first reason would indicate that we didn=t fully comprehend the
full scope of the task we were about to take, and the second reason would mean
we had the potential to be a bigger threat than the spies we hunt.
Lucy told me the United
States at one time tried using psychopaths and serial killers as government
assassins, and the experiment failed miserably. While you would have someone who would kill without remorse, you
also had someone that you couldn=t control. The potential of a rouge Barefoot Assassin
would be a scary thing indeed.
Bliss looked at us,
believing the sincerity of our answers.
AOkay, we=ll start your training
immediately,@ she said.
We all said thank you and
headed for the door. Before Mia, who
was closest to the door could turn the doorknob, Bliss addressed us again.
AOf course you know what
this means, don=t you?@ She said. AYou=ll need to lose the shoes
for at least a year.@
We all nodded our
understanding and started to turn around to the door.
APerhaps you didn=t understand me. Your training started immediately, so you=ll need to take your shoes
off now. You can=t be >Barefoot Assassins= if you=re wearing shoes, can you?@
The message sunk in, and
we started kicking off our shoes.
ASince some of my assassins
wear hose and socks, that=s fine with me, but for
the next 365 days, your feet will not even be near anything near a shoe, is
that clear?@
We all said yes. The others were in their stocking feet,
except for Lucy, who wore socks. I took
both my shoes and my knee-high stockings off.
Those new shoes were hurting my feet anyway.
AI=ll see you in here an hour
before you normally go in to work to start your training. Now you=re dismissed.@
I do remember a few people
giving us funny looks as we left Bliss= office carrying our
shoes. Bliss told us later on that it
was surprising the number of women who would say yes to being able to take a
human life, but then turn around and freak out when they find out they have to
take off their shoes. It=s like they don=t mind killing people, but
they wanted to make sure they were able to buy the new fall wardrobe. Curious, I did ask her what about buying
clothes and the latest fashions. She
shrugged and said, Afeet go with everything.@ I couldn=t argue with her on that
point, especially when I found out later that it made my clothes buying less
After we left the office
and walked back to our table in the cafeteria where our now cold food was
sitting, I asked the others what was their motivation for being able to kill
another human being. Mine was from a
friend who lost a few loved ones at Rio Branco. I saw this was a way of avenging those losses, plus a way of
supporting our government. Nizaara also
saw this as a way of supporting the government, and serving justice to those
whom sought to ruin it. For Mia, it was
more personal. When asked the question,
she thought about those who made fun of her for her size and never tried to
understand her. She figured these were
the type of people who spied on peaceful governments, and they needed to be rid
of. Lucy gave me a reply that was a
little chilling.
AI wanted to try a new
challenge,@ she said.
I was immediately reminded
of that old saying that says to watch out for the quiet ones because they=re the most
dangerous. But was that just Lucy, or
was she just revealing the answer that the three of us refused to admit? I don=t know. I already knew I would approach this new Ajob@ the same way I approached
my job of accounting; to be the best I can at it.
To say training was rough
would be an understatement. The weights
training and martial arts lessons were designed to push us to our limits and
beyond. Many times I have come home
sore and exhausted. Changes were being
made on our bodies, but at the time, I was too tired to notice them. There were changes in other ways, too.
One day we were eating
lunch as usual, except this time it was after our latest workout and we were
starved. The three of us got large
meals to fill our appetite; we didn=t care what it was, while
Mia was still insistent on eating her rabbit food. We were devouring our meals when Ming Shi came to our table and
sat down with us. She was away for a
few weeks on a mission on the other side of the country.
AI have heard about your
decision. I don=t doubt your ability to do
it, I don=t question your success,
and you may be good at it. I just want
to know why you=re doing it,@ she said.
We told her in so many
words that we wanted to serve our country.
AA mailman, janitor, or
garbage man serve their country too; they just don=t receive credit for it,@ she replied.
AIs that what you think of
us, as a janitor or garbage man?@ Mia said, sounding upset.
ANot at all, I think of you
as my friends,@ Ming Shi said. AI just wanted to know if
you were doing this for the right reasons, and not because of some way to seek
thrills or because you felt neglected.
This is not just a dangerous road you=re traveling, but also a
lonely one.@
ADid you know all this when
you decided to become an assassin?@ Mia asked.
AYes, and no. Look, if this is what you plan to do, I=ll offer you my help
whenever I can. I=ll start with what you=re eating, Mia.@
AWhat=s wrong with what I=m eating?@ Mia said, almost guarding her salad.
AYou just came from a hard
workout, just like you=ve been doing for a while
now. And you=re just going to eat
that? You=ll burn that off before
you=ll get started. Why aren=t you eating a regular
meal like the rest of us?@
AI=m on a diet,@ Mia protested.
AWhy is that?@ Ming Shi questioned.
AWell, because I=m fat.@
AWho told you that you were
fat, woman? I don=t see an ounce of fat on
ABut I=m big!@
AOf course you=re big! You=re taller than I am, and
have a large frame. That=s a good thing. If you were a stick, Bliss would see to it
that you would get fattened up.@
ABut won=t I need to lose weight
to, you know, be an effective, uh, killer?@
ANot a killer, an
assassin. There=s a difference. And you=re going to be doing too
many things for any excess weight to hang onto you anyway.@
AReally?@ Lucy said. ALike what?@
ADid you think you were
just going to meet your target and fight to the death? No, there are a number of things
involved. You=re going to be doing a lot
of running, scaling walls, climbing trees, all that stuff,@ Ming Shi said.
When she saw our
questioning looks, she went on. AYou=re going to be
encountering three types of people out there when you start your missions. There will be the type who=ll think you=re a weak female who is
not capable of doing the deed. It=s almost a pleasure to
wipe those people off the face of the planet.
