ANANDA BROWN 4: HOSTILE TAKEOVER by Ananda reveals her true power to the world and empowers the women of earth. When Janet Wu turned on the television, she could hardly believe her eyes. At first she thought the special news report was a hoax, but as she went from channel to channel she realized that it wasn't. "As unbelievable as it may seem, a giant woman is terrorizing Metro City. Citizens of the city have fled all over trying to escape. The mayor has declared a state of emergency, and the army, navy, and air force are reportedly on their way to deal with this threat," said the news anchor in an amazingly calm voice. "The identity of the giantess is unknown, however, witnesses say she is African-American, in her mid-twenties and incredibly muscular. Due to her great proportions, authorities have unable to stop her, and witnesses cannot identify her beyond the previous description. Her size has varied in reports, between fifty feet to one mile tall. She may be able to shift her size. This giantess has destroyed five of Metro City's significant skyscrapers as well as many other buildings. There are reports of heavy casualties, here with an exclusive is David Banks. David?" The report shifted to David, "Thanks, John. The numbers of casualties keep rolling in, the surprising part about this is that almost none of the casualties are women. Over five thousand men have been injured, killed and eaten alive by the giantess, but only about twenty women have died due to the wrath of this giantess. I have here a witness who was in the grip of the giant woman. Cindy, tell the people out there what happened." "Me and my friends were, like, running away from the giant lady when we got scooped up into her hand with, like, twenty other people. She was about to eat everybody when she stopped to pick out all the women, she put me, a couple of my friends and some other girls on top of a building. Then she said, 'You will be spared because soon you will inherit the Earth.' And that is how it happened." "Thanks Cindy. John, I've just got word that the mysterious giantess has vanished, leaving the city in rubble. The giant woman is nowhere to be found. Janet turned off the TV and sighed, "It's true, I can't believe it." She remembered talking to a woman on the phone last month, her name was Ananda Brown. Ananda had heard all about Janet's accomplishments, her marathon victories and her fashion modeling. Ananda asked Janet if she wanted to go on to greater things. Ananda then told her about UltraFem 2000, about how it would change the world forever, Janet listened with interest and with some skepticism. Ananda promised to send her a sample without charge. After the phone call, Janet decided Ananda was just some crackpot. Then yesterday, Janet received a package from Ananda. Attached was a note, "Wait for the signal." The contents of the package were a bottle marked "ULTRAFEM 2000," a letter and a set of keys. Janet was going to throw it away, but an interrupting phone call from her ex-boyfriend, Randy, prevented her from doing so. Randy was upset at how Janet's body looked because of her running. He told her he liked it when she looked soft, and that she was too thin and muscular now. Janet told him it was over, and that nothing would keep her from pressing her goals. Janet stood up and went back to the package on the table. She brushed her short, brown hair out of her eyes and opened the letter. It read: Dear Janet Wu, Thank you for taking this opportunity to help advance women to their rightful position in this world. Enclosed are a set a keys and a bottle of UltraFem 2000. After you have followed the instructions on the UltraFem bottle, proceed to my mansion, directions are attached on the back of this letter. When the effects of UltraFem kick in, do not concentrate on growing, we will need to conceal the fact that other women have attained the power I have until a date in the next week See you soon. Ananda Brown Janet picked up the bottle of UltraFem 2000 and read the directions: 1. Take both capsules enclosed in bottle. 2. Proceed with normal daily workout. 3. Wait for results. Janet then went to pour herself a glass of water, popped the bottle of UltraFem open, and swallowed down the pills. She the went to her bedroom and began to change clothes for her daily run. When she was naked, she reached for the Polaroid camera on her dresser. She set the timer and posed as it took her picture. She then wrote on the boarder of the Polaroid, "Before." She put on her running tights and sports bra and left the house. She went about her daily run, which was about five miles. What surprised Janet about this run was that she felt no fatigue at all. Her feet felt like they were hardly touching the ground. When she got back home, she looked at her watch. Janet had completed her run in a third of the usual amount of time and she felt as if she hadn't run at all! As she walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water she felt this odd burning and stretching sensation. Her clothes felt incredibly tight, then they began to rip. Janet stood still in shock, then felt her head bump on the frame of the kitchen doorway. Janet ran to the mirror in her bathroom, her reflection was that of a goddess. Every portion of her body was covered in awesome muscle. To her amazement, her body also had a sleeker, sexier look to it. She marveled at her new height as well, she was used to being 5'7 all her life, now she stood at a stunning eight feet. She put on the baggiest clothes she could find, which were still tight, grabbed Ananda's directions and keys and ran to her car. As Janet got in the car, she felt really cramped. She started