The first time I met Her by sub sub meets Dom for the first time i knocked on the door of Her apartment, frightened but eager to meet the enigmatic Dom for the first time. As instructed, i was attired simply: jeans, t-shirt, sneakers. A deep but feminine voice came from behind the door. "Come in, little sub," She said. i opened the door and took a few steps into the dark room. Before my eyes could adjust to the darkness i was shoved from behind and landed in a heap on the carpeted floor. Instinctively i rolled over to see who had pushed me. The lights came on and there She stood, Dom, the Woman of my deepest desires. She was a tall Woman, about 5'9", maybe a bit more, Her height accentuated by the high- heeled black leather boots that She wore. Her matching black leather skirt hid little of Her tanned, muscular thighs, since it was very short. A heavy black belt was loosely fastened around Her waist, hanging low so that it covered little of Her obviously well- developed abdominal muscles. The cropped tank top that She wore barely covered Her beautifully rounded breasts, and revealed Her wide, powerful shoulders and impressively muscled arms. She wore black, half- fingered gloves on Her perfectly manicured hands. At the apex of this statuesque physique was the face of a dark Goddess, cruel and beautiful. Her dark hair was tied back, and a smile of amused contempt played about Her red lips. Without speaking She reached down and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to my feet. Once i was standing She pulled my head down next to Her hip and started walking, towing me along with Her. i could smell the leather of Her skirt as i awkwardly shuffled at Her side. She led me to another room where there were mats on the floor, and pulled me roughly up against Her mighty chest so that i was forced to look up at Her frowning, beautiful face. She spoke: "We are going to wrestle before I let you serve Me, slut, and I want a decent workout. If you fail Me, as you have so often, I may not permit you to serve me at all." She released my hair and pushed me a few steps away. "Get out of those clothes," She commanded. "Yes, Glorious Dom," i replied, and began removing my garments, trying to think of a way that i could provide some competition for this powerful Amazon. As i undressed She explained the rules of our wrestling bout: "We will wrestle a best-2-out-of-3 falls, sub. A fall may be won by either pin or submission, but only one fall may be won by submission. Do you understand, stupid?" "i understand, Your Highness," i said. "Good," She said, "Because that means that in a few minutes you'll be begging Me to pin you, to end the agony of the painful holds I'll apply. And, of course, because after I've beaten you I might allow you to amuse Me in gentler ways." i had just finishing removing my clothes when She said, "If you're ready now, wimp, I think we'll begin with a traditional test of strength. I'll give you a chance, though. you use two hands. I'll only use one." She held out Her left hand, palm toward me, fingers spread, and rested Her other hand on Her hip. i carefully slid the fingers of my right hand between those She had extended, and completed my two-hand grip with my left. i braced myself for the struggle, and was as ready as possible when She said, "Begin." i tensed, then leaned my weight into the resistance of Her hand. With all my strength i strove to bend Her wrist backwards, to demonstrate that i was, perhaps, not so completely helpless as She seemed to think. i needn't have bothered. While i strained, teeth clenched with effort, She seemed to remain as perfectly relaxed as if we were merely holding hands. After a minute or two of this uneven contest She flexed Her right bicep, displaying its high, rounded peak. She smiled at the look of fear and amazement that appeared, turned Her head to the side to look with satisfaction at the flexed symbol of Her power, then turned back to me, an even wider smile crossing Her lips. "The pain begins now," She said. Without the slightest indication of effort, She bent my wrists back as if they were as yielding as two blades of grass. She brought Her hand downward, forcing me to follow. i cried out with pain as my knees hit the floor. She held me in this position for several moments, slowly increasing the pressure on my wrists, forcing me to bow before Her might. As the pain mounted, i realized that this was no 'test of strength' at all, but was simply a demonstration of Hers. i thrashed about in an effort to pull away but was barely able to move Her arm, let alone cause Her to release Her iron grip. She reached down with Her right hand and pulled my left hand free, then simply turned Her left