THE BAD WIFE by J. Shred Man attempts to have an affair with deadly consequences. James was pissed off. This was the forth time this week. He had come home from work tired and hungry, only to find that his wife, Jenny, was still at the Gym. He couldn't figure it out. She was still in great shape, just as she had been when he married her two years ago. She had a phenomenal body and a massive pair of breasts of which she was very proud. Surely, she did not need to spend this many hours in the gym. Oh well, he had bad news for her anyway. Due to some company re-structuring he had to go out of state, back to where they used to live, for six weeks to open a new office. She got home much later. He was already in bed. He heard a racket in the kitchen so he went downstairs to tell her the news. She was sitting at the table eating a huge meal and was not annoyed at all when he told her about his six-week assignment. In fact, she slept on the couch that night. The next day she seemed almost happy when he said good-bye. When he arrived at his temporary assignment, he was still angry over the way she had treated him. He tried to call home, but only got the answering machine. The next day, at the new office, he was surprised to see Alice there. He had always admired Alice from afar when he used to live here. She had worked in the same office building which he had for a few years and he had chatted with him from time to time. He had always thought that she was attractive and nice. She broke his daydreaming by saying, "Well, it looks like we will be partners for a while." The days passed. His phone calls were always answered by the machine. Slowly he found himself being more and more attracted to Alice. Finally, one night over a few beers, he confided to Alice how angry he was at his wife. She surprised him by telling him that she had always wanted him. Why not he thought - he was young, in good shape, and rich. Alice told him that she would be a much better mate than Jenny. If he could get rid of Jenny, she would be happy to move back to his new hometown with him. They parted that night, agreeing to go out again the next day. The next morning, however, James was called back to his hometown for a meeting. He arrived home late, but wasn't surprised not to find Jenny home. He waited up for her and when she came home, she seemed annoyed that he was there. He couldn't help it - he was so angry that he told her about Alice. Jenny just laughed and said, "I will make you a deal. I will fight this Alice and if she wins - she gets you, this house, and the whole thing. And, if I win I get the house." James eagerly agreed. What he hadn't told Jenny is that Alice had at one point been a professional female wrestler. "Let's not waste anytime, she said. Tomorrow is Friday- fly her in. I will meet you at the old gym on 32nd at 1100 PM -be there and with that she walked into the bedroom and locked the door. James called Alice and she was ecstatic. A chance to fight and win "her man." She bragged that she had never lost a fight and that this one would be over in two minutes. When James picked her up from the airport and brought her to the her hotel room, he was eager to consummate their relationship - but she wanted to save her strength and promised "Honey, once I wipe the ground with you wife's body - we will do it right there with her watching." He was exited. When they walked into the old gym on 32nd street at 1100 PM sharp it appeared empty and dimly lit. As they approached the middle of the gym, they heard the door slam behind them and the lights came on. There was a boxing/wrestling ring in the middle of the floor and lots of free weights lying around. In one corner of the ring stood his wife in and old pair of sweats. "I thought you two would never come," said his wife. "You like it," Jenny asked, "this is where I work-out." "There is just some free weights here," her husband replied. Jenny just smiled. Alice climbed into the ring and looked at James. She took off her sweats and was wearing a yellow bikini that revealed all of her curves. She was gorgeous. She looked at James and said, "This thing in the corner is what you have been with for the last two years. It will only take me a minute honey and we'll be together." She turned to face Jenny and laughed saying, "You ready to fight so I can claim my man." Jenny said, "Sure, let me just take off my sweats." When she did, both James and Alice almost collapsed. She was wearing a black bikini, but it could barely contain her body. Her breasts were easily twice the size of Alice's. And, everything else on her body was even bigger. Both of Alice's legs put together weren't even the size of one of Jenny's and her Arms were as thick as James' Neck. She flexed to reveal her over 20 inch biceps. Then she laughed hard. Alice, Jenny said, "You can have James. I never wanted him in the first place. I only married him for the money. And, it was barely worth it. Having to put up with him in the sack. Fortunately, when he was at work during the day, I "F^Ċed" whoever I wanted. Any stud was mine and I had lots of them. In fact, all I did was screw my studs and workout. James was becoming a nuisance. He was interfering with my ability to do whatever I wanted. So I spent most of his money and started ignoring him. He is no good to me now as a businessman, but I have other plans for him. Then, he told me about you. I was in the mood to totally destroy someone and I don't like anyone playing with my toys (which is what James is now). So I am now going to completely destroy you. You have no choice - I could kill you with one hand and it is not like James can really help you." "James, " she asked go pick up one of those free-weights that you spoke of earlier. James tried to pick up what looked like a 45-pound plate. It didn't budge. "I don't understand it," he quizzed. She laughed. "All the weights in here are 10 times heavier than normal weights. That is 450 pound plate." She loaded three on each side. James cringed at the thought of someone bench pressing that much. She approached the bar and curled it. "You see," she said "I can do anything I want to either of you. Oh, and by the way, the door is locked on the outside. You can't get out of here." "So," she said to Alice, "Why don't you defend yourself." Alice tried. She threw some punches and kicks and tried some wrestling moves to no avail. Jenny than grabbed Alice by the hair and called to James. "Hay, wimp, come