Sybil vs Uschi III--The Final Fall By Roogs The final fall in a brutal, sensual topless wrestling match between a blonde and brunette. Sybil sensually strutted back to her corner to the accolades of the crowd, taking in the admiration of their knowing looks and cheers to the stunning feat that the blonde beauty queen had just performed--she had completely changed the outcome of this match. As the blonde held her arms up in a pose of victory, it certainly looked like Sybil had the voluptuous brunette that was heaving with exhaustion on the mat of the arena in some real trouble. Sybil leaned luxuriously in her corner, watching the worked-over brunette slowly struggle to her feet on rubbery, slow-moving legs. "God, she is gorgeous even when she's been beaten." Sybil thought to herself. The brunette moved slowly to her corner, trying to massage some recovery into her beaten body. Uschi hung in her corner, her arms draped over the top ropes as her sensual body gasped in long, slow attempts to regain some of her strength that the blonde had just sapped by pummeling her magnificent body unmercifully. Sybil admiringly watched her opponent as her large, heavy breasts and sensual belly heaved rhythmically in fatigue, the sweat from their intense match making her body glisten seductively under the arena lights. Both women now had the wild look of disheveled hair that bore witness to the intense battle that both women had put each other through so far in this match. It was still warm and humid in the ring and Sybil, and despite her recent good fortune of being in better shape at this point in their grueling match, had to admit to herself that she was somewhat sapped herself. The pummeling the blonde had taken in the first round, along with the realization that the exertion she had expended while working over a big, voluptuous woman like Uschi took had taken a lot out of her also. But Sybil knew she had the momentum in the match, was in better shape at this stage, and as she took in the sight of her fatigued opponent in the other corner, a smile of desire crept over her face as the big blonde couldn't wait to get her hands on the big woman to work her over some more.. The bell rang, signaling the third and final time these two women would meet in the center of the ring to see who would be the victor.. Sybil moved directly toward her fatigued opponent, while Uschi tried to circle the blonde warily, trying to buy some time to recover and put a different spin on this match. Sybil marveled at the big brunette's large, full breasts, bouncing seductively as she moved slowly around in a circle to ward off the attack she knew was coming from the big blonde. Sybil knew she needed to press her advantage from the second fall, knowing she couldn't give this big woman time to recover. The big blonde struck forward and locked up both arms with her opponent, each woman's buttocks and legs shuddering sensually as they tried to move each other toward the ropes or the turnbuckle to gain additional leverage. Once again, Sybil was struck by how much effort was required to move this big woman around, even though the brunette had been weakened from the previous fall. The heat and humidity of the arena added to the effort that either woman expended as they vied for advantage over the other, and each woman could hear the heavy, forced breathing of her opponent from their efforts to overpower each other. Suddenly, Sybil dropped her rear, rolling to her back, while holding on hard to the groggy brunette's arms and monkey-flipped the big woman over her by stuffing her feet into Uschi's midsection as she careened forward from the move. The heavy brunette's momentum carried her over the blonde, and Uschi landed with a jarring slam on her back as her entire body absorbed the impact from the perfectly applied move, her heavy breasts jiggling from the fall. The brunette lay spread eagle on the canvas of the arena, staring up with a fatigued look of despair, knowing that she was in trouble already--she felt paralyzed and unable to move from the slam to her back. Sybil had sprung to her feet, delighted with the fact that her fatigued opponent hadn't moved out of harm's way to deny her next move. Sybil took a step forward and leapt slightly in the air, getting all her weight behind a well-executed flying elbow drop that smashed across the brunette's chest and throat. Uschi's body convulsed sensually from the heavy impact, and the resulting "uuugggghhh" that she emitted came from as much from the force of the stunning blow as the knowing despair that she was being worked- over magnificently by the blonde beauty queen. Sybil, seeing that look of despair and helplessness in the brunette's eyes, laughed malevolently as she raised herself to a kneeling position at her opponent's side, reveling at the sight of Uschi's massive chest and sensual belly heaving rhythmically, as she tried to recover from