The Man Who Loved Karla Nelsen, part 2 By Forrest Curran A man can love more, can't he? Update: 18/10/1997 to misc2 She was big, her bikini was black, and she had made her point. The young wiseguy had been brought to heel, and now he was being put in his place. "Family Reunion II" was unfolding again on my computer screen as it was fed from my VCR. Karla Nelsen, two hundred pounds of hard-muscled blonde discipline, was standing in the gym, the early morning sunshine visible out the back door. Her hair was blonde and curled and flowed down her thick, sculpted back. Her hands were on her hips. Her shoulders were spread wide; the deltoids, broad and bodacious; muscularity and femininity colliding to form the perfect larger-than-life woman. She was annoyed... And she was to die for... And the wiseguy, his ego put in cold storage by this statuesque, powerfully-built Amazon, was kneeling at her feet. He was oiling her hard but shapely body, and the harsh contours of her lady- muscle were beginning to glow, and take on the rich scent of the coconut lotion. The guy kept his eyes downcast from the blonde goddess as she surveyed his efforts with a stern and critical eye. Her vast musculature flowed and overwhelmed the eye, straining the narrow confines of her tiny bikini that holstered her relentlessly large breasts--breasts that seemed to long for nothing less than total exposure. She smiled now, but just a bit, down at him; enjoying the dominant position that was rightly hers, in victory; he had been no match for her, from the start. But he did not see the pretty face soften it's stern countenance. He was too busy nervously oiling her massive calves. There weren't really too many women around like Karla Nelsen, I nodded to myself. I looked over at the picture of her that I kept tacked to the wall just inside the next room, where I had installed a small gym, rarely used---Andrea had more or less taken the room over, and the picture had become my only reason for entering the place. The tape finished and flickered to silver and static. But the picture on the wall was something... Through the open door I saw her as she stood with her hands behind her head, flexing the battle-plates of abdominal muscle even as her ample breasts looked ready to burst the tiny bikini top off her torso. My mouth watered. She smiled back at my daydreams with an ever-fixed grin. So I sat in my basement and watched The Blonde Tornado demolish anyone foolish enough to fail to show her the proper adoration and respect. I wondered what it would be like to be wrapped up in those massive limbs, dense with her audacious ladymuscle; to look up into those gentle eyes and know that their owner could crush me or kiss me as she pleased. What would she smell like? Would she be perfumed? Or would she have the healthy, sun-kissed honey scent of a Minnesota girl who had forsaken the dusty offices of accounting for life as a Muscular Princess? I could see the deep chiseled cuts of her physique, the muscle packed thickly, wickedly, on her body. Maybe she really was bulletproof, I chuckled as I rewound the tape, to watch her flex on my computer screen, one more time. How that big blonde bodacious body bulged! Baseballs came to life under her flesh, fed life by the prominent veins that angrily, proudly stood out on her pale skin. My breath was coming short. And I sat down to write her another fan letter. It was late, very late, when my hardbodied wife came home from her "tennis lesson". I was awakened in my bed by the sound of the car as it growled it's way into the garage. I heard the high heels hit the floor with little stabbing echoes as she ambled up through the house. I wasn't going to make a scene tonight; I was too tired to care, having been kept busy all day with the hundred and one errands she had given me to do. She crept into the darkened bedroom. The half-open door let in a shaft of light from the hall, and with it I could see her clearly. Her dark hair was out of place, messed; layers hanging in every direction possible. Her face had the naughty hope-I- don't-get-caught-but-so-what-if-I-do look of proud defiance mixed with embarrassment. She was still wearing the tiny skirt, and, backlit by the hallway light, it was all but transparent as it fluttered with every small movement, the hemline falling mere inches below her crotch. As she held the high heels in hand, I could clearly see that tiny white g-string-slash-panty wedged loosely into one of the shoes; a bit of it hung out and over the side, like a tongue anxious to wag and tell a dirty tale of what it's mistress had been up to. I pretended to be asleep as I lay cloaked in darkness, beneath the blankets. What would she do now, I wondered? Our bedroom had once been the source of intimacy and pleasure for us both. But not anymore... She looked right at me, her eyes unable to adjust to the cloak of dark night and realize that I was looking right back at