HardbodyPaul's story By HardbodyPaul Chapter One I've always been attracted to muscular women from a very young age. And it's not only the muscle, but the strength too. There's something so sexually arousing about women being strong! Matter of fact, it's not just sexually arousing, but arousing in other ways too. I've never been able to explain it totally, but it's always been there. How interesting it is how the human mind works. So difficult to put into words. Here's a little fantasy for the female muscle worshiper out there who adores being lifted by these women, and seeing their strength in action. It also demonstrates the aspect of true love between a man and a muscular female. On a beautiful Spring day, I meandered off to the gym as I do six days a week. Motivated to lift hard and push myself to failure on many sets. I've always been a strong lifter, in a decievingly small package. I'm currently 5'7" tall, and weigh in at 155 lbs.. Hoping to pack on some more muscle, and get up to 160 lbs. soon. It's good to have a goal in an activity like this. I occasionally see some women lifting in the gym. Many of them are very dedicated to the weights. However, it's rare to see any of them seriously straining and pushing themselves to their limits. Which is what I love in a woman. One who understands the human body, and drives to push hers to it's limits. I met my workout partner at the gym some 5 months ago. She's a tiny little powerpacked girl, about 5'4", 120 lbs.. When I first saw her there lifting with a male friend of hers, I witnessed a beautiful sight. They were doing military presses, and she was lifting close to the same weight as he was. And straining hard to press out that one more rep! Later, I chatted with her and her friend about lifting in general. She described herself as a "hard gainer'. Like me. We are strong as hell, yet do not possess genetics which allow us to grow easily. I told her to join me for a workout someday, to which she replied, "I'll be there". And sure enough, a few days later, she was! And we trained hard. I pushed her, and she loved it. And I did too. Her name is Jan, and we've been workout partners ever since then. Now, Jan is strong, and has all of the above characteristics of the kind of women that I am romantically attracted to. Yet, I am not attracted to Jan. It's not there, which is good, because Jan is married. And I would never get involved with a married woman. I respect marriage in general far too much. Besides, it's hard to seriously train on a consistent basis with a woman that you are attracted to. And I love training with Jan! On this day, while preparing for my workout with Jan, stretching and doing some ab work, I spotted another beautiful sight across the gym. She had auburn hair down to her shoulders. And a tight and hard looking upper body while doing lat pull downs. With 100 lbs.! "Whoa", I thought. I kept my eye on this girl, as she moved over to the barbell set, and began doing curls. She was STRONG! And pushing HARD! Oh, the faces this beauty was making. Who is this girl, I thought. I've never seen her here before. Where did she come from. She pushed and strained for each rep with a 40 lb. barbell. Practicing good form, and focusing on the biceps doing the work of curling the bar. She would barely squeeze out a rep, and, to my surprise, attempt and succeed at another one. What endurance and determination this girl displayed. And on top of that, she had a "cat-like" appearance to her. Which I have always been attracted to. A very lean, yet powerful looking body. Not huge bulky muscle, but exceptionally toned and defined muscle. Later, she moved over to the leg extensions. At the top of the extension movement, every muscle fiber seemed to stand out and take notice in her quadraceps. I was just dying to run over their and put my hand on top of her thighs, and feel the muscles in her legs as they flexed hard, and then relaxed again. I whispered to Jan, "There's another strong girl here in the gym today". With an evil grin on my face. "I know", said Jan. She had noticed this girl too. "Did you see how much weight she was doing on the lat pulls", I said. "No", came the reply. "100", I said. "Really", smirked Jan. We were both impressed by this girl. I think Jan was just impressed. Yet, I, was thinking that this was the girl of my dreams. I have searched long and hard for my dream girl. Aware of the fact that my taste in women is very eccentric, and my needs, hard to fulfill. But, I never give up hope. And I believe that God has a special girl out there somewhere, to which she will pop into my life at the most unexpected time some day. Until then, I train hard, and strive for my goals, and stay happy. After all, that is what life is all about....happiness! I saw this mystery woman speak to another female friend of mine, Petra, a few times. After this girl had left the gym, I wandered over to Petra to question her about this beauty. "Hi Petra", I said "Hi Paul" "I've got a quesion for you" "What's that?" "Well, who is that woman that you talked