The Birthday present by (VMSmith) Fem dom (F/MMM , M/M) Update: 15/03/1998 to misc4 WARNING: THE ACCOUNT THAT FOLLOWS CONTAINS ADULT MATERIAL NOT INTENDED TOBE MADE AVAILABLE TO CHILDREN! PLEASE TREAT THIS MATERIAL IN A RESPOSIBLEMANNER! I have had the most exciting year! I have had a fantasy revolvingaround female domination, but my wife was never willing to indulge in thefantasy with me. Then my birthday came. At the end of the day, Diane hadstill not given me a present. When I went to get into bed, I found abrightly wrapped box sitting on my pillow. I opened it to find a photoalbum. Inside was a picture of Diane in a lacy white dress. The lightingwas such that her silhouette was visible through her dress. I was confused though since this was the only picture in the albumalthough there were several empty pages. Just then Diane came into thebedroom wearing a very sexy teddy. She wished me "Happy Birthday" andthen kissed me deeply. The kiss led to a leisurely session of foreplay. Some time later Diane climbed astride me and began to slowly ride my cock. She asked me if I had enjoyed my present. I told her that I had, butthat I was wondering about the empty pages. Diane then informed me thatthere was a second part of the gift. She advised me that she was nowwilling to indulge in my female domination fantasy for one year. Thisnews excited me and the rate of my thrusts increased making my wife's ridea bit bumpier. Diane told me that for the next year, I was to act as hersexual slave. She would decide when, where and how we had sex. She woulddetermine when I could come. I was never to turn down any sexual demandof hers - no matter how outrageous. And finally, one night a month, I wasto pick-up and take care of the kids while she went out on the town. Iwas not to ask her any questions about her evenings out and on thosenights I would find a package containing additional photos for my album. Diane then said that if I broke any of her rules at any time, that thefantasy would immediately end and she would never indulge my fantasyagain. She then asked if I was willing to accept the rest of my present. I yelled "Yes!" just as I exploded deep in her pussy. "Great" she said,"Now you can start being my slave and clean up your mess." With that shelifted herself from my cock and straddled my face. She had shaved herpussy a few days before and her slick cunt was wet and sticky from ourcombined juices. She rode my tongue and made me lap up my come until shehad had two powerful orgasms. I spent the next month learning my role as a sex slave. I learned how toeat pussy for hours on end and I became an expert at massage. Then oneFriday afternoon I received a call from Diane. She told me that I was totake care of the kids and that she would be home later. She also told methat I would find an envelope of pictures under my pillow. My cockswelled in anticipation. I got the kids fed, bathed and asleep in record time. I crawled into bedand opened the envelope. Inside was a picture of Diane in the same whitedress that she had on in the first picture. However, in this one she waskissing a tall black man. His back was to the camera, but I could clearlysee that his hand was inside the top of the dress and cupping her leftbreast. The picture was so exciting that despite my mistress' strictwarning, I began to masturbate and quickly came all over the sheet. At about 2 a.m. I heard Diane's car pull into the garage. She came intothe bedroom and when I told her I was awake she turned on the light so Icould watch her undress. She took off her high heels. With her back tome, she slipped out of her dress to reveal that she was only wearing agarter belt and stockings! She came over to the side of the bed andplaced a foot on the rail of the waterbed and slowly rolled off herstockings. First one leg and then the other. This put her pussy onlyinches away from me. She had begun to let her pubic hair grow back and itwas now a nice downy patch around her pussy lips. Her pubic hair was wetand matted and the musky smell of sex permeated the air. There was nodoubt that she had been freshly fucked. As she undressed she asked how I had enjoyed the picture. I told herthat it was great and then asked who the man was. She whirled around andslapped me hard across the face. "No questions are allowed" she snarled. Then she smiled, "I guess you can have one mistake, but don't make itagain." She then climbed into bed and immediately straddled my face. Ibegan to lick her slit and sample the salty taste of another man's spermin her warm pussy. "His name is Steve" she whispered. When she had hadan orgasm my wife rolled off my face and pointed to the wet spot on thesheet. She asked if I had masturbated and when I sheepishly admitted thatI had, she said "Well, I hope it was good because you won't have anotherorgasm for a month!" True to her word, one month later I still had not enjoyed an orgasm. She, however, had a very active month with nightly bouts with one of hervibrators or my nimble tongue. Again, I received a call at work with mywife advising me that she was again going out on the town. Once the kidswere in bed I found my promised envelope and quickly opened it. Insidewas a another picture of Diane and Steve. This time she was facing