Some research on Valkyries An well thought out paper on the major subspecies of humanity, of which Valkyriensis is just one Dear Diana, I received your inquiry about the evolutionary divergences between Homo Sapiens and Homo Valkyrensis. First of all, many people tend to assume that Homo Sapiens, being the larger species, is the root species. This is really not true. Furthermore, many people are inclined to assume that the root species is more primitive, or less evolved than the derivative species. This is hardly the case either. Aolicus, is a fairly recent development, and it's status as a subspecies is a bit debatable, so I'll leave them aside for now. The relationship between Homo Sapiens and Homo Valkyrensis is complicated enough, very complicated really. The very thing that sets Sapiens and Valkyrensis apart from the other animals is obviously their intelligence. But at some point, they acquired, through mere critical mass of intelligence, or through some other means, a sense of self, which in turn gave rise to a sense of self interest, which in turn gave rise to an awareness of the sense of self interest of others, and their awareness of their sense of self interest. Indeed, one might also surmise that they were also aware of their awareness of their awareness of their self interest. One obviously could go one for a long time in this hall of mirrors. The point is, awareness of self interest, and the interests of another self is the basis of morality. Yes indeed, it seems that the development of morality was the point at which Sapiens and Valkyrensis began to diverge in evolution. Before going any further, I should like to clear up another common misunderstanding that dogs many discussions about Sapiens and Valkyrensis. The misunderstanding is that Sapiens is a male dominated species, and Valkyrensis is a female dominated species. Which is to say that Sapiens would be like the Chimpanzee and Valkyrensis would be like the Rhesus monkey. In fact, both species are female dominated. The difference is that Sapiens have not realized, or accepted, that fact and their evolution has been affected by their behavior based on that refusal. Some find the view that Sapiens is a female dominated species to be preposterous, but in fact it is quite obvious. One must admit that, even allowing for gross exceptions, the relations between the genders of Sapiens is dominated by the "institution" of marriage. One also cannot fail to notice the sparse energy devoted to thought and fantasies about marriage on the part of the male Sapiens. Which is to say that the so called "institution" of marriage is really an expression of a conceptionalization ( i.e. fantasy ) by the female of the species of her own instincts. The fact that the male of the species lacks his own instincts in this regard, would ideally, you see, tend to prevent conflicts, but I fear I am getting ahead of myself here. Anyway, all of these subspecies are really female dominated. In Sapiens, however, certain moral considerations have distorted this natural fact. This is very complicated and interrelated, but let me give just one example to start with. The Sapiens male, has a moral concern with being dominated by the female of the species. This has led the female of the species to make the situation more palatable for him by assuring him that he, not she, is the head of the household. In order to accomplish this she often takes him name, participates in social ceremonies that accentuate his role as the dominant partner and so on. Also, the female of the species seems to have attempted to reassure the male who may be frightened by his own submissive tendencies that he is merely being gallant and magnanimous toward the weaker, and submissive female. To very large extent, the relationships between the genders in Sapiens can be interpreted as a series of female stratagems devised to work around and disarm male apprehensions about her dominating instincts. Needless to say such strategies tend to be self perpetuating and self inflating. By no means are all, or indeed very many, Sapiens females aware of the fact that what seems natural to them is rooted in feminine wiles. Which is to say that many believe themselves to be the naturally subservient sex. Thus believing, thus they tend to act, of course. The female Sapiens has moral concerns too. She alone may become pregnant and temporarily dependant on her mate. If the mate is either guided wholly by instinct, or is beyond moral reproach, this is not a problem. If, however, her mate is capable of overriding his instincts with mental activity and is not morally above reproach, then this is a problem. In short, the Sapiens female has an extra incentive to confine her sexuality to her marriage, and an extra incentive to inveigle a male into marriage. Which is to say that in addition to the moral apprehensions of the male toward entering a permanent relationship as the submissive partner, the female has an extra incentive to get him into that very relationship, thus the stakes are raised in response to concerns on both sides. One can easily see how the development of effective contraception has affected the Sapiens species. Instead of releasing a torrent of omniandrous free love, as was widely expected, it has instead led to a rexamination of the relationships between the genders of that species. It has not appreciably diminsihed the practice of marriage simply because this is another basic instinct of the female. With consumate triteness we may say that it is closely related to, but not identical with the sexual instincts of the human female. Thus, one can easily see that