Barefoot Heroines, Part III

LS enlists the aid of new friends to help her fight a corrupt politician

By Mongoose750 (


The following morning, it wasn't the alarm clock that woke Kim up, it was her cell phone. Actually, she wasn't expecting any alarm at all, since she took some time off from work with plans on sleeping in. Momentarily forgetting where she was at, she grabbed the phone with the thought that her sister Jasmine ran into trouble on one of her frequent excursions. A quick glance at her surroundings reminded her however that this time, she was the one who left town, and the day her younger sister (who liked to sleep late) ran into something she couldn't handle was a day that would be feared indeed. So who was it calling at this time in the morning?

"Hello?" Kim croaked into her phone.

"Cousin, you are still asleep?" LS asked.

Of course, it was LS. Kim forgot how her cousin woke up at the break of dawn to conduct her morning workout. Her long, two-hour workout.

"Of course I was asleep, not everyone takes all morning to work out like you do," Kim responded.

"Kim, you might want to take a look at the clock. It is morning, but it is not as early as you think. In fact, I am betting your two house guests are up and around, wondering why you are not up," LS said.

Kim rolled over and looked at a nearby alarm clock. The large red digital display glared at her. She moaned.

"Okay, you're right, it's later than I thought," she replied. "What time do you need us to pick you two up?"

"Oh, you do not need to pick us up yet. I just had the feeling you were picking up one of your younger sister's bad habits. Looks like I was right," LS replied. "I will call you when I am ready; goodbye."

Kim looked at the receiver, ready to give a reply, but was silenced by the dial tone. Leave it to her cousin to disturb her sleep just for the fun of it. Still she had to admit, it was later than she thought. Her and Betty and Susan were up quite late last night talking about a little bit of everything. It's been a long time since she had fun like that, but she remembered putting an end to it when she saw what time it was and shooing them out of the room. She wondered if they were up yet. In response to her unspoken question, she heard a tapping on her door.

"Yes," she asked, at least grateful that the croak in her voice was gone.

"Are you up yet, sensei?" Betty asked.

"Rise and shine!" Susan added.

"Come in," Kim sighed. As the two came into the room, she sat up. "LS did me the "favor' of waking me up."

"I thought that was your cell phone," Betty said.

"Your mother wanted to tell you that breakfast will be done soon," Susan said, "but I wanted to know where a person can workout around here. I already did my stretches, and Betty went and tinkered with Jon, I mean they tinkered on his car."

"Regarding workouts, normally I do it before I go to bed, but considering what time we went to bed-" Betty added, ignoring Susan's remark.

"I know, I know," Kim replied, raising her hand. "It's been a long while since I did something like that. I forgot how time flies by. As far as the answer to your question, I'll tell you what. Let me throw a robe on, I'll show you two something that will work you both out, and then we'll eat breakfast."



As LS put down the phone, Janelle remarked, "It takes a while to get Kim started in the mornings, eh?"

"Actually my first class is not until almost noon today," LS said. "I just called her because, well, just because I could."

"You two must love each other very much, because I would consider waking somebody up for the heck of it grounds for justifiable homicide."

"I like living dangerously," LS replied smiling.

"I noticed you don't have many weights around here. What do you use, or how do you use what you have for an adequate workout?"

"Regarding weights, I use the best one available."

"What's that?"

"Me. A long time ago, I was a little self-conscious about my shape. One day, my judo teacher told me that if God wanted everybody to look like Barbie, he would have done so. He then showed me how to workout using one's own body weight. He also told me for maximum effect, they needed to be done slowly to build muscle mass. I basically had a choice; I could either struggle to be something I am not, or I could go for power. I decided to go for power, and it turns out it made my body look its best. I did not plan to give you a piece of my life's story there, but each time someone asks me how I workout, I seem compelled to tell them that."

Janelle's eyes widened with interest. "No, actually, I am very interested. Weights get a little boring rather fast, and the tidbit about going slow on the workouts is news to me. Since we have a little time, could you show me your routine?" She asked.

"I would be delighted to. Then you could place your life in my hands a second time as I fix us breakfast," LS said, smiling.



At Kim's parent's house, the furniture in the den was scooted over to the side while Kim was looking through a stack of DVD's. Finally she pulled out the one she was looking for. It was a Tae-Bo# DVD with the founder, Billy Blanks, a handsome buff black man with shaved head and boxing attire delivering a side kick on the cover.

"Tae-Bo? Does that stuff actually work?" Susan asked.

"Oh you'd be surprised," Kim answered. "Billy here is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and many people can testify by its effectiveness. Let's see, I think the advanced level would be suitable for us since we claim to know our stuff. So Betty, do you think you can handle this?"

Betty looked aghast at her teacher. "Can I handle it? You're the one who gave me a black belt; of course I can handle it," she said.

"How about you, Susan?"

"Bring it on," the kickboxer said.

Kim inserted the DVD, and the program started with the customary stretches and warm-up movements. Then suddenly, Billy Blanks was leading the class in delivering multiple punches and kicks with lightning-fast speed. Kim had no problems keeping up, but Betty and Susan had to work at it for a bit. Furthermore, these moves were performed with everyone counting, cheering, and yelling "Yeah!" at the top of their lungs. Finally, after the DVD was finished with the major portion of the workout, and entered the cool-down portion, all three women were sweaty and exhausted.

Kim, the least exhausted of the three, said, "Well Susan, what do you think?"

"I think if my next opponent punches and kicks that fast, I'm doomed," Susan replied. "I'll admit, that was a workout."

"The last time I saw anyone move that fast, they were in a car driving on a track," Betty commented. "He's quick!"

"I hope we didn't bother anyone here with all that hooting and hollering," Susan said.

"Oh, that's nothing. There's a neighbor next door who has this Indian aerobic DVD that she plays at six o'clock every morning. Every morning, like clockwork, you'll hear the strains of Indian folk music and people yelling "Balle, balle!' all the time. I think it's called Masala Bhangra, I think," Kim said.

"So I wasn't dreaming about hearing that strange music after all," Betty said.

"Anyway, it's nice to know I can still keep up with him. Besides the general workout, he also has one for building abs, a fifteen-minute workout, and one for building an ultimate butt. Maybe I'll bring these DVD's back with me."

"He has nice buns too," Susan remarked.

"Susan!" Betty exclaimed.

"What, I was just making a comment. David has nice buns too. That's why I like the fact that he jogs everyday. It makes them nice and firm."

Betty held up her hands as if she was warding Susan off. "That's more than I need to know!"

"Good morning," Kim's mother said from the other side of the room. She was wearing an orange tank top covered with a lightweight white sweater, blue jeans rolled up mid-calf, and barefoot. Her hair was put up and held in place with two wooden hairpins. "It's been quite a while since I heard the sound of Billy Blanks echoing through the house. And you're right, Susan, he does have nice buns."

"Mother!" Kim exclaimed.

Mrs. Chang glanced up at the ceiling, a dreamy expression on her face. "Just like your father, he has nice buns too." Then looking back at the women, focusing on the present, "Did Kim ever tell you she had a crush on Billy Blanks?"

"You had a crush on Billy Blanks?" Betty said to Kim, amazed at seeing this side of her teacher/friend that she never saw before.

"Oh yes, she even used to have dreams about him," her mother continued, not giving her daughter a chance to reply. "She would dream that he would drop by our house to come to take her away and live happily ever after. Never mind the fact that he's married with two children. She even had a wall-size poster of him too."

She giggled, and so did Betty and Susan, until Kim gave the two a scorching look.

"Mother, why did you bring that up?" Kim asked, her words slow and deliberate.

"Well it was a childhood crush, no big deal really, and secondly, to level the playing field a little. I know you're always going on about LS and Lewis, wondering why don't they get married already; so I thought I'd tell them a little something about you to show them you're human too. Oh I know you like to carry this serious demeanor, like we Asians are supposed to have, but I know what makes you giggle like a teenager. I believe it was the other day Jasmine told me about this movie you two saw with this actor that looked like you-know-who, and-"


Betty thought she saw Kim's cheeks slightly red. Could that be she's actually blushing, or was that from the workout? She quickly thought for her self-preservation it would be better not to ask.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop for now. Breakfast will be ready by the time you get cleaned up. Meanwhile, enjoy the remainder of your workout with Billy Buns, er, I mean Billy Blanks." Mrs. Chang said as she left, laughing to herself.

Susan leaned over and said to Kim in a low voice, "Looks like your mother was busy last night."

"I told you," Kim replied.

"So you had a crush on Billy Blanks, huh?" Betty said loudly. "I guess I never would have expected that from you for some reason. I always expected-"

Betty stopped when Kim faced her and raised an index finger to her face. "Tell no one," she breathed. "I am still your teacher, I can make things very difficult for you. And you-" she turned to Susan, "I don't know what I'll do if you tell, but I'll think of something."

Susan raised her hands in surrender. "Don't worry about me; I know nobody can embarrass you like your own mother. I won't breathe a word," she said.

"I can't believe Jasmine told her about that movie. She knew mom would ride me about that. I'm going to get her for that," Kim said.

"Give her a whack across the head, eh?" Betty joked.

Kim gave her a dirty look. "No, you do not give Jasmine a "whack across the head.' She's one of the best fighters around. You can't even sneak up on her, she's that good. There are however, other ways of getting even," she replied with an evil grin.

"Like what?"

"Don't worry, when I plan to do it, you two will be the first to know."

"Okay, that's enough vengeance, what about the rest of our workout," Susan asked, hooking a thumb toward the final stretching sequences on the DVD.

"The morning workout is over," Kim said with finality as she turned off the DVD player. "It's time to get dressed and eat breakfast. One of you can take the shower by my room; the other can take the shower by my parent's room. I'll shower after whoever finishes first. The extra towels are in the hall closet. Let's go."

"No problem, I already grabbed some of those towels earlier this morning after I went with Jon to work on his car," Betty said.

"Is the car the only thing you were working on?" Kim asked.

"Hey, the car was the only thing I worked on! I didn't think of anything else, it never crossed my mind!"

"It better not. Let's hurry up and get ready."

As Betty left to take her shower, Susan turned to Kim.

"Not too protective of your brother, are you?" Susan remarked.

Kim grinned. "Not too much; but since I can't go after my mother, and Jasmine and my cousin are presently unavailable, I needed to rattle somebody's cage. Betty looked like a suitable target," she said.

"Once again, you are ornery!"

"Don't you forget it either."



Breakfast went without incident. Since all the children moved out of the house except for one, it was normally a trio who sat at the table, but with the number now doubled, things were livelier. Kim's parents asked Susan about her upcoming championship bout, and Kim and Betty about their respective businesses, as well as telling them how the rest of Kim's siblings were doing. Jon asked Betty a few questions about running a garage, but Betty's answers were short, with a promise to explain later, because each time she spoke to him, she received the evil eye from Kim. Finally the topic of the reason of their visit came up. Kim quickly dismissed it with the explanation that she wanted to introduce Betty and Susan to the family and show them around her hometown. As she expected, her parents didn't dispute such a plausible explanation, and besides, this was something she planned on doing one day anyway, so it wasn't a total mistruth.

"What's Jasmine doing these days, Kim?" Her father asked.

"She's doing fine ' as far as I know. Ask mom, she might know more, since they talked about movies and such, last time they chatted," Kim answered.

"That's about all I got from her," her mother replied, not responding to the hidden barb. "I'm glad she's doing well, but I thought she may tell you more, since you live with her."

"Mother, I'd have an easier time getting secrets from the Russians or finding that nutcase that blew up the World Trade Center. You know how she is; she reveals when she chooses to."

"Has Jasmine always been this . . . secretive?" Susan asked.

"Almost as long as I can remember," Mrs. Chang chuckled.

"Jasmine is our child of mystery, or as we sometimes call her, "the mysterious one,'" Mr. Chang said with a smile.

"Of all our children, she is the most introverted, except for Jon," Mrs. Chang continued, receiving a shy grin from Jon. "I know she's a good child, and has a lot of friends, but you never know what's going on with her. That's not the way with the rest of the brood, especially her," giving a nod toward Kim. "She'll tell you what's going on with her whether you want to know or not."

Kim gave a small grin while there was light laughter around the table. If you only knew about what Jasmine and I really did when we claimed to be playing around the neighborhood, mother, she thought. Out loud, she said, "And what's going on with you, mother and father?"

"You should know as well as I, Kim; recovering from tax season. Other than that, nothing new," Mr. Chang said.

"I'm closing on the sale of a new condo," her mother said, "and you already saw what I did with the garden. A pity Jasmine didn't come with you to see it. I know how much she enjoys yard work."

Betty was a second away from having orange juice come out her nose as she tried to control her laughter. Susan gave a small smile, while everybody else grinned. Mrs. Chang turned to Betty.

"Ah, I see Kim told you," she said, "how I traumatized my daughter's life by having her help me in the garden."

Now better composed, Betty squeaked out a meek "yes" before giggling again.

"Mother, perhaps you should wait when she's here before you say things like that," Kim offered in her absent sister's defense.

"Maybe, but this way is still fun. Besides, you should thank me; if it wasn't for your hiding out from me at your father's workplace, you wouldn't be an accountant."

Kim searched her mind for a comeback, but she couldn't find any. She never could beat her mother at this, especially when she was right. Betty covered her mouth with a napkin pretending to wipe her lips, but it was easy to see she was concealing her laughter by the way she was shaking. Susan was glancing out the window, but she wasn't any better at hiding her amusement either. Mrs. Chang noticed that, and like a trained comedian, it only spurred her on.

"Speaking of which, Kim, do you know what your older brother said the other day?" She started, but was cut short by the telephone ringing. Kim started to feel relieved while Susan and Betty were able to breathe again.

"Tell LS we'll pick her up as soon as we finish breakfast," Kim said to her mom who answered the phone.

"Oh hello LS; apparently my daughter has developed psychic powers since I last saw her. She said they'll pick you up after breakfast. What's that? Okay, I'll tell her. And remind Lewis that he still owes me that box of cookies. You know, those cookies that taste so good, I would sell one of my children for them? Well perhaps not that one. All right dear, I'll talk to you later, bye-bye. Kim, no need to rush; her first class doesn't start until noon," Mrs. Chang said as she hung up the phone.

"Noon? Then what did she wake me up for?" Kim demanded.

"Well dear, it looked like you were going to sleep the whole morning away. By the time you awoke, Betty was helping Jon play around on his car, and Susan was up and about looking for something or someone to take her daily frustrations out on."

"I usually wake up in a good mood; I'm just used to doing a mini-workout before breakfast, and before my bigger one later in the afternoon," Susan said, smiling. "However, I think that DVD took care of the whole day."

"Yes, a little Billy Blanks can do that for you," Mrs. Chang replied, smiling at Kim, who was showing signs of red around the cheeks again.

"Dinner was good as always, mom. I'm going to go to the garage and look for a tool I think I left there," Jon said as he got up, scooted his chair in, and prepared to pick up his plate to place in the sink.

"No need, honey, I'll take care of it," his mom said.

"I agree, breakfast was great, Mrs. Chang. If you all don't mind, I'm going to excuse myself as well," Betty said as she was getting up from the table.

"And where are you going?" Kim asked suspiciously.

"To look at your mother's garden. I think there's some ideas I can share with my mom when I get back home."

Kim pulled out Jon's chair, which was next to hers. "Just come back here and have a seat. The garden will still be there when the rest of us are finished," she said.

Betty reluctantly sat down, giving Kim an innocent look that said, "what?" This time, it was Mr. and Mrs. Chang's turn to hide their amusement. Betty felt like a disobedient student forced to sit in the principal's office as she waited for Kim to finish her breakfast.

Susan hung around and said, "I agree with Betty and Jon, that was a great breakfast," she said. "I want to help with the dishes, and I'm not taking no as an answer."

"Well since you put it that way, how can I refuse? Besides, it takes my husband off the hook," Mrs. Chang said.