to a few times today? Do you know her?" "Who, Charity?" "Her name is Charity?", I asked. "Yes, she's wonderful girl", said Petra. Oh, God, please let her say that this girl is single, I thought. "What about her, Paul?" "Well", I said. "Is she single?" "Yes, she is". "She's beautiful, Petra". "Really? You like her?" "Oh yes", I said. "That's my kind of girl". "Well", she said. "I'll have to introduce you two". "Thanks, Petra. I'd really love to meet her" I left the gym, unable to get this beautiful "Charity" out of my head. She was so stunning, so intense in her lifting, and definetly, my type of girl! I pictured how we might meet, and what we might say to one another in that first meeting. All the while, saying to myself, "Just be yourself, Paul". I've watched Charity work out a few times at the gym since first seeing her there. She's just mesmerizing to watch. Her auburn hair is beautiful, and to me, that face has beauty just flowing from it. She's not particularly what En Vogue magazine would call beautiful, but to me, she's stunning. It's the whole persona that she presents in the gym that I'm so infatuated with. The way she calmly moves about, performing different exercises. Taking each exercise until she is at compete and total muscle failure. Straining with every fiber of her body to complete just one more repitition. Jan notices me watching Charity. "Hey Paul", she'll say, "I'm starting another set". And then she'll giggle a little. I love the fact that Jan is not too jealous of my infatuation with Charity. I hate jealousy. And my dedication to being Jan's partner is strong. Several days after watching Charity from afar, and never seeming to have the opportunity to meet or be introduced to her, I finally got the chance. Charity seems to get to the gym about thirty minutes earlier than Jan and I. So, on this day, I got to the gym a little early. To my surprise, as I was walking into the gym, Charity was just getting there also. After getting in some stretching and warm up, and noticing that Jan was a little late arriving to the gym, I began doing some pull ups, as today was back and biceps day. Charity came into the weight area, and began doing squats. She began with a somewhat light set of 95 lbs., including the bar. I was very interested to see if Charity was going to do full squats, all the way down, bringing her quadraceps to a parallel to the ground position. She did! Full squats, with perfect form. A truly beautiful sight, watching her do squats deep and keeping an arched back. 95 lbs. seemed fairly easy for her. Her legs are indeed pretty strong too. I had not up to this point, seen Charity do any leg work other than a few sets on the leg extensions. Charity's legs were not big at all. But, man, did her legs look hard, and defined! As Jan had not made an appearance yet, I decided to do some barbell bent over rows. I normally did these at the squat rack, utilizing the bar there. My gym has two squat racks, side by side. Charity was, of course, at one of the squat racks, doing her squats. The other rack was vacant. I meandered over to the open squat rack, and proceeded to load the bar with a 45 and 10 lb. plates on each side. Approximately my bodyweight, for my sets. After completing my first set, I watched closely as Charity began a set with 105 lbs. on the squat bar. This weight began to challenge her a little more doing 12 reps or so. I watched as she squatted low. The muscles in her legs bulging out as she began her rise to the standing position. Her face was showing strain, yet she continued to push out the reps. I was mesmerized by her. After she completed her set, I spoke. "You're Charity, aren't you" "Yes", she replied. "I asked Petra your name", I said. "You're a strong lifter". "Really, you think so?" "Oh yes". That comment immediately brought a big smile to here face. She had a deeper voice that I had envisioned. Very sexy, actually. "My workout partner is kinda jealous of you", I said. "I've seen you and her working out", she replied. "She is pretty strong too". "Yes, she is. She is a perfect partner for me. "I'd love to have a partner" "Well", I said. "I lose my partner on Saturdays. She works out with her husband on those days". I wanted to immediately establish that Jan and I are ONLY workout partners, and that there was nothing romantically going on between us. And to casually point out the fact that I was single, and very available. "Perhaps you and I could work out together this Saturday?", I said "Yes", she replied. "I'd love that" I was overjoyed by hearing those words come from her! "You are squatting close to your own bodyweight there", I pointed out. "I think that you could even do more". "How much do you think that I should try?'" "Well, if you want, I will spot you on your last set, and you could try plates on each side" By saying "plates" on each side, I meant the 45 lb. plates. Which equals 135 lbs. total. "How much do you weigh", I asked. "125", she said. " I think that you can do that much" She immediately began to unload the smaller weights that