the heavy blow. The blonde couldn't resist the temptation of the sensual belly of her opponent and chopped a fist downward that drove into firm, yet yielding muscles of the brunette's midsection. Uschi folded around the fist, her head jerking forward and her legs contracting up, as she emitted another moan of despair from the driving fist to her midriff. Sybil withdrew it, smiling wickedly, as she followed that blow up with a devastating karate chop across the raised chest of the pain-stricken brunette. A loud "slap" announced the blow that knocked the helpless brunette backward, where she lay sprawled-out, her arms strung out on the mat, trying to collect her thoughts and will her paralyzed body to move. Sybil knew she had the match in the bag as she slowly stood above the brunette, raising her arms in a declaration of confidence in her control of this big woman. The glistening, sensual body of the blonde beauty queen stood over the helpless opponent that lay motionless at her feet. The crowd of the arena roared its approval of the sight of the blonde beauty exulting in her dominance thus far in the match. "Come on baby, I'm not done with you yet!" Sybil sneered confidently, as she bent down to grab two handfuls of the thick, brunette hair of her paralyzed opponent. Sybil was awash in utter confidence as she pulled the heavy brunette to her knees, her thick tresses looking completely disheveled, in preparation to put this beauty queen through some more bodywork before she pinned her for the third fall. Sybil never saw the fist come from below her that drove into her unsuspecting belly at the navel. The blonde froze, her mouth in an "O", with the resultant surprised and stunned look on her face--Uschi had pumped a solid fist into her midsection, and Sybil's belly-muscles hadn't been prepared for that. Its effect was enough to stun the blonde, long enough for the sagging brunette to muster enough strength to pump another fist into the exposed midriff of the blonde beauty, this one driving deeper into her paralyzed belly, just below the navel. Sybil emitted a strained "oof" as her body convulsed from the blow. The surprise on Sybil's face said it all--she had been totally un- prepared for any more fight being left in her groggy opponent, and now she was paying for her overconfidence. Sybil let go of Uschi's tresses, in order to cover her open belly or move away, but Uschi managed to pump another fist into the blonde's lower belly that stunned the blonde again, this time slowly doubling the blonde over as her belly absorbed the brunette's fist. As if to confirm the devastation that the blows to her belly had wrought, the blonde sunk slowly to her knees, a telling admission that the brunette had hurt her with the body blows. Uschi had felt the muscles of the blonde's midsection loosen with every blow as her fists had pumped into muscles of the blonde beauty's belly-- Uschi knew she was back in this match. She could see the pained, surprised expression on Sybil's face at both the sudden turn of events and the devastating effect the body blows had had on her. The two women were now both on their knees, their bodies heaving from the telling effects that each woman had put the other through so far in this match. Uschi was about to pull back for more of a driving punch to the blonde's belly when the blonde surprised her with a desperate fist that drove into the brunette's sensual belly. The brunette sagged from the blow, as her belly muscles were in no shape now ward off the pumping fist as it penetrated deep into her belly. It was all Sybil had been able to muster, however, and both women slumped against each other, trying to muster the strength to gain an advantage or outlast her opponent. Both women were breathing in deep gasps as they tried will their bodies to make that next body blow that would most likely prevail in devastating her opponent. Each woman's breasts tugged sensually as they grappled around each other for advantage. Suddenly, the brunette got her arms inside the blonde's, where she was able to steady the groggy blonde by leaning her head into her heaving chest- -Sybil's arms scrambled helplessly at Uschi's back to gain hold of something, knowing that her midsection was completely exposed to whatever the brunette was about to do. Uschi couldn't generate a lot of power from her punches due to her position, but she knew the predicament the blonde was now in--the brunette began pumping left-right combinations to Sybil's sensual, unprotected belly, and there wasn't anything the blonde could do but absorb the driving blows. The big brunette reveled in the gasps and "oofs" her sensual opponent uttered with every fist that drove into her weakening midriff, making a sensual "slap" with every blow that drove into her opponent's belly. Uschi loved the feel of her fists pumping into the smooth muscles of the blondes belly, actually feeling Sybil's muscles