the sexual practices of Sapiens are not really directly instinctual at all but are rather distortions of instincts brought about by distorted ethics which have evolved from an excited moral pessimism. In fact, I usually advise people that they would be better off forgetting about the Darwinist evolutionary "mythology" and regard insted the ancient legend of the fall of man. There Eve was cursed by having her desires given to her husband who would then rule her. This, of course, was really only a logical consiquence of the knowlege of good and evil. One might well wonder if the Sapiens male is himself worth all of this convolution of the psychology of the female. Most would agree that he is not ( except perhaps himself ). What else the human female obtains from all of this is a false sense of her own virtue. One needn't belabor this point, really, a casual perusal of the more radical feminist literature will in itself well illustrate my point. There one can see it plain as day. All of the convolutions of gender of the species were devised an imposed on innocent females by devious domineering males, at least according to them. Which is a strange assertion coming from from "feminist" sources, since if it were true, it could only mean that the females of the species were grossly intellectually, and emotively, inferior to the males. A logical and obvious conclusion which occurs to, and seems to bother no one. Such obliviousness to the consequences of one's own assertions, it seems to me, is illustrative of the extent of intellectual degradation in Homo Sapiens. This is not to say that Homo Valkyrensis is a species on par with the angels. The male of the species, called variously Eomhs or Valkyrus, often does have some qualms about his subordinate status to the dominant Valkyrie, and the Valkyrie is not immune to disloyalty or abandonment either. The point is that in the Valkyrensis the issues are delt with directly, without concealing and inverting the true relationship of the genders. At any rate, the evolutionary division between Sapiens and Valkyrensis is most obviously due to differing reactions to a development of moral awareness. This apparently occurred about the time that agriculture first began to appear, which is another interesting parallel with the legend of the fall of man. Anyway, after that, Valkyrensis continued to evolve and Sapiens has, it seems, undergone a certain degradation of physical development. This is really quite logical, since Sapiens has defined attractiveness by genders in an unnatural way and breeds through unnatural practices. For example, take the prevalence and degree of male masochism ( or more properly anginaphilia) in the Eomhs. Really, the only thing this means is that the level at which both pain and pleasure become simple sensation is relatively close to the surface in the Eomhs. This "simple sensation" can alternatively be termed ecstasy. Which means that the Eomhs tends to enjoy whatever happens during mating, an obvious advantage for the species. This is an advantage for the Valkyrie as well because she emotionally consumes, or reacts to, if you will, the enjoyment, or abandon, of her mate. In this she is similar to the human female. While this puts the Eomhs in a very vulnerable position, this is not necessarily a matter for real concern. With Sapiens, however, the threshold at which pain and pleasure become simple sensation is much deeper, which means that for the most part the Sapiens male is only capable of reacting to pleasurable sensations, which in turn means that his experience is limited, as consequently is that of his partner. In fact, this blind enjoyment is much feared in Sapiens, even though there is a persistent fascination with the phenomena. It is worth noting that in both species, the prostate of the male is incapable of distinguishing between pain and pleasure, which confirms a similar evolutionary origin. Also, in both species the brain activity of the male during sex is concentrated in the most primitive part of the brain, the Hypothalamus, which essentially only mediates between the brain and the body, but which does not think, per se. In Sapiens, however, this period of focus is brief, it is seldom noticed, and there is little comment or literature about it, apart from some structurally telling misogynist themes about woman as a degrader of man and some equally weird stuff about something called an "Oedipal Complex". Please note that structurally both of these features of the male in each subspecies are similar yet divergent in degree, not type of function. Futhermore, the differences in degree of each type in each subspecies is consistent with the evolved sexual practices of each species. Since the practices of the Sapiens is an obvious reaction to it's equally obvious normal tendency toward female domination, we may conclude that the Sapiens subspecies is degenerate and not undergoing a positive evolution. At this point it may be well to consider the proposed subspecies of Homo Aolicus. It is not really yet determined that this phenomenon is a true subspecies, or merely a concurrent psycological and physical abnormality occuring in populations of Homo Sapiens. So far a proposed phenotype has been observed which is distingushed by an abnormally large penis in the male, a very low intelligence, extremely poor socialization and an obsession with the size of it's penis. Vertical studies have been hampered by the difficulty of associating males fitting this description with their offspring. Furhtermore, some obviously Sapien males do exhibit these characteristics. One interesting study did