she had on the bar. I assisted her by placing a plate on one side, while she loaded the other side. She got in position under the bar, and easily stepped off with it. I was so excited, as I got my self into a good spotter's position behind her. I kept my body close behind hers, with my hands just outside of hers on the bar, our arms just brushing one anothers. She went as deep as she had with the lighter weight, and pushed up the first five reps with only minor strain. "Excellent", I resounded. "Hold your form" She began to strain on the sixth rep. Making a little "oomph" sound as she drove up with the weight. I was becoming very impressed by this display of strength. Jan would be struggling doing this many deep squats with this kind of weight too. And I'm not sure if Jan would surpass eight reps with it. "Two more", I encouraged. And Charity was obviously going to try to attain this, as she went down for rep number seven. She came up with some struggle. Yet, I was not assisting in lifting the weight for her. Only helping in balancing her. Her eighth, and last rep, she did just barely reach failure, as I assisted in adding only slightly some upward pressure on the bar. Her whole body was shaking slightly at this point, and I was dying to look up to see her face. Yet, I kept my focus on the bar, and her overall body position, as a good spotter should. "Great", I said, as she placed the bar back in the rack. "You are indeed strong". "Thanks", she said. "You are really making me feel good" I grinned a sweet smile to that. As she was making ME feel good too. I loved everything about her. Her smile, her voice, her everything. I could really love this girl for the rest of my life, I thought. We chatted a bit more, and then went on to our respecitve routines, after affirming our date to workout this coming Saturday. Later, when Jan finally arrived, I took Jan over to where Charity was working out and introduced the two of them. They shook hands, and Jan reinforced our noticing how strong and hard Charity hit the weights. Charity commented how she would love to possibly join in working out with Jan and I sometime. To my surprise, Jan encouraged Charity to do so. "Yeah", I thought to myself. Later, as Jan and I was doing our curls, and Jan was pushing me harder than ever, I heard Jan whisper to me, "She's watching you"! To which I pushed ever harder to push out yet another rep. Of course, I could not take my mind off of Charity all day that day. What did this Saturday have in store for me? I'm usually so unlucky at love. First off, my taste in a woman is so rare. And it seems that when I do find a woman that I am truly interested in, she is either too young, too old, or married. Or, some other evil fate always interludes. Could this girl finally be the one? On Saturday morning, I awoke very vibrant and enthused in anticipation of Charity and I's work out together. I peeked out the window to see rainy weather, hoping that it wouldn't impair Charity from making it to the gym this morning. But, sure enough, shortly after my arrival, in she came! Ahh, what a sight she was. She had obviously given her hair more attention than she usually does for the gym. This was a good sign! We greeted one another with a smile, and I encouraged her to stretch out with me. I knew that I was planning on pushing her harder than she usuaully does, and I didn't want her to suffer a muscle strain. She took off her coat, and joined me on the carpet to stretch. As I watched Charity stretch, I noticed some things about her that I had not before. First off, she had freckles. Cute ones! And I could actually see the muscle fibers in her legs as she stretched them to their max. She had very dense, hard muscle in her legs. "You definetly have solid legs", I proclaimed. "Why thank you", she replied. "Are you ready to work them", I said. "You bet", came her reply. I was getting excited! I suggested that we work legs, to which she agreed. We began on the hip sled. Jan had asked me to keep note of how much Charity could lift. Of course, I knew that Jan was curious as to Charity's strength from a competitive standpoint. Which was a good thing. However, Charity amazed me at how much she could lift. The most I had ever seen Jan do on the sled was three 45 lb. plates and one 25 lb. plate per side, and strained heavily with that amount. Charity, though, worked her way up to four 45 lb. plates and one 25 lb. plate per side, with my encouagement, of course. How could her thin legs be able to push that much weight. And, I was dying to know if Charity could lift me with those strong legs, and curious to how she would respond when and if I told her how much this turned me on. We then moved over to a tortuous leg exercise called the "Hack squat". The hack is basically doing squats with a machine, while in a leaning back position with the macine supporting your back, and the weight sitting on your shoulders. A painful yet fantastic exercise for the tops of the quadraceps. When I got Charity up to a fair amount of weight, the muscles in the top of