thecamera with Steve standing behind her. Her dress was gone and she waswearing a matching white bra, garter belt and panties with whitestockings. Her bra was half off and Steve was cupping her breasts,rolling her nipples between his fingers and nuzzling her neck. From theexpression on her face she was clearly enjoying his attention. I awoke when Diane kissed me at 3 a.m. She had already stripped andcrawled into bed. The moment I saw her, my cock sprang to attention. Shereached under the covers and felt my rigid cock. She smiled and said, "Isee you were able to control yourself, so I guess you may have a rewardtonight." She then arranged herself on top of me into a sixty- nineposition. Her pussy was wet and salty and I knew that I was lickinganother man's come from her cunt. Diane said that she would suck me, butI was not to come in her mouth and was to give her plenty of warningbefore I came. Given my month of forced celibacy, I was ready to shoot inno time. I yelled that I was near and she rolled off me and pushed mylegs up over my head. She then grabbed my cock and began pumping it. Ishot what seemed like gallons of come all over my face. Laughing, Dianecrawled to her side of the bed and went to sleep. During the next month, I did something that caused her displeasure whichresulted in her shaving my pubic hair and being refused any sexual releaseuntil it had grown back to her satisfaction. Thus, when it came time forher evening out, I had not enjoyed an orgasm for almost two weeks. Thistime my envelope seemed thicker and when I opened it four photos tumbledout. In all of the pictures, Diane was wearing nothing but the garterbelt, hose and panties -- her bra was now gone. The first picture showedmy wife ripping Steve's shirt open. Her arms were a blur and some of thebuttons were caught in mid-flight. The second photo showed off Steve'sflat stomach and muscled chest. Diane was pulling the remnants of hisshirt off of his arms while sucking one of his nipples. In the thirdpicture Steve's shirt was gone and Diane was reaching for the buckle ofhis belt. In the last photo Steve's pants were gone and my wife was onher knees before him, her hands tugging at the waist band of his bikiniundershorts while she ogled the obvious bulge in his briefs. At about 2 a.m. Diane arrived home. She stood over the bed with a pairof shiny handcuffs dangling from her finger. She ordered me out of bed tokneel at her feet. I immediately obeyed and she sat in a chair andremoved her shoes. With her stockinged foot she tickled my balls and cocksaying how pitiful I looked with my stubble of pubic hair. With that sheproceeded to lock my hands behind my back with the handcuffs. She thenpiled all of the pillows into a mound on the bed. Stepping out of herdress she climbed on the bed and knelt over the mound of pillows. In thisposition her butt was raised up high and beautifully framed by hergarters. She ordered me to climb on the bed and kneel behind her. Thinking that I was to be allowed to fuck her ass, I quickly complied. However, as I climbed on the bed, she reached up on the headboard andgrabbed her six inch vibrator. She flicked it on and pushed it into mymouth. "Fuck my ass with this slave" she said mockingly. I lowered myhead and pushed the phallus into her ass. Her rear passage was alreadywet and slick and she showed no pain or discomfort from the penetration. Clearly someone had recently plowed this passage! As I worked her asswith the vibrator, she reached for my photo album and began to flipthrough the pages. She began to taunt me by commenting on Steve's ebonybody and muscular build. When she reached the last page showing herpulling down his briefs she giggled and said, "Just wait until you see hiscock!" With that my cock erupted even though I had not touched it. Dianefelt some of my come hit her leg and she laughed. She then began pushingher ass back against the vibrator and after a few minutes she had asatisfying orgasm. She pulled away from the vibrator and took it from mymouth. Then she pushed my face into the pool of sperm and made me lick itup. I spent the night in the handcuffs and she refused to remove themuntil the next morning -- after she had reshaved my pubic hair! I made a concerted effort to be especially attentive to my wife's needsand desires for the next month so that by the time her next night out camearound my cock and balls were surround by a sparse growth of hair. Thistime the envelope only contained two photos. The first showed Dianepulling down Steve's underwear to reveal a long and thick cock. In thefirst picture his cock was only semi-erect, but still impressive. Thesecond photo showed his cock fully erect at about eight inches with mywife on her knees licking it. After going another month without coming,it took a supreme effort of will and a fast cold shower to keep fromspurting my load. At three a.m. my wife arrived home. The first thingshe did was to check how hard my cock was to see if I had come fromlooking at her latest photos. When she was satisfied that I had been goodshe instructed me to kneel at the foot of her chair. She fastened thehandcuffs on my wrists securing my hands behind my back. Stripping offher dress and damp panties she grabbed an eight inch vibrator