her. But something--guilt or fatigue or sheer self-indulgence--made her re-consider where she would sleep tonight. Now I listened to her creep her way out of the room, close the door, and slink off to sleep in the guest room. She would dream her evil dreams of afternoon sex while her husband had tended to their home, like a houseboy. And I went back to sleep. Next morning, as Andrea gabbed and gossiped on the telephone with her girlfriends from the gym, I would check the skimpy underthings, still crammed into the toe of her high-heeled shoe that she had kicked under the fold-out bed. It confirmed my suspicions. After her scarlet little interlude, she had been unable to put the hot-to-trot panties back on for a simple reason. They were damp, and smelled of her faint muskiness that filled the room whenever she was sexually excited. As if that had not been enough of a signal, it was clear that they were heavily stained. With what? That was easy to guess... Andrea had been busy. That afternoon, after skillfully avoiding her most of the morning, I had decided to tackle the paint job on the shutters. The fact that she had told me to do it was almost reason enough not to; but they needed doing all the same, and I knew she wouldn't take paintbrush in hand! I listened to the sound of weights being lifted in the basement. She gave out little ladylike grunts of exertion. I wondered if, in her mind, she was replaying her dark and wicked little interlude of the previous night all the while... But one thing was sure. I knew my marriage was dying. Andrea was a very attractive woman; in her mid-thirties but looking much younger. She had put on a bit of a spread since we had gotten married, but in the last few months she had seemed distinctly unhappy with her body and her life. To that end, she had embarked on a program of exercise and dieting, and I had had more than my fill of dinners comprised of health food salads, and bean sprouts, and protein shakes for dessert... It had been fun to find her old Playboy Bunny body return, firm and taut and girlish; and the sexy little outfits she began to wear to show off all that newly-returned desirability were a treat for my near-sighted eyes. She sashayed about in little fuck-me-mister pumps like a Hollywood Ingenue, full of raging female hormones and dainty wiggle in her step. Problem was, she showed little interest in responding to my ardent overtures. There was always a dance class, or an aerobics session that she was late for. There wasn't much too much lovemaking taking place around here. At least, not for me, that is... Soon she had started wandering off in those little outfits during hot afternoons with vague excuses and lame explanations. I wasn't all that bright, but I wasn't stupid, either... My head was full of paint fumes as I finished up the job, touching up the occasional missed spot, and getting things just so. There was no reason not to do a good job just because I didn't think I'd be living here in six months. I washed everything out in the basement sink, and headed back upstairs for a contemplative nap. I deserved it, I said to myself, as I paused for a moment to check out the sparkling coat of new white paint on the shutters. They shone in the sun. And so did Andrea. "So? How do I look?," she said, as she spun around in a graceful little pirouette. She looked great, that's how she looked! "Holy cow, Andrea..." She was wearing a bikini; a new one I hadn't seen before. It was blue and it was bright and it was brief. Brief as in meager strings of cloth that wrapped around her hips in little snakelike lines; it had no back to speak of. It merely vanished and hid between her two taut buttocks. The top was made of two small patches that perched on her enhanced breasts. She looked firm and fit and ten years younger than her age. Was all this for me? It couldn't be, could it? Her bare, newly-firm flesh was everywhere; hard and lean and athletic. Her olive complexion took well to the sun, and she already had a good tan even in now, in the early weeks of June. She was apparently very comfortable in this practically-naked state; she felt no inhibitions as she stood all-but-bare in the hot sun. "Ta-da," she announced in sing-song voice, her arms raised over her head in a showgirl pose. Her enlarged bosom stood at permanent salute, high on her chest; there was no sag at all. There had better not be, I added to myself, as she turned and bent low, offering me a first-hand, up-close view of her sculpted hind-quarters. The high spiked heels accentuated her new body, and she posed in them, this way and that, like a centerfold girl. "W-what's the occasion?," I sputtered. I had already taken a step or two towards her. My arms were outstretched and couldn't wait to hold that sexy package of femmeflesh that was my wife. I suppose I was being rewarded for taking care of those tasks, and for paying the tab (halfway) for those new hooters! Which, by