Mileena II By Phoenix Martin Soreeno had been watching her for days. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 5'5" 120lbs or so. beautiful dark skin and sexy smooth legs. She was the most feminine woman he had ever looked at. Her hair was always perfect, and she had beautifully manicured hands. The first time he saw her, he knew that he must have her. Her name was Mileena, and she worked the late shift at The Village, a local bar. He was going to get her, tonight. He knew that she would have to walk about a mile through the town, to get to her apartment. And he knew the route that she walked home, so he decided he would strike when she took a shortcut, through a deserted junk yard. The moon was full, so he would be able to see his victim as he savagely raped and beat her. It was nearing three a.m. when he heard her voice saying goodbye to the other workers. He quickly hid himself behind a dumpster and listened as her steps grew closer. He saw her shadow pass, and he knew that he hadn't been spotted, so he looked around to see her turning into the old junkyard. Martin excitedly jogged silently to catch up to her. He made sure to stay perfectly quiet. He wanted her to reach the farthest point from safety before making his move. He waited until she was near a point in which she had to climb a fence to go any further, and he closed in. As he neared her, she heard him coming and turned around. Who are you? she asked, as if merely annoyed by the strapping 250 pound man. He said nothing as he closed the distance. "You better back off now big man, or I'm going to hurt you really bad." Mileena said in a very serious tone. Martin figured that she must have a gun, so he charged in at her to tackle her to the ground. When he made impact, instead of bringing them to the ground, he felt his momentum completely stop, as if he had run into a brick wall. Dazed he staggered momentarily and felt himself being slammed into ground with a tremendous force. He turned over to see Mileena standing directly above him smiling. "Having a little trouble are we?" she sneered. He quickly rose and came at her again. reaching for her arm to pull her down. He grabbed her right arm with both of his hands and yanked with all his might. But to his amazement her arm didn't budge. She looked at him and shook her head as if confused. "What are you doing" she asked. Furious he pushed at her bare arm with all of his might to gain control of the woman, but he couldn't move it a fraction on an inch. Mileena rolled her eyes in annoyance, showing no signs of effort on her face. She then grabbed his collar with her left hand and pulled him into a headlock using her left arm. Martin released her right arm and put both of his hands on her left arm to try to pull it off of his neck. He strained with both hands as he viciously tugged at the beautiful woman's arm. She put her right arm on her hip and looked down at him, grinning evilly. "Whats wrong, big man, can't breathe?" she said sarcastically. But he couldn't breathe, the pressure from her one arm was cutting off his air supply. Martin strained and pulled at her arm with all his might, but it simply wouldn't budge. What the fuck is going on, Martin thought. How the hell can this be happening?! Mileena was simply overpowering a man that was twice her size. And she was showing absolutely no effort!!. Martin's face was quickly turning red, as he gasped for breath, when suddenly Mileena released her grip and Martin fell to the ground, gasping for air. "How the fuck did you do that bitch?" martin screamed. "Ohh... my secret, you know, women aren't as weak as men would like to believe. Obviously I'm at least ten times your strength you pathetic loser." Mileena laughed. Martin was getting nervous, this beautiful woman who had no indications of muscle, had just had him in a headlock that he couldn't escape from. And she had used one arm!! Martin got up and began to back away as Mileena slowly approached him. "Where ya goin? Huh, you big strong man you..?" Mileena teased. "Stay back bitch, or I'll really hurt you!?" Martin yelped nervously. "OOOh yea, I'm sooo scared. You know I should just kill you and get it over with." Mileena replied. Martin backed into the fence, and Mileena put her left hand on his neck. Martin immediately began using both of his hands to try to release her grip around his throat. He pulled with all his might at Mileena's hand, but it was like a steel shackle had been clamped around his neck. Mileena than lifted him easily off of the ground and looked into his eyes. "Sorry, am I holding you" she laughed . Martin couldn't comprehend what was going on. This woman had just lifted his 250 pound body like he weighed five pounds. How could a woman like her be so so strong. The look on her face indicated boredom and she continued to hold him six inches in the air with no effort. "You know, you really should say your sorry for attacking me" Mileena sheepishly said. Martin tried to say so, but he couldn't utter a word, just grunts and spittle flew out of his mouth. "Oooh, are you having trouble speaking?" Mileena asked. "Guess I better put you down" with that Mileena released her grip from Martin's neck and he fell back against the fence. Mileena then rested her index finger on Martin's chest and began to apply pressure. Martin again tried to pull her finger away with all his strength, but all of his efforts simply had no effect. "This is ridiculous." Mileena replied as if saddened by this spectacle. " I'm a little woman holding a big man against his will with one finger, Isn't that pathetic?" "I have yet to even use any strength." Martin looked at Mileena's arm. It was showing no signs of effort. Her bicep, if she had one, was not flexed in any way, and she just stood there looking at martin like he was a little boy. "now, say your sorry"she said. Martin immediately said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just let me go please!" Mileena applied more pressure with her one finger, and asked "does this hurt?" Her finger was beginning to dig into Martin's skin causing him great pain. "Yes it hurts, please stop please?" Martin cried. Mileena removed her finger from his chest. She then picked him up by the neck again with her right hand. "Now if I ever see you again, I'm going to kill you. do you understand?" she said in a very menacing tone. Martin eagerly nodded his head. She then turned around and tossed him like a toy into the dumpster. "You stay there with the trash tonight, and remember If I see you again, you die. Martin had no plans on moving for a while, so he just laid in the dumpster, contemplating what had just transpired. It made no sense, but obviously that woman, had just beaten the crap out of him. With that done, Mileena headed home, she was a bit tired from the long day of work and need her beauty sleep.