Ice Tea? By Warren Vehec Donna grows Update: 23/12/1997 to misc3 I worked eagerly to finish mixing in the last of the chemicals, but I had to be careful, because the ingredients were so rare. The materials I was using were not cheap anymore. Because of the last global warming, plants, fruits, vegetable and water were a premium. Animals were dying. So were people. The world had panicked and started to fight for food and water to sustain themselves. The government began to exert very tight controls over all resources, so what I needed was hard to get... but not impossible. I had secured some of the necessary elements through the black market, though at a phenomenal cost, though if my theories proved true I would be in the back side of the ledger ten of thousands of times over. I was working on a serum that would save the dying planet by saving the plants. Plants would be able to grow without soil or a hydroponic system, and with very little of anything else. I kept of a meticulous notes and recorded my progress on a digital card. The formula had to work or all of my work would be for nothing and I would be a pauper... and unnecessary to the state. The day came when I was able to obtain the last of the precious elements. I feverishly completed the final stage of the process which give me the serum that had been sweating over for years. I smiled in satisfaction as the compound began to churn and fizz in the tumbler, its color and effervescence reminding me of a drink that was available to me when I was a child years ago. But the world was different then. Finally, it turned into a light carmel color and I quickly carried the glass to the kitchen where the video camera was set up. I set the glass down on the counter while I went to check on the video. "Tom, is that you?" yelled a voice from another room. I cursed for not being more quiet around the house. "Yes, it's me, Donna," I answered. Donna was a woman who I shared my house with since I needed to use every resource at my command to scrape together the necessary money for my project, her income was welcome. We had become friends... more or less, though it was obvious to me that she had feelings for me that I could not reciprocate because of her small height and great weight. I often helped her with her exercise, more out of pity than anything else since she had no friends, or none that I had ever met. These exercises were prescribed by a what passed for a doctor nowadays, and they took up quite bit of time. The doctor told me that she must lose some weight or she might die of a heat stroke or any other thing that might be related to her weight. My roommate has an incredible streak of laziness. It took her at least half an hour to do warm ups, where most can do it in five to ten minutes. Donna came waddling into the kitchen wearing a green carpenter outfit with the pants legs cut off into shorts. She stood about 5'6" tall. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Her face might have been pretty without all the fat on her. Her weight you don't want to know. She didn't wear a shirt, because she complained that it constricted her movements. So you could see her boobs from time to time, though you might not really realize that you had since they were so small. "Are you going to help me exercise today?" she whined. "Yes, just give me a few minutes, okay? I have to see if this works. Why don't you go back into the livingroom and do your warm ups before I come in there." "But they're so boring!" she pouted. "Go do them, before I swat you," I threatened her. There were times I would have swatted her, too. "Ok, but let me get a glass of Ices Tea." "Hey! We don't have much of that left, so watch it." "Don't worry, I bought an extra jug this time." With that I went to what I laughingly refer to as my 'green-house', since there is very little water to spare for even the few plants that I have managed to keep alive then. I returned in a few minutes, carrying a plant that was wilted and brown almost to the stems. It looked like it might be too late for the plant to react to the formula. I placed the plant next to the glass with the formula. The formula had to work or all the work and money I had invested into it has been done for nothing. I quickly turned to the digital recorder and then updated the information about the formula in my notebook. I turned on the video recorder and said a few words to as what was I working on and doing right now. I then added a few drops to the roots and held my breath...but not for long. Five minutes later, nothing happened. I growled and grabbed the plant and threw it against the wall. The plant shattered into several pieces as it fell to the floor. I threw the glass after it. I stalked angrily into the livingroom, where I found Donna lying on her stomach, watching TV like a teenager. I was in a foul mood because of the failure of my