A new generation
By: click
Following the hostage we now skip a generation to see how the revolution has progressed in the interim.
Leesa was reading from her Grandmother's diary, her Grandmother, Kim, was a hero to the movement.
6 Oct 16 It has been 11 months since the raid where I met Kayla. I have decided to keep a diary of the activities of Freedom Liberation Army Mobilization Effort, F.L.A.M.E. Up till now no records have been kept. I will start with a short synopsis: In the year 1998 4 women, all of whom worked for the U.S. State Department, Office of Foreign Affairs, came together for a luncheon. They had been in college together and had had high aspirations and ideals. Now twenty years had passed and they were jaded. During the course of this luncheon it was revealed that national governments no longer controlled the various nations, but a group of rich and powerful men who sat behind the scenes and pulled the strings of their strategically placed henchmen, Bill Clinton was the first of these henchmen to actually achieve the presidency of the U.S. but other nations had been ruled by them for years. The women decided that day to launch a movement of women to wrest control from these men and place it in their, or their descendents hands, but first they needed an army. They looked towards the radical feminist movement and the radical lesbian movement for recruits. At first recruitment was slow, a few came and a few stayed. The surge of action came however with a group of bodybuilding women, Kayla was one of these, only 18 at the time. The year was 1999. The next 13 years were spent recruiting, building a network, and training. Of the original 4 only one remained, 2 died and 1 quit, the remaining 1 was a women who was known only by here code name, Valkyrie. On the eve of the 14th year they had the first raid, a government intelligence gathering facility in Sri Lanka, where it happened some land was available for a permanent homebase, up until now they moved around. It was successful and was followed by raids on other sites, both civilian and governmental, with the aim of acquiring weapons, intelligence, money and slaves. The slavery issue was in constant debate,, most of the movement at the time were lesbians and men haters, they needed men for some things hence slavery.
Now we will move ahead 3 years to the raid on the chemical facility where I worked, its aim was the capture of a nerve agent to be used in other campaigns, this is where I met Kayla, and we became lovers. Since then I have proved my loyalty and willingness and help in planning as my mind tends towards the analytical, I have been given progressively tougher assignments and they have been near flawless.
The raids I have helped in planning are: The slave pens in the Sultanate of Irmish, the Iranian arms depot, German arms manufacturer and a U.S. government shipment of shoulder fired missiles. I have not gone on any of the raids because of lack of training, I hope to enter the training program next year.
Leesa skims the next few months and stops at this entry:
3rd June 17 Our numbers reach 6243 as of this date,, we have operatives in key places in 9 governments, with a good chance at 3 more in the near future. Me and Kayla have decided to marry, the ceremony was performed by Valkyrie on the 8th of last month, we will use a slave to impregnate me eventually, but not for a while. I will not be able to go to action training, the leadership has decided I am to valuable as a planner, also a historian has been added to our ranks so this now becomes a personal diary. My love for Kayla knows no bounds, I fear for her safety, however, every time she goes on a raid. When she comes back after a 15 to 25 day absence we are like a pair of rabbits, making love constantly.
11th Jun 17 Kayla goes on the most dangerous raid to date, they are going to try to capture a NATO commander, an Italian General named Rufio Carmatto. In his head are most of the NATO contingency plans for counter-terrorist action. What a prize he will be, but he is very well protected. I planned the operation in its entirety, but not with Kayla in mind, and she was given command of the group. We contracted with another organization, Red Band, to assume the responsibility when it happens. It will take four weeks to set up and execute, another two weeks to allude capture and hide before my love returns, more later.
This last passage intrigued Leesa so much she skipped the next 69 days and went straight to the homecoming.
19th Aug 17 Kayla returned triumphant today, we still have not gotten together she is to busy being debriefed, but tomorrow shall be in her arms, I can hardly wait.
21st Aug 17 Oh what bliss, I have spent the last 30 hours in the arms of my lover. We have decided to have a baby, now to pick the sperm donor.
25th Aug 17 Ted. I can't believe I would willingly let that slime fuck me again, I can't believe I let him live last time he tried, but he is the best available for our purposes.
