New York City Muscle by Jomo at Chance encounter on a New York street leads to a muscle love affair. (This story is of a mature nature so please be 21 if you read it) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My name is Gregg Valone and I fully believe in destiny. I believe that certain things happen to people for a reason that neither you nor I can do anything about. Why do some get on a doomed plane when others feel they must give up their seats to someone else in order to get a free ticket. Why do people always say if I would've drove down the other street I wouldn't have gotten into the accident. It was on 59 st, on the day of April 22, that destiny would be on my side for a day. I have been working at General Motors building, which is on 59 st and 5th ave, for 5 years as maintianance man. Everyday I would take the F train to 53rd st and walk down 5th ave to 59th st. I did this routine without fail for 5 straight years. One day I thought I heard on the radio that there was no service into New York on the E or F lines(I later found that this was not true). I took the subway map out and decided that the R train was the best bet. I had to take local trains instead of express but it would leave me less then a minute away. As the train pulled in to the 59th st stop and people got out, I heard two guys talking about some ugly woman who got off the train with all these ugly muscles. I couldn't believe it because I always wanted to see a real muscular woman up close and now she was right in front of me if only I could find her. I asked these two idiots which way she went and they pointed to the nearsest set of stairs while giving me a funny look. I immediately ran up the stairs to the street and looked around. What I saw was the most muscular women I had ever laid eyes on, including bodybuilding magazines or on TV. She was dressed in tight black lycra workout pants, a black midriff shirt and white athletic sneakers. I was looking at her back and couldn't see her face except that she had very long blonde hair tied into a bun. I tried to catch up to her without running, so I could get a closer look at incredible body. As I got a better look, her body looked like it was sculpted by Michaelangelo and should be on display as a great work of art. When I caught up to her, I was even shocked by the sheer size of this woman and I loved big, muscular women. She had arms that were definetly over 17 inches and a chest that exploded out of her shirt. With every step she took her calves swelled with hard muscle and her glutes bounced like two bowling balls. Her back was so wide that I wondered if she had to walk through doors sideways. Her body moved like a great symphony of muscles while still giving off a very feminine appearance. This was my chance to meet the woman of my dreams but I couldn't get enough nerve to say something. She finally stopped to look at a store that was selling workout clothes, when I started to stare at her amazing 17" biceps. Her arms were tanned, defined and incredibly vascular with biceps that popped up and down with every little movement. I must've really been staring for a while because I heard her say "Are you going to say something or just stare". I was so suprised that I didn't know what to do except tell her the truth. "I was just staring because you've got the most amazing arms I've ever seen on a woman. You're body is more amazing to me than ten supermodels put together. I'm sorry if I've offended you in any way". She looked at me for a while then she smiled and laughed. She had a girl next door type of face with very attractive blue eyes. I said "Did I say something funny". She stopped laughing and said " I thought you very going to say something nasty about my muscles because I've had five people today say something negative. I'm glad you appreciate how hard I've worked to build this body and it's always nice to hear a compliment". "Well, most men can be very insecure about their manhood when they see a female bodybuilder such as yourself". "I agree but some of the worst comments I get are from women. They seem to really resent that some men find my muscles very attractive and incredibly sensual. I love when I hear two women talking to each other about how ugly my body is because I love to flex my body in front of them and make them feel so weak. I love to bounce my pecs up and down for them and hear them say thats disgusting. I just laugh when I walk away". As she said this I could see her pecs contracting beneath her midriff shirt. We continued to talk for a while about other things beside her muscles and I could see that she really enjoyed that some guy was not focusing the whole conversation on her body. I found out that her name was Elaine and she lived in Howard Beach, Queens. "You're the first guy I've met in a long time who didn't ask me to flex for him or ask me how strong I was within the first five minutes of a conversation. What, you don't like my muscles?". She brought her arm up and did a bicep pose that blew me away. Her bicep muscle was so well defined and thick I thought she probably had been working out for at least 10 years. "No I love your muscles but I just figured you get asked that all the time and I know it can get annoying". "Well, its the guys who ask me and how they ask me that gets me annoyed. A guy as nice as you I would love to flex for. Someone who tries to get to know me as more than just a bunch of muscles". "I would love to get to know you better if you gave me a chance, say maybe this Friday night?". I nearly died when she said yes. She gave me her phone number and told me to call on Thursday to set it up. We said goodbye and I looked up to the heavens and thanked God. I had on a permanent smile for the rest of the day even though I got yelled at for being so late for work. It was Friday, the night of our first date, and I was very nervous. We agreed to meet in a restaurant in the Village down by Bleecker st. My head was spinning in a blaze of insecurities about this night. Did she want a guy more muscular or wealthier than me, I thought? I told myself to just try and be myself because that's the only person I could ever be. My mind started to dream about holding her muscular arms and touching her massive chest. I