Men are from Venus, Women are from Mars by SenyorDave, SenyorDave@AOL.COM Life isn't so great for men in the year 2160 Patricia grunted out one more rep and slowly set the bar down. She felt a sense of elation, and why not - 415 lbs. and she had managed five repetitions. She was only 10 lbs. short of the gym record for the bench press. She looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it almost 6:30 PM. Like virtually all women, Patricia lifted for two hours a day, six days a week. She still had to go over to the Athena Club for a drink with the girls. At that rate she wouldn't make it home until 9 PM. She knew Ken would be waiting dinner but he would understand how important this was. After all, the election was only two weeks away and she held a razor-thin lead in the latest polls. She sighed to herself and thought about how the women in the gym would react if they knew that, she, Patricia Morris, darling of the right-wing conservatives, possibly the next senator from Arizona, was really a closet liberal, a secret proponent of men's rights. Of course, there really was only one issue that was being debated during this election: the so-called Causewell Amendments. Named for the senior senator from South Carolina, Lenora Causewell, the amendments would be the final step in the removal of the last vestige of men's rights. She almost laughed out loud at the contradiction in terms - in reality, men had no real rights whatsoever. Patricia considered the current state of female - male relationships in the United States in the year 2160. Men were totally subjugated to women in all facets of life: politically, legally, physically, psychologically and, in some ways most of all, sexually. The Causewell amendments would bar males from virtually all public areas unless going to or from work or escorted by a female. Even some women thought they went too far - how would their husbands be able to shop for groceries or take an aerobics class. Of course Patricia wouldn't kid herself - most of those women had almost complete disdain for males and would never dream of giving their men the necessary permit to leave their homes except they just didn't want to be inconvenienced to have to do things themselves. She considered how things had reached the point they were at. It all came back to the Hussein Virus. It was a little over 150 years ago, back in 2008 that Saddaam Hussein had launched his biological weapons in a last-ditch attempt to keep power. The odd thing was that other than a few hundred initial deaths the virus appeared to dissipate and the fears about a worldwide plague were quickly forgotten. About eight years later the first reports began to appear, initially from animal experts working at one of the African game preserves. Several baboon troops had been found where the females were dominant. This phenomenon had been studied for almost a year by teams of scientists until they finally figured out why the females had become dominant - they were considerably stronger than the males! Other primates were studied and similar findings reported worldwide. After two years of hard work, geneticists had isolated a new gene in the affected males which appeared to cause a loss of muscle when they reached puberty. The strength loss was considerable, with a fully grown adult male being only about 50% as strong as an adult female. The next step was to see if this gene was occurring in human males, and much to their consternation they found it was. Not in all males but with each passing year the percentage of those affected was increasing. After only fifteen years over 95% of all males had the gene. As that generation matured, significant changes began to occur, initially in the schools. Contact sports began to be coed and then quickly all female. With further testing, it was found that an adult male weighing 180 lbs. had approximately half the overall strength of an adult female weighing 120 lbs. Another disturbing fact was that the muscles of those affected by the gene did not respond to physical training at all. Weight training for men completely disappeared but was quickly replaced by weight training for women. The young women particularly seemed to completely understand the implications of building muscle. Instead of being 50% stronger than men, these women were becoming four or five times as strong! After fifty years, the men were uniformly the weaker sex by a huge margin. Major societal changes were occurring as well. The "glass ceiling" had completely disappeared - for women, at least! It was replaced by one for men. Rape, and indeed virtually all violence against women, had almost completely disappeared. However, violent crime against men was becoming rampant, as male rape had reached epidemic proportions and husband-beating was on the rise. The teenage girls were the worst of all - most of them seemed to have total contempt for men, seeing them as little more than sex objects. By this time, powerlifting had become almost a religion for women, and it was actively encouraged by the schools and the government. Many towns had constructed elaborate gyms exclusively for women with the most modern weight training equipment. When NOM (National Organization of Men) had complained that it wasn't fair to exclude men, some towns had responded by building shabby little aerobics studios for the men. After 75 years women had complete control. With the rare exception of small towns, there were no male government officials. At almost no level of society was there a point where a man would have any authority over a woman. States began to pass laws absolutely forbidding a male to be in a supervisory position over a female. Men who worked were increasingly employed as secretaries, receptionists, clerks, day care workers. More and more men simply aspired to be househusbands, but even that was becoming a problem. How do you discipline a twelve year old girl who can bench press three times what you can. This just led to teenage girls becoming increasing involved in more viscous crimes. It all came to a head when the husbands of four US congresswomen disappeared while shopping in Georgetown. After two days, operating on a tip, policewomen had burst into an expensive Georgetown townhouse to find the four terrified, weeping men being held captive by three women. That in itself wasn't shocking to anyone, until they released the ages of the women - eleven, twelve and thirteen. Details were not fully released but it was known that the police had caught them sexually torturing three of the men at the time of their capture, while they had found the fourth man curled up in a ball in the corner sobbing uncontrollably. This episode had led to the first of many laws which on the face of it were designed to "protect" men but had the effect of limiting their rights. The Violence Against Men Act of 2085 called for severe penalties for violent crimes against men. It had lowered the age which youthful offenders could be tried as adults from 14 to 12. But tucked inside the bill's complicated language was a provision not widely understood until the bill had passed. A nationwide curfew was placed on all males from 9 PM until 6 AM. Although men's groups were initially horrified at this provision, when they were told it was for their own protection they seemed to accept it and move on to other issues. That had been a major mistake, thought Patricia. Because only five year later two inventors had developed the first version of the "belt". It was, for all intensive purposes, a male chastity belt. Of course it was promoted as a safety device for men because no male wearing could be raped. The early models were extremely uncomfortable and only the most sadistic women forced their husbands or boyfriends to wear the. After fine tuning the product to make them more comfortable, the