give way more and more with each blow as she worked her fists up and down the blonde's sensual midriff, beating a sensual tattoo into the moaning blonde's softening belly. Sybil's gasps started turning to desperate, strained, "ooohhhs" as Uschi worked on her softened-up midsection, her fists seeming to drive deeper into her belly, past her yielding, paralyzed muscles. " more!.ooofff." Sybil pleaded in desperation, as she realized what the brunette was doing to her by working her belly up and down with her punches. Sybil sagged against the big brunette now for support, her head laying on Uschi's shoulder, completely unable to protect herself, nor move to protect her devastated midsection. Uschi stopped the pummeling, raising up to catch the glassy-eyed stare of a woman who knew she was unable to put a stop to anything the brunette might do, along with the knowing look that she was in serious trouble. Sybil merely swayed on her knees precariously, her arms dangling at her sides, her head slumped to her chest, as her belly sucked in sensually, trying to recover from the heavy body blows the brunette had just pummeled her with. Uschi admired the work she had devastated the blonde with--just moments ago, the blonde had been having her way with the fatigued brunette, but now the tables had turned. "The blonde beauty queen just doesn't have enough fight in her to handle me," the brunette smirked to herself, as she prepared to put the blonde into some devastating, but sensual holds to both prolong the blonde's agony but also punish her curvacious body as much as possible before she put her into a submission hold to end the match. Uschi stood in front of her groggy opponent-- all the blonde could do at this point was stare emptily at the sensual belly and string bikini of the dominating brunette standing in front of her. Uschi sunk both of her hands into the blonde's thick tresses and hauled the rubber-legged beauty slowly to her feet. Uschi smirked at how weak the blonde felt, gasping for breath, as she straightened Sybil up in front of her. With one hand holding on to the thick curls of her blonde opponent to make her a steady target, Uschi dropped her other hand, cocked it back, and pumped another fist into the meaty belly of the softened-up blonde. Sybil's belly muscles merely folded around the brunette's fist, absorbing it as it drove into the soft muscles of her belly below the navel. The blonde doubled over as she gasped a long, moaning "uuuunnnnggghhh". Sybil sunk slowly to her knees, sucking in air when her paralyzed muscles would let her. Uschi positioned herself, standing behind the kneeling blonde, and grabbed her tresses again, straightening the blonde back up and bending her back slightly--the sight was breathtakingly sensual, with the blonde on her knees, her back arched slightly, and her magnificent chest rising and falling with every gasping breath she took. Sybil couldn't believe what the brunette did to her next--as the brunette bent her back over some more, she could only look with wonder as the big brunette clamped her head between her thighs, locking Sybil in an arched-back position on her knees. Sybil could barely breath, and all she could see were the firm, large buttocks of her massive opponent creased by the tiny string of her bikini bottom. Sybil's arms merely dangled at her side, and she was helpless to move anywhere as she was locked between this woman's thick thighs. Then came another stunning surprise--Uschi bent down and, with each hand rapping around each of the blonde's round, firm, heavy breasts, she began to feel the sensual delight of squeezing her blonde opponent's voluptuous melons. Sybil's eyes went wide with terror and her hands came up to weakly try to protect her supple breasts, and from between her opponent's thighs she moaned a muffled despair of her predicament. Uschi pumped her grip slightly, admittedly enjoying the feel of the blonde's big, firm breasts, and she marveled at the fact that blonde's nipples were erect and hardening. After working on the panicking blonde's luscious breasts, Uschi released her grip, and unlocked her thighs, letting the blonde recover, as Sybil cupped her heavy breasts in her hands. The respite wasn't meant to be nice--Uschi used one hand, grabbed the helpless blonde at her chin to bend her back over in another slight arch, and hammered a heavy, devastating, forearm smash to the top Sybil's chest and neck that rocked the big blonde's body. Sybil convulsed forward from the heavy blow, clutching at her neck, her tongue lolling out, as she tried to grab some air between the heavy punishment her body was taking. Uschi then executed what everybody in the arena would acknowledge were the finishing blows that completely devastated the big blonde and iced the match for the big brunette. Dropping down to her knees behind the kneeling blonde, she smiled cunningly as she pumped a vicious