Lady Tomahawk Vs. Mona Monarch by Santos A very brutal match A lone figure paced up and down the empty locker room. Her name, her real name, was Lily Cooper. To all of her wrestling fans, however, she was Lady Tomahawk. Although only 1/16 Apache, the blood of Lily's ancestors still pulsed through her veins. She paid homage to them by modeling herself after the warriors of long ago. It was always evident in her attire. Whenever she had a match, the presence of a proud race was undeniable. And Lady Tomahawk was eager to get her latest match underway. The beauty's anxiety was not from fear, and nothing could be farther from the truth. Instead, the lady's distress stemmed from her impatience. She had waited for too long. It had been 5 years since she retired from the Federation. Before the retirement, she was the reigning Women's Wrestling Champion. Lily's success as a wrestler was particularly due to her powerful body. Before she became a wrestler, Lily was a bodybuilder. She had been body-building since she was 17. Nothing gave her more pleasure than taking her body to its limits, and beyond. She entered numerous body- building tournaments, and finished first place in all of them. Eventually, Lily grew tired of simply body-building. She wanted to apply her raw might in some way other than posing. After a lot of searching, she soon took a liking to wrestling. The prospect of competing with other women had brought out her warrior spirit. Before long, she entered the popular Women's Wrestling Federation and quickly rose in its ranks. Each of her matches was over as soon as it had gotten started. There were a few exceptions which lasted a few minutes longer, with Lady Tomahawk teaching her opponent what it meant to challenge the best. None of the other wrestlers could match the powerhouse. Her arms and legs were legendary for the massive power they possessed. Her huge chest was another impressive feature, and she would sometimes allow a fighter to bruise her hand on it. A fighter looking in awe at Lady was symmetrical to a deer looking at a car's headlights. It wasn't long until she took the belt. Still undefeated, Lady kept the belt for more than 2 years, until she decided to retire. Many of her friends and loved ones didn't approve of Lily being a bodybuilder. And that didn't change for the better when she became a wrestler. With each victory Lily attained, there was also a loss. For Lily, her losses gradually outweighed her wins, and she decided to retire at the age of 30. It came as a surprise to her fans, and they thought it was a joke. But it wasn't. Although Lily wanted to rid herself of the mass she obtained while body- building, she still wanted to have a good body. She then decided to try out the world of fitness. In time, Lily's bulk lessened greatly, and she achieved a "fitness" body. She was much slimmer than before, but still possessed strong broad muscles. Lily then competed in many of the fitness and aerobic tournaments she came across. There was no competition in which she didn't emerge in first place. She also appeared in many television specials promoting fitness. After all this, Lily still wasn't satisfied. She easily preferred her new body over the old one, so it wasn't body-building. What she missed was the thrill of combat, and the thrill of victory. Lily decided to return to wrestling, and nothing anybody said changed her mind. She still had a strong following in the Federation, which had grown with her success in fitness. The promoters hesitated to let her return, at first. They were uncertain if this slimmer Lady Tomahawk could handle herself in the squared circle after 5 years. Their doubts were effortlessly put to rest as she displayed her talent, performing 10 pushups on her fingers in a few seconds, as well as executing 6 back- flips in a row. Lily remembered her original condition. In her current state, she was without some of her famed strength and endurance, but she also possessed more speed and agility. She had reached a most favorable balance, one she once lacked. At age 35, the prime of any woman's life, Lady Tomahawk was back, better than ever. In the locker room, Lady Tomahawk slowed her pace. She thought to herself, "The match will begin soon enough. It will be me and Mona Monarch. From what I understand, she's a pretty good fighter. But it doesn't matter how good she is, because I will prevail. I always have, no matter what path I chose, and I will again. Tonight, at midnight, I was born 35 years ago. Tonight, I am reborn!" Elsewhere, in a nearby locker room, Sheryl Zappa waited patiently. She had been preparing for this bout for the longest time. To the fans of the Federation, Sheryl was Mona Monarch, the powerful