government had issued their first advisory recommending that men wear one if they were going to be out alone. Of course within five years it was compulsory and all men aged 15 and over wore them whenever their wives or girlfriends wished. An anal plug had also been developed which would prevent a man from being raped by a woman using a dildo, which had become increasingly popular over the years. You could always tell a man wearing a plug by his walk because no amount of refinement had made them anything but painful. Patricia had always suspected that they really did nothing but were used by some women as a reminder to men of their ability to inflict physical and psychological pain. Meanwhile, major upheaval was taking place all around the world. In the Arab world women had long since removed their veils and integrated themselves fully into society. At first it seemed as though it would stop there, but the next generation had produced a radical fundamentalism based on a new interpretation of the Koran. Men had quickly been stripped of the right to vote and own property, and it was not long after that veiled men in black robes were commonly seen on the news reports taken in Arab countries. In Latin countries the "macho" male had been replaced by an extreme version of the "macha" female. Many of the less developed countries legally classified all males as "property" and as such were accorded no rights whatsoever. Still, the United States remained the model to which the rest of the world turned. And a major scientific advancement occurred in 2105, which permanently altered society. An artificial womb had been developed that freed women from having the ultimate responsibility for reproduction. Around the same time, most states had rewritten their civil codes to allow women to have up to three husbands. It had begun to be recognized that women's increasing awareness of their sexual assertiveness combined with the overall weakness of men required many women to have multiple partners. The development of the artificial womb was the solution to the "male shortage" problem, arising from successful women having multiple husbands leaving the remaining women to have to select from a dwindling supply of men. The US government had officially set a goal of five males born for every two females. Each town would have a population coordinator who would work with couples who were thinking of having children. This effort proved very successful and other countries quickly followed suit, with male to female ratios of up to five to one. In the year 2160, it was estimated that 74% of all humans being born were males. Once married, any thoughts of independence quickly vanished for a man. Women controlled every aspect of their husband's lives. According to the law, men were required to obey their wives. It could be very tough for some men to adjust to the way some women treated them. For example, most women did not allow their husbands to wear clothing inside the home. It could be a bit of a shock for a boy the first time his wife brought home friends from work. A lot of women had no compunction about offering their husbands or boyfriends for the sexual pleasure of their work or social friends. Sex was the one area that took the most adjusting for men. No amount of high school sex education could prepare a man for his future sex life. Many women had very little interest in sexual intercourse or, if they did, more easily reached orgasm when their husbands did not come. In fact, it had become very fashionable for women to make sure their husbands did not have an orgasm. It was very popular among the younger women to use huge dildos on their husbands, sometimes making all three men lie face down on the bed while they went from one man to the next. The sexual aggressiveness of some of the younger women was almost unbelievable. One sex manual showed women how to screw three men at once, using a strap-on for the middle and holding a dildo in each hand, making sure to get all fifteen inches in with each thrust (in fact, the slang for this position was "forty-fivin the boys"). Oral sex on demand was something a man had to get used to. Most difficult of all for many boys was the prospect of sex with another man. Women seemed to find that very erotic, and it was not uncommon for a woman to watch for long periods of time as her husbands were forced to perform almost ever imaginable sex act with each other. Refusal was never an option for a man no matter how bizarre the act which he was ordered to perform. Of course women could masturbate whenever they wanted while masturbation for men was strictly forbidden. In the early 2100's a series of amendments were passed which deprived men of virtually all rights. The right to vote and to own property were the first to go. Most towns banned men from driving, and even in some cases, to ride a bicycle. Finally, in 2120 the Goldwoman Bill had passed. It legally classified all males of any age as juveniles. It also placed all males under the guardianship of the nearest female relative over the age of thirteen. This applied to all aspects of a man's life including matters of finances, employment, and even health. No male could be employed unless approved by his guardian; conversely any male could be forced to work any job so long as it did not endanger his health. President Alice Rosswell had become known for her press conference when she signed the amendment. She had spoken of how men were like delicate flowers and how it was up to women to protect and guide them. One of the reporters had asked the President if she were concerned about the potential for abuse. She had replied in a very firm tone that everyone should know that she would never allow that to happen and had walked over to the right where her family was waiting. She stood behind where her three husbands were kneeling and lightly placed her hands on the shoulder of the two at the end. At the same time, her two daughters, Pam and Linda, had stood over their four kneeling brothers, smiling down at them with protective looks. The passage of the Goldwoman Bill was the point at which men ceased to have any control over their own lives. Prior to the bill's passage, it had become increasingly popular for some doctors to recommend castration for urological and certain psychiatric disorders. And while the number of such operations had continued to climb over the years, the requirement of a doctor's certification had checked the increase. The Goldwoman Bill had changed all that. Women could have any male under her official guardianship castrated for any reason - or no reason. Within five years approximately 20% of the adult male population of the United States had been castrated. The operation had been simplified to the point where technicians were doing it and all insurance plans covered it completely. It was not uncommon for a man to wake up and, with no warning whatsoever, have his wife announce to him that she had made an appointment for him to be castrated at the clinic that morning. Often the women dropped their husbands off and picked them up when they were done. A man in that position had no recourse - he could plead with his wife but that almost never did any good. Patricia had one friend who had simply called one of her husbands and told him she had a surprise for him. She directed him to take the cab which would arrive in fifteen minutes. Of course he followed her orders and was met at the door by a strapping female attendant. Two hours later the twenty-five year old was on his way back home, same cab but minus his genitalia. The kicker to that story was that she had spoken with the wrong husband but had been too busy at work to notice! Some women had found that their sex drive lessened as they aged. Rather than have to deal with three husbands needing