The Wedding She had caught him, and now she was going to eat him. Update: 01/04/1998 to misc3 I was enjoying myself at the beach-side wedding reception of two friends of mine. The day was clear, and the water was sparkling, with plenty of interesting women strolling about in the afternoon sunshine. I was talking with friends when a discussion ensued about the Colorado Silver-Bullets, the all-female baseball team. I said (as a result of too much wine, no doubt) that the Bullets, while showing some skill, would ever be able to compete with a A or AA level baseball team . "Why ?" chimed in a female voice that I'd not anticipated in the group behind me. The voice belonged to a beautiful woman, Beth, who had been eavesdropping on our conversation. "Physical strength", I replied. "while baseball doesn't look physically stressful, it does take a toll on your body that most males couldn't handle. And more males are probably equipped for the physical trauma than women." "I suppose, then , that other sports will never see females and males compete equally... like football or wrestling ?" she said. "Yep " , I said, "not anytime soon." She smiled, and excused herself. As she walked away I really noticed her physically. She was about 29-30 yrs old, 5' 7", amply bosomed with muscular shoulders and a slightly rounded tummy. Her knee-length dress covered sturdy, strong looking calves and thighs."Probably an athlete when she was younger", I thought, as I sipped my wine and chatted with the reception guests. Soon the time to go home arrived. I walked out to my car, and was about to open the door, when I heard a familiar voice. "I enjoyed our little chat" said Beth. "I'd really like to get together with you to help you see another side of the gender equality issue." She was an attractive woman, and I didn't turn her down- she invited me to come to her house later for a discussion. Two hours later, I arrived at her house. When she opened the door, my heart jumped. Beth had changed from her sexily demure wedding reception wear to a bikini. Her body was more impressive that I'd guessed earlier. Though she did have a tummy, her bust was at least 40" and her legs looked like carved granite. "Come in, Jeff", I've been waiting. When I walked in, I noted that a mat had been setup in the living room, and all the furniture had been moved to one side. " When you mentioned your theory on female strength, I knew that I had to show you..well...another side-I hope that you know how to wrestle..if not, this won't be much fun for me. You can change into some shorts in my bedroom..." Five minutes later, I had changed and I walked back into the living room. Beth had put her hair into a long brunette ponytail, and was stretching as if preparing for war. She was. "My only rule - no biting... everything else goes." "OK" I said. I had wrestled some with my brothers who were all big guys (and so am I at 6' 210lbs), so I figured that I could hold my own. "OK then," she said sweetly,"come get me.'' We eyed each other and circled carefully- suddenly , she lunged for my legs, tripping me onto the mat. i landed on my back and she was cat- quick on top of me. She planted and elbow dead into my solar plexus, knocking the wind out of me. She quickly inched up and grapevined my legs, with her massive titties hanging perilously close to my face. " Do you like this position ?" she said , carefully pulling my legs apart painfully. " or do you prefer this one ?" Before she finished her sentence, she dropped those huge hooters onto my face, while increasing the pressure on my legs. She wrapped the around my ears and pressed them hard against the sides of my head. I couldn't breathe or think- I was helpless except for my instincts. "OWWW", she screamed as I jammed my knee into her genitalia. She released the hold, and I rolled off to try to recover enough to mount an offense. But now she was MAD. "After I finish with you, you will wish you'd let me have my way with you. You're going to get serious punishment now..." She lunged into my mid-section, knocking me into a wall. She sent four or five viscous punches to my belly button, causing me to fall to my knees in pain. the pain in my gut was, however, replaced quickly by a immense pressure around my neck. Beth was looking down at me, on my knees, with my head wedged between her powerful thighs. She looked down , smiled, and proceeded to turn on the juice. Waves of pain mixed with fear for my life emanated from my head to my stomach to my legs. Every thirty seconds, she found a new, higher gear in which to deliver her awesome leg power. I was nearly blacked out when she said gruffly " Oh no.. you're not getting off that easily." She relaxed her python thighs , and let my head fall to the ground. She then grabbed me by the hair, and dragged me a few feet nearer the couch, positioning me on my back and roughly parallel." Thank God, " I thought,"she's going top cool off and let me recov..." My thought was interrupted by the warm hard reality of one of her well developed hamstrings landing flush across my chest. I moaned in agony