Judy and Ted By eltoro Judy and Ted meet, with a view to wrestling TT) is a Ted thought. JT) is a Judy thought. "Hello." "Yes, may I speak to Judy Layvreik?" "This is Judy. To whom am I speaking?" "My name is Ted Tooler, and I am calling to see what the chances are for you and I to get together for a wrestling match." "Well Ted, the best thing to do would be for us to get together, possibly meet for lunch. Then we can discuss this further." "Where do you want to meet me Judy?" "Where are you staying?" "At the Ramada Inn at Ninth and Sheldon." "Do they have a restaurant there?" "Yeah Judy, there is a restaurant here." "Great! I'll meet you there, say about 1:30?" "OK Judy. I'll meet you there about 1:30 this afternoon. How will I know who you are Judy?" "I am tall and blonde. I'll be wearing a blue sweatshirt and white sweatpants." "OK Judy. I'll see you there." TT) I must be crazy. Why do I like to wrestle with women anyway? Must be something wrong with me. She's probably not even any good. This will probably be a big waste of time. Oh well, I'll go have lunch with her, and if she looks like she will not be competitive, I'll cut my losses and forget the match. JT) I hope this guy isn't one of those men that feels he has to prove himself by throwing around a woman. That sure does get old. Hopefully he will at least be able to hold an intelligent conversation. Hopefully he will buy lunch. Later that afternoon..... TT) Here it is, 1:37 and she is not here yet. This is going to be a waste of time. This is going to be a waste of money. Why am I here? Whoa! I hope this is Judy! Look at her! Tall, blonde, athletic, white sweatpants have never looked so good. Wonder what else she might want to do with me? I'm going to wave at her. If it is not Judy, maybe I'll get lucky. JT) That must be him. At least, he is the only guy waving. Tall, thin, fairly well built, average looking. This one should be alright. "Are you Judy?" "Yes, are you Ted?" "Yes I am. Please sit down. I'm really looking forward to this Judy" "So am I." "Hello, my name is Becky, and I'll be your server. Can I get you something to drink?" "I'll just have water." "Do you have Dr. Pepper?" "Yes, we do." "I'll have a large Dr. Pepper then." "I'll be right back with your drinks." TT) Don't tell me she is one of those gals that worries about every calorie. I knew this was a mistake. "Well Judy, tell me how you came to get involved in fighting men." "I don't fight men, I compete against men. There is a difference." TT) Brother! "OK, Judy, how did you come to start competing against men?" "I have been very athletic and into sports my entire life. Gymnastics, track and field, basketball, and softball. I dated a boy in high school that was on the wrestling team, and we used to wrestle each other all of the time. I have always been pretty strong, and athletic, and he taught me several holds and counters. I got to where I could beat him some of the time, and many of the other boys all of the time. I'm a natural. I have heard about other women wrestling men in private matches, and thought I would give it a shot. So far it has been pretty good." "What happened to the boyfriend?" "I went on to college after high school, and he went to work at a local factory." "Here you go folks, here are your drinks. Would you like to have lunch?" "Yes, I will have a tuna sandwich on wheat." "I'll have a prime rib sandwich and a baked potato with a lot of butter." "Thank you. I'll be back in a few minutes with your lunch." "How about you Ted. What is your athletic background?" "I played baseball in high school. That was it." "You didn't wrestle?" "No. My folks lived out of town, so I could only play one sport. Baseball was it." "How long have you been doing this Judy?" "For a couple of years now." "Ever been beaten?" "Just once. A guy that wrestled in college, as a heavyweight, beat me in a match about 6 months ago." "How much did he weigh?" "He said he was 235 pounds." "How much do you weigh Judy?" "I weigh 150 pounds." "You wrestled against a guy 235 pounds?" "I wrestle almost anybody. Do you want to wrestle me Ted?" TT) You have no idea what I would like to do to you Judy! "I think so. I tend to be pretty physical. I am very competitive. You look so frail, I am afraid I will hurt you." "So far Ted, nobody in my matches have been hurt, at least no physical hurt. There have been some hurt egos." "Are you that good, or the opponents that bad?" "You will have to judge that for yourself Ted." TT) You bet I will Judy. Looking forward to it. "Here's your tuna sandwich ma'am. Here's your prime rib and baked sir, and here's plenty of butter. Enjoy." "How long have you wrestled against women Ted?" "To be honest with you Judy, you are going to be my first female opponent. I've heard you are pretty good, and would like to see for myself." JT) Don't worry Teddy, I'll be more than happy to show you. "How many men have you wrestled Judy?" "I have no idea, but I'm