The Fall Order f/f wrestling Update: 23/04/1998 to misc4 It was the first week of September when most of the college students arrived back at the school, as the Fall Quarter was just about to get under way. In a somewhat small, but cozy apartment within walking distance from the school, three girls, who were Juniors at the college, were beginning to settle in to their new home for this particular year. Deciding at the end of the last quarter that they did not want to live in the dorms on campus anymore, the three girls, who had been friends since their freshmen year at the college, managed to find an apartment together. The apartment was kind of small, but since all three of the girls barely spent much time at their dorms last year, and assumed that they wouldn't be in the apartment much this year, that this place would be fine for their situation. And, it was also much cheaper for them also, as opposed to them living in the dorms on campus for another year. Of the three girls, Audra was the tallest. She stood about 5'5", and weighed around 115lbs or so. Audra was a blonde, who's hair was somewhat long, as it flowed straight down past her shoulders to just above the middle of her back. Connie was just a little shorter than Audra, standing about 5'4" tall, and close to 110lbs. She was a dark brunette, with hair a little longer than Audra's, feathered slightly on the sides, and flowing down to the middle of her back. Trish was the smallest of the three girls. At 5'2", and about 102lbs, she was noticeably shorter, and a little lighter in weight than Connie and Audra. Trish was a brunette also, but with much lighter and shorter hair than Connie's, as her somewhat curled hair came to rest on her shoulders. It was a warm afternoon, and the three girls found themselves together in the apartment for the first time during the day since the fall quarter started. They were all dressed in similar fashion, wearing shorts, t- shirts, running shoes, and white ankle-length socks. The three girls had been studying a little, and talking about their first days back in classes, when Audra began talking about a certain girl in one of her courses. It became obvious to Connie and Trish that Audra didn't think too highly about this one particular girl. "She's been in some of my classes before," Audra said to Connie and Trish, as the three of them continued their conversation, "And I know that it's just a matter of time before we get into it." "Really?" Connie asked surprised, "You must really hate her." "I do." Audra replied, "I can't stand that bitch! And you know something else?" Audra continued, "I know that she doesn't like me either." Audra sighed, taking a deep breath, realizing that she was getting wound up for nothing right now. "You know what I'd like to do to her?" Audra asked Connie and Trish. "What?" Connie replied, laughing a little at seeing Audra get so angry about this one girl. "I'd like to get her down," Audra continued, "put her in a schoolgirl pin, and beat the crap out of her. I'm sure that would teach her to stop messing with me." "A schoolgirl pin?" Trish asked Audra. "What's that?"Audra looked over at Trish. "Want me to show you?" Audra asked the light brunette-haired girl. "No," Trish laughed, "You can just tell me." "It's easier to explain if I showed it to you." Audra replied. "Do you want to wrestle around and find out?" "What?" Trish replied, obviously surprised. "Wrestle? Are you serious?" "Cool," Connie interrupted. "I'll be the referee." "Sure I'm serious." Audra smiled, and she moved closer to Trish. "You wanted to know what a schoolgirl pin is, right?" "I guess so," Trish replied hesitantly, "But couldn't you just tell me?" "No," Audra smiled, "It's more fun to show you." Audra walked to the middle of the living room floor, as Trish reluctantly and slowly followed the blonde girl. "Wait." Connie said to the two girls, "What are the rules?" "Whoever gets someone in a schoolgirl pin," Audra replied, "and holds them there for one minute, wins. Ok?" "How can I do this?" Trish asked somewhat meekly, "I don't even know what this schoolgirl pin is." Audra began laughing. "Don't worry," Audra reassured Trish with a smile on her face, "You'll know really soon." Audra reached out and grabbed hold of Trish, and easily managed to trip the smaller girl down to the floor over her hip and leg. Trish ended up falling on her side, with Audra just about all over her. Trish tried to struggle to free herself, but she clearly had no idea as to what she was doing, not knowing what a schoolgirl pin was, so Audra was pretty much able to dominate her fairly easily. Within just a few seconds or so, Audra had rolled Trish over to her back on the floor, and was easily able to straddle Trish's body with her legs, and quickly sat up astride Trish's stomach. "Come on Audra," Trish protested, as she began to laugh a little, "Get off of me." Trish began squirming around a little, trying to get out