"Hey, I have to go to work," Mr. Chang said.

"Excuses, excuses," she said as she got up and kissed her husband on the head. "Maybe you can come home early today."

"We'll have to see about that," he replied, a sudden frog appearing in his throat.

Kim shook her head at the exchange, unseen by either parent, and finished the last of her meal. "Okay, let's go," she said.

"Where are we going?" Betty asked.

"To the garden; that's where you planned to go, wasn't it?"


"Poor girl doesn't stand a chance," Mr. Chang said as he rose and grabbed his briefcase.

"I don't think Betty was even taking one," Susan replied.

"Well Kim is going to make sure she doesn't think of one," he said as he kissed his wife and headed for the door. "Will you be here this evening?"

"I believe so. Kim and LS did want to show us around this evening."

"Great! Then I'll be seeing you two for dinner. Bye."

Laughing to herself, Susan said to Mrs. Chang, "I thought it was the mother who's the overprotective one."

Mrs. Chang shrugged. "I know Jon, and trust his morals and his judgment. But ever since he matured, he has become something of a "babe magnet.' The brothers realized long ago he could deal with it, but the sisters consider it their sworn duty to protect him from the "evil women of this world.' He might have to move someplace far away so he can date. Oh, and by the way, I love my children very much; and I also love to get on them as well. Especially Little Miss Serious who's supervising Betty's visit to my garden right now. I do that to get them to lighten up. If that makes me seem, seem . . ."


"Yes, ornery. If it makes me seem that way, so be it."

"Oh, that's no problem. You should meet my mom sometime. "Little Miss Serious?'"

"Yes, I call her that sometimes because she carries this demeanor like, like that teacher in the movie "The Karate Kid,' with this stern expression. Truth is she giggles a lot, but she doesn't want anyone outside of her family to see that."

"Well I have to admit I never seen her like this when her and LS got together."

"Like little girls, aren't they? Believe it or not, Jasmine hung around the two to keep them out of trouble."


"Yeah. I don't know where she got this grim demeanor that she had the past few years, but I see you and Betty have seen past that."

"Well we knew she was a nice person, plus we attend church with her and all, but I never heard her laugh out loud or stay up late talking, well, girl talk until yesterday."

Mrs. Chang placed a plate in the sink as she chuckled to herself.

"When LS and Lewis finally decided to date each other, she was telling LS "I told you so,' but when it was just the immediate family around, she was bouncing up and down with glee going on about it."

"Kim? With glee? Boy, I'd love to see that," Susan said.

"Do me a favor? Next time you see Kim looking morbid, just say "smile,' and see what she does."


"Well that's enough remarks from an ornery and nosy mother. Let's talk about something else. By the way, I like your shoes."

Susan was wearing a short sleeve blouse with little yellow flowers against a white background, Capri cut blue jeans, and of course, no shoes.

"Thanks! I like yours too," Susan replied, giving a nod toward Jacqueline's bare toes.

Jacqueline giggled. "My parents, especially my mother, would always get on me to put my shoes on. Whenever I went out with Sammy or anyone else, the first thing I would do was pull them off."

Susan gave a mischievous grin. "I once went to high school three weeks without shoes before anyone noticed," she bragged.

"How did you do that?" Mrs. Chang asked, fascinated.

"Long pants and jeans with flared legs wide enough to make them look like I was wearing sandals. I also moved real fast. I did have two friends I told to act as witnesses. I finally got caught though."

"By the principal or a teacher?"

"No, my mom. She suspected, but she didn't know I did it for a whole month before she caught me."

"If it was up to me, I'd go barefoot to church, but my husband would throw a fit. "Why not?' I ask him. "If Moses, Muslims, and Hindus do it, why can't I?' He doesn't have a response for that. The truth is, he won't admit it, but he loves it."

"David does too. He doesn't dare hide it from me."

"Good. Hey, since you're a bride-to-be, let me give you a little marital advice." Mrs. Chang suddenly stopped what she was doing, and whispered in Susan's ear. Susan's eyes widened and her mouth formed an "O" shape. "And he will stop what he's doing, and practically run home."

"And it works?"

"These six children didn't come from nowhere!"

"I don't know if we want that many."

"Sonny and I planned to have two! When I found out I was pregnant with our third one, I remember Sonny and I were sitting in bed. He was ranting and raving, saying how were we going to afford a third child and all that. Something about the way he did it turned me on for some reason. I reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his pajamas, looked him in his eyes, and whispered, "Shut up,' then I kissed him, and you can guess the rest. Nine months later, Angel was born. After that, he never complained about any more kids."

"Mrs. Chang, have you told your kids what you told me? Well I'm sure you have, that was silly."

"Only those who are or soon to be married. I don't want to share my marital advice with those who have no place to use it. They better not, anyway."

"It's good to have someone to share these things with. Kim won't hear a word of it, and Betty starts to blush when I even mention the matter. LS I just met, and Janelle, who you haven't met yet, makes the conversation R-rated."

"Ah yes, this Jasmine sounds like an interesting woman; I look forward to meeting her."

"You'll like her choice in footwear," Susan quipped.

The two shared a giggle when Betty appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey Betty, where's Kim?" Susan asked.

"In the bathroom. When she gets out, we're going to get LS and Janelle," Betty replied.

"I'm almost done here. I'll-"

"Don't worry about it," Mrs. Chang interrupted. "I got it. I'll see you for dinner; and bring LS and Jasmine with you."

"Will do," Betty said.

As they walked back to their guest rooms, Susan asked, "So how was your "solo' trip to the garden?"

"Fine, as long as I didn't use the words "Jon,' "cars,' or anything remotely related to them. Come with me, I want to show you something."

They quickly trotted out to the garden, where Betty pointed out a curious-looking spot surrounded by bushes, and had a footstool situated there.

"Yeah, so?" Susan said.

"Take a seat, quickly," Betty replied motioning to the stool. Susan sat down and found she had a vantage point to the whole yard, without the fear of being seen.

"Kim and Jasmine have a pretty crafty mother," Susan said. "No wonder she knows what goes on with her kids."

"It would make me enjoy gardening."

"Have you told Kim?"

"You kidding? This is a family matter. Let's go before she sees us."

"Hey Betty, remember our little talk back at Velvet's party?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Maybe you should give Jon a try."

Betty stopped and looked at Susan.

"I lead a fairly simple life, peaceful, aside from the occasional fight or two. And as nice as Jon is, and as knowledgeable as he is about engines, I don't think he's worth risking my life for," she said.

"His mom and dad won't mind."

"I'm not talking about his parents, I'm talking about his sister who happens to be my sensei. She can do things in tae kwon do that I haven't even thought of being able to do yet. And you've heard about what Jasmine can do. How can I do anything with those two looking over my shoulder?"

Susan smiled and spoke softly in Betty's ear. "But that's the thing. He lives out of town, so they won't be around to look over your shoulder."

Betty turned to Susan with a dumbfounded expression. "Oh," she said.

"See, it could work; just go out of town to get a few automotive items every now and then, and nobody will know, except me and probably Irena, who'll be happy for you."

"Susan, I still don't know if you're trying to help me or get me killed."

"It's worth a try."

Kim left the house, finding the two in the garden.

"There you are!" She said. "We need to get going, there's a lot to do today."

Shortly, they said their goodbyes to Mrs. Chang and Jon. As they headed back in the house, Betty started the van and prepared to put it in gear when she said, "I'll be right back, I forgot something!"

"Well hurry up," Kim said.

She ran into the house, grabbed one of her business cards, and wrote down her cell phone number. She located Jon and handed him the card.

"I'll still be here for a day or so, but while I'm home, call me if you have any questions about cars . . . or anything else," she said.

"Hold on," Jon pulled out his wallet, and handed her a card.

"You have your own business cards?"

"Business is booming."

"You know it. See you later."

Betty rushed back to the van, jumped in the driver's seat, and said, "Now I'm ready, here we go."

On the way to LS's apartment, Kim was passively looking out the back window while Betty noticed Susan looking and smiling at her.

"Susan?" She said in a low voice.


"Stop smiling at me."

"Oh, sorry."



Later that morning, LS entered the councilman's office. This time, she was dressed more casual than the last time she visited. Normally she liked wearing a kimono with a T-shirt or sports bra, and shorts underneath. Occasionally she would wear a pair of slacks or jeans and a blouse (sans shoes, of course). However, this morning, she wore a navy blue tank top leotard, and an ankle bracelet, while carrying a duffle bag containing her gi, and of course, barefoot.

As she boldly strode through City Hall, LS had two goals to meet by her mode of dress, infuriation and intimidation. Councilman Johnson would be appalled by her very casual garb, yet he would be fearful of her physical stature, especially if she decided to threaten him. The approving looks she received from some of the men she passed by didn't hurt either. The councilman's receptionist surprisingly didn't seem to notice anything different as she welcomed LS and let her enter his office. The councilman though was a different matter.

"How dare you walk half-naked in this office!" Councilman Johnson exploded.

LS wore a sly grin as she sat in the chair across from his desk, and placed her duffel bag on the floor beside it. She crossed one leg over another.

"But I am not half-naked; I'm wearing an exercise leotard. I normally wear a kimono or gi over it, but I was in a hurry, and it is a little warm today," she said. "Lewis always liked this outfit because he thinks it shows off my physique."

With that, LS flexed the pointed toe of her left crossed foot. The muscular definition from years of judo and her strenuous morning workouts revealed a leg that looked like it was sculpted from bronze. The move had the desired effect as the councilman stared at the leg for a moment. He quickly thought of the muscular build of his girlfriend Stacy, and realized while she was built, LS was solid. He also quickly thought of the destructive capability that body contained along with years of judo training, not to mention the carnage she wreaked on her enemies. Johnson made an important mental note; no matter how much she may beg, plead, or demand, do not let Stacy go anywhere near LS again.

"What do you want?" He asked, tearing himself away from LS's power.

LS got up from her chair (which made the councilman flinch slightly), and walked around the office observing the awards and photographs and tributes that decorated the walls.

"I received your little "housewarming present' last night," she said as she looked at a degree from a local college that she knew had to be honorary.

In typical political fashion, Councilman Johnson said, "I don't know anything about that."

LS turned to face the councilman with a smirk on her face. "Oh come on now, councilman; we are both reasonably intelligent people. No one else knows the nature of our little feud, our little war except those we allow to participate in it. So let us not insult the other's intelligence by playing games of denial and speaking in code, shall we?" She said.

"You brought help," Johnson replied.

"Yes I did, although the woman your men attacked was a guest. You are not the only one who knows a lot of people. My connections in the martial arts community are quite extensive."

The councilman leaned back and looked at her skeptically. "Oh really? And how "extensive' is that?"

LS walked to her chair and sat down, tucking one leg under her as she did so. "Quite extensive. In my discipline ' judo, some people have called me a master. It is quite flattering, I will admit, but I know of many who are capable of much greater feats than the things I have achieved."

"Like what?"

"I know of those who can literally throw you across this room with one hand tied behind their back. I know of some who can clamp a painful hold, knock you out, or paralyze you using only the first two fingers and thumb of their hands. There are some who could punch or kick you five times before you had a chance to blink. One person comes to mind who is so powerful, her bare toes can shatter ribs, and her fingers could crush muscle, not to mention punch a hole through you as well. I know well of this last case because she fought her way through a group of gangsters to rescue her grandson. And the fascinating thing was that she was in her mid-fifties when she did it. And this is just family I am talking about; I have not scratched the surface regarding my friends yet."

"As intriguing as this stuff is, you didn't come here to tell me who you know," Johnson said.

"No, I have not. Last night, I was thinking, maybe this was a big misunderstanding. I may have taken what you have told me out of context. So if you do not mind, explain to me what it is you wanted to do?" LS asked politely.

Johnson looked at LS with mild curiosity. An effort to seek a peaceful solution was the last thing he expected with LS on this matter.

"Very well," he said, "I'll repeat what I told you up to the part where you threatened me. My opponent, who is running against me this year, was making the claim that he's responsible for this drastic drop in crime; which was clearly your doing, not his. If you give my son control of his old gang, he could cause just enough havoc to prove his boast a lie. That will plummet his approval rating, causing him to lose his bid. Afterwards, you and my son can quibble over the details of what to do with the gang from there."

LS was silent, as if in thought for a moment, then spoke.

"I believe this was the part where I said it would not be possible even if I wanted to, because your son was not only publicly defeated, but publicly shamed. Also, those who joined me have no more desire to be in a gang," she replied.

"So the answer is still no."

"I cannot even think of a way it could be yes. Tell me, would this "new' gang be up to the same mischief the Royals did last week?"

"I believe so, yes."

"Interesting, since I completely shut that gang down a month ago. Unless they are running operations from a hospital bed, this is not the same gang. What are you really up to, councilman?"

"I believe I just told you."

"So you are now running the faux gangs to make your opponent look bad. Do you have any idea how much trouble you would be in if the authorities found out?"

"I don't have anything to fear from the authorities; rather it's the other way around. I gave them their jobs, and I can take them away."

LS's face scrunched in confusion. "So that is it then. I cannot give you back my gangs to do whatever you want. So that brings up one question, no, two. That addresses the issue of my boyfriend's apartment, my apartment, and my dojo."

"I was trying to get your attention," Johnson chuckled as he leaned back in his chair.

"I do not understand."

"I realized when I asked you to help me, I would receive an answer similar to what you gave me, and so I made plans. I can't control the gang members or rather ex-gang members, but you can."

"Excuse me?"

"You can get your loyal followers to do these deeds. A group I "resurrected' is doing the job, but not as well as your ex-cons can. After it's all over, it's back to business as usual."

LS felt her face begin to turn red, especially at the fact that once you owed the councilman a favor, it's never considered paid off.

"As for those three incidents, consider that a show of my power. That could be your family or loved ones."

LS slowly rose from her chair, which made Johnson lean back a little in his chair. He didn't lean back quick enough. With a speed that was deceptive, LS grabbed the politician by his shirt and jerked him forward so that he was half dangling over the front of his desk, and his face only a few inches away from hers.

"You can threaten me as much as you like, and I can even understand that attack on my cousin in my apartment was a mistake. Not forgivable, but I can understand it. But if you value your life, you do not ever raise a hand against my friends or family," LS breathed in a soft voice.

"Y-you need to put me down, LS, you should know better than to put your hands on me," Johnson replied angrily, but not too convincingly. "I will call security."

LS read his face, and saw him try to hide the fear. "I do not believe you understand the gravity of your situation, councilman." She looked again at his eyes, which were darting downward. "So what do you have in that desk drawer, Johnson? A silent alarm? A gun? Let me show you something."

She quickly removed her hands from his lapel to his shirt collar, jerking it just tight enough for Johnson to start gasping for air.

"LS, for God's sake!"

"I actually might be doing God a favor. This is known as a lapel choke. When applied correctly, you will only have thirty seconds before you lose consciousness. Needless to say, if I hold on just a little bit longer . . . you get the point. Thirty seconds is barely enough time for security to run down the hall and open the door, much less stop me. If I so desired, I could hasten things with a sudden jerk of my hands. If you come even within spitting range of anyone close to me, you will wish I had used that choke. Do I make myself clear?"

Johnson was hard-pressed to verbalize anything, so he just nodded his head frantically.

"Good." She dropped him on the desk.

"You (cough) have made a big (wheeze) mistake," the councilman managed to say.

"Really? I bet there are quite a few people who would be pleased to get rid of you. You and your deceitful business practices, running over innocent souls to promote your addenda; from what I saw of your son, even your own family is suspicious of you. You may be a big wheel in public office, but a total failure at home."

Councilman Johnson made a motion like he was going to backhand LS, but quickly thought better of it.

"Yes, yes, go ahead and strike me. Give me an excuse to tear apart your worthless hide and hang it on the wall, after I take what passes for a backbone in your body and break it in two. The only difference I see right now between you and those gang members I now lead is they knew what they were doing was wrong, and realize they needed to change. You are nothing but a thug who wears a suit."