and sat infront of me. She began to massage my cock and balls with her stockingedfeet as she slid the pulsating vibrator into her pussy, its swollen lipsgripping the pliable plastic. Warning that I was not to come, she orderedthat I describe how beautiful Steve's cock was. I cannot describe thetension created by being forced to praise another man's penis while abeautiful woman caressed my engorged cock and balls with the silk of herstockings and watching her large vibrator stroking in and out of her cunt,already coated with juices that I knew were sperm. After fifteen minutesof this torture, my wife's feet fell from my cock and she concentratedsolely on bringing herself to orgasm. Although I felt like I had just runa marathon, I had not come! Although I was pleased with my performance,Diane was not. She insisted that I had not been generous enough in mypraise of Steve's cock. Although I begged and pleaded, I went to bed thatnight once again clean shaven. After two months of tongue baths, massages, and utter devotion to Dianeand with no relief for myself, my cock was super sensitive. It wasconstantly erect and threatened to explode at the slightest stimulation --just putting on my pants was a torture. Arriving home on the appointednight, I was surprised to find Diane's car parked in the garage. Fearingthat she must be sick I hustled the kids inside, but found no trace ofher. There was no note, but an envelope was neatly tucked under my pillowso I went through my normal evening routine. Once the kids were asleep Istripped and pulled the envelope from under my pillow. Sitting on the bedI ripped open the flap and discovered two pictures. The first I expected. It was a close-up of Diane on her knees with most of Steve's cock stuffedin her mouth. The second picture was a total surprise. It was a close- upwhich showed my wife kneeling and facing the camera. In her right handshe held Steve's erect penis and she was licking the head of his cock. Inher left hand she was holding a stiff white penis and was licking its headat the same time! This new cock was also about eight inches long, but notas thick as Steves. The moment I saw this second picture, my cock spurted its load. Thefirst pulse sent a stream of come splashing against the wall five feetaway! In seconds I was drenched in sperm. Although the relief wasfantastic, I knew that I was in trouble. I heard the bedroom door open at about 4 a.m. Diane stood at the doorand switched on the light. She had a wry smile on her face and walked tothe bed. Slowly she bent down to kiss me. As our lips touched, she tookmy head in her hands and held me tightly to her. I felt her tongue brushagainst my lips and I opened my mouth to accept her devilish tongue. Instead, a mouthful of come fell from her mouth and into mine. Iinstantly realized that she had blown her lover (or lovers) just beforecoming into the house. Knowing that her sexual act had taken place rightoutside the front door and only seconds before seeing me excited me beyondbelief and for the second time that night, my cock erupted without beingtouched. Diane laughed at my predicament. "I'll have to tell Dave howmuch you like his come!" she taunted. Then she went into the bathroom andreturned with my razor. Handing it to me she said, "You may come back tobed when you're baby smooth again." As I took the razor and headed forthe shower she called after me, "Be sure you don't cut off anythingimportant!" and laughing, crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep. A month later found me opening an envelope which contained three photos. The first showed Diane on her hands and knees sucking on Steve's cock withDave kneeling behind her and literally ripping her panties off of her. The second shot showed her still sucking Steve's cock, but now Dave's cockwas buried in her pussy. The last photo was a close-up of her face. Shewas drenched with come, some splattered in her hair and some dripping fromher lips. The photo also showed the end of Steve's cock and come wasdripping from it as well. That morning, Diane had made a point of having me fetch a pair of pantiesfor her. I knew, therefore, that she had left for work that morningwearing a pair of blue bikini panties. I learned the purpose of this showwhen Diane strolled in at about 1 a.m. She let her dress fall to thefloor as she walked into the bedroom leaving her in nothing but her garterbelt, hose and high heels. Kicking off her shoes she climbed on top of meand lowered her dripping cunt to my mouth. Without saying a word shebegan to ride my tongue. She rubbed her pussy back and forth across mychin which often made my tongue slip from her pussy and brush her asshole. Both her pussy and ass were slick with sperm. When she finally came, sherolled off of me and retrieved her purse. Reaching inside she pulled outher blue panties. Holding them gingerly, it was plain to see that theyhad been ripped and torn and the waistband had been broken. Climbing backon the bed, Diane wrapped the panties around my cock and began tomasturbate me. With her permission, I came in the panties. She milked medry and used the panties to soak up all of the sperm. She pushed thepanties into my mouth and then went to sleep. The next month's packet of pictures contained