from beneath Audra. The blonde girl pretty much ignored the trapped brunette, and as she smiled down into Trish's face, Audra grabbed Trish's wrists, and held them down to the floor next to her head. In a quick move, Audra slid her butt up a little on Trish's body, and was now seated just below Trish's breasts. Audra pressed her knees onto Trish's arms, between her shoulders and elbows, effectively pinning the brunette firmly down beneath her. "All right,!" Connie said, as she watched the two girls on the floor, glancing over occasionally towards a clock on the wall. "Ten seconds...." "Ouch!" Trish yelled, "My arms! You're hurting them!" Audra slightly let up on the pressure of her knees to Trish's arms near her shoulders, but did not move them off. "So," Audra said, as she continued to smile down into Trish's face. "This is a schoolgirl pin." Trish glanced up meekly at Audra's cute face towering over her. I didn't know that this hold had a name." Trish said rather reluctantly, "I used to wrestle like this with my brother and sister when I was in high school." Audra released Trish's wrists, as she kept her knees pressing onto Trish arms, much closer to her shoulders now. Audra put her hands on the tops of her thighs while she continued to sit astride Trish's body, just below her breasts. "25 seconds," Connie said, as she continued to watch the clock occasionally, counting down the minute. In a quick move, Trish brought her legs up from behind Audra, and almost succeeded in getting them wrapped around Audra's body, but Audra saw the move coming, and was able to lean forward just enough to avoid being trapped between the brunette's legs. Trish began to struggle and squirm, trying to free herself from beneath Audra, but the blonde was in no danger of being thrown off of the feisty brunette beneath her. Trish attempted to bring her legs up from behind Audra a few more times, but after being unsuccessful each time at getting the blonde locked between them, she eventually gave up at it, and her legs came to rest outstretched on the floor as she lay trapped on her back beneath Audra. Trish continued to squirm around though, trying to somehow get Audra off of her, and as she struggled, Audra was slowly being forced up further on the brunette's body, and eventually found herself sitting boldly astride Trish's breasts while she kept the brunette's shoulders pinned down beneath her shins now. "40 seconds," Connie said, "Only 20 more." Audra slid her knees in a little closer, and was now pressing them lightly against the sides of Trish's head, near her ears, and holding it firmly in place. Trish continued to struggle, but even with her wrists free, she was unable to get any leverage against Audra, as the blonde kept her shoulders pinned down tightly beneath her shins. "Ten more seconds," Connie said, watching the two girls more intensely now. Trish soon stopped squirming and struggling around, and resigned herself to losing this match with Audra. She slid her hands in a little, and placed them onto Audra's knees, as they lightly pressed against the sides of her head. "Ok," Trish said meekly, looking up at Audra, "I give up. Please get off." Audra smiled down into Trish's stuck face between her knees as Connie finished off the minute count. "5....4...3....2...1" Connie said. "Ok!.. Audra's the winner." Audra raised her hands in the air as she continued to sit astride Trish's breasts for a moment, and then got to her knees, and crawled off of the brunette, going forward above her face, and then quickly getting up to her feet. "Cool!" Audra said, "That was fun." "I didn't think so," Trish replied, as she got to a sitting position on the floor. "At least you know what a schoolgirl pin is now." Audra laughed. "Yes," Trish replied, as she slowly got to her feet. "And next time, maybe you'll be the loser." Audra continued to laugh slightly, as she smiled at Trish. "Yeah," Audra replied, a little sarcastically, "Right." "I'll wrestle with you Audra," Connie proposed. "It looked like it was kind of fun." "Ok," Audra replied confidently, without even thinking twice about it. "Same rules?" "Sure," Connie replied, "But Trish will have to be the referee, and watch the clock." Trish looked at Connie and Audra, and was a little wary about keeping this little wrestling activity going, but after just a moment of thinking about it, she reluctantly agreed. "Ok," Trish finally replied, "I'll be the ref." Audra and Connie met in the middle of the living room floor, standing face to face, just a foot or two apart. Each girl seemed to be waiting for the other one to make the first move. After circling each other a couple of times, without any physical contact, Connie bent down rather quickly, and grabbed hold of Audra's legs, immediately forcing the blonde off balance. Audra fell to her butt on the floor. With the brunette up on her knees, Connie released the hold she had around Audra's legs with her arms, and