pictured myself kissing her hard abs and squeezing her tight, muscular butt. I told myself I had to relax and treat her like a lady and not just a piece of meat. I know I'm not that type of person but her muscles did strange things to me. When I arrived at the restaurant I saw her seated in the back, enjoying what appeared to be a cocktail. She was definetly not shy about wearing tight and revealing clothes because her dress was showing all the muscle she had worked so hard for. It was a white dress with a low-cut top and sleevless arms. "Sorry I'm late, there was so much traffic on the bridge, I thought I'd never get here. You really look great. That's such a beautiful dress you're wearing". "Thanks, Gregg, its something I just threw on. I have so many clothes I can hardly keep count. I love to wear things that show off these muscles". She did a double bicep pose right there in the back of the crowded restaurant. It was an incredible display of sheer muscle but also more than a little inappropiate. I could see many people staring in our direction and shaking their heads. This was one aspect of being with a muscular woman that I never really gave much thought to. I have to admit it made me a little uncomfortable. "What's the matter, Gregg, all the people staring got you feeling a little embarrassed? You would rather us be alone when I flex for you?". Elaine sucked in her stomach and stuck out her muscular pecs in a most erotic pose. I was feeling excited and confused at the same time. I thought she didn't want guys who just wanted her for her body but here she was flexing in front of all these people. She also sounded a little intoxicated. "Elaine, are you feeling okay? You sound a little agitated". "I'm sorry. I've met guys like you who always want me to stay inside and never go out because they are embarrassed when people stare at my body. I really like you, Gregg, and I want to know you're not going to be like all the rest. I like to walk proud in public and I want you to be proud of me". Elaines honesty really took me by suprise. It sounded like she really liked me or was it the drinks that were talking? "I have to admit that I am a little uncomfortable around you. The initial suprise of people staring at us was unnerving but now I could care less. What really makes me uncomfortable is the fact that you are so appealing to me I can't stop thinking about you. All day and night I've been thinking about our date tonight and what I should say to you". "Gregg you're so caring and sweet. I'm sorry I was so rough on you. I think it might have been the four drinks I had before I got here. I was so nervous". She just laughed so sweetly and then smiled at me. I had that special feeling that told me I was in love. I really wanted to get to know Elaine, not only for her incredible body but for personality too. We held hands during dinner and talked for what seemed like hours. She suggested that we go back to her place for a while. When I was driving her home, she said she hadn't worked out for two days. "Would you mind if I worked out a little when we get back?" "No problem, Elaine". "I really like to workout heavy and I could use a spotter". "I would be honered". "My muscles also get sore after a hard workout. They really need to be massaged for a long time. Could you help me with that too?". She smiled so brightly when I stammered the word yes. "And Gregg, I also got I new tape measure to measure my muscles. The last one wasn't big enough to fit around my chest". She flex her chest and I thought her dress would rip because it expanded at least three inches. We were entering her immaculate apartment when she turned around and picked me up like a feather and started to kiss me. She kissed so erotically and tenderly I didn't even realize that I was one foot off the floor. She put me down and said she'd been wanting to do that all through dinner and the way home. I sat down and thought about what had just happened as she went to change into her workout clothes. Elaine came back dressed in a white tank top with tight blue highcut shorts. She picked up 45 pound plates and distributed them to each side of the weight bar. I counted 8 plates, which with the bar would be close to 400 pounds. I chuckled and said she possibly couldn't bench that much. She laughed and flexed her mighty guns at me. "What? You think these muscles are just for show? You think they couldn't lift as much as they wanted to? Now come over here and spot me while I bang out some reps". She took the bar with such authority I believed that she could lift the weight off the rack by herself. I never even assisted her with one rep as she banged out five slow reps. As I was helping her put the bar back I caught a wiff of her beautiful scent. It was so intoxicating I just had to bend down as kiss her while she was laying on the bench. I could not believe she wasn't even breathing hard after exerting so much brute force. After we kissed she said her muscles were starting to feel a little sore and that I should massage them. She did a front lat spread that sent most of her chest out of the tank top she had on. I went over and started to rub her massive chest. I explored each pec, feeling its hardness and caressing its roundness with my hands. Her chest started to expand even more as I did this making her top start to rip. I told her to make it rip right off. She expanded her chest even further by sucking in some air when I saw the top just rip to shreads. I laughed and then she laughed too. I began to kiss her washboard stomach when she began to make it rise out like a balloon being blown up. It went so far out that I was sure it would burst. Then she relaxed her abs as I continued to kiss and worship them. Elaine got and grabbed me in her arms while carrying me to her bedroom. She threw me down and told me to let her do all the work because she wanted to do something special for me. She grabbed my hands and held them down as she started to arouse me. She gyrated her body so smoothly, making her muscles tense and relax to each gyration. She brought me to the most incredible climax I've ever known. As we laid in bed holding each other, I fully believe that I was destined to meet this woman and that destiny can be a wonderful thing. THE END