experiment, so she was an innocent target for my anger. I was about to snap at her, but I held my temper in check. I asked her, "Have you done your stretching yet?" My fat roommate didn't even turn away from the TV set, but she said, "Uh-huh!" "Are you sure?" I pressed her, not even believing her. She turned off the TV and said, "Uh-huh!" "Would you like to do them again for me?" I challenged her. She smiled at me and started doing them. The fat woman surprised me when she was able to bend over and touch the floor, which no person of her size should be able to do. I did a double take when she did a full center and side splits like a gymnast. She finished them in a space of 10 minutes. She giggled as if I did I cute trick for her. I asked her to do another set of warm ups, which she gladly did. I watched her closely, but did she look little bit slimmer than before? I dismiss the idea. After the warm ups, I checked her pulse. It was normal, like she never did the exercise. I started her off doing some push away, which similar to doing bench press. But instead of using weights, we were using my body weight for her to push against. I wasn't using my strength against her. Still, I made her work hard to push me away. A few minutes later, Donna was really making me fall back two to three steps back. I was stunned to see that she had gotten stronger. It seems that she had gotten taller as well, but I dismiss it as her confidence growing. I kept her going on the push away, but five minutes later, I couldn't stop the fat little woman from walking forward while I tried to push back. I decided to have her do some arm curls with my heavy text books. At first was having trouble lifting them, but a few minutes later, I was having trouble stopping her from lifting the books and me at the same time. And it didn't take long for her to lift me with one arm. I yelped as she lifted me off the ground. I noticed her bare arms were no longer fat but powerful muscles with crisscrossing veins. Again, I changed her exercise into doing military press. I started her out light, a minute later Donna was lifting me, bodily over her head. She giggled as I floundered above her head, trying to come up with some reason why she was getting so strong all of the sudden. "Put me down, Donna!" I said, flailing my arms in the air. "Why? I'm not done yet with the set and besides I'm having fun for a change," she smiled up at me. But she set me down anyway. Then I noticed that she was a few inches taller than I was and she no longer had the protruding fat on her arms or on her face, but there still was some on her stomach and legs, not as much as there use to be. Her face was no longer sagging with fat, but beautiful and toned. If she kept this up, I might start lusting after her. I came up with an idea. "Why don't you do some sit ups, Donna," I asked her. "Ugh... I hate sit ups. I don't want to do them," the growing lady making an ugly face. "Just do them or I'll..." "Or you'll do what, Tommy-boy? You probably couldn't make me do them because I'm getting to strong for you to I'm sure you've noticed by now. And looks like I'm getting to big as well." My roommate was right as I watched her struggling to make the adjustment on her carpenter straps. I could see at least 6 inches of cleavage sticking out the top of her front flap and some on the side. Looked like her chest was expanding as well. "You're right, I can't force you to do them, but if you want to get rid of that fat on your stomach. That's the only way you'll ever get it off," I countered her. She looked me in the eye, and tried to say something. "Oh, alright. I'll do them," Donna said, though not in the tone of defeated. The tall woman flopped down on her back and hooked her toes under the sofa. I gave her a series of different combination of sit ups and she was to do them all. She went right into them. It was rough ar first, but soon she was doing them at a speed that no one could match. I watched in amazement as the fat on her tummy diminished. I put my hands on her stomach and felt the sharp abs forming in hardening details. Accidently, as I pull my hand back, it came up against Donna's huge breast. She stopped to slap my hand away and said, "How dare you!" Faster than lightening, her fist shot out and struck me in the jaw. The force of her strike lifted me off the ground and back a good five feet. I lay in a daze as my roommate stood towering over me. I wasn't really sure where I was until I felt her knee pressing down on my chest. I gasped in pain. I tried, in vain to move Donna's heavy knee off of me. The woman laughed at me as she playfully slapped me in the face. After a few minutes of it, she let me up. Before I could look at her, she quickly grabbed me and put me across her shoulders. She did some deep squats at a rapid pace. I was getting nauseous from her rapid motion. I watched in horror as