was able to quickly push the blonde down onto her back. As Audra struggled against her, Connie wasted no time in straddling the blonde with her legs, and was soon sitting up astride Audra's stomach. Audra was squirming wildly, trying to free herself, but eventually, Connie was able to grab hold of the blonde's flying wrists, and press them down to the floor above her head. As soon as Audra's shoulders were down on the floor, Trish began the minute count. "1....2.....3....." Trish said from her seated position on the couch, just a few feet away from the two girls. Connie reinforced her position on Audra, scooting up just a little, and placed her knees onto the blonde's shoulders, completely pinning her down to the floor now. Audra continued to struggle, bucking and kicking now, and Connie was suddenly in danger of losing her balance on the pinned blonde beneath her. In another quick move, Connie slid up further on Audra's body, and her butt came to rest right astride Audra's breasts, now trapping the blonde's shoulders down beneath her shins. "15 seconds so far." Trish said from the couch. In a futile attempt at freeing herself, Audra brought her legs up from behind Connie, and tried to get the brunette scissored between them, in the hope of throwing her off, but Connie somehow knew that Audra would try this move, and the brunette was ready for it. Connie leaned forward enough to avoid the blonde's long legs behind her, and to make sure that Audra didn't get a second chance at attempting this particular move, Connie slid her butt up even further on the blonde, and found herself sitting boldly astride Audra's throat and neck. "30 seconds." Trish said, a little more enthusiastically this time. While Connie continued to hold Audra's wrists down to the floor above her head, she slid her knees in a little, and ended up clamping her thighs against the sides of the blonde's head, against her ears. Connie looked down at Audra's stuck face between her thighs, her long brunette hair hanging down mostly in front of her shoulders now as she sat astride the blonde's throat. "40 seconds", Trish said to the two girls. Audra heard Trish say something, but couldn't quite make it out, since she could barely hear much at all with Connie's thighs pressing up somewhat tightly against her ears. Audra was pretty much stuck in this position, with her chin and jaw pressing up against the crotch of Connie's shorts, and no matter how much she continued to squirm and struggle and kick, she was unsuccessful at unseating Connie, much less getting her shoulders free, which were pinned down beneath the brunette's ankles. "10 more seconds....." Trish commented. Again, Audra heard Trish say something, but was unable to make it out. Even so, the blonde quickly realized that the match was almost over, and she was pretty much trapped in this embarrassing, and somewhat humiliating position beneath Connie. Her body came to rest quickly, as she unwillingly decided to lay still for the remainder of this little wrestling match, unable to unseat Connie from her dominating position astride her throat and neck. "One Minute!" Trish said, from her seated position on the couch. "Connie's the winner!" "Cool," Connie said with a smile on her face, as she glanced down at Audra's face between her thighs one last time before getting up to her knees. She crawled off of the beaten blonde, and quickly got back up to her feet, as Audra slowly got up off the floor also. "That was alot more fun that I thought it would be." Connie said enthusiastically. Audra did not reply, and once she was finally back up to her feet, she began walking over towards the couch. While Trish was watching Connie hold Audra in a schoolgirl pin position, she was thinking about getting some kind of revenge on the blonde because of what Audra did to her before, when she held her in this particular position before she even knew what it was called. Trish knew enough about wrestling around with her brother and sister when she was in high school, and was beginning to think that she could take Audra now, and put her in the schoolgirl pin for one minute, and be able to beat her. As Audra came closer to the couch, with all intentions of sitting down, Trish quickly got up to her feet, and stood in front of Audra, just a foot or two away from her, meeting her on the living room floor, face to face. "Want to wrestle with me again?" Trish asked the blonde. "Well....." Audra replied in a somewhat tired voice, "Ok.....I guess." That was all Trish needed to hear. In a quick move, she reached out and took hold of the blonde, spun her around suddenly, and was easily able to get her arm wrapped around Audra's neck. The brunette bent Audra over, and was quickly holding the blonde in a tight headlock. As Audra tried to keep her balance, struggling with the brunette, Trish was eventually able to trip Audra down to her knees, and in the process of keeping the headlock applied