attention, they often found it was easier to have two of them castrated. Of course any woman who was post-menopausal immediately had all of her husbands castrated. By 2160 it was estimated that 75% of all males over the age of forty-five had been castrated. Patricia snapped out of her private reverie and forced herself to return to the present. She finished her workout and showered and then drove over to the Athena Club. She entered the club and showed her membership card to the maitre'd. They chatted for a couple minutes, with her asking Patricia how the senate campaign was doing. Patricia then saw her friends and went over to the table. She sat down just as their waiter was walking over. Patricia looked at the naked young man and could almost see him trembling. He couldn't have been more than 20 and she immediately felt sorry for him. He stood there silently, appropriately looking straight down the entire time. "I'll have a rum and coke, sweetie", Brenda said in a loud voice. "Gina and tonic for me, honey", Sandra chimed in with her order. The young man took out his pad and began to scribble quickly trying to keep up with the barrage of orders coming from around the table. Wanda ordered a scotch and said in a loud voice, "let's slow down, girls. Can't you see that the boy is having trouble keeping up." She reached over and patted him on the rear, at the same time letting her other hand drift over and brush up against his limp penis. The official policy was that waiters were not to be touched by customers but management recognized that girls would be girls and gave a fair amount of leeway on that policy. When he came over to Patricia she felt bad about what she was going to do, but her role required her to act the part of being one of the girls. "What's your name, you dear little boy?" she said somewhat sarcastically. In a barely audible voice he replied "Kevin, Mistress". "And how old are you, Kevin?" she said. "Nineteen, Mistress", he continued, in a voice that was still cracking. He appeared on the verge of tears at any moment. Patricia touched him lightly on the chest and then, running her finger down its length, grabbed his thick cock with a firm grip and squeezed hard. "I'll have a twelve-year old scotch, Kevin. And put this round on my tab". With that she released him and he shuffled away, quivering slightly as he moved to the next table. She could only imagine what sort of woman would force her husband, son or brother to work in a place like this. After he left, the conversation obviously turned to politics, with the election only two weeks away. Of the six other women at the table besides Patricia, five of them were enthusiastic supporters of the Causewell Amendment. Only Jane was somewhat on the fence, saying that she felt that perhaps men should be allowed to be in public one or two days a week. "That's bullshit, Jane, and you know it", Wanda angrily stated. "When I see the way those guys strut around, it makes me want to puke. It'd be a cold day in hell before I allowed any of my husbands to act like that." she continued. After another minute of Wanda's ranting about how men took advantage of the good nature of women, Patricia could take no more. "For God's sake, Wanda, listen to you!" she exploded. "Go to any public street and watch the few men who are not with a woman. The ones you do see are usually so scared to be alone that they can't get off the streets fast enough. They don't dare look any woman in the eye so they spend most of their time with their eyes planted to the ground. Not to mention having to produce their permits to any women who want to harass them." She knew she should quit at this point but she continued on. "Sometimes I think women should imagine what it's like to be a man in the world we live in. Brenda, what do you think it would be like to have less rights than a five year old girl? And Christina, think about how humiliating it is for a man to have call his fourteen year old daughter 'mistress' and never be able to look her in the eye. And finally, I want all of you to consider what it is like for these second and third husbands to never leave your property - never be taken out to dinner or to a movie but to stay in the house for years at a time, being a virtual prisoner." She looked directly at Susan while she said the last part. Many women with three husbands had a strict division of labor - one took care of the house, one took care of the kids and the last was for pleasure. The slang term for this role was "bedroom boy". Some women shifted these roles around between their husbands but more often they remained constant. Susan, of course, has taken it to the extreme. Right after their sixth child was conceived, she had decided to have both Jack and Jim castrated. This operation was becoming increasingly popular - castrated men were so much less demanding and also very good with children. After all, what was the point of them having a cock when she was no longer interested in either of them sexually. Besides, she had joked afterwards, its not like I had their tongues cut out. Patricia had been to Susan's home several times and knew all of her husbands. Ken had spoken with Jack and Jim prior to their operation and they had seemed almost resigned to their fate. They had told Ken how Susan kept them belted up the entire day and had not had intercourse with either of them for over five years. Of course that had not prevented her from viscously screwing them each night with a fifteen-inch dildo. Sometimes she watched as she forced them to have sex with each other. They also wore enormous anal plugs to bed, which Susan inserted each evening before she sent them to bed at 8 PM in their tiny room, which they shared. She then locked them in each night and opened the door only as she was leaving for work the next day at 7 in the morning. Several times she had forgotten and left them locked in the entire next day. Patricia had been shocked when she saw how tiny the room was - considerably smaller than even a typical small boy's room - maybe nine foot square. Jack had not left the property in eight years and realized he would probably die without ever leaving it again. Patricia silently vowed to herself that if she made it to the senate she would do her best to change these types of things as much as possible. The idea that castration had become the single most frequent operation should have been a cause of alarm but it was actually treated as a joke. Women frequently used it as a threat against their husbands when they made the most minor of mistakes. She had heard stories of women losing their temper at one of their husbands and taking them to a clinic and having them "fixed" on the spot. She could see that all her words had no effect on any of these women. They had complete contempt for all men, even their own husbands, and stared in wonderment at Patricia's words. Then the music started and naked men began to dance on the runway floor. Christina and Paulette each had a naked man in their lap that they were occupied with and the rest of the women began to edge toward the runway to get a better view. Disgusted, Patricia left the club, got in her car and drove home. Ken glanced at the clock on the wall for what surely must have been the hundredth time in the last hour. It was almost 9 PM and Patricia was still not home. He had tired of watching television - half the shows were previews of the coming election, although there had been a piece on Patricia which had called her the candidate for the "average woman". She had been portrayed as an enthusiastic supporter of the Causewell Amendments - indeed, they had quoted her as saying they fell short of her ultimate goal - a society where the only time a woman would have to deal with a man was for entertainment purposes. He knew that Patricia said