Sybil vs. Uschi II--the second fall. Can the voluptuous blonde make a comeback in this match, or is it all over? By Roogs, Uschi grinned with the knowledge she had totally dominated Sybil so far and that the blonde was hers for the taking for the second fall and the match. Uschi merely wondered how much she would put the blonde through before she pinned her for the second fall and win the title. Sybil slowly stood up on legs that felt like rubber, and she slowly walked back to her corner, rubbing the numbness out of her worked-over body, trying to instill some life into her devastated muscles. She turned slowly and sagged against the corner turnbuckle, her body sensually heaving as she tried to recover from the devastating bodywork that Uschi had just subdued her with. She looked up to catch the confident, knowing glare from her opponent in the opposite corner, and Sybil knew then that if she didn't turn this match around quickly, the brunette would make quick work of her and it would be all over. Sybil knew the big brunette wanted to pummel her sensual body some more and make a spectacle of her domination over the voluptuous blonde beauty to leave no doubt who was the champion. There were only two-minute rest periods between falls, and Sybil knew she'd need more time to recover enough to wrestle this big beauty and make a go of it. The bell rang for round two, and Uschi confidently moved toward her slow-moving opponent like a shark circling in for her prey. Sybil was surprised when the big brunette stood again in the center of the ring and raised one hand in another open challenge for a test of strength instead of pursuing her and working her over immediately.. It dawned on the blonde that Uschi was out to put her through a complete display of punishment before the audience before she finished off her opponent. That gave Sybil an idea on how to turn things around. The completely confident stare in Uschi's eyes told her that this would work. Sybil feigned a fatigued resignation to the test of strength, and raised her left arm to lock with the solid brunette. Uschi began to turn on the power, thinking the blonde was foolish to do this and completely hers to destroy. Sybil had sucked her overconfident opponent into leaving her body completely open, and she used her free right hand to drive a devastating right uppercut into the brunette's sensual, unprotected belly. The results were both startling and devastating, judging by the look on Uschi's face, with her eyes wide open and her mouth in an "O" as she emitted a strained "oof". Uschi seemed to be unable to move from the unexpected blow to her belly-and Sybil didn't waste any time-she held the stunned brunette's arm up to keep her exposed midriff an open target, and pumped several more driving uppercuts to Uschi's belly that had her body jolting sensually with every impact of the blonde's driving fist. Sybil was impressed and gave her opponent credit-the smooth, sensually-muscled belly of her opponent was taut enough that the brunette wasn't completely done in with the driving fists to her belly- Uschi was still standing where most beauty queens would have been on their knees. Sybil dropped her left hand and moved in close to work on her opponent's sensual midriff. The big blonde pumped left-right combinations into the smoothly muscled belly of the brunette, that brought a series of "oofs" with every fist as Uschi's body shook sensually with every penetrating blow, her body reflexively lifting up on its toes with every impact. Sybil could feel the brunette's stomach muscles beginning to weaken with every blow as she worked on her opponent's lower belly and navel, her fists penetrating into the softening muscle, and followed up by paralyzing her opponent with punches to her soft sides. The blows to Uschi's belly and sides left the brunette sagging, her arms dangling helplessly at her sides, while her body sagged from the devastating body blows that the blonde had just worked her over with. Sybil knew it was her turn to dish out some punishment... The big blonde delivered one more driving fist that drove deep into Uschi's navel, penetrating deeply into the quivering muscles of her belly-the remaining air whooshed out of her devastated opponent as Sybil felt the big brunette double over from the blow, leaning heavily against her for support. Sybil merely stepped aside and held the brunette's head steady as she rammed her knee upward into Uschi's massive chest and neck that had her catapulting backwards from the devastating blow. Uschi landed squarely on her back from the shocking blow, her body jiggling sensually as she merely lay paralyzed on the mat staring blankly up into the lights of the arena, trying to figure out what had just happened to her easy victory. Uschi's softened-up belly and large, jutting breasts heaved massively as the brunette strained to catch her breath, knowing that she couldn't will her body to move to counter what the blonde would follow up her devastating bodywork with.. Sybil answered that question with a devastating leg drop across the brunette's throat, her heavy thigh delivering a crushing blow that had Uschi jolting sensually from the impact. A low moaned "huh"! escaped the brunette's mouth as the big brunette convulsed from the blow, her body jiggling from the impact. Sybil looked with disdain at her opponent as she rose to her feet and grabbed a generous handful Uschi's hair, and delighted in hauling the rubber-legged brunette slowly to her feet. Uschi's hair was disheveled from the pounding she had taken as the blonde slowly straightened-up the worked-over beauty queen for some more bodywork. The battered brunette could only stand there gasping with fatigue, watching