Schoolgirl Pin Wrestling PART 3 (1/2) By (Colleen Erikson) Update: 26/04/1998 to misc4 It was late in the afternoon, and Audra was out biking around Lincoln Park in Chicago with her roommate Connie, near the college they both attend. It had been an unusually warm day for this time of year, and as Audra and Connie rode along the shores of Lake Michigan, they began to notice a cool breeze beginning to come in off of the lake, and after about an hour of riding, they both decided to head back towards their apartment, and put the bikes away for the day. The park was fairly empty, except for the regulars who take their dogs over there for a run, and a few other people that were occasionally sitting, or laying in the sun, trying to enjoy the last few hours of warmth, before the cool wind took over completely for the evening. As the two college girls rode through a somewhat secluded and wooded area of the park, on their way back to the apartment, they noticed another girl, laying by herself on a blanket in a sun-lit small clearing, listening to a radio. Audra immediately recognized this girl as Arlene. "Hey," Audra said to Connie and getting her attention, as she quickly brought her bike to a stop along the path in the trees. "What are you doing?" Connie asked surprised, as she stopped her bike also. "Remember that girl I told you about in my classes," Audra continued, "the one that I don't like?" "I remember," Connie replied. "I think you said that you wanted to get her in a schoolgirl pin someday, and beat her up." Connie began laughing a little. "Right?" "Yes," Audra replied. "And guess what?..... She's right over there." Audra pointed through the trees to the clearing, to the girl laying on the blanket by herself, listening to her radio. "Are you sure?" Connie asked, as looked over at the girl also. "Of course I'm sure." Audra said. "I'm positive, and I'm also positive that I think I really hate her." "Well," Connie replied, as she glanced around at the immediate area of the park. "There doesn't seem to be anyone around....... Why don't you go beat her up then?" "That's what I was thinking..." Audra replied, as she got her bike moving again, and began riding in the direction of Arlene. "Are you sure you can take her?" Connie asked, as she quickly followed Audra on her bike. "I can take her." Audra said confidently. "I'm going to teach that bitch a lesson once and for all, not to mess around with me anymore." Audra and Connie quickly rode off of the bike path through the trees, and out into the small sun-lit clearing where Arlene had been laying on her blanket. Connie stopped her bike about ten feet away from Arlene, while Audra rode up right next to her blanket, stopping quickly, and got completely off of her bike, letting it fall to the ground. Arlene had heard the two girls approach her, and she was able to get up to her feet rather quickly. Arlene was an attractive brunette, with hair down a little past her shoulders in the back. She was about 5'4" tall, and weighted probably 110lbs or so. Arlene was dressed in a pair of cut- off jean shorts, and a bikini top. She was barefoot, as her white running shoes and ankle-length white socks had been laying next to her on her blanket. "What the hell do you want?" Arlene demanded to know of Audra, as she looked straight into the girl's eyes. Audra was an attractive girl also. She was a blonde who stood about 5'5", and weighed 115lbs at the most. Audra had long blonde hair that flowed down to almost the middle of her back. She was dressed in a pair of black bike shorts, and wore a white t- shirt, with running shoes, and ankle length socks. "What do I want?" Audra asked sarcastically, as she stood just a foot or so directly in front of Arlene now. "Well," the blonde continued, "I want to kick your butt!..... I'm sick of your crap!" "Oh yeah?" Arlene replied, as she clenched a fist, and quickly punched Audra extremely hard into her stomach. Audra moaned, and doubled over in pain, completely taken by surprise as Arlene's fist slammed into her stomach. Arlene grabbed hold of Audra's long blonde hair, and tripped the girl down to the grass over her leg. Audra landed on her side, almost in a fetal position. Her hands were on her stomach, as she wheezed slightly from having the wind knocked out of her by Arlene's fist. Arlene continued to stand next to Audra, and used her foot to quickly roll Audra over to her back. As Arlene stood next to the sprawled blonde in the grass, the brunette put her hands on her hips, and pressed her bare foot down on top of Audra's breasts. "Get the hell out of here." Arlene ordered the blonde beneath her foot, "or else you'll really be sorry." Connie had been watching from her position a few feet away from Arlene and Audra, and just as Connie was getting off of her bike, to help her roommate, Audra reached up, and grabbed hold of the brunette's leg. Audra quickly rolled to her side, and while she hung on to Arlene's leg, she forced the brunette off balance, and Arlene fell down into the grass next to the blonde. Both girls were suddenly rolling around in the grass now, in a tangle of arms and legs. But it wasn't long at all before Audra managed to get the brunette rolled over beneath her to her back. In a quick move, Audra