The second type will fight you and fight you hard. You=ll run into them most of
the time. The third type will realize
your intent and run for their lives.@
I was surprised at the
time. I don=t know why, but I
was. ARun, from us?@ I said.
ANadia, to those spies out
there whether they=re DOOM, COIL, or some new
group that pops up, we are the angel of death that will take them from this
plane of existence. That=s our purpose. No spy games, just pure sanctions, plain and
simple. When some of your targets
realize that, they=re going to run. It=s the nature of every
living thing to avoid death as much and as fast as they can.@
Our table was silent for a
moment as we took it in. The taking of
life, we dealt with that, but being considered the right hand of the Grim
Reaper with some of our targets puts things in an interesting perspective. It=s also impossible not to
see the power in such a role.
ALet me tell you a funny
story to break up this doom and gloom,@ Ming Shi said. AOne target I confronted
had the nerve to remark on my outfit.
It was an oversized gray sweatshirt and blue leggings I was wearing at
the time. I just bought them too. She told me the outfit was either too sloppy
or too butch, one of those terms. I
told her, >I plan to kill you, and
you waste your remaining moments of life commenting on my wardrobe and lack of
footwear?= She then apologized hastily, and then she ran.@
ADid you catch her?@ Mia asked.
AOh yeah. She was wearing three-inch heels, so it wasn=t hard. She fell twenty feet away from where she
took off. She pleaded for her life and
promised to tell me everything she knew about DOOM=s operations. Helped us out in the long run.@
AWhere is she now?@ I asked.
AShe=s locked up here
someplace. A model prisoner from what I
understand. And she doesn=t comment on people=s fashions anymore.@
After we finished
laughing, Ming Shi told Mia she was going to get her a steak and potatoes, her
treat. Before Mia could refuse, she
told her that after the workouts get more intense, she=ll want a whole cow. She also told us to look in the mirror some
I did what she said later
that evening, and I was shocked. I
never thought I could be so muscularly well developed, especially in my
legs. The others were surprised with
their reflections as well. During one
workout, Mia saw the muscle tone in my legs and told me that those legs look
pretty strong and she bet that I could cave someone's head in with them. I told her I could probably crack some ribs,
but someone's head might be a bit much.
She insisted that I could probably cave someone's skull in with those
calves. I just dismissed it and said
maybe someday we'll find out.
After undergoing rigorous
training, it was finally time for our first assignment. Since Bliss saw the four of us were a
close-knit group, she sent us all on the assignment together, along with a
well-seasoned teammate. She was Kim
Lin-Soo, a 5'4" woman of Asian heritage.
She was considered one of our "more precise killers," able to
kill a target in a crowd of people without anyone knowing, or if you ask Ming
Shi, one of our "more messy killers." Some methods she had of dispatching her foes were rather gruesome
by regular standards, but in my mind, it got the job done.
Kim had the same body type
I did, a short, compact midsection with long legs. Upon talking to her, I found out that she had some gymnastics in
her background as well. She told me
that she also considered her legs her best and personal favorite body
part. No matter how hard she worked
out, she always made sure her legs received extra attention.
"Once you've been a
gymnast, some things never leave you," she said.
I had to agree. Even though I had not performed gymnastics in
years, I always made sure my legs received special treatment. In fact, after I started training and
working out again, I also found myself giving my legs more of a workout than
anything else.
Each of us was trained in
a martial art, but we weren't trained in the same discipline. We did have a choice to choose one, but
Bliss advised us as to which one would be the best for us to take. For me, it boiled down to a choice between
Tae Kwon Do and Capoeria. Bliss told me
to concentrate on Tae Kwon Do, then later start work on the other martial
art. Mia chose judo, she found that the
throws and chokes would be very effective, especially from one of her size. Nizaara chose karate, something nice and
straightforward. As for Lucy, she chose
Brazilian jiu-jitsu because she liked the idea of twisting and dislocating the
limbs of your attacker. I didn't know
Lucy could be capable of such sadism.
Our assignment was to
invade the headquarters of one DOOM cell group, and to sanction all the
personnel, of which there were six. As
green as we were, I could understand why Kim was brought along; just in case we
couldn't go through with sanctioning our targets. A nice failsafe in case things went wrong. I found in the assignments to come that
Bliss was like what your mother would be if she were your commanding
officer. She trains you hard, and then
makes sure you have plenty of support and encouragement before you go on a
mission. After you're finished, she
makes sure you're okay and gives you time off before going on the next
mission. She's a wonderful person to
work for.
Before we set out, Kim
rolled out the blueprints for the three-story building we would be
assaulting. Kim pointed out the places
of entry and possible areas of attack.
We stood there taking it in until Nizaara spoke up.
"I have an idea of
how we could enter the building," she said.
"Okay, what is
it?" Kim replied.
Nizaara then went into a
detailed plan that would forego most of the defenses, and possibly take the
enemy unawares. On paper, it sounded
pretty foolproof. After she was
finished, Kim rubbed her chin, thinking.
"I never thought of
it that way before," she said.
"Let's try it."
We didn't realize it then,
but that was how Nizaara started to become the field leader for our little
foursome. I've heard that adage that
said it was really the secretaries that ran companies and businesses, but I
never thought much about it until that moment.
For the four of us, she always gave instructions that were simple and
well thought out. Under her leadership,
we toppled a large number of DOOM strongholds.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
We suited up, Nizaara and
Lucy both wearing black long sleeve tops and black leggings. Mia wore the same thing, only her leggings
were mid-calf. Kim wore her trademark
blue tank top leotard while I wore a black (my favorite color) leotard similar
to hers except it had long sleeves. It
would soon become one of my favorite assassination outfits. We all wore utility belts that had tools
that served a number of functions. One
of them was equipment to scale the building.
