Lady Lisa vs The Mole
Part 01 (The Preview) - Lisa is taking some quality time at home with her pets-
"So what do we know about this Mole Man then?" Lisa asked, shifting slightly in her armchair as she listened to Bohemian Rhapsody by the Masked Collager Five, a mug of tea in her hand. "Are you sure he's not related to Mighty Mouse? I'm not sure I could go through that again. Well, not in public-"
"No- No relation that I know of," replied Tess.
"All these rodents- It gets difficult to remember who's who."
"Moles aren't rodents," came a small voice from below Lisa's feet.
She looked down at where ISM lay squirming beneath her left foot. At the same time Number 10 was wriggling beneath her right foot. It had been a long day and two tiny men beat any foot massager on the market.
"Who asked you?" Lisa growled irritably. "Another word out of you and you're burger relish!"
"Where is Mighty Mouse anyway?" asked Tess. He normally wasn't far from Lisa's side.
"Oh, he's safe enough," Lisa lifted her mini-skirt for a moment and indicated down toward her panties. "He's been bad again. He put two sugars in my tea."
"And that's how you punish him, is it?"
"I think so. He's so small I can't make out the look on his face."
"Then why do it?" Tess asked naively.
"It- eh- has its compensations-" Lisa explained vaguely, then changed the subject. "So what else do we know?"
"He's British, and lives in London," Tess continued.
"And the Mole bit?"
"He's got really bad eyesight. Apparently he-"
"NO! I don't want to know!" Lisa jumped, her feet rising in the air. Before they came crashing down again ISM and Number 10 scampered away to safety.
"- watches too much television-" Tess trailed off, giving Lisa a befuddled look.
"Oh- I- eh- thought it might be something else." Lisa looked sheepishly back at Tess. "Never mind. Anything else."
"Well. It would appear he's not too bright."
"Why's that?"
"Well-" Tess looked uncertain on how best to continue. "Well, apparently ISM sold him an anti-shrinking potion-"
"Did he-? And-?" Lisa prompted.
"He's been telling everyone that if you can't shrink him he can beat you, seeing as he's almost six feet tall and over 200lbs."
"But I'm a giantess," Lisa replied, confused. "I can be any size I want. Doesn't he know that?"
"Apparently not."
"Hasn't anyone told him?"
"No. They think it'll spoil the surprise," Tess explained. "Well, that and he's taking some huge bets on himself to win."
"I see. Anything else."
"He wants the fight held at Wembley Stadium. I thought you'd like that so I've booked it already."
"Fine, fine," Lisa nodded vaguely, a worried expression on her face.
"What's the matter?" It was unlike Lisa to look worried before a fight.
"What am I going to wear?" Lisa turned to Tess for ideas. "You know how difficult it is to get dresses in size 225 feet. And I want to look my best."
"Ah. Yes." Then Tess had an idea. "How about that new silver outfit you were telling me about last week?"
"I was saving that for a special occasion."
"Wembley Stadium- National television- Isn't that special enough." Tess held up her hands in disbelief. "Anyway, you never did tell me where you got it."
"Didn't I?" Lisa smiled. "It was a present from a dear little fellow I met a couple of months ago. I was paddling in the Thames when his little boat came along. He got very close to Tower Bridge and they never opened it for him- So I did!"
"You didn't!"
"I did! Well I couldn't let him hit it, could I? So I reached down and opened up the bridge by hand. Although I could have lifted the boat over the bridge- Could have been a nasty accident that. Good job I was there."
"You don't think that a 200 feet plus giantess paddling by the Thames had anything to do with why the guys in the bridge weren't concentrating on their job in the first place?"
"No," Lisa smiled sweetly. "Why should it?"
Tess couldn't be sure if she was being toyed with or not, so she let it go. "Never mind."
"Turns out he's worth a packet. He had the outfit made for me to say thankyou." Lisa looked thoughtful for a moment. "And I might go blonde for a change."
"Yes really. Anything wrong with that?"
"No, no-" Tess looked down at her notepad. "Just one more thing. Kermit can't be at the fight."
"No!" Lisa was bitterly disappointed.
"He's got an extra job and won't be available again until next month."
"Hey! Where's those biscuits we ordered with our tea!" Lisa turned away toward the kitchen to hide her disappointment.
Moments later over a dozen tiny men entered the room. Each one held a huge (To them) biscuit above their heads as if to keep off the rain.
Tess smiled. It reminded her of a Tom & Jerry cartoon she saw once where an army of ants carried away a picnic-
"Oh and Tess," Lisa mused, "Remind me to have words with Inchy when he comes back."