guessing 50 to 60 matches." "You have only lost once?" "Just once. We wrestled for an hour, and he beat me 3 falls to 2. If we had wrestled for another 30 minutes, I would have beaten him. He was very tired when we finished." "What do you do Judy? Wear them down." "Whatever the match calls for. I am strong and have a lot of stamina. I can wrestle hard and fast, or slow and long. I react to each opponent differently." TT) I'd love to go hard and fast with you Judy. "Do you wrestle other women?" "Not usually. I love to compete against men. I love to beat men." "Pretty cocky, aren't you?" "Confident." "What are your favorite holds Judy?" "Any hold that would make my opponent submit." "Why do you wrestle?" "Wrestling supplements my income, but that's not the only reason. I love the competition. I love competing against men. I like to feel them getting weak, struggling to keep on wrestling. I like to hear them submit. I also like meeting different people. I have made more than one friend by wrestling against men. Most of the guys have been pretty decent." "Have you had some that were not?" "There are always some that are not decent. They are bullies. They feel they have something to prove. some men, but not many, want to prove their masculinity by wrestling and beating women. I have to be very careful in choosing opponents. Very careful. If I get hurt doing this, then I am out of commission until I heal. If I get hurt very often, I'll be forced to give this up." "I hope you will continue, for a long time." "So do I." "Do you do any mud wrestling, or topless wrestling, or fantasy wrestling?" TT) Please say yes! "No Ted, I don't. I am a serious athlete. Wrestling is a sport, not a strip tease. If you want that, you should look for another opponent." JT) This is what I was afraid of. Another guy after a free feel. It's about time to wrap this up. "Hang on Judy. I don't want any of that either. Finding good female opponents is probably the worst, and hardest part of mixed wrestling. I want the best opponents I can find. I want serious matches against serious women. I want to see for myself how good you ladies are." "Then you have come to the right place. I am serious about my wrestling." "How big are you Judy?" "I am 5 foot 9 inches tall, and weigh 153 pounds. I work out 5 times a week, and I will promise you a very tough match. How big are you?" "I am 6 foot tall and weigh 193 pounds, and I want a very tough match." "How much wrestling experience do you have?" "I have never wrestled in an organized wrestling program. I am pretty athletic though, and in fairly good shape. I'll give you a good match Judy." JT) You won't last 10 minutes Teddy. "What are your favorite holds Judy?" "I've already told you, any hold that will make you give up." "I don't give up easily." "Just the way I like it!" "Well Judy, will you wrestle against me?" JT) He does seem to be polite. Looks nice, sounds fairly intelligent. Nice body, nice and firm. Only average looking, but does have a nice body. I'm going to enjoy rolling around with him. Really enjoy it! "How long do you plan on being in the city Ted?" "I'm going to be here 4 more days. I will be leaving Sunday afternoon." "Is Friday good for you?" "Friday will be great. Do you have time to discuss the match details?" "Details?" "You know, the fee, rules, stuff like that." "Tell me what you would like to do, and we can set this up." "I like submissions only Judy. Barefooted and submissions only." JT) Foot fetish Teddy? "Barefooted and submissions only are fine with me Ted." "How long a match will you do Judy?" "I only wrestle for 60 minutes at a time. Real wrestling is hard, and wrestling longer than that could lead to both of us getting careless, and possibly injured." "How much is the fee Judy?" "My fee is $300.00 for the hour." "What time Friday?" "How about 4:00 Friday afternoon?" "Fantastic!" "I have a friend that has access to a gym and mats. I will swing by the Ramada about 3:30 and pick you up Ted." "Hey, sounds great Judy. Please, let me pay for the lunch." JT) Well what do you know. Teddy IS going to buy the lunch. I'll take it easy on him now. "Well thank you Ted. That is very nice of you." "No problem Judy. My pleasure." "I better be going Ted. Thanks again for lunch. I'll see you Friday at 3:30." "You are welcome Judy. See you Friday." JT) Teddy is in for a surprise. Frail am I? I will show Teddy that he best not underestimate his female competition. He is big and looks strong. I will really enjoy this match. I love competing against men. Especially men that think they can win. Teddy is in for a rough day. I can't wait to get him on a mat! TT) Judy is gorgeous. There is no way she can be that good of a wrestler. She is too thin, too frail. I'm almost afraid I'm going to break her. She is good looking though. I think I will really enjoy this. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. Maybe I'll get lucky. I can't wait to get her on a mat!