It came in handy for the three that would be climbing up the building on
different sides while Kim and I was approaching from the bottom floor.
The bottom floor was
clear, and Kim and I walked to the second floor balcony looking for a way in
until we saw an interesting sight on a balcony on the third floor. There were two agents chatting with each
other with their backs facing out. We
seemed to hit upon the same idea at once as we found ourselves quietly grasping
hold of the bars of the balcony. On the
silent count of three, we lifted our legs up and wrapped them around the necks
of the unsuspecting man and woman above us.
Once we did so, we jerked our legs down. As we watched the two of them fall to their death, we realized
they were two agents we had unaccounted for.
We had to be a little more cautious for the possibility of more agents.
We scaled the balcony
railing to reach the next floor, then sneaked in to encounter the next two
agents. Kim was a master of a few
styles of Kung Fu, and to see her in action was beautiful to watch, if only for
a few seconds. It took about five of
them to disable her victim with one blow, cripple her with another blow, and
delivered the killing strike with the third blow. As the dead agent dropped to the floor, I realized it was my
The second agent attempted
to throw a punch at me, but I blocked it with my left arm, and kicked him in
the knee with my right foot. This
brought him down to my level for he was several inches taller than me. I then jumped and sent a jumping spin kick
with my left foot across his chin. I
realized that I kicked him rather hard as he dropped to the floor
unconscious. Kim came over and checked
the body.
AHe=s down and out, eh?@ I said.
AHe=s more than out, he=s dead,@ Kim replied. AYou broke his neck.@
AI did? I didn=t think I kicked him that
AOh you kicked him very
hard. I heard his neck snap when you
kicked him.@
I stood there, stunned,
not at the fact that I just took someone=s life, I already did that
at the balcony; but at the fact that I was able to do it with just one
kick. Maybe my legs were as strong as
Mia said they were.
AHow are you feeling?@ Kim asked. This was a
customary question to ask assassins on their first missions.
AI=m fine,@ I said, AI just didn=t know I could kick like
AIf you keep working on
them and honing them down, you=ll have a very deadly
weapon at your disposal.@
The others were also quite
successful with their first kill. On
the upper floor, Nizaara hid in an open closet and made a soft noise just loud
enough to draw the nearby agent's attention.
When he started to push aside the jackets, her open palm struck his
nose, sending the fragments up into his brain and killing him. The commotion drew the other agent=s attention, and as she
drew her gun, Lucy appeared from behind, grabbed her neck and twisted it
sharply to the left, breaking it.
Elsewhere, Mia=s method of execution was
rather simple; she threw her victim through an open window. She saw the two bodies there earlier, so she
decided to why not add one more.
We all met on the floor we
picked according to Nizaara=s plans, all of us except
for Mia. When we realized she was late,
we grew concerned and prepared to look for her when she appeared, carrying the
body of another DOOM agent over her shoulder.
She flung him down on the floor as she looked at me and smiled.
ANadia, I brought you a
gift,@ she said.
AA gift?@ I said. AWhat kind of gift is this?@
ARemember what we talked
about in the gym that one day? Now=s your chance to find out.@
We quickly explained what
was talked about that day, and asked Kim since she was our mission leader at
the time if it was okay. She shrugged
and said why not, the whole building was secured. She was also rather curious as well.
Sitting down on the
carpet, I took and held the still groggy agent=s hands while I wrapped my
legs around his head. I took a deep
breath and started to squeeze. I remember
Lucy was saying to the others that with sufficient leg strength, it was
possible to crack a skull, but I was too busy concentrating on the task at hand
to offer any comment. Nothing seemed to
happen for what seemed like a while except for the muffled screams of the agent
between my legs as he started to thrash around wildly. Mia sat down on his legs to help keep him
still as I tried to squeeze some more.
I was about to give up and resign myself to the fact that I was just
giving my victim a bad headache when it happened. I suddenly felt something give.
On this realization, I gave my legs one final squeeze. I felt blood on my legs and maybe some
tissue, and I released them.
AYou did it!@ Kim said. AI didn=t know that was possible.@
Lucy ran to a nearby
bathroom to grab a towel to wipe off my legs while the rest patted my back and
congratulated me on my feat.
AI knew you could do it!@ Mia said. AI told you that you could
do it.@
I sat there on the floor
stunned a second time. Kim was right, I
had two deadly weapons in front of me, and if I worked on them, they could be
very effective.
After the mission was
over, and we sent our report and received the usual time of rest after, I
decided to train in any and every martial art that involved either kicking or
something that involved using the legs.
I even worked on breaking boards with my feet. My feet were pretty tough by this time, and the thought of even
putting just sandals on them felt foreign to me. One time on an off day, I went shopping in the marketplace for
some clothes (not shoes), and a few other items. In a clothing store, I was addressed by some woman who noticed my
dress (I was wearing a simple black dress, some jewelry, an ankle bracelet, no
shoes), who was wearing a business suit with three-inch heels.
She asked me, AHow can you walk around
like that?@ As she pointed to my bare
I asked her, AHow can you walk around
like that?@ As I pointed at her
heels. AThose things must be like
She paused, and realized
that she didn=t have a proper response
to that, so she excused herself and walked away.
When we returned to
headquarters, we were congratulated on doing so well on our first assignment,
however the feat I did at the end spread like wildfire. Kim was so excited, she told everyone who
would listen. I told the other
assassins that it was Mia=s idea, and she was
curious. Apparently, everyone else
became Acurious,@ and worked more on their
leg strength.
Bliss called us into her
office to talk to us about the mission. After we covered the fine details and such, she finally got around
to asking about the leg stunt.
