Judy and Ted By eltoro Judy and Ted meet, with a view to wrestling - part 2 TT) Finally, Friday is here. I am really looking forward to this. Judy is great looking, and has a great personality. I would love to take her out. I would love to have sex with her. That would be the ultimate, a wrestling match followed by some great sex. Wrestling her will be great. Sex with her? YEAH! I think I will call her to make sure we are still going to do this. Rinnggg. Rinnggg. "Hello." "Yes, may I speak to Judy please?" "This is Judy. To whom am I speaking?" "This is Ted Tooler." "Oh yes Ted. How are you doing?" "Fine." "You are not calling to cancel are you?" "No way Judy. I am calling to make sure we are still going to do this. Are we?" "Oh yes Ted. I will not let you off that easily. What are your plans for the rest of the day?" "Just hanging around Judy, waiting to wrestle you." "What time is good for you Judy?" "How about an hour Ted? Is that too soon for you to get ready?" "Perfect!" "Are you still staying at the Ramada at Ninth and Sheldon?" "Same place Judy. Room 119." "I will be there in an hour. I have access to a room with mats and a shower. When we finish, you are more than welcome to shower before we go back to your hotel." "OK, sounds great. See you in an hour Judy." "Good bye Ted, see you in an hour." TT) Before we go back to my hotel? This sounds fantastic! Wrestling and sex. Can it get any better than that? No way in hell! I can't wait to get those long, strong legs wrapped around my waist. My head. I better go take a cold shower. JT) I can't wait to get this guy on the mat. Twist and shout. I will do the twisting, and he will do the shouting. Another victim. At least he sounds as though he really wants a match. He does not sound like one of those guys that is only after a free feel. It will be nice to have some real competition for a change. I have really gotten tired of the clowns that do this just to roll around with a woman that is nearly naked. I love the competition. I can't wait to get my legs wrapped around his waist. Or his head. Pop goes the weasel. Knock knock. Knock knock. "Hang on Judy, I am just getting out of the shower. Come in." TT) God she looks great! She smells even better. I wonder what she is wearing? I wonder how long she will be wearing it? JT) What is he looking at? Is it possible I have misread his intentions? I hope not. Well, I kind of hope not. Well, I kind of hope so. "Hi Ted. Are you ready?" "Ready as I will ever be Judy." "The wrestling room is only a few blocks from here. We should be there in about 20 minutes." "I can't wait. How did you ever get into this sport anyway?" "I have always been athletic. When I finished school, I started lifting weights. Wrestling seemed like a natural extension. Wrestling is a good sport, and a good workout. How did you come to start wrestling against women? Were you a high school wrestler?" "No Judy, I played baseball in high school. To be honest with you, I constantly read about women that are able to beat men in fighting sports. I have always wanted to see for myself. I saw your name while I was searching the net, and sent you an email. you responded, and here we are." "How many other women have you wrestled?" "You are going to be the first, and depending on how this goes, maybe the last." "Why?" "To be honest with you Judy, I am into the competition. I want to do this to test your strength and skills against mine. If I cream you this will probably be my last match." "What if I cream you Ted?" "Well, I really doubt that will happen." "What if that does happen?" "If you beat me, I will want probably want a rematch." "What if I cream you Ted?" "Then I will definitely want a rematch Judy." "I'll see what I can do for you. Here it is. Let me get my keys and open up." "What do you think Ted? How do you like it?" "Not very gig is it Judy?" "No, fairly small. I rented a small place so I wouldn't have to spend much time chasing you guys around the mat. There is no place for you to hide." "You either Judy." "That is how I like it. Small and cozy." "Where do I change Judy?" "Straight back, there is a door on the left. You can change in there." "OK Judy. I'll be right back." JT) He looks to be in good shape. Nice, athletic build. Al least he is not fat and bald like a lot of these guys. Should be a good match. "Hey Judy, I'm back." JT) He is much better than I expected. Big, strong and firm. Broad shoulders and strong hands. Looks like he works out. This is going to be fun. I hope he is as strong as he looks. I really want to lock up with this guy. "Certainly looks like you are ready to rumble Ted. Give me a couple of minutes to change. You had better loosen up a bit." TT) I can't wait to see her in a bikini. I hope junior doesn't try to crawl out of the barn! "Sorry for taking so long Ted." TT) Don't worry Judy. Seeing you in a bikini has been well worth the wait. You are absolutely gorgeous. Even your feet are pretty. "Let's take a minute and discuss some rules Ted." TT) Settle down junior! Not now! Get your head back in the damned barn! "These are the basic rules Ted. Is something the matter Ted?" "Nothing Judy. Just