the way, had yet to be felt first-hand by their owner, I thought, with just a bit of sexism creeping in... But Andrea's expression changed quickly as I approached. "Hey, be careful," she admonished me as she stepped back to the railing that overlooked the pool, and so avoid my grasp. "You'll mess me..." What? "...Lunch is gonna be canceled," she stated as she needlessly fixed her makeup in a small compact mirror. "You'll have to go out..." She blew herself a kiss in her hand-held looking glass with red- painted lips and touched the back of her head as though to reassure her perfectly cut and styled coiffure. Geez. You'd think I'd be able to get fed, at least. Who was bringing home the bacon while she honed her bod and worked part- time at the health club? Now, I had to go out to get it cooked! "My trainer's coming over. I have a chance to enter the Miss Hotbody Fitness Contest, and I intend to be in the best shape of my friggin' life," she stated with a firm nod. "And," she added emphatically, as she wagged a sharp fingernail at me, "you better not fuck it up on me!" "...Why the bikini?," she repeated my question to me. "Asshole, it's so he can see what's workin' on my bod while I'm exercising, that's why!," she exclaimed, adjusting the tiny strap of her g- string that did not even pretend to cover her flesh---it merely decorated it, and called hot-blooded attention to her casually- bared flesh. "We decided it'd be more fun to exercise outside," she exclaimed, "instead of at the gym!" Maybe, I thought. But fun for who? She continued to primp and fuss with her appearance. This was not the behavior of a woman preparing for a workout. These were the actions of a woman gussying herself up for a date. There was little I could do... I always had a light step, and I never thought much of it. But it had paid off when she banished me to the local diner for lunch, and she told me to catch the double-feature in the multiplex. And I had gone along with the idea, to a point. I started the little sputtering jalopy I had been banished to driving (while she tooled around in the classic mustang!) and I drove around the block. My cross-yard neighbor hadn't asked too many questions when I told him I needed to cut across the yard. I hopped the fence and made a beeline for the cellar door. And the sanctuary of my basement. I stepped down the stairs two at a time, unseen by my wife, who was no doubt busy trying on her collection of skimpy bikinis, the better to entice her "trainer." I descended into the darkness of my sanctuary. I was a gadget freak. I had a state-of-the-art computer that I had tried to interest Andrea in, to no avail. I had patched in my VCR---the better to enjoy Karla on my SVGA monitor, in living color. And I had installed a security system that gave me the run of the house without ever leaving my seat; tiny lenses that scoped each room, hallway, and entryway were set unobtrusively but ever-alert and vigilant; there'd be no unwanted entrances here! I sat at the terminal and brought up the program, and after a milli-second, the interior of my home was up on the monitor screen. I noticed at the moment that Andrea's decorating tastes had really gotten garish; it was only as I surveyed the whole house en masse that it became obvious to me. Wild colors in one room, oddly muted tones in another. I hadn't minded the tiger- stripes in the bedroom, but unfortunately it hadn't transferred over to our sex life... I knew where she would be; and the camera that was mounted over the outside door didn't lie. Andrea was laying poolside in her tiny bikini. She was on her stomach, and was untying the tiny top's string to lay barebacked on the thick cushion of the lounge. Her shapely behind was oiled and bare and browning quickly in the sun; it shone and glistened. Her high heels lay side by side on the ground, and her little pink feet hung daintily over the edge. I was right. She had changed her bikini. This one was even skimpier, if that was possible... Suddenly, I heard someone walking through the house. It was a steady and sure footstep, and I figured that it would be her instructor. The tread went right overhead; it had to be him, alright... But it wasn't. Cameras didn't lie; I punched up every camera in the house, and it answered with nothing but empty rooms and solitary hallways soaked alternately in shadows and sunshine. I checked again; nobody was in the house. But Andrea was undisturbed, and swatted her pert buttock indolently as a fly hovered, attracted to the coconut-based oil she always used. The door that led to the basement opened. I heard the footfall of descent, in a slow, measured step. Before I could rise and get halfway across the room, the figure had reached the bottom of the stairs. I couldn't see who it was; the stairs were separated from the basement proper by a cinderblock wall. The intruder turned the corner and stood there, smiling, in dark sunglasses. "Hiya," said