a picture of Diane cleaningthe come from Steve's cock. The second photo was a close-up of her assshowing come dripping from her pussy and a glob of sperm spurting from theend of Dave's prick and headed for her ass. Diane didn't come home until 9 a.m. the next morning. She strolled inwith a wistful smile on her face. She greeted the children, gave me adeep kiss while discreetly squeezing my cock. She said she needed somesleep and headed toward the bedroom. As she walked down the hall, I sawthat the juices from her pussy were literally running down her legs! During the next week my wife told me that Dave had the ability to prolonghis own orgasm which enabled him to give her multiple orgasms every timehe fucked her. She decided that I needed to learn this technique andproceeded on a training regimen. After achieving one or two orgasms frommy tongue or from one of her vibrators, Diane would then have me fuck herin a position of her choosing. I was not to come until she had grantedher permission. If I was unable to wait until her command, then the nextevening, instead of enjoying intercourse, I would be required tomasturbate while looking through my photo album and the moment I startedto come, Diane would begin to spank me with a leather paddle. Toward theend of the month, I was actually making some progress in my self- control. On the Friday that I was expecting my wife to announce her next escapade,the city was having a terrible rainstorm. I was awaiting her usualtelephone call and was, therefore, surprised when the receptionist buzzedmy office and told me Diane was in the lobby. I went to the lobby andgreeted her with a chaste kiss. She had on her London Fog raincoat thatwas buttoned tightly. She told me that she was going out and instructedme on what to fix the kids for dinner. I was still confused as to why shehad decided to deliver her message in person. I walked her to theelevator and kissed her good-bye. She stepped into the empty elevator andas the doors began closing she opened her coat to show that all she waswearing were her shoes! A few hours later I was opening another envelope to find one picture. Diane was laying on a table. The photo was taken at the end of the tableso her pussy was in the foreground and her head in the background of thepicture. She was still dressed in only her high heels, garter belt andhose. Steve and Dave were on either side of the table sucking on hertits. Her legs were spread wide and there was the hand of a third manfingering her pussy. I awoke when the lights suddenly came on. It was 3 a.m. and Diane wasstanding at the door, still in her raincoat. She ordered me out of bedand used her handcuffs to secure my hands behind my back. She then got ascarf and used it to blindfold me. Pushing me into a chair I heard herunbuttoning her coat and letting it fall to the floor. She grabbed mycock and her soft caress quickly brought it to a full erection. Straddling me she slid down on to my shaft. Her pussy was wet and sloshyfrom her lovers' come. She pulled my head to her breasts and told me tolick just her nipples. I dutifully complied as she began to slide up anddown my cock. After a few minutes she untied the blindfold and let itfall away. I had continued to lick her nipples so my eyes were onlyinches from her breasts. Her breasts were covered with small, purplehickeys! The sight was so exciting that I came without her permission. After having me lick my come - and that of her lovers - from her pussy,she told me that I would have to pay for my transgression. The next day my wife made a phone call and said that she would be goingshopping later. About an hour later the phone rang and she answered itand had a quick conversation. Hanging up the phone, she grabbed her purseand went into the garage calling back over her shoulder, "Don't wait up!" Although I heard the garage door open and close, I didn't hear her carstarting. A few minutes later I checked the garage and saw that her carwas still parked there. My cock swelled at the idea of my wife out onanother adventure. At midnight I awoke as my naked wife was climbing onto my face. She hada powerful orgasm as I licked her pussy clean. Rolling off of me, shegave me a paper bag and ordered me to open it. Inside I found a leatherhood which would completely cover the eyes and ears of the wearer leavingonly an opening for the mouth, a ball gag and an eight inch plastic dildowhich ended in a studded mound which was clearly meant to rest against awoman's vagina. The fake cock was attached to a harness to fasten itaround a woman's waist. My wife ordered me to fetch my handcuffs and someK-Y Jelly. She fastened my hands behind my back and inserted the ball gagin my mouth. Ordering me to kneel on the bed, she then took her timestepping into the harness and adjusting the fake cock. A few minuteslater she climbed on the bed and I learned what it felt like to be fuckedup the ass. She continued humping me until we had both come. She pulledout of my ass and I fell forward in a lump. She let me sleep with thehandcuffs and ball gag in place. During the next month, Diane fucked mewith her fake cock at least ten times. She insisted that I prolong myorgasm until given permission and failure meant an immediate spanking. Bythe