had a hot flash. Sorry." "That's alright. Let's be competitive, but not get either of us hurt. No finger or toe twisting, no body slamming, eye gouging, kicking, punching, biting. just good hard wrestling. OK?" "Sounds great to me Judy. Let's have some good, clean fun. An hour of wrestling with you for only a $200 fee is definitely a bargain." "I will make sure you get your money's worth Ted." "I hope so." "Ready?" "Ready!" Their eyes lock, and the combatants both drop into a slight crouch and begin to circle. There is not a sound as they both continue to circle, and draw tighter as they circle. Their muscles taut, their eyes fixed, the circle drawing tighter, the battle will soon begin. JT) C'mon Teddy. Just a little bit closer. Come to mama. Come and get some sugar. One lump, or two? TT) Here it comes Judy. Hope you can take the heat sweetie, cause it is going to get hot in here. Their bodies crash together. Judy comes in at the waist, Ted reaches down around her and locks his hands around her body. Ted pulls up trying to squeeze the breath out of Judy. Judy pulls up trying to knock Ted off his balance. The battle has begun, both struggling for the upper hand. Judy gains the first advantage as she pulls Ted's feet up in the air and drives him to the mat with her shoulder in his stomach. Crashing to the mat, Ted tries to throw Judy off, then tries to roll for a different angle. Judy's hold is too secure, and she now slides up his body and locks her arms around his neck. With her knees on either side of his body, her arms wrapped behind his neck, her position is solid and her hold is tight. Pulling his face into her chest, she restricts his breathing. Unable to throw her off, and unable to breath, Ted taps out. Judy is winning, one fall to none. "God you are strong, and quick!" "This is a game of the quick and the dead Ted. If you aren't quick, you are dead!" "Don't get too cocky Judy. That's only one fall." "One of many. You have to get the first before you can get the second!" "Are you ready Judy?" "Let's do it!" TT) Damn she is strong. I've got to be quicker off the start. Got to be more aggressive. Got to get the advantage and punish her. JT) Now he is pissed. Determined to get the advantage. How does two nothing sound Teddy? Once again they circle. The intensity has increased. Both look to be very determined. Both look very eager to resume the match. This time Ted makes the first move. With a quick step forward, Ted swings his left arm toward Judy, grabbing her in a head lock. He pulls her head into his body, and twists her to the ground. Now it's Judy's turn to cry. Ted tightens the hold, and lifts his lower body off from the mat to apply extra pressure to Judy's head and neck. Trying to relieve some of the pressure, Judy reaches up with her foot and forces it between Ted's legs. She tries to get enough leverage to roll Ted over, and maybe free herself. Ted has the advantage, and the strength to maintain that advantage. Soon Judy has tired, and seeing no way out of this hold, she taps out. Ted lets her go, and she rolls away. Both of them stay on the mat for another few minutes, both tired from the intense struggle. They both want more. "Good job Ted. Your headlock is really tough. I couldn't break it. Good hold!" "Hope you liked it Judy. There is more where that came from." "Ready to go again Ted?" "Ready." "Let's go!" Judy now aborts the circle, and instead charges into Ted trying for a quick advantage. Ted is ready though, and as Judy goes for his legs, Ted wraps his arms around her and forces her to the mat. Getting a face full of mat was not Judy's intention. She hit the mat hard, and her breath is forced from her. She tries to grab Ted's legs, but she can do nothing with him. His weight advantage is starting to take a toll on her. She is able to get her knees pulled up under her, but he is too strong. He now has her head between his knees, and is pulling his locked hands up into her stomach, forcing the rest of the air out of her lungs. She tries to catch her breath, but he keeps up the pressure. With a sudden jerk, Ted now has her on her side, and locks his legs around her head. He puts the big squeeze on her, and she refuses to quit. Judy reaches up and tries to force Ted's ankles apart with her hands. This does not work, and the pressure becomes too much to bear. "I give! I give!" Ted releases the hold, and rolls away from Judy. They both lay on the mat, trying to catch their breath. Sweat rolls freely from all of their pores. Neither of them is eager to resume the match, but both know they must. They both stand up. "We've been at this for forty minutes Ted. How about a five minute break?" "Sounds good to me Judy. I need some water anyway." As Ted goes for a glass of water, Judy slides down the wall and sits on the mat. JT) He is a lot better than I thought he would be. Quick and strong. I might have made a mistake here. I won't let myself lose to him. He is getting tired too. I've got to get inside on him. His reach advantage is killing me. He is too strong at arms length. C'mon Judy, kick his ass! Ted is thinking to himself as he drinks the water. TT) Always