Karla Nelsen. I must have blinked three or four times, sure that I had finally gone "over the wall." I looked away, shook my head, and looked quickly back, positive now that the Gorgeous Amazon Dreamgirl would be gone, a figment of an imagination turned wild and a love life gone stagnant; and I'd be returned to reality, unpleasant as it was. But six-feet-plus of blonde paradise was still standing in front of me. Her hair was long and glowed, tumbling across staggering shoulders; thick and powerful and lush. Her arms were flexed as she stood, fists on her hips, and I watched the impossibly-big muscles of her arms and torso move with each turn of her wrists. She wore skintight faded jeans and a small red tube top that contained her big breasts only with effort; it was stretched to it's furthest point possible, and it caused the little "Everlast" seal on the small tag in front to look almost illegible. She wore white, spike-heeled ankle boots that shone even in the dim light. Words came awkwardly to me, as though the dictionary in my brain had been erased... "Y-you're Karla N-Nelsen," I stammered, stating the obvious. She smiled; an open pretty smile that warmed me as I beheld it. "Tell me something I don't know, mister," she joked, in a light, sweet voice that belied her astounding size. She whipped off the sunglasses. And as though she knew what would convince me completely, she raised her arm to a ninety-degree angle and flexed a hot and huge bicep of stone that rose from her skin like a smoking volcano. It jumped into an angry-lovely bulge on her thick arm. "Wow," I said, reverently, as though I was in church. Karla Nelsen grinned. "You betcha," she said. "I don't get it," I admitted, as we sat on two folding chairs I had resurrected from storage. I was struck by how gracefully she folded her beautiful bulk into the lightweight seat, as though she were a slip of a girl half her size. "How did you g..." Karla tilted her head and swept back a long, curled tress off her barn-door shoulder dramatically. "How'd I get here? Heck, all those fan letters you've been writing me have a return address, you know. I was in the neighborhood and figured I'd knock you off your feet if I stopped by to say "hi," and to thank you for your support." I could not get over how soft and gentle her voice was; not what one would expect from a woman of such heaping muscularity. But delightful to ears that had become so accustomed to the whining intonations of my unpleasant wife. She leaned forward towards me, and I watched the thick muscle maneuver sensuously on her frame as she did. She cupped her chin in her hand and scrutinized me for just a moment. "I mean," she said, in a low and conspiratorial voice, "you ordered all my hot videotapes, dincha? I figured I owed you something for all your loyalty." "That's not all," I said, proud of my fanship now and anxious to let her know of the depth of my loyalty. "I go to the Extravaganza every year in Jersey to cheer you on..." She arched an eyebrow. "My!," she cooed, girlishly, impressed. "Such a good little fan..." Her eyes looked me up and down as I sat in the chair. I felt self-conscious. "You're married, aren't' you?," she asked, a bit sadly. I nodded. She shrugged a pair of wide shoulders. Her muscle heaved. "That your wife out back?," she asked, nodding towards the computer screen in the corner. Andrea was on-screen, and was getting up hurriedly from her lounge, re-tying her bikini top and slipping on her wicked heels hurriedly. I hadn't heard the doorbell yet, but at that moment I heard the rumble of a car's engine in the front yard. Her Trainer.... "She looks familiar," Karla said, her brow knitting in concentration. I looked back to the screen, and saw Andrea hurry out of camera range with little-girl babysteps as she tried to run in the towering spikes. Out of the protective high fences of the backyard, the neighbors would see her prancing about in her almost-altogether ...and with another guy...! And hadn't she seemed a bit too eager to see him....? "The beach gym," Karla said, as though revelation had come to her. She sat bolt upright in her chair, the hard battle-ready abs flexing with the motion. I shook my head, trying to deny what I suspected. "What? You must be mistaken, Karla, she wouldn't..." "Oh, yeah," she said, "that was her alright. She hangs out there in sleazy little outfits, tiny tennis skirts and such, real short and showing alot of leg. She flirts like crazy with the guys. Rubs a little oil on the men, like a little harem girl. Then she giggles and smiles. Gets her hands wet.." I was sure that wasn't the only thing on her body that would be wet... I heard Andrea's voice outside, barely audible but giggly, alright, light and girlish--the way it used to be with me. And I heard a man's laughter returning her high spirits. "I don't want to upset you, slim, but your wife is quite smitten with a certain guy. There