A Beach of a Tale: Part Five by Paul Schilling (pschill39@aol.com) Subject: Karoline gets revenge for being humiliated twice. Part 5 It turned out to be a wonderful Saturday. While the temperature was about 88 degrees officially at the airport, at the beach it was a cool 85 degrees, meaning activity was flourishing. Swimmers and sun- worshippers flocked the area of the lower beach, while body worshippers flocked the outdoor gym on the upper beach. It was a beautiful day. Geoff and Laura had returned for an afternoon of fun, sweat, and pumping up. Laura looked around and saw that she was the only 'heavyweight' to grace the beach so far today. She had just finished her first set of rounds when she noticed some other girls going through some moves, critiquing each other as they went. Laura turns to Geoff. "Geoff dear, I'm going to have some fun." She points at the girls posing. "C'mon." She stands up straight, squaring off at the shoulders, causing a slight rip at the seam, and begins to walks over. The music was loud and sensual as Laura made her way through the crowd as a knife through melted butter. She eyed all the girls and found the one who would be considered the biggest of the bunch and proceeded to tap her on the shoulder. The girl's concentration was broken. "Can I help you?" she snapped and with a cocked fist turns quickly around. "You just don't come over here and... and..." She was stopped in mid sentence when her nose came face to pecs with Laura. "Look up a couple of inches, and I don't what?" Laura asked sternly. "All I want to do is to give you girls some pointers as to what pumped feminine muscle really looks like." Promptly Laura raised her arms, which erupted into a mountain of vascular sinew. "That's all." Laura smiled and then turned to Geoff who had positioned himself over by the boom box. By this time everyone was off the concrete slab except for Laura. She winked at her man, "Any time your ready, maestro." Geoff turned up the music and Laura exploded with muscular movement. Without a word, Laura slid to her knees and let her huge 26" thighs pulsate and grow until they separated the denim material of her cutoffs. "Oh yeah," Laura says with glee, "I feel so good that I could bust. C'mon closer, boys 'n girls, and learn from the mistress of muscle, cuz you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Still on her knees she began to arch her back until all that could be seen from the front were denim and stomach muscles. Without losing a beat or control, Laura began to flex each individual muscle in her granite six-pack. One by one, the mass pulsated and became alive, causing the rivets on her shorts to stretch and eventually explode from their place as the material that was held by said rivets parts like a curtain revealing a ripped mass of muscles and veins. With arms extended and snake-like motions, Laura comes up from her arch making her forearms bounce to the beat of the music. "Let's face it, girls," Laura says as she taunts her jealous female onlookers, "I'm just a modern Delilah, just waiting to pounce on all those Sampsons out there." Laura starts to stretch and swing her torso as she stiffens her arms freezing her muscles in place, forcing her mammoth upper arms in against her cleavage, shredding the front of her thin work-out top. As the material shreds more and more, Laura starts to pump her chest; first the right pectoral, then the left. She does this several times as the material falls to the ground. She finally stands up and runs her hands over her abs up to her chest, lightly brushing them, showing off her magnificent upper body, all in time to the beat of the music. She grabs what's left of her shirt and rips it off, revealing her spotted bikini top which appears to be a size or two too small for her chest. After a few more chest, side, and back poses, a lot of the the girls were leaving in a fit of bitter rage. With her head held high, Laura grabs some heavy dumbbells and begins to flex her arms rhythmically, using the weights as a catalyst to show off her humongous arms and chest even more. "Don't cop an attitude, girls," she poked fun as her arms kept growing. "Someday your arms and chest will be as big as mine." Like I said, Laura was not the only 'BIG' girl at the beach this particular Saturday. "Oh, I don't know," came a voice from behind. "I've been only doin' this for about a week and I'm probably bigger than you are." "Is that so," Laura responds after having her fun interrupted. "Well, we'll see about that!" Laura throws the heavy weights down and quickly turns around. "YOU!" she says with surprise. There leaning on the fence was the girl who was talking with Laura and Geoff earlier. "Yeah, really," she calmly said. Laura walked over to her and said, "Okay, 'Miss Frumpy,' you say you got bigger than these?" With that, Laura tightens one of her arms and slowly raises it. A bicep the size of a softball appears. The more she holds it, the more chiseled it looks with large puffy veins now etching their way to the surface. The mysterious girl only nods with a smile. "C'mon, feel this cannonball." The girl proceeds to flex her arm daintily as a ball grows in her upper sleeve. Laura walks over and feels how hard it is and thinks to herself, 'she's so big and dumpy looking, that's gotta be pushed up by fat.' "Nice... nice and hard," Laura politely replies, "but how strong are you?" "Oh, I don't know," the girl replies. "Well then," Laura states, "how about a little contest of strength?" The girl stands there for a minute, then answers, "Okay... but, instead of just dead weights, how about..." she pauses... 