AHow long did it take you?@ She asked.
AI don=t know, a minute or two, I
guess,@ I replied.
AAnd why did you do it?@
Mia spoke up. AIt was my idea, ma=am. I thought she would be able to do it, and
since we had a spare agent left, and it was a full sanction . . .@
AYou thought, >Why not?=@ Bliss finished.
AWell, I would recommend
using that tactic only for torture to gain information. The move would take too long under regular
conditions, and quick and efficient is what we=re looking for here.@
AYes ma=am,@ we both said.
AAnd when did you start
calling me >ma=am?= It=s >Bliss,= for goodness sake. I=m not your mother. So anyway, how did it feel?@
AThe mission? Well, it felt-@ I began.
ANo, I can pretty much
gather how you feel about it. I=m talking about splitting
a man=s head open with your
AIt felt weird and
powerful; I don=t know how to describe it.@
AI knew the conditioning I
put our assassins through was effective, but I didn=t realize it was that
powerful. I=m impressed. That=s all.@
ACould we ask a small
favor?@ Nizaara asked.
ASure, what is it?@
AWe were thinking, and we
wondered if we could do most of our missions together, like a team.@
AI don=t see why not. From what I observed, and from what Kim told
me, you four act great together, and you, Nizaara, make a good field
leader. In fact, I=m going to have you take
some lessons in that area. Being a
secretary, you probably already know them, but humor me anyway. All four of you have opened my eyes as far
as recruiting women who weren=t former athletes or
soldiers. You may call yourselves >plain,= but not in my book. Okay, get out of here.@
AYes Bliss,@ we said excitedly.
Later, we ate lunch, that
is all four of us ate a real lunch, no more rabbit food for Mia. Ming Shi came by and sat by us before she
got any food. She was very excited.
ASo tell me, is it true?@ She asked.
By this time, we knew what
Ait@ was, so I said, AYes, it is.@
AI always wondered if I
could do that, but I wasn=t sure if it was
possible. Even Natayla when she heard
wasn=t sure if she could do it.@
ANatayla was an Olympic
weightlifter; she should be able to do it,@ Mia said.
AIf she applied just the
right pressure, it should pop,@ Lucy said.
We winched at Lucy=s use of the word, Apop,@ but we agreed.
AIt=s time consuming
though. I wouldn=t recommend it on a
regular mission,@ I said.
AI=ll keep that in mind. Well, I hate to eat and run, but I have
another mission to run off to. Great
job, ladies, and if you need someone to tag along next time, let me know, okay?@
We said okay, and said our
goodbyes to her. We were rather
impressed; Ming Shi doesn=t normally team up with
anyone, she=s primarily and has sworn
to be a solo operator. For someone like
that to give you that offer, it=s rather flattering.
Although we worked as a
team, Nizaara suggested that all of us should do a solo mission every once in a
while to improve our edge. I=ll tell you of one of my
solo missions and one of Lucy=s. Nizaara=s and Mia=s missions were more of a
hit and run deal. They see the target,
they track him or her down, kill him or her, then leave. Effective, but not much to talk about. Lucy=s was very impressive on
the other hand, and mine? Well, it was
Billy Sutherland was an
American business owner who not only was a DOOM operative, but he also had ties
to organized crime. As a general rule,
DOOM, a spy organization, doesn=t work with organized crime,
but Billy was successful with being involved in both. He=d have a few DOOM missions
performed while at the same time controlled the pulse of the local mobs. He also figured his status and position of
power made him rather untouchable and invulnerable. We were taught at BIB that the moment a foe thinks he or she is
all-powerful or safe from harm, many times that=s when they are at their
Bliss had this man up for
a full sanction, but she also told us that because of the man=s position, it would be
highly dangerous. When she asked for
volunteers, we were surprised when Lucy raised her hand. We were further shocked when she said she
wanted to do it as a solo mission. When
asked why, Lucy said, AI=ve been wanting to >do him= for some time.@ The three of us tried to talk her out of it, but we found out
whenever Lucy was determined on doing something, you might as well move out of
her way because she was going to do it.
She had a quiet stubbornness that was as strong as steel. When we asked her if she had a plan, she
winked at us and said of course.
We forgot we were talking
to the research queen. Even prior to
the mission, Lucy in her spare time studied the ins and outs of Billy=s company and everything
available about him. When she was
ready, she went to his mansion, where he ran his business and covert
operations, and applied for a job as a secretary. Lucy=s resume was impressive
enough for her to be hired anywhere, so it was no surprise they hired her on
the spot. Within a week, she knew more
of the information she needed to complete her mission.
Let me interject here that
again, our primary job was being an assassin.
We were not spies or undercover agents, looking for some secret
information to pass on to headquarters.
We were solely trained with the task of sanctioning an individual or
individuals who were some way connected with spy organizations opposed to our
country. We find our target, terminate
our target, and leave the information up to those who were trained for that
sort of thing. Since Lucy was not
carrying any type of listening device, secret camera, or any fancy gadget, it
was easy for her to be overlooked.
Finally, after the first week was over, on Monday, she made her move.
On that day, she wore
black slacks and a gray Oxford blouse with white pinstripes and a white collar
and cuffs. And she wore black penny
loafers. Later she told us that during
that week, it was all she could do to keep from kicking those shoes off and
tossing them in the nearest wastebasket.
Since becoming a Barefoot Assassin, Lucy=s feet had became
practically allergic to shoes. Her
loafers were also two sizes too big.
She carried no purse because it would be too bulky.