the blonde wind up and deliver a crushing forearm smash to her massive chest that had her reeling back to the ropes from the shock. Uschi caught the top rope with both outstretched-arms as her body recoiled against them, clinging desperately to the rope for support. Uschi could only cling to the ropes, her outstretched arms supporting her as the big blonde moved-in to work her over some more. The sagging brunette was a sight to see, her massive breasts and smoothly muscled belly heaving from exhaustion, and completely unable to move out of harm's way from the destructive bodywork the big blonde was putting her through. The brunette's body was a wide-open target as Sybil moved in quickly and delivered a stunning left-right combination to the brunette's heaving midsection. Sybil's fists pumped deep into Uschi's softened-up belly causing her to again sag against the blonde for support. Sybil straightened-up the groggy brunette and stretched her back over the top rope, the blonde planting a hand on Uschi's throat for more leverage. Sybil paused to admire the awesome sight of this beauty queen arched back on the ropes, her massive chest rising and falling with every gasping breath, unable to put up any defense to the blondes devastating body blows. Sybil wound up and hammered a heavy forearm smash to the brunette's chest that had the rubber-legged brunette shuddering from the impact. Uschi was now putty in Sybil's hands as the big blonde could not resist pounding several more battering forearms to the big woman's incredible chest, her large breasts jiggling sensuously from the heavy impacts. Sybil backed off to admire her work as Uschi hung precariously on the ropes, her energy completely sapped, unable to move or protect herself from the hammering fists of the big blonde. The big brunette's look of fatigue and anguish, along with her body gasping for large breaths of air in order to shake off the pummeling she had been put through brought a satisfied smile to the big blonde, as well as plenty of encouragement from the crowd. Uschi certainly hadn't been prepared for any comeback by this gorgeous blonde, and the big brunette was paying a price for that now, as she could only watch her opponent approach again to pummel her. Sybil moved in and grabbed a wrist and a handful of hair and dragged Uschi off the ropes, and powered the now compliant brunette beauty across the ring into the opposing set of ropes. Uschi's rubber- legged body merely catapulted off the bowed ropes toward her blonde opponent that was waiting for her with lots of plans. Sybil was ready for the careening brunette, stopping the jiggling beauty with a stunning forearm smash to Uschi's bouncing chest. The effects were immediate-- Uschi was stopped in her tracks by the hammering blow, her eyes glassy, staring into the distance. The worked-over beauty merely teetered on her feet momentarily as she slowly fell backward, as if in slow motion, her body hitting the canvas with a heavy 'BOOM'. Uschi lay spread eagle on the canvas, staring up into the glaring lights of the arena with that look that Sybil had seen in so many other women she had wrestled--the thousand yard stare of paralysis and fatigue and that look that they were ready to be pinned. "You're gonna' love this baby!" Sybil smiled to herself--Sybil couldn't resist the temptation to administer more punishment to this big woman's body as she let the full weight of her body fall behind the execution of a stunning elbow drop across the throat and chest of the glassy-eyed brunette. Uschi's deep groan of despair as her body convulsed sensually from the hammering blow to her heaving chest let Sybil know that this big woman was done for and was hers to pin to even the match. Sybil debated quickly over whether to go for a pin or a submission hold, but she decided to go for a decisive pin to show the big brunette and the rest of the crowd that she was back in control of this match. Uschi could only lay there as the big blonde went to a kneeling position and, facing the spread legs of her opponent, straddled the massive chest of the big brunette, pinning her outstretched arms. All Uschi could see above her was the full, perfectly shaped buttocks and barely concealed womanhood of her opponent as Sybil pinned the brunette's slack arms with her shins and admired the view of her completely devastated opponent laying prone beneath her. The sight of Uschi's body heaving rhythmically from fatigue defeat, and the sight of Sybil raising her arms in a victorious pose over the paralyzed brunette had the crowd roaring its admiration. Sybil bent forward to add a completely dominant reminder to the pin by hooking her arms under Uschi's legs and, rocking back, arched her back sensually to end up pulling the helpless brunette's legs outward in a 'V' and back to apply a stunning reverse leg-spread pin. The referee was moving in to count out the pin as the crowd went ecstatic--the sight of the blonde's body arched sensually back with her helpless opponent in a leg-spread pin being displayed in such complete helplessness brought roars of admiration from those that could stand. Sybil heard Uschi's muffled groan of agony and despair as the referee pounded the mat three times to signal the pin and the second fall of the match. Sybil leaned forward, dropped the rubbery legs of the defeated brunette, and slowly stood over her devastated opponent as she raised her arms in victory for the second fall of the match. The crowd roared on as Uschi merely lay there, completely unable to move a muscle in her body, only able to stare vacantly above her at the magnificent body of the woman that had just completely turned the tables on her and pinned her for the second fall.