'bout arm wrestling!" Laura looks at the crowd of her followers, then turns back to the girl. "Yeah... Okay, but I must warn you, I've done this before and won..." Laura flexes her left arm, "...and I can do it again." "I'm sure you can," she answers Laura as she enters the gate. Laura was walking over to one of the tables. "I've seen you in action before... up close." The girl's sarcastic remark causes Laura to stop and look over her shoulder, one eyebrow raised. Laura turns around and looks at the girl. "I take it you could be a betting person?" "MMMMM... Yeah, I guess," is the answer. "Okay, here's the bet," Laura says. "If I win, I get to put you through the moves of a rigorous workout, the likes you have never seen before..." "...And if I win," the mysterious girl interrupts, "I..." she pauses eying her former beau, "...I get a date with Mr. Incredible Hunk over there," pointing at Geoff. Laura bites her lip and looks over at Geoff and then turns back to the mystery girl. "Okay... Sure." "Good," the girl giggles. Laura walks over and explains the situation to Geoff then walks back. "I don't think I caught your name earlier and I hate to win without knowing of who... "Whom," the girl interrupted. "...Whom my opponent is." "Just call me 'K'. That's enough for the time being," the girl responded. "All right, 'Kay,'" Laura said in bewilderment. "One fall, winner take all." "Agreed," K said confident. The two girls walked over to a table and each planted an elbow and clasped hands. Laura, being very optimistic, flexes her bicep showing its size. "Just wait till we get started, then you'll see not only size but strength." "I can't wait," K smiles. "Someone want to call 'three' so I can get back to engaging in some fun," Laura says. 'Funny,' Laura thinks, 'this is almost a repeat of the other night at the bar. But this couldn't be Karoline... muscle just doesn't grow that fast.' With that, Laura dismissed that idea and concentrated on her task at hand. Just then someone in the crowd shouts, "THREE," and both girls go at it, each self-assured in her own strength. The crowd went wild as the two Amazons began to push against one another. "Doesn't this seem familiar, Laura?" K teased. 'Grunt' "No, it don't, Frump... Like I said, yah wanna see size and strength, look if you dare," Laura said brazenly. K looked at the arm. "Oh my," she mocked. She watched Laura's upper arm grow in size, almost splitting the thin layer of skin as cord-like veins appeared over the striated bicep as Laura poured on the power. "Impressive," K replied nonchalantly, "but now it my turn. Pay close attention." With a slight grunt, K began to power up. Laura's eyes grew almost as big as her arm as she watched K's arm begin to grow. "I'm very proud of these arms, you know," K sarcastically said as her bicep began to rise to the occasion. Her cannonball-size upper arm pulsated as it tore through the sleeve material. Laura began to perspire heavily. "What's the matter, Laura, I'm not even up to my full potential... YET!" Laura's arm began to move, but not in the direction she wanted it to. As she began to feel her strength wane, she gave it one more all-out push. Within the next few minutes Laura's arm crashed to the table in spasming pain. K stands up and throws her sun hat off. "YES... YES... I WIN... I WIN." The crowd gathers around K as she pumped herself up, bursting out at the seams, exposing a bathing suit that is at least several sizes too small for her massive body. She looks over at Geoff and points, flexing her huge horseshoe shaped tricep and says, "Let's go Geoffrey dear, I got you back fair and square." Laura, who was nursing her sorely bruised bicep heard this and walked over to K. Angrily she begins to poke the mysterious K in her chest. "Just who the hell are you?" K gives an evil grin and looks down at Laura. "First of all, stop poking me in the chest or you'll have a little accident." She grabs Laura's index finger and bends it back sending her down to her knees. "Who am I? Well, Laura sweetie, it's like this..." K stopped midsentence and picked up Laura and professionally bodyslammed her into the crowd. K then stands straight up, pushing her bathing suit to the point of explosion, and then rips off her glasses. Geoff, who by this time made his way over to Laura, helps her up and both look up in surprise. "...I'm your worst freakin' nightmare!" "Karoline!" they both say in surprise. Laura sees red, rips her arm from Geoff's grip, and leaps at Karoline out of the crowd. "It was dumb luck that you won, bitch," Laura screamed as she started pummeling Karoline, "but Geoff's mine and so are you." The two muscle maids begin to tussle and fall rolling into the sand. "Muscle-bound slug," Karoline, now on top, yells as she beats Laura with her heavy fists, "Geoffrey's mine... I won fair and square." "I embarrassed you once you wimpy bitch..." Laura screams as she manages to send both her fists into Karoline's midsection, "...and I'll god damn well do it again!" With a loud 'KRACK' and a 'THUD,' Karoline savagely hits the ground. Laura takes the advantage to grab the dazed Karoline in her vise- like grip and begins to squeeze the air out of her lungs and working on the ribs and spine. "Now I'm gonna break your candy ass in two and send you home in little pieces." "AUGHHH!... GASP!" Karoline tries to breathe, her mind racing. 