these things for appearances only and that she felt completely opposite, but it still hurt a little to hear them come from her mouth. Finally he heard the door opening and Patricia's car pulling into the garage. He slipped off his loose-fitting robe and clad only in his belt, knelt by the door to prepare for her entrance, briefly going over in his mind the basics of the Ritual of Submission. He knew how much Patricia enjoyed the ritual and he even he got a certain amount of pleasure from it. When it had first appeared in a movie twenty years ago, nobody would have dreamed that the Ritual would become a worldwide symbol of the subjugation of men. Patricia opened the door and made her way into the living room. Still kneeling, Ken lightly massaged her calves and tenderly kissed each one. She walked over to the sofa and lay down with her feet slightly off the edge while Ken began to massage and kiss each foot separately. Finally, Ken got up and walked over to the center of the room and laid face up on the carpet. Patricia straddled him and looked down at his face. Making sure to keep his eyes low, he said in a soft voice "I submit with all my body, my mind and my heart." Patricia replied "I accept and promise to protect, nurture and keep all harm away from you." She knelt beside him and placed her thumb on the locking mechanism of his belt and it unlatched as soon as her thumbprint was recognized. She then reached down and picked him up, playfully placing him over her shoulder, and carried him upstairs where they made love. Patricia gently held Ken and stroked his chest. She wanted to prepare him for the bad news she was forced to deliver. "Ken, I have to attend a fund-raiser next Wednesday afternoon and won't be able to take you to your check-up", Patricia said. Ken immediately became wide-eyed in panic and began to stammer "But that means that Diane will have to take me." Diane was Patricia's daughter and Ken's stepdaughter. She disliked Ken and he was terrified of her. The prospect of going to his check-up with Diane made Ken shudder. By law, every male was required to annually undergo a complete physical examination by a government doctor. They were to be accompanied to the examination by a female of age (14 or older). This check-up was among the most degrading experiences a man could possibly have. Patricia thought back to last year's exam. As soon as they walked in the guard had told Ken to strip and had shown Patricia the waiting room and offered to send Ken back when he was finished removing his clothes. She had waited and accompanied her husband to the waiting area. She saw that most of the women were watching a basketball game on a large screen TV in the corner while the naked men were sitting quietly with downcast eyes. There was virtually no talking amongst these men - males quickly learned as adults to never speak in public unless spoken to by a woman. Most women strongly believed in the old adage "Men should be seen and not heard". Just as they sat down, a short, incredibly powerful looking woman entered the room with three men in tow, naked except for their belts. She could not have been over five foot tall while all three men were about six foot six. By their walk you could tell that all the boys wore large, uncomfortable anal plugs. Short women were notorious for marrying tall men and mistreating them badly. The woman ordered the men to take a seat and warned them not to let her catch them talking. She then went over to the receptionist and began to berate him about a problem with appointment times. After a minute or so she turned away and in a loud voice said that only a man could screw up a million-dollar computer system. Most of the women watching the basketball game agreed with her and one said in a perfect world men would never leave the house. After two hours the doctor finally saw them. She examined Ken thoroughly but of course directed all her questions to Patricia, acting like Ken wasn't even there. She poked and prodded but when she came to Ken's sphincter area the doctor remarked that there was an amazingly small amount of swelling around the area. She had asked Patricia what size was her dildo and what type of lubrication did she use. She seemed amazed when Patricia replied that she did not use a dildo. You don't know what you're missing, the doctor had told her. The doctor continued her examination of Ken and began to ask about his sexual functioning. Patricia told her it was normal. Well, I will still have to take a semen sample the doctor commented. She tore off a latex glove and put it on her right hand and ordered Ken to get up on the examining table and to spread his legs. She grabbed his penis and expertly masturbated him to climax, holding a glass saucer to his penis as he began to spurt. The most amazing part was that while she was collecting the semen sample she told Patricia that they had a fully qualified technician on staff and it would only take two hours for Ken to be castrated and they could be on their way. Patricia had told her that things were fine the way they were. Too bad the doctor had said, because the government would pick up the tab. It's the wave of the future, she continued. Give it ten years and there won't be a man over thirty with his balls intact, she said with a chuckle. By the way she said, did you notice those three large boys with the short woman? Patricia had replied yes, they were hard to miss. Well, their wife has a little surprise in store for them the doctor had exclaimed with a noticeable amount of glee. As they left, Patricia saw in the room next to them all three boys strapped to tables with a woman holding a scalpel standing over them. They were loudly sobbing while she told them to calm down and that it would be over soon. On the way back home Ken had been strangely silent. She still remembered the conversation. "What's wrong, honey?" she said. "The doctor...what she said in front of me... how could you do nothing?" he sobbed loudly. "Ken, we've gone over that many times. It just doesn't make any sense for me to get into a fight with some woman when she is acting in what is considered a normal way." Patricia replied evenly, in her most soothing tone of voice. "Normal!" he screamed. "What do you women want from men? You treat us worse than you would treat a slave! We are your sons, husbands, fathers and brothers! But you invade and mutilate our bodies and justify it on the basis of physical strength. And it only gets worse, it only gets worse..." Ken's voice trailed off as he completely broke down into tears. Patricia had silently driven the rest of the way home and tenderly carried the still-weeping Ken into the house and into the bedroom, where she gently made love to him even as he continued to cry. She held him tightly yet gently and rocked him to sleep. The next morning she had awoke to the rich smells of coffee and bacon as Ken served her breakfast in bed. He began to apologize for his remarks the previous day but she held up her hand signifying that he should stop. "Ken, darling, you were completely right in everything you said. I should have intervened with that doctor - frankly I should have kicked her ass" Patricia said apologetically. "No Patricia, you are right." Ken paused as he sipped his coffee. "The way things are in the world right now it would be foolish for you to try to change women's minds one at a time. I realize that things won't change in my lifetime but maybe one day it will get better for men. But I also realize that things will probably get worse before they get better." He got into bed and went to Patricia who put her arm around him protectively and squeezed him. She had vowed to herself then that she would help to change things. And now she knew just where to start. Diane came home from football practice and immediately went