to the blonde, Trish fell down with her to the floor. Audra struggled around, but was unable to get out of the tight headlock Trish was holding on her. With Audra on her side, and as the brunette continued to add the pressure to the headlock, Trish was able to straddle her legs over the blonde's struggling and squirming body. At this point, Trish finally released the headlock, and sat up astride Audra's body, as the blonde lay on her side. With her head free, Audra began to squirm around even more, trying to get out from beneath Trish, but the brunette had a great advantage as she straddled the blonde. Trish used her hands to roll Audra over to her back between her legs, and a moment later, managed to grab hold of Audra's wrists, and was soon holding them down to the floor next to her head, as she sat firmly astride the blonde's stomach. As Audra continued to squirm around beneath Trish, Trish slid her butt up a little on the blonde's body, and pressed her knees down onto Audra's shoulders, effectively pinning them down to the floor now. "I have her pinned!" Trish said enthusiastically, as she quickly glanced over towards Connie. "Start counting!" Connie quickly looked at the clock, and began the one minute count. Audra seemed determined to get out of this, and she continued her struggle against Trish, but the smaller girl sitting boldly astride of her stomach just below her breasts, was firmly in control. As Audra squirmed around, Trish was finding herself being slowly forced up closer to the blonde's face, to where Trish was sitting right on top of Audra's breasts now, smashing them down to the blonde's body beneath her cute butt. "15 seconds." Connie said, as she watched the time. Audra continued her struggle, but she wasn't getting anywhere against Trish. As Trish sat on the blonde's breasts, she slid her knees in a little, and clamped them tightly against the sides of Audra's head, just below her ears, and was able to hold it firmly in place between her knees. Audra was able to buck and kick, but it was doing her absolutely no good at all. With the blonde continuing to squirm and struggle, Trish was eventually forced up even closer to Audra's face now, and within just a few seconds, she found herself sitting boldly astride Audra's throat and neck. "30 seconds," Connie said, still watching the clock. Trish continued to hold Audra's wrists down to the floor, next to her head while she sat on the blonde's throat and neck. She still had Audra's shoulders pinned to the floor, under her shins and ankles now, and she kept her knees in, now holding the sides of Audra's head firmly between her thighs. In one sudden and strong effort, Audra brought her legs up from behind Trish, and almost got them wrapped around her body, but Trish was sitting up just a little too far on Audra, just barely out of the reach of the blonde's long legs. Audra continued to attempt this move, and in the process, almost knocked Trish off balance, but Trish was till able to keep the blonde pinned down, although just barely now. "45 seconds," Connie said, "just a little longer." Trish quickly realized that she was going to have to keep Audra pinned down for these last few seconds, but the way the blonde was struggling and squirming now, she wasn't sure if she could keep her current position astride Audra's throat and neck. In a quick move, Trish slid up a little further on Audra, the crotch of her shorts riding over the blonde's chin, and sat her butt down right on top of Audra's face. "Stay still!" Trish demanded, from her new perch astride Audra's face. "Damn you!" Audra mumbled from beneath Trish's butt, as her squirming body suddenly became very still. "Move back!" Trish ignored Audra, and stayed seated astride the blonde's face. Audra was pretty much stuck at this point, and completely at the mercy of Trish. Audra's mouth and nose were covered up by the crotch of Trish's shorts, as she just lay completely still on the floor on her back, almost afraid to move now. "God Trish," Connie said surprised, "I can't believe you're doing that to her." Trish glanced over at Connie. "How much longer?" Connie quickly glanced up at the clock on the wall, "That's it," Connie replied, "Actually, it's been over a minute." "Cool," Trish smiled, as she slowly slid her butt off of Audra's face, and sat it back down astride the blonde's throat and neck again. Trish finally released Audra's wrists, and put her hands onto her hips, as she looked down into Audra's face, stuck firmly between her thighs and knees. Audra glanced up into Trish's face, towering over her now. "Ok," Audra said meekly, "You won. Let me up." "Say 'Please' first," Trish teased the blonde trapped beneath her. Not wanting to continue this wrestling match, Audra gave in right away. "Alright," Audra replied quietly, "Please let me up." "That's better," Trish said, as she glanced down into Audra's face one last time before crawling off the blonde and