and grabbed my chest; she had launched herself off of the couch landing on my chest with precision. As I coughed from the impact she proceeded to repeat the maneuver; the second was more painful that the first.. it felt like a jet had landed on me. "Hun, you looked beat", she cooed, leaning over my prostrate frame, " let me massage you..." Before I could object (as if I were in any position now to fend her off anyway...), she jumped on top of me, rolled me on my side and wrapped those destructive piston legs around my abdomen in a figure -four body scissors. She then moved in and whispered into my ear "I hope you never forget this lesson." She the licked my ear and nibbled at the lobe- this bit of disarming carnal excitement was then followed by a chuckle, and then she tightened her scissors. The pain was mind-bending and constant; she the then pulled my head into her cleavage again and began to alternately tighten and relax the body scissors. The combination of being titty- smothered and having her axe-handle hard calves punishing my lower back made me cry out and beg for mercy. " Be quiet," she growled "in my chest no one can hear you scream.. including me .. I'll finish you when I want..." This torture must have gone on for another ten minutes-the throbbing body scissors combined with her alternately pressing my head between her meaty breasts and suffocating me with one bare breast at a time made me lose track of time- I just wanted to stop. I was , again on the verge of passing out, when Beth observed my physical state with disdain. "Unhh-unhh.. I've more to show you than just this..." She released the scissors, and stood up. As soon as I could think "she's off of me finally", she jumped back across my chest scissoring my arm with her thighs and clamping and stretching the other. This hurts. "I'm just thinking how to finish you off, deary - you're no fun anymore.." She "rested " here for a few seconds, got up again and then turned me onto my stomach. She then sat down on my back and proceeded to execute the Boston Crab. Spasms of pain shot through my back - I screamed harder that I ever had since my birth - this was more pain that I had ever experienced. Until she added her own variation to the hold. She kept my legs under her armpits, but relaxed her clamping grip; she lowered herself down just enough to grab both my limp arms at the wrists and then raise herself holding me suspended. The pain now was beyond mortal description. The pain was so intense that I began to see stars, and tears stopped flowing. I was now convinced that my last minutes were upon me, but I was in too much pain to think of a prayer. I was on the knife edge of passing out when she dropped me like a bag of oranges onto the mat. I didn't move- I couldn't move. I was destroyed physically. I didn't know which body part hurt the most, and the only thing that I could muster was "Is she finished with me ?." "No no baby..," she said, answering my agony ridden thought, "this is the dessert..". She kneeled over me, slid down onto my aching chest, and smothered me with her belly; after this she used her shin to choke me, rubbing it against my Adam's apple. " I call this the 'throat saw'.. hope you like it, " and proceeded to press down HARD on my throat. I was gagging and my eyes were glazing - the pain was so bad that it was going away... "Hmm, maybe I better conclude," she said, looking at my generally bad state of appearance, "you won't be able feel much more of this.." She then reversed herself on top of me and wrapped her massive telephone pole legs around my neck in a reverse headscissors. I didn't think that she could apply anymore pressure than before, but she REALLY turned on the pressure- I felt veins at the edge of bursting in my head. I was distracted from this by her finishing touch. Beth, after applying maximum leg pressure to my neck, then buried her fingers in my abdomen in a claw hold. I writhed in pain, but every time I moved she would stop it by applying more pressure to my neck. She would the dig harder into my gut. The pain increased until everything (finally) turned black. I woke up stiffly and painfully. But I wasn't in my bed. I was tied up- four expensive looking neckties were holding by hands and feet to the posts of a very expensive bed frame. I was groggy and spent, but I recognized the face coming toward me. I was too groggy to scream but tears of real fear trickled down my face. I managed a softly gurgled "no..please.." "Don't worry," Beth cooed "I just wanted to prove my first point..and I did". Even in my lowered state of awareness, I was curious as to what her other points were and had noticed that she was sitting on top of me in a silk and lace negligee. Beth was now hovering over me; her breasts, softly perfumed and magnificent, hanging inches from my face. She answered my unspoken thought: "and now I'm ready to show what I REALLY invited you over for..." Soft flesh again clouded my vision and breathing, but I sensed the battle was over. It was the law of the jungle: she had caught me, and now she was going to eat me.