her quads just bulged out in cords! And then those straining faces came out from her in full force. "Oomph", audibly began coming from Charity as she did more reps with the heavier weight. I love that sound! God, I can't wait to hear her making that sound while lifting me someday, I thought. At the leg extension machine, I showed Charity how to do negatives. These allow you to have more weight on the negative part of each lift (as you bring the weight back down), than on the positive part (lifting it up). Your partner simply pushes on your ankles at the top of the movement while you try to bring the weight down slowly. To my surprise, when I pushed on Charity's ankles at the top of each repitition, she would not allow me to push her back down. I even put all of my body weight on her, and still, she could hold me up. "You are just like Jan", I said. "I think she just enjoys being able to hold up my entire weight". "I think I was too", she said. Hmmm, I thought, perhaps she WILL enjoy lifting me in other ways! Eventually, we moved on to do some bicep work. Charity could really push on her upper body work. Even more so than legs. We did 4 and 5 reps beyond the point that she reached total muscle failure on virtually every set that she did. "I think you enjoy feeling that pain", I said. "I actually do", came her reply. "Really" "Yes" We did seated concentric curls with the dumbells after that. I loved spotting Charity on these. The best place to spot someone on dumbell curls is from behind them, while reaching around the arm doing the curls, and assisting by pulling on their forearms with your hand when they reach failure. Charity smelled so nice! I stayed very close to her as I reached around her to spot her. She was intoxicating. Watching her face strain, and feeling her body close to mine as her biceps strained and her arms shook to complete each repitition. After we had completed our workout, we discussed various topics, from children to nutrition. I spontaneously asked her if she would be interested in having dinner sometime, so that we could get to know each other better. She immediately replied with a "Yes". Without hesitation, which is always a good sign. Two weeks went by, and I did not see Charity at the gym. What was up with this, I thought. Where had she gone. We had such a wonderful workout together. I just didn't understand it! Finally, on a Friday morning, while I was doing my routine workout with Jan, Charity came into the gym. She immediately came right up to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and told me the many goings on in her life recently, and that she was VERY sorry for not have been in. She then requested my phone number, and told me that she would call me soon. I got off of work that evening at around 11pm. When I walked in the door, the phone was ringing. It was Charity! "Hi, Paul", she said. "Hi, Charity" "How are you", she said with an ornery giggle. "I'm fine. I just walked in the door", I replied. "Are you busy, Paul? I'd love to see you right now" I was amazed! "No", I said. "Not really. Do you want to come over for a bit and talk?" "Yes, I'd like that", she said. I gave her directions to my house, and began to tidy up around the bachelor pad. I really didn't have a lot of women over much. I honestly do not meet that many women that I would enjoy having over. My taste in women is so eccentic. Meaning, that there really are not that many women out there who I am seriously attracted to. And I'm beginning to tire of women who just have a pretty face. I want MY type of girl! Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. I answered the door, and there she stood on my doorstep. Charity was a sight to behold. Once again, she's not a barbie doll look-a-like. She's got those cute little freckles on her face, with those little brown eyes, and gorgeous auburn hair. The wind got ahold of her scent, and blew it right into my face. She smelled wonderful! A scent that I did not recognize, but enjoyed immensely. She had a smile on her face, and was wearing faded loose fitting jeans, and a leather coat. I invited her in, and to take her coat off. She did, and had on a short sleeve blouse. Her arms looked stronger than I remembered. Somewhat thin, yet defined and vascular. She was such a hardbody! I asked her if she wanted anything to drink. "Water would be fine", she said. I brought her a glass of water, and we sat and talked for a bit. We discussed her work, and how busy she had been lately. She inquired to what I did for work. And I explained it to her. She seemed impressed. "You have an interesting carreer, Paul" "Oh, it's really nothing special", I said. "It's just what I do". "Well", she said. "I'm impressed by it". Then Charity said something that totally caught me off guard. "You know, Paul. I really need a guy like you in my life. You seem to really have yourself together! And you admire my lifting more than any man that I've ever met. I like that". I smiled at that. And said, "It's what I am, Charity". Which was totally honest. It IS what I