quickly getting to her feet. Audra just lay on her back for a few minutes, somewhat humiliated and embarrassed at what Trish did to her, but quickly began to realize that she would get her back eventually for sitting on her face, and was already planning her revenge. Girl Pins PART 2 Audra was returning home somewhat late one evening, back to the apartment that she shared with Trish and Connie. She did not have any classes scheduled for the following day, so she was in no hurry to get home and sleep, but unfortunately, her friends were, so she was getting in a little earlier than what she thought she would. As she entered the front door, the apartment was dark, and Audra assumed that both Trish and Connie were asleep. She made her way through the apartment to her room as quietly as she could, trying not to disturb her two roommates. Not being at all tired just yet, Audra decided to take a warm bath, to try to relax, and thought that maybe this would eventually let her sleep. After a half hour or so of soaking in the warm water, Audra finally stepped out of the tub, dried herself off, and put on a pair of black laced panties, and covered herself with a short red satin robe that tied at the waist and hung down to a few inches above her knees. She was an attractive blonde, who stood about 5'5" and weighed no more than 115lbs. Audra had blonde hair that flowed straight down to almost the middle of her back. As she walked down the small hallway towards her room, she suddenly stopped, and peered into Trish's bedroom. In the shadows, she could see Trish laying on her bed sleeping, flat on her back. The blonde began remembering the wrestling match that she had with Trish a couple of days ago, and especially remembered being humiliated and embarrassed when Trish ended up sitting on her face for what seemed like an eternity, even though it was just a few seconds. Audra had been occasionally thinking about this, and eventually wanted to get Trish back for it, and as she stared into Trish's bedroom, she was beginning to think that now just might be a good time. Audra walked into Trish's bedroom very quietly, and approached her bed. Trish was sound asleep on her back, laying on top of the sheets. Trish was a little smaller than Audra, but probably more feisty than the blonde. Trish was a light brunette with short, and somewhat curled hair that hung down to just above her shoulders. She was around 5'2" and weighed 102lbs. Trish was sleeping in an oversized t-shirt, and was wearing a pair of white panties. Audra raised her one knee, and placed it down onto the bed, very near Trish's body. trying not to wake the brunette. As Audra began to position herself more onto the bed, Trish began to slowly wake, feeling the motion of the mattress as Audra brought her one leg over her body, and straddled the brunette, kneeling above her. Trish's eyes finally opened, and she was greeted by the sight of Audra kneeling astride her stomach, and looking down into her face. "What the hell?" Trish said in a surprised tone, very quickly waking up completely now. "Hi Trish," Audra smiled, and she suddenly grabbed hold of the brunette's wrists, and pressed them down to the bed, next to her head. Audra sat down comfortably on Trish's stomach, and positioned herself so that her knees were quickly pressing onto Trish's shoulders, to keep them pinned down. "What are you doing?" Trish protested, now looking up wide-eyed at the blonde sitting astride her stomach. "Get off of me!" "I will," Audra smiled, as she glanced down at Trish. "But first, I'm going to sit on your face, just like you did to me the other day, and see how you like it." Audra quickly scooted her butt up a little further on Trish's body, coming to rest boldly astride the brunette's breasts, as she continued to keep Trish's shoulders pinned down to the bed, now beneath her shins. In the process, Audra's short satin robe, which was still tied at the waist, was hiked up to almost the top of her thighs now, exposing a little of her black laced panties underneath. "I warned you that I'd get you back ." Audra added, still smiling. "No way!" Trish yelled, as she quickly brought her legs up from behind Audra, and in the process, managed to get her feet between the blonde's arms and body, and positioned them directly in front of the blonde, against Audra's breasts. Audra was caught completely by surprise as she felt herself being forced off of Trish, and before she could react, she was quickly thrown completely off the bed, and found herself sitting on her butt next to it, with her back up against the mattress. Trish tried to keep the leg-scissors hold on the blonde, as she was forcing Audra off of her body, but was unable to do so as Audra fell off of the bed, and down to the floor. Trish was sitting up in her bed now, and quickly grabbed hold of Audra by her long blonde hair before she could get up, and at the same time, extended her legs out around both sides