Leesa was excited at finding her Grandmothers plan for her mothers birth and skimmed the next several years, it had more about her mothers childhood and development than the movement. And then she came upon an entry that astounded her, her mother had a lover before her life partner.
9th May 2035 Tania (her daughter) brought home a lover today and announced plans to wed, Neither Kayla or myself knew she even had a lover, of course we suspected. Her name is Diaphnis and she is a beut, but she is part of a growing movement within the FLAME to oust Valkyrie, and I find my political views interfering with my heart. Kayla is overjoyed and we have had our worse fight in 15 years. I do not know what to do.
What Leesa finds next as she skims ahead both shocks and fills her with admiration for Kim.
12th Jun 36 I am ashamed. I killed Diaphnis today in the training yard, I planned it out and tricked her into coming there, even though she knows how I hate her and her group, at the same time as chief of the internal security division and chief Planner I sent out an order to round up and prepare for execution her compatriots. With the whole command center, and Kayla, and my lovely daughter I gave the order to hang them and we all watched as they died. Tania found out shortly after that in a fight I instigated I pulled out a knife and gutted her lover then deliberately I cut her throat, not allowing medical personal near her till it was to late. Kayla was so furious at me she struck me for the first time since that day of our meeting, and Tania has left to stay with friends, she will not talk to me.
19th Jun 36 Kayla asked me to leave. I am heartbroken Tania is with her now and neither want me around any more, can't they see it was for the best. Yesterday I ordered a second round of executions, this time behind every captive, there were 12, stood a member of my personal security team, I had them cut the throats of the prisoners and allow them to bleed to death, as an example to the rest. We are now over 36000 strong, discipline must be kept. I kept one prisoner back, a bitch named Shelly, and personally questioned her, when she refused to co-operate I brought her lover and three year old daughter in and told her I would shoot them, she refused, I shot her lover first. She told me everything allowing the arrest of the remaining 42 conspirators, I will try them next month and give them 1 year bondage in the whore pits for the slave men, then they may resume normal life with us or die. After revealing her secrets to me I told her I would raise her child as my own, and then I shot her. I have taken the child, renamed her Blaze, for she will blaze with intensity for FLAME as do I.
Leesa was amazed at the change that came over her Grandmother for the next few years, she was a tyrant, consolidating her position and power through assassination, coercion and terror until in 2039 at the age of 57 Kim nee Kaylas became the new Valkyrie, this being the name of the leader now denoting reverence to the first that held the name, who had died in the early 20's. Once she held power she thrust out a three prong plan, recruitment, training and consolidation. Her bold plan was to capture an entire country within 5 years.
And she did. Although it took 7 years, but on March the 14th 2046 when Kim was 63 years old the overthrow of the government of Saudi Arabia was complete. The biggest help was the fact that for years the Arab men had oppressed the women and all that was needed was to gain their support and participation, and in a 2 week period over 7000 assassinations took place by native women, an additional 11000 were killed by the movement and the movement had a nation, it was called Amazonia.
Women now filled all the key positions in the government and military, the Arab women threw off their veils and embraced the movement almost in toto. They took many key positions in the new regime. Training centers went up all around the country and the movement swelled with immigrants from other nations, the total actual membership in the movement was over 4 million, Kim's personal security forces numbered 33,000, our elite forces commanded by my Grandmother Kayla was 44,000 strong, and our regular military consisted of 920,000 Arab women volunteers and 83,000 cadre from the movement. And till this time no man held a key position, their were a few, less then 1000 that held posts of trust, but this was not the norm. I resumed reading the journal a few years down the road.
28th Apr 49 I so miss Tania, she still will not speak, she has married an Arab girl, Shamul and they have visited a doctor who has taken eggs from them both and combined them, tricking them into fertility, this has been the new method of pregnancy, a child of both female partners without the need for a male, the egg was implanted in Tania. Kayla talks with me now, but we live apart. I fear to tell her I am ill, I love her so and long to embrace her anew.
13 Feb 50 A Granddaughter!! Her name is Leesa. I was allowed to see her and I even got a hug from Tania, may this child bring us back together.