blow into the lower back muscles of the blonde's sensually-muscled back. The effect was immediate, and stunning--the blonde's body arched back from the wicked blow, as Sybil reached back with her left hand in an instinctive reaction to the pain that shot from the savaged muscles in her back, her face contorted with pain as her eyes stared up at the lights of the arena. "AAAAaaagggghhhh" was all that came out of the blonde as she froze in this arched position. It was as if Uschi knew the effect the blow would have as she maneuvered to the stricken blonde's side-- the big brunette marveled at the open, helpless display of her opponent arched backward again, such an open, sensual target. Uschi grabbed a handful of the blonde's tresses with her right hand to keep the arched blonde in position, cocked her left arm back, and pumped a solid fist into Sybil's stretched, heaving belly. Uschi drove it in right below the navel again, getting the most penetration into the blonde's yielding stomach muscles that she could--by now Sybil had very little tone left in her worked-over midsection, and the big brunette's fist seemingly disappeared into her sensual midriff. Uschi swore she could feel her fist drive right between the blonde beauty's belly muscles this time as the yielding flesh seemed to swallow her fist. Sybil convulsed forward as her belly muscles absorbed the driving fist, the blonde's body seemingly folding itself forward, as the big blonde beauty queen emitted a desperate "Oooooofffff!". Sybil's head lay again on the big brunette's shoulder for support, for had the big woman not been in front of her, she would have merely collapsed. The pain and distant stare in her eyes as she gasped for air said it all--the blonde was beaten, had no more fight left in her, and was ready to be pinned. It was all for naught though--the brunette had more in store for her struggling opponent. Just to taunt and subdue the blonde some more, Uschi rose to her feet, standing powerfully in front of the kneeling blonde, her hands on her hips, surveying the beaten beauty at her feet. Sybil looked up, the glassy look in her eyes betraying her helpless state as she stared up at the sensual body displayed in front of her--all she could see was the smooth, sensual belly and voluminous breasts of her dominating opponent as her shuddering body was unable to move anywhere. The scene of domination that the big brunette had over the blonde was accentuated as Uschi reached down and used both hands to enmesh themselves in the blonde's disheveled tresses, and slowly pulled the rubber-legged blonde to her feet. Sybil could only comply with what the brunette wanted her body to do at this point--she felt as if she had no resistance left. The teetering blonde now came eye-to-eye with her tormentor, a knowing smirk of victory showing on her opponent's face as the brunette saw the look of despair and fatigue in Sybil's eyes. She jerked the blonde to attention by winding up and delivering a hammering forearm smash to Sybil's pendulous, heaving breasts that made Sybil's sensual body shudder seductively, driving the blonde beauty backward to the ropes that were just behind her. Sybil's arms flew out instinctively in desperation to catch herself on the top rope, as she hung there groggily, trying to sort through the mist of her fatigue at what her opponent would do to her body next--"why doesn't she just pin me?" Sybil wondered. And then the brunette both wowed the audience and gave Sybil her answer-- Uschi took several slow, sensual steps back, where the blonde would have full view of her body, and slowly pulled on each tie-string on her thong bikini bottom and let it fall to the mat of the arena, while her eyes never left those of her blonde victim. The crowd roared its unbelieving praise of both the sight of the nude brunette beauty standing seductively in the middle of the ring-- along with the realization of the turn that this match was about to take. Uschi glowered as she watched Sybil's jaw drop and eyes widen as the realization struck home with the blonde regarding what was about to take place in this match. Sybil's sensual body pulsed sensually from exhaustion, and was helpless to do anything to halt what the brunette did next. Uschi moved casually toward the blonde, reveling in the look of pending doom in the blonde's eyes as she approached, knowing that she too was about to be stripped--something that Sybil had not wanted to take place in this match. All Sybil could do, however, was hang on the top rope for support as the brunette came in close, standing in front of her helpless opponent, and then with each hand, untied the blonde's draw strings to the leopard-skin bottoms that barely concealed her womanhood. Sybil breathed out a desperate, but weak "nnnnooooo..." as her bottoms fell to land between her feet her feet on the canvas of the arena-- the crowd roared enthusiastically. Again, now, the big brunette stood before her helpless opponent, hands on her hips, a smile of victory on her face as she admired her opponent's nude body hanging helplessly on the ropes before her. It was a comparison of power over fatigue as the brunette's sensual, voluptuous body stood mightily in front of her vanquished blonde opponent who was still gasping for breath to recover from the extensive bodywork she had sustained. Uschi saw the knowing look in the blonde's eyes that she knew she was beaten, didn't want to be exposed so openly as this, but at the same time saw the look of--acknowledged approval?