of the blonde's head. As Audra sat helplessly on her butt on the floor with her back against the bed, and with Trish tugging at her hair, she watched as the brunette's ankles quickly locked together in front of her, and come to rest down against her stomach and chest. Audra was suddenly caught in another leg-scissors hold, but this time, Trish had her thighs and knees wrapped around the sides of her neck and head from behind, as she sat trapped on her butt with her back against the side of the bed. Audra began struggling now, and with her hands, tried to pry Trish's legs away from her head. But Trish's leg muscles suddenly contracted, as she viciously squeezed her thighs and knees together against Audra's head and neck. "Damn you!" Audra yelled, as she felt the intense pressure from the brunette's small, but firm legs holding her in this vice-like grip. "Are you going to leave me alone?" Trish asked the blonde, continuing the pressure to her head and neck. Audra did not reply, but continued to squirm and struggle, trying to free herself from this painful grip that Trish had on her. Audra felt herself weakening slightly, but she was extremely determined to somehow get out of this. As Trish continued the pressure to Audra's neck and head, she realized that she wasn't going to be able to keep the blonde here much longer. This hold was wearing her out also, using up of her strength and energy as she squeezed the blonde's head tightly between her knees and thighs. She was now hoping that Audra would give up first, or else she was going to have to release the blonde from the leg-scissors hold. "Had enough yet?" Trish asked the blonde, continuing the pressure, and hoping that Audra would give in. But Audra did not reply, and continued to struggle, and attempt to pry Trish's legs away from her head. Trish kept up this hold, but she was losing the intensity of it quickly. After a few minutes or so, Audra was able to eventually pry Trish's legs away from her throat and neck, and finally free herself as Trish's legs soon relaxed enough. Audra got to her knees quickly, spun around to face the bed, and Trish, and reached out and grabbed hold of the brunette. The two girls struggled for a moment, but Audra eventually pulled Trish off of the bed, and down to the floor. They both rolled around on the floor, trying to get an advantage over each other, and eventually, Audra had Trish trapped down on her back, as the blonde lay directly on top of her. Both girls lay still like this for a few seconds, each one catching their breath, until Audra suddenly straddled Trish with her legs, and quickly sat up astride the brunette's stomach. "Now I've got you," Audra smiled, as she grabbed hold of Trish's wrists, and pressed them down hard to the floor next to the sides of the brunette's head. "Let me go Audra!" Trish protested, as she began to squirm and struggle beneath the blonde. "Get off of me!" Audra slid up slightly, and plopped her knees down onto Trish's shoulders, reinforcing the schoolgirl pin she kept on the squirming brunette. In an attempt to throw Audra off of her, Trish brought her legs up from behind the blonde, and tried to get them wrapped around Audra's body, just as she did before when she had her pinned down in the bed, but Audra anticipated this move, and leaned forward just enough to avoid getting trapped between Trish's legs again. "You're not going to do that again," Audra threatened the brunette, as she slid up even further on her now, ending up firmly astride Trish's breasts and squishing them down beneath her cute butt. Audra slid her knees in closer, and clamped them against the sides of Trish's head, just below her ears. At this point, Audra's short satin robe was now untied, and was hanging open in the front, exposing her naked breasts as she sat boldly astride the brunette. Whether Trish wanted to see this or not, every time she glanced up at Audra, she couldn't avoid it. And also, the view that Trish now had of Audra's black laced panties, with her crotch ever closer to her face, was even more humiliating and embarrassing for her. Trish continued her struggle, in her attempt at getting free, but at this point, Audra was too much for her. Trish was not strong enough in her upper body to force Audra off of her, and Audra's extra weight that she had over her was also taking its toll as the blonde's cute butt pressed down onto her breasts. Trish continued squirming and struggling, as Audra was sliding up ever so slowly on the trapped brunette, and eventually the blonde's butt came to rest firmly on her upper chest. Audra continued to keep her knees in, holding Trish's head firmly between her thighs now, and Trish's chin and jaw were being pressed up into the crotch of Audra's black laced panties. At this point, Audra finally released Trish's wrists, and put her hands up on the tops of her thighs, and smiled down into the brunette's stuck face between them. Trish was pretty