European noble. She faked her French accent, but there was some validity to her image. The granddaughter of French immigrants, she truly had a connection to Europe. Even more was her family's rich background. It was an environment she threw away, thinking she could fulfill a dream. Sheryl wasn't the only possible heir to a massive fortune, and getting rid of an heir here and there was of great help to a dying old grandfather. At a young age, Sheryl was a big fan of wrestling. Her hero was the mighty Lady Tomahawk. Sheryl soon tried to follow her. She became a tomboy, much to the delight of rival heirs, and began body- building. When told to desist with this behavior, or else be taken out of the inheritance, Sheryl blatantly refused, thinking, "Lady Tomahawk would do the same. She's independent and strong!" Soon after, misfortune struck her family, and money was desperately needed. Sheryl's family barely made it through. After pleading with relatives, the family was finally saved. Sheryl's pride ate away at her. She thought to herself, "They kissed up to them! I don't believe this! It ... It's so humiliating! Lady Tomahawk wouldn't stand for it!" In need of cheering up, she watched the Federation on the television and hoped that Lady Tomahawk would be a part of the matches. Lady Tomahawk did appear, but it wasn't to fight. She announced her retirement to the fans, apologized for leaving, and sequentially left. Sheryl was dumbfounded. Slowly, her empty face transformed into one of serious fury. "She gave in," she thought, "She gave in!" Sheryl knew that Lady Tomahawk's critics were quite influential, but she never even considered the possibility that her hero would bow down to their demands. "How could you? How could you?!?" she demanded to know. Slowly, her tears ceased. Sheryl thought, "Fine. Run away. I don't need you. I can be just as good as you are, and much better. When I become the greatest wrestler in the Federation, I won't run away. Not like you, you gutless whore. I'll be the monarch of the Federation." Sheryl already had an excellent body from her body-building. Now, she would improve it even more, and begin to develop her wrestling skills. For 4 full years she trained. Finally, at the start of year 5, she was accepted into the Federation. Calling herself Mona Monarch, she looked as huge and intimidating as Lady used to. As time passed, she also went undefeated. Mona wasn't as fast in ending a match as Lady was, but she was much more brutal. Every wrestler she came across suffered greatly. She was as furious as a ruffled hornet nest. It wouldn't be too long before she got a shot at the belt. One day, while watching the television, Sheryl saw Tomahawk announcing her return to the Federation. Slowly, a smile appeared on her face. To become the Women's Wrestling Champion was great, but to obliterate her "hero" was even better. Sheryl was aware of Lady's accomplishments. Her smile began to widen. "So, fitness woman, huh?" she said to herself, "Once I'm done with you, you'll wish you were smart enough to have kept up with body-building." With that, she began to casually rub her belly, as if hungry for a feast. The promoters were still wondering who to pit against Lady when Mona barged into the office and demanded a shot. They were uncertain, at first. It wasn't expected, and would certainly seem unusual. Then they considered the pros. Both Lady and Mona had had some experience with body-building at some point in their careers. Lady was one of the greatest veteran wrestlers, and Mona was definitely the best of the new ones. It would be a clash between a seasoned veteran and a tenacious rookie. Nothing could be better! It was agreed, and Mona calmly walked out of the room. In the locker room, Mona was thinking. "I was a fool to have looked to you for guidance. You seemed to be a priceless diamond, when in fact you were nothing more than cheap glass. You let me down. You let every little girl who needed confidence down. And now, on this night, your birthday, I'll pay you back, for the girls and I, for 5 years. Happy Birthday, wench!" The crowd was silent, aware that any noise would only delay the fight they came to see. The announcer stood in the middle of the ring. She spoke to the crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, now is the main event! It is a return match, welcoming back one of the Federation's brightest stars. Let's begin with her challenger. She stands at a height of 5'5", weighs in at 127 pounds, and is 19 years old. In this, her first year, she has risen to the highest ranks of the Federation. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Powerful European Noble ... MONA MONARCH!!!" The crowd greeted her with an obviously moderate applause. They were saving their best for the eternal champion. Mona received more cheers than usual. Instead of booing the very violent wrestler, the crowd now held her in high regard, being the one who will be the Lady's first challenge in 5 years. Regardless, the Monarch briskly made her way into the ring, wearing a dark blue robe and without boots. As the crowd hushed itself, the announcer began once more, "And her opponent, the champion, standing at a height of 5'9", weighing in at 130 pounds, and 35 years of age. She left as an undefeated champion, she returns as an undefeated champion, regardless of tonight's outcome, she will always be a champion. Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for The Native America Warrior ... LADY TOMAHAWK!!!!!!" The jam-packed arena practically exploded. Lady Tomahawk emerged from her entrance, wearing a silver robe. Like Mona, she was bootless. Everyone loved her. Unlike Mona, she took her time, basking in her glory. To her, this was paradise. Meanwhile, in the ring, Mona said to herself, "Keep it up, wench. After tonight, the audience will find it impossible to still see you as a champion. With both fighters in the ring, the two of them began to take off their robes. As Mona removed her robe, a collective gasp went through the audience as she revealed her huge muscles, from legs and arms to front and back to abs. Mona wore a dark blue one-piece suit, from which the muscles beneath were still seen. The suit revealed a lot of skin. Her legs were bare from foot to hip. Her breasts, although big, were not easily realized with her huge chest. Rather than have straps on her shoulders, the suit went around her neck, fitting her snugly. Her massive shoulders, mountains many of the women had fallen from, were exposed. Her long dark brown hair was neatly done, flowing behind her as stylish as a wrestling match would allow. The crowd greeted her with delight. Suddenly, all attention was turned away from the Monarch, as the crowd cheered for the Lady. She also wore a one-piece suit, a silver one. It had a split down the center of the front, which was laced with black chord. Like Mona's, the suit opened up her magnificent shoulders and hips, as well as her chest, full of texture and substance. Her breasts were perfect, neither too big nor too small. Complementing them, a group of small chains formed parts of her straps, which went over each of her shoulders. On her arms and legs, by the hands and feet, were silver bracelets which gave her every gesture music. The crowd couldn't get enough. Her long black hair was put in a pony tail, with a full feet dropping down behind her. Her dark skin, a blessing from her Native American heritage, was superb. Her body, highlighted by sultry muscle, wasn't as immense as Mona's, and was much more refined. Lady Tomahawk was as faultless as a thoroughbred. No doubt this was a woman of great strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Once the changing was done, both wrestlers met at the center of the ring. The referee declared the rules, to which they concurred. They then shook hands and went to their respective corners. Lady Tomahawk was determined to win this match and return to her former glory. She was in her prime, and now was the time to prove it to the world. Mona Monarch was determined to utterly annihilate her opponent. Still with untapped potential, Mona knew that if she could destroy, and then maybe humiliate, her superior opponent, her revenge would be complete. The bell rang, and the match finally began. The Monarch and Tomahawk circled the ring, each waiting for the other to attack. After a moment, Mona leaped at Lady and both wrestlers locked arms. Mona was obviously the stronger, gradually pushing Lady into the corner. The referee called for a break, to which Mona consented. Both fighters returned to the center of the ring. Again they locked arms. Mona again pushed Lady back, only this time to the nearby ropes. When the referee called for a break once more, Mona concurred. They returned to the ring's center and squared off again, with the same result. Pushing Lady against the ropes, the referee called for Mona to stop. This time, the Monarch hopped on the lower rope, really trapping Tomahawk, and slapped her hard against the cheek. A collective gasp from the audience was heard. Immediately leaving Lady alone at that, Mona returned to the center of the ring. Realizing that defeat was much closer unless she took her younger opponent more seriously, Lady Tomahawk decided to cease with the friendliness. The next time they locked arms, she delivered a low knee into Mona's midsection. Although it was quite sturdy, Mona's gut easily