--in the blonde's eyes of the effect that the voluptuous brunette's body in the nude so close to her was having on her. The steamy arena was about to get a lot warmer. Both women's bodies glistened sensually with sweat and oil from both the heat of the arena and the intense punishment that they had put each other through so far in the match. Uschi knew what she wanted to do to the big blonde woman, but couldn't resist the open, sensually-displayed target Sybil presented as she lay stretched across the top rope. Uschi cranked her arm back and drove one more fist into the blonde's wide-open belly, just above her patch of pubic hair, savoring the feel of penetrating her opponent's belly at its lowest point. Sybil felt the fist drive into her soft midsection again, below her navel, and it felt as if she had lost any and all tension in her abdominals as the fist drove deep into her midriff again. Sybil merely folded forward, her arms clutching wildly to the big brunette hold herself up--it looked as if the blonde was trying to hug her devastating opponent, and essentially she was, for she was about to slide to her knees. Uschi could feel the heavy, gasps of breath and moaning coming from her pummeled opponent, and Uschi was determined to help her opponent stand, for what she had in store for the helpless blonde would put her out for the match. Sybil hung on to the big brunette for support, her body heaving from the heavy body blows and was unable to move, as the brunette grabbed a handful of the blonde's locks and an arm and ran the softened-up blonde into the opposite ropes. Sybil was stopped dead in her tracks as the big amazon met the rebounding bombshell with another solid forearm smash to her jiggling chest. The big blonde was frozen in place from the blow, but the big amazon stepped-in close and hammered another chop across the huge chest of the blonde that sent her crashing sensually to the mat with a BOOM... Sybil was dazed from the hammering blows and could only stare helplessly into the lights, her sensual body heaving, where the big brunette continued her punishing body-work by executing a stunning leg-drop across the blonde's magnificent chest... Sybil couldn't believe the force of the blow as the brunette's thick leg crashed across her chest and throat, her body convulsing from the devastating drop. Sybil was in trouble...the brunette's massive body-blows already had her paralyzed and unable to move as she gasped for breath, and the blonde wondered what she was going to do to stop this big woman from pounding her body with her heavy blows as she lay spread-eagle on the mat gasping for breath... The blonde's body heaved sensually from the exhausting working-over the big brunette had put her through, but Sybil wasn't ready for the sensually debilitating hold her voluptuous opponent was about to apply... The big amazon sank to her knees and straddled the blonde, her heavy, muscular legs and rear positioned directly above the gasping blonde's face as the Uschi leaned over the sensual blonde's body and with both hands applied a devastating hold--similar to a stomach claw-- to the sensually heaving belly of the blonde. Sybil had never experienced a hold like this--Sybil gasped as the brunette's hands worked on her sensually- muscled belly, the big woman's hands working on her abdomen with a sensual skill that she never would have imagined possible... The effects were debilitating-- it felt both erotic and at the same time paralyzing to the helpless blonde. Sybil had never thought a woman could do something like this to a woman's body with such a debilitating but sensual feel to it. The brunette's hands worked on the muscles of blonde's belly with incredible skill. The sensual blonde was simply unable to move, her legs spread, bent at the knees, her womanhood open for the admirers in the crowd. Sybil could feel herself weakening, her abdominal muscles completely loosened from the softening-up they were getting from the expert hands working on her belly. Sybil knew she was done for--the brunette's sensual hold was quickly paralyzing the sensual blonde and Sybil knew she'd be crushed by the big amazon in a sensual body press and pinned under her stunning body--or perhaps in this position, a face smother. It wasn't going to be that way, though. Uschi wanted