to the kitchen for a snack. She opened the refrigerator and looked around, then not seeing anyone watching, drank some orange juice from the carton. She went upstairs to her room and could hear her mom and Ken talking and then heard her mother say that she would have made it if at all possible. She couldn't understand why her mother took any crap from Ken - in fact, the idea of any woman worrying about what their husband wanted seemed like a pretty foreign concept to her. She also never could understand why a successful woman like her mom didn't get another husband or two Her mother suddenly appeared at her bedroom door. "How was football practice, Diane?" she asked. "Great, mom. Coach says she thinks I'm going to be the number one wide receiver and I'm sure to start at linebacker on defense." Diane said excitedly. "I'm proud of you. Look, something's on my mind and I want to talk to you about it over dinner. I've already told Ken not to wait dinner for us, so let's go." Patricia said. They went to a local steakhouse and ordered two large sirloins. Patricia noticed with amusement how her daughter was checking out their waiter's body. "Looks like he's pretty well hung to me." She laughed. "Aw mom, I wasn't looking." Diane protested. Then Patricia spoke in serious tone. "Diane, I need you to take Ken to his doctor's appointment on Wednesday." "God, mom, I don't want to do that. Isn't there some way you can take him - or let him go alone." Diane exclaimed. "Diane, I have a major fund-raiser that day and you know very well he can't go alone. Once and for all I want you to tell me what you have against Ken." Her daughter stubbornly looked away and refused to answer. Patricia suddenly thought of another way to approch the subject. "Diane, tell me, what do you think of Richard?" She asked her daughter. Of course, she knew the answer to her own question. Diane adored her stepbrother and was incredibly protective of him. She had made it known throughout school that any girl who was interested in dating Richard was going to have to win her approval first. "You know I think he's great, mom. I wish all the boys were like Richard but most of them are such pathetic wimps that" Patricia interrupted her daughter and said "like your stepfather, Ken, right." Diane was embarrassed and looked away. Patricia continue on and said "Diane, I love Ken. I know you think I should go out and get three husbands like most other successful women and I suspect you resent Ken for that fact alone. All I can say is that we have a relationship based on mutual resect and that's pretty rare these days. I don't want to have three husbands who are nothing more than glorified slaves." Patricia still wasn't sure she was getting through to her daughter. "You know, Diane, when your father was killed in that accident twelve years ago I was devastated. I was miserable for almost two years and then I met Ken and he helped me get my life back on track. I know how "politically incorrect" it is to talk like this but I think we women have made a terrible mistake in how we treat our men. And if we are going to take all their rights away we should at least make sure we protect them as much as possible." She then told Diane what had happened a year ago during Ken's last check-up. She looked at her daughter and said to her in a serious tone "I will never forgive myself for not telling that doctor off. I'm entrusting you to take your stepfather on Wednesday and I would hope that if anything like that were to happen you would handle it better than I did." There was an awkward silence which was interrupted as the waiter brought their steaks. They didn't talk much during the meal and went home immediately afterwards. When they got home, Patricia told Diane she had to go to her office and take care of some details she had forgotten about. Diane went into the house and found Ken in the kitchen where he was he and Richard were washing dishes. She touched Richard lightly on the arm and whispered "Richard, I need to talk to Ken. Do you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?" He smiled at Diane and left the room. Diane watched the handome boy from behind as he left the room and thought to herself "If only he weren't my stepbrother." "Ken, I need to talk with you." She began. Ken turned to face her and keeping his eyes lowered said in a low voice "What is it, mistress?" When Diane had turned fourteen a year and a half ago, she decided that she wanted her stepfather to treat her like a man was required to treat any woman of age, keeping his eyes down, calling her mistress, and not speaking unless first spoken to. It was a little unusual but not unheard of for a man to have to do this in private to members of his own family, but Diane was still well within her rights to require it. Diane looked over at Ken and said somewhat haltingly "Call me Diane, please. And you can look me in the eyes, we're family." Ken stared at her in amazement and began to speak "But I thought that you wanted me to" Diane quickly cut him off and said "I want to apologize for the way I've acted toward you for the past few years. You've always treated me well and my mom loves you so much and I've been such a..." She stopped in embarassment and walked over to Ken and hugged him. "I'm sorry, DAD" she whispered. Ken returned the embrace and started to cry. A field trip! "Where do you think they are taking us?" Richard asked his best friend Frank. "I hope it's to the museum in the city" "Who cares" Frank had whined. "Probably just taking us to another place where women can boss us around." Richard had to admit to himself that tenth grade was proving to be considerably less fun than he had thought it would be. He and his friends had been excited at the thought of going to a new school in a new part of town. But he knew things would be different the first day when all the boys were herded into the school auditorium and given a lecture by Mr. Robbins, one of the teachers. He began to read from a list of rules that each boy had been given. All females of any age in the school were to be addressed as "Mistress". No talking unless first spoken to by a male teacher or any female. Never initiate a conversation with a female. All classrooms used by females were off-limits and it was absolutely forbidden to enter the gym and weight rooms. They were given a quick tour of the school and then went into the cafeteria. They were told they could sit at any of the tables in areas A, B and C. All areas A-H were available to women. They were then brought back to the auditorium where the principal, Ms. Colewoman, spoke to them. She spoke sternly to them, warning them the rules Mr. Robbins had read to them would be strictly enforced. She expected them to take their classes seriously and not daydream, as so many men were prone to do. Then when they graduated they would have the necessary skills to make good husbands. She strode confidently out of the room and Mr. Robbins once again arose to address the boys. Before you proceed to your classes, one more piece of advice - keep your mouth shut and your eyes down. These are the two most important things a boy can do in today's world. Tenth grade was also the year where girls and boys began to take different classes. Of course the girls took college prep classes which obviously would not apply to the boys, college having long since been outlawed for men. Richard had a fairly typical schedule. One hour of mixed academics (practical math, writing and reading), the two hour required course Running a Successful Household, elective courses in Basics of Nursing and Ballet, and two more required courses, Personal Hygiene, and Secrets to a Successful Sexual Relationship. Later that afternoon Richard had noticed the sharp differences in the way girls and boys walked through the halls. Girls