her thighs expanded to massive proportions...growing larger and larger...tearing through the seams of her shorts. Before I knew what was happening, the terrifyingly muscular woman threw me off of her shoulder. I landed on my back with a thud. "Come on! Don't just lie there, lazy bones," I heard her snap at me. I rolled over to see her seated in a chair that was too small for her. "I want to do some leg extension," Donna. I walked to her on my knees. Lifted her ankles, which I grabbed. She lowered them and then raised it again. I was trying to push ankle down, but it was no good. She raised them effortlessly. My powerful roommate began to tease me about my being the weaker than she is. "Aww...What's the matter, Tommy-boy? Are you having trouble stopping me? Should I get a little girl to help you?" she poked and prodded me with her relentless words. "You can stop now, Little Tommy. I wouldn't want you to get all tired from exercising with me or hurt you with my big strong legs," she smiled as fell to my knees in exhaustion. I wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep and pretend this was all a dream, but I knew Donna would not let me. I felt a heavy foot on my back, rocking me. "Breaks over, Tommy-boy," I heard her say in a sing song voice which had deepened about three octaves, "I want to do my leg curls now." I glanced sideways to see my tall roommate lying face down on her stomach. Her finger beckoned me to come and sit on the back of her powerful thighs. I apprehensively followed her instructions and sat on her legs and grabbed her ankles once more. I leaned forward to push her huge legs down. Suddenly her thighs swelled up and her legs shot back as if I was not exerting any pressure at all. The power of her legs knocked me up on to her back. A giggle broke from her lips. I groaned as I braced myself for another barrage of her badgering of my weakness. Instead, she said, "Come on! What are you waiting for? Get back down there and try to stay there." I quickly did as she told me. The next several repetition were no easier than the first, but I did my best. To her that wasn't good enough and she was still giggling. For some reason, I could feel Donna growing bigger. Without a warning, her massive legs shot out wide and I fell between them. Just as fast she clamped her bulging calves around my neck firmly. I let out a short yell, but my throat was choked off. I couldn't free myself because the giant brunette was too strong...perhaps much too strong. With just a roll of her hips, Donna was, suddenly, on top of me with my neck still trapped between her legs. Her weight was tremendously heavy and breathing was hard for me. "This is getting boring, you know that? I want to do something different, something a bit more exciting," she said, looking down at me evilly. There was no reasoning with her. I was becoming the plaything, the toy of my once tubby roommate and I was terrified that if I even attempted to resist her, she would snap my neck in two like a twig. Trying to humor her, I croaked, "I don't know what else there was to do for an exercise. You doctor didn't really give much of a choice. We don't have much money for you to do something else." "There's where you are wrong. He gave me a pamphlet on different things to do that could be done at home. I think one of them was aerobics, but I don't think that would motivate me very much," she said. I didn't say anything. There was an exercise that I hope she wouldn't pick. My stomach sank when she said, "How about wrestling, Tommy-boy? But then again, I don't think you have much to say about anything that goes on around here anymore." I know I was doomed. "Let's see if you can get out of my scissors hold," she said. I was banging on her legs before she could accidently do any damage to me. I didn't know if she knew how strong she really was. Donna chuckled as I twisted and struggled like a small child, in a vain attempt to get out of her trap. "Let's be fair. I'm going to let you try to take me down first, to see if you can really do it," she grinned at me. I was freed at last. I rubbed the circulation back into my neck as I stood up. There was a painful crack when I raised my head, but then again, I wished that I hadn't for I was staring straight into my roommate's powerful stomach. A stomach that looked as if it was forged from steel. I arched my sore neck upward and gasped as I beheld Donna's now huge naked tits blocking my view of her face. I took a step back and saw that she was smiling down at me. She had literally turned into a giant Amazon. Because her body had gotten so large and her boobs so big that it was impossible to tie the straps to her front flap so her giant tits hung heavily above me. The seams on her shorts were just on the verge of tearing completely apart. It seemed that all she has to do was grow at least 6 more inches and that would