"G-get out."

"Yes, I believe I will; we are done here. Oh, and councilman? I think you need a drink, your hands are a little shaky," LS said with a small grin on the way out, grabbing her duffel bag on the way to the door.

"LS? The receptionist said as LS left the office. She motioned for the judoka to come close. "I've been trying to find a workout that would give me more muscle, but I'm not really crazy about going to the gym. From what I've seen of you over the years, I see you don't go to one either. Do you have any suggestions?"

LS smiled. "Why sure! I put my workout on disk to those who desire it. Give me your email address, and I'll send it to you as an attachment. It's rough at first, but if you stick with it, you should see results in less than a month."

The receptionist took a notepad, wrote her email address and handed it to her. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"By the way, was everything okay in there? It seemed to get a little quiet before you left."

"All is okay. You know how the councilman can get."

"I can tell you stories."

"I bet you could. Take care."

When LS got back in the van, she put a loose fitting kimono on and asked the group, "Did you get everything?"

"Every word," Betty answered. "There were a couple of times we thought you were going to do him right there."

"The thought had entered my mind, I must admit, but it would have been a little messy," LS replied as she pulled the micro cassette recorder and a few other electronic items out of her duffel bag. "But I think we can edit those parts, can't we?"

"I believe so; I'll do that later today after your practice and before dinner."

"Good; let us pick up Cao and drive to the dojo, I have this overwhelming desire to throw people."



To say the councilman was enraged would be an understatement. Enraged and frightened all at once. As LS had observed, his hands were shaking; so bad, he could barely pour himself a drink. It took him another minute before he could put it to his lips and swallow without spilling any of it. Another thing this surprise meeting revealed was any future physical encounters to be avoided at all costs. He did not doubt she would follow through with what she threatened to do. Johnson thought briefly about Stacy wanting a piece of her, but one look into LS's eyes told him she would have no qualms breaking her in two if she got in her way.

There was no doubt about it, this woman had to be stopped and stopped now. He knew LS was going to be a problem in his overall plan, but he just now realized not only was the female street crusader a bigger problem than he thought, if she went unchecked, his overall health and existence would be in danger. Fortunately, he had a plan for that.

The councilman grabbed the phone and made the necessary calls, especially to one person in particular. Things needed to be put in motion now. LS needed to be hurt and hurt bad. Not enough to put her in the morgue, but bad enough to put her in the hospital for a while. It would've been so simple to have her pulled over by one of his "favorite officers" on the police force, and have her arrested for possession of an illegal substance, or some trumped up charge like he's done with other rivals. But she had too many officers on the force who know she's innocent, and worse, would like to see him fall. No, this will have to be done the old fashioned way, his goons against hers; however, he had a bigger pool of resources and a bigger pocketbook to work with. He couldn't lose.

Curse you, LS, you've forced me to do this, you barefoot savage, he said to himself. But at least it'll be over soon, and after she's gone, total victory would soon be his.



"Oh, while we're on the way to the dojo, and LS is thinking of how many ways she could break the councilman, let me relay the message from Kim's mom that she has a big dinner planned, and everyone in this van is expected to be there," Susan said, brightening the mood.

"I would hope I'm invited, since I used to live there," Kim replied.

"That is too bad; I was planning to torture Janelle some more with more of my cooking," LS said.

"Your cooking is just fine," Janelle countered. "Just because you're dating a master chef and baker doesn't mean your cooking isn't any good. My cooking on the other hand. . ."

"So that's why you and Benjamin eat out a lot," Betty said.

"Have you talked to him lately?" Janelle asked.

"A little bit at Velvet's party, why do you ask?"

"You called him "Benjamin;' his name is Ben."

"But he said-"

"Why are you listening to him, he's a man! His name is Ben!"

This generated some laughter from the women.

"But," Betty stopped, and rose up her hands in mock surrender for a second before regaining control of the steering wheel.

"I couldn't imagine someone calling my brother "Jonathan' or worse, "Johnny,' that would not be right," Kim remarked.

"What? Who is interested in Jon now, and who would do such a horrid thing?" LS asked.

Betty glanced over at Susan, who only shrugged innocently.

"To give a hint, it's someone who also tinkers with cars," Kim answered.

"Oh you have an interest in Kim's brother? You should've said something!" Janelle said.

"Aaah!" Betty screamed. "I didn't say anything, other than he's pretty cute!"

"'Cute?'" LS repeated.

"I always thought he was rather handsome myself, not "cute,'" Kim remarked again.

"Aaah!" Betty screamed again. "You're all forgetting something."

"What?" Janelle asked.

"I'm the driver here, and I can leave at any time."

That quieted the group, and it brought a slight smile on Betty's face, knowing she won that round.

"Oh great and mighty driver, if it would please thee, I beseech you if I could use one of the laptops to send a message to my beloved?" Susan asked.

"Sure; there's no reason for you to ask for permission, Susan, though your groveling was much appreciated. In fact, I need to call the shop to make sure everything is okay," Betty said.

"I would think once word spreads that you're out of town, business should be fine," Kim replied.

"How do you figure that?"

"Those catfighters who've been challenging you and Irena will stay away for awhile, giving Irena a chance to get more work done. Once you return, unless you want to broadcast it on the news, it will be a while before everyone will know you're back. Nobody will offer a challenge if you're not there."

"What Kim is saying is everything is fine," Susan said.

"I thought I just said that."

"Hey, there's Cao. Since she wasn't in the van when Susan made the announcement, is she not invited to dinner?" Janelle joked.

"Yeah, she's invited, just let her know she doesn't have to do any gardening," Kim replied.


"I'll explain later."

Cao entered the van wearing a black oversized sweatshirt over a white T-shirt, black leggings, and barefoot.

"Good morning all. Seeing the lack of shoes in this group, I thought I'd dress accordingly; when in Rome and all that," she said.

"Then it's about time you become "native' like the rest of us," Kim demanded.

"What do you mean, become an American citizen?"

"No, become a barefooter like the rest of us."

"You mean wear no shoes at all?"

"If you can strut around in front of strangers every night wearing only a posing suit and muscles, you can keep those confining things off your feet and experience the true freedom that many of us experience."

"But, but, it gets cold! Surely you don't expect me to-"

"Excuses, excuses! I've seen you wear less than adequate warm clothing when there's snow on the ground. You'll get used to it."

"But what about your sister? She doesn't-"

"My sister is not here!" Kim interrupted. "Besides, we have not given up on her. One day she'll see the light."

"Kim, you just said "we.' Why are you dragging me into this? I gave up trying to "convert' Jasmine a long time ago," LS said.

"That's because she moved away "a long time ago.' We need to rally our forces and try again."

"Gee, Kim, I knew you were one of us, but I didn't know you could speak so convincingly about it. If I wasn't already shoeless, I'd be pulling them off now," Janelle said, giving Kim a high-five."

Cao sat in the van looking at the others. "You all are quite mad, you know that, don't you?" She said.

"And yet, here you are sitting in the van with us, your shoes resting at Aunt Martha's house. I have heard from others that when she was a missionary in Thailand, she liked to do what the natives do and kick off her-" LS started.

"All right, all right! I'll do it! And yeah, Aunt Martha was in her nylons. Uncle Jimmy had to remind her to grab her pumps before she left out the door this morning. I didn't see a hint of leather on those soles at all yesterday."

"Teacher, I mean Kim, would you have tried to uh, change me too?" Betty asked.

"Eventually, but you already were a convert. There's however other things I need to watch out for, as far as you're concerned," Kim said with an evil grin, "regarding my other sibling."

"I don't think "Billy' would like that," Betty said in a quiet voice that was just loud enough for Kim to hear. Kim turned white as a sheet and shut up immediately, while LS started looking out the window, hiding her expression. Susan, who was in the middle of emailing her fianc#e, suddenly had a coughing fit, which was a poor disguise for her laughing fit, and Janelle and Cao were asking the others "What? What?" Betty wore the biggest smile she had in a long time.

"Betty, what did you say?" Janelle asked.

"Why Janelle, I didn't say anything; I'm just driving. Did I say anything, Susan?" Betty replied.

"I don't think so," Susan said.

"Did I say anything, Kim?" Betty asked.

"No, not at all, not a thing," Kim said quietly.

"No, Kim had just realized she had forgotten something, did you not, Kim?" LS asked.

"Yes I did, but that's okay; I remember everything else."

Betty was thinking of all the extra pushups and other exercises and drills she'll most likely be doing the next time she'll attend her tae kwon do classes, but for the expression that was on Kim's face, it was worth it. "Oh, here we are at the dojo ' what on earth is going on?" She said.

The front of the dojo looked like a scene from "West Side Story." A chunk of LS's students, many of them already dressed in their white gi, were facing off against what looked like members of a street gang or gangs, dressed in their various colors. However, this was one of LS's classes that carried many of her students that helped fight the street gangs with her, along with former members of those gangs. So it wasn't long before the unconscious and injured bodies of the opposing forces littered the front of the dojo. Still, there seemed to be a fresh stream of the enemy flowing from somewhere.

"It looks like the dojo is under attack," Janelle said.

"Well this starts the day off with a bang," Cao said.

"You should've heard LS's conversation with the councilman," Betty said. "A few times it sounded like LS was going to punch his ticket."

"Really? A close call then."

"Do not assume anything yet, Cao," LS replied grimly. "The day is still young."

"Your students are keeping things under control at least," Janelle said.

"But it looks like Johnson decided to call off attacking friends and family, and concentrate on hitting your dojo instead," Kim replied.

"He forgot, my dojo hits back," LS said as Betty found a close parking space. "Let us help them clean out the trash."

The sight of LS and company leaving the van did not go unnoticed by the dojo's attackers. As they reached the front doors, a man a little over seven feet tall and built like a linebacker jumped in front of them, knocking some students aside and roaring.

"That's a big bloke," Cao said, unimpressed.

"I will take him; he is big enough to take out my anger on," LS replied.

But before LS could engage her foe, someone jumped on the giant's back. It was May, dressed in camouflage "chocolate chip" fatigues, rolled eight inches above the ankles, a white "wife beater" tank top T-shirt, and barefoot. She clamped a rear naked choke around his neck, and dug her heels in his ribs for support. She looked like a cowgirl riding a bronco as she held on, and her quarry tried to buck her off. She also dodged out of reach of the big man's arms. LS glanced at her student. The look on her face told her that she was actually enjoying this. Finally, after what seemed like a long thirty seconds, the blood flow to the brain ceased, and the big man fell forward like a downed redwood tree. May performed a break fall that left her back on her feet and unharmed.

"Wow!" Betty commented.

"I am impressed, May: very good. Your class is a little later today though if I remember correctly," LS said.

"Yes teacher," May replied, bowing. "But after the attacks we received yesterday, I thought they might try it again, so I took off work today so I could help out."

"Well thank you very much."

"Oh, there's two others in the dojo closet, a man and a woman who attacked me earlier. I had to use more . . . extreme measures on them."

"We'll check on them, as soon as we take care of the rest of these losers," Susan said.

Janelle walked over to May, looking over the unconscious giant in front of her.

"I remember yesterday you were taking on another large opponent," she said. "Don't you pick on anyone your own size?"

May broke into a sinister grin. "Yes, but where's the fun in that?" She replied.

"LS, if you don't have her as part of your gang-breaking team, you should. Where did you get her from?" Susan asked.

"You know, that is the strangest thing," LS replied. "The very first day I opened my dojo, as soon as I opened it for business, there she was at the door. She told me she came here to learn all there was about judo. Ever since then, she has been a regular fixture here, three, sometimes four days a week. And now that I think of it, I still do not know what she does or where she came from."

"Sounds like one of those Clint Eastwood western movies where this man rides into town-" Betty started.

"I love those movies!" Cao exclaimed. "Say, where is May?"

May rushed back into the heat of battle that was starting to form in the alley on the other side of the dojo, only to find herself surrounded by two men and a woman who appeared to be dressed in biker clothes. They trapped the judoka in a triangle pattern, and were closing in.

"I'm on it," Betty said, rushing to help. Cao went with her.

However, their help was not needed. May seemed to shrink on herself for a moment, like she was suddenly frightened. This gave her attackers the assurance they needed to close in ' and to fall into her trap. May whipped around and grabbed the man behind her, delivering an over the shoulder throw to send him down quickly and painfully on the hard ground in front of the other two attackers, slowing them down. She then grabbed the left leg of the woman, slightly lifting her up, then dropping her on the stunned man. She pivoted and fired a straight punch to the standing man, striking him on the jaw, stunning him enough for May to deliver another over the shoulder throw, landing him on top of the man and woman struggling on the ground to get up. For a finishing move, May saw a large, abandoned door leaning against a wall. She took it, and threw it on top of the man-woman-man sandwich. The whole skirmish, including the door, took roughly a little over twenty seconds. May then trotted toward the dojo; something appeared to catch her attention.

Betty and Cao stopped running when they saw what happened, and turned to LS.

"You know, I really don't know what you needed me for," Betty said. "If you have fighters in your dojo who are this good-"

LS grinned and shrugged.

"Maybe that's why," Susan said, pointing down the street.



Inside the dojo, the atmosphere was not what Joseph expected. Joseph, was a 6'5" man of about two hundred pounds with blond hair and blue eyes. He had recently resumed taking classes after a long absence as part of a bargain he agreed to, so he could avoid legal trouble.

[Author's Note: Joseph's close brush with his "legal troubles," and how he avoided them are detailed in a story entitled You Owe Me. You know where you can get it. ' Mongoose.]

In fact, since he had some free time, he thought he'd take an early class. But these strange people attacking in and out of the dojo were not part of the deal. Still dressed in his gi, he grabbed his duffle bag and started toward the exit. He'll return at his regular time or when the war was over.

"Joseph! Where are you going?" A voice said loudly, stopping Joseph in his tracks. He turned around slowly to see May glaring at him just outside the doors of the dojo.

"Are you kidding? I'm going home! This place is turning into a war zone! I'm not going to stay here!" Joseph replied.

"If you take another step toward your car, you'll deal with me," May warned as she stepped toward him, causing Joseph to flinch a little. "Now go back in there and fight for your dojo!"

Joseph was not used to the normally soft-spoken May speaking loudly, and this startled him about as much as the implied threat she voiced to him.

"But I'm not an accomplished black belt like you, Rhonda, or sensei," he pleaded. "Besides, we're straight, remember? I fulfilled my part of the deal."

"Since you're not a black belt, either hook up with one, or get together with the other white belts and work as a unit. This place has done too much for you to abandon it like this. Turn around; this will be over soon. I'll be watching you."

"But our deal-"

"Our deal is over is over when I say it is! Attending a few classes aren't going to satisfy me. I need to see commitment. Go back now."

As May trotted off toward the battle outside, Joseph sighed and went back in the building, feeling like a whipped puppy.



The group looked where Susan was pointing, and saw a fresh group of ten men and women walking down the street toward the dojo.

"There must be a sale on henchmen," Janelle said.

"If they're like the others, I'll bet it was a clearance sale," Betty remarked.

"Has anyone noticed that the police had not shown up yet?" Cao asked.

"Yes, and that is to be expected. The councilman probably paid the policemen who patrol this area to drive around the block and look the other way," LS explained. "He has done this before."

"So it is up to us then," Susan said.

"Yes. Again, I will understand if you need to turn away."

"Me, I have dibs on those five over there," Betty, pointing, said for a response. "They need their heads whacked."

"I believe Betty speaks for all of us," Janelle replied. "I believe after this part is over, you have a plan to take him down?"

"Oh yes, there's just a few questions I want answered first. Meanwhile, prepare yourselves," LS said.

Suddenly a car drove down the street, and stopped a few yards away from the advancing mob.

"Oh joy, more of them," Janelle said.

"Hold on Janelle, I recognize this car," Kim replied.