a submission from the blonde beauty queen that left no doubt who was the winner and who was the loser- -and she knew just how she wanted to have it. She raised herself upright, admiring the handy work she had done to the blonde's gorgeous body to make her so helpless, enjoying the sight of this big beauty queen that was completely helpless at her feet. Once more, Uschi grabbed two handfuls of the blonde's hair, and the big woman followed her slowly, weakly and involuntarily to her feet. Facing the beaten blonde, Uschi bent her knees just slightly so she could snake her arms around Sybil, wrapping her arms around the heaving blonde just under her rib cage, where she locked her hands tightly in the small of the blonde's back--and before Sybil knew it, she was pressed against the sensual body of this big woman that was now completely dominating her. Sybil let out a little gasp at both the sensual feel of her body, completely nude, being pressed up against her opponent's, with no space whatsoever between them, and the slight pressure of the arms wrapped like a python around her, forcing some of the air out of her lungs as she was lifted off her feet by the big amazon. Sybil breathed in deeply to get some air in her lungs, which seemed to accentuate the look of desperation the blonde had as she weakly tried to push away from the constricting brunette by pushing at her shoulders. Uschi began to squeeze the sensual blonde now, increasing the pressure. A low, moaning "ooooohhhhh." from her helpless opponent told her the effect the paralyzing hold was having on the blonde. Uschi also saw the effect the crushing hold had in the half-closed eyes of her victim, as there was a combination of, what--despair and eroticism in the blonde? It was certainly what Sybil was feeling--the squeezing hold the brunette had her in was slowly paralyzing her, cutting off circulation and making hard to breath, but it was also having a sensual effect on her, with the feel of the brunette's large breasts and smooth belly being crushed against hers. Sybil now took short, gasping breaths, which made her voluptuous chest rock sensually as she tried to breathe in between the python-like squeezing of the brunette's arms. Sybil arched her back in an involuntary, erotic display of a woman completely under the control of her tormentor. The blonde's massive chest heaved with each attempt to suck in air, and Sybil raised her arms above her head in a sensual display of helplessness as her face looked pleadingly into the glaring lights, arching her back slightly, as the big brunette had her completely immobilized by the crushing hold. Sybil felt the muscles of her back and her sides becoming numb from the python-like hold the brunette was throttling her with. As the effects took their toll on the sensual blonde, her arms began to hang slackly at her side, her head rolling back in complete fatigue, and the blonde knew that she was done for. Uschi reveled in the feel of the blonde's body crushed against hers, but relished more watching any of the strength the blonde beauty queen had left being squeezed ever so sensually out of her body. The sight in the middle of the arena was stunning--two incredibly well-built, voluptuous women, one of them completely and sensually dominating the other by seemingly squeezing any life out of her opponent's body. Sybil's body now hung slackly, leaning backward, and she acknowledged her defeat with, "pppleeaase..I give up!..I submit!." Sybil looked through the helpless haze in her eyes into the eyes of her tormentor, and met the knowing stare that the brunette had her beat, but also seeing the erotic effect that this was having on her brunette tormentor. "God she knows how to work on a woman's body." Sybil thought, knowing she had definitely met her match in this arena and had been easily bested by this big, sensual woman... Sybil had never thought a woman could have her so helpless with a series of erotic but devastating holds and heavy body punching. She remembered, through the fog of both pleasure and numbness, that she had thought- -foolishly--that at one point in this match she had this woman on "rubber-leg street" and beaten, when in reality it had been her that had been thoroughly "woman-handled" in this spectacular match. When the brunette finally released the helpless blonde and let her limp body crash to mat, laying spread eagle and helpless at the feet of her dominating opponent, Sybil could only stare up in wonder at the complete control that this woman had been able to exude over her sensually-endowed body throughout this match. The crowd roared, as the stunning brunette raised her hands, standing above the vanquished beauty queen that lay at her feet, her sensual body heaving with exhaustion and defeat. There was no doubt in anyone's mind in that arena who the victor was, and Uschi drank-in the accolades as she stood above her helpless opponent.