Cross your Heart By FoX ================================= CHAPTER 3 ================================= Jen and Kim woke up early the next morning and met in Kim's room. The room was almost completely dark until Kim turned on a small lamp sitting on a headstand in the corner of the room. Kim took a look at Jen's face. She looked the same there. Her view ran all the way down to Jen's waist. She was completely normal, from when Kim knew her. Then Kim looked at Jen's lower body. Kim could tell that her hips we're definately more spread out, her thighs we're longer and more curved (along with her calves), and then could tell her feet we're much bigger. She was very close to Kim's own mother right now. Kim walked over to her chest of drawers and went through the lower drawer. She pulled out the longest pair of pants she could find. "Ok Jen, this is the largest pair I got. It's a 36x34 pair." Jen took the pair of pants from her friend and struggled to get her 30x30 off of her enlarged lower body. She unbuttoned it and lowered the zipper then started pulling her pants down. She almost had it going down smoothly but then got it stuck on her hips. Kim looked at Jen's stretched underwear. Through the pants, Kim could see the most apparent sign of Jen's new found maturity, at least for the lower part of her body. Jen then started stretching her legs apart and wedged the pants down her legs, finally able to get them off. Jen took the pants from her friend and slide them on easily. There was no differance in her now except for the fact that she was taller, but not much. "Well, I don't think anyone will notice. What about you Kim?" "Nope, now we just need to get you some bigger shoes. I don't think that your's are going to fit anymore." "No....I don't think so." "Then all we need to figure out is how much bigger your gonna get. The girl in the bus loop was awfully big, and she did have a panther tatoo. You still have a long way to go before you catch up with her, and chances are....she's changing at this very moment." Jen ran her hands down her hips, feeling the enlonged curves of her lower body while thinking about her adversary. Jen began to wonder if the entire situation was worth it. She looked down at her feet, twitched her toes and then watched as Kim pulled a pair of size 11 shoes out of her closet. "Well, they're Nike, I bought them just because of the design. But I guess you can wear them" Jen and Kim put on their backpacks and started downstairs. Their father waited for them at the bottom of the stairs. Jen looked clear over Kim's head to her step-father, this was something that she was going to have to get used to, along with her longer stride due to her longer legs. As they we're heading outside the door, their father turned to them. "Geeze, you two look like you get taller everyday." Kim just closed the door behind them. "Kim, do you think that he noticed?" "I hope not" On the bus to school, Jen noticed that some of the people definately noticed her height change. She felt awkward having her head so close to the roof of the bus when she walked to her seat, but there was nothing that she could do about it. Class that day went normal. Her bus ride home was going fine until she looked down at her hand. Her nails we're getting longer. She looked at Kim, tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at her other hand. Kim leaned closer to Jen, and moved her lips by her ear. "Damn Jen, hold it off for a sec, we're almost there." Their bus stop was approaching when Jen felt another shock. The bus pulled over and then Jen and Kim ran off. No one else got off of at their bus stop. Jen held off her second growth as long as possible until the bus started turning the corner. Then she couldn't hold it anymore. Her fingers stretched longer, then her forearms and upper arms followed. Her shoulders then spread out, her back grew wider giving her the pear-shaped figure. Her sleves pulled past her shoulders. Then her torso grew taller, her flat, but firm abs became visible as her teeshirt pulled higher. "Come on Jen, the bus is stuck we can't let anyone see you." Jen's hair grew longer until it touched her ankles. Then her breasts started growing. They started becoming fuller, and larger. What started as small humps on her chest became small orbes then got even bigger. Her training bra was pulling tighter and tigher. Then her breasts stopped growing. They we're the size of some of the seniors in High School now. Then a voice was heard but it wasn't the white figures.... "I'm looking forward to our battle Jen, It'll be just a few days until we see how powerful you are." An evil laungh was heard until it faded. Jen and Kim just looked at each other in horror of what they just heard. Jen then glanced at her breasts as they hanged from her chest. She had to think of something, but she was empty, she needed power and fast. Continued in Chapter 4............