find, however, among a population of supposedly Sapien males with large penises, a persistent subgroup of males who not only scored low on all intelligence tests, but who also tended to interpret most questions about mathematics, history, and verbal reasoning, as somehow related to the size of their penis, as evidenced by remarksthey wrote in the margins of the exam. One difficulty of determining whether or not these specimens consitute a new subspecies is the lack of any derived profile of a coresponding female. This has led some to speculate that the subspecies is a male only subpsecies that uses the females of other subspecies for breeding. This is a radical thesis and is not widely recieved. For the time being, Homo Aolicus is primarily considered as a purely notional subspecies. Indeed, since the degradation of Sapiens signifcantly impairs it's enjoyment of sex, such a development has been predicted for some time. However, the degradation of Sapiens seems to have ben possibly arrested by the development of safe effective contraceptives, which lessen the investment of the female, at least, in the convoluted behavior of that subspecies. There are other notional subspecies, such as Homo Gynoexculpicus. Gynoexculpicus is a subspecies where the male and female are supposedly equals, yet the fact that none of their social customs reflect this is exclusively the fault of the male. This notional subspecies has been definitively demonstrated to be a pathology of Sapiens and not a true subspecies ( see Feminism ). However, since this pathology would obviously tend to naturally select males with low intelligence and low morals, some have gone on to speculate that Homo Gynoexculpicus is really the feminine counterpart to Homo Aolicus. As evidence of this they cite the shril and pseudointellectual diatribes to which Gynoexculpicus is given as evidence of low intelligence and poor socialization, which they believe to be genetically based, and point to behaviors of similar degree, if not style, on the part of Aolicus. As to the question of how the subspecies of Homo Sapiens and Homo Valkyrensis have merged, it is important to realize that, technically, they have not and cannot. The genetic behavior is such that a mixed marriage between the two will either result in a Sapiens or a Valkyrensis, just like the offspring will either have brown eyes, or blue eyes. However, Valkyrensis seems to be evolving quite rapidly, and in order for the offspring to represent an evolutionary advance, it is necessary for both parents to be Valkyrensis. The question of when Valkyrensis and Sapiens first began cohabitating is another matter. Inasmuch as Valkyrensis is not a numerically large species, the historical records of early tribes are mostly found in Sapien chronologies. It seems that the last coherent non cohabitated tribes of Valkyrensis lived in Scandinavia and were known as Valkyries. Incidentally, most tribes of this subspecies tend to be recognized and recorded with reference to the female. It seems that the 'legendary" Amazons of the Attic world were also a manifestation of the same genetic group. There also seem to have been significant Valkyrensis elements in the Scythians and Sarmation peoples who lived in the southern Ukraine and Caucus areas from about 800 b.c. until the first Celtic migrations impacted them. As far as is known, all Valkyrensis groups have spoken Indo-Aryan languages in periods where they where identifiable as such, except for the later Scandinavian period where arguably derivative Germanic languages were spoken. The lack of a distinctive language for this subspecies is culturally significant. It seems that the Valkyrensis peoples began cohabitating with Sapiens through a process of aculturalization. It seems that tribes of Valkyrensis would begin by associating themselves with tribes of Sapiens through military alliances during times of invasion by other Sapien tribes migrating out of Asia.Due to the large size of Sapien tribes and the military qualities of the Valkyrensis this arrangement would seem to have benefited both sides. However, once the process of cohabitation began, the status of the Valkyrensis tended to diminish from that of a nation, to a tribe within a nation, to a clan within a tribe, and finally to a family level. As late as the first century A.D. there seem to have been identifiable Valkyrensis clans and families living in Celtic western Europe internalized into the local Celtic tribes( see Boadicea ). As far can be determined, economic and trade patterns necessarily matched and interfaced with those of surrounding Sapien peoples. At times it is believed that the Valkyrensis allied themselves with tribes migrating out of Asia rather than with native Sapien tribes. It also seems that at times these tribes made use of Valkyrensis inspired technology ( see Adrianople ). In general, the Valkyrensis did not seem to migrate along their trading routes, except eastward along the Silk Road, although some speculate that they migrated to Scandinavia via the Russian river portage route to the Baltic. With regard to the tendency of the Valkyrensis to adopt local languages, several theories have been put forth. One sees this tendency as a reflection of the small size of Valkyrensis groups. Another theory sees this as a manifestation of the tendency of the Valkyrensis to eschew cultural chauvinisms, the idea being that since the Valkyrensis are aware of their status as a subspecies, they have less need to artificially distinguish themselves from surrounding groups ( see Wales, France, China ). Before considering the interactions of Sapiens and