much unable to move her upper body at all now. Audra kept her shoulders firmly pinned to the floor, under her shins and ankles, as she sat boldly astride Trish's throat and neck. Trish slid her hands in, and placed them on Audra's knees, which were just a little above her head on the floor. She could feel the intimidating warmth and smoothness of the blonde's thighs, as they gripped at the sides of her head, firmly against her ears. "Come on Audra!" Trish continued to protest, although somewhat meekly this time as her jaw rubbed up against the crotch of Audra's black laced panties. "I give up..... let me go!" Audra just continued smiling, and shook her head no. The blonde reached down and took hold of Trish's wrists again, removing the brunette's hands from her knees, and holding them back down to the floor next to her head. In a quick move, Audra slid up a little further on Trish, and her crotch rose slightly up and over the brunette's chin and jaw, until it came to rest right on top of Trish's mouth and nose. "Get off of me!" Trish yelled, although her cry was muffled as Audra's cute butt pressed down onto her face. "I will," Audra replied, now laughing a little at Trish's unfortunate position beneath her, "just as soon as I think you've had enough." Trish was pretty much motionless on the floor now, as Audra's crotch pressed against her mouth and nose. The brunette could barely breathe in this position, and when she did, she was desperately trying to breathe through her mouth, to avoid smelling any more of Audra's crotch. Trish was completely humiliated by Audra's position on her, and completely at her mercy, and all the brunette could do was to lay still until Audra grew tired of inflicting this form of torture on her. Trish felt as if she was in this position beneath Audra forever, as the blonde's crotch, separated only by Audra's black laced panties, smothered her nose and mouth. It was only a minute or two though, when Audra finally removed her butt from the brunette's face, and sat back down astride Trish's throat and neck, keeping the brunette's head held firmly between her thighs. Audra smiled down into Trish's cute stuck face, as Trish lay motionless on the floor, with her eyes closed and breathing somewhat heavily now. "So," Audra said, "Now you know what it feels like." Trish did now reply, nor did she give Audra the satisfaction of looking up at her from her humiliating position between the blonde's thighs. Audra released Trish's wrists, and put her hands back onto the tops of her thighs, as she continued to sit comfortably astride the brunette's throat and neck. Trish just lay still beneath the blonde, feeling enough humiliation and embarrassment to last a lifetime, as Audra continued to look down into the brunette's stuck face between her thighs. "Should I let you up now?" Audra asked the brunette, smiling and laughing a little from her dominating position astride Trish's throat and neck. "Yes," Trish mumbled almost immediately, "Please get off of me." "Ok," Audra replied, "but first, I want you to apologize for what you did to me the other day." "What?" Trish asked meekly, "What did I do?" Audra gripped the sides of Trish's head tighter between her thighs now, and grabbed hold of Trish's nose with her thumb and index finger. "Hey," Trish protested, "That hurts!" "You know what you did." Audra replied, as she held onto Trish's nose with her fingers. "You sat on my face when you had me in a schoolgirl pin. I want you to apologize for that." "Ok....Ok!" Trish replied. "I'm sorry! .....Let go!...... Please?" "Alright," Audra replied, releasing Trish's nose from her fingers, "I accept you apology." Audra put her hands on her hips now, as she continued to sit astride Trish's throat and neck. Just then, the door to Trish's bedroom opened wider, and as Audra turned to look, she saw her other roommate, Connie, standing in the doorway."What the hell are you two doing?" Connie asked the two girls. "Just wrestling around." Audra replied quickly, from her dominating perch astride Trish. "At this hour?" Connie asked surprised. "Do you know what time it is?" "No," Audra replied, "but I don't really care. I don't have any classes tomorrow, so I don't have to get up." Connie walked into the bedroom, and stood next to Audra, as she continued to keep Trish pinned down. Connie was about 5'4" and close to 110lbs. She had long dark brunette hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. Connie was wearing a tank-top, along with what were probably a pair of her boyfriend's dark blue boxer shorts. "I heard you two yelling." Connie said. "It woke me up." "Oh," Audra replied, "Sorry about that." "," Connie said, "That's ok. Don't worry about it. I just wanted to see what was up?" Connie glanced down into Trish's face still stuck firmly between Audra's thighs, as she stood up next to the two girls. "It looks like you have her pretty good." Connie said to Audra, as she got