strode through the halls with supreme confidence and enthusiasm, talking and laughing loudly, while the boys shuffled silently by with their heads down. When he and his friend Frank had tried to ask one of the eleventh grade boys about it, he had looked at them with a pained expression on his face and said that they would find out soon enough for themselves. Richard handed his bag to the driver and got on the bus. Mr. Robbins had even told them that the no-talking rules would be relaxed during the trip. They had all been told to pack for two nights and that their destination was Adamsville, a small suburb of Phoenix. Richard could hardly contain his excitement when he had told his stepmother, dad, and stepsister Diane. They all had been strangely quiet saying they were sure he would have a nice time. Diane had started to say something but his stepmother had just shaken her head. What a super family he had, Richard thought. Most of his friends complained bitterly about their mothers and sisters, usually with good reason. He and Diane talked all the time and she constantly watched out for him. For his part, he idolized his younger stepsister. Only a tenth grader, she was possibly the strongest girl in the school, already able to bench-press over 450 lbs. The trip to Adamsville took about two hours. When they arrived they were told that their bags would be taken to their rooms later and were directed to a meeting room. They appeared to be at some type of hotel. As they left the bus, Richard noticed another group of boys exiting a bus and going to another of the meeting rooms. They entered the room and the door was closed behind them. Richard looked around and was startled to see the principal and football coach sitting in the front of the room. What in the world were they doing here, he wondered. The principal rose and began to speak to the boys. She told them that she had received some very good reports on the progress of the boys from their teachers. However, she was disturbed by what she was hearing about their performance in one of the classes, Secrets to a Successful Sexual Relationship. Richard had trouble believing what he was hearing. He and his friends were amazed that they were forced to take the class at all, much less spend an hour and a half a day in it. The entire class consisted of rehashing various ways in which a man could please a woman. The principal then told them that she considered that course to be one of the most important courses they would ever take. Well, I can tell from the looks on the faces I see that you don't believe me she told the class. Maybe all you need is a more practical demonstration. Suddenly the lights went out. This was getting weird Richard thought. He heard some noises and then some whispering and the lights came on again. With a big grin on her face, the football coach said, "Boys, I would like you to meet some of the members of the Cedar Heights football team." She pointed to the back of the room. The boys turned to look and saw twelve of the largest high school girls they had ever seen. And then all hell broke loose. The girls let out a yell and rushed the boys, each grabbing two or three by the hair. They threw them to the ground and dragged the weeping, screaming boys out of the room. As he was being dragged through the halls, Richard looked around and noticed that the scene appeared to be repeated throughout that entire floor of the hotel. He could hear screams and cries throughout the whole building and suspected there were hundreds of boys in the same situation he was in. Finally, he and the two other boys being dragged along with him were taken into a room and thrown onto the bed. Their female captor stood above them and spoke in a calm though intense voice. "OK, boys, let's get to know each other a little. Take your time, we have all weekend" she said with a giggle. With that, Paul, the boy on Richard's right, began to cry. He was rewarded with a sharp slap to the face. The girl chuckled and said, "Well, I guess I'll start. My name is Sharon and I will be your entertainment coordinator for the weekend. By the way, you may call me Mistress Sharon. Each time you address me in any other fashion, I will let you know about it." "Let's begin with lesson number one - all three of you get your clothes off this minute." The three boys nervously looked at each other. Sharon calmly went over to Jason, the largest of the three, grabbed him and ripped his clothes to shreds in about two minutes. She reached over and took his balls in her hand and squeezed them painfully. He gasped and winced over in pain. "Next time you'll be curled up in a ball if you don't obey my commands immediately. This is not a game, you little assholes. Someday you will be married and if you think your wife will stand for this type of attitude, you're sadly mistaken. Only she will be in a better position to do something about it, if you catch my drift." Sharon laughed as she made snipping motions with an imaginary pair of scissors. Then with a snarl she said, "So get moving or so help me God I'll rip your balls right off and stuff them down your throat." "Now, let me fill you in on some of the ground rules around here, boys. It is now 3 PM on Friday. You won't be needing any clothes until Sunday at the earliest. You won't be leaving this room the entire weekend - if you do you will wish you hadn't. Now we are going to play a little game here. We are going to pretend that you are my three husbands and I am your wife. So basically you are going to obey my commands. And all I can say is heaven help you if you don't. Rule number two is don't speak unless I ask you to speak. And rule number three is" she paused for emphasis "KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN" she bellowed, and quickly slapped each boy hard across the face. Jason and Paul immediately began to sob which led to another round of slaps. She began to take off her clothes and Richard could not believe her muscles. She was nearly as big as some of the professional bodybuilders he had seen. When she was completely naked, she lay down on the bed, and putting Jason and Paul in a headlock using her enormous biceps, commanded them to each suck on a breast. They immediately complied and she began to make moans of pleasure. She then grabbed Richard by the hair and shoved his face into her pussy. "You better do a good job, wimp. Just remember that the future of your balls might depend on how much you paid attention in class." Sharon told him this in a purring, sultry voice. Richard had no doubt in his mind as she clamped her legs around his neck, covering his ears and eyes at the same time. He tried to remember what they had said in class about eating a woman's pussy. He used his tongue and his lips and his nose, and he could hear her coming time after time. After what seemed like an eternity, she released her hold and he opened his eyes. The next few hours were more of the same. She forced the boys to do anything she wanted, constantly making them switch positions. Finally she released all three of them and got up and stretched. They looked up at her pleadingly as if to say what now? For their troubles, each of them got another sharp slap, this time drawing blood from Jason. "KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN, YOU LITTLE SLUTS" Sharon screamed. Continuing her thoughts in a somewhat calmer tone, she explained "Have you dumb bitches ever wondered why we women tell you to keep your eyes down? Because we want you to - that's why. And that should be more than enough for you pathetic stupid-ass males!" Sharon looked at her watch and then picked up the phone. She dialed a number and ordered two large pizzas with the works and a few bottles of coke. She turned to the boys and explained to them the course of the next half