Out of the car climbed two women. One was a 5'5" black woman with light brown skin and wavy dark brown shoulder-length hair. The other was a 5'6" Filipino woman with long black hair. Both had muscular builds, though the black woman had more definition, blue T-shirts with a logo on front and a number on back, and black shorts, though they appeared to be a little dirty. Both were barefoot. The Filipino woman was throwing on some type of holster that held two long sticks in it. They closed the car doors and faced the mob.

"Who are they?" Betty asked.

"Michelle and Rini," Kim said. "Rini is the one with the escrima sticks."

"Okay, let's give them a hand," Susan said.

"Take your time," LS replied.

"What?" Janelle, Cao, and Betty said at the same time.

"Slow down, you're in for a treat," Kim answered.

A few people in the mob barked at the two women who stood in their way, and then one person made the mistake of trying to touch Michelle. The result was a bloody one as the man staggered back holding his face. Half of the gang raised their weapons consisting of knifes, baseball bats, and lead pipes; and that's when Rini went into action, combining the spinning top-like motions of aikido with the sticking power of the escrima sticks. Michelle followed suit, throwing foes left and right with aikido, pausing for a second to sock or kick someone with a jeet kune do move. Soon, all that was left was a woman who wondered how her fellow companions fell so quickly. She turned and ran. Michelle started after her, but Rini put a restraining hand on her shoulder, and mouthed something to her that looked like "watch this." Rini took one of her sticks and threw it. The stick twirled through the air until it struck the fleeing woman in the back of the head. As she fell to the ground, both women exchanged a high-five.

"Whoa," Janelle replied, "I'm impressed."

"Now I'm starting to wonder what I'm doing here," Susan said.

"For your excellent interrogation skills," Cao laughed.

"In Jasmine's aikido class, there were four students who were at the top of the class. Jasmine was one of them. These are two more," Kim said, sisterly pride evident in her voice.

"LS, we came as soon as we could; our receptionists gave us the scoop," Michelle said as the two trotted over to the quintet.

"Good timing," LS replied. "Michelle, Rini, Cao you know; this is Janelle, Betty, and-"

"Susan?" Rini cut in.

"Yes that's me, known worldwide; or at least it seems that way," Susan quipped.

Janelle and Michelle looked at each other in that way that only bodybuilders do for a few seconds. Finally, Janelle asked, "How long?"

"I lost track to tell you the truth. I want to say at least ten years, but I'm not sure. You?" Michelle said.

"I think maybe half that long, but I don't remember either. You compete?"

"Nah, I just like the power."

"Me too."

Both laughed.

"I think you're going to lose those two for a while. Bodybuilders talking shop can be quite lengthy. Cao and Michelle could talk all night," Rini said. "So you're Betty; I've heard quite a bit about you."

Betty, seeing what was coming, remarked, "I work on cars too."

"Yes, Jasmine and Kim make sure to remind me about that part. I'm surprised you're able to get any work done."

"Me too. Hey, how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That thing with the sticks."

"Well, I've been practicing escrima-"

"No, no, you throwing that stick and knocking that girl out."

"Oh; well it took plenty of practice-"

Michelle gave her a look.

"-and a couple of boring Saturday afternoons. I knew it would come in handy at least once."

"Not to be nosy, but where were you two?" Kim asked.

"Is it me, or was Kim being more subtle than usual?" Michelle said to Rini.

"It must be a slip of the tongue. It won't happen again, I'm sure. Anyway, we were at an intramural fast-pitch softball tourney. We just finished an hour ago," Rini said, smiling.

"How'd you do?" Betty asked.

"Second place, it was close."

"That would explain the dirt," Susan said.

Cao looked at the groaning bodies the duet had left, along with the other bodies of the defeated. "Love, what do we do with them?" She said.

"Leave them. I want to get into my dojo, see Rhonda, and check on two punks that one of my students put in the closet. After that, I want to throw any other thugs out, so we can have class. Kim, could you call your mother?" LS said.

"Already on it, two more for dinner," Kim replied, dialing her cell phone.

"There is much more to explain, but I need time to do it when I am not getting attacked every time I turn around. There are still some missing pieces I need to fill in for this to make sense. Rini, Michelle, did you bring any spare clothes?"

"Yes we did," Rini said.

"Good, because you two are absolutely filthy."



Meanwhile, at the house Lewis was staying at, he and all the guys (except Kevin, who was on a date with Loretta) were gathered in the kitchen, watching the master chef at work, and enjoying some lighthearted conversation.

"So that's what spices you use," David said as he watched Lewis make his spaghetti sauce. "I always used oregano, but I was always at a loss to add anything else."

"I always let The Noodle Kitchen take care of that matter," Billy joked.

"I suspect I will need to learn some cooking skills," Benjamin added, "Lest Janelle and I spend a sufficient part of our lives dining out. I guess we could hire a cook."

"If you like, I can give you correspondence lessons, free of charge," Lewis offered.

"You will? Great!"

"No problem. Where on the scale of helplessness are you?"

"Well I know how to boil water, I'm skilled at using the microwave, and I swore never to order pizza for delivery."

"Swore off ordering pizza? How come?"

"Bad things happen when I order pizza."

[Author's Note: To find out what happened the last two times Benjamin ordered pizza, just check out Love Can Be Weird and Declaration of War in my library, of course ' Mongoose.]

"I can attest to that," Jesse said. "Last time he ordered pizza, three muscular bald chicks broke in and tried to make us their love monkeys."

"Love monkeys?" Lewis replied.

"The DOA over here for some reason took an interest in us, and wouldn't take no for an answer."

"The DOA; yeah, I heard they're a little extreme over here."

Benjamin turned to Jesse. "You know, to hear you describe what just happened to us, I barely believe it, and I was there at my place," he said.

"That reminds me, where's Kevin at?" David asked.

"I don't know, he just said he couldn't make it," Jesse replied.

"Maybe one of those "muscular bald chicks' got him," Billy said, laughing.

"If you saw one of them, you wouldn't be laughing too much."

"Well they'd know better than to mess with me."

"Now Jesse, you need to understand, Billy here went to a university where he was surrounded by more, uh, softer women. He didn't run into the hardbodies they have here," Benjamin said, putting an arm around Billy's shoulder. "After we eat dinner, you're going to see a small example of the strong women we have here. David, did you get the matches?"

"Yes I did. I got a few matches of my fianc#e in action, a few Ultimate Fighting Female bouts, and last, but not least, a few matches from the cage matches in Russia," he said.

"Excellent. Billy, I warn you, if you abhor violence, you may not want to see these DVD's; but we hope you do. Let's eat," Benjamin said.

After they ate a delicious meal, the men gathered in the living room to watch the fights.

David held up a DVD. "Gentlemen, welcome to fight night. First, we're going to watch one of my favorite fianc#e's matches," he said.

"Why is it one of your favorites?" Jesse asked.

"Because it actually lasts longer than three rounds. Susan took on a woman who was originally from Mongolia. Her name was Gretta."

"I remember," Lewis said. "They called her "Gretta the Hun.'"

"Janelle told me about her. She called her flexible and deadly," Benjamin replied.

"She looked like she could strike from any angle; like fighting an octopus."

"Yeah, that's what Susan told me," David said. "Here we go."

"'Gretta the Hun'? What a silly name," Billy remarked.

"Shh!" David said as he put in the DVD.

The DVD shown the menu, then featured the fighters who were participating. They shown Susan entering the ring in her standard fight garb: a navy blue sports bra, the same color trunks with two white stripes down each side, and a white ribbon keeping her hair pulled back. She had a neutral look on her face.

Taking a good look at Susan on the screen, Billy said, "Well, I can see why she is so popular."

The lights in the arena slightly reflected off Susan's muscles. She had a small workout before the match, so her skin displayed a light sheen the empathized her fit build.

"At the risk of using a clich#, there's more to my wife than just a pretty face . . . and a hard body . . . and those legs . . ."

"Okay, we got it," Jesse laughed. "Where was this fight anyway?"


"I thought that looked familiar! LS and I were there," Lewis said. "Quite a story behind that one."

"What happened?"

"One day, LS asked me what I was doing that Friday. I told her I had a date. She pulled out two tickets, waved them in front of me, and said "not anymore.'"


"So Friday afternoon, I suddenly got sick and postponed the date for the next Friday. The amazing thing about it was I actually got away with it."

"Look out, we have a smooth criminal in the house!"

"The postponed date went fine, no problems. All I had to do was keep LS away from us so she wouldn't drop any "hints' about what we did that day. Sometimes it got pretty tricky at times," Lewis explained.

"LS wouldn't really do that, would he?" Benjamin asked.

"She would've been tempted to even if that wasn't her intent; she never liked any of my dates," Lewis replied.

"Okay Lewis, let me see if I got this straight; you and LS were close friends, then one day, boom, you're a couple?" Billy asked.

"It's a little bit complicated."

"It always is," Benjamin sighed.

"At least she didn't threaten to beat him up," David teased.

"Oh man!" Jesse said, staring at the TV. "Susan had to fight her?"

"Gretta the Hun" entered the ring. She was an inch and a half shorter than Susan, but she had a bigger frame that was muscular. She had short black hair that went to the back of her neck. The scowl she wore on her face gave a person the appearance that someone was going to die at her hand. She wore a red sports bra and red boxing trunks with yellow trim.

"What a scary face! If I ran into someone like that on the street, I don't know if I would give her all my money, run for my life, or both," Benjamin said.

"That's her game day face," David explained. "We met her after the fight. She has a beautiful smile, and is one of the nicest people you'd meet. Her trainer has her make that face to scare people."

"If you see her again, tell her it works. I'm not going to mess with her," Jesse laughed.

Even for those who saw the match before, it still was exciting. Shouts of "oh," "ah," and "boom!" came from the men after every punch and kick that landed. Finally in the next to last round, Susan managed to fire a front kick, one-two combination that staggered Gretta enough to score a technical knockout.

"Susan was sore for almost a month after that fight," David said.

"I guess that explains why she was kind of scarce afterwards," Benjamin replied.

"She said it was like her feet and fists were everywhere. She was not sure how she knocked her out until she saw tape of the fight. Gretta was one of the higher ranked fighters going for the title; and you can see why. What did you think, Billy?"

"That was brutal, man! I can't imagine two women hitting each other all night like that," Billy said.

"Brutal?" David laughed. "I have some more "brutal' stuff for you right here."

Finally, after showing the other DVD's, David displayed the last one featuring the Russian Cage Matches.

"And now, gentlemen, I now present to you the Russian Cage Matches, featuring our own Irena; our sweet little Irena, who'd never hurt a fly; dear Irena, who could never beat Billy up," he began.

"All right, all right, I'm sorry I said that," Billy said. "Anyway, so you're telling me that Irena took part in these type of fights?"

"Now let me get this straight," Lewis asked. "You're telling me that out of the five men in this room, you don't know this fact, and you're dating the woman?"

"Well we never talked about it much; I thought it was a, uh, less glamorous part of her past, like professional wrestling, or, or-"

"Don't say it man," Jesse warned.

"-mud wrestling or something like that."

"It's a good thing we're having this meeting. We need to save you from yourself," David said. "If she heard you refer to what she did as two bimbos in bikinis squirming in oil, a whack across the head would be the least of your troubles."

"Billy, it's better to ask than to assume, it's part of Basic Relationships 101," Benjamin stated. "Your girlfriend hangs around with other martial artists and semi-professional fighters, people who take their art seriously. I couldn't imagine my Janelle even associating with fake wrestlers, much less a mud wrestler."

"Okay, maybe I made a few assumptions where I shouldn't have," Billy admitted.

"Irena's match isn't until the end of the DVD," David said, "but I think we should see the other matches on it so we can appreciate the atmosphere."

"In other words, you want to see the whole thing," Benjamin said.

"You know it."

"I'm not going anywhere," Lewis replied.

"Yeah, let's do it," Jesse said, then suddenly glanced out the window. "Are we expecting anyone else?"

"It's Irena, she was supposed to pick me up here to go out after dinner. I think we're busted," Billy said.

"No we're not; everything is taken care of," David said as he took the loose DVD's and dropped them in a nearby drawer by the TV.

There wasn't very much straightening up to do, but the men did it anyway, making sure there were no signs that they spent their evening watching female combat. For the finishing touch, David took the remote, and turned off the DVD player. On the TV was the Animal Planet# channel, which had the show "Meerkat Manor" on. Upon seeing the show, David made a strange expression.

Billy went to the door, and opened it when he heard the doorbell.

"Hi honey, I'm ready to go," he said, expecting Irena to address him, say a brief hello to the guys, and go back to the car, then be off to the movies without a second thought.

"Hello William, I'll be ready in a minute," Irena replied, moving past him and to the living room where the men were seated. "Hello gentlemen."

Irena wore a short silk-like Chinese-style black dress with a mandarin collar and white flowers made by needlepoint decorating the side. Along with the gold necklace, she also wore a gold anklet and red toenail polish, which were the only things she had on her feet.

The men greeted her back.

"I've been appointed by the departed ladies to keep tabs on you guys. Is everyone all right? Having a good time?"

The men nodded and agreed.

"Good." She walked slowly through the living room, sensing something was wrong, but she didn't know what.

"You okay?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Irena replied as she set her gaze on the TV set. "Meerkat Manor" was a cute show, but she somehow couldn't picture a group of grown men gathered in the living room watching it. She looked around the room again and set her gaze on David, the man with the remote. She gave him a quizzical look.

"What? It's a cute show, like watching little people," David said innocently.

"Yes, I agree," Irena replied as she snatched the remote and hit the "previous" button. The TV switched to Lifetime, where a movie version of a Danelle Steele novel appeared. She gave them an even more quizzical look. The men looked at each other.

"Ms. Steele's movies are a little too . . . mushy for my tastes, but different strokes, eh?"

She switched back to Animal Planet.

"I was cooking dinner," Lewis said after a brief silence, "and the rest of the guys were in the kitchen with me. We just came in the living room, and turned on the first thing that sounded interesting."

"Uh huh," Irena remarked as she looked at the TV.

Finally, on a whim, she pushed the "open" button on the DVD player. The tray slid open, and she picked up the DVD and examined it.

"So this is what you gentlemen were watching?" She asked.

The men first looked at the floor, their fingernails, anywhere but Irena's face as she looked at them. Then finally, they started to nod their heads.

"Is this all?"

"There's more in the drawer next to you," David admitted.

As she pulled out the various DVD's and looked at them, Irena said, "So this is what you were watching? I thought it was something you had no business seeing, like porn or something. Why the secrecy?"

Benjamin spoke. "Well Billy-"

"William." Irena corrected.

"Yeah; well he never saw you in action, nor Susan or anyone else, so we were ' initiating him into our group."

"'Our group?'"

"Yeah, the group of men whose girlfriends or future spouses fight or train in fighting for a living."

"I see. William, how come you never asked me about my fighting in the past?"

"Well I thought," Billy began, but Jesse put a hand over his mouth.

"You don't want to know what he thought, trust me," Jesse said.

"So it looks like everything is hunky-dory then," Billy said, removing Jesse's mouth. "Let's go hon, and let the guys watch the rest of the DVD."

"Not so fast. It's been a while since I saw myself in action, or any cage fights for that matter." Irena placed the DVD back on the tray and put it in. "Let's watch it. For the sake of time, let's see my match first."

"No problem," David said, playing the remote. "One question, who watched the TV last and took it off the boxing tournament on ESPN?"

Rather than answer David's question that it was he who surfed the TV while the others were in the kitchen, he escorted Irena to a spot on the loveseat and sat beside her.

The match shown Irena in a silver sleeveless leotard, which had done well to show off her well-muscled body. Her hair was placed back in a pony tail, and black fingerless gloves donned her hands which she banged together in anticipation of what was next. Her opponent was a woman of 5'11" with a similar build with long blonde hair twisted into two ponytails. She wore a black bikini which almost looked like a bra and panty set to any viewer who took a casual glance. She also slammed together her white fingerless gloves, and looked at Irena like she was her next meal.