28th Jul 50 Tania pregnant again, 2 months. I am now invited over to Tania's and Shamul's every weekend to play with my granddaughter, our rift is sealing and its glue is Leesa. Kayla is still cold and distant but I sense even her softening, I am planning the invasion of Iraq in a few months.
Leesa skipped ahead to where her sister was 8 and she was 9, the date that the cancer was found.
9th Mar 59 I am 77, Kayla is 79. Today the doctors tell me I have six months to live, I knew for the past four years something was wrong, I have a slow growing cancer, but now it has accelerated, the pain drove me to the doctor at last. Nothing can be done. Kayla is inconsolable, though I tell her I am ready, as are Tania and Shamul. I have not allowed the two girls to be told, for they are the future now. Kayla insists she move in with me, all the years of anger in her melted away as butter on a hot knife, she threw her arms about me and sobbed like a baby for a very long time. I have accepted, more for her sake then mine, although I am still deeply in love with Kayla, not having her around immersed me in the movement so deep I have trouble now allowing her back in, but I do so love her and to hold her again has brought back longings my body cannot perform, the caress of her fingers on my naked breast the feel of her tongue on my hot cunt, ah just memories.
This was the last entry Kim ever made, the next, and last entry in the diary was Kayla's. Leesa read the words with tears flowing down her cheeks.
3rd Jun 59 I am Kayla nee Kim. The love of my life passed this day, and I complete for her, her saga. I spent my life warring with my strength, Kim used her knowledge and cunning, because of her today Amazonia sits astride what used to be Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Our army is 8 million strong, counting reservists, the Arab women have embraced our cause as their own, like Kim said they would, we have a country, a purpose and most of all a chance, due in large part because of Kim nee Kayla, my lover, my life's partner. Whom I abandoned when I knew in my heart she was right. She forgave me but I cannot forgive myself. I have lost a love that was as dear to me as my very breath. Soon I will be 80 years old. The doctors tell me I have years of life left, yet I have lost the desire to live. Our child, Tania, her wife Shamul,, their daughter's Leesa and Sylvia, we all mourn, our guiding light is out, and it is to me that the land of Amazonia falls to lead, I am a warrior, as is Shamul. I think that to Tania this duty must pass, she has the brains and the gifts of her mother, I will prepare her for the day, and like a legacy I shall pass this country from mother to daughter to daughter and down through the ages and it will pass into the hands of Leesa dauShamul-dauTania-grdauKayla-gradauKim the mistress of Amazonia.
Kayla died 7 months later of a broken heart. My mothers, Shamul and Tania made a blood pact that the position of Valkyrie would fall to the first born female of the line now called Kimkayla, now after 13 years, 2073, I am 23 years old, and the world is a different place. The meteor that crashed into the United States in 2054 changed everything, millions, billions died those first ten years. Our part of the planet was a bit luckier , although after losing 221 million people I do not feel lucky. Our population in Amazonia is now about 230,000 and these spread from the old borders of Turkey to several hundred miles inside the Urals, and including most all of the Arabian peninsula as well as our old lands. Small tribes make war on us and many of our past allies are now are foes. We can no longer support a modern civilization, so it is back to sword and horse, spear and chariot, arrows and castles. America, North and South were devastated, as was most of Europe, no longer do ships ply the ocean, they have grown to rough. Nor planes fly across the sky, the infrastructure is gone, Africa once again belongs to the beasts, and it is there I aim to place an outpost.
I am Leesa Valkyrie the 5th of the tribe Kimkayla, daughter of Shamul and Tania, who was Valkyrie the 4th , granddaughter of Kayla, the 3rd to be Valkyrie and of the mighty Kim, Valkyrie the 2nd and to add legitimacy to my claim to the throne I have wed Kira, warrior princess, granddaughter of Valkyrie the 1st .
I ride astride an Arabian mount unequaled in all of Amazonia, and my wife Kira rides its mate, I have a consort in Pietra, of the tribe Laumeara, daughter of Seneca and Sheila.
We ride into battle together our mighty swords slaying the wicked as we free the oppressed. Of course then we become the oppressors.