gave way to Lady's force. Mona bent over, gasping for air. While she caught her breathe, Lady whipped her into the ropes. As she recoiled, the Native American lowered her head, ramming Mona's midsection. The Monarch's renewed air supply was knocked out of her as she bent over, onto Lady's horizontal back. Lady then brought her back back up, tossing Mona's body over her. She landed on her back on the canvas. While Mona caught her breath again, Lady moved next to her legs and grabbed hold of both of them. She turned her fallen opponent over onto her stomach, and then proceeded to apply a Boston Crab. The pain was excruciating for Mona, as she tried in vain to get her foe off of her. Lady, meanwhile, was resting comfortably on Mona's back, and continued to apply more pressure as Mona gave more resistance. Catching onto this, Mona stopped fighting and pooled her strength. Lady was wondering if she should apply more pressure, even though her adversary wasn't fighting. It didn't seem necessary, but she knew the young lady wouldn't submit in this position. Suddenly, the legs grasped in Lady's arms roared to life as they tried to escape. Tomahawk held on, but the force exerted by the legs was so strong that she was pulled with them, straight off of Monarch's back. Her face slammed into the steel post at the corner in front of her. This didn't hurt Lady badly, but it did stun her. She was overcome long enough for Mona to get back onto her feet. After comforting her legs as fast as she could, Mona turned her attention to the dazed woman leaning on the corner. Tomahawk's daze was clearing up fast as she used the corner-buckle for support. She realized too late the folly of turning her back on the enemy. Mona walked right up to her, facing Lady's back, and then delivered a devastating knee to her spine. As Lady's head snapped back from the blow, it became apparent that she would land hard on her back. Mona motioned herself towards the falling warrior and went to work. She extended her right arm over the toppling Lady Tomahawk's face and immediately wrapped it around her neck. With her upper body directly above her opponent, Mona went limp and fell with Tomahawk. A silence fell upon the crowd as they witnessed the horrible maneuver. Tomahawk's throat was practically crushed by Monarch's added weight. Released from the arm, Lady rolled onto her side, doing what she could to breathe. She sat up, trying painfully to get more air. Mona casually sat up and landed a hard slap on the same spot as before, sending the hurt women reeling onto her back. The audience had wondered when Mona's barbaric side would show up. Mona gave Lady a few seconds of rest before resuming. She grabbed Lady's ponytail and lifted her to her feet. She then sent her to the ropes. As Lady recoiled, Mona prepared for a clothesline. Seeing this, Lady Tomahawk ducked under Mona's swing. As she came off the other ropes, Lady jumped in the air and extended her legs towards the unsuspecting Monarch. Mona was thrown on her back from the collision, as was Lady. Having received a more brutal end, Mona took more time to recover, while Lady Tomahawk, renewed with power, effortlessly picked herself up. She walked over to Monarch's head and yanked on her hair. Raising the young lady to her feet, Tomahawk then scooped her up and performed a classic slam. Landing on her back, Mona was more dazed than hurt, but Tomahawk was not done. Before Mona could recover, the gallant warrior repeated the slam, again and again. Although her back was getting somewhat sore from lifting her heavy opponent, Lady knew that the daze Mona felt would soon become pain. After 6 slams, Lady scooped Mona up for a final one. This time, she took her arm from between Mona's legs to Mona's side, and the arm on Mona's shoulder over to her other one. She performed a power slam, driving her tough adversary down to the mat with her on top. Although Mona was down, Tomahawk was taking no chances. She helped her to her feet and hurled her into the farthest corner. When Monarch's back hit the corner, Lady ran at full gallop and ram her. Mona was worried. If she didn't make a comeback now, her condition would worsen with no hope of recovery. Lady repeated her maneuver for a second and third time, with much success. She spinned Mona by her arm for good measure before whipping her into the fourth. She released Mona, but Mona didn't let go. Sensing a chance to turn the tide, she fixed herself on the ground and whisked Tomahawk instead, letting the momentum carry her onward. The exotic beauty collided into the corner with her back. The soreness on her back transformed into pure pain. Mona didn't stop when she released Lady, and let the force direct her