Josephine Handles the Plumber By ImP Josephine deals with a lazy plumber Josephine was not a happy woman. She was having some work done in her house but when she came home from the school where she taught the plumber, Dave, was not getting on with the job. In fact the burly young man was sitting in her kitchen with his feet on the table having a cup of tea and reading the paper. “Just what do you think you’re doing” she demanded. “I’m paying a lot of money to get this kitchen fitted and I don’t want to waste it on incompetents like you. If your work doesn’t improve I’m going to call the company and have them replace you.” “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to you old bat. I’ve met your type before sourpusses because you don’t get enough. You lot are all gagging for it.” Dave was talking from experience, he’d done jobs for plenty of single women and more than a few were welcome for a fuck from the handsome young man. Mind you it did cross his mind that Josephine was a lesbian. Here she was an attractive woman in her late thirties but unmarried and living alone. He wouldn’t mind giving her one. Josephine was outraged. It was bad enough to be insulted by lazy workmen in her own house but to be called an old bat was just too much. At thirty-seven she felt in her prime, she enjoyed an active sporting life and wasn’t short of boyfriends when she wanted one. She was determined to show this young lout who was boss and she knew just what to do. She stormed out but returned almost immediately with a cane. “What the fucking hell do you think you’re going to do with that you cunt? Cane me with it?” Dave’s voice was full of bravado, but there was a hint of anxiety. If she did hit him could he retaliate? “That’s just what I intend to do. And more. I don’t get insulted by thugs like you and let them get away with it.” Josephine was not afraid of Dave, self-defence training, and natural self-confidence made her a formidable opponent. “Take this.” The cane whistled through the air and caught Dave on the arm. “And this.” Suddenly the blows were coming one after another from all angles. Dave was completely overwhelmed and cowed by the imperious demeanour of the assertive woman. He was used to people cowering before him and he had no idea how to deal with someone who stood up to him. His shame was such that he began to cry. Josephine was not moved to sympathy by his tears only to derision. “Hold out your hands. If you behave like a naughty little boy then you’re going to get treated like one. Come on hold out your hands while I cane them.” Dave could hardly believe his actions but he meekly held out his hands in front of himself. He felt the hot tears on his cheeks and bowed his head in shame. Josephine rapped him twice across each palm. Hard. More tears fill his eyes at the pain and ignominy of it, but worse, much worse, was to follow. “Right little boy. Take down your trousers.” This was too much for Dave and he summoned up his reserves of self-respect. “No way. I’m getting out of here.” He went to collect his tools but Josephine stood in his way. “You’re not leaving here until I say so. And I’m afraid you’ve got a lot of punishment to receive for your insolence. It’s about time someone taught you how to behave. As she said this she landed two hard blows with the cane across Dave’s thighs making cry out in pain. “Now get your trousers down this instant.” Josephine’s tone had been honed on countless ill-mannered schoolboys and it found its mark. Uncomprehendingly Dave took down his jeans. “Those as well.” Josephine indicated his underpants, and a sobbing Dave lowered them to his knees covering his cock with his hands in an attempt to preserve some self-respect. “Bend over that chair and put your hands on it. Now we’ll start with six of the best and I want you to count them. You can count up to six can’t you.” Josephine’s sarcastic tone was lost on Dave who was so bewildered that he would have done anything Josephine demanded. Each blow was delivered surely and sharply causing a cry of pain from Dave as he struggled to count each one. By the time the sixth was delivered he was sobbing uncontrollably and begging Josephine to stop. Promising that he’d behave in future, that he’d do anything for her. “Well little boy your training will continue upstairs. Now strip completely.” Dave looks up in increasing bewilderment. “What?” “I said strip completely. You know what that means don’t you? Take all your clothes off now. Immediately. I’m not having you walking about my house with your clothes on.” And like a child Dave stripped naked and handed over his clothes to Josephine who ordered Dave up the stairs and into the bathroom. “Go and have a shower and wait for me.” Dave allowed the hot water to wash over him and he started to recover his poise when Josephine walked back in. She was nude and completely transformed. She has let her hair down from the severe bun that it was in previously and it now cascades in dark waves down her back. Her eyes were made-up and looked like dark, menacing pools, and her figure, freed from the confines of her business suit was firm and voluptuous. To Dave she appeared the most desirable woman that he had ever seen. She was his mistress and spontaneously he went down on his knees in front of her. Josephine was