A Satisfied Customer By: SoniaFan Sonia shows him she is all she said she was and more. Update: 01/02/1998 to misc3 As Sonia led me to the wrestling area I had to admit I was quite nervous. It wasn't JUST her physical appearance and the feeling of power she emanated but a little aprehension for the match to come was definitely present. I was a few inches taller but her body just seemed to dwarf mine as we stood next to each other. I wasn't worried about losing, I was pretty much resigned to that. I am a pretty fit man of slightly above average size and I know my strengths and abilities and beating Sonia Fernandes in a wrestling match isn't among them. But I was looking forward to the opportunity to try. Over the weeks we had talked in setting up this match I had found Sonia to be fun and witty and I felt we had a rapport. Maybe I was just fooling myself but I had come to think of her as a kind of friend. And I would have felt bad if I looked pathetic and foolish in my attempts against my new friend. Sonia seemed to sense my mood and talked to loosen me up as we stretched. She was every bit as charming as in our conversations prior to the match, but I was finding it difficult to be similarly witty when in the presence of her magnificent body. But eventually we did laugh and talk just like we had before. We went over the ground rules and then her last words before we started were to "Just have fun and enjoy myself." The armwrestling before the wrestling match did nothing to boost my spirits as she handled me fairly easily. I could see she strained some to take me down, but it was clear she was nowhere near her limit. I tried a few times and gave it everything I had but I came up quite short as Sonia held me off and let me struggle for a while and then took my arm down with great control. She asked if I'd had enough of that and with a smile led me to the wrestling mats. A bit of a predatory smile if you ask me. I was a bit apprehensive and this proved fatal as she quickly took me down and gave me a bit of a wrestling lesson moving quickly from hold to hold. Her strength, skill, quickness, and tenacity amazed me. She seemed to take it easy and let me get my rhythm in the match before she really started going at me. I'm not really sure how many times she made me give up but it was amazing to feel. I tried as hard as I could and managed to get a few holds on the brawny beauty and even took her down a couple times. But I never had her in any sort of real danger. I think she even let me get a few holds so I'd get encouraged and try harder. When I did get a hold on her she shrugged her way outof them as if I wasn't even there or put on a burst and with great intensity showed me what she could do if I would have pushed her more. That I made her show that intensity at all boosted my spirits a little and excited me to be on the receiving end of. I gave Sonia everything I had but it wasn't nearly enough. As I tired her strength advantage took over even more and I was constantly struggling out of her strong holds. At the end she took me down and made me yell my surrender to a tough hold. I think she enjoyed hearing that and instead of letting go she just switched to another hold that made me surrender even more vigorously. Not through yet she maneuvered me between her legs and squeezed me until I gave up to her satisfaction. As I lay there collecting myself I saw Sonia standing over me. Briefly I was afraid. She was so powerful and skilled. I knew I had nothing left to offer as defense against her, if I ever had anything to begin with. I was done and we both knew it. But instead of renewing her attacks she helped me up and told me how well I had done. How WELL I had done? This beautiful amazon had just toyed with me for the better part of an hour and I'm not sure she had really tried all that hard and I had done well? I shudder to think what doing badly would have meant. As she stretched me out and made sure I didn't have any real damage we talked and laughed again. I was a bit embarrassed at my inability to do anything but she got me over that quickly. She demonstrated that she didn't think any differently of me after the match than she had before. She truly respected my efforts and that I tried hard no matter the outcome. My respect for this woman soared. We talked some more and she asked if I had fun. After thinking about I told her sincerely that it was fantastic. I don't think I can explain it and tell you how getting your butt kicked by a powerful amazon could be fun but when the Amazon is Sonia Fernandes it surely is. I told her it was a great experience as I signed up for a rematch in a few months. I've been working hard and learning some moves maybe I'll give her a better match. Well, maybe not, but I'll sure have fun trying. Sonia will be in the states April 22, 1998 for all of you who would want to get you own opportunity to wrestle with this fabulous lady. Contact her at Soniafight@aol.com for details.