"Is she in her underwear?" Benjamin asked.

"No, it's a bikini. She did fight a match in her underwear once. I believe that night, the TV ratings were pretty high," Irena said.

"Irena, the cage matches do have weight classes, don't they?" Jesse asked.

"Weight classes? Back then, the opponents were selected by lottery and record. Unless you won most of your matches, there was no telling who you would get."

"And you were undefeated?" Benjamin said.

"Yes, but it wasn't easy, let me tell you. Pause the DVD for a moment. This woman is Irma, otherwise known as Irma the Intimidator. She used to do government work. They say that she can kill a man five ways with just one hand."

"Is that true?"

"I don't know; nobody dared to ask her. I think everybody believed it though."

"Just what did she do for the government?" David asked.

"I don't know, nobody would ask her that either."

"I guess that means it's better if we don't know. What was she doing fighting cage matches?" Jesse said.

"Boredom, I can definitely tell you that," Irena replied.

"Er, honey, what rules did they have in these matches," Billy asked, a little nervous while glancing at the blond amazons' build on the TV.

"No eye gouging, scratching, or biting, no blows to the breasts or crotch, and no foreign weapons on your person. The bouts go on until someone is knocked out, or submits; no judges grading by points. Outside of that, anything goes," his girlfriend replied.

"Oh, well that doesn't leave too much then."

"You'd be surprised. You have a whole gamut of holds, kicks and blows left that should not be permitted in any competition."

"Has anyone been, uh been . . ."

"Killed? No, thank God. I will say there have been a few that would never fight again after some of these matches. This fighter was responsible for a few of them. Okay David, you can resume playing the match now."

With the room suddenly deathly silent, David found himself fumbling with the remote until he remembered he needed to hit the "play" button.

On the screen, the referee was giving last minute instructions. When he finally asked the fighters to touch gloves, a sportsmanlike way of shaking hands, Irena offered hers. Irma stared at her for a moment, then hit Irena's gloves ' hard. Not overly concerned, Irena went back to her corner.

"Friendly sort, isn't she?" Benjamin said sarcastically.

"Believe it or not, she was one of the friendlier ones," Irena said. "Some of them couldn't wait, and they almost knocked the referee out of the way to get to me."

The two combatants circled around each other for a few seconds looking for an opening, then suddenly Irma rushed in with a left-right jab and a right roundhouse kick that could've taken Irena's head off if she was still there. Irena instead went for a front leg takedown on Irma's supporting leg. Irma however was no stranger by this point to leg attacks, so she managed to balance herself and stabilized her balance before she fell. Irena released the hold and went back to circling her opponent. She saw one of Irma's earlier matches where someone did the same thing, and before they let go, became a victim of a chop to the neck, knocking them out and losing the match.

After circling around a few more seconds, Irma rushed in with another kick; this time it was a left Muay Thai type kick to Irena's upper right thigh. She figured with a longer reach and a kick that was aimed toward Irena's middle, she would score pay dirt; and she did. Irena hopped back. The kick didn't hurt, but it stung rather fiercely. If she took a few more kicks like that, her mobility would be severely hampered.

She was close to the cage when Irma charged in and delivered a flying right knee to her left shoulder. The blow stunned Irena, but Irma danced away before she had a chance to retaliate.

"I thought she would've stuck around to deliver more damage to you," David said. "That knee there couldn't deliver that much damage where it hit."

"Theoretically, you're correct; however, you were not the one on the receiving end of them," Irena remarked. "Irma's fighting style in these matches was like a snake. She would run and deliver a seemingly innocent blow to any body part of her opponent. She delivered a lot of power in those blows too. Later in the match, when your body is sore, you'll find it harder to move as fast as you were before, and that's when she'll come in for the kill. If you'll notice, we both did our homework. She's doing more hit and run because she literally doesn't want me to get my hands on her. Me, I have to find a way past her reach advantage."

"But wouldn't she have an advantage there? I mean Irena, she's bigger than you; sorry," Billy said.

"Things are not always as they seem, darling. First of all, Irma is primarily a striker, which means, she punches and kicks. She knows just enough holds to submit someone, but she generally doesn't need them as much. My fighting style is more along the lines of grappling."


"Think of it as a more advanced form of wrestling," Benjamin explained. "Boy, you have some serious catching up to do," he added under his breath.

Billy was about to deliver a comment to that last remark, when suddenly something exciting happened on the screen. Irma charged Irena yet again with another mid-level roundhouse kick to Irena's waist. As Irena bent down in pain, she followed up with another flying knee. Irena however, was not as hurt as she claimed, and grabbed the leg that Irma was going to knee her with. Irma hopped around on her remaining leg, trying to wrench her other leg from Irena's grip. Just as she was about to rain blows to the back of her quarry's head, Irena started running around in a circle, making it difficult if not impossible to retaliate. Eventually, the Russian titianess fell to the floor, and Irena immediately dropped the leg and pounced on Irma's upper body. The two spent the next minute sprawling on the floor, with Irena trying to grab her opponents' long limbs to secure a hold, and Irma struggling to break free so she could get on her feet. Irena had her arms pinned so she couldn't strike, and her legs were next to useless except to kick futilely in the air and on the mat.

"Look at her kicking those legs," Lewis remarked. "If one of those lands the way she's going, that would hurt."

"That's why I'm up there," Irena said. "Those knees hurt! She's also making sure I don't grab one of them for a leg lock. It's bad enough she's wiggling like a fish. Size wise, those limbs are making things difficult. I guess it would be like trying to pin Janelle down, they're about the same size."

Benjamin saw the picture in his mind, and shook his head. "I can't see myself do it, and we're almost the same height." He saw Jesse sitting back with a smirk on his face. "And you couldn't do it either; that woman would break your neck without thinking about it."

"Hey, I was trying to see the thing in perspective," Jesse replied defensively. "Besides, it wasn't Janelle I was thinking about."


"Hey, look at that!" Jesse said pointing at the screen, diverting attention away from himself. This time it worked, for a well-placed forearm struck Irena on the forehead, sending the shorter fighter away from Irma. While Irena was still on her knees, Irma shot up, and delivered a left roundhouse to her head. Irena shifted her head almost in time, but Irma's foot clipped her on the scalp. The blow knocked her off her knees, which she converted into a roll before Irma could take advantage of the moment. The blow hurt a little, but it wasn't bad considering the alternative if she felt the full force of the kick.

"Ooh! It still makes me jumpy seeing that!" Irena explained.

"Irena, I'm a relative newcomer to these sports, but am I imagining things, or is this woman trying to kick your head off?" Benjamin asked.

"I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering the same thing," Lewis said.

"Before the cage fights became more . . . "civilized,' the ruling party over these games wanted the atmosphere to be more like gladiators in an arena, a blood sport," Irena replied.

"Like the movie?" Billy said.

"Yes, something like that. That explains the lack of rules, weight classes, and such. Plus, they didn't like me."

"Didn't like you? What makes you say that?"

"I was the last "good guy' left. I didn't give in to the savagery, and because of that, I was a fan favorite. They wanted to get rid of me pretty bad. So they brought in some heavy hitters, like this one."

On the screen, Irma took advantage of Irena's lapse because of the kick, and tackled her with the intent of pinning her down and pummeling her with her fists. Irena resisted, making it instead a sort of clinch on their knees, and then struggling to their feet. It was then that Irena delivered a left, then a right jab to Irma's face. Irma, who had not received any blows throughout the match, was stunned, but still on her feet. Irena rushed in, bending low, and lifted the large woman up off the floor and over her head before delivering a body slam. While this rattled Irma even more, she still was managing to rise to her feet. Irena grabbed her, and applied a guillotine choke that shortly knocked her out, winning the match.

"I was starting to think she would never go down," Benjamin said as David paused the DVD.

"You're telling me! I remember the thought that went through my mind, "what do I need to beat this woman?' If that choke wouldn't do it, I would've been out of ideas except to try to break something. Anyway, I don't care to stick around for any remarks I gave after the match, so I'm ready to leave. Let's go, William," Irena said.

Billy was still a little overtaken by it all. "You picked up that big woman and threw her down," he commented like someone in a dream.

"Yes I did, and she was big. Bye guys. Come along, William."

Billy staggered after her, barely remembering to wave to the men as he closed the door. The men stood around and grinned at each other.

"So what do you think?" David asked.

"It's easy to say that he'll never look at Irena the same way again," Benjamin replied.

Lewis was laughing, mocking Billy's remark. "'You picked up that big woman and threw her down.'" I've seen LS do it, and she's shorter. Good thing she's not dating her; she would give him a demonstration."

"Hey Benjamin, I never did ask you, how did you react when you saw how built Janelle was?" Jesse asked.

"I can safely say I knew better then to scoff, but I will tell you it took my breath away. I'll admit it scared me a little too. Women like Janelle isn't something you see everyday where I come from. What about you, David?" Benjamin asked.

"We went out for a bit, then one day I was to pick her up at the gym where she worked out. She was running a little late, so she was still hitting and kicking the heavy bag in her sports bra and short shorts. I remember one word came to my mind when I saw the sight that was in front of me, "wow!'" David said. "She had to call my name twice to get my attention."

"With a woman like Susan, I bet you kept your hands to yourself," Jesse remarked.

"I respect women too much to do that, but with women like Susan, you don't dare even think of disobeying that rule; not if you want to chew solid food again."

Lewis sat back shaking his head. "I remember we were invited to this pool party one summer. It was close to my house, so I got there early. I was lounging back and chatting with the host and few other folks when LS appeared. She wore a simple black one-piece, but man, she was solid! I mean here are these skinny girls in bikinis, and a few overweight ones wearing whatever, and here was this one woman who was so built she stood out. Sure you had some Barbie look-alikes, but if they had any muscle at all, it wasn't in the right places."

"Sounds like she attracted attention," David said.

"I won't tell you what would've happened if she started doing those bodybuilder poses by the pool," Lewis continued. "It was already bad enough that the other girls pulled their dates away from the pool. Her date at that time was one happy man."

"So you two were seeing other people at the time?" David asked.

"I wasn't, but she was. Almost got me in trouble too as she came by to talk to me. It was bad enough she came by looking like that; even worse that some women were jerking their men out of the pool and leaving; but it was really bad when she sat down beside me, and asked, "I brought a new swimsuit for this party. How do I look?'"

"What did you say?"

"I made sure I had a hot dog stuffed in my mouth. This man was giving me the evil eye, and everyone else was watching me. I gave her a thumbs up, and left to get a coke before I choked."

"I wonder if she did that on purpose," Benjamin wondered.

"She'll deny it, but sometimes I wonder too."

"When was that, anyway?"

"Our sophomore year of high school."

"Holy -! You mean she always looked like that, even as a sophomore?" Jessie said.

"Well I think she might have gained a few more pounds and muscles since then," Lewis replied. "I heard one girl remark, "I need to start doing judo if it'll make me look like that.' She signed up for lessons the next day."

"I'm surprised as buff as Irena is, Billy never noticed what's up. And someone said math majors were clueless," Benjamin remarked.

"Hey, he has a sister who could kick his head off, and he never thinks about it, what do you think?" Jesse replied.

"Well just in case our boy had recovered from seeing his girl whup somebody, I had another surprise for him ' a second DVD of the Russian Cage Matches," David said, producing a second DVD from his person.

"Yeah, let's watch it, but I first want to see the rest of the other DVD. I want to see what Irena was in for," Benjamin said.

"Should we wait for Billy to get back before we see that second DVD?" Lewis asked.

"Nah, he's still trying to believe the first one," Jesse said. "He can play catch-up when he gets back."

"Yeah; meantime Jesse, you can tell me about you wanting a wrestling match with Velvet," Benjamin said. "I know it was her name you almost belted out. Since I am engaged to her best friend, I could have it arranged."

"You kidding? She'd kill me!"



After seeing a spy movie, Irena was driving Billy back to be with the guys. She could tell Billy was still a little dumbstruck about the DVD he just saw.

"You're still thinking about that match you saw, aren't you?" Irena asked.

"Yeah, I never realized it was like that; wow," Billy replied.

"William, I told you about my days as a cage fighter; why are you so much in disbelief?"

"I didn't know it was like that!"

"Ah William, you can be so sweet, so smart, but so clueless sometimes. Did you think I was talking about that farce they call professional wrestling? Or worse, some bikini-clad bimbo wrestling in oil, mud, gelatin, or chocolate pudding?"

Billy almost responded, then gave thought to David's warning. "Maybe you should've shown me the DVD when you told me," he said instead.

Irena paused for a moment. "You are right. Perhaps I should have played the DVD's I have at home for you," she said. "By the fifth fight, you would've got the general idea."

"Honey, I'm an engineer; it would've taken me one fight to figure it out."

"This from the man who almost confused me with a mud wrestler."

"No, I-"

"Pro wrestlers for all their bad acting are in good shape at least (not counting the steroids). Being a mud wrestler doesn't require anything more than a string bikini, big bazookas, and the build of a stick, along with the willingness to roll in the goop like Betty's dog in your backyard. Did you really think I did that?"

"I was thinking something like professional wrestling," Billy slowly said.

"So despite my black belt in Sambo, and collegiate experience, I'm fake instead of silicone, how comforting," Irena replied. "With all this about mud wrestling, it makes me wonder where you really went while you were away at college."

"I never went, but I had friends who did. From what they told me, they're in good shape."

"Bah! All they know how to do is squirm and giggle. I have almost broke a few of them in two myself."

"Broke them in two? When was this?"

"The point is I have been involved with combat sports for a long time, most of my life, in fact. I sometimes forget about those who are outside that world. But I figured with your sister being "the toughest woman in town,' you'd take this matter more seriously."

"My sister? Oh, I don't pay her no mind."

"You might next time she threatens to "whack you across the head.' I've seen her do it, it's not pretty. And I believe I've told you if you have any questions, especially about things like this, just ask. I'll let you know if it's secret."

They drove in silence until they arrived at the house where Lewis was staying. Suddenly Billy broke out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Irena asked.

"I was just thinking about that opening line you gave me the night of that little party my parents threw for me when I graduated college," Billy said.

"And which "line' was that?" Irena asked.

"'Did you know I could beat you up?' I have to admit that had me going for a while."

"Really William, you shouldn't obsess yourself over such a silly question."


"Of course I can beat you up, William, easily, and with one hand tied behind my back. But that has nothing to do with why I chose you. Ah, here we are. I will be unavailable tomorrow because I have . . . other business to take care of. But I will call you when I am free. Betty's absence has left some paperwork to take care of." She kissed Billy lightly on the lips. "Good night, William."

"Good night," he said. As Irena pulled away and he walked toward the door, he found himself pondering the question of what should you do if your girlfriend says she can beat you up. He'll have to ask the others, he thought.

He returned to the living room, where the guys were watching the end to a hard-fought match between a Russian native and a Native American who could almost pass for the lead character in the Disney movie Pocahontas, except she was tall, and apparently had plenty of muscle as she defeated her opponent in a crushing submission.

"Hey, there's my man! It looks like he made it back in one piece. How was the movie?" Jesse asked.

"Forget the movie, I want to know how the conversation went," Benjamin said.

"What conversation?" Billy asked.

"You know which one."

"Well, the movie was good, I'd recommend it, and regarding the conversation you're talking about, I don't think we're going to talk about it any time real soon."

"You didn't make the mud wrestler comparison, did you?" David said.

"No, I didn't put my foot in my mouth that bad. She just asked me where I was when she told me about her fighting background. That's not all she said."

"Really? This should be good," Benjamin remarked.

"She said she could beat me up easily, with one hand tied behind her back, but that was not the reason she chose me. Then she kissed me on the cheek and left," Billy said.