Leesa put the diary back in her chest, the dreams of a people resided in the book, so much had changed. She looked up as Kira walked into the room. "Hello my princess. Is there something you need?" Leesa asked with a hint of arrogance in her voice.
Kira looked at her mate with disdain in her eye, she had no choice in this union, but she did not like it, none the less. "I come with news from the far outpost."
"Which far outpost?" Leesa asked impatiently.
"The one that borders on the great river, west of here." Kira wondered what fucking outpost did she think she was talking about. The same one that had occupied the last three conversations they had, had.
"Well must I pry every word from your mouth?" Leesa asked.
"My lady." Began Kira. "I have news of am army moving up from beyond the pale, it has at least 300 mounted and 600 footmen. Most are not armored, nor are they well armed. My patrol followed them for four days and saw the preparations for an attack are being made. We need to field an army now." Kira paused for a breath and then continued. "I will lead a force of 450 of our warrior fems astride their war-horses, we will destroy them before they can reach the river." Kira paused and looked up at her Valkyrie.
"Yes, and you may do this." And Leesa paused for effect and then thundered. "As soon as you wear the wings of Valkyrie. Now we will plan this together, you are my warrior princess, but remember, I am the Valkyrie, not you, but I. I will make the decisions on use of our resources and which ones to place in our hands." Leesa looked at Kira with a fury fueled by the hatred she felt, it was not really Kira's fault, it was a necessity prompted by her mothers, but Shamul lie dead three years, and at 55 Tania, while healthy was a bit slower. The fate of her people depended on her and her legitimacy. She needed Kira, but she wanted Pietra, her consort, to be her wife and princess. She so loved the small Russian girl, whose very eyes burned her soul. Leesa looked at Kira. Kira was attractive, 5'8" with the taut, wiry muscles of an Arab and the face of her granddame, Valkyrie 1st, her breasts where diminutive, not flat chested but cupped hand size, accented by the muscles from working out with her sword. Her legs, lightly muscled burned brown from many hours in the harsh Arabian sun. Her hair was the color of dark oak, and came to just below her ears and her brown eyes blazed with the intensity of battles fought and won. She thought of herself. She was tall, 5'11", not muscled like her Grand, Kayla, but athletic, with firm muscles, that rippled lightly when in use. Her red hair she got from her Grandmother, Kim but not as dark. Her breasts were not big, but not small either, and her legs were long and lean, also tanned. She saw the beauty in both of them, if only, oh well. "Kira I am sorry, I do not mean to treat you so bad, we are both stuck in a bad situation."
Kira looked at Leesa and saw the pain in her eyes, she started to soften but then caught herself. "I am sure you do. I know how terrible it is to be wed to one you despise, but at least you have a consort."
The accusing look bored into Leesa and she felt her pain deepen. She never thought her liaison with Pietra would bother her warrior, she was so tough. "I am very sorry Kira, I have wronged you and did not mean to." As she said this Pietra came in, smiling as always and wearing just a small cloth over her loins, her small breasts pointing the way, her dark, deep, black hair shown with the reflected sunlight filtering through the window, she was sinewy and had an almost boyish figure. She was a bit hairy, however, a thin line of hair snaked above the cloth to her navel, and a small mass of hair peeked out from under her arms, she refused to shave them.
"Hello Love." Said Pietra. She turned and looked to Kira, who was frowning. "And to you also mighty warrior." Pietra said the last with a little laugh as she ran to Leesa and tossed her arms around her, planting a kiss on Leesa's cheek.
"I will talk with you later, my lady, since you are about to be occupied." Kira said as she turned and headed for the door.
"Stop." Leesa commanded, as she slipped away from Pietra's embrace. "We have business now. And I require you in my bed tonight." Leesa glanced at Pietra as she said this and was rewarded with a shocked look, that quickly turned to anger. Pietra may be small but she had a temper like a lion. Both women started to say something at once. "Silence." Leesa shouted the command. "I have been derelict with you both. And I am ashamed, and sorry. Also I ask your forgiveness." Both women looked up at Leesa in surprise and mumbled their acceptance of her apology, still she went on. "I have put both of you in a bad position, one of opponents when you would be friends without me. Well I settle it now." Leesa turned and looked at Pietra and continued. "Pietra, love, your affections keep me sane, I love you as I never thought I would love another." Leesa turned to Kira. "But Kira is my wife and also deserving of my affection. And Kira, I do love you, your strength gets me through many a rough spot, your beauty is unequaled in this, or any, land. And you Pietra." She turned towards the small Russian. "I owe you love also, you have given up a lot to be a consort." Leesa pondered them both for a moment neither one had any idea where this was going but stayed silent to let their Valkyrie think. "I think it is time for a new wedding." As she said this she saw Kira tense as though to leap.