hour. "It's 7:30 PM now - the pizzas should be here by 8 PM. In the meantime, I'm going to catch a quick shower." The boys looked a little relieved by the assumed break. But then she spoke again "You each have five minutes of time for yourself. But I don't want you to be bored so I have a little activity planned for you afterwards. I think you all need a little practice with your tongues - so form a triangle and suck each other's cock. If I come out of the shower and I see a mouth not around a dick, you'll be very sorry." She headed toward the bathroom and laughed aloud as she said "Might as well make it good - you better get used to a blowjob from a man because you sure as hell will never get one from your wife." Sharon returned from her shower and surveyed the situation. All three boys had formed a triangle and each had a cock in their mouth. She got up on the bed and stood over them and then said in a loud voice "Not too bad. But I don't think you're trying very hard. You each have five minutes to make you partner come. For each minute extra, we will extend tonight's little session another fifteen minutes." The three boys began to desperately work their mouths and within three minutes each one had come. "Now be good little boys and swallow" Sharon commanded. They quickly obeyed her. As a reward, she left them alone for the next half hour as they ate their pizza. She went into the bathroom and considered her next move. She remembered what they had told her in the brief class they had given for this Rite of Passage. No injuries, a little pain and a lot of humiliation. She started to wonder whether the surprise Lisa had for Sunday was going too far - it sounded like a lot of pain and the potential for injuries. Sometimes she wasn't sure she had the stomach for this sort of thing - for instance, she thought Richard was kind of a nice boy, good looking, too. She just wondered what he had done to deserve the fate he would receive the next three days, especially Sunday. But there was no turning back at this point. She went back out and told the boys that she was heading out for a beer with her friends. She would be back by 9:30 PM, in 45 minutes. The room had better be spotless and each boy should shower and shave. Since that should only take thirty minutes and she didn't want them to be idle for the other fifteen, she told them to masturbate each other for fifteen minutes after she left. She turned to leave, knowing that they were so terrified of her by now that there was no question as to whether they would follow her orders. Still, she wanted to be sure so she got a drinking glass and told she would expect them to fill it up. "And it better not be water!" she said with a laugh as she turned and left. She went to the hotel bar to meet her friends, most of whom had already shown up. They were all telling stories about what they had done to the boys in their charge. They even met a group of girls from Mexico who were on the Mexican version of The Rite of Passage. It was interesting to get a different perspective as these girls explained that each of them had five boys in their charge. They also felt that American men had it far too easy - for example, they related how Mexican men would never be allowed to sleep in the same bedroom as their wife. They slept in a small dormitory with bunk beds and were locked in each night. And this business about taking them out to eat and going to shows and movies. Mexican women belived that if a man didn't have a job, he should never be out of the house. Sharon walked back to the room and could hear whispering. As she entered the room the three boys immediately fell silent and lowered their eyes. She debated whether she should punish them for talking but decided against it. She walked over to Jason and in a rough voice said "Where is it, you little wimp?" In a cracking voice he meekly replied "In the bathroom, Mistress Sharon." She went to the bathroom and saw that they had complied with her orders. She flushed its contents down the toilet and returned to the room. She walked over to the bed where the boys were quivering in fright. She felt each boy's chin and then said in a loud voice "Good job on the face, you three. But I guess I forgot to tell you I meant all your body hair. Oh well, I guess now I know what we can do this evening." She ordered the boys into the bathroom and told them to each lather up their pubic hair. A few minutes later she joined them and proceded to shave off the pubic hair of all three of the whimpering boys. Before she began, she told the boys that she was going to masturbate each of them as she finished and she would time them. The slowest boy to come would receive a special punishment. She finally finished their entire bodies just before midnight and looked over at her handiwork. She could see how humiliated the boys were - this fifteen year old girl doing whatever she wanted to three eighteen year old boys (Boys started school three years later than girls). She had gotten the idea for this from her mother, who periodically shaved her husbands bodies. Sharon told them it was time for bed and they should go brush their teeth. She grabbed Jason by the hair as he turned away and roughly said "Where do you think you're going? Jason stammered "To brush my teeth like you said, Mistress Sharon." "You were the slowest, boy. I told you there would be a punishment." With that she walked over to the corner where her bag was and retrieved the smaller of the two anal plugs. No sense in overdoing it , she thought. Not considering what these boys had to look forward to on Sunday. She inserted the plug and could see the initial pain and shock on the boy's face. She told the three boys it was time for bed and showed them the small folded cot which they would share. She would take the king-size bed, of course. Sharon couldn't sleep. She was beginning to have severe feelings of guilt. She knew that she could not continue to abuse these boys any longer. She also was feeling increasingly attracted to Richard. She finally decided that she would have to talk to him in private. She entered the room and quietly got him out of bed and led him to the bathroom. She shut the door and ran the water. He kept his eyes down but began to back away from her. She reached over and put her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss. Initially he struggled but soon returned her kiss with equal passion. They pulled away from each other and she looked at him and simply said "I'm sorry". "What do you mean?" he replied. "I'm sorry for everything. For what I've done and what I will do." Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she repeated her apology. She then told Richard the whole purpose of The Rite of Passage. How it was meant to break a man's will forever and force him to accept the subservient role that women had placed men in. "I'm strong enough to deal with that" Richard said. "You haven't heard what is planned for Sunday morning" Sharon replied. When she told him, Richard began to quiver and looked as if he would cry. "We have to figure out a way to get you out of this." Sharon said. "There's no way to get out of it at this point. Just knowing you will be there helps a little." Richard told her. For the rest of the weekend, Sharon pretty much let the boys do as they wanted. No more training at all. Jason and Paul could not understand it but certainly were not going to complain. She and Richard made love several times in the bathroom while the other boys watched television. On Sunday morning she brought the boys to a special meeting room. All 36 of the boys and the twelve girls were in the room. The long narrow room contained a chalkboard and twelve king size beds. Richard could only imagine the hell the other boys had faced during the weekend. What they experienced today would