straddled Arlene with her legs, and proceeded to sit up onto the squirming brunette's stomach. Arlene tried to punch and slap at Audra, from her position on her back beneath the blonde, but Audra was able to grab hold of Arlene's wrists, and quickly pressed them down to the ground, next to the brunette's head. "Get off of me!" Arlene demanded. The blonde ignored her completely, and slid up a little further on Arlene's body, and pressed her knees down onto the brunette's shoulders, completely pinning Arlene down to the grass now. Arlene continued to struggle and squirm, but was unable to shake the blonde from astride her body. In a quick move, Arlene brought her legs up from behind Audra, and before the blonde could react, Arlene had positioned her feet directly in front of Audra's breasts, getting them under the blonde's arms, and in a powerful move while trapping the blonde between her legs, Arlene suddenly forced Audra off of her body, and viciously threw the blonde down into the grass on her side. Arlene's leg muscles tightened and she locked her ankles together as she held the blonde in a firm leg-scissors hold around her stomach. Audra began moaning from the pressure of Arlene's legs, and she began to punch at the brunette's thighs which were gripping around her mid-section. Now Arlene began moaning, and quickly realized that she couldn't keep this hold on the blonde. Arlene released the leg-scissors hold she had on Audra, and as the blonde rolled free, Arlene quickly got up to her knees, and grabbed hold of Audra before she could even attempt to get up. Arlene forced Audra back down into the grass, and once again, the two girls began rolling around trying to get an advantage. Both girls were trying to get any leverage they could, to punch and slap at each other, but eventually, it was Audra who prevailed. Finding the brunette trapped on her back beneath her again, Audra quickly straddled Arlene, and sat up once again onto her stomach. Audra quickly took hold of the brunette's wrists, and pressed them down firmly to the grass next to her head. Not wanting to have Arlene's legs come up from behind her again, and trap her, Audra slid up further on Arlene's body, until her butt came to rest right astride the brunette's breasts. Audra kept Arlene's shoulders pinned down beneath her shins now, while she still held the brunette's wrists down in the grass. Audra brought her knees in slightly, and pressed them against the sides of the brunette's head, just below her ears, gripping it firmly between them. Now Audra smiled down into Arlene's cute face stuck between her knees. "What are you going to do now?" Audra asked her sarcastically, as she caught her breath from her dominating position astride Arlene. Arlene did not reply, nor did she glance up at Audra's towering body sitting astride her breasts. Instead, she continued to struggle and squirm as she attempted to force the blonde from her body, but everything she tried was unsuccessful. Arlene brought her legs up from behind the blonde numerous times, but Audra was just a little too far forward on her, and the brunette couldn't quite reach her body. Arlene bucked and kicked wildly, but even this was not enough to force Audra off of her. As Arlene continued to struggle, Audra was being forced up even further on the brunette's body, until her butt came to rest astride the brunette's throat and neck. It was only when Arlene felt her jaw and chin being pressed up into the crotch of Audra's black bike shorts, did she finally stop squirming and struggling around. Audra clamped her thighs tightly against the sides of Arlene's head, completely covering her ears, and at this point, the blonde finally released Arlene's wrists, and put her hands on top of her thighs as she looked down at Arlene's trapped face between them. Arlene was completely pinned down, helpless and at the mercy of Audra now. Everything she tried to escape was unsuccessful. All the poor brunette did was wear herself out from the struggle. She was trapped on her back, with Audra sitting up astride her throat and neck. Her chin and jaw were being forced up against the crotch of Audra's shorts, and her shoulders were still pinned down, trapped to the grass beneath Audra's shins and ankles. Arlene could barely hear anything as the blonde's thighs gripped tightly against her ears, and after just a few moments of being in this humiliating and embarrassing position beneath Audra, the brunette finally looked up at Audra's face, which continued to smile down at her. "Ok," Arlene said quietly as she lay still beneath the blonde. "I give up. You win......." Audra began laughing now, from her dominating perch astride the brunette. "I know I won..." Audra smiled, "but I'm not going to let you up yet." "Come on," Arlene said meekly, "Please get off. I give up....." "No way." Audra replied. "This is too much fun." Connie was still watching her roommate and Arlene, and only now after Audra got Arlene in this humiliating position beneath her by herself, did she come closer to the two girls. "Way to go!" Connie said to Audra, as she put her bike down into the grass, and sat down next to the two girls. "This is so cool!" Audra said, smiling towards Connie now. "I knew I'd get her