close and watch me kill the women who was going to be your lover." "Kill," he said. "Ya, why not, whose gonna stop me - you?" With that the onslaught started. Jenny threw two soft blows to the belly, both of which doubled over her opponent. The she sent a right cross to Alice's face - you could hear bones crack. Blood spurted everywhere. Jenny stopped, put her hands in some blood, and licked her hand as she looked at James and smiled. She flexed and her black bikini ripped into shreds displaying her massive muscles and huge breasts. She continued her destruction by propping her victim up against the ropes and delivering several kicks, each of which was following by the sounds of ribs cracking. "Your man is pathetic," she hissed at Alice, "he can't protect you. And you," she continued, "are a worthless, flat titted, weak, slut. I could kill you right now. I could pop your head off like a F^Ċing zit with one hand if I wanted to. But, I want you to feel the pain before you die and I want James to be forced to watch my utter and total domination of another human being." With this she ripped a chunk of Alice's hair off her head while kneeing her in the groin. Next she lifted Alice up by what hair was left and tore her cloths off. She shock Alice hard like a child would shake a doll and more hair came out as blood oozed from her scalp. Jenny took the blood and painted her face as if it were war paint. She placed Alice up against the rope and delivered a dozen punches to her abdomen as she could feel the internal organs turning to mush. Next she pushed the semi-conscious Alice to the floor and with each mighty hand pulled up on Alice's tits exclaiming, "you call these things tits- these are nothing. These," she said, messaging her one massive nipples to erection, "are titties. What you have my little toy is nothing. In fact they are so small, I want to rip them right off." And, with that she re-grasped Alice's breasts and actually pulled clumps of skin off of them. Blood poured out. Jenny laughed. "Almost done my poor little slut," she purred. With that she reached down and pulled Alice's cunt hair out in big clumps. Upon spotting Alice's cunt lips she grasped them and lifted Alice by them and then let her twist from side to side. With this maneuver Alice let out her last audible, blood choked gurgles. Jenny threw Alice to the flood and stomped on her hips shattering both of her pelvic bones. She then kneeled besides her victim and issued Karate chops to her thighs easily breaking both of Alices' femurs. As she moved away from Alice she felt awesome. She looked at James and said, "I thought she would be a better fight. That ended too quickly. I was just starting to have fun. Too bad I have something in store for you; otherwise I could mutilate your body, too and lie your dead body next to that of the cunt you never slept with. She laughed hard, walked over to the corner where she had a bag sitting. Out of the bag she took an expensive bottle of alcohol and poured herself a glass. She then lit a cigarette and sat on the stool in the corner. Finally, she reached into her bag and pushed a button on what looked like a beeper. Within three minutes the doors to the gym opened and than closed and six figures approached. As they got closer, James could see that they were six of the biggest men he had ever seen. Without talking the six men climbed into the ring. The three biggest approached Jenny. Two of them grabbed her giant breasts (one each) and began messaging them while the third knelt on the ground and began giving her oral pleasures. She put the cigarette in her mouth and used her free hand to push his head into her thighs still more. "These," she said looking wickedly at James, "are just three of the giants who regularly service me. Everytime, I screwed you I was thinking about someone like this," she snarled as she gestured to the men servicing her. "As for the other three," she said with a laugh, "these are three of the guys I train who happen to be homosexuals. They pay me a great deal of money to train them and have added a couple thousand dollar bonuses for supplying them new toys to screw. Of course, it was easy for me to find them their latest toy - you, she laughed." With that she ordered James to come close to her. When he hesitated, she said, "Do it or I will rip your little dick off." When He came close, she ordered him to all fours. When he assumed this position - she stopped the men who were servicing her with one waive or her hand. She stood up and roughly ripped all of James' clothes off. The three men (who had not been servicing Jenny) cane around in front of James. They all disrobed. Jenny pulled the first one close to James' face. She took his massive tool in her hands, messaged it, and then looking at James ordered him to "orally caress this magnificent peace of meat." He tried to resist but it was shoved in his mouth. As the man rammed his penis into James' mouth, Jenny walked around back and yell "don't disobey me." With that she brought her foot down on James' calf - crushing bones and soft tissue as she did so. As the leg began to swell, James began to resist less. As the first partner continued his assault on James' mouth, James' was forced to lubricate another giant tool. Before the man got started on James' butt, Jenny came around to the front of James, whose mouth was now overflowing with the first man's juices. She grabbed him under the chin and said, 'if these guys let you live, after you service them, and I doubt that they will, it won't do you any good to report what I did to that cunt of yours tonight." I am proud of what I did to her and of what is happening to you and I will tell it to anyone. However, the police are very afraid of me - they don't want me to hurt any of them. So if you report it, they will take down the report and than lock you in jail and call me. I guarantee that they will all watch with delight when I break each one of your faggy little bones one at a time." With that, she said - "I have to go, I have wasted too much time with you little nothings." Before letting go of James' chin, she crushed it with the one hand that was holding it. As she walked out - her massive body was still visible under the skimpy outfit she had put on. She turned to the remaining three guys in the ring and said - "When you have finished with him- I mean "it"- tonight. Dispose of it, however you see fit. I never want to or need to see it again."