end the tattered shorts. I couldn't quite take my eyes off of her tits. They were making me more than a little paranoid. "Donna...Could you , uh, could ya' kinda put on a shirt or a tent, or something ?' I asked her. "Am I making you nervous," she laughed haughtily, "...or is it these, making you nervous?', thrusting her huge chest even further. "Well, that's too bad, because I'm going to be like this whenever I'm in the house with you. I might even do this to you," the strong woman grabbed my head with one hand and smashed my face between her massive mammeries. I was dragged onto my toes. She shook her shoulders so that her hooters would slap me in the face repeatedly. I couldn't breathe and was trying to push myself away, but it was useless. I was no match against her powerful physique. I fell to my ass when she released me. I coughed and inhaled as much air as I could. I was seized again and dragged to my feet. "I don't think you're going to need this shirt and pants for this next exercise," she said and immediately my garments were torn off with one pull of her indomitable arms. I stood before her, shaking, wearing only my briefs. She smirked at my smaller frame. Comparing my spinally narrow chest to her massive chest. My stick-like arm and legs to her pumped up limbs. It was like comparing a sapling to a mighty oak tree. I looked up to her menacing figure. "Donna, I don't think wrestling is such a good idea," I dared to say in an attempt to talk my way out. "Don't be such a wimp. Besides, I'm giving you 5 minutes to see if you can pin me down; after that it's every person for themselves," she said, "Starting right now, you better see about pinning me, or I'm gonna tear you apart." I groaned. There was no way I could talk my way out...she was determine to prove that I was inferior to her. I took a deep breath and charged at her waist. I crashed against her. Donna did not even budge. The giantess was solid as a brick wall. I pushed and tugged at her in all sorts of direction, but to no avail. Sweat was running down my brow into my eyes as I tried knocking her down. Suddenly, she said, "Times up, Tommy-boy!", just as I was charging at her. Donna stepped aside and scooped me into her arms like I was nothing more than a little boy. One powerful arm wrapped around me and squeezed me hard in its grip. I cried and banged on her broad shoulder which was useless attempt. Donna laughed at my efforts and her stalwart chest crushed against me even more. I was slowly blacking out until the giant woman dropped me to the carpet. I crumbled to the floor. Air returned to my lungs and brain as I attempted to stand up. Before I could even move, she hand me in a half-nelson hold. Even with one arm free, I could do nothing to get out of it. "What's the matter, Little man? Having trouble with a full grown woman?" she whispered tauntingly into my ear. I could feel her hug tits rubbing into my back as her free hand roamed over my body. Her tongue snaked into my ear as if suggesting foreplay. All this going on was really turning me on. My shaft was slowly hardening. I was praying that my giant roommate didn't find out. I shivered as she moved lower and lower towards my crotch. She reached my dick and her fingers outlined it's shape. Suddenly, I felt the ground leaving me and then slamming against me, once again violently forcing the air out of my lungs. I felt her ample weight settled on to my chest and her sizable thighs surrounding my head. "Please, get off of me," I croaked. "And what? Stop agonizing you? Don't be silly, I'm going to take care of you and your 'little friend,'" she said in a mock-serenade, running her finger over my face, "But first, I want you to service me with that tongue of yours." I watched her go into a full center split and what was left of her pants, exploded. The tattered pants landed on my face. The smell of her scent assaulted my sense of smell. The piece of clothe was replaced with her cunt. I shook my head with all my might from side to side, trying not to taste her crotch. A huge pair of hands clamped my head still. "What's the matter? I can't taste all that bad, but if you don't service me. I guess I'll have to convince you to do otherwise," Donna taunted, "Let's see how much pressure it takes to crush a genius's head." The hands on both sides began to squeeze my head. The magnitude of her strength was inconceivable as the pain began to engulf my thinking. I screamed for her to stop before she unwittingly kill me. Finally, the pressure stopped. I opened my eyes to see my roommate still hovering above me. "Now, we don't want to go thorough with that again, do we?" her voice asked in a polite tone. I shook my head no. Once again, she lowered her crotch on to my mouth. I sucked and licked her vagina while my transformed roommate fiercely gyrated her hips. Her free hands squeezed and fondled her titanic