Kira shouted. "No, how dare you wed and then release me." Kira took a step towards her sovereign.
"Wait, hear me out my princess. I am not about to lose my right arm." She said softly. "I will take Pietra as a second wife, with your consent, and the three of us will love one another and support one another in all things, in this I will swear, if you both do also." Leesa decided this was the moment to stay quiet and let them think.
Kira looked ready to explode to Pietra, as she considered the offer. Pietra looked at Kira and at once saw what Leesa had seen, the deep loneliness and pain in the eyes. She also saw the muscles standing out ready for attack, or flight she was unsure which. Pietra made her decision. She turned walked over to Kira and then bent down on one knee at Kira's feet she looked up into her eyes and took both her hands in hers before saying. "Kira, I would call you my princess too if you would allow it, I will love you and care for you, I have no use as a warrior, nor a counselor, but for love I can give, and comfort, and daughters to you both." With this she bent over and placed her head against Kira's stomach, feeling the rock hard muscles hidden beneath the skin.
Kira looked down at this small women, and then back up to Leesa. Leesa was looking on her expectantly, with a slight smile, and love, she could tell the love shined. She turned back to Pietra and pulled her up to her feet, she then pulled her in and kissed her on the lips tenderly. She noticed Leesa approach and she put out one arm to invite her in the embrace. The three hugged and Kira cried.
Leesa held onto Kira with a tight grip, she felt Pietra's nipples harden against her side. She looked down into Pietra's face and smiled, they both knew what to do. They led her over to the bedchamber door and walked her to the bed. Both of them let go to shed their garments and then Pietra undressed Kira as Leesa lay down. The three women began to love one another, slowly caressing each others bodies while tenderly kissing each other. Leesa, laying on Kira's right snuggled up and began exploring her princess' mouth with her tongue as her hands explored her breasts. Pietra slowly inched her way down till her mouth was resting on the velvety softness of the tawny pubic hair. With her tongue she parted the tender folds and began to lick and nibble all the while using her hands to caress legs and to slide under her ass to inch her finger into her other hole. The three of them made love switching positions frequently into the night before falling into a blissful sleep in each others arms.
Leesa rode her horse at the head of a triple column of mounted Amazon warriors, at her right rode Kira, like all the women they rode with naught on but a harness to hold their scabbard. Five hundred bronzed, muscled bodies shown glistening with sweat from the oppressive heat of midday. They would arrive in the early morning hours, just after midnight. Resting up until dawn and then attack out of the sun.
Kira paced back in forth in their encampment. "I don't understand why we cannot follow through with the original plan, we agreed on before leaving." She said to Leesa.
Leesa peered at the horizon looking at the storm clouds heading this way. "Because my love." She said as she turned and smiled at her warrior princess. She continued. "A storm is brewing and will hit in about an hour, I do not want our Calvary exposed to whatever mire this field turns into when wet. We do not know this ground, it may be solid, but it may not. Do you want to chance it." Leesa looked directly into the eyes of her commander.
Kira looked at Leesa and smiled as she replied. "I know your right, I was just blowing off steam. It is so nice to be able to do that." Kira reached out and touched Leesa's thigh, and then patted it firmly. "Well let us make a camp." And with this she reigned in her horse and turned to her assembled warriors before giving the command. "Make camp here, Tierra gather a crew and fix a stockade." She looked at Tierra and then as she nodded her acceptance turned to another of her lieutenants take ten women and establish a perimeter, then come back and pick five of your best to form a patrol, shifts to change at two hour intervals." She again looked out over her troops until she spotted a small Arabian women, who barely stood 5'2", but who was lethal with any weapon. "Rebecca, take one other with you and go down to the valley and keep an eye on our friends, be back tomorrow morning at an hour before daybreak, this storm will last until this eve only I think."