hand, easily flipping me onto my belly. Or almost on my belly-actually i hung from Her grasp with only my legs and part of my torso touching the floor. She carefully placed the heel of Her boot on my shoulder and pushed down with just a fraction of Her strength, sending searing pain through my shoulder, arm, and upper back. "Aaaggh!" i cried, "i give up! I give up!" "Say, 'i submit'," She growled, increasing the pressure. "i submit! I submit! Please, please stop!" i yelled. She twisted my arm just a bit more and demanded, "Say, 'i submit to Your superior strength, Magnificent Dom'." "i submit to Your superior strength, Magnificent Dom," i gasped, nearly in tears. "Please, please, Your Highness, please, Beautiful Dom, please stop! i'll do anything You say, please, Mighty Dom, please!" She paused reflectively for a moment then said, quietly, "Bark for Me, sub." "Arf, arf!" i barked obediently, "arf, arf!" She threw back Her head and laughed out loud. "Good little puppy," She said, still chuckling. "Now, lick My boot and I might let you up." i craned my neck around and stuck out my tongue toward the nearest part of Her boot, the sole. Stretched as far as i could, the tip of my tongue was still inches from Her boot. "Please, Highness, i can't reach it," i whined. "That's right slut," She said, "so beg for it. Beg to lick My boot." "Please, Glorious Dom, please, i beg of You, please let me lick Your boot," i whimpered, "please, Your Majesty, permit me to worship Your beautiful boot. i know i don't deserve it, Highness, but please, please let me taste the dirt on the sole of Your boot." She allowed me to continue in this fashion for several minutes until She finally said, "Oh, just go ahead then, slut. Worship My boot," turning Her foot so that i could reach it. i lapped at the sole of Her boot as hard and as fast as i could, eager to please Her so that She would release Her painful hold. After a few moments She released my hand and moved Her foot so that it was resting fully on my head, pressing the side of my face into the mat. i continued licking, as best i could from this awkward position, and said, "Thank You, Highness, thank You for letting me lick Your boot." "My pleasure, slut," She said as She wiped Her boot across my face and stepped away. "Get up, stupid," She said, "Time for the second fall of our little mismatch. Remember, this time you can't just submit. you have to get me to pin you." i did as She said, climbing slowly to my feet. "Don't just stand there, asswipe," She hissed, "Attack me. Make your move. Take your best shot." Summoning all my strength, i hurled myself at Her and wrapped my arms around Her shoulders, attempting to knock Her to the mat. i may as well have tried to tackle a redwood tree, for all the effect that i had on Her. She allowed me to continue my efforts for a few moments as i thrashed back and forth, trying to make Her lose Her balance. When i started to tire and She grew bored with my feeble efforts, She simply placed one strong finger on my shoulder and pushed me, effortlessly, down to my knees. I resisted, of course, but without success. my arms slid from around Her shoulders and down Her fantastic body. When i reached my knees She grabbed hold of my hair and held my face in front of Her crotch. i seized Her right leg and tried to upset Her balance, with no more luck than before. Again She permitted me to struggle in vain, wearing myself out against Her unbelievable strength. After i had begun to breathe heavily She turned me while simultaneously stepping across me so that my back was arched at an angle across Her right knee. She brought Her other leg inward to trap me between them, then wrenched me backward until i cried out with pain. "Aww, little slut," She murmured, patting me in the cheek with Her left hand, "does that hurt? Beg Me to stop." "Please, Mighty Dom, please, i beg of You, please stop. Please. You win! Please, Highness, please, i submit to Your superior strength, please i...aaaagghh!" With each word that i spoke She bent my back a little further until, between the constriction of Her legs and the contortion of my upper body, i could no longer gasp out the words to beg for Her mercy. Tears rolled down my cheeks as i used my hands to try to make Her release Her grip on my hair. She reached over with Her left hand and clamped my wrists in it, pulling them out in front of my body and holding them easily. "What's the matter, little slut?" She asked condescendingly, "Don't you want Me to stop? Do you want Me to keep going and snap your back like a dry twig? Oh, and did you forget? I can't win this fall by your submission. I have to pin you. you will not lose this fall as easily as the last, wimp." Unable