he is, that's him!," she said, pointing at the screen with her arm, powerful and thick. My bikini-clad wife had skipped back into the yard, followed by a large and powerfully built man. They stood face to face near the pool, and he pulled her close to him. She jumped into his arms eagerly, and they stood in the sun and started a long deep kiss full of tongue and saliva and sweat; and hands that roamed the body of the other with rough and frantic familiarity. His grasp went to her all-but-bare buttocks and he squeezed them hard, as if he owned them... She broke the kiss only long enough to pull his shirt off. Gulp. If that was the kind of guy who stirred my wife's loins, I was going to have trouble competing. I felt Karla's eyes roam over my thin frame... "Yep," Karla nodded, impressed. "That's him alright." The basement was silent except for the steady light whir of the computer's fan. We watched the dark-haired little vixen begin humping the man's large thigh. He appeared to back off, amused at her passion; but only adding to her ardent attempts to achieve a frictionful orgasm standing up, in broad daylight... Strange as it may be, he actually broke his embrace now, and left the camera's eye. Andrea stood there in her microscopic swimsuit, following him with a sex-hungry gaze, stroking her bosom all the while. He marched back into view a minute later, with a set of weights that he had carried easily back into the yard. He threw them to the ground, and Andrea pretended to be frustrated with desire as she grabbed his swollen arm and rubbed it, looking up to him with fervent eyes. He smiled and kissed her forehead, and pointed to the weights. As Andrea turned to address the barbells, he gave her a hard but friendly smack on her rear end. She jumped just a bit with the shock, losing her balance in the skyscraper heels on the soft footing of the grass. He caught her and she regained her footing, and melted into his eyes like a smiling lovesick schoolgirl. Karla got up and shut off the monitor. I looked lustfully at the taut rear of the Amazon Woman, contours clearly shown by the skintight faded jeans. "No offense, pal," she said, turning around, "but watchin' somebody else work out is boring for me. I came to give you a little treat. Not much you can do about those two; besides, not to break your heart or anything, but they're not gonna do anything this afternoon that they haven't been doing for quite some time, if the rumors are true..." I was going to ask her what the rumors were, but at that moment, she turned to the small stereo I kept on my desk. She put on a hot dance number and smiled. She turned to me and locked both hands behind her head, and flexed those chiseled rungs of abdominal. Bulletproof, I thought, smiling to myself. She made the abs dance and tremble in time with the music; and mesmerized my eyes as she twitched and manipulated them. They rose and fell like waves hitting a beach. She posed and flexed for a full minute, hitting pose after pose. Years of moving heavy iron had made this Big Blonde Minnesotan a creature of wonder and desire. She writhed and shimmied and made mature muscle pound and flex with the beat of the music... Her back was a wide thick `V' that she loved to display, and she used it to reinvent the dance as a whole new art form. Finally, when she had had enough fun delighting the eyes of her biggest fan with a posing show worthy of a Ms. Olympia, she stopped just long enough to announce: "Gotta get some iron in my hands". I wanna give you a big treat watchin' me pump up these great big girlguns," she said, raising two awesome arms over her head like prizes. "Have any weights?" Boy, did I! "Nice picture," Karla said, nodding at my afore-mentioned full- length picture of a bikini-clad Karla flexing her killer bod in living color. It hung on my wall as an inspiration, I guess. Andrea didn't care for it much, but hey... "You've got good taste in pin-ups," she said, before turning her attention to the shining silver plates. Karla loved the whole ceremony of pumping iron. She inspected the stack of metal; it was heavily-loaded; with far more weight than I usually used... She ran a hand, as though to inspect it, along the shining barbell sleeve. "Little light for me, but what the heck...," she said shrugging, before hoisting a full complement of iron and repping non-stop. She was doing curls with the heavily-weighted barbell, concentrating on form rather than speed; the weight really was light for her. She knocked off rep after rep, and I licked my lips as I watched her muscles swell. Hard cuts became like etched rock; veins made threats of angry explosion as she lifted, and lifted, and... She grimaced only a little, and once, for just a moment, she shot me a glance as though to see what sort of effect the display was having on me. She saw the hungry look on my face and winked wickedly. Suddenly, I didn't really care what Andrea was doing.