'My lungs... need air. My ribs... too strong.' Laura has Karoline on the ground intertwining her own muscular legs with Karoline's, stretching them as if she were on a rack, while holding one arm painfully in the upper middle part of Karoline's back. As a powerful Laura clenches her fist to send another blow into Karoline, she begins to taunt her. "Before I do any more damage, I just want you to know, DEARIE... " Again Laura, taking the upper hand, sends another blow into Karoline's mid section, "...how much I REALLY enjoy this... Thank you." Karoline lets go with a muffled "Ugh!" as what little wind is knocked right out of her. Despondent, Karoline ignores the pain and begins to fight back, grabbing a handful of sand and throwing it into Laura's face, giving her the opportunity to break free and extract her own type of pain with a right, then left, to Laura's midsection, then an uppercut to her jaw. Laura, dizzy, grabs Karoline's leg as she tries to pull herself up. Karoline grabs Laura by her hair and looks deep into her eyes. "Now you know what it's like to have your innards pushed through your back. I bet by now you're ready to call it quits?" But before a beleaguered Laura can answer, Karoline answers for her, "Well, I'm not!" The crowd, upon hearing this, backs up, way back. Karoline again has the upper hand as she lifts her struggling opponent onto her broad back. "Since I aligned your abdominals into those oversized watermelons you call tits, I'm going to you a favor and realign them for you..." Karoline begins to bounce up and down and each time, with momentum, bends Laura, "...like THIS!" A loud crunch can be heard as tears of pain and anger form in Laura's eyes. Enduring all she could, Laura manages to lock her thighs around Karoline's neck and begins to squeeze. Laura, hanging on by the sheer strength of her abdominal muscles, forces Karoline to her knees and forms a figure-four choking her. Karoline manages to finally break the hold on her throat only to receive pressure again on her ribs. "Is... NGGH!... it as good for you as... GRUNT... it is for me?" Laura chuckles. "I'm not only going to break your ribs, but embarrass you, real good, once and for all." Karoline watches in terror as Laura's engorged thighs grow larger as she squeezes tighter. Her face torn in pain, she manages to catch a glimpse of her would-be conqueror's sadistic smile. 'Oh gawd...' she thinks as works on a way to get out of this, '...my ribs can't take this.... Wait... If I can just get my arms inside...' Karoline manages to slip her large arms in between the scissor move. It's now raw power versus raw power as Karoline begins to flex her biceps. More and more her large arms grow blasting with large muscles and veins crisscrossing from her forearms to her deltoids, until she finally breaks, knocking Laura to the ground. The amazed crowd begins to cheer and backs up even more as Karoline snaps and goes berserk. Like a crazed grizzly bear, Laura lunges forward, swinging violently, screaming at the top of her lungs, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, BITCH!" Karoline takes this opportunity to open her right fist and thrusts it into Laura's solar plexus. Her steel-like grip makes contact and she begins to lift her opponent. "I'm tired of this!" she yells as she raises Laura above her head in a combination one arm press and claw, "I'm going to end this once and for all." Karoline squats and tenses her muscles beginning to focus her raw power. Her muscles swell larger than before as her focused energy goes from her legs through her buttocks, back, shoulders, and arms, ending in the grip of her claw. Tears begins to form again in Laura's eyes as she faints. "WHOOOO... That's that," Karoline says as she drops an unconscious Laura to the ground. Karoline, victorious, looks over the crowd who begin to chant: "FLEX! FLEX! FLEX!" She is all too happy to oblige. Karoline goes into a victory double bicep pose/chest pose, causing her already swollen muscles to grow larger and snap the several brass clamps holding in her massive chest, exposing her substantial set and husky looking abs. After hitting a few more poses she walks proudly over to Geoff, pulling him into her, give him a long, wet, sensuous kiss. A slight groan interrupts her and she tells Geoff to stay put. She walks over to Laura, weak from the experience, slings her over her shoulder and deposits her in a trash can. Telling several onlookers playfully, "Keep the beach free from trash, now," she walks back over to Geoff and hoists him up on one of her large shoulders. "Let's go get changed, go for a couple of drinks, and then back to my place for some 'private tutoring.' FINI (A special thanks to David Annand, whose story, "The Bear" published by LH-ART, gave me my springboard for this. Domo arigato, David)