Valkyrensis, it is important to consider another subspecies, Homo Gynodominaicus. This subspecies apparently branched off from the common root, sometimes called Homo Ancestrus, about the same time as the morally driven evolutionary orces brought about the distinction between Sapiens and Valkyrensis. Where as Valkyrensis is distinguished by large strong dominant females and smaller weak submissive males, in Homo Gynodominacus, the male tends to be actually larger than the female, as in Sapiens. As in Valkyrensis, the male has identifiable painling tendencies, but the dominant status of the female is difficult to determine. In fact, in Gynodominacus, the painling tendencies of the male are more developed than in any other Homo species. It is the very intensity and specificity of these urges that makes the classification of this species as to gender dominance difficult. There is no question that the female of this subspecies exhibits extreme dominant behavior before, during, and after mating occurs, and often at seemingly unrelated times, but otherwise, the mating couple of this subspecies tend to drift toward a far more egalitarian mode of relation than is typically found in either Sapiens or Valkyrensis. As in Sapiens, this subspecies does not seem to be well acculturated to it's gender power orientation. The male of this subspecies is quite dependent on the female to regulate his own cravings which tend to be extreme enough to warrant concern over his physical and psychological well being, and the female is dependant upon the male for guidance into the particulars of his painling capabilities. Thus, unlike either Sapiens or Valkyrensis, in this subspecies the male becomes an active partner in the dynamics of the relationship. It is obvious that a certain egalitarianism is implicit in this relationship, yet it seems that both the male and the female tend to find this distasteful and seek to consciously promote female domination at all times, with, it must be pointed out, the active connivance and assistance of the male. Thus we have a certain artificiality similar to the convolutions imposed on sexual relations in Sapiens. However, in Gynodominacus, the motive seems not to be moral, which is to say a preemptive concern with perceived self interests, as much as a form of aesthetic idealism which places great value on female domination of the male, even at the expense of the obvious natural tendencies of the partners. It seems that the evolutionary development of these egalitarian tendencies is a logical evolutionary response to the increased painling tendencies of the male of this subspecies. Whereas the female of Valkyrensis has developed a strong protective instinct toward her submissive mate, and the female, along with the male, of Sapiens has developed a system of culturally supported behavioral inversions to buffer the male, in Gynodominacus, the female seems to have developed a instinct for negotiation with the male. Since of all three species this one consciously prizes female domination most highly, this is an ironic development. Yet, this is not to say that when the female wishes to act dominantly it is not real or intense, it is, but rather, the condition is temporary and tends to be followed by a long period in which the dominant role of the female is consciously promoted by both parties, which inherently requires cooperation and negotiation, and is hence worthy of being interpreted as egalitarian. Which is to say that about as close as any of the three subspecies ever get to real equality is when they are both consciously attempting to promote someone as the dominant partner. To characterize the differences between Homo Gynodominacus and Homo Sapiens, one can say that for Gynodominacus while their sexual expressions are artificial, fetishistic and laced with arbitrary taboos and idealisms, their morals are, for the most part, determinably normal, while for Homo Sapiens it is usually the other way around. Most members of the Homo Gynodominacus subspecies would take considerable umbrage at this analysis, seeing it as a slur on their authenticity, yet I feel that it must be said that in intelligent beings, what is consciously done is, on its own terms, authentic in it's own right. Nonetheless, there is a high degree of artificiality in the sexual behavior of this subspecies. Unlike the Valkyrensis, there are no strong physical characteristics to distinguish the male or the female from Sapiens. Therefore, artificial methods are employed to signal to prospective mates. Typically the female will dress in black leather garments, wear high heeled boots and brandish whips in order to signal her intentions to prospective mates. Significantly, the male of this subspecies does not seem to be able to recognize the female without such displays on her part. This is an obvious problem for this subspecies. However, it may be noticed that the females of this subspecies tend, under normal circumstances, to exhibit a kindly, yet deliberate, if slightly condescending politeness towards all males, though this behavior is seldom sufficient basis for identification. While the mating behavior of the female attracts many curious Sapiens males, she does not seem to have great difficulty in selecting true males of her subspecies. For while curious Sapiens males tend to approach her with a lot of frothy adoring platitudes which seem appropriate to his fantasies, the true Dominacus male will usually approach the matter with the resigned air appropriate to a boy who is about to get his whipping, along with a shy hope that she might actually like him. Even when Sapiens males are