Cynara submits to Mary The penthouse suite was all John and Mary thought it would be. They had both made their way through the crowd of about 50 well dressed guests to the bedroom where Mary had changed to her light pink bikini. With her tan and well toned body she looked spectacular. Now they were standing in the middle of the suite's living room that had been cleared for the match. The champion Cynara made her entrance in her customary black bikini, and after telling her friends that she hoped that the evenings festivities would not be over too quickly, she stretched a bit and told Mary that she was ready. Cynara seemed supremely confident and all business - and why not - she had been in this position scores of times before and had always been victorious. Mary looked just plain nervous. That bothered John, but he chalked it up to the fact that Mary had never wrestled in front of so many male and female spectators...and there was no doubt who was the fan favorite tonight. Cynara was simply stunning - toned, tan..and most importantly experienced. Mary hoped she was up to the task. A grey haired gentleman in a tuxedo glanced at each woman and then announced simply: "For the championship, 2 out of 3 falls, submission only, 10 minute break between falls. Ladies....wrestle on." Both women circled and Mary lunged at Cynara. The blonde expertly stepped aside and like a cat grabbed Mary's wrist and wrentched it up behind her. "Ow..shit," Mary gasped as she pawed at her shoulder. "Dead meat," Cynara whispered in her ear as she jerked Mary's arm up higher, bringing the brunette up onto her toes. When Mary tried to reach back with her other hand Cynara quickly swithed to a full nelson and snapped Mary's had down hard. "Here she is ladies and gentlemen, Ms. bad-ass challenger," she sneered as she paraded around the room. She eventually stopped in front of a full length mirror with Mary locked tightly in the hold, and shouted, "Take a look, baby, this is the before picture!" Mary could only mumble, "Ah, ahh" as the blonde jerked down on the hold and sent excruciating pain down the brunette's neck. Suddenly Cynara rocked back and lifted Mary off her feet. She then fell forward and drove the flailing brunette into the carpet while still maintaining the hold. John was stunned as he watched Cynara smoothly roll, rock back, and snake her legs around Mary's stomach. Mary looked bewildered and the side of her face had a raw rug burn where she had been driven into the carpet. It seemed as though Cynara was moving in fast forward. She squeezed her legs and shook Mary like a rag doll. The brunette's neck was on fire and she truly thought her ribs might snap at any time from the unrelenting pressure. Above the mild cheering of the crowd the only sounds were the blonde's grunts and Mary's anguished cries of "oh, oh, ohhh..." It was apparent to John that Mary was hopelessly trapped and that Cynara was simply toying with her. As he prepared to yell to his friend to concede the first fall and save her strength, Cynara suddenly released the hold and rolled away. The dazed and hurting brunette sluggishly got up onto her elbows and tryed to get her bearings. In a flash Cynara pounced on her like a lion, expertly locking her muscular legs around Mary's head in a reverse scissors. John groaned at the realization that this was exactly what Mary had desperately wanted to avoid. The now grinning blonde went up into a push up position and poured on the pressure. Mary's face was as red as a beet and turning redder by the second as she flailed away helplessly at Cynara's straining legs. Cynara searched the room and found John's eyes. "Watch this, chump," she yelled as she grabbed Mary by the hair and visciously pulled the brunettes face into her taut ass. With her nose held firmly in between Cynara's cheeks and her neck locked in impossible tight, Mary simply could not breath. "She's trying to submit!!" John yelled as Mary waved her arms frantically. "I don't hear a thing" Cynara laughed as she grabbed the brunette's pink bikini bottom with her free hand and visciously began jerking it toward her. "LET HER SUBMIT GODAMMIT!!!" John screamed. "Almost time" Cynara cooed above the shouts of the crowd, in unison,of "Finish her off!, Finish her off!" Two hands restrained John as he watched the stunning blonde release her gasping opponent for a split second while she pulled her legs up, rocked back heavily on Mary's breasts and covered the now completely helpless woman's face with her magnificent ass. Mary was motionless now, spread-eagled underneath her opponent as Cynara pulled her own bikini bottom into her cheeks and began grinding and bouncing mercilessly on Mary's face. Occassionally, John could get a brief view of Mary half- clossed, dazed eyes. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is what facesitting is all about in the BIG LEAGUES!" Cynara shouted as she ripped Mary's pink top off, dug her nails into Mary's beautiful full breasts and raked them across her nipples. As she continued to grind on her unmoving victim, she reached back and unhooked her black bra, letting her perfectly formed breasts spill out. "this is my favorite part," she purred as she rubbed her nipple with one hand and stuck the fingers of her other hand into her bikini bottom and massaged her clit. It was an amazing sight...the crowd roaring, Cynara bumping, grinding, feeling her body...and Mary ...beneath it all. Finally, the blonde tired of her games and slowly stood up. She pulled her barely conscious opponent to her feet, put her into another full nelson and literally dragged her over to the mirror. "Here's the after picture, sweetie," she whispered into the conquered woman's ear." John could barely stand to look. His friend's face was raw and red from the rug and Cynaras wet bikini bottom, her breasts had angry claw marks on them, and her pretty pink bikini bottom was wedged between her pussy lips. Could it be any worse, John thought. The answer came fast. Cynara let Mary slump to the floor on her back. She put her foot on the brunette's battered breast and said, "Now repeat after me...I am a slut, and I submit to you Cynara." Mary simply moaned, rolled onto her stomach and said in a whisper, "Please don't do anything more to me... I submit to you Cynara." "YOU WILL SAY IT JUST AS I TOLD YOU TO!!" the blonde screamed as she grabbed both of Mary's wrists, planted her foot in the small of the brunette's back, and visciously pulled up. The penthouse buzzed with words like, "Unbelievable"....."Jeeesus" and, "told you" from the smiling faces in the room as Cynara leaned back and bowwed her opponent to the breaking point. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Mary sreamed in agony as she was pulled up so high her breasts were facing straight out. The crowd was in a frenzy again as Cynara shrieked horsely, "SAY IT!, SAY IT, YOU SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. "AHHH!!!!...I...I..I"m a slut...I sub..submit to you Cynara...let me go now please...please let me go. Cynara calmly let go and walked over to her friends. She looked over at John and yelled, "She's got 10 minutes before we wrap this up, pal...she's all yours. The total destruction of Mary in the first fall had taken 10 minutes. ---------- In the bedroom a tearful Mary could only shake her head and mumble, "Jesus, I didn't even do one thing to her John, not one. She's too....strong....too fast....too experienced...God, I just don't..." She looked up into the mirror at her puffy face. "I can't go through that way...I've never been dominated like that...never.." John broke in, "Mary, you sound scared, and I never thought I'd see you scared of an opponent...never thought I'd see it." The sound of a clock ticking in the background was the only sound in the room. John took a deep breathand continued. "But...if you want to call this off, I understand.." "I'm not scared, dammit!" Mary said through clenched teeth. "I just can't stand to be humiliated like that in front of all those people! "Stand up," John said softly. "Look in the mirror. See your legs, Mar. Those are the same legs that you walked in her on and they're the same legs that can squeeze the eyballs out of that blonde bitch." You have to find a way to use your legs and you have to get your mind into this match and off of what she might do to you. Mary looked up at her friend and smiled. "I'm not a quitter John, regardless of what you might think right now. Fuck it, whatever happens happens, happens. Let's give these people their money's worth." She walked over to the desk and took a few minutes to scribble something down an a sheet of blank paper, fold it and hand it to John. "Put this in your pocket and keep it for me," she said. John did as he was told and watched as his friend took a deep breath, straightened her bikini bottom with a snap, and walked out of the bedroom. "Ohhhh, it alive," Cynara snickered to her friends as she spotted Mary. "I like that kinda tiger design on her tit's, don't you?" she laughted. Mary just stood with her hands on her hips staring at her blonde opponent. Cynara stared back at her. "Well...let's get this over with" she said firmly. Both women remained topless and their bodies looked magnificent, excepting the red claw marks on Mary's breasts. John could tell his friend was finally into the match...nipples hard....body tensed. As Cynara approached, Mary held up her hands for a test of strength. Cynara snorted, lifted her arms and locked hands with her opponent. For 30 seconds it was a stand-off. Then, slowly, Mary began forcing the blonde's arms down. Just as Cynara's arms were about to waist level, Mary suddenly fell back, jerking her opponent with her. As the two hit the mat, Mary quickly locked her legs around the surprised Cynara's head. The blonde was on her knees, off balance leaning forward, with her arms held out wide, and much to John's delight, her neck was bent up with her nose securely wedged into Mary's pussy. A buzz went through the stunned crowd as the brunette poured on the pressure. The only thing visible was Cynara's blonde hair, her face was so securely buried into Mary's crotch. Her head was bobbing frantically. As Cynara desperately tried to shift her face, Mary suddenly released the blonde's hands, grabbed her head and twisted it forcing Cynara to roll onto her back. Now it was Mary who moved like a cat as she grabbed her ankle and yanked her leg up, locking the gasping blonde into a perfect figure-four head scissors. Cynara's makeup was now smeared all over her face, and, to John's delight, Mary had lipstich smears on her pink bikini