to the corner as well. Before Lady could react, Mona slammed right into her. Mona's chest crushed Lady's, knocking the fight right out of her. The pain in Lady's back was more than doubled. Had Mona backed away from her opponent, Tomahawk would no doubt have fallen down to the canvas. As it was, the smaller and more powerful fighter was leaning down on her faltering and disoriented enemy. She felt pure delight, staring at Lady's sad face. When she saw that Lady had some strength to stand on her own, Monarch backed up a step. She took Tomahawk's inactive arms and placed them over the top ropes which met at the corner, thus trapping her. Monarch then slapped Tomahawk hard on her bruised cheek, the same one she had always slapped. She kept it up until Tomahawk straightened up in attention. Mona then leaned up against her and said, "You didn't like my kind of body? You thought it wasn't feminine? You wanted these?!?" She then groped Lady's still succulent breasts. Surprise filled everyone in the arena. "I have news for you, wench," Mona continued, "I am a woman. And hell hasn't the fury of a woman scorned!" Releasing Lady's breasts, Mona proceeded to strike her on the underbelly with a series of fierce punches, exchanging between rights and lefts. The crowd didn't know what to make of it, as Lady Tomahawk's body heaved with a "Ungh!" for each blow. The violent contacts successively moved upward, and soon Mona was delivering uppercuts straight to Lady's jaw. Each impact sent the trapped warrior's head inhumanly back, and she was greeted with another one of equal magnitude when it returned forward. After almost 2 minutes of this brutality, Monarch discontinued her attack and began a new one. She stooped over, bringing her head next to Tomahawk's damaged gut. Mona immediately began ramming it with her shoulder, ending what little time Lady had to recover from the previous assault. After a minute or so of this, Monarch let up. She unhooked Lady's arms from the ropes, supporting her inactive body. After animating her with some solid slaps to the face, Mona then guided her forcefully into the opposite corner. Lady hit the corner hard with her chest, depriving her of much needed air. She began to fall, but was caught from behind by her sadistic adversary. Rotated, and then released into another corner, Lady's mangled back virtually shut down, and she fell down to the canvas. Picking herself up, using the nearby ropes for support, she could barely make out Mona as she prepared to ram her. Though all Lady saw was a blur, it was enough, and she was just able to avoid the charging figure. Mona was bent over, determined to drive her right shoulder into Lady's gut. All she hit, however, was the solid steel post in the corner, as Lady had managed to dodge her. As soon as she connected with the corner, all the feeling in her right shoulder was gone, replaced by simple pain. As she lay on her unharmed side, whooping in pain, Lady Tomahawk was thinking. The punishment she had received at the corner was simply devastating. Although Mona was in great pain, Lady knew her opponent was still a lot better off than she was. She needed to bring Monarch down to her level, as fast as she could. Getting stronger with her moment of reprieve, Lady decided to execute her patented finisher, The Tomahawk Chop. With luck, it just might guarantee her a victory. As Mona motioned herself onto her knees, Lady climbed to the top of the corner's post. Once at the top, she waited for Mona to get up on her feet. As soon as Mona began to do so, Lady Tomahawk leaped off, headed straight for her! Lady's inspiration for the move came from watching a karate master chop through wood with his bare hands. In The Tomahawk Chop, the daring warrior would basically perform a chop, but the enormous power from gravity would augment its effect greatly. It connected, striking Mona on her forehead and sending her down to the mat. Unfortunately for Lady, however, her landing was off, and she twisted her right ankle. Lying on her side in pain, Lady tried to get up and walk to the unconscious Monarch, resulting in more pain. She then tried massaging the ankle, and prayed that her opponent would stay down long enough. After a brief moment, she felt no improvement and crawled toward Mona. She hooked a leg and pinned her. The referee eagerly showed up and began the count, "One ..." which was immediately ended by Mona, who lifted her bruised shoulder off the mat. Lady tried again, only to have Mona break out before the count had even began. Mona was strong enough to break out, but was to stunned to go anywhere. Lady decided to perform another of her finishers, The Hawk's Descent. Mona was in position, so Lady staggered