During the morning on one
of her coffee breaks, Lucy walked to one part of the mansion, kicked off her
shoes and left them there. Barefoot,
she walked back to her desk, and finished her work, then asked to see her
boss. When she found it was okay, she arose
and walked to his office. In Billy
Sutherland=s office on the first
floor, he had a large desk with some large windows behind it, while the walls
had bookcases against them. He also had
a full time bodyguard who sat in the room with him. Lucy entered the office and closed the door behind her. When Billy asked her what she wanted to tell
him, she pushed one of those bookcases on top of the guard, knocking him
unconscious. She then jumped on Billy=s big desk, and slid on
her knees toward him.
She pulled off his
glasses, and smashed his nose with a right palm strike. Next, she grabbed his head and whispered in
his ear, ABrazil dances upon the
bones of her enemies.@ With that, she twisted his head hard, breaking his neck. She trotted back to the door, and locked
it. She walked over to the windows to
see if any of them opened on her own.
When they didn=t, she pulled out a
glasscutter from her shirt pocket, and cut a large sized hole for her to
Walking on the mansion=s grounds toward her car,
she could overhear the other secretaries knocking on the door of the office, asking
if everything was all right. She had
the valet retrieve her car, and as he went to get it, Lucy checked her
watch. She looked at the time, and at a
remote button she had put on the wristband.
She pushed it, and a section of the mansion exploded. When the horrified valet returned with her
car, she said she=ll go get help, and drove
It turned out that the
toes of Lucy=s shoes were packed with a
combination of C4 explosives mixed with napalm. And the place where she left her shoes was the main room for the
surveillance cameras. What recorded
tapes weren=t destroyed in the initial
explosion was soon to be taken care of by the fast spreading flame. The bookcase Lucy knocked over also knocked
one of the hidden cameras askew, and the man watching the cameras may have seen
Lucy calmly walking off the grounds, but it possibly was the last sight he
saw. The wall and ceiling of the
surveillance room caved in when Lucy=s shoe bomb exploded,
killing a few of the surveillance staff, and delivering third degree burns to
the survivors.
While in the car, Lucy
turned on the radio and tuned to one of the news stations to hear the
news. She drove back to headquarters
where she greeted the three of us who were in shock. She promptly typed her report, and placed on Bliss= desk, where she also was
surprised that she completed her mission so soon (she heard the news over the
television). COIL agents, other
intelligence agencies, and the police had tried to nab Billy for a few years, and
this woman who some might think as mousy, walked in his office one Monday
morning and killed him. As far as who
was given credit for Billy=s demise, blame was thrown
everywhere. The spies thought COIL did
it, the crooks thought a rival mob did it, and people who didn=t know any better about
the true Billy thought that was an awful thing to happen to a human being.
As far as Lucy was
concerned, it was no big deal. As a
matter of fact, after she handed her report to Bliss, she asked her, ASo when=s my next assignment?@
For my first solo
assignment, I was to sanction a DOOM courier.
This man hand delivered important plans and documents from one end of
Brazil to the other, along with some of the adjoining countries. Taking him out would put a big cramp in the
organization=s correspondence.
Now in a day where we use
cell phones and email along with other sorts of electronic media to deliver
messages and documents, the idea of using an actual person seemed rather absurd
and outdated. After I asked why this
was, I was told two basic facts about DOOM.
The first was they were very paranoid.
That sounded rather humorous and ironic; an organization out to rule the
world was always looking over its shoulder because it was afraid someone was
out to get them. I guess since they and
COIL were longtime foes, the tendency to jump at shadows was natural. Regardless, their paranoid drove them to the
second fact: they indulge in overkill.
If something was worth doing, it was worth doing more than twice, or
more like three or four times. In other
words, DOOM had probably already sent an email of what their plans were, and
communicated to each other via phone and other means, but in case hackers or
double agents from COIL intercept the message and/or disturb it, that=s where the courier came
in. That person would also carry
personal addendums to what was already been said and written. This brought up the question of why do I
need to sanction someone carrying plans when those plans were already
sent. The answer (as far as they could
determine) was when the plans were hand delivered to the particular location,
that made it official. The effort of
trying to make sense of this bureaucratic mess made my head hurt, so I planned
to stick to performing my part of the mission, take him out, and return
home. The only thing that did make
sense to me was that DOOM=s technology wasn=t at their greatest in
this country, mainly because they=re not supposed to be here
in the first place. After all, if any
DOOM or COIL agent were discovered anywhere in the country, they would be
arrested on charges of being a threat to national security. Anything more serious would constitute a
much harsher penalty, which is of course where we come in. The other intelligence agencies are capable
of carrying out the sentence, it=s just that with us, it=s the very reason we were
created; hunt them down and eliminate them.
According to intelligence
reports, this courier would always take the train with his personal bodyguard
to his assigned city or a suitable stop where he could rent a car to reach his
destination. He would be at his most
vulnerable when he=s on the train, so the
tricky part would be to find out what train he=s riding on, find out how
long the trip would be, then figuring out the best way to sanction him, and his
bodyguard if necessary, before the train reaches its destination.
As far as one felt the
night before a mission, I felt excited.
I mapped out all the possible scenarios I could think of, and then to
relax, I watched a movie before I went to bed.
It was one of those westerns from the US that ironically had a train
robbery in it. I dozed off, and then I
woke up and staggered off to bed.
We were taught that a
major part of planning for a Barefoot Assassin involved flexibility because
things do not always go as planned.
This reality was never more true to me than that morning, when I
overslept. As I rushed around, jumping
in the shower and everything else, I was thankful I had the foresight to buy my
tickets in advance, and I already packed what I needed in a one strap backpack,
those types that could also double as a purse.
Putting on my clothes didn=t take too much time
either. I wore a black sports bra and
black bikini bottoms with black fishnet tights and a long sleeve black fishnet
cover up. Then I put on a short black
skirt to make the outfit a little less daring.