someday." Audra glanced back down into Arlene's cute face, stuck tightly between her thighs and knees. The blonde quickly clenched a fist, and held it directly above the brunette's trapped face. "I should punch you out," Audra threatened, "since you punched me in the stomach." "No,.......Please...." Arlene begged. The brunette slowly brought her hands in a little, and placed them onto Audra's knees, which were just above the sides of her head. "Please don't hurt me...." Both Connie and Audra could see the humiliation and embarrassment in Arlene's face, as the brunette lay trapped in this tight schoolgirl pin beneath Audra. And there was nothing that Arlene could do about it at this point. During the struggle, Audra's bike shorts had rode up her thighs quite a bit, and the brunette could feel Audra's bare thighs pressing up against the sides of her head, and she definitely felt the crotch of the blonde's bike shorts being pressed up against her chin and jaw. She felt as if she was being constricted by the blonde, with nowhere for her to move her upper body, as she lay trapped in this somewhat erotic position beneath Audra. Audra's weight was also beginning to take it's toll on her, as she began to feel the pain of the blonde's cute butt pressing down on her, just above her breasts. It was hard for Arlene to breathe normally in this unfortunate position beneath Audra, and with the humiliation of having Audra's crotch so close to her face, and the frustration of not being able to do anything about it, Arlene began to cry. It only took a moment before Audra felt Arlene's warm tears stream onto her thighs. And because of this, Audra began to laugh again. "What are you crying about?" the blonde asked sarcastically, as she smiled down into Arlene's teary face between her thighs. "Please let me go..." Arlene begged again, "Please let me up...." Audra clenched her fist again, and held it right against the brunette's nose. "Maybe I should really give you something to cry about, you bitch!" "No!" Arlene yelled, "Please...... please don't hurt me!" "Shut up!" Audra ordered the brunette, as she quickly unclenched her fist, and covered Arlene's mouth with her hand. As Audra's hand covered up the brunette's mouth, Arlene looked up wide- eyed, and teary-eyed at Audra's towering presence over her. "So," Connie said to Audra, as she sat in the grass next to her, watching her roommate completely dominate the unfortunate brunette, "I thought you were going to beat her up?" "I should," Audra replied. She removed her hand off of Arlene's mouth, and continued to look down into the brunette's face stuck firmly between her thighs. "But I think I feel sorry for her now," the blonde added, "especially since she's crying." "So just slap her around a little then," Connie suggested. Audra just looked down into Arlene's teary eyes, as she sat boldly astride the brunette with her hands on the tops of her thighs now. "No," Audra replied to Connie, "I don't think I want to hurt her anymore" The blonde turned towards Connie, and looked her directly in her eyes. "But," Audra whispered, "I think I'll sit up on her face though." "That's cool!" Connie approved. "Go it!" Arlene could not hear anything that Connie and Audra were discussing, because of Audra's thighs pressing up against her ears. The brunette was desperately hoping that the blonde sitting up on her would soon let her up. Arlene glanced up towards Audra, and was about to beg some more, but she suddenly saw Audra lean forward slightly, and felt the blonde take hold of her wrists once again, removing her hands away from Audra's knees, and holding them back down in the grass. As Arlene watched in disbelief, she suddenly saw the crotch of Audra's shorts rise up slightly, and within an instant, it slid up over her chin, and was suddenly pressing down right against her mouth and nose. Arlene tried to yell out, but she was too afraid, and also somewhat in shock at her current position beneath the blonde, who was now sitting boldly astride her face as it lay buried beneath the crotch of Audra's black bike shorts. As Audra sat comfortably astride the brunette's face, she glanced down a couple of times to see the brunette's eyes staring back up at her from between her thighs, wide open and teary. Arlene was laying completely still now, seemingly afraid to move at all, as Audra kept the brunette in this dominating and erotic position. "Maybe this will finally straighten you out, bitch!" Audra said, as she boldly kept her perch astride Arlene's cute face, forcing the crotch of her shorts up against the brunette's mouth and nose. Arlene felt totally humiliated and embarrassed at what Audra was doing to her, and after what seemed like hours, the blonde finally slid her crotch off of Arlene's face, and Audra made herself comfortable once again astride the brunette's throat and neck. Arlene was crying uncontrollably now, as her tears continued to flow down onto the blonde's thighs, which were still pressing against the sides of her head. Audra released the brunette's wrists, and she put her hands on her hips as she smiled down into Arlene's teary-eyed face staring back up at her from between her thighs. Connie was also looking down into Arlene's stuck face as she sat in the