David paused the DVD, and walked over to Billy. "Billy, let me give you a few facts of reality here. My girlfriend, my fianc#e Susan, is six feet tall, and has the build of a bodybuilder. She can deliver a kick that could dent a car door. Not a little ding, but a kick that would require a body shop to fix. I saw that firsthand. She also has broken the pelvis of a grown man with one of those kicks. Now suppose that was my head. Now Susan is a sweet girl, a God-fearing woman who will help anyone in need, and stays true to her principles. But that does not mean I would be willing to step inside a ring with her. Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to step into a ring with any of those women, but you see my point, don't you?" He asked.

"I, I think so," Billy replied.

"My Janelle is almost as tall, and just as strong, if not more so. She is a black belt in judo. She could easily tie me in knots if she wanted to," Benjamin said.

"What about you, Lewis? LS is only about what, 5'2"?" Billy asked.

"Yes, and there are men seven feet tall who are afraid of her. I've seen what she can do. Pretty lethal," Lewis said.

"First off, Billy, your girlfriend is a black belt. A black belt is like becoming an Eagle Scout in the fighting world, okay? It's an achievement not too many people achieve. If you're a black belt in a martial art, you should be able to beat up most people you run into," Benjamin explained.

"And just because your girlfriend can beat you up doesn't mean she wants to. Since I've met Susan, sometimes I run into some guys who can't handle the fact that Susan is built the way she is, and may be stronger than they are. I've also run into some sick folk who would want someone like Susan to beat them up. Every now and then, I hear about some of these women who get off on beating their boyfriend. Susan isn't one of those, and I'm sure Irena isn't either. You're not sporting any black eyes or bruises, so I think you're safe there," David added. "And that time she kicked in a car door, and busted somebody's thigh? That was when somebody was trying to break us up. She could've broke him too, but she didn't."

"Yeah, my LS has always been a kind, sweet girl; except whenever she saw my dates," Lewis joked.

"You're right, I'm just used to, to," Billy tried to spit out.

"That we "macho men' need to be the protector or something like that?" Lewis asked.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Did you get that from your dad?" David asked him.

"Come to think of it, no," Billy said.

"I didn't think so. I met your dad, and I couldn't imagine someone with a mindset like that marrying an engineer and encouraging his daughter to become a mechanic."

"I guess hanging around with some of the guys at school rubbed off on me. Look, I'm going to take off. I'll get back with you guys later on, okay?"

"Sure, take care," Lewis said. The rest of the men said goodbye.

As Billy closed the door, Benjamin turned to David, and said, "Hey that was pretty good, picking up my next point like that."

"I thought you were headed that way, so it wasn't hard to pick up," David replied.

"You think he'll adjust?" Lewis asked.

"No telling," David said. "When I found out Susan was a kickboxer, I thought, "cool,' and went with it. No big deal to me."

Jesse turned to Benjamin. "An "Eagle Scout in the fighting world?'" He said.

"Hey, I had to find some simple way of breaking it down," Benjamin replied. "He is an engineer, after all."

They all laughed.



At the dojo, classes went on as usual after the attacks ended. The information from the two people May put in the closet wasn't anything different from what was already known. They promised to answer any other questions they were asked, just as long as they kept "that crazy woman" (May) away from them. They already sported injuries from her initial attack, and it was questionable if they could be treated and released, or sent to the emergency ward. When May said she would help them to the hospital, the two henchmen hobbled as quickly as they could out of the dojo. The one thing of interest they did say was there was going to be a "showdown" of sorts the next day, but they didn't know any more details.

The quintet, plus Rini, Michelle, and Rhonda had a good meal at the Chang's household, and afterwards, everyone scattered throughout the house to relax. Betty and Jon were sitting on opposite ends of the sofa in the den watching the late 1970's movie, "Mr. Majestyk," or to be more specific, watching the cars in the movie.

"Now they did this part well," Jon said. "Charles Bronson's character was smart to take his pickup and go into the watermelon fields. If he didn't, those cars would have caught him."

"I agree; those large sedans had plenty of horsepower, but they were not made for off-road driving," Betty agreed. "Every now and then, Hollywood does something right."

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Kim spoke, suddenly appearing. Before either could reply, she ran and jumped on the sofa between the two of them.

"Watching a movie," Jon said, innocently. "It's "Mr. Majestyk;' you've seen it."

"Yeah, nice gunfighting scenes," Kim replied, then turned and flashed a smile at Betty. Jon shrugged, and Betty contemplated how big a reprisal she would get if she whacked her teacher I the back of the head with the throw pillow she was holding. The opportunity began to present itself when Kim became engrossed in the upcoming shootout. Betty with a sinister grin on her face got the pillow into position. Jon saw what was happening, and pretended to watch the movie. She was just about to strike when LS spoke.

"Ah Betty, there you are!"

Betty dropped the pillow, and sat up like she was shot. Kim and Jon were mildly startled.

"Yes, here I am," Betty replied weakly. Revenge will have to wait.

"We have a few things to discuss. We can go in Kim's room," LS said.

"About dealing with the councilman?" Jon asked, while watching the rest of the movie. All eyes in the room turned to him.

"How did you know?" Kim asked in a hushed voice.

"Oh come on, sis, I'm your brother! I knew what you, Jas, and LS did before you knew I knew years ago. Besides, I'm a mechanic, and I hear things when I work on other people's cars," Jon said.

"What have you heard?" LS asked.

"Today, plenty, so you'll need to round up the gang, and double check that mom or dad isn't anywhere nearby."

"Sorry brother; I've been away so long, I forgot," Kim said. "I'll go and see what mom and dad are doing." She got up and left.

"That's not the only thing you forgot," Jon laughed as Kim went down the hall.

"I am sorry for startling you, Betty, but you do not want to engage Kim in a pillow fight," LS said.

"She's pretty good, eh?" Betty asked.

"Actually, the words that come to mind range between savage and sadistic, I am not sure which. She almost turned it into a martial art."

"Well that's okay; I have Mr. Blanks to refer to."

"And you may never see the outside of her dojo again. Use it sparingly."

"She'll stop when you leave the city limits, and I'm within "safe distance.' I understand that's when she'll switch back into "accountant mode,'" Jon added. "With my sisters always looking out for me, I'm surprised it hasn't gone to my head."

"I tried doing the opposite with my brother, and next thing I knew, my employee ran off with him. She doesn't let me forget it either," Betty said.

[Agony in the Mud, and Irena's Story, just in case you were wondering ' Mongoose.]

Everybody else (except Kim's parents) entered Kim's room. Michelle and Rini smiled at each other, and situated themselves on the floor beside Jon. Kim resumed her seat between Betty and Jon, while everyone else found spots in other chairs, Jasmine's old bed, and the floor. Some of the ladies looked at Jon funny until Kim indicated that he already knew.

"So what is the status on your parents, Kim?" LS asked.

"We won't hear from them for some time. They are in the bedroom watching a movie," Kim said.

"Which movie?"

"Forrest Gump."

"Oh," Jon said.

"Hey, I liked that movie," Betty complained.

"Me too," Janelle replied.

"What Jon means is we'll need to see ourselves out," Rini said.

"Oh," Janelle, Betty, and Susan said.

"One year, someone made the mistake of giving them a three-DVD set of some romantic series," Kim said.

"I don't think we saw them all weekend," Jon finished.

"You may want to talk to Mrs. Chang for some premarital advice," Susan spoke in Janelle's ear.

"I believe I will," Janelle replied, smiling.

"So now that Kim's parents are ' occupied, let us get on with business. Betty, have you been able to listen to the conversation between the councilman and me?" LS asked.

"Yes, about four times as a matter of fact. It's been edited and put on three separate tapes. I'll give the master copy to you," Betty said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. From what I've heard, you have enough to put him away on sending gangs to disturb the city, but it doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense, Betty?" Cao asked.

"Well the whole thing. He wants LS to give up his son's gang? If he wanted another one that bad, he could start a new one. Sending all these thugs after LS is a waste of time."

"Unless," Janelle interjected.

"That's where we're at, Janelle, "unless' what?"

"It's obviously a cover-up for something, but why drag LS into it?" Rini wondered.

"Yes, I am just a humble judo instructor," LS remarked.

"Who just happened to virtually rid our neighborhood of street gangs," Rhonda said. "Plus, the good councilman never liked you."

"Which puts her in good company," Michelle added. "About half the citizens and officials with at least half a brain don't like him either."

"Yet he keeps getting elected," Kim said.

"Is it me, or does this get more confusing the more I think about it?" Susan said. "Mysteries aren't my thing."

"It is not you, Susan; these are some of the loose ends I wanted to tie up before we proceed any further," LS said.

Jon raised his hand. When LS nodded, he said, "Maybe I have something that may help."

"Please, enlighten us," Rini said sweetly.

Kim had a look of suspicion on her face upon hearing the way Rini addressed her brother, but she placed it aside and said, "Yes Jon, we'll take any information we can get."

"Well, when you work on people's cars in the neighborhood, some people feel a need to tell you everything that goes on. I'm sure Betty will agree with that," Jon began.

"Oh yeah," Betty sighed. "I almost never have to watch the local news."

"This new candidate proposes to eliminate local government corruption, I'm told; and the councilman doesn't like that."

"With all due respect, Jon, every candidate who runs for election says that," LS replied, smiling. "Even the corrupt candidates vow to take care of the offices they corrupted."

"That's what I said," Jon responded, "But according to my sources, this guy actually has proof."

"They always say that too, Jon," Michelle said, warmly.

As Kim gave her a funny look, LS asked, "What kind of proof?"

"Documents of people who were wrongly imprisoned, for example. He said if elected, he will imprison those responsible, and set the innocents free," Jon said.

The news of this alone caught everyone's attention, but the heads of Rini and Michelle turned sharply toward Jon.

"Did I hear that right?" Michelle asked. "Those who are innocent will be set free?"

Jon nodded. "In fact, he specifically mentioned her case. I was waiting for the right time to tell you two, and I guess this was it."

"It's almost too much to hope for after all this time," Rini replied, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Betty, Susan, and Janelle noticed the display of emotion by the two women, and they were pondering how to ask why when Kim explained for them.

"Remember when I said that there were four students at the top of Jasmine's aikido and tai chi class? You know the three; the fourth was one of those incarcerated," she said.

"Oh my. What happened?" Janelle asked.

"We ' that's Jasmine, Michelle, Caroline, and I ' were at Michelle's house to watch some movies when Caroline left to get some popcorn," Rini explained.

"So many times I wished I stocked up on that day," Michelle lamented.

"Caroline was leaving the store when she saw a cop ' one of the councilman's hired goons ready to clobber a mother and her teenage daughter with a billy club," Rini continued.

"They were the wife and daughter of a building contractor who used to do Johnson's bidding; until one day he grew a conscience, and stopped. He was told to rejoin the team, or else."

"Caroline threw the cop to the ground using a ' well never mind what throw she used. She then delivered a one-inch punch, and knocked him out," Michelle said. "The two women were able to get away, but the cop's partner who saw the whole thing, called for backup. He kept Caroline at bay at gunpoint until more police came and arrested her for assaulting a police officer."

"That gun couldn't hold her; she could've took care of him easy," Rini remarked. "Fat, doughnut-eating bum."

"But what about a trial? There were witnesses," Betty said.

"The "witnesses' went into hiding, along with any bystanders. It was just her word against the two cops, plus Johnson had the judge in his pocket. She didn't stand a chance."

"I can see why Jasmine never mentions it; if it was me, it would hurt too much," Susan said.

"It depends," Kim replied. "Some days she would cry, and others she would explode with rage."

"I want to go and personally rip the councilman's head off," Michelle growled, "but Caroline made us promise not to do anything."

"Yes, she made the three of us promise not to lift a finger in her defense. She said her deliverance will come," Rini said. "I wish I could say I had that type of faith."

"For someone wrongly imprisoned, she's in great spirits," Cao remarked.

"How long has she been there?" Janelle asked.

"It should be going on four years this fall," Jon said. "I've been told there's a few other examples as well."

[Author's Note: This story is told in more detail in the tale, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. If you obey a fair number of these author's notes, you should be through at least half of my library by now. You'll have mongooses running through your mind at night. Okay, bad joke; get back to the story. ' Mongoose750.]

"That is okay, Jon, we do not need to hear them, but thank you anyway. I have heard more than enough." LS replied. "Unlawful incarceration of citizens is more than enough reason to take him down."

"Tell us, LS, tell us how we're going to take him down. Rini and I will do anything," Michelle said, with Rini nodding in agreement.

"I now wish there was enough time to call Jasmine. Let us put an end to this meeting, go to our homes, and meet again in the morning," LS replied. "I will have a game plan in the morning."

"What I see is a quick trip to the local Wal-Mart#," Kim said. "Michelle, Rini, Rhonda, and Cao are free to go, but you and Janelle aren't going anywhere."


"They will have your apartment watched with people ready to attack as soon as you arrive."

"There can't be that many without attracting attention," Janelle argued. "Besides, I think we could take them."

"I agree," LS replied, "besides, neither one of us have fought anyone today."

"True, but both of you have had a long day. Don't you see, this is part of Johnson's strategy, to wear you down. That explains why he's been sending waves of people to attack the dojo. This isn't a gang skirmish, this is war. We need you sharp for tomorrow morning. You can sleep on Jasmine's bed in my room. Don't snore too loud," Kim said as she walked to the hall closet to get fresh sheets.

"I do not snore!" LS replied.

"I can testify to that," Janelle added.

"I don't think it would matter if she did or not, I'm beat," said Betty. "However, I'm up for an emergency trip to Wal-Mart."

Susan looked at Janelle. "Janelle, I believe I have some things that will fit you," she said.

"Yes you do, but I rather get my own personal items such as panties and the like. I will take up your offer if you have an extra outfit to work out in, and an extra pair of pants or shorts, and a loose-fitting top," Janelle replied.

"I think I can accommodate you there," Susan smiled.

"Okay, that's one. Cao, am I dropping you off?" Betty asked.

"Yes, I don't want my aunt and uncle to worry about me," Cao said. "As much fun as a slumber party would be, it has been a day full of excitement. I will need to be at my best to, how do you say it? "Whack some people across the head.'"

Susan laughed. "It sounds much different when you hear it with a British accent."

LS saw Rini and Michelle both talking on their cell phones.

"Who were you calling?" She asked.

"Our assistants; they'll be teaching for us tomorrow. We're staying here," Rini said.

"Very well, the house is big enough. Betty, if I could trouble you to drop by the dojo? I have some spare clothes there."

"No problem. Susan, you coming?" Betty asked.

"No, I'll stay here," she said.

"So that's LS, Janelle, and Cao. Anyone else?"

"I'll tag along," Jon said. "I need to get some stuff."

"We'll come too," Michelle joined in, almost a little too enthusiastically.

Susan looked down the hall. "I think you better go now; I'll hold her off," she said.

"You mean tell her where we went," Cao corrected.

Glancing at Jon, Susan said, "No, I mean hold her off."

"Oh, of course, the "stud muffin.' Don't worry; I'll make sure he doesn't get married off before I go."

They left the house, and returned an hour later to see Susan and Kim sitting on the sofa watching a men's kickboxing match. Both had changed into their nightshirts.

"Have fun?" Susan asked.

"Oh I always get a kick out of buying new bras and panties," Janelle replied sarcastically. "Can't have too many of those."

"LS and I sat in the van," Betty said.

"Wal-Mart was fun," Jon said.

"Fun?" Kim asked coming to life as Rini and Michelle giggled. LS put a hand on her shoulder.

"Anything on the news?" She asked.

"Nope. Total blackout," Kim said.

"That is what I suspected. Betty, what are Jon and the others doing?"

"Playing Scrabble#, of all things. Want to join in?" Betty replied as she sat, or more accurately, plopped into a nearby easy chair.

"Good, that should keep them busy. I do not want to tell them anything yet."

"Why? Michelle and Rini were great this afternoon, and Jon gave us the answer we needed to why we're fighting this man in the first place," Susan said.

"You are right, Susan. I did not spend all my time in the parking lot waiting on those three. Betty and I were discussing this whole thing. I, we, have been played for fools."