selected by mistake, this seldom affects the species since they rarely actually show up. At this point one might well wonder if this group is really a subspecies or just a behavioral group within Sapiens, who they physically resemble. The answer is that they must be considered a distinct subspecies because of their genetic behavior when mated with Valkyrensis. A mating between a Valkyrensis and a Gynodominacus will produce a true hybrid, rather than simply one or the other as is the case with Valkyrensis and Sapiens. However, when mated with Sapiens, like Valkyrensis, the offspring will be either one or the other. It is worth noting that Homo Gynodominacus does not have a self awareness of itself as a subspecies as does Valkyrensis, although they do tend to have a strong self awareness as a behavioral group. Interestingly, the male of the subspecies has a much stronger awareness of his behavioral tendencies than does the female. Since the male is dependant on displays of mating behavior on the part of the female, the males of this subspecies are chronically sexually frustrated. However, the artificiality of Gynodominacus' mating behavior lends itself to imitation by other As a final note, I would like to comment on the mythical, I hate to say notional, subspecies of Homo Normalus. This species supposedly always engages in sexual practices that are normal, healthy, and natural, yet no definition has ever been offered as to exactly what these practices consist of. Although there seem to be an endless supply of definitions of what they are not. Furthermore, although this species is said to exist, no one has ever found a living specimen either. This strange legendary creature is, however, widely believed to exist by Homo Sapiens. Since Homo Sapiens is aware of no other subspecies besides itself, one is forced to conclude that they must think that they themselves are Homo Normalus. Since the earliest recorded history, Homo Gynodominacus seems to have cohabitated with Sapiens. At no time do they seem to have lived in tribal or even clan groups as the Valkyrensis did on the steppes, and later in Scandinavia. Rather they seem to have congregated around various cults where they practiced their form of sexual affections under the pretext of various Goddesses. It does not seem that these cults took their theologies very seriously beyond cathartic effect, and the whole scene seems mainly to have been mostly just a bunch of fooling around. Nonetheless, these cults and temples were often enthusiastically supported by surrounding Sapien peoples as a characteristic of their fascination with strange sexual practices. The future of all three subspecies are in fact quite interdependant at this time. Alone among the three, Valkyrensis is aware of itself and the other two as distinct subspecies. Since Sapiens is the largest of the three and is the defining influence on all current civilizations, the survival of Sapiens is essential to the other two subspecies. Yet of the three, despite it's size and dominant position, Sapiens is in the worst shape by far. The alarming degeneration of Sapiens may have been arrested by technical developments which have caused some rethinking of it's gender customs which are largely the driving force behind it's degeneration. However, the entirety of Sapien's problem's cannot be fixed with technology. Indeed, given the fact that Valkyrensis and Gynodominacus were started on their divergent evolutionary paths by not choosing behaviors which mitigated the awareness of their species' pattern of gender domination, and seeing how small they are in relation to the vast numbers of Sapiens, who have evolved under the effects of behaviors conceived in perfidy, paradoxically, in order to avoid the effects of perfidy. Since the Valkyrensis is alone among the subspecies in being aware of the other two, there has been conscious concern there as to what to do about this, in some ways, alarming situation. Most attention has concentrated on the degradation of Homo Sapiens and various proposed remedies. These have included the support of various scientific studies to help educate the subspecies as to it's true gender orientations ( see "Nature", vol. 387, June 12, 1997, pg. 652 ). Also included were subtler messages sent to the hoi poloi of Sapiens via entertainment media, including popular television shows. However, communication of complex ideas to Sapiens is difficult because the intelligentsia of this subspecies is mainly skilled in the practice of simulating genuine insight through the fabrication of perverted outlooks. Furthermore, such tactics are essentially incremental, and some felt that a broad strategy for the development of Homo Sapiens was needed for these efforts to be truly successful. At the annual Valkyrie Grand Council various motions and plans were considered to promote the evolution of Homo Sapiens. But it was decided that rather than trying to change everybody it would be best if everyone liked themselves the way they were and felt the same way about at least somebody else who felt the same way about them. As surprising and disappointing as this decision was to many, there was no bloodshed thanks in large part to the inspired efforts of Hilgred Eisenbunns who was head of the refreshments committee that year. In concluding I feel obliged to apologize for both the length and brevity of my reply. It was a very broad topic, and a discipline against embellishing details has never been my strong point. I hope my ideas have been structured enough to be usable, yet my conceptions of historical context won't prove too constricting for future works.