tits. After a few minutes, she tore off my shorts and left me exposed nakedly. the giant Donna chortled at my 8 inch shaft which might looked paltry to her now. I gasped when she dropped herself on to it. I wanted to reach up and fondle her obese boobs but her hands kept it pinned to the floor, above my head. My mouth watered for the hanging globes that she kept out of my reach. At first thrust, my rod twisted to the side and a wave of agony washed over my crotch. I bit my tongue, least she would be offended and torture me some more. "Am I hurting you, Little Man? Good!" Donna scoffed. Later, her juice lubricated my shaft and the pain no longer bothered me, but it grew hotter due to the friction and the body heat, I was sweating. I begged to my roommate to change position, but she refused even to let me loose. the giantess wanted to be in charge and she would decide whether or not to change position. Suddenly, she was getting bigger and bigger. Donna expanded like a tree, her body rising taller and taller, each muscles defining itself in a clearer detail, her body weighing me down with each thrust. Her already huge hands engulfed my smaller hands. The giant woman was apparently cognizant of her growth. She smiled delightfully. As soon as she stopped growing, we both climaxed. Ecstasy overcame me. I savored the feeling as it flooded me. I looked up to see the huge form of Donna coming down on me. I let out a short yell but it was muffled as her tits covered my face. Literally hundreds and hundreds of pounds was crushing me to a pulp. I tried to roll her over, but was much too large and heavy for my to even budge. Her powerful arms snaked around my shoulders and head to hug me against her muscular figure. I was trapped and in completely in her power. An hour later, she released me as she got up. The giant woman stretched to her full height. Her head easily touched the nine foot ceiling. "That was fun, don't you think? You know if I grow any more, my sexual appetite will probably increase 10 times as much. What you did was barely enough to satisfy me," Donna smiled, "Maybe in a little while, I'll want to finish this and ..." she smiled looking down at her tits which were gargantuan in size..."Mmmm...have I got a 'little treat' for you." She hefted her monumental mammeries for me to die for. Her tongue lapped the thumb size nipple...her thumb size, that is. I wearily stood to my feet. My body ached from her laying on top of me. "Can we finish this tomorrow? I'm so sore from you. Besides I don't think I could get it up for the second time," I pleaded to her. To humiliate myself further, I limped over to her and wrap my arms around her tree trunk size waist. I hugged her and kissed her iron hard stomach, which was the highest that I could reach. "Oh, alright, I'll wait until tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm going to give you a rub down so that you'll be in top performance in the morning," she sounded concerned. "Let me towel down. I wished that we weren't on water rationing, I could use a shower right now. I guess I'll have a glass of water, instead," Donna left the room. I looked around the livingroom. Tatters of clothes laid on the carpet as I went around to pick them up. On one of the tables nearby, I notice a glass that looked familiar. It had a finger space of light brown-carmel liquid at the bottom of the glass. I picked it up and smelled the glass. Suddenly, I ran into the kitchen where the shattered pot was. I pour the remaining chemical on to the dead plant. In less than a minute, a green leave sprouted from the brown dead stems. Then I realized that my roommate had accidently switched glass while setting it on the counter. I remembered Donna said about drinking water. I quickly ran into the bathroom screaming for not to drink the water. I ran around the corner into the bedroom to find her head tilted back while drinking a glass of water. I screamed, "NO!" She turned around and looked down at me, quizenly. I quickly explained to her that she drank the formula and the water will only increased it's potency. Then something totally unexpected to happen, she smiled as she grew bigger and bigger. The growing immense woman dropped to her knees, but even in sitting position, she was still getting too large to fit in the room. Donna lowered herself on her stomach. The room quickly became too small for the giantess. With a shove of her Herculean arms, a wall crashed down into the livingroom. Her long body extended into the next room and then it stopped. The giant Donna crawled into the next room where the ceiling was higher. She easily sat up with her head pressed up against the ceiling. Her fingers beckoned me to come to her. She had a wicked smile on and said, "I don't think you're going to get any rest tonight." With that, I acquiesced to her, as I walked to her between her long muscular legs. THE END