My outfit received quite a
few compliments, but more questions and remarks. Mia wondered if I was going to sleep with him or kill him. Ming Shi said the outfit reminded her of how
COIL and DOOM agents try to seduce each other to death; other than that, she
thought it would make a good stealth outfit at night. Nizaara said it should work in getting his attention, but it may
attract some unwanted attention as well.
Kim and Lucy both liked it, seeing the practical purposes the outfit
provided. Bliss and Catalina just
looked at each other and giggled; I don=t know what that meant.
My basic plan was to meet
the courier, draw his attention (one purpose of the outfit), and then as soon
as we were alone, kill him. The other
practical purposes for my outfit were I could swim in it if I needed to make an
unscheduled dive from the train if we happened to be traveling over any bodies
of water, plus it would help keep me cool and free from sunburn, for it was
supposed to be real hot that day.
But as I speeded toward
the train station, it looked like all those plans would go up in smoke. The door just closed as soon as I got
there. I had no idea where the courier
was headed, or how he would reach his destination; all I know was I had to get
on that train. Suddenly I had an
idea. I ran to the back of the train,
where no one saw me, then I got on the car, and managed to climb on top of it
just as the train was leaving. I laid
myself flat so no one would see this unusual sight.
Before the train started
to get moving, I managed to undo my skirt and put it in my backpack. My outfit helped to keep me cool; then
again, considering the high speed of the train, that wasn=t a problem. I kept wondering if my headband was going to
fly off. Another thing I brought with
me were a pair of black leather fingerless gloves, which were rather helpful
for hanging on for dear life.
While the train was in
motion, I slowly crawled forward like a sloth climbing a tree. I had no idea what I was doing, crawling
atop a speeding train while my target sat inside, nice and comfortable. I stopped for a moment and considered my
options. I saw at the moment only two
ways to get in the train. The first
would be to wait for the train to reach its next stop, then get off the car and
board normally like nothing had happened.
Climbing off the top of a car in broad daylight would be a sure way to
attract attention. The second would be
to get on the side of the car and enter through a window. Thinking of the considerable alarm it would
cause a passenger was enough for me to put it aside, along with the degree of
difficulty. I appeared to be stuck. To make matters worse, this commuter train
was an express, either to travel to the other side of the country or to enter
another one. It looked like we were
headed for either the Peruvian or Bolivian border.
I neglected to give you
the timetable when all this happened. I
watched that movie in the middle of the night (I couldn=t sleep). When I woke up, it was late morning. The train was scheduled to leave around
noon. I clung to that dream for a long
When evening fell, it was
getting dark, and getting cooler, so I moved forward so I could at least find a
place to keep the wind from freezing me.
It was there that I found the answer to my dilemma.
The passenger cars have
skylights, windows where the passengers can see the sky if they want to. I crawled over and cautiously took a
peek. The car was deserted. Either the train was not that full or the
passengers retired to their private cars, I wasn=t sure. The important thing was I had a chance to
board this train and ride it like a normal passenger. I tried to see if I could somehow open the window with my fingers
or if I needed to use my glasscutter.
To my delight, I found a latch that opened the window. I wiggled through the opening, managing to
somehow close the window behind me, and then I dropped to the floor of the car,
landing on the balls of my feet in the aisle between seats. I located the washroom and took care of the
necessary things, and then I looked in the mirror to see how bad I looked. After brushing my hair and washing my face,
I did some stretching exercises to get the kinks out. I put my skirt back on and made my way to the overnight cars.
After peeking through
numerous doors, I finally found my target.
He was laying in bed with the sheets pulled up lecturing loudly to his
bodyguard, who didn=t seem too pleased to be
there. After all the trouble I=ve went through, I didn=t care. I just wanted to complete my sanction and go
home, wherever that was.
Quietly opening the door,
my stocking feet felt shag carpet, great for stealth. I was feeling chilled before, but now the rush of adrenaline
pumped hot blood through my veins.
Forgoing stealth, I charged forward to engage the bodyguard. He turned and saw me, his hand quickly
reaching for the gun in his shoulder holster.
I however was faster as I executed a flying roundhouse kick. As my right foot struck his jaw, I realized
my kick wasn=t enough to break his
neck, but it was enough to knock him out before he hit the wall. I landed on my toes, and launched myself on
the courier=s bed, my knees pinning
the sheets down, keeping him from moving his arms. I delivered a remark that said in so many words that spies were
not welcome in Brazil. I couldn=t decide whether to use a
knife hand blow to the throat, a palm heel thrust to the nose, or a fist to the
temple, so I did all three with both hands real fast. I=m not sure which blow did
it, but he was surely finished when I was done.
I walked back to the
bodyguard and bound him with some clothes from the courier=s suitcase (he wouldn=t be needing them
anymore). He came to, straining at his
bonds, looking at the body of his charge, and then looking at me who was
crouched beside him.
AOne question,@ I said, before he
spoke. AYour services, are they
DOOM or freelance?@
He paused, looking at me
for a moment. AFreelance,@ he said.
AThen I will not harm you. Since you are an independent party, I would
highly recommend that as soon as you are free, that you flee the premises. Now that your charge is dead, you are now a
liability to DOOM, and they don=t like loose ends.@
A practice that DOOM had
started doing was hiring independent bodyguards for many of their
officers. They were professional,
effective, and when the need arose, expendable. In cases like this one, the bodyguard is secretly executed when
either the person they=re guarding is killed or
if the principal feels they know too much.
AWho are you?@ He asked.