Leesa watched her warrior princess with a look approaching awe, she had taken her surroundings and then launched into a string of commands, the bustle of the camp was quiet and purposeful. As she watched Kira conferred with her last three lieutenants and they hurriedly left in opposite directions. Leesa walked over and said softly. "I am very impressed with my princess, you make me think you are a warrior in fact as well as spirit." Kira turned and smiled as she playfully punched her sovereign's arm. Leesa continued. "They have our tent pitched already. Will you join me?"
Kira looked about one last time and said. "Yes. My people are capable of doing what is needed, lets retire for the day." And with that the two walk to the tent closing the cover behind them. Once inside they fell into each others arms with an embrace tight enough to be uncomfortable. Shortly thereafter they found the bed and were asleep within minutes.
Kira awoke with a start. Noise was all around them she sat staring at the dark tent wall, trying to make sense of it as she allowed the fog in her head to clear. Beside her Leesa stirred then sat bolt upright looking to Kira with a small amount of fear in her eyes. For some reason this made Kira feel good, maybe because it gave her a reason, it made her feel needed. Then suddenly it hit they were under attack. "Up my lady, quickly, its an attack, you must get out to the horses where it is safe."
Leesa looked at Kira with mild amusement on her face as she repeated Kira's words slowly. "Where its safe? I go where you go my love, now no time to talk lets get to arms." And with this they grabbed their swords and ran out of the tent, without even their harness' on. They ran into utter chaos. A small raider force was inside the perimeter engaged with Kira's troops. Leesa jumped in to the fray swinging her sword at the back of an adversary who was attacking one of hers. The sword bit deep into the neck of the man and he fell grasping at the back of his neck, as he did Leesa ran him through, then planting her foot on his chest while scanning the surrounding area for another opponent she shoved him off her sword. The warrior she helped nodded at her and took to another foe. A large man jumped at her from the side swinging a battle ax, Leesa jumped back but in doing so lost her footing and fell to the ground. The man sensing an easy kill ran up as he lifted his ax to strike her. Leesa's sword had flown from her hand when she hit and the man had seen it. He used no caution as he hovered above her his ax starting on its downswing. His surprise was complete when Leesa suddenly came up under him and deftly placed a dagger in his heart, twisting the knife to reduce the wound suction she quickly pulled it free and reached over and grabbed her sword. Just in time to swing around and parry a blow from the sword of a man trying to separate her head from her body. She returned his blow and they danced around warily watching each other as they probed for a weak spot. Leesa looked around quickly to try and spot Kira, but she was nowhere to be found. She returned her attention to the man with the sword. He was bigger and parrying his blows were starting to wear on her, she could not keep this up for ever. Then like a gift from the gods an opening appeared and she drove her sword home into his groin. Blood leaped out like a spigot and she surmised she severed the artery she had aimed for. The man squealed like a pig trying to escape the next blow he knew was coming but was unable to stop. She skewered him through the chest like so much flotsam, his falling dislodging the blade as she turned to hunt another quarry.
Kira was busy in her own right She was busy fighting off two men at once, her back was to an outcropping of rock and this was her salvation, they could not outflank her. She parried thrust after thrust, their reach was longer but she was holding her own. One of them was bleeding from a cut to the arm she had inflicted at the start of the fight. The man on the right, a small compact muscular beast was trying to wear her down by shear number of blows, he se did not fear. However the one on the left was planning his blows, looking for openings, the proof he found them at all lay in a six inch open cut on her shoulder, luckily shallow, and a stab wound to the right side, also shallow. At this moment the one on the right made a mistake and quick as a fox her sword went into, and out of his throat. His death gurgle was lost in the continuing sound of battle.
