Ch'Krasa'Kth by Hex119 A metaphysical female muscle growth story [This story deals with explicit sexual situations, and thus should only be viewed by those who are legally and spiritually capable of dealing with such impressions responsibly. Also, metaphysical or mystical matters receive a certain amount of attention within this tale, and the appropriate cautions apply. Do What Thou Wilt. The author is not, nor has ever been, an Initiate or Associate member of any Thelemic order, and he has obtained the elements of this story from reading documents available to the public.] This is a journal of my experiments so far with a strange sort of energy known as Ch'Krasa'Kth. I do not know how I came upon the discovery of this energy during the summer of 1998, nor do I know where the information came from, exactly. Also, for reasons of safety, that of myself as well as of the world and the arcane source of my information, I will not go into all the details of the process by which Ch'Krasa'Kth came to me and my family, blessed it beyond bounds, produced bliss beyond measure. It will suffice to give the general outline of the unbelievable events of the past month. Indeed, the exact details are probably only describable in an exoteric sense. Ch'Krasa'Kth is sexual energy, holy sexual energy, manifest in a fashion heretofore undocumented in any collection of arcana I have seen. I had read many of the books of Master Therion, of which much has been said, positively and negatively, elsewhere. I was anxious to attempt a real practice of magickal art based on what I had read. However, I had some obstacles to overcome. The first was my religion: I was a devout Christian, and, though I knew in my heart that the teachings of Thelema struck a profound resonance with the truths the church had taught me from my childhood, I also knew in my heart that outward expressions of my interest in the law of Do What Thou Wilt would cause great troubles in my spiritual journey among my fellow human beings. The second obstacle was my wife Shannon. Gorgeous, stately, and smart as a whip (yet still wondrously fun-loving), she did not share my views on religion, in particular the metaphysical and esoteric tangents which I enjoyed pursuing, but which put her in constant fear that I was going to "freak out" in some form, to use her words. In any case, one night as I was downstairs and she was upstairs, I opened my briefcase of "weird books" and pulled out my copy of "The Self-Initiate's Book of Deceit". I opened the book at random and found myself looking at the following words: "What do I yearn for? There is no energy, no entity, to which I do not surrender myself entirely. Whoever will, consume me!" Just then, Shannon's voice came from upstairs, saying, "Are you coming to bed?" "Yes, dear," I said, my thoughts racing. Sometime earlier during the evening I had slowed my breathing, as I had learned to do in meditative practice and was accustomed to doing before bedtime as a mental, stress, and sleep aid, and now the words I had read and the call of my sweet wife combined in my mind and heart to produce something swirling and indescribable, verbal and non-verbal--and quite sexy. I walked upstairs, firmly convinced that my wife wanted me to make love to her. I was also equally convinced that the words I had just read were combining with her words in a strangely but decidedly erotic fashion. I did not know what would happen if we made love, but I was happy and excited and eager to find out. Somehow I was certain it would be unlike any coitus we had ever shared before then. My wife was a woman of average strength, but she had suffered during the most recent years of our five-year marriage from a rare muscle disease that, though not severe or chronic, decreased the amount that she could exercise with comfort. However, she always seemed eager to exercise in the bedroom, so to speak, and as I entered the bedroom, with the words from the book and from her lips swirling about in my mind and soul, her 36-27-38 frame pretty much sent my eagerness skyrocketing. It must have been visible, for she pointed to the bulge in my pants and said "Ooh!" in a playful voice. "Sweetie, I've been thinking of you all night," I replied in explanation, for, in truth, I had been. Everything I do is permeated both with thoughts of the Divine and of my beloved. I know that sounds corny, but there it is. She was sitting propped up in bed, reading a catalog we had received. I quickly undressed and put on my pajamas. "You're pitching a tent," she said. I looked at her with those gorgeous breasts and that sweet, gentle body and nodded. As I nodded, I believe the center tent pole raised the roof a bit. I came to bed and lay beside her with the campsite firmly established, so to speak. She ran her finger along the crotch of my pajamas, caressing my penis through the cloth, and said, "You wanna do something about this?" I restrained myself from saying the immediate "Hell, yes!" that came to mind, because I felt the swirling, mixed words tugging at my consciousness, my volition. "Oh, my love," I said, "I think tonight I want to try taking it ve-e-e-ery slowly. If you don't mind." I noticed how hard and thick I was and added, "I'll try not to make you too sore." "Woof. You have a major case of penis giganticus there," she said humorously, using one of our pet phrases (we have some pretty damn weird pet phrases). "Yes, and I don't want to hurt you with it. It's just the mood I'm in, from thinking of you and looking at you." "Oh, honey, don't worry. I'd love to be stronger for you. Just take it really slow, like you said." The suggestion sounded like absolute heaven to me, even though desire was roaring in my ears and loins along with the chorus of Thelemic and Shannon-spoken words in my inner being. I found the package of