bottoms. "You fucking bi...bitch" Cynara gasped through clenched teeth as her face turned crimson from the incredible pressure on her neck. "Time to rock and roll" Mary muttered as she rolled and rolled around the room at lightning speed with the sputtering blond helplessly trapped. She finally stopped and the muscles in her arm strained as she puuuullledd up on her ankle for a solid 10 seconds. The only sound from Cynara was "ggggggggg ggggggg" as she pounded frantically at the brunette's legs. Workmanlike now, Mary releashed her gasping opponent and, in a rush of adrenaline, reached between Cynara's legs and under her arms and hoisted her up over her head. The crowd was absloutely stunned as they watched Mary hold her helpless victim in the air for a second, and then almost in slow-motion, bring her crashing down onto her knee. Cynara's screams of pain as she hit Mary's knee bounced of the walls. With the blonde draped over her knee, Mary pushed down steadily on Cynara's neck with one hand, and with the other hand did what had never been done to the champion before in a match: she slid her hand down the blondes silky stomach straight into her black bikini bottom. Mary pressed down harder on the backbreaking hold with her one hand, while with the other she sunk her middle kinger deep into the blonds bushy cunt. The trapped champion was kicking and screaming like a wildwoman. Finally,Mary grabbed a handfull of pussy hair and yanked, Cynara's balled up fist reflexively jerking up...slamming, quite by chance, squarely into the brunette's nose. "Oh!" a stunned Mary exclaimed ,grabbing her face with both hands as Cynara rolled of f of her knee. Cynara got up slowly, breathing hard. Mary was sitting cross legged holding her nose and shaking her head. Cynara charged into the brunette with her shoulder sending Mary sprawling. John watched in horror at what could only be termed a nightmare replay. Cynara flopped down on the carpet and took her time to expertly locked her legs around Mary's head in a perfectly executed reverse scissors. Mary forgot her nose and kicked and humped wildly. She grabbed the blondes ass with both her hands and squeezed. She tried everything "no No NO!!! she thought as she struggled frantically, her face getting redder and her eyes wide. Cynara was breathing in rasping gasps as she leaned down to tighten the pressure and finish her hoplessly trapped opponent off. But she wanted to torture her opponent too much and leaned too far forward. Mary kicked up wildly and managed to get first one, and then quickly her second leg up over cynara's head. The crowd went wild at this chain of events. It was bedlam as both woman rolled onto their sides and poured on the pressure, knowing that the fall, and possibly the match hung in the balance. Mary was energized in the middle of it all by a sudden realization: the muffled noice of the crowd was combining with the sweaty, perfumey, musky smell between Cynara's magnificent make her..wet. Wet as hell, in fact.. And from the moisture around her face there was certainly no doubt Cynara was having a similar experienc. It was both painful and delicious as she strained her legs to the limit while struggling to survive between Cynara's glorious thighs. Slowly, ever so slowly, Mary felt the pressure on her head start to dimmish. Finally, it ceased all together. Cynara, the blonde champion, was totally spent. Her gas tank was below empty. Mary jerked out a final squeeze and held it for about 5 seconds and then released the hold and struggled to her feet. The spectators watched again in stunned silence as Mary stood over her opponent and slowly went to her knees straddling the totally exhausted blonde. The brunette scooted forward and secured Cynara's arms under her legs. She squeezed her thighs and framed the beautiful blonde champion between her tan thighs and looked into her eyes. "Please don't do this to me in front of my friends," Cynara whispered in a tiny voice. "'s a draw...I don't want.." "Sh, shh shh, Mary whispered as she put her hand lightly over Cynara's mouth, you won't feel a thing." A single tear rolled down the beautiful blonde's face as Mary rose up, spun around smoothly and settled squarely onto the champions's face. Mary didn't hump and grind though, she simply shifted and wiggled until Cynara's nose and mouth were completely wedged into her gorgeous ass. The blonde champion kicked weakly once, twice, and then then her legs fell still as she slipped into unconsciousness. Mary got up slowly and dragged the blonde's limp but still stunning body to the center of the room. Carefully she spread Cynara's arms and legs. "John, hand me that note I gave you please," she said quietly as she held out her hand. John complied. Mary unfolded the note and bent down and placed it over Cynara's bikini bottom. "Give me that poloroid camera," she said to a spectator. She focused the camera, flashed the shot, and took the picture out of the camera. "Let's go, babe," she said to John. The two friends walked away leaving the stunned crowd to wonder if the two wilcats would ever meet again. The picture? John looked at it in the car and smiled. There was Cynara, looking totally naked since the paper covered up her bikini bottom. On the paper were written the words: The queen of the sluts submits to Mary End