end of the month, I was finally getting some small measure of control. Our anniversary was at the end of the month and we made plans to go outto dinner alone on that night with a close friend of Diane's baby-sittingthe kids. I was quite surprised though to find an envelope tucked undermy pillow the night before our date. I asked Diane why I was getting thepictures before her night out and she just said, "Some things came up." With my wife looking on, I opened the envelope to discover threepictures. Diane was still lying on the table attired in her high heels,garter belt and hose. Steve and Dave were still sucking her tits, but thethird man's hand was now lathering her pussy. The second photo showed thethird man's hands shaving her pussy with a straight razor; one handholding the lips of her vagina taut while the other wielded the razor. The final photograph showed the third man with his head buried between herthighs, lapping at her pussy while Steve and Dave continued to feast onher nipples. It was now possible to tell that this third man was alsoblack and that he had a thick beard. My wife smiled broadly as I ogledthe pictures and told me that the new man was "Big Bad John." Although Iwas very excited, Diane refused to engage in any sex and instead insistedthat we both go to sleep in order to conserve our strength for the nextevening. The next night, we both dressed up for our anniversary dinner. Diane'sfriend, Gail, arrived to take care of the kids. Diane had been tellingher of the advantages of female domination and trying to convince her toput her own husband under strict female control. Every time she wouldlook at me she would laugh and when no one was within earshot she tauntedme by asking, "How long as it been since your little pecker got somepussy?" We finally got away from Gail and left for our evening together. Ithought we were going to a restaurant downtown, so I was surprised when mywife pulled the car into a nearby resort. We ate a very nice meal intheir lounge, but as we were leaving my wife led me to the elevators. Wewent to an upper floor and walked down the hall. Producing a room key, weentered a guest room. The room contained the usual table, chairs anddesk/dresser combination. It also had two king-sized beds. On one of thebeds was a small over-night case. Diane ushered me into the room and shut the door behind us. She orderedme to remove my jacket and then to take off my pants, undershorts, shoesand socks. She made it clear that I was to leave my shirt on. As Icomplied with her directions, Diane stripped down to a very sexy dark blueteddy. Diane opened the over-night case and pulled out her handcuffs. Securing my hands behind my back, she ordered me to kneel in the middle ofone of the beds. Taking the pillows from the bed, she piled them under mystomach, raising my naked ass high in the air. Reaching into the small suitcase again she pulled out her fake cock. Unsnapping the crotch of her teddy, she stepped into the harness andadjusted the base of the dildo against her golden pussy and pulled thestraps tight. With the dildo jutting from her crotch, she reached intothe bag again and brought out a tape player with headphones. She put theheadphones on my head and adjusted the small speakers over my ears. Onceagain she reached into the bag and pulled out the ball gag and the leatherhood. She quickly shoved the ball gag in my mouth and then pulled thehood over my head. Suddenly, my ears were filled with the sounds of a loud, heavy-metalband! With the hood over my head, I couldn't see anything and between thehood and the music blaring in my ears, I could not hear anything. I hadno way of knowing where my wife was or what she was doing. After a few minutes, I felt the bed shift and then her cock was pushinginto my ass. She pounded into my behind with a fury and my own cockswelled. Fearing her certain reprisal for coming without permission, Ifought to control my impending orgasm. Luckily, she ceased her assault onmy poor ass. With her fake cock still imbedded in my ass, she heldperfectly still. When I had regained my composure, she began sliding inand out of my behind with slow, rhythmic strokes. Soon, I was once againon the verge of orgasm. And once more she stopped moving just in time. This starting and stopping continued for over an hour. At the end, I wasa quivering mass. My shirt was soaked with sweat. I had been successfulin delaying my orgasm, but I would have killed to be able to come at thatmoment. Finally, the cock was removed from my behind and I felt her get off thebed. A few minutes later, the bed shifted again and someone got on thebed in front of me. I had assumed that my wife was on the bed in front ofme, but the ball-gag was removed and my mouth was pulled to a woman'spussy. I recognized the taste of sperm in the woman's slit, but thispussy was clean shaven, so I knew it must belong to some other woman. The woman I was licking began to come. She pulled my face deep betweenher legs and clamped her thighs around my head, her hips bucking andpushing my tongue deeper and deeper into her cunt. When her orgasmsubsided, she released her hold on my head. The music was finally shutoff and the ringing in my ears slowly faded. The woman then removed thehood. Sitting