condoms under the bed, removed my pajama pants, slipped one on, and lubricated it with plenty of K-Y. Then I wiped the excess off my hands, turned toward Shannon and kissed her cheek. She turned toward me and kissed me full in the mouth, then reached down and pulled off her panties, raising the hem of her silken nightgown. I kissed her mouth more fully, our tongues exploring each other with that magnificent taste of desire lingering between us, a taste of carbon dioxide, more smelled than on the tongue. I slowly moved to lower myself on top of her (we've always been more than satisfied with the Missionary Position, although sometimes I've let my mind fantasize about other possibilities. As I gradually placed my cock where her hands were helping guide it, its tip parted the lips of her pussy and she uttered the "woof!" she always does when I have an especially large erection and need to be particularly gentle. I reminded myself to be slow and easy, which was somewhat difficult because now the sounds from my soul were positively thundering. To quiet the tumult in my consciousness, and to establish a slow in-out rhythm as we began to fuck, I kissed her lightly and repeatedly on the lips. As Shannon responded eagerly to my kisses and said, "You can move a little further in if you want," I closed my eyes, made my motions longer but even slower, and began repeating a Sufi prayer in my mind. Don't ask me why I did this; I don't even know myself. It was the chant which goes, "Toward the One, the perfection of love, harmony and beauty, the only Being, together with all those illuminated souls who form the embodiment of the Teacher, the spirit of guidance." It helped keep me calm, and my motions did not exceed a rhythm that was bringing Shannon comfort. In fact, she was quite pleased with the motion and the pace, and was adding to the strokes with vigorous thrusts of her hips. Suddenly, out of the blue, I said to her, "Shannon, my love, with every stroke, I want to pour sweetness into your body. I want it to penetrate every muscle and fiber in your body, bringing wholeness to your entire self. This is what I want every inch of my cock to bring you." Somehow she was not baffled by this. She moaned in pleasure and replied with what for her was an unusual exclamation: "Curtis, my heaven-sent, somehow this love, unhhhh, somehow it feels electric, like the healing and wholeness you're talking about is really happening. Ohh, baby, yess, slow down. . . yes, way down. . . yes, just let your hugeness be right there, all the way in, just let it sit." I was marvelling at her words, for this was exactly how I felt the lovemaking should progress. She continued, and I marvelled more: "Yes, mmmmmnnh, yess, so deep, so big! Somehow I get the feeling I could even wish for something off it, if I just hold it here. Would you think I was crazy? No, don't move it, just hold it there, all big and so, so hard!" "No, I wouldn't think so," I said, and we kissed, wrapping our tongues hotly and eagerly around all portions of each other's mouths. Then I added, "You turn me on so that I could keep myself rock-hard like this, inside you, forever. And I want you to wish on it. Say what you will, and we'll see what happens." "I want to be strong for you," she said, and began very slowly thrusting against me again. "No, don't move, let me do it all. I wish to be strong for you, and for me, as strong as it is right for me to be--I can't believe these are the words I want to say; am I stoned? MmmmmMMMNNHH! I want to be strong and free of pain, I want to blossom, I want to be everything you ever wanted in a lover, and everything I ever needed in myself." She sighed deeply, shuddered, and said, "Curtis, please, move now, fuck me harder than you've ever done in your life!" As I eagerly sped up my motion, keeping it deep and steady, I felt the muscles of her pussy clench around my cock like little fingers, bringing a cataclysmic orgasm closer and closer to reality for both of us. "Pierce me with your love! I'm your wife, I'm your destiny, we are one, we are dying inside and around each other! Oh, my god, I've never felt so alive!!!" As we fucked (if you could still call it that, for it felt so transcendent that each and every nerve in me was tingling to the point of semi-consciousness), my body and hers molded over each other, both in eager motion, our muscles clenching and relaxing, our rhythms matching each other in a delicous fashion. I wanted it to go on for hours, and so did she, it seemed. In a fashion I had never experienced before (nor she, apparently, for I had married her when she was still a virgin), she took control of my orgasm with the inner muscles of her glorious cavern, grasping the tip of my cock with muscle-fingers when I was about to explode and moving in just the exact way to prevent the orgasm from happening until her own vagina permitted it. The condom was barely perceptible, so wondrous were the sensations from her muscles around my cock. Then I noticed something unexpected was happening. The muscles of her body were tensing and moving in a way that was gradually raising my own body higher in the bedspace atop her. I didn't understand this until I realized, out loud, "My God, you're growing!" She gasped as we continued, "Yes, oh, God, yes, I am, yes!" as if she had detected it too. She added, "It was the wish, it was the prayer, it's getting answered, fuck me faster, oh, God, oh Lord, oh Jesus, oh Curtis, the world is full of the love we're making right noooooow!" I began running my hands over her arms and chest as we continued loving, and made contact with her thighs as well. The muscles were indeed growing. My love's body was transforming somehow into that of a super-athlete, or a bodybuilder. This was a wish-fulfillment beyond my wildest dreams, and as her pussy