AI=m with the Brazilian
government, and let=s leave it at that. Now I=m afraid I must gag you,
you understand. Before I leave, I will
provide a way for you to loosen your bonds, but until then, I must leave you
If he had any comment, he
kept them to himself as I gagged him. I
took an extra pillow and placed it under his head. I tucked him in with an extra sheet. After I took care of him, I pulled the covers over the courier=s face, and then I pulled
down the second bed from the wall, climbed on top of it, and called Nizaara.
ANadia, where have you
been? We=ve been worried sick,@ Nizaara said over the
cell phone. AI=ve been trying to contact
AYou did?@ I asked.
AYes, didn=t you hear your phone?@
I quickly checked my phone
for incoming messages. There were
several attempts to contact me. My
phone has a loud ring (which I would=ve turned off before I
made my sanction, of course), but when you have the wind blowing in your ears for
a few hours, I hardly heard a thing.
ANo, I guess I didn=t,@ I said.
ADid you reach your target?@ She asked.
AYes, he=s neutralized. Right now, I=d like to know when this
train will stop so I can go home.@
AYou=re still on the
train? What=s the route number?@
I gave her the route
number and waited while she looked it up.
ANadia, your train goes
straight to Bolivia. The next train out
leaves at the same time the one you took left, around noon.@
I groaned.
ABut before the train gets
going on its way to Bolivia, it makes two quick stops before it makes that long
trek in two towns about thirty miles from each other. You wasn=t able to get to him
before then?@
I was going to ask her
what was she talking about when the realization of what I did shocked me. You see, when I was lying on top of that
train car, I secured myself very well.
Having wrapped my arms around what was there on the roof, it would have
been rather hard to loosen me. The heat
from the sun plus the coolness of the speeding air made for a nice
combination. And while I was there on
that car, I . . .fell asleep.
How long? At least for about sixty miles.
ANo, I wasn=t able to get to him
before then,@ I blurted out
hastily. ASo how do I get home?@
AWhen you see the man who
took your tickets, ask him that question, and he=ll give you more details,@ Nizaara said.
That presented another
problem. I didn=t use my tickets because I
was too late, and I boarded the train illegally.
AI - I can=t do that,@ I said. AThere must be another way.@
I heard a sigh on the
other end of the phone. After a long
moment, Nizaara spoke again.
ALucky for you I used to
live in Bolivia. Tell you what, we=ll meet you at the train
station in the morning to take you home.@
ACould you park your truck
near the back of the train?@
AYes, I guess. Why?@
AIt=ll make it easier to
AOkay, I will.@
AThank you very much.@
ANadia, are you sure you=re all right?@
AYes, I suddenly got very
sleepy, that=s all.@
AWell have a good night=s sleep, and we=ll see you in the morning.@
AGood night.@
As I hung up the phone, I
saw that the events of the day had finally caught up with me. I ran a mental checklist of two things; that
I locked the door when I first snuck in, and that my captive was securely
bound. Seeing that he managed to roll
over on his side and doze off, that apparently answered that question. I fell back on the bed, barely having enough
presence of mind to undo my skirt and pull up the covers before I fell asleep.
When I awoke, it looked
like it was going to be a pleasant morning from what I could see out the train
window. I stretched, grabbed my skirt
and backpack, and dropped down to the floor.
My captive was awake too, and I gave him a brief nod before staggering
to the washroom. I was glad this room
had a private washroom, because I wouldn=t want for even my enemies
to see me in the morning when I got up.
I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, then put on my
fresh outfit, which was a repeat of my previous outfit, except the sports bra
and bikini bottoms were red (I love wearing fishnet).
I walked over to the late
courier=s suitcase, and I pulled
out a packet that looked important, so I stuffed it in my backpack. I found a laptop computer with a carrying
case, and a PDA, that I also placed in my backpack. Finally I found what I was looking for - a shaving kit complete
with razors. I walked over to my
hostage, ungagged him, and placed the razor near his hands.
AHere, I did as I promised,
provided you with a way to set yourself free.
After you cut yourself loose, you need to depart from here before DOOM
catches you, do you understand?@ I said.
AYes,@ he said. AYou are from the
AYes I am. DOOM and COIL agents are forbidden in
Brazil. My job is to eliminate
them. We may never see each other
again, but I wish you well.@
He was about to say
something, but we were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the porter telling us that breakfast
was being served.
AI=ll get that,@ I said as I rose and
brought my backpack and laptop with me.
I remembered that I hadn=t put my skirt back on
yet, and that gave me an idea.
I slowly opened the door,
fastening my skirt as I did so, and gave the porter a naughty grin. The porter just grinned back, tipped his
hat, and walked away to knock on the next door.
I dropped by the dining
car to grab a quick bite for breakfast, then I quickly made my way to the empty
passenger car where I literally Adropped in.@ With some difficulty with the laptop case hanging from my
shoulder, I climbed out through the skylight back onto the top of the car. The sudden breeze was a good way of waking
you up in the morning. I flattened
myself on the car, but I didn=t have long to wait as we
pulled in at the train stop on the Bolivian border. I saw Nizaara=s sport pickup parked near
where my car would be. It was only a
glance, but I thought I saw Mia and Lucy with her as well. After talking to me, Nizaara must=ve called and woke up the
other two, and brought them on the long drive to the station. I guess I didn=t sound too convincing on
the phone last night.
The train grinded to a
stop, and I quickly scrambled down a side of the car where no one could see me,
then I ran to Nizaara=s pickup and jumped in the
back. The three ladies were startled by
the sudden Athump,@ behind them, and when
they turned, I made motions with my hand to get out of there. Nizaara put the truck in gear, and sped out
of the train depot.