down to her knees, next to the two girls. "It wasn't that tough," Audra boastingly smiled. Trish finally opened up her eyes, and glanced up at Connie, who was now sitting on the floor next to Audra. "Connie," Trish asked, "Can you get her off of me? .....I can't do it..." "Sure," Connie smiled, as she quickly reached out and took hold of Audra, and began pulling the blonde off of her perch astride Trish's neck. "Hey!" Audra yelled, as she felt herself being tugged from her seated position. Before Audra could react, she was completely pulled off of Trish, and down on the floor on her side, with Connie all over her. Audra tried as best she could to struggle free, but Connie was able to get the squirming blonde straddled with her legs, and quickly rolled to her back. Come on Connie," Audra said to the dark brunette, as Connie planted her butt down onto the blonde's stomach. "I don't want to wrestle around anymore...... I'm too tired." "Well," Connie smiled, as she took hold of Audra's wrists, "I'm wide awake now, thanks to you two." Connie put Audra's wrists down to the floor next to her head, and held them there. She moved her butt up slightly on the blonde, and pressed her knees onto Audra's shoulders, to keep them firmly pinned down. The boxer shorts she was wearing were beginning to slightly ride up her thighs as she sat in this position on top of the blonde. Her long black hair flowed down in front of her now, as she was leaning forward just a little, keeping most of her weight on Audra's upper body. "Please Connie?" Audra asked, "Will you get off of me?.... I don't want to do this.." "Why not?" Connie asked the blonde. "I think it's kind of fun.......we should wrestle around more often." "I think it's fun, too." Audra replied, "but I'm too tired now. I think I just want to sleep." By this time, Trish had finally got up from the floor, and was now laying back down in her bed, on her side, and watching Connie dominate her other roommate that just sat on her face a few minutes ago. She turned her attention to the two girls just in time to see Connie slide her butt up a little further on Audra, and sit it down firmly on top of Audra's exposed breasts. Still keeping Audra's wrists held down to the floor next to her head, Connie slid her knees in a little, and clamped them against the sides of the blonde's head, just below her ears. "You're not even fighting me," Connie said, looking down into Audra's stuck face between her knees. "I told you," Audra said, "I'm tired ....I want to go to sleep." "Well," Connie replied, and she began to rub and grind her knees against the sides of the blonde's face, against her cheeks, "maybe this will wake you up?" "Stop it!" Audra protested. "That's starting to hurt!" Audra did not put up any kind of struggle at all with Connie at this point, because she was both obviously tired, and didn't want to wrestle around with her other roommate tonight. She only had one thing on her mind, and she accomplished that when she got Trish pinned down, and sat on her face. Now she just wanted to go to sleep, and didn't want to get involved with wrestling around with Connie more than she had to. But with Connie's knees continuing to rub and grind up against her cheeks, she was beginning to feel that she would have to fight her way out of this. But, eventually Connie stopped tormenting Audra with her knees, and just sat back astride her breasts, finally releasing the blonde's wrists. Connie put her hands onto her hips, and looked down into Audra's stuck face between her knees. "You MUST be tired," Connie said, "because you would have at least TRIED to get up." Audra slid her hands in, and placed them on Connie's knees, as they pressed up against the sides of her head, just below her ears, holding it firmly in place. "Yes," Audra replied quietly, "I am tired.....Please......let me up?" "Ok," Connie said reluctantly. "I'll get off of you." Connie got to her knees, and then quickly to her feet, stepping over the blonde who was still laying on the floor on her back. As Connie stood next to the sprawled blonde on the floor, she teasingly put her bare foot onto Audra's throat. "I still want to wrestle around sometime." Connie said, looking down at Audra, as she pressed her foot just a little harder into the blonde's throat. "Ok...Ok!" Audra coughed....... "Move your foot!" "Cool!" Connie said with a little enthusiasm. She removed her foot off of Audra's throat, and began to walk towards the door of Trish's bedroom. "See you tomorrow," Connie added, as she walked out through the doorway, and into the little hall leading to her room. Audra slowly got up off the floor, and turned towards Trish, who was still laying on her side in her bed. "See you tomorrow," Audra said, "I'm going to sleep." "Ok," Trish replied, "So am I. I'm exhausted." Audra turned, and walked out of Trish's bedroom, and walked to her own room, and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.