Leesa was trying to fight her way through to Kira. She saw her being attacked by two men and she was fearful for her. A man jumped up in front of her and raised his sword, she slid her steel through his throat and out again without barely a glance. Another came at her with a pole, a pole? She backed up wearily, this was a new weapon and from his looks he knew how to use it. As he advanced she drew her dagger and threw it at him hard he tried to ward it off but was not swift enough and it quivered in his eye socket, to the hilt. She reached the place where Kira fought to find the one dead on the ground and the other pressing forward a new attack. Just as Leesa drew back to slay him he sensed her presence and turned and deftly slid his sword under hers and into her side seven inchs, she gasped and flung herself back before he could follow thorough, but it was enough with a scream of rage at seeing her lover hurt Kira swung her sword so hard she decapitated him. His head tumbled to the ground and as it did Kira spun lifting her sword in an arc as she did and with all her might clove it in two like a melon.
The battle slowed as Leesa's warriors fought back the attack and then began an attack of their own. Kira would not let her continue and surrounded by twenty of her warriors she was cradled by Kira as the medicine woman bound her wounds. As the wounds were being treated Leesa kept looking around trying to gauge the course of battle, pain of the treatment soon directed her mind elsewhere. Leesa tried hard not to cry out and found herself slipping into darkness.
As Kira looked on she saw her love slip into unconsciousness, she had to get back to the battle she thought, that is where she belongs. So with a brief warning to the healer to send a runner if a change occurred, and a threat to kill her if Leesa died, Kira turned on her heels and left to regain her place in battle. The first thing she saw was one of her warriors being pummeled with a stave, the warrior had lost her weapon and was bleeding from cuts all over her face and head. Kira ran over and before the assailant saw had run him thru.
It was light now and Kira saw a group of the enemy on a hill astride horses, it appeared they were watching the battle, she knew it was the leadership and she ran out to grab a few warriors and bring the attack to them. She gathered five of her best and grabbing their mounts took off towards the hills crest to join in battle.
The men on the hill rode down and battle was joined almost at the halfway point, the Amazon warriors were outnumbered and fighting uphill, but they gave a splendid fight, but slowly it was apparent they were losing it, when just Kira and one other was left they tried to disengage and flee but were cut off and surrounded.
Kira shouted at her warrior. "Flee, get back to the main camp." And as she watched her women was slain. She was surrounded and she kept them at bay with mighty swings of her sword, but she knew she was finished. She thought of Leesa and was sad. "Damn you bastards." She screamed. "Fight me." For the men stayed just out of range, while keeping her penned in. Then one drew close and when Kira raised her sword in defense he stabbed into her horse, she plunged her sword into his chest, but lost her grip on the sword as the horse began to topple, she did manage to leap free to stay out from under the falling animal.
As she went to regain her feet she was shoved down and looked up to see three men surrounding her, one had a blade at her throat, she signified her defeat. One of the men raised his sword and with the pummel end brought it down on Kira's head, she slid into oblivion.
Leesa had regained consciousness and was sitting up leaning against a log, around her were other warriors in various states of injury. A runner came to her breathless and tried to talk. "Slow down girl." She said. "Take a few breaths and calm yourself." Leesa patiently awaited the young warriors recovery.
"I am Servia, my lady." Said the young women. "I bring news of Lady Kira."
"What news." Leesa sat straight and tried to climb to her feet."
"She has been captured, my lady. Her and a few warriors tried to take the hill and were defeated, she alone survived, a group of warriors saw what happened and tried to follow but were detained. The battle here is won and the other army is retreating. Your lieutenants want instructions."
Leesa slid back down and groaned. "Regroup, set out sentries, gather the wounded and the weapons, we will rest till noon and then we will move. Send the officers here to me. Now begone, hurry."
Kira came awake but she feigned unconsciousness still, listening for sounds around her and trying to gauge there meaning.
"Ah Kira, I see you have awakened. You may open your eyes and view your new mistress."
Kira opened her eyes and looked up at a tall women standing over her. It was her that had spoken. She was dressed in a black leather vest and short black leather skirt, belted around her waist was a thin brown belt and on it hung a dagger. The women had medium length brown hair framing a stern face a muscular physique and ample breasts. The women glared down with a slight grin. "Hello Blaze. I knew one day we would meet again." Said Kira.
Next time The Return of Blaze.