been athletic, huh? An extension of weight lifting? Wonder what she is thinking now? These weights are fighting back! Fifteen more minutes Judy. Hope you can still get up. Hope you still want to get up. Don't give up yet. Better not be too hard on her though. I still want to get her back to the hotel. Wonder what will happen back there. I can hardly wait! "C'mon Ted! Are you ready to go again? At least give me a chance to get even!" "Here I come Judy, ready or not!" "Ready?" "Ready!" Back to the circling. Judy more cautious. Ted more confident. Both of them want to win, but only one of them will. They are both breathing hard now, and sweat is dripping off of them both. The eyes again are locked. The circle draws tighter, and Ted makes a move. Again Ted goes for a headlock, but this time he misses as Judy ducks under his swinging arm. Judy is on the attack now, and locks her arms around Ted's waist. Though she is tired, and at a forty pound weight disadvantage, she picks him up and squeezes with every ounce of strength she has. Ted grabs her wrists and tries to pull her hands apart. She squeezes harder, then falls backwards throwing Ted to the mat. Able to maintain her hold, she forces him onto his stomach. In a second, she has slid up his back and now has him locked in a full nelson. She gets to her knees and applies the pressure. She is now forcing his face into the mat, and not thinking about letting up. Ted gets to his knees, then gets a foot underneath them, and somersaults forward. Judy maintains the full nelson, and is now able to get a scissors on Ted. Forcing his chin to his chest, and squeezing his ribs together, forcing out his breath, Judy is now really applying the pressure. Ted holds out for a minute or so, then taps out. Judy has now gained a tie, and some respect. Judy wants more. "I normally stick to an hour time limit Ted, and this has been an hour, but if you are willing, we can go one more fall." "Sounds good to me Judy. Where I come from, playing to a tie is like kissing your sister. Who wants to do that?" "Not me! I like men!" "Give me a minute Judy. That last hold you had me in was a good one. Now I've got sore ribs and a sore neck." "Don't worry Ted. I'll take it easy on you this time." "You better not!" "Don't worry. I won't!" "Good. Then I won't feel obligated to take it easy on you." "Give it to me hard Ted. That's how I like it!" TT) Hard! I'd like to give it to you hard. Open wide for chunky! JT) One more round Teddy bear. Then you are mine. "I'm ready Judy. Are you?" "I can't wait." "Let's go!" TT) After an hour of wrestling she does not smell so good any more, but she looks great still. I'd like to wake up with her and see what she looks like in the morning. JT) Somebody better write welcome on Teddy because I'm going to treat him like a door mat. Now they both are tired and breathing hard and sweating profusely. The final circle is slower, and the circle is wider. The combatants inch toward each other, each trying to get another breath before locking up. This is it. The winner of this fall takes it all. Ted will try to use his size advantage. Judy will try to use her quickness. Ted reaches out to grab Judy's arm, but she pulls back before he gets a hold. Judy fakes at Ted's legs, and he lowers his hands to thwart her attack. She grabs him in a headlock, and the action gets intense all over again. He straightens up pulling Judy up with him. She will no way let this advantage slip, and adds a body scissors to the waist. Having his head and body squeezed, Ted is more determined than ever to break free from this hold. He forces his hand between her ankles and pulls her legs apart. She puts her feet back to the floor and tries to throw Ted to the mat. He resists the throw and pulls his head free from the hold. Now Ted is able to get Judy in a headlock. He straightens her up and squeezes as hard as he can. The pressure makes Judy grunt and she is too tired to fight out of this hold. Ted feels her start to relax, and steps to throw her to the mat for the final fall. As that hit the mat, Judy pulls free and rolls to her feet. Ted, tired from his attempt to finish Judy, is slow to get to his feet. Judy takes charge and tackles Ted. Now the match is very physical. They both know the end is near, and having the advantage is crucial to them both. As Judy tackles Ted she slides over him, and neither is able to get an advantage, so they both stand up. The circling begins again. As soon as Ted drops his guard, Judy charges. She again tackles Ted, but this time is able to get him in a headlock. He fights hard, but not for long. He is too tired to continue, and quits. He is too tired to even tap out. Ted is done. They both lay on the mat for the next few minutes trying to catch their breath, trying to get enough strength to get up. Finally Judy does, and she reaches over and helps Ted to his feet. After a couple of big glasses of water, Ted heads for the shower. Looking back over his shoulder he says "I might need some help in here Judy. Care to join me?" "I'd love to Ted. I'll be right there." "Take it easy on me." "OK." "You better not!" "Don't worry. I won't."