"Fools? How?" Janelle asked.

"We are fighting him the way he wants us to fight him, on a playing field of his choosing to keep us busy. And the funny thing about it is we have the knockout blow to take care of him once and for all. So tomorrow, we are going to take the battle to him. Since I am tired, I will wait until the morning to give the whole plan."

"So why are we leaving the others out in the cold?" Janelle asked.

"They will be playing a very important role; just not a popular one."



When Irena arrived at the shop that morning, she saw Loretta's truck already parked there. But instead of hearing the sound of hammers, saws, and other construction items, she heard the song, I Could've Danced All Night, delivered by Loretta's mellow alto voice.

"Somebody's happy this morning," she said as she entered the office.

Loretta was sitting behind Betty's desk, her bare feet propped up, and leafing through a magazine of classic Mustangs.

"It's a beautiful day," Loretta remarked.

"Yes it is," Irena replied. I know that tune. Someone had a wonderful time last night.

"Lori Twotrees will come in shortly to do the plumbing. You met her, right?"

"Yes, I have. In fact, when the first snow comes, we have a date to show her the joys of moving through it barefoot. So tell me, Loretta, do you always burst out in robust singing on pretty days?"

Before Loretta could come up with an answer, the phone rang. Irena answered it.

"Barefoot Betty's, Irena speaking. Oh hi, Betty; how are things over there? Non-stop excitement? Sounds like you'll have a story to tell when you'll get back. Over here, life is normal. Lori is coming in to work on the plumbing, and Loretta is singing tunes from Broadway musicals. Why? She tells me it's a nice day." Irena received a light push from Loretta after that last statement. "I don't know, you can ask her. You'll have to go because LS is giving her battle strategy? Whoa, this is big, isn't it? Yes, I will tell everyone hello. Be careful, comrade. Bye-bye."

"Did she say "battle strategy'?" Loretta asked as Irena hung up the phone.

"Yes, she said it's been non-stop action with people attacking the dojo, LS's apartment, and so on."

"Attacking the dojo? That does sound serious. I was going to ask why didn't you mention the fight tonight, but it sounds like she has enough things to worry about."

"Well it's now gotten to the point where we have to fight someone every other day. This thing won't be a big deal. Besides, we have enough people to cover it. You think Lori would be interested in joining the fun?"

"Maybe, but she has a date with someone's commode and sink tonight. As soon as the neighborhood found out she does plumbing, her phone has rung non-stop. People trying to find cheap labor."

"She charges for her services, I hope."

Loretta laughed. "Oh yeah. Not only has she paid the tuition for this year and the next, she's also planning to buy a new car by the end of the semester."

Irena walked to the front window. "I remember in college, the engineering and business majors would laugh at me because I wanted to be "a simple mechanic.' But who was the first one they came to when they couldn't start their cars in the morning? They would ask me why should I charge them. I told them they'll be making plenty of money when they graduate; what should they be worried about?"

"Irena, do you ever miss being in Russia?"

"Sometimes. I miss seeing my friends and family back home every now and then, but I'm also happy here too. I'm working for a nice boss and friend, and I've made more friends over here, and I even have a boyfriend who's pretty bright eighty percent of the time. Don't ask. I know I made a good choice in coming here, even if my long distance bills are expensive," Irena reflected. "Right now, I'm wondering what else besides a beautiful day is enough to make you break out in song."

"Just that, it's a pretty day. Oh look, Lori's here, and your first customer of the day," Loretta said. "I'm going to get started. I want to have this addition ready when Betty gets back."

"Of course you do," Irena said quietly as she left the office to greet Lori and to see what mechanical troubles her customer has this day.


Betty finished her phone call to Irena and sat down on the sofa to let her breakfast settle.

"I think at one time, your mother wanted to be a cook," Susan said to Kim as she patted her belly.

"It's funny, the more people she has to cook for, the more she likes it. You should see her at our family reunions," Kim replied.

"So how are things back at the shop, Betty?" Susan asked.

"Business is fine, Lori is coming in to work on the plumbing, and Loretta is singing," Betty answered, noticing the strange looks on the two women's faces. "I don't know why, she says it's because it's a beautiful day."

"I guess I'm in the wrong profession; nothing about accounting makes me want to sing in the morning. Give me two or three cups of coffee, and I might hum a little," Kim said.

Janelle entered the den, wearing one of Susan's black boxing trunks, and an oversize white T-shirt.

"When they say an army travels on its stomach, I think I know what they mean. With all that food, I should be good to go until dinner," she said. "How are things back home, Betty?"

"Worth singing about."


"Everything's fine."

"So where is everybody else?"

"Let's see. Cao went to the nearby gym to do a light workout. She'll be here after she finishes; Rhonda is doing some gardening, and she'll be here soon; Jon is at his garage putting in a few parts on a car he's been working on, LS is in Kim's room making calls to a few of her students and Lewis, and Michelle and Rini are doing their tai chi routine in the backyard. The three of us are going to do some Tae-Bo shortly. You're welcome to join us," Kim said.

"No, that's a little too . . . perky for me in the morning. I'll wait for LS to finish so I can workout with her."

Kim shook her head. "Nothing "perky' about her workout by any means. That would put me to sleep."

"Kim, aren't you going to call Jasmine, and tell her what you found out?" Betty asked.

Kim sighed. "I thought long and hard about that. And yes, I discussed it with Rini and Michelle too. I know as soon as I told her, she would drop everything to get here. However, unless she can obtain a private jet, it would take her too long to get here, and even she would not be at her best. If I just called her and told her what I know, yet tell her not to come, if she didn't ignore or argue that part and come anyway, she would spend the whole day thinking about it. Do you see my dilemma?"

"Yeah; no easy answers on that one."

"And knowing Jasmine, she wouldn't be subtle, she would go directly to the councilman's house, and beat him to a pulp until he would do what she wanted."

"I figured Jasmine as more of a methodical person," Janelle said.

"She is, until a loved one of hers is in danger, and then the brakes are off. The only reason she hasn't planned a prison break is because Caroline made her swear not to do anything," Kim replied.

"I guess the best thing to do is not to tell her yet," Susan said, feeling uncomfortable by what she just voiced."

"If we pull this thing off, I can live with her being a little upset at me. Now I'm going to play the DVD, I feel like doing some kicking."

While the three were working up a sweat, Janelle gently knocked on the door to Kim and Jasmine's old room. She heard LS say, "Come in," and she slowly opened the door. LS had just finished her call with Lewis.

"Have you called Benj ' I mean Ben yet?" She asked.

"Not yet, I plan to do it after we workout. He's not an early riser," Janelle said.

"After I workout, I always shower, then trot upstairs to his apartment to have breakfast. Kim's mom cooks a great breakfast, but you know . . ."

"Yes, I know. You miss him, don't you?"

"Like a drowning man misses air. Do you know what him and the men did last night? They watched DVD's of Susan's fights, the old fem-fight matches, and some of the Russian Cage Fights. He said they spent part of the evening explaining things to Billy."

"What's there to explain?"

"Well after Irena caught them in the act, and took Billy out to see a movie, I guess it was quite a bit. He returned to the house looking like a whipped pup."

LS explained to Janelle what Billy's assumptions were of Irena's fighting past. Janelle was wide-eyed. "I'm surprised Irena didn't give him a first-hand demonstration. His sister "whacks people's heads' on a regular basis, and he never got it?" Janelle exclaimed.

"I bet he has it now. I think we better refrain from telling Betty, lest she "whacks' him upon her return."

"Speaking of "whacking,' do you have the plan figured out yet?"

"Yes; as soon as we are finished, and Cao and Rhonda comes over, I will explain it. Well let us get started. Do you have any problems with working out in the backyard?"

"As long as our two tai chi practitioners don't mind. I think Susan won't mind me getting sweaty in this outfit. What's that?"

Kim's cell phone that was left lying by the alarm clock started ringing. Janelle picked it up. "It's Jasmine," she said.

"Oh. Okay, go on out the yard while I think of something to tell her."



After everyone had their morning exercises and Rhonda and Cao arrived, LS gathered everyone and had them meet in the den. Sonny Chang went to his job as usual, and Jacqueline had a home to sell, so the whole house was theirs.

"So when are we going to the dojo?" Cao asked.

"We are not going to the dojo," LS replied. "We are going to my apartment."

"Why there?"

"Because the dojo is taken care of, and we are expected to show up there. According to Rhonda, who passed by the neighborhood on her way here, there were so many strange vehicles and strange people hanging around the area, the neighbors are starting to get nervous, and some have been harassed. Plus, that is my home, and no one is going to keep me out."

"I heard that," Betty remarked.

"If we neutralize his forces there, that will take care of the bulk of them, I believe. There will be a number of my students attacking the perimeter," LS continued.

"So you'll be leading the charge on your brownstone?" Cao quipped.

"No Cao, you are."

The bodybuilder looked at her in shock. "What?"

"You'll be co-captaining with one my assistants, Sharon. I also invited May to join in the fun. You two and the others will make sure no thugs come in, and none come out, and to make that point painfully clear, got that?"

"Yes; I have a few moves I've been saving for some of the heavyweights next Event. Now would be a good time to try them out."

"I thought you would like that," LS smiled. "Now there are two ways into my apartment building, the front and the back, that is all. I will lead Betty and Rhonda in for a frontal assault, while Kim will lead Susan and Janelle toward the back. If necessary, call for backup, and stop your opponent short of using lethal force. Any questions?"

"Yeah, what about us?" Rini said.

"We can help," Jon protested.

"And help you will, Jon," LS said. "I need you to take a drive to this address." LS handed him a piece of paper, "but don't park there. I want you to tell me what you see."

"I got you," Jon replied. "I'm going to case the joint."

"What "joint?'" Susan asked.

"What "joint' do you think?" Betty said with a twinkle in her eye.


"That sounds great, but you didn't answer the question," Michelle said.

"What do we do, LS?" Rini asked.

LS sighed, then paused before she spoke again. "I have not forgotten either of you. In fact, I have a very important job for you both."

"And that is?"

"Protecting my parents. I would not put it past Johnson to try something regarding them."

"LS," Michelle began, "We're flattered that you gave this honor to us, but we thought we could help in a more, uh combative area."

"You two have made a promise, and I do not want to violate that, even though our attack would be a roundabout way of doing it. Besides, I am sure you two will get some action. I will guarantee it, in fact."

"What do we do with them after we beat them up?" Rini asked.

"Bury them, throw their bodies in a dumpster, I do not care. Just do not let my parents know what is going on," LS replied.

"Well, she does know us, so we wouldn't alert them to anything funny," Rini reasoned.

"They will both be at work during the day, but they may come by early."

"Your parents will be in good hands, LS," Michelle said.

"I know. Thank you both. That is it. Rhonda and Cao, the troops are waiting for you, so you will need to go now," LS said.

"Hey Kim, do you know where mom keeps that digital camera she uses to photograph houses?" Jon asked.

"I think she keeps it in the kitchen. You don't think she'll mind, do you?" Kim said.

"Nah, I used it before."

"Hey, do you think he'll try something here?"

"Oh no! I did not think of that?" LS said, hitting her forehead with her hand.

"Don't worry ladies, I have it covered," Jon assured them. "I added a few things to the garage since you last visited, Kim. We'll be fine."

"I guess now would be a good time to say something corny and heroic, but right now, I just want to whack some people across the head," Betty said.

Everyone burst out laughing. Everyone hugged and made plans to return to the house for phase two of the plan, except for Michelle and Rini, who'll be doing guard duty until LS's parents were safe. In a few minutes, the house was empty, except for Jon, who retrieved the camera, checked it, and placed it and the zoom lens in the camera bag. Thinking about it, it was a nice day for a drive, and he knew just the vehicle to do it in. Humming, he walked over to his garage.



Later that evening, on the eve of another battle, it appeared that Loretta was right; aside from the foursome that met her and Irena back at the garage, there were at least six to eight more women ' and it didn't look like they were there to watch, unlike the handful of men and women sitting on some homemade bleachers. The place itself was an abandoned barn, or rather, a transformed one. The insides were taken out, and replaced with materials that made it look like a miniature version of the arena in a Roman coliseum.

Loretta was still floating on cloud nine from her date with Kevin, but she knew she needed to curb her euphoria for what was to come. She checked her blue tank top leotard for the third time as they strolled into the "battle barn" as it would later be called. Irena was calm, which was expected, since she had done this scene before ' many times. Her dark blue kimono robe was worn loosely over her sleeveless silver leotard. Normally she engaged in some type of pre-fight conversation with Betty, but she was not there, so she silently looked around, soaking it all in.

Velvet on the other hand, was more like a caged tiger. It was like she had a primal need to let loose, apply all her years of judo expertise on someone who wasn't a hapless student. She first pondered wearing her judo gi, but she reconsidered, deciding it would look out of place. She finally decided on an outfit she saw a bodybuilder wear on a bodybuilding website. It consisted of a black sports bra and track shorts. The funny thing was she bought the outfit with no earthly idea of when she would wear it. Now she knew.

Jasmine stood out like the proverbial sore thumb regarding dress and attitude. Instead of dressing in leotards or the sportswear of bodybuilders, Jasmine wore a white tennis skirt with red plaid, and a short sleeve white blouse complete with a white pearl necklace worn as a choker. In her white tennis shoes, it would be tempting to think she arrived to play a few games at the club instead of a gang fight. While everybody else was seriously trying to put their game face on, Jasmine made a few light-hearted remarks; not enough to incur wrath, but enough to put everyone at ease. The other three kept in mind that despite the unusual appearance, she had done this before. As Jasmine saw the opposition, she also noticed that besides her, Leah and Diana were the only other ones wearing shoes. Typical, she thought.

"They put a lot of work into this place," Jasmine remarked as they entered.

"Whoever did it did it pretty well, I'm impressed," Loretta replied.

"Sadly, I fought professional matches in facilities that weren't as nice as this," Irena said.

"Hey Irena, I've heard that you used to be a champion in Russia in the cage matches, but you never say much about them," Velvet remarked.

"Someday I'll sit down and tell you about them. It's not a pretty tale."

"Is this all you brought?" Diana said as her and Leah came forward to meet them.

"Yeah; now I guess your ladies will draw straws or something to determine who fights who?" Irena commented.

Diana shook her head. "No Irena, that's not the way it works. This is for all intents and purposes a gang fight, and if your gang is much smaller than my gang, that's not my problem. Tell you what though; I'll give you gals a few minutes to come up with a strategy or something."

As the two women walked away, Velvet remarked, "Looks like someone played with a stacked deck."

"Well, we might as well pick out some of our prospective opponents," Irena said. "It looks like I have mine waiting for me." She pointed at Mia and Shelly, who watched her hungrily.

"I'll take the "spokeswoman' of the group, I want to wipe that smug look off her face," Velvet said.

"I'll take the other "spokeswoman,'" Loretta replied. "If you like, Velvet, I could take one leg and you could take the other, and "make a wish.'"

Velvet laughed. "That'll scare them off. What about you, Jasmine?"

Jasmine pointed her finger toward the remaining group of women standing ready.

"Which one?"

"All of them."


"Er, Jasmine, you know these women may be a little skilled," Loretta warned.

"Yes, so?" Jasmine replied.

"Ladies, I think she'll be all right. Let's take care of our foes quickly so we can face the next one, and help each other out if needed," Irena said, then turned to Diana and Leah. "Okay, we're ready."

"Very well," Diana said. "Let the battle begin!"

A boat horn from nowhere sounded, startling the four women and a few of the Fight Club participants who weren't used to it yet.

"After I'm finished with this woman, I'm going after the one who blew that horn," Loretta growled.

"Not if I get them first," Velvet replied.

Diana and Leah burst out of the gate with dual roundhouse kicks aimed toward Loretta's and Velvet's head. They both ducked just in time to avoid the early knockout. Having missed with their kicks, the kickboxing duo recovered and started dancing around the two in a circle, moving just fast enough to avoid any takedown attempts. Outside the circle, two of the other girls prowled the perimeter, apparently ready to handle the "leftovers."