muscles, also growing but sensitive to my presence within her and manipulating me like no hand could, finally let me come (for they were spasming with orgasm as well), the sensation and the excitement finally overcame my conscious mind, and I passed out. I think we *both* did. Somehow I had the sensation that our bodies were suspended in space, still joined. In my mind's eye there was no condom separating us, no nightgown or pajamas covering us, as we floated through a starry expanse. I heard a voice from all directions say, "The power called Ch'Krasa'Kth is now open to you. Do not accept it if you feel it is a demon. Do not mock it regardless of what you feel. Cherish it if you decide to keep it." A force without feeling made our bodies separate and move to where I could see her, full length, naked and beauteous before me. As had been happening before this vision began, her muscles were growing. Biceps were becoming huge, smooth, symmetric, as were her forearms. Her shoulders became strong, powerful and wonderfully large, but seemingly in a wave that flowed to the expanding muscles down her back, which fanned out in a fashion I could see and appreciate from the front. And down the front, her breasts pushed outward to accommodate another wave from the shoulders, this one causing the blossoming of the most gorgeous, strongest set of pectorals I had seen on any creature. I found myself irrationally wishing she could tit-fuck me (for I was feeling hard again in this dream-state) and then utterly destroy my cock and balls by crushing them between these titanic, tasty chest-boulders. Her abdomen was forming into such a thing of beauty, taking the back and chest muscles down in a wonderful tapering art-form to meet a still-skinny but lithe and powerful waist. Then her legs continued their transformation, the muscles striated and distinct, but so huge and so wonderful. I knew that if I touched any part of her, from her artistically-muscled hands and arms to her gorgeous face to her powerful feet, I would meet rock hardness. I felt I would also come again, right there in my dream. She spoke to me and to the void, then, her voice sounding far away: "Yes, oh, yes, I accept the gift, for it came from you and from my love, and I thank you, and will use it for good, and in gratitude, and will praise the Maker of all good things forever." Then the dream or vision ended. We both opened our eyes at the same time, as if we regained consciousness simultaneously. I marveled, looking at the woman on whom I lay and feeling her muscles. It had happened, just like in the vision. Only what I hadn't noticed is that her size, her height had grown as well. My head came to Shannon's breastbone, and my feet were touching her calves, right below the knee. We were smiling at each other, and then we both moved to sit up in bed beside each other and look all over her new muscles. "Ch'Krasa'Kth," she said in a gasping voice. I gasped too. "You had the vision?" "Yes. I accepted the gift." "This is absolutely incredible." She agreed, "It's a miracle." I looked at her seriously. "I want to make sure you're of good conscience about this. It was a very strange thing, like all that weird stuff I read ab--" "Curtis," she said, smiling and silencing me with a finger, connected to a hand, connected to an incredibly powerful and unbelievably huge, beautiful right arm, "I still believe as I believe. I have acted in good conscience, accepting this as coming from the One I worship. I will still worship Him and will use this new strength, this new body, and this new FREEEEEDOM!!! to do only what He wants, and what will please you." She looked down at my crotch, which had indeed recovered from its pre-vision expenditure. "And I know what will please you now." I am sure that you, reader of this journal, know as well. Peg whatever setting on your smut-o-meters that you wish. If I had time, I would exceed your imaginations. In the months to come, her new body (which, of course, necessitated a new wardrobe) was a source of joy for us. Sports and outdoor activities, once a door that had closed for us, now opened again, and her additional energies boosted mine. Also, she was a bit of a marvel to the people we encountered in our town and in our jobs, as well as at our place of worship. She never pursued celebrity for her muscles, and never gave her love to any but me, although she had many, many offers from men and women alike who found her incredible size and sensuality as erotic as I did. Her strength she put to work for the community, the church, and her own pleasure in ways that made me feel incredibly proud, and often incredibly puny, beside her. But always we loved each other and thanked each other and the forces of Heaven that had brought the gift of Ch'Krasa'Kth into our lives. One day she saw me quietly walking out to the mailbox with an envelope. "Whatcha mailing, sweetie?" she asked innocently. I blushed a little. "You know the prayer for strength that you got--that we got answered?" "Yes," she said, looking dubious, but raising one forearm to rest on her head, where I could watch the delicious, immense muscles of her arms and chest work as she flexed a bit, just to show off and flirt towards me. "Well, some of the weird metaphysical stuff I'd read kind of helped me get into the mindframe I was in that night when we made love. I feel kind of a gratitude toward the people who've written those teachings, and I just wanted to tell them so." "Okay," she said, smiling, but still dubious. "You're not freaking out on me, are you?" "No, my love. I am full of gratitude." I did not tell her of the Ordo Templi Orientis, nor of the anonymous cash gift to them that the envelope contained. She did not need to know. I just felt a deep thankfulness that extended to everyone who had helped me along the way.