The back of the pickup was
less comfortable than the top of the car, especially when the truck went over
some bumps; but at least the wind wasn=t constantly blowing in my
face. After we rode for a while,
Nizaara stopped at a caf#, and we ate a late breakfast (a little more like
brunch for me). Other than a few questions
about my current well-being, no one said anything about my mission while we
ate. It was Nizaara=s treat.
We finished eating, and we
walked back to the truck. My things
were left in the back while Nizaara offered me a seat beside Mia. The opportunity of traveling sitting upright
at this point sounded great. Nizaara
started the pickup, then turned off the radio, and said, ANow Nadia, we=re going to hear all about
your mission.@
ANot much to tell,@ I said, AI completed it, and got
stuck on the train, that=s all.@
AThat=s fine, we have a long
trip ahead of us, so you can tell us everything. Every detail.@
With that, everyone looked
at me. I had hoped after I returned to
headquarters, I could write an abridged version of what happened in my report,
leaving out the details of oversleeping and missing the train, but my friends
and comrades-in-arms weren=t going to let me off so
easy. I gulped.
AAnytime you=re ready, Nadia.@
At that point, I wished
Bliss chewed me out. Painfully, I gave
them the whole story. I kept wishing I
would be interrupted by a calamity, but that didn=t happen. After I finished, the truck was silent for a
moment, and then Lucy and Mia broke out laughing while Nizaara just shook her
AYou know, you could=ve easily beat the train
by driving thirty miles up the road to reach the next stop,@ Lucy remarked.
AShe could=ve, but she wouldn=t have as long a nap as
she did,@ Mia said, laughing.
AIt was a nice gesture,
sparing the bodyguard,@ Nizaara said.
AThank you,@ I said.
AOf course, now you may
have him framed for murder.@
I sunk in my seat.
I did hear news of my hit,
but from what the television reports said, it looked more like an
accident. Apparently the bodyguard saw
the flaw in my reasoning, arranged the body differently, and fled the area,
taking care to erase all evidence of his existence. Bliss and Catalina gave me the same reaction Nizaara did; they
just shook their heads. Bliss later
gave me a present B an alarm clock. At lunch, Ming Shi dropped by and gave me an
apologetic look.
AI=m sorry about what I said
about your outfit, Nadia, it really is more practical,@ she said. AThe next time I decide to
take a nap on top of a moving train car, I=ll look you up.@
I=ve never heard Ming Shi
laugh before. Turns out nobody has ever
heard her laugh. It looked like I=ve done the impossible in
that regard, which thankfully took the heat off my wacky mission.
Despite all that, I=ve gone on other solo
missions, all of them much more successful than this one. I now run my prior plans through my three
colleagues (actually, they insisted that I should), and I make sure I get
plenty of rest before I start one. No
trains please.
As a quartet, we, the ANerd Patrol@ we call ourselves, have
been so successful with our missions, Bliss gave us a long-term assignment that
has been going pretty well for us.
There were a few DOOM safehouses and hideouts
located near the Peruvian border, some of them masquerading as businesses. Our mission is simple; we wipe out the
strongholds and the DOOM agents one by one, which brings me back to this man I
just sanctioned in this restaurant. He
was running a smuggling operation of DOOM supplies, technical gadgets, and the
like. Killing him was relatively simple. I met him during lunch, wooed him enough to
have him invite me to dinner at a nice restaurant, lured him to a private room,
and snap his neck. DOOM supplies should
be delayed indefinitely now, especially since Nizaara, Lucy, and Mia took care
of his main crew and reported the contraband supplies and remaining crew to
local authorities, anonymously, of course.
I walked out of the restaurant as casually as I came, only one of the
waiters noticing that I wasn=t wearing shoes. I just looked at him and said, AFeet hurt.@ I almost thought of saying that the man in the private room was
in more pain than I was, but that=s not true, because now he=s feeling no pain, or much
of anything else either.
One might ask me the
question on how becoming a government assassin had affected my social
life. Well I=ve told you about my friends
who do this with me; of course my friends outside of work don=t know about it. My family still thinks I=m still an
accountant. How would you tell your
parents and siblings that you now kill enemy spies for a living? I also have a boyfriend, a fellow
accountant, back at headquarters. At
least I don=t have to hide this from
him. Now about that luring in of my
targets I=ve talked about, rest
assured that no one touches my lips but his.
It=s just that people don=t just stand there and let
you break their neck. Before I started
seeing him, and was dating around, I would have to say becoming an assassin
have increased my confidence, and self-respect. I guess having the power to kill a human being with your bare
hands (or with me in most cases, my bare feet), gives you a new way of looking
at life. You also know that nobody will
fool around with you. So long as I don=t confuse my work with my
off duty activities, I should have no problem.
Let=s just say, I haven=t killed anyone for
cutting me off in traffic - yet.
said earlier that I have no problem with taking a life and that I enjoy my
work. Tell me, being a soldier or
policeman sometimes involves the taking of a life in many situations. Are they considered a monster because they
like their job? They also do not drool
in the anticipation of killing someone on their next assignment.
Perhaps the question to
ask is why a soldier, policeman, or we Barefoot Assassins like our
job. It=s because it serves a
purpose. The soldier=s purpose is to serve
their country by preserving or enforcing the peace by whatever is
necessary. Policemen are to serve and
protect a town or city by whatever is necessary within the letter of the law,
which sometimes involves killing. A
Barefoot Assassin serves and protects the country of Brazil by following the law,
which tells us that the country is to be rid of enemy influences by covert
agencies. And like a soldier, we do
that by whatever means is necessary; and in the case of enemy spies, that
employs following the final solution.
To put it another way,
wiping a spy, be it DOOM, COIL, or any other enemy organization from earthly
existence helps us Brazilians to sleep better at night.
And I like that.
Any comments, suggestions,
or story ideas can be sent to shrewsberry@juno.com.