"So they're a team," Velvet said through clinched teeth to Loretta.

"Yes, lofty kickboxers against us "lowly grapplers,'" Loretta replied.

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Next kick."

"You know it."

Leah and Diana attempted to throw a few more jabs, then like a precision instrument, they both delivered another roundhouse kick. And that's when Loretta and Velvet made their move.

For Irena, the situation was different. Her two opponents beckoned to her to follow them to a remote part of the barn/arena. A couple of women followed them, but Mia and Shelly gave them a look that told them to go elsewhere.

"Scavengers," Shelly muttered.

"Shelly and I drew straws, and it is I who will be facing you today," Mia said.

"One on one?" Irena asked.

"Of course; anyone can gang up on somebody. Here at least it will be honorable."

"And I was thinking Leah and Diana were the honorable ones," Irena laughed softly.

"Things are not always what they seem," Mia said as the two start to circle. "At least with us, we won't try to beat you too badly."

"I have fought in the cage matches of Russia; neither you nor your friend scare me."

Mia stopped in her tracks. "The Russian Cage Matches?" She asked.

"Yes, undefeated," Irena replied.

"Wait a minute," Shelly said, taking a close look at Irena. "It was you! Who gave us the info on her?"

"It was those accursed slugs who pose as Leah and Diana's boyfriends," Mia spat. "They didn't care about the details, they just want to see us fight."

"Another display of their incompetence," Shelly replied with equal venom. "If we knew it was you, we wouldn't have given you our "game faces' back at the shop."

"As I told them many times, the only reason I haven't broke them is the fact that they're dating my friends. But as soon as they break up, their butt belongs to me."

"And I'll be there with you."

"Excuse me, I'm a little confused," Irena interrupted. "Aren't we supposed to fight?"

"Not with you, you're our idol," Shelly said.

"We watched all your fights on satellite TV," Mia replied. "We were your biggest fans."

"They threw everything at you, and you beat them all."

Irena put her guard down as the two women prepared to leave. "What now?" She asked.

"We're going to call it a night. If we stay here any longer, we may break a promise. Your two friends are holding their own, but they may need your help soon. The woman in the Catholic school outfit seems to be fending them off easily. I guess from the way they're hovering, they think your two friends are easy prey," Mia said.

"Huh," Irena replied, watching the action for a moment.

"We'll have lunch or dinner together, and then we want to hear about all your adventures," Shelly said as she waved.

"Sure," Irena said, waving back. Of all the encounters she'd had, that had to be the strangest. As she looked at the others, she saw they were faring well despite being surrounded. Velvet and Loretta were standing back to back exhibiting excellent teamwork. After Leah and Diana were dispatched with throws that knocked the breath out of them, the surrounding women rushed in to take on the judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu artists. They would either be thrown or used as a shield or missile to take out the incoming attackers. In a remarkable feat of skill, Velvet threw one woman with one hand, while delivering a spinning backfist with the other. The recipient of that blow staggered for three seconds before falling to the ground out cold.

In all the confusion, no one saw that Irena was without a dance partner. She could see that there was more people running to take on the grappling duet. In a moment, she saw why. Jasmine was tossing women left and right, spinning like a top. It seemed whoever she touched or visa versa, would be thrown to the ground, slammed into another woman, or staggered by the occasional blow when Jasmine occasionally switched from aikido to tai chi when she chose to go on the offensive. Her skirt was spinning so quickly, the plaid was making a mesmerizing pattern, further taking off guard a few unsuspecting victims before they would find themselves thrown. The opponents left standing found themselves so frustrated, they started going over to Velvet and Loretta for at least more of a "fair fight," if ganging up on two women could be considered a fair fight.

Loretta and Velvet found their adversaries have been steadily increasing, and they decided to surround the two to try a more organized assault. Those who could still stand, that is. In the center of the action, Loretta turned to Velvet.

"Velvet, is it me, or have we been fighting a new batch of people every few minutes?" She asked.

"They're coming from somewhere, they're like roaches," Velvet replied.

"Nice backfist by the way; where did you learn that?"

"On TV I saw this UFC fighter named Carter who did it. It did wonders for him. Any ideas on what to do next?"

"Same as we've done before; set them up, throw them down, and choke them out if we can. They've got to run out of people sometime."

Two women in the circle suddenly pitched forward to the ground as Irena trotted over to join the duet.

"Hello ladies, need a hand?" Irena asked.

"Your fight went well?" Loretta said.

"It didn't, I'll explain later."

"I wouldn't mind a hand," Velvet replied. "Any idea where these new girls come from?"

"From Jasmine. After she throws them around a few times, they give up and run over here."

"Jasmine?" Loretta asked.

Keeping a careful eye on the circle of women about to attack them, the three glanced toward Jamine. Her group of attackers had shrunk, leaving only a couple of women standing around stumped on how to fight her. Leah and Diana having strayed from the battle with Loretta and Velvet, started to come at Jasmine from different sides. Leah was delivering a high kick towards Jasmine's head while Diana threw a straight punch to her midsection.

The first thing Jasmine did was grab Diana's wrist, pulling her forward while spinning out of the way. A victim of inertia, Diana kept moving forward until she was where Jasmine used to be. In a matter of milliseconds, both women realized what happened. Diana was now staring at Leah's approaching kick, while Leah saw her target change from Jasmine to her best friend, and there was nothing either one could do about it.

Diana flew back, knocking over two other women before she landed, out cold. The surrounding women froze for a moment while Leah looked at her friend with unbelieving eyes. Jasmine just shrugged. This gesture was not taken very well by the blond kickboxer, who suddenly growled like an animal, and started throwing punches and kicks like a woman possessed.

Irena, Loretta, and Velvet now formed a triangle to best take care of their opponents. Their plan was simple; at least one of the three would need to knockout or subdue every other woman who attacked them. The idea had worked well; even more so when the remaining able-bodied women moved to Jasmine's camp.

"I think I know where the extra women were coming from," Loretta said, pushing away some blond she weakened with multiple belly punches.

"I'm dying to know," Irena replied as she dropped another woman who was victim to a chokehold.

"Look up." The three women looked up at the stands. Only a handful of men remained, watching the fights intensely.

"You mean to tell me we've been fighting the whole freaking stadium?" Velvet exclaimed while she slapped and backhanded a woman with a black Mohawk hair style and a face with multiple piercing.

"Yes, and you can let her go now, she's out," Irena replied.

"She tore my shirt!"


While Leah went on her rampage, Jasmine calmly parried or dodged her blows and kicks. This was starting to become a danger to those around them. Two women thought they'd trap Jasmine by grabbing her wrists. With a flick of those same wrists, those same women ended up in front of Jasmine, and victims of Leah's blind rage. Jasmine then had the idea to let Leah's anger work for her. These random opponents were becoming boring anyway, so why not put them to use? So in-between her parries, Jasmine would grab or lure an unsuspecting fighter into becoming a punching bag. By the time Leah stopped, she saw a number of her comrades downed by her hand (or foot), and the others staying away lest they would be hit by her. She also found herself so exhausted, she could barely move her arms, and her legs were wobbly. Jasmine on the other hand, took the time to adjust her necklace and adjust her skirt. She stifled a yawn. No one wanted to go near her either.

"You . . . hurt . . . my friend," Leah said between pants.

"No, you did," Jasmine replied.

Leah marshaled enough energy to make a final charge. With her forearm, Jasmine performed an aikido takedown that looked similar to a so-called clothesline technique in professional wrestling. The move slammed Leah flat on her back, knocking her out.

Jasmine looked around, and decided to join the other three. As she started walking, she noticed the other women were backing away from her, looking warily. The one exception was a large 6'2" black woman who yelled at her and tried to push her. When she found Jasmine could not be moved despite the fact the aikidoist clearly weighed less than she did, she exclaimed some more before Jasmine pushed her back. The large woman went flying over a barrier, taking three others with her.

All the remaining combatants started backing away from Loretta, Velvet, and Irena too.

"What does this mean?" Loretta asked the other two.

"I think we won," Irena said carefully.

"Good!" Velvet and Loretta breathed.

"Hello ladies, I see things went well on your end?" Jasmine asked as she approached them. It looked like she never broke a sweat, in contrast to the others.

"I think so," Irena said. "Where's Leah? I thought I saw her miss you and hit her friend."

Jasmine pointed. "I took her out over there. Funny, with a name like "Fight Club,' I expected to see more skilled fighters."

"I think we already saw their most skilled fighters when they met us at the shop," Loretta said.

"Well if no one else is going to fight us, let's leave; I'm thirsty," Jasmine commented.

The men in the stands started to grumble, complain, and even brag about what they would do if they came out there. Velvet, who was in front of the group, stopped and looked at them.

"You want some?" She growled.

When they became silent, they turned and left the building. Before they entered their car, a voice said, "You know, they'll probably won't invite you back."

They turned to see Shelly and Mia sitting in back of a pickup truck drinking bottled water.

"No, they'll definitely won't invite you back," Shelly continued.

"Right now, I don't see that as a bad thing," Irena replied.

"What I want to know is what was deal with the audience participation?" Velvet demanded.

"Leah and Diana have . . . a tendency to sometimes make or change the rules as they go along," Mia said. "Sometimes you never know what they'll come up with."

"And you weren't going to join them?" Loretta asked.

"No; some of us have ethics. That's why I wanted to make sure I could take Irena one on one without interruption. That was of course before we found out who she was."

"I have a fan," Irena remarked.

"Fans," Shelly corrected. "I must admit it was pleasing to see one of their plans backfire on them. No, they won't be asking you back anytime soon. And you-" she pointed at Jasmine, "I think they'll be happy if they never see you again."

"Moi?" Jasmine said, pointing a hand to herself.

"Oh yeah," Mia continued. "That was aikido you were doing, wasn't it?"

"That and a little tai chi, yes."

"You know, I remember hearing about one school in Indiana where they taught those two things, and they produced a few students who were considered masters. You wouldn't know about that school, would you?"

Jasmine just gave a sly grin.

"You're one of them, aren't you?"

"So they tell me."

"Forget the promise, those two punks are dead!" Shelly exploded.

"Before you commit homicide on those two guys, why don't you find another er, club to exercise your talents?" Irena asked.

"There is another Fight Club further up the road, but our friends are here too."

"Those same friends who advocate ganging up on people?"

"Good point, but in another month, we'll be voting for new leaders."

"If you're as good as you two seem to be to me, I'd say you need to go elsewhere with your talents," Velvet said. "This nonsense with the audience jumping us is insane. Why are you here, anyway?"

Mia smiled. "Why are you here?"

"Okay, good point, but besides that, shouldn't you be facing off with others on your skill level, than with catfighters?" Jasmine asked.

"She does have a point, Shelly," Mia said. "Maybe we should check out that other club down the road."

A red-haired muscular woman dressed in a green one-piece swimsuit trotted out from the battle barn toward Mia and Shelly. She stopped well short of her goal when she saw the four women talking with them.

"There you are! We were looking all over for you," she said. "Leah needs your help with Diana."

"What's wrong, I thought she was just knocked out," Mia replied.

"She was, but Leah needs some help moving her to the infirmary. Both of the guys strained their back yesterday."

"I bet they did. What about you? All those muscles, and she sent you out here?"

"They wanted to talk to both of you. According to Willie and Cody, you two didn't fight, you just walked out and stood by the sidelines and watched."

"Oh boy. Now they're spying on us too?" Shelly remarked.

"We need to go. I somehow sense a long evening ahead," Mia said. "Please, Irena, take our apology for how we acted the other day. We're really serious about the lunch idea. Right now, we have to see what our majesty wants."

"Don't forget to bow, Mia," Shelly replied.

"Oh yes; bye all."

As the two women walked off, the red-haired woman started to follow them, but Velvet drew her attention.

"You there! I have a question," she said.

"Yes?" The woman said hesitantly.

"Just how many of these "Fight Clubs' are there around here? And are they run the same way?"

"Er, there's quite a few scattered through this state and Indiana. Each one is independent, and is run their own way."

"I see."

Jasmine suddenly turned and said "Boo!" to the woman, who jumped. She quickly excused herself and ran back to the barn.

"What was that for?" Loretta asked.

"She's wanted to get a hold of me when the fight started. After I threw her down a couple of times, she backed off. This is the first time I saw her since then," Jasmine said.

"Oh; hopefully the "Queen' didn't see that," Velvet said. "A prima donna who doesn't fight her own fights."

"I'm curious about these "Fight Clubs,' and why I haven't heard of them before. Right now, I want to try out that new plumbing that Lori installed at the shop today and take a shower. Everybody is invited to the shop to join me in a grape soda," Irena said.



Back at the auto shop, everybody showered and changed (except for Jasmine, who barely perspired, much less sweated), and sat around Betty's desk. Irena, now dressed in blue jean shorts and a plain white T-shirt, rested her bare soles on the desk, and took a sip from her soda bottle.

"You know, tonight was a little crazy, but I have to admit, I enjoyed it!" She said.

"It brought back the old days, eh?" Loretta replied, decked out in a worn blue oxford and blue jeans.

"Not exactly, well I take that back; I fought some people who knew what they were doing."

"It did feel good to let loose," Velvet said, wearing gray sweats. "I didn't have to worry about hurting any fellow students. But that woman who tore my shirt, boy, she made me mad!"

"I saw that. I was wondering if she was going to have a head left," Loretta replied. "I think you scared some of the others off the way you kept slapping her."

"Just making sure she didn't forget."

They laughed.

"I don't think that will be too hard to fix. A little bit of sewing, and it'll be good as new," Jasmine said.

"Do you sew, Jasmine?"


"I'll just send it off to mom; she can do wonders with a needle and thread."

"Well let the record show tonight that we grapplers know how to kick tail," Loretta declared.

"Here, here!" All raised their bottles in salute. Loretta looked at Jasmine strangely.

"What's wrong?" Jasmine asked.

"That thing you do, I don't know if it's grappling, striking, or what. It's definitely unique."

"The tai chi is mostly striking, but I don't use it as much. Aikido is considered grappling; jiu-jitsu is our mother, after all."

"Japanese jiu-jitsu. I think the Brazilian style is further removed."

"Not too far; our arts belong to the same family tree."

Irena, whose discipline of sambo has connections with judo, which was descended from jiu-jitsu, paused from taking another sip. "You're right, I didn't think of that," she said.

"And after all, we grapplers really know how to reach out and touch someone."

After everybody laughed, Irena said, "I'm glad you could come with us, Jasmine."

"Me too, I needed to let off a little steam."

"Man, I hate to see you when you have to let off a lot of steam," Loretta remarked.

"That's not too often. Remind me to tell you what happened after my classes today sometime."

"It's a deal. In the meantime, I want to make another toast."

"To what?" Velvet asked.

"To us, and to our friends in Indiana; to the barefoot heroines!"

"Barefoot heroines?"

"Yes, we have hearts of fire, and soles of iron! The barefoot heroines!"

All, including Jasmine, who wore shoes clinked their bottles.

"Jasmine, you're an honorary member, of course."

"Thank you, it's good to feel wanted."

"Something wrong?"

"I called down there today. They said they have everything under control, but I keep getting that nagging feeling that my sister and cousin hasn't told me everything. It may be nothing, but it could be the fact that I'm not down there helping them too, who knows."

"That reminds me, how did you do on your final exam?" Velvet asked.

"Aced it. Maybe I should've packed the car, and took off as soon as I finished," Jasmine lamented.

"I think they're doing fine. Betty's happy whacking heads, and they'll be through before you know it. Besides, we never got to see you in action. Now I see what Kim was bragging about," Irena said.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Irena. I must say it would've been more exciting if that place had women who knew how to fight."


To be continued . . .


For suggestions, comments, or story ideas, email the author at


#Barefoot Heroines, 2008.