before me was my wife! Her legs were spread wide, her pubic hairgone and the lips of her vagina swollen and gaping open. Even with all ofthe licking and sucking that I had done, sperm was still dripping from hercunt. A quick glance around the room showed that the other bed had beenused by several people although we were clearly alone now. My gazefinally came to rest on my wife who was smiling lewdly. As it slowlydawned on me that one of my wife's lovers had been fucking my ass while mywife had her pussy shaved and then fucked in the other bed, my cockerupted in a tremendous orgasm. The strength of the orgasm wasunbelievable, almost causing me to black out. Laughing at mytransgression, Diane turned over and presented me with a view of her asswhich was also coated with come. Without waiting for her command, Idrilled my tongue into her ass sucking the come out of her rear passage. When Diane was finally sated, she went into the bathroom and took ashower, leaving me still shackled and kneeling on the bed. When she wasdone, she came back in the room, dressed, and reapplied her make-up. Whenshe was all ready, she unlocked the handcuffs and told me to get dressedand packed up and she would see me in the car in five minutes. I am justglad that no one I knew saw me rushing through the hotel lobby -- I'm sureI must have made a frightening sight in my condition. When we got home, my wife asked Gail to help her with my punishment forcoming without permission. With Gail looking on, I was ordered to stripand then bring them my razor and shaving cream. The headphones and hoodwere then put on me and my hands again locked behind my back. I waspushed onto the bed and the music began blaring in my ears (apparently soDiane could tell Gail all about her evening without my hearing thedetails). Then Gail's hairy pussy was straddling my face and I ate hercunt as she and Diane shaved my pubic hair. I didn't get any sexual release for the next month and Diane spent mostof her free time tutoring Gail in the finer points of female domination. Then one Friday morning my wife left for work telling me not to wait upfor her. That evening I found my envelope under my pillow. Unlike theearlier envelopes, this one had "Big Bad John" written across it. Insidewere six pictures. The first showed Diane licking and stroking a HUGEcock. It looked like a huge, black pole. Diane later bragged that it wasalmost eleven inches long and as big around as her wrist! The secondpicture showed her trying to stuff the cock in her mouth. It was so largethough that she was only able to get her lips around the head of the cock. The third picture showed Diane on her back with Steve and Dave holdingher legs spread far apart and pulled up over her head. Diane's hands werepulling her vagina open and John's cock head was rubbing against hergaping hole. The next picture showed John's cockhead pushing into hercunt. The fifth picture showed about half of John's cock in her pussy. The final picture showed John lying on his back with Diane sitting astridehim -- his entire cock buried to the hilt in her cunt -- with Dianeclearly experiencing a powerful orgasm. Diane showed up about noon the next day. She went right to bed and sleptuntil about four in the afternoon. When I went into see her, she threwback the sheet to show that sperm was still leaking from her well-fuckedpussy. That night, Diane let me fuck her. Usually her pussy fits snuglyaround my cock, but that night her pussy was still so stretched that mycock thrashed loosely in her cunt. Even without the snug fit of herpussy, the thought of those pictures made me erupt within a few minutes. Last month, my wife once again called on a Friday afternoon to tell me totake care of the kids. This was the beginning of a three-day weekend. That night I found my promised envelope. Inside were four photographs. The first showed Diane sitting astride John with his cock completelyburied in her pussy. Steve was fucking her in the ass and she was deepthroating Dave. The second picture showed her face drenched with Dave'scome. The third picture showed Steve's prick spurting come all over herass. The final picture showed her pussy just inches above John's erectcock. His cock was slick with her juices. Her pussy was coated withsperm and a huge glob of come was falling from her shaved pussy. Justthen the phone rang. I answered it, but it was a few seconds before Dianegreeted me. Over the phone I could hear loud slurping sounds as well asguttural moans. Then Diane asked if I liked my present and she told methat she would be gone for the entire weekend and that she would see meTuesday evening. As she spoke to me, she was gasping and panting and Iknew that she was being fucked while she was talking to me on the phone. At the end I heard another woman's voice scream out, "Harder! Fuck meharder!" Diane chuckled and between moans told me to call Gail's husbandand tell him the same message. As the line went dead, I began stroking mycock. I knew Diane would punish me anyway, so I looked through my albumand masturbated throughout the entire weekend. The photos from this last envelope filled the last of the empty pages inthe album. My birthday is next week and I can't wait to see what thisyears present will be!.