to the corner and climbed to the top. It took more time than before, due to the sore ankle. She reached the top and jumped. She spread her arms apart, straightened her legs next to each other and motioned her flying body to as horizontal a posture as she could. To the crowd, she looked like a professional diver soaring into the water. She thought, "Yes, this will do it!" Suddenly and without warning, Mona rolled aside, leaving Lady to the cold hard canvas. She landed on her chest, removing whatever fight she had left. The crowd was stunned. Their champion wasn't moving. Mona kneeled next to the wreck and grasped Lady's hair in her hand. Pulling the hair up, Mona brought the almost senseless wrestler's face up to see. Looking at Lady's drowsy eyes, she taunted, "Not a bad finishing move. Still, it's best to know when you're not being set up. The match should be over. You're finished. But I'm not. Now, the fun begins!" With that said, Mona continued to pull on Lady's hair, forcing her to slowly get up. Mona then put her left arm over Lady's right shoulder, and her right one between the victim's legs. Scooping her up, Mona proudly cradled her hapless sacrifice before a very distraught crowd. She then dropped to one knee and brought Tomahawk down on it, smashing the right side of Lady's ribcage. Still holding on to Lady, Mona brought her back up from the knee, smoothly rotated her body, and brought her down again, smashing her back. After another rotation, she sent down the left side of Lady's ribcage. Finally, Mona forced Lady's mutilated stomach onto the knee. By now, the crowd was booing both of the fighters. They disapproved of Mona Monarch's violence, and of Lady Tomahawk's sad performance. After giving her conquered opponent a few minutes to rest, Mona whipped her into a corner and charged. Stuck in the corner, Lady's legs were almost gone. Weary and in total agony, she was still determined not to lose. It was her birthday. It was her return to the ring. She wasn't going to lose. Not now, and certainly not to this detestable rookie. Suddenly, all the pain was gone, and Lady Tomahawk's body was fortified with never-ending energy. Using her arms, she raised herself up, and then kicked out her sturdy legs. Before Mona knew what happened, she was going back in her tracks, falling to the canvas, a victim to Tomahawk's awesome kick. Seeing Monarch squirm on the mat, Tomahawk decided to end this once and for all! Climbing effortlessly to the top of the post, backed by the now invigorated audience, Lady Tomahawk was going to perform The Tomahawk Chop one more time. She leapt up as Mona slowly rose to her feet. With her fans supporting her, Lady Tomahawk saw victory awaiting her. Lady Tomahawk was seriously mistaken, because Mona Monarch had something else awaiting the descending warrior. She sidestepped, avoiding the potent chop, and then delivered a shattering uppercut to Tomahawk's exposed ribs. The next thing the audience knew, Lady Tomahawk landed on her feet and immediately dropped to her knees, with a hand over her marred side. Wasting no time, Mona stepped up to the fallen angel and delivered another terrible uppercut. It connected with the bottom of Lady's jaw, violently driving her head back and exposing her throat. The savage master then dealt her subject a horrible kick straight to the windpipe. Sent onto her back, Tomahawk was suffering. The pain she felt before was back. She hurt in her ribs, her spine, her ankle, her gut, everything. Stooping over, Mona pulled Lady up by her hair, which had long since lost its beauty and order. The young brute targeted Lady's ribs, the ones she destroyed when Lady attempted The Tomahawk Chop. Straightening the victim out, Mona then raised Lady's arm up into the air, exposing the vulnerable side. Mona sent a malicious punch straight into it, causing the tormented warrior to fall to her knees once more. Raising Lady by her scattered hair, Mona motioned herself closer until their chests met. Smiling, she declared, "You still fell for it, huh? Don't get me wrong, now. I was hurt. It just wasn't that bad. See, I told you there would be fun!" With that, Mona embraced Lady's pulverized stomach, locking her arms at the base of Lady's spine. "Now," she said, "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep. Nothing makes me angrier." Suddenly a sharp pain fell upon Tomahawk, as the young barbarian began to squeeze her like toothpaste. She tried to separate, pushing at Mona's shoulders. But the more she fought, the more weakened she became. The pain was unbearable. It brought every wound Lady had suffered at the hands of Mona back into action. As painful as it was, Lady Tomahawk's determination to win was