A Burglar Surprised By ImP A burglar gets more than he expected. Des had expected it to be easy pickings breaking into Mrs Hardiman’s house. The eighteen-year-old was an experienced housebreaker despite his youth and he’d had his eye on the middle-aged divorcee’s house for some time. He knew that she went to work every day at eight-o-clock and didn’t come home again until nearly six in the evening; she was as regular as clockwork – it was a cinch. Except that he’d chosen just the wrong day, for today Liz Hardiman had decided to take the day off. Well it was such a glorious summer and a day in the garden was what was needed. But the habits of a lifetime being what they were she’d still risen early and set out at 8.00 for a walk and some shopping, and her unplanned early return had caught Des upstairs searching through her drawers. Des was completely taken by surprise when he heard the front door and he made a fatal mistake. Instead of escaping out through the bathroom window where he’d come in greed got the better of him; the carrier bag full of Liz Hardiman’s valuables was too tempting; he decided to go out through the front door. Now Liz may have been a woman in her mid-forties and seemed like a ‘push-over’ for the burly six-foot youth, but not only was she a keep- fit addict she was also an expert in self-defence. So when she’d recovered from her initial shock of seeing Des charging down the stairs towards her she didn’t panic, nor did she freeze in terror as Des had supposed but she stood her ground. Des couldn’t understand what was happening; one minute he was racing down the stairs looking to push this bitch out of the way, and the next he was flying through the air in some sort of judo throw. He landed heavily and painfully, the wind taken out of him, his right arm forced behind his back in Liz’s strong grasp. He tried to call out but Liz was in no mood for talking; she knew exactly what the young lout was doing, and when she saw her jewellery scattered on the floor she was determined to teach the bastard a lesson. For a few brief moments she gloried in the thought; this was what all those hours training had been for, to take some young man and completely humiliate him. He would suffer for all the wrongs she’d suffered at her ex-husband’s hands, and she was going to love it. Liz was ruthless and she had a cruel streak which those who worked for her could testify to. She forced Des’s arm back painfully then stamped on his other hand, his cries of agony satisfying her that it would be out of action for some time. A hard kick to his stomach sufficed to complete the winding that the throw had started and he lay on the floor gasping for breath. A further twist on his aching arm forced Des to lie flat on his stomach where he had to endure the torture of Liz grinding the heel of her stiletto into his back, his arm, his buttocks. He was now sobbing in agony and begging for release but Liz was deaf to his pleas and merely forced him over onto his back where she continued the torture, grinding her heel into his chest and stomach. She placed it on his groin and relished the look of terror on Des’s face. But she had already decided on another use for the young man’s cock and substituted a couple of hard kicks to the ribs for the threat of castration. “Get back up those stairs.” Liz’s voice was harsh and firm. Des tried to rise to his feet but was forced down by another twist on his arm. “On your knees bastard! Where you belong.” Slowly and painfully Des was forced back up the stairs, and into Liz’s recently ransacked bedroom, on his knees. Once there Liz knew exactly what she was going to do and dragging Des over to the dressing table she grabbed a pair of tights and expertly bound Des’s arms behind his back. Then roughly grabbing hold of his copious hair she forced him to look up into the mirror. A frightened tear-stained face was looking straight back at him. “Now you little shit you’re going to get the punishment of your life. When I’ve finished with you not only will you never break into another house again but you’ll quake with fear at the sight of a woman. Do you understand?” Des didn’t answer. Liz repeated the question with an angry tug on his hair. A feeble acknowledgement was all that he could manage. She pushed his head down over the dressing-table stool. “Stay there and don’t move.” Des heard Liz leave the room and rummage around in the bathroom nextdoor; after a few moments she returned. Des didn’t dare move his head but heard more sounds this time like someone undressing. “This is going to hot for both of us” her voice now calm and controlled, the sarcasm clear. “I’d better remove all your clothes.” Des’s horror grew as he felt his T-shirt cut off with a large pair of dressmaking scissors. And then followed by his shoes, socks and the belt of his jeans. Then very slowly Liz reached round him and unbuttoned his jeans and carefully slid them down his thighs before pulling them off completely. He felt the cold blade of a large pair of dressmaking scissors stroke across his thigh and almost lost control of himself in terror, but with a laugh Liz cut away his pants to leave him completely naked. Liz caressed his balls and stroked the length of his penis. “We’re going to have some fun. Or perhaps I should say that I’m going to have some fun. It will be no fun for you young man. The pleasure’s going to be all mine.” She stood and placed her bare foot on the stool next to his face. “Kiss it. Kiss my foot while I whip you arse.” Her voice was now strident and domineering. Before he could react Liz whipped the belt through the air bringing it down with a crack on Des’s bare backside. The pain shot through him like an electric shock. The command was repeated and Liz forced her foot into his face. Reluctantly Des kissed her foot and, unasked, sucked on her toe. Liz launched into the whipping with relish landing blow and blow on his backside sending the pain searing through him. All Des’s willpower was gone; he was utterly humiliated. All he could do now was to accept his punishment at the hands of this powerful and dominant woman. A woman old enough to be his mother, older than his own mother in fact. One who was no abject member of a weaker sex but a cruel and dominant woman who demanded, and received, worship and obedience. And a woman whose lusts and demands were far in excess of those of any callow teenager, as Des was about to learn. Des may have lost count of the blows that fell upon his naked buttocks but Liz didn’t. She counted out ten hard lashes and saw the red welts rise on Des’s poor backside. The sucking on her toe was pleasant but now Liz wanted something more to satisfy herself. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Des towards her. He looked up and saw, but scarcely took in, her naked body. An unbiased observer would have seen a figure that was in far better shape than its forty-odd years was entitled to be, with small firm breasts, a trim waist, and broad hips that guarded a neat pubic brush. But Des was no unbiased observer; all that he saw were those middle-aged thighs opening and felt his head forced forward between them. He did not need to be told what to do, nor did raise any objections; he was beyond all self-respect and control. He did just what Liz wanted; he licked. And he licked, and he licked. Scarcely able to breathe as his tongue found her hard little clitoris he licked. And Liz was demanding pulling him onto her with her hands, gripping him with her strong thighs, she ground her face into his. Temporarily satisfied she pushed him away smirking at his flushed face while he panted heavily. Her foot reached out and found his manhood with her long toes, he started to grow erect as she knew he would. Des was her plaything, completely in her power. “Over here” she indicated her lap and Des compliantly lay across her thighs positioned with his cock between them. Liz reached into her bedside drawer and took out some cream. It was cooling to Des’s bottom and for a moment he thought that his torture was at an end, but he was not so deluded for long. He felt the cream massaged into his buttocks and then around his anus, and his shame was complete as Liz’s long finger penetrated his anus and sought out his walnut prostate. Des moaned, and sobbed, and bucked uncontrollably as Liz both penetrated and spanked him, her thighs keeping hold of his growing cock. Never in his life had Des suffered like this. He couldn’t understand how he could have an erection in these circumstances; the shame was too great to think about. He squirmed and bucked as Liz joyfully thrust her finger into him then spanked him back into place. In the end it was too much for Des he completely lost control and came in a great pulsating gush between Liz’s thighs. When he was done she roughly pushed him off onto the floor from where he gazed up at her in awe. “Did you enjoy that” she mocked him as her foot played with his wilting cock, “Now don’t go away will you. There’s a lot more for you to do yet.” She rose and went to the bathroom leaving Des shocked and with his hands still bound behind him to contemplate his sorry fate. Liz returned soon after and hustled Des up onto the bed, laying him flat on his back, and re-tied his arms to the brass bed-head over his head. Then she raised Des’s head and buttocks on pillows so that he lay flat out on the bed arms stretched out above his head, his cock raised as though displayed on a pedestal. “You know what to do now don’t you?” Liz climbed on top and positioned her pussy against Des’s lips; he did indeed know what to do and, encouraged by slaps and orders from Liz he licked her to a very satisfying orgasm; for her that is. But Liz wasn’t satisfied for long; she’d had enough tongue for the time being now it was cock that she needed. She turned round keeping her groin pressed hard against Des’s face and lay on top of him in the sixty-nine position. His muted groan and the swelling of his cock as she took it between her lips was music to Liz’s ears; her ex had often remarked on her oral ability. As Liz sucked and stroked Des’s cock it grew once more to full hardness. Keeping a firm grip on it she swivelled round and sunk her hungry cunt down onto it. They both moaned, for Liz it was with pleasure at being impaled on such a young and hard cock, for Des the emotions were mixed. He was fucking, or being fucked by, a woman more than twice his age, yet he could no deny that his pleasure was great and her cunt was hot and tight. Liz rode him until she was satisfied, making sure that Des didn’t come by gripping the base of his cock until she was ready to release him, when she did Des burst forth with an ejaculation that left him weak and drained. Liz rose from his prostrate body and went to shower and freshen up. When she returned Des was lying where she left him and when she untied his wrists he thought his ordeal was over. But not yet! “Right now you’re going to straighten up the mess you created.” And for the next hour Des was forced to clean up Liz’s house in the nude while Liz followed him around spanking his arse when he slacked and bringing him to heel when it suited her, or rather bringing him to foot as she ordered him to kiss her feet. Finally the house was clean and Liz was ready to release Des but not before one final humiliation. She sat back on her couch with Des lying on the floor in front of her and then massaged his body with her feet. Des lay too frightened to move as the strong feet and long toes tantalized and teased him, and then tormented him and she forced her toes into his mouth. She worked her feet around his groin as his cock swelled once more, and then taking it between them she worked him to a third a final climax. Des was then forced to lick her feet clean gagging on his own come as he did so before Liz lay him across her lap again. Now in this final act of domination she spanked him with the sole of his trainer until he was just a howling and sobbing baby; a humbled child disciplined by his mistress for his naughtiness. Only when he was barely more than a red-bottomed blubbering baby did Liz relent and Des lay quietly sobbing across her knees for some minutes before he could move. Even then it was all he could do to crawl away and dress himself. When Des left Liz’s house he was glad it was a hot day because all he wore were his jeans and trainers, and as he trudged away Liz smiled after him from her doorway. She knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d be back for another lesson. And despite his shame Des knew it too. The End