to breathe, i could not respond to Her taunts. I was beginning to lose consciousness from lack of oxygen when She released me, dropping me in a heap at Her feet. i lay there gasping for air for a minute or two, trying to figure a way to make Her pin me, when i was struck by an inspiration. i rolled over on my back and put my hands at my sides. "Please, Goddess," i begged, "please pin me and claim victory. i'll do anything You say. "Please pin me!" "Now you're getting the idea, idiot," She replied. "That's good." She lifted Her foot and placed Her boot on my chest. "One, two...," She counted, then lifted Her foot away. "Not yet, maggot. I haven't finished playing yet." A great sob tore itself from the depths of my soul. Oddly, the disappointment of not yet losing to this magnificent Women was nearly enough to break my heart. She reached down and pulled me to my feet by the hair once again. She grabbed my left arm and twisted it behind my back, then pushed me forward until my face was pressed against the wall. Once i was thus held immobile, She pulled my right wrist into position so that She then held both my arms in a hammerlock position with Her left hand. Again She twined Her fingers into my hair, then yanked my head back until i was looking, backwards, up toward Her beautiful face. "It pleases Me to see the fear in your eyes, feeble sub, to watch you cry as you beg Me for mercy." Suddenly She jerked my arms upward, nearly tearing them from their sockets. my already- damaged right arm, especially, seemed to burst into a flame of agony. ""Please!" i sobbed, weeping freely now that i knew it brought Her pleasure, "Please, Highness, please, O Great One, Your Mightiness, please Beautiful Dom, Majestic Goddess, please, i beg You, please have mercy on me." She smiled down at me, amused. "Please, Supreme One, oh please," i continued, "please have mercy. Please, please let go, Glorious Dom. i'll gladly do anything, anything You say. Please, please have mercy, Your Magnificence!" With an evil grin She spat in my face, then tossed me across the room like a rag doll. While i lay on the floor gasping with relief, She walked over to a table next to a sofa and picked up something. "Crawl over here on your belly, worm," She sneered, then stood calmly waiting while i obeyed. When i reached Her i lay whimpering at Her feet, still trying to catch my breath. Once again She grabbed my hair and lifted my head, bending over to show me what She held. It looked like a dog collar, black leather with shiny metal studs. "This is a slave collar, maggot. Beg Me to put it around your neck, to let you wear it as my slave." She commanded. She released my hair and stood towering above me, waiting for my response. "Please, O Great One, please, please collar me as Your slave," i begged, my dreams coming true. "i will serve You obediently, Merciful Highness, and well. I am sure You can find any number of uses for me, Glorious Dom. Please, oh please put the collar on me and take me as Your slave!" "Do you worship Me, slut?" She asked. "Oh, yes, Your Highness, Goddess, yes, of course i worship You!" i replied. Casually examining Her long, beautiful fingernails, She coyly asked, "Really, feeble sub? And why is that?" "Because You are so magnificent, so superior, O Great One!" i answered, "Because You are so far, far better, smarter, stronger, and in all ways so superior to any and all other beings! How could i help but worship and adore such supreme majesty, such glorious beauty, such omnipotence, such perfection? It is my greatest hope, my highest aspiration that You, in Your infinite kindness, will permit Your humble worshipper to try to serve and amuse You, O Dazzling, O Perfect, O Omnipotent Goddess." i trembled with fear that She would refuse my plea. "Oh, all right," She said, "if it means so much to you, i suppose i could find some use for you. Get on your hands and knees, slut." i hurried to obey. She reached down and buckled the collar around my neck, saying, "With this collar i claim possession of your worthless life, slave. you are now mine, body, mind, and soul, to use or dispose of as i please." She held Her gloved hand in front of my face. "you may kiss your Mistress' hand, slave." "Thank You, Mistress, thank You!" i cried as i passionately kissed Her strong, beautiful hand. "Thank You for taking possession of me as Your slave, Kind Goddess." "It was nothing," She laughed, then slapped me down to the floor with an easy flick of Her wrist. "Roll over on your back, slave," She commanded. i did so and She planted Her boot firmly on my chest as She struck a triumphant double-biceps pose. "One, two, three," She counted. Thus began my service to the Goddess, Magnificent Dom.