am. And what I needed also. "So, how long have you been lifting weights, Charity?" "Oh, I started with the weights about ten years ago. I thrive on being strong. And I am addicted to the feeling that I get when I lift hard and heavy." "Yes, I've noticed that", I said. "Especially when you were holding me up while doing the negatives on the leg extensions. You had a gleam in your eye when you did that, ya know." "Yes, I know", she said. "Probably because I find you so cute too. I wish we were at the gym right now, so we could do those again". "Well, ya know", I said. "We could do them right here". "Really? How"? "I'll show you", I said. I then took Charity over to the bar, and said, "Here, sit up here". Charity jumped up on the bar, with her legs dangling off of the side. I told her to hang on to the back edge of the bar to hold herself down for stability. And showed her how to flex her feet upwards, forming a seat for me to sit. I then sat on the tops of her feet and ankles, and told her to lift. She lifted me up fairly easily. My entire weight being lifted by her quads as she extended her legs, and back down again. Before I knew it, she had squeezed off 10 reps. "Should I try for some more", she said. "Yes, if you can", I said. "Do as many as you can". Charity continued to do leg extensions with me sitting on her feet for weight, her face showing more and more strain each rep.. Geez, she was a strong girl. The determination that began to show in her face was beautiful! I love it! And with my hands resting on the top of her legs, I could feel every fiber in her quadraceps working, and beginning to shake some. By rep number 16, she was showing a tremendous amount of strain. But, not stopping. She just kept going! Until she reached failure at rep 20. She strained hard to push out number 21, but, my weight ceased to rise up. It seemed like she continued to attempt that rep for at least 5 seconds, just holding my weight half way up, until her legs began shaking terribly, and eventually, my weight came down to the bottom of the movement again. She reached down and gave me a tremendous hug. "Thank you, Paul", she said. "That was awesome". "You're amazing, Charity", I said. "Thank you. And you are a perfect weight for me. Do you know any more lifts that we can do here"? "Sure", I said. "If you think that you are up for more". "Oh yes", she said. "I enjoyed that thouroughly. And I didn't get to work out today, either". I asked Charity if she wanted to do some squats. To which she said, that would be great. I took her over to the front door, had her face the door, and squat down. I explained to her how she could do squats with me sitting on her shoulders. To which she immediately said, "Ok", and squatted down for me to sit on her shoulders. I climbed up on her shoulders, and sat down, holding onto the door for balance. I had to assist her in standing up to start. But, she took it from there and began doing perfect, deep squats. My weight is slightly above what she is used to doing in the gym, so she was straining a little to do many reps. But, still managed to do 8 deep reps. "Can you help me if I attempt two more, Paul", she said. "Yes", I replied. "I'll just pull on a little on the door here if you get stuck at some point". Slowly, Charity went down to a deep squatted position for another rep. Her legs were shaking quite a bit, and I was totally aroused by this time. "Ooomph", came from Charity, as she began her ascent. She held her form well, and almost came to a stop at mid squat. I was tempted to pull up on the door, but just as I started to, Charity must have found some extra strength, because she pushed herself up to the standing postition. She was breathing heavily at this point. "One more, ok", she asked. "Ok", I said. Once again, she began her descent to a full squatted position. Legs shaking tremendously! I think that I was shaking too. From excitement! "Ooooomph", came a large grunt from Charity, as she pushed as hard as she could, with every fiber of her body. She remained in the squatted position for what seemed like forever. I pulled up just slightly on the door to assist her. She bagan to rise ever so slowly. Legs shaking even more now. And slowly, she pushed herself up to a standing position. WOW! After she sat me down, she turned to me, and sort of collapsed in my arms, giving me a tremendous hug! We stood there for a minute, just holding each other. Her panting in my ear from exhaustion. "Paul", she said. "Yes, Charity", I replied. "I've never met anyone who understood how much I love lifting a man for weight like that". "You mean, you really love doing that"? "Yes, I do. That's why I asked if I could come over and see you tonight. I was hoping that you would tolerate me lifting you for a workout like this. I've not been able to find too many men who'll let me. But, you're even more special than I ever imagined. I think that you're my fantasy come true, Paul". "Hmmm", I said. "I was thinking the same thing about you, Charity". "Wanna do some more, Paul"? "Yes, Charity. I do" THE END