not surprised by Dave’s reaction; she had seen it before in so many men. They all want to be dominated. She placed her foot on the edge of the shower and Dave pressed his lips to it, his cock hardening as he bestowed kisses on her perfect toes, and all the way along her foot to the ankle. Josephine was unmoved by this treatment and stood silently while Dave continued with his devotions. Then she stepped back and handed him a towel. “Dry yourself thoroughly.” She watched as Dave did so examining his body with a well-practised coolness; she betrays no sign of the stimulation that she has so evidently given him. Dave dries himself thoroughly not finding it strange to be doing so in front of a woman who had just caned and beaten him. When he was dry he meekly handed the towel to Josephine who directed him to place it on the rail and then to follow her. She lead him into her bedroom and sat on a stool at the foot of the bed. Dave waited meekly in front of her for instructions. “Come and lie down here” she pointed to her lap. “You know this is what you want don’t you?” Her voice was calm and softer now, but still carried the firmness of tone that commands all those who heard it. Dave lay face across her lap with Josephine gripping his erect cock firmly between her thighs. “You want this don’t you? Tell me want you want.” “Please spank me.” Dave’s voice is barely a whisper. “And how much shall I spank you?” “Until I come.” Dave doesn’t know the origin of the voice that comes from within him. It is as though a second person existed inside him. But neither he nor Josephine cares about the psychology of the moment; it is as though they are enacting an ancient ritual. Josephine’s hand lands firmly on Dave’s reddened buttocks and he squirms on her lap. With each blow his cock grows harder and longer as it rubs against her smooth thighs. Time after time her hand slaps down leaving Dave sobbing and wailing in humiliation and ecstasy until he comes. He seems to pump a gallon of come. Never has he experienced such a powerful orgasm. Josephine leaves Dave kneeling on the floor while she goes to clean herself and upon returning sat down upon the edge of the bed. She opened her legs, and directed Dave to lick her pussy. He didn’t need a second’s thought. He thrust his head between her firm thighs and buried his tongue within her smooth, hairless pussy. This was heaven; he was serving his mistress as she demanded. He grew hard again quickly as Josephine caressed his cock with her foot. Dave continued licking for five, ten, fifteen minutes time was irrelevant he carried on worshipping at her fount until Josephine was satisfied. Then she ordered Dave to lick her feet and suck her toes which he did almost gleefully with each foot in turn. When both her feet have been thoroughly and properly adored she ordered Dave to lie on the bed. He gazed up at her in mute admiration as she lowered herself onto his cock and then fucked him steadily. Although he was inside her it was Josephine in command, she controls the pace and the depth of penetration. And with her powerful pussy muscles she controlled Dave’s cock; he was unable to come even though his need was great. She teased him with her breasts, the nipples grazing his lips and tongue as he reached up for them with his mouth. Again and again Josephine brought him to the point of orgasm yet did not release him. The perspiration on his brow glistened and he began to plead with her. But still she did not relent. For over half-an-hour she tortured him in this way; her strength and composure remarkable. Finally she pulled off and turned around so that Dave can tongue her pussy and anus while she took him in hand and brought him off again. Josephine let Dave rest for a while but she wasn’t finished with him yet. He was now her toy and she wanted to play some more, but she was experienced enough to know how much she could use a man without breaking him. Dave was young and fit; there was more in him despite his exhaustion. When she was ready his training continues. “On your knees. Worship my feet.” Almost before the words are out of her mouth Dave is on the floor kissing and licking her feet again. When Josephine placed her feet around his cock and massaged it back to fullness he gazed up at her in adoration. Never had he felt such desire for a woman before. “You know what you want don’t you?” Dave nodded in agreement. “Go and get it then.” Dave rushes off and immediately returns carrying the cane. He gave it to Josephine his head bowed in obeisance. She went over to the stool and placed her foot upon it. Dave knelt with his lips pressed to her foot his buttocks in the air ready for the cane. Josephine was merciless and Dave would have wanted it no other way. The cane lands on his naked buttocks repeatedly, and the more it landed so the harder Dave grew; the pain is intense but so is the pleasure. Eventually Josephine sat down on the side of the bed again while Dave took her feet in his hands and placed them round his engorged cock again. In a few short minutes he was coming again, spurting the last of his milk over Josephine’s perfect feet and ankles, before he collapsed exhausted to the floor. “You will return tomorrow to continue with your work. And your training.” Dave knows that nothing is more certain. The End