the car and started down the street. It really was too small in the car for her, so she took a detour to Randy's house, She remembered that he had a pick up truck. When she got to Randy's place, she kicked in the door. As the door crashed to the floor, Randy sat still in shock. He could not believe his eyes, that could not be Janet. She grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the ground. "AM I TOO MUSCULAR FOR YOU NOW?" She thundered. "H...h...ho... how?" He stammered. She gave him a nasty smile, "That is my secret, bug. Now give me the keys to your truck or I will cripple you for the rest of your temporary, pathetic life." Randy swiftly pulled his keys out of his pocket and placed them in her waiting left hand. She then gave him kiss and rammed her right knee into Randy's balls full force. She then dropped him to the floor and kicked him in the stomach. "Consider yourself lucky, Randy, the next woman may not be so merciful." Janet got into Randy's pick-up and ripped out of his driveway. She pulled out Ananda's map. A few hours later she reached the mansion on Ananda's map. She got out of the truck to see dozens of women who had a similar newly attained physique like hers. Janet even saw some athletes she recognized. They all entered the mansion and Ananda was there to greet them. She directed them to the main hall. There was at least one thousand women in the mansion. Janet wondered if they all fit in the main hall. She talked with a few of the women in the hall. There was Mattie McLaren, a kickboxer; Sandra Daly, a feminist; and Natalia Brokov, a gymnast. Ananda then called for them to quiet down. Ananda told them why she had given them their newfound power and she revealed her plan to take over the world. "The era of the powerful man has ended. Now it is time for woman to take over. I have given half of you a set of keys to a tanker containing the UltraFem 2000 formula. Your job is to distribute this formula all over America, in your tanker you will find directions to a place where public drinking water is purified, you will pour this formula into the drinking water after it is purified. I have also left you with five hundred dollars cash in the tanker. I have contacts around the world, and they are working in the same time frame. Soon, we will rule the world and men will be our slaves." The women in the room stood up and gave Ananda one of the greatest standing ovations of all time. Ananda then gave them a lesson on how to control their growth, and told them to conceal their mass increasing abilities for about a week. She also instructed them to meet back at the mansion in a week. Ananda then instructed the women to pair up and they got into to the tankers. Janet partnered up with a girl named Phoebe Matthus, a former physical trainer. They drove off to Orlando, Florida. They talked about their lives, and they talked about the future. "I can't wait to see men tremble before me, I can't wait to feel their bones snap. The future is going to be sooooo great!." Janet smiled, and she thought about how she had beaten Randy to a pulp. She wondered what it would feel like to snap him in half, she wondered how he tasted. Ananda said men tasted great. She loved this new feeling of power, Randy was so helpless when she picked him up. That night, Janet and Phoebe decided to stop at a bar for some drinks. The men in the bar could not take their eyes off of them. They were both tall, muscular, and amazingly sexy. They were approached by two drunken admirers, and Janet and Phoebe lead them back to their tanker and promised to take them to a field where they would make love to them. When they found a deserted, dark field, Janet and Phoebe took off their clothes and stripped their men. Phoebe instantly started snapping her man's bones while she pumped him like a rag doll. Janet quickly did the same. Both men were dead in less than a minute. "Awww, mine broke," sighed Phoebe. "Mine too, " said Janet, "Oh well, time for dinner." They both lay down on their backs, placing the men on their chest and concentrated on growing. When they were about thirty feet tall, they popped their men in their mouths. "Mmmmm," moaned Janet, "just like barbecue chicken." They laughed and shrank to their normal size, put on their clothes and went back to the tanker to continue their delivery. Epilogue 1998 Within the next week, Ananda's forces had delivered UltraFem 2000 all over the world. Women soon started displaying unbelievable strength and size. The balance of power soon shifted. Ananda Brown was declared queen of Earth. Ananda chose Janet Wu and Phoebe Matthus as her generals, who would decide the status and roles of men and regulate their numbers. They also would train Ananda's armies in case men tried to overthrow Ananda's rule. 1999 Soon men everywhere were losing jobs, rights and their lives. Those men who were not killed were enslaved. Some men were used to build buildings that their giantess masters could comfortably live in. Other men were used for reproduction, women's pregnancies were amazingly shorter. When a woman was impregnated, they gave birth in less than a week. The female newborns inherited the power of the UltraFem formula, the male newborns were great in numbers. Most were raised as slaves, taught the value of submitting to their giantess masters. 2005 Even though many men willing submitted to their giantess masters, there was a resistance growing. An underground of men plotted a way to end the world domination of women. They planned to assassinate the queen and her generals first. They knew such a task would probably fail and get them killed, but they had to try something... To be continued...