grass next to Audra and the humiliated brunette. "Well, I think one thing is certain," Connie said to her roommate, "I don't think she's going to bother you anymore," "I don't think so either," Audra laughed, as she spread her knees out, moving her thighs away from the sides of the brunette's head. While still sitting boldly astride Arlene's throat and neck, Audra reached down with her hands, and began lightly slapping the sides of the brunette's tear covered cheeks. Arlene was completely helpless to do anything about it, except lay there with her eyes now closed and accept the humiliation Audra was inflicting on her. After a few minutes of teasingly slapping Arlene's cheeks, Audra decided that the brunette beneath her had enough. She slid her cute butt back slightly on Arlene's body, until it came to rest on her stomach, just below her breasts. Audra kept her knees pressing onto Arlene's shoulders, and looked down into the brunette's humiliated face. The blonde made a fist one more time, and held it just a few inches above Arlene's face again. "If you ever so much as talk to me again," Audra warned Arlene, "I'll really beat you up next time....understand bitch?" Arlene meekly glanced up at the dominating blonde sitting astride her stomach. "Yes...." Arlene mumbled quietly. "Please......please let me go...." Audra smiled down into Arlene's face one last time, before getting to her knees, and then finally to her feet, as she stepped over the sprawled brunette laying in the grass on her back. Connie got up to her knees also, but just as soon as Audra walked a few steps away from Arlene, Connie moved toward the brunette, and quickly straddled the poor girl with her legs, and was easily sitting up astride Arlene's stomach, as the brunette put up absolutely no resistance. "What are you doing?" Audra asked Connie, turning around just in time to see her roommate straddle Arlene. Connie was a very attractive girl also. She was just slightly smaller than Audra, at 5'4" and maybe 110lbs. Connie had long dark-brunette hair that flowed down to just past the middle of her back. Since she had been out riding her bike with Audra, her hair was tied up into one long pony- tail. Connie was dressed in a pair of bike shorts also, and was wearing a t-shirt, running shoes, and booty socks. "Nothing," Connie replied, as she smiled back at Audra. "Just messing around with her." There was no need for Connie to hold Arlene's arms down, so she let the trapped brunette's wrists alone as she sat boldly astride her. Connie slid up a little on the brunette, and plopped her knees onto Arlene's shoulders, essentially pinning them down to the grass anyway. Arlene was pretty motionless at this point, but still crying and whimpering a little, especially now that there was another girl sitting on her, and keeping her in a schoolgirl pin. Arlene subconsciously brought her hands in slowly, and they eventually came to rest on Connie's knees as they pressed down onto her shoulders. Connie looked down into Arlene's face, as she rested her hands on top of her thighs. "I just want you to know," Connie warned the beaten brunette, "That if you ever mess with Audra again, you'll have to deal with me also..... understand?" Arlene was too weak and humiliated, and embarrassed to even reply, except for a quiet mumble of agreement. Connie looked back up at Audra, who was now standing just a foot or two away from the two girls. "It's too bad Trish isn't here," Connie said to her roommate. Trish was Audra's and Connie's other roommate. "Then all three of us could have really worked her over." Audra just laughed at the thought. "So," Audra smiled to her roommate, "Are you going to get off of her, or sit on her all afternoon?" Connie looked down one last time into Arlene's cute face. The brunette's eyes were closed, and she was still crying from this humiliating experience, as her hands rested on Connie's knees pressing into her shoulders. "Ok," Connie finally said. "I'll get off of her." Connie got up to her knees while still astride the beaten brunette, and without removing them from Arlene's shoulders, she was suddenly kneeling directly on top of them. Arlene's hands moved away from Connie's knees, as the brunette suddenly moaned in pain. Most of Connie's weight was now crushing Arlene's shoulders down into the grass beneath her knees, and the girl with the long pony-tail kneeled on them for just a moment more, before finally rolling off of the humiliated brunette. Connie got to her feet quickly, and stood next to Audra, as they both looked down at the sprawled brunette laying on her back in the grass, at their feet. Audra placed her foot right on top of Arlene's throat, and she raised her hands in the air imitating a victory gesture. Arlene squirmed slightly, as Audra increased the pressure of her foot to the brunette's throat. Connie just laughed at the sight of Audra, with her hands in the air, and her foot on top of Arlene's throat. "Let's get out of here," Connie finally smiled to her roommate. Audra removed her foot from Arlene's throat, and the two girls got back on their bikes, and began to ride back towards their apartment, leaving Arlene completely beaten, embarrassed, humiliated, and alone in the small clearing in the park.