still present. Even when the lack of oxygen brought her arms down to her side, or when her legs gave away and only Mona's tortuous hold kept her prey up, or when her head swayed back in suffocation and her body gave no more motion, Lady Tomahawk would mouth out a submission. The referee immediately approached the pair, showing a lot of concern for the beaten woman who dangled lifelessly in the rookie's arms. She lifted Lady's arm and let it fall down, starting the count. She lifted it again and again it fell down. One more fall, and Mona Monarch would be declared the victor over her unconscious victim. But as the arm fell for a third time, Mona released her viselike hold and let Tomahawk drop to the mat. The crowd was both booing and cheering. Those who booed were furious at Mona's aggression, and those who cheered wanted Lady Tomahawk to pay for making them expect a good match. Leaning over the still body, Mona slid an arm under Lady's shoulders, and then another under her legs. Lifting her up like a baby, Mona immediately dropped to one knee, smashing Lady's degraded back on it and waking her up from her sleep. Lifting a stunned and confused Lady up again, Mona smiled sadistically, saying, "I said no sleeping. You've annoyed me, chief. Now I'm going to have to play with you a bit longer! I'll leave you a broken woman, a broken member of a broken race!" Fury entered Lady Tomahawk, and it was quickly put to rest as Mona dropped the conscious body onto her knee once more. Gasping in horrendous pain, Lady's body dangled on Mona's knee. Mona then placed an arm over Lady's neck, forcing it down and increasing the pressure on what was left of Lady's back. With the other arm, Mona pounded consistently on Lady's stomach, playing it like a drum. In all this time, Tomahawk was passing in and out of consciousness, a plaything for her cruel captor. After 3 or 4 minutes had passed, the volley suddenly ended, and Lady Tomahawk was carried to a corner. The monarch dropped the beaten warrior on the mat and lifted both of her legs up. She then fastened Lady's legs onto the top ropes, hanging her like a fish. Mona then sent a barrage of kicks to the dangling corpse, endlessly punishing Lady's very debased body. After another 3 or 4 minutes had passed, Mona coarsely released Tomahawk's legs, dropping her suspended body back to the canvas. She checked to see if Lady was still conscious and, happy to see that she was, yanked the tired wrestler to her feet. Lady Tomahawk was groggy. Although standing directly in front of Mona, and obviously the taller of the two, she had a blank, helpless expression. Her arms swayed at her sides, her head was drooped down, and her face gave an exhausted, tormented look. Mona playfully moved her hands up and down Lady's chest, gently massaging her ravaged breasts when she came across them. Suddenly, Mona kneed Lady in her gut, causing her to bend down. Mona then took hold of Lady's head and placed it between her massive thighs. Her arms wrapped around Lady's once- steady gut, which now heaved with much difficulty, and locked firmly. Next, Mona pulled upward on the midsection. She brought Lady's entire body up, and flipped it over her boulder of a shoulder, with Lady's broken back balancing her upper and lower torso. "You have you finishing move and I have mine," Monarch declared, "This is The Mon- Arch, get it? Feel free to give in at any time? Just don't go to sleep on me again." If Lady Tomahawk's stomach wasn't so marred, she would have been screaming. The pressure exerted onto her back was far greater than anything else. Groaning and moaning, she still wouldn't submit. She gave what little strength she had left in her body to her arms, which she used to try to pry off Mona's. After a second, they dropped lifelessly away from her sides. Everything turned into a blur, which quickly turned black. Lady Tomahawk's supporters looked on horrified, as her body looked as though it would snap. Her legs hung inertly, as did her arms, her head was hanging at least a foot from her shattered back. Again the referee came up to the two. She didn't hear any submission from the resolute warrior who now dangled like a corpse. She reached up and lifted Lady's arm as high as the poor situation would allow. She dropped the arm two times. As before, Mona Monarch interfered in the third drop. Instead of releasing the body, however, Mona dropped to her knees while still balancing the senseless fighter on her shoulder. It ruined the count and brought further devastation to Lady Tomahawk's spine. Releasing the hold, Tomahawk dropped onto the mat, bouncing up slightly from the impact. That was the only motion her body gave out. Many of the crowd feared her