make Friday and Saturday look like a picnic in the park. The girls went to the front of the room and one got up and spoke. She told the boys that her name was Lisa and the bus would be coming soon and their field trip was over. As horrible as their weekend had been, most of the boys let out a sigh of relief that it would finally be over. For all of them, Saturday had been the far and away single worst day of their young lives. From seven in the morning until midnight with just a few breaks for food, they had been forced to engage in every sex act they had learned in their classes and many they had never heard of. The boys were starting to understand part of the purpose of the weekend was to let them get an idea of the control that women had over men - if fifteen and sixteen year old girls could do this to them, imagine what power their wives would have over them. Lisa told the boys that she and the girls would be leaving and driving their van back to school. As she turned to leave she told them that she just remembered that the van had broken down. Any suggestions, she asked the boys. Feel free to speak, she told them. Several suggested public transportation. Great idea, Lisa told them. I would love to ride a train, she said. Only problem was that there was no train in that area. How about if we make our own train, she told the boys. You'll be the cars and me and my friends will ride you. Several of the boys began to cry as the implications of that remark became clear. Lisa barked out an order "OK boys, you know the drill. Get your clothes off and stand in front of the beds in groups of three. And please don't make me and my friends drag you over because we won't be nearly as nice as we were last time." When this was accomplished a girl joined each threesome and forced the three boys so they were face down on the bed, side-by-side-by-side. At this point most of the boys were weeping uncontrollably at the thought of what was about to happen to them. "I think we should now briefly go over the rules" Lisa told the terrified boys. "There are 36 cars in this train and me and my friends intend to ride each and every one of them. We'll ride them in order and if any one of you gets up we will start over from the beginning. You will not speak at any time and you will do everything asked of you. Unfortunately the ride may be somewhat rough because we ran out of lubricant last night." Lisa chuckled as she made last remark and the other girls began to laugh. She then told the boys to get off their beds and take at look at the prospective riders. The boys stood up and saw that each of the girls sported a very large strap-on dildo. In a loud voice, Lisa said "Just for your info, these dildos range from seven to eighteen inches, with each being one inch longer than the next. I've decided that each stop should be five minutes long, so with 36 cars we can expect to be here a large part of the day. And, by the way, if we like it enough, we might just take more than one ride. We're ready to begin now, so get your asses back into position." The boys laid face down on the beds. Lisa got on top of the first boy and began to thrust in and out with all her might. He screamed and howled in pain almost as soon as she started. She and the other girls made it a point to pull out agonizingly slow and then ram it back in as hard as possible. For the next four hours or so all one could hear were screams and cries from 36 boys as each one was brutally raped by the twelve girls. The boys were who were last in order had to wait more than two hours before the girls came to them. These truly were the longest two hours of their lives as they sobbed in anticipation of their fate. Some of the girls would reach under and grab a boy's penis with one hand while simultaneously yanking his head back by pulling on his hair with the other hand as they entered them. Since they were going in order the girls could compare notes with each other as they went along, and several kept up a running commentary, even making jokes. As the last girl finally pulled out and finished up, Lisa made an announcement "OK, boys it's all over. Not a bad little ride. Now I and the girls are going to personally help each and every one of you to get up." Most of the boys were a complete mess, black and blue over large portions of their body. Many of them were bleeding, some of them badly. They could barely stand and almost all of them could not stop crying. After helping them up, the girls assembled at the front of the room. Lisa grinned widely and then said to the boys "Someday maybe you'll look back on this with fond memories. I know we certainly will." The girls high fived each other and left the room. On the way out they passed several male teachers waiting to enter the room. "They're all yours" Lisa said with a smirk. The teachers were shocked when they saw the conditions that the boys were in. They helped to clean them up and brought them to a waiting bus. Each boy was given a powerful sedative which put them into a deep sleep. When they arrived back at the school their mothers or other female guardians were there to help them into one of the classrooms where a doctor would check them out. Patricia and Diane were horrified when they saw the condition of Richard and the other boys. Diane immediately promised Patricia that she would find out where the girls were from who were responsible for this and would exact some revenge. She expected her mother to tell her that revenge would solve nothing but she surprised her by saying "I fully expect you to. And when you do, just remember how your stepbrother looks right now." Diane could see that there were tears in her mother's eyes. Just then the doctor came by to check Richard out. "Will he be all right, doctor" Patricia asked, with obvious concern in her voice. "He will be with some rest and attention" the doctor replied icily. "Is there something wrong, doctor?" Patricia asked. "I recognize you, Ms. Morris, from the debates. It's women like you, with your attitudes, that are responsible for the condition of these boys. Every year things are getting worse. I used to understand the reasons for the Rite of Passage. But today I just sent three of these boys to the hospital with severe bleeding. We seem to have raised a generation of young women who are animals - and it's getting worse each year because of people like you." the doctor exclaimed. "It's not what you think at all, doctor" Patricia replied in a low voice. "Do you think I'm not sick when I look at my stepson and the rest of these boys?" She then began to explain how her positions were a ruse to win a senate seat, where she hoped to be able to effect some changes. The doctor looked at Patricia and spoke in a confidential tone "Ms. Morris, if that's true then you have my full support. I'm not some sort of wild-eyed supporter of men's rights - if I gave my husbands a permit to go into town each time they asked for one I would never see them, but I love my husbands and sons. And it tears me up to think that my sons might end up married to women like the animals who did this to these poor boys. And I'm not alone in this - a lot of my colleagues feel the same way. Something is terribly wrong with our society when something like this - she pointed to the scenes of boys sobbing in pain and humiliation - is sanctioned by the schools. I will make an official report and see if there is any way to have the principal and other authorities in charge held responsible. But we both know the possibility of that happening are almost zero - they will just use the old girls will be girls excuse." Patricia handed the doctor her card and said "Doctor, I think we should talk about this some more. Women like you can help to make a difference. Please give me a call when you get a chance." To be continued...