dead. Mona exited the ring and walked to the announcer's table, taking her jar filled with ice-cold water. She entered the ring and went over to Tomahawk's body. She put the jar down, spread Lady's arms and legs out, and then picked it back up. She poured almost half of the water on Tomahawk's expressionless face. Watching the destroyed warrior wake up was more painful than seeing her out like a light. Her reaction was unnatural, with the fastest motion exerted not nearly enough to snuff. She moved as slow as a slug, despite the temperature of the water poured on her. Mona poured the rest on her chest, directly above her breasts. "Welcome back, chief!" she said merrily. "I warned you again not to sleep, but you did anyway. After all the civility I've shown you, why, maybe I should treat you breasts the same way I treated your other parts!" Tomahawk was still too drowsy to respond as Mona placed a hand on each of her breasts. Feeling around, Mona located the nipples and squeezed them. A moan came out of Lady, the first sound heard since she passed out a second time. Pulling the nipples upward, Mona forced Lady Tomahawk to stand on her knees with her arms on the ground before she released them. She began to heartlessly abuse her. Mona played horse, pulling Lady's drenched hair back with her on top of the broken back. She'd keep hugging her on her vexed chest from behind, swaying her back and forth. She also sarcastically encouraged her to rise from her hands and knees. All this while, Lady was thinking of a path to victory, still determined to triumph. It wasn't to be. Mona grabbed a handful of her hair and lifted her off of her hands, although Lady still stood on her knees. Practically holding her entire body up through the hair, Mona chopped at Lady's neck. For Lady Tomahawk, the pain felt very different this time, and she knew it was really serious. Each chop was enough to knock her out and only the hair kept her body up. Her arms and knees no longer felt, Lady's arms hanged motionless at her sides and her legs slumped onto one another. Her eyes, hidden by the long wet hair sprayed across her face, closed and she drifted back into senselessness as Mona chopped away at the neck of an unconscious Tomahawk, held up only by her hair. Realizing that to play some more would lead to death, Mona decided to end the match. Sticking two fingers into Tomahawk's mouth, Mona drove them deeper. Before she knew it, Lady was wide awake screaming in pain. The sound didn't come out right, as the fingers muffled Lady's screams for mercy and pity. The agony was so terrible that her arms and legs were moving involuntarily. Slowly, the trembling body slowed down, as Lady Tomahawk approached a fourth visit to oblivion, one that could last forever. Mona ceased the torture, withdrawing her fingers from the gasping mouth. Holding Lady's hair, Mona stood her up, and scooped her up. She looked as though she was holding her arms up in victory, only those arms held a woman who had been totally destroyed. Still determined to win, the lady squirmed slightly. It was too late to do any good. With one hand on Lady's shoulder and another between her legs, Mona spoke to her, "Well, bitch, looks like you've lost. But that doesn't matter. Like the lady said, regardless of tonight's outcome, she will always be a champion' Now say goodnight. In honor of tonight, I developed a new move, just for you. I call it The Peasant Breaker. So, peasant, Happy Birthday!" Mona released Lady from her arms, and dropped to one knee at the same time. She directed Lady's abused and broken body down toward it, having her land flat on her stomach. The slight body's movements ceased upon impact. Mona rolled it off of her knee and rolled Lady onto her back. She spread the victim's arms and legs out, and then placed her hand over the nose and mouth. The referee came over and began the count, "One ... Two ... Three!!!" Searching for words, she continued, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Your winner, the young lady who has just annihilated, devastated, demolished, destroyed, smashed, wrecked, overturned, ravished, shattered, practically killed the ... champion ... Lady Tomahawk, MONA MONARCH!!!" The medics arrived and tended to Lily Cooper. Sheryl Zappa was calm. Her revenge, her quest, was complete. Tomahawk would live, but her career would never be the same. Beaten and humiliated, it would take a very long time before she reached her former glory. Meanwhile, lying on the mat, Lily